@Mat'sMug Yeah, so do I. However, the class is named MainGame and @EBrown said that it is not composition root but actually handles some business logic
I have been working on a calendar widget for the past hour or so. I wondered if it could be compacted any more than it already is (ignore whitespace).
$(document).ready(function() {
var d = new Date();
var cd = d.getDate();
var cm = d.getMonth() + 1;
var cy = d.getFullYear();
var M...
@Mast having neither is pretty bad. If you have automated tests at least you can detect regressions when they happen. If you have source control you can revert if you detect a regression. If you have neither, crap.
I don't mean to harp on but i just don't see how people can not use source control or tests. I feel uneasy about writing code without tests or osurce control
@DanPantry Somebody forgot to learn me effective testing in C++. I can do it in Python, but I run those manually. One file I keep up to date which runs all tests.
This particular project has a replacement for System.Drawing, System.Windows and System.Windows.Forms. Then it also has Physics and Utilities namespaces.
I could easily pull all the Windows.Forms stuff to it's own project.
why are we continuing to accommodate this help vampire?
@EBrown I've changed my html and css a bit so it looks like this now, I've been watching few tutorials you see. Here is a [fiddle] (jsfiddle.net/1bg6vmu6) of the new layout. And here is an image so you can see the header image as well: gyazo.com/374a0a4b57f05ecedf3c83bc62da3cd4 I was just wondering if this is any better? The only issue I have is that I can't seem to move any of the images around on both the header and the footer. As you can see the social media buttons are actually stuck below the footer and the craft412 logo is not centered on the header. — GR4122 hours ago
@Vogel612 Perhaps someone should explain to the OP the difference between SO/CR instead of this passive-aggressive shit that you all seem to want to keep doing.
> Well, whatever it is, it is certainly not a duplicate. The follow-up question asks about the proper use of divs and spans; the original question contains no spans.
> If you're unhappy about the fact that the user hasn't grasped the concept of using an HTML validator, you may leave a comment, and maybe downvote if you want.
@cimmanon Someone pissed him off, so big deal? It happens to everyone. When we are constantly passive-aggressive about enforcing the rules, it's expected to happen.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not suitable for Stack Overflow in it's current format. Questions asking for improvement recommendations are better suited on codereview.stackoverflow.com, but ensure your question is self contained, and clearly describes the problem your code is trying to solve. — Matt ♦26 secs ago
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace MidtermDGV
public partial class EventSchedule : Form
string eventcode;
If we reviewed code of people based on the volume of their participation in the community we would have a very dead site with maybe a handful of people actually getting reviews. I'm not sure that is a valid point, @cimmanon.
@cimmanon So 3 questions in 9 months...one of which was deleted, and two of which were answered is causing this much ruckus? Perhaps (and this is a big perhaps) we can actually show him what is wrong with this course of action, and help him take a better course of action in the future.
> Unfortunately, such requests are off-topic for Code Review. If you have made significant changes, you can post a new question as a [follow-up](how to post follow up meta link). Code Review is not the place to ask questions about issues that "don't work" or "need fixing", or to get guided help, but instead for review of code that is actually working as desired. If you want help changing the output of the HTML to meet certain requirements, you should post those on [Stack Overflow](so link).
That is the comment I am about to leave him in response to his comment, please make what textual changes you feel would be beneficial.
@EBrown I've changed my html and css a bit so it looks like this now, I've been watching few tutorials you see. Here is a [fiddle] (jsfiddle.net/1bg6vmu6) of the new layout. And here is an image so you can see the header image as well: gyazo.com/374a0a4b57f05ecedf3c83bc62da3cd4 I was just wondering if this is any better? The only issue I have is that I can't seem to move any of the images around on both the header and the footer. As you can see the social media buttons are actually stuck below the footer and the craft412 logo is not centered on the header. — GR4123 hours ago
@DanPantry well i will paraphrase the one he posted in response to me: "well i guess the person who help me before didnt do a very good job" and something something about how he is getting help from some tutorial videos that are doing a better job
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I would venture a guess that the OP is probably under the age of 16, and as such has little-to-no experience with HTML, CSS, or programming/markup,scripting in general. As such, he may need a little more direction, than just "flag and remove."
@DanPantry i dont think the OP got any discipline for it, though. i wouldnt expect that comment alone would get him a temp ban, but combined with some of the other shit he said, he should have
@Vogel612 So, you're telling me, that discussions just like this one where we are attempting to "gang-up" on one person and scare them away are not detrimental to the health of Code Review? At all?
@EBrown I'm saying that discussions about whether users are (or are not) detrimental to the site and ganging up on them iff they are, are helpful for the health of the site
@GR412 Unfortunately, such requests are off-topic for Code Review. If you have made significant changes, you can post a new question as a follow-up. Code Review is not the place to ask questions about issues that "don't work" or "need fixing", or to get guided help, but instead for review of code that is actually working as desired. If you want help changing the output/rendering of the HTML to meet certain requirements, you should post those on Stack Overflow. — EBrown9 secs ago