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@Mat'sMug Yeah, so do I. However, the class is named MainGame and @EBrown said that it is not composition root but actually handles some business logic
even then this is probably the point where your injection becomes too convoluted
So either it is composition root and why is it doing business logic or it isn't and holy hell that's some business logic
then something's fishy
@Mat'sMug Well I know I have a lot of namespaces - like, dozens. They are very well structured.
how many classes in a namespace?
Anywhere from 2 to 40.
Depends on the namespace.
Some of them are small as I haven't implemented a lot of the functionality.
that actually sounds reasonable...
But most of them are 10+.
it does
your class has too many responsibilities then
@Mat'sMug I think that might also be the case.
like, you need a new namespace and a dozen more classes ;-)
Well, I might be able to move some of the functionality for managing the Graphics out of the MainGame.
Right now it has:
    GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
    SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
    Dictionary<string, Texture2D> textures;
    Dictionary<string, SpriteFont> fonts;
    Dictionary<int, Texture2D> tilesets;
    Dictionary<string, SoundEffect> sounds;
That's doing way too much
Which I think can be moved to a GraphicsManager class.
@Mat'sMug Yessir.
move all of those out into separate classes
interact with them via an interface in 'maingame'
I'm assuming MainGame is some kind of FSM / event loop
XNA default project templates are just the bare-bones minimum to get something to "work" - in terms of structure, it's not scalable
@DanPantry Not an FSM, but it does have a Draw and Update loop.
@EBrown IMO anything named Manager is smelly
@Mat'sMug Well this is no-where near the default anymore.
@Vogel612 try Helper ;-)
@EBrown most games become FSMs - high score screen, in game screen, for example.
@Vogel612 Controller/Handler :^)
@DanPantry Not this one, as I wrote a different FSM to abstract that out.
@Mat'sMug actually useful, as long as it's not keeping state
I actually wrote my own duplicate of System.Windows.Forms for XNA.
you're a braver man than I
@DanPantry Controller is better than Handler, Hander is squishy, controller is defined for the MVC pattern
So, you can literally treat them like forms.
and you put it up on GitHub?
@Mat'sMug Nah, it's not ready yet.
Not even close to done.
@Mat'sMug no... that would need usage of a VCS.
make it a project template :)
I haven't started a lot of the complex controls.
@Vogel612 lol true
I will be releasing it, in some form, at some time.
in some form
Q: Small Calendar "Widget"

user4985641I have been working on a calendar widget for the past hour or so. I wondered if it could be compacted any more than it already is (ignore whitespace). $(document).ready(function() { var d = new Date(); var cd = d.getDate(); var cm = d.getMonth() + 1; var cy = d.getFullYear(); var M...

Pun intended. ;)
until then let me hack away without any safety whatsoever and without a clue when I did what and why
and yes, that is referring to your unwillingness to use VCS
I also wrote a replacement for many parts of System.Drawing.
question, @EBrown, how are you testing your library?
@DanPantry Very carefully. :) Usually with live-forms in a test game object, which is why I think this MainGame can be cleaned.
@EBrown damn, is that on CR?
bring it!!
@EBrown so... by hand?
@DanPantry Yes.
No source control and manual testing only? are you my old boss? 0.o
@DanPantry No, but this is all proprietary work. And I haven't figured out a proper licensing for it.
try MIT, make the world a better place ;-)
@Mat'sMug Do you know anything about TypeConverter in .NET?
What does licensing have to do with source control or manual testing :S
You don't have to publish your code on any public website, licensing isn't an issue
@EBrown they convert types
@Mat'sMug I might. I used to be all about "well I better get moniez for this" but now, Idgaf. I'm pretty proud of it now.
@Mat'sMug I mean implementing them.
Honestly, if anyone here is decent with C# and wants to help on this project, I'll figure something out for it.
I never needed to implement one, but I figure it's all about implementing an interface, right?
@Mat'sMug I have no idea, I had hoped you would know. That's one of the System.Drawing things I haven't done yet...lol
@DanPantry Yeah, but I have five of them to implement.
To match the MSDN namespaces.
I'm not sure what to suggest, although all I will say is
with a project of that much complexity
@DanPantry boy that sounds like a lot of fun
you are incredibly brave to be doing it without tests or source control
@Mat'sMug if @EBrown has the choice I would have suggested automapper
@DanPantry Well it's not overly complex yet.
@DanPantry I still have to automate my tests, but no source control can neck your operation.
@Mast having neither is pretty bad. If you have automated tests at least you can detect regressions when they happen. If you have source control you can revert if you detect a regression. If you have neither, crap.
@EBrown source control can work locally or to a in-house server
@DanPantry Indeed.
@Mast Well if "backup to a local server cluster" counts as "source control", then I have it.
Source control is not a back up.
In the same way that your fridge is not a freezer
@EBrown Is it iterative?
I do save this project on a mirrored drive on my PC, and back it up to my two clustered servers here.
@Mast Incremental.
Can you see multiple versions and diff them?
@EBrown Yea, that.
@Mast It's difficult, but yes.
@EBrown that's a core function of source control.
Here's how easy it is in git.
@EBrown Better than nothing.
At home, I have not even a single big of source control. Except some projects on GitHub
2 lines.
@DanPantry yuk. I like to view those in my IDE
I use sublime text which shows something more like this..
I could easily setup GIT with Visual Studio, but I haven't a reason to atm.
@EBrown "I'm not using source control" is a pretty damn good reason lol
@EBrown Ugh, make sure you try that on a low-priority project first. It can get messy.
@DanPantry I don't count your beefed-up Notepad as an IDE ;-)
@Mat'sMug depends.. for most things I prefer console
Well this solution is several projects.
I don't mean to harp on but i just don't see how people can not use source control or tests. I feel uneasy about writing code without tests or osurce control
because I usually don't have to diff code I didn't just work on
There are 7 projects in this solution.
@Mat'sMug It's not an IDE, because I don't need an IDE. All I need is a good text editor :-)
One of them is a no-code, so it doesn't really count.
And we haven't even talked about any of the other 5.
@DanPantry Somebody forgot to learn me effective testing in C++. I can do it in Python, but I run those manually. One file I keep up to date which runs all tests.
@Mast i hear google test with cmake (or just plain old shell scripts) is pretty good
You should just use shell scripting to run tests with globs
I don't have any Unit Tests in this just because they are a pain in the ass for a Forms system.
@DanPantry Google will not touch my C++.
@EBrown Well, yes, unit testing is a PITA for any GUI
But so far it's shell testing all the way, yea.
That's why you separate your business logic and data from the presentation
Unfortunately, for this particular project the business logic is the presentation.
I doubt that :S
There's no need to involve logic in the presentation/view
Except the occasional loop, maybe
I'm pretty sure that the business logic of System.Windows.Forms is definitely presentation.
Which, this is a duplicate of.
@EBrown isn't System.Windows.Forms in its own assembly?
@Mat'sMug I think so.
There's these things called interfaces
that can abstract away details and mock them out
This particular project has a replacement for System.Drawing, System.Windows and System.Windows.Forms. Then it also has Physics and Utilities namespaces.
I could easily pull all the Windows.Forms stuff to it's own project.
I'll be honest and say I've never used System.Windows.Forms.
Or System.windows, or whatever.
but I severely doubt your project requires you to not use interfaces and / or separate view logic from business logic
I mean,j ust look at Facebook's React.
@DanPantry it's a framework
@Mat'sMug Which this duplicates.
@Mat'sMug I get that. However, @EBrown is duplicating it.
Which is why the business logic is the presentation.
He's not using it directly, he is just copying the external interface.
As, this is a presentation framework.
@DanPantry I'm duplicating the API.
@EBrown which is what I just said :P
There are no references to System.Windows or System.Drawing anywhere in any of these projects.
As I replaced the functionality from them that I need with my Drawing and Windows namespaces.
are you implementing designers, too?
@Mat'sMug I will be, haven't got there yet.
I am not a high-enough level to do such things at the moment. ;)
why are we continuing to accommodate this help vampire?
@EBrown I've changed my html and css a bit so it looks like this now, I've been watching few tutorials you see. Here is a [fiddle] (jsfiddle.net/1bg6vmu6) of the new layout. And here is an image so you can see the header image as well: gyazo.com/374a0a4b57f05ecedf3c83bc62da3cd4 I was just wondering if this is any better? The only issue I have is that I can't seem to move any of the images around on both the header and the footer. As you can see the social media buttons are actually stuck below the footer and the craft412 logo is not centered on the header. — GR412 2 hours ago
drag-and-drop XNA game UI.. like, seriously...
@Mat'sMug That's the goal, you're welcome to sign-on and help if you like. :)
@cimmanon What is a 'help vampire'?
@EBrown you need this up on GitHub
@Mat'sMug I don't want just "anyone can contribute" type deals.
@cimmanon is that still in the same question??
If I'm going to have contributors, I want to know them first.
Github doesn't mean anyone can contribute.
that's not how it works
Anyone can create a pull request, but you don't have to accept it.
@Vogel612 he has posted the same comment on each of his questions
Your git repo read-only unless you approve the person committing or accept a Pr.
@DanPantry see here
also, he edited both questions to contain help requests (i rolled those back)
thanks @Vogel612
@Vogel612 So, a Help Vampire is essentially someone who repeatedly asks questions without any desire to solve them themselves?
OP is banned from SO, and now he thinks he can ask for help on CR because he hasnt been banned here yet
@DanPantry correct
@cimmanon looks like it yes...
who all uses Twitter?
I think the simplest thing to do is rollback further vandalism and flag such comments as "not constructive"
@Vogel612 Perhaps someone should explain to the OP the difference between SO/CR instead of this passive-aggressive shit that you all seem to want to keep doing.
^ also that
The OP will never learn why their posts keep getting rolled-back/deleted if no one actually explains it.
I've read what the person said. He seems like he genuinely wants to learn.
@EBrown it's not about the difference between the sites though
@DanPantry OP does not care. if he cared, he would have listened to the advice he was given in his first review
what that person does is unwanted on all sites in SE
he is just saying what he thinks you want to hear so that you will help him
@cimmanon this review that was posted a year ago?
maybe someone needs to spell out the implicit and explicit rules of asking to them
@Vogel612 That ^^
@DanPantry the review that is the same code but without the new additions? yeah, that one
but if they keep up after that, they are a problem for the site and should be removed
so I'd say one of the mods checks back with the SO team, whether they already did something about that user and takes action depending on that
@Vogel612 He was only banned for 24 hours.
It is already being discussed on meta.
> Well, whatever it is, it is certainly not a duplicate. The follow-up question asks about the proper use of divs and spans; the original question contains no spans.
If you don't want to help him, don't help him.
@DanPantry he is a detriment to the site
That is your opinion.
And at least 9 other people on the meta disagree with you.
you didnt see the comments he posted
I have read the comments that are there.
> If you're unhappy about the fact that the user hasn't grasped the concept of using an HTML validator, you may leave a comment, and maybe downvote if you want.
@cimmanon Someone pissed him off, so big deal? It happens to everyone. When we are constantly passive-aggressive about enforcing the rules, it's expected to happen.
@DanPantry there is nothing to "grasp" about the "concept of using an X validator"
you put stuff in and get errors and warnings out
@Vogel612 those are not my words, those are the words of @200_success on the meta post.
you do something against those errors and warnings
rinse and repeat
If you aren't happy with what OP has posted
downvote or VTC.
@DanPantry I know.
If you still aren't happy and OP is causing a problem, discuss it on meta
@DanPantry VTC is not applicable here
it is currently being discussed no meta, and 9 people have disagreed
@DanPantry which is what happened, and 9 people are not a significant opposition, IMO
also the situation has changed with the latest actions by that user
9 > 3 people being passive aggressive in a chat room about "not helping a 'Help Vampire'".
@Hosch250 are you around? I know you wanted to get your Reviewer badge...are you using the Desktop notification user script?
@DanPantry but 10 people upvoted my question and 6 upvoted the other guy's answer
Lets face it, OP is a member for 9 months and has asked 2 questions. This doesn't make him a detriment to the site IMHO.
@DanPantry no, people discussing what course of action to take
which is a significant difference
Calling someone a 'detriment to the site' is "discussing what course of action to take"
@Heslacher correction: he posted 3 questions but he ragedeleted one of them
If the situation has changed, then update the meta post
Or post a follow up meta post
@cimmanon ok
IDK, I take offense to people calling someone a 'detriment' to a site when I can't clearly see what the issue is.
@Heslacher i dont think that posting a question a year ago and disappearing until he wants help again makes him a member for 9 months.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not suitable for Stack Overflow in it's current format. Questions asking for improvement recommendations are better suited on codereview.stackoverflow.com, but ensure your question is self contained, and clearly describes the problem your code is trying to solve. — Matt ♦ 26 secs ago
true, but I don't see a problem with the OP. There would have been JavaDeveloper which annoyed me more.
Q: i want to display the data in my table from the database to datagridview

Sejiusing System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace MidtermDGV { public partial class EventSchedule : Form { string eventcode; DBC...

If we reviewed code of people based on the volume of their participation in the community we would have a very dead site with maybe a handful of people actually getting reviews. I'm not sure that is a valid point, @cimmanon.
@cimmanon So 3 questions in 9 months...one of which was deleted, and two of which were answered is causing this much ruckus? Perhaps (and this is a big perhaps) we can actually show him what is wrong with this course of action, and help him take a better course of action in the future.
@DanPantry my point is that we shouldnt be catering to someone solely based on the age of their account
@cimmanon I didn't imply that, either.
But you can't claim he is a detriment to the site when he has posted 2 questions over 7 months.
Sorry, 3
@DanPantry did you read the comments he posted before they got deleted?
No, I didn't. And frankly that means nothing to me.
If you can't lay them out to me all I have to go on is your word for what he said.
I can only act on what I can see. (or form opinions on)
> Unfortunately, such requests are off-topic for Code Review. If you have made significant changes, you can post a new question as a [follow-up](how to post follow up meta link). Code Review is not the place to ask questions about issues that "don't work" or "need fixing", or to get guided help, but instead for review of code that is actually working as desired. If you want help changing the output of the HTML to meet certain requirements, you should post those on [Stack Overflow](so link).
That is the comment I am about to leave him in response to his comment, please make what textual changes you feel would be beneficial.
So yes, whilst he might have said some stupid crap, I can't see that.
@Malachi No.
That comment is a direct response to:
@EBrown I've changed my html and css a bit so it looks like this now, I've been watching few tutorials you see. Here is a [fiddle] (jsfiddle.net/1bg6vmu6) of the new layout. And here is an image so you can see the header image as well: gyazo.com/374a0a4b57f05ecedf3c83bc62da3cd4 I was just wondering if this is any better? The only issue I have is that I can't seem to move any of the images around on both the header and the footer. As you can see the social media buttons are actually stuck below the footer and the craft412 logo is not centered on the header. — GR412 3 hours ago
I agree with @EBrown on this point. Tell him what he is doing wrong instead of jumping straight to discipline him
that ^^
@DanPantry well i will paraphrase the one he posted in response to me: "well i guess the person who help me before didnt do a very good job" and something something about how he is getting help from some tutorial videos that are doing a better job
The how to post follow up meta link is: meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/1065/…
Q: Review Queue Desktop Notification Script

MalachiThis Script will make it so that you are notified on the Desktop whenever new reviews are available, as long as you have a review tab open. How to use Install Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Chrome). These are userscript managers and allow the script to make use of GM_* functions Insta...

@cimmanon Well, yeah, that sucks.
But what do you expect from someone running a minecraft server?
That doesn't make him a detriment to the site. That means he has a bad attitude, sure
@Malachi OK. I'm only 100 away, so a month or two should be good, if you stop using it...
@Hosch250 it will tell you when there are reviews in the queue.
But an edgy comment at one person hardly means removing them from the site
Optimizing existing working code is off topic on here. You should try code review for optimizing working code. — deathismyfriend 58 secs ago
I would venture a guess that the OP is probably under the age of 16, and as such has little-to-no experience with HTML, CSS, or programming/markup,scripting in general. As such, he may need a little more direction, than just "flag and remove."
The person is obviously young, not experienced with socialising with people (or not good at it), and needs instruction
I will leave the First Post queue alone, @Hosch250. lol
basically @EBrown this
I'm not saying excuse his behaviour, you should totally call him out on that too
@DanPantry i dont think the OP got any discipline for it, though. i wouldnt expect that comment alone would get him a temp ban, but combined with some of the other shit he said, he should have
But asking to remove someone from a site for perceived slights is laudable
Rather than being a bunch of passive-aggressive piss-ants, we should help guide him to the proper course of action.
@EBrown Your comment looks good to me.
@cimmanon that's not your decision to make.
This is why Code Review is less successful than it should be.
@DanPantry He's a detriment for other reasons.
@EBrown you do whatever you like, but dont say i didnt warn you: you are wasting your time
If the moderator decided not to punish him, then that's that.
He got temp banned on SO for some shit he pulled.
@Heslacher No language changes that should be made?
@Mast SO is not CR
Don't ever ask me about language ! I am not native english speaking.
Seems polite to me
Now, if @EBrown actually tells OP what he is doing wrong and OP throws it in his face, that's another matter
@DanPantry I got some flags on comments from him here as well.
But given no one has done anything other than said "lol flag him / ban him, he's banned on SO so he deserves it"
can we be more civilized/professional and not use coarse language, please?
More smileys ^_^
And hasn't actually tried to help someone who is clearly clutching at straws... well, I'm going to tend to side with him
@DanPantry Search the chat history on his name and you'll see.
If there is relevant chat history why is it not included in the metap ost?
@DanPantry having a bad attitude, without any clear intent to better themselves makes them a detriment
who are we talking about here?
if this is such an important issue then why has the meta post discussing this matter not been updated? :S
what's going on here?
Aug 14 at 17:22, by Mast
@michael Well I already tried there and they did the same thing. Stop being a moron, I'm desperate here. — GR412 2 mins ago
@EBrown I seriously doubt that
Aug 14 at 17:25, by EBrown
I'm screen shotting this this needs to be shown to the world how cancerous this community is. — GR412 19 secs ago
Now tell me in my face that's not detrimental to SE.
^ that
@Vogel612 So, you're telling me, that discussions just like this one where we are attempting to "gang-up" on one person and scare them away are not detrimental to the health of Code Review? At all?
I've never seen so many offensive comments on the same question.
By the way, GR412 left a social media trail in his profile. He is very obviously under 16 and not experienced with socialising.
He should be penalized for his comments, fine.
@DanPantry Totally not my problem.
@Mast No, there's no issue with being young
@EBrown I'm saying that discussions about whether users are (or are not) detrimental to the site and ganging up on them iff they are, are helpful for the health of the site
OP was rude, people from CR were not diplomatical, OP got ruder. Should he be nicer? Yes. Should people from here handle the situation better? Yes.
Case closed, all parties made mistakes
Don't defend terrorists, regardless of their age.
We have company. Behave yourselves.
Hi, @AsimAbbas
can you guys take this to another chat room please? sounds like everything from a site perspective has been done for this situation already.
So, where were we, this is after all.
@Hosch250 can't talk, not enough rep
@Mast :^)
@Vogel612 That doesn't mean I can't talk to him, it just means he can't talk back.
@DanPantry My keyboard is plotting against me...
@Vogel612 If he's here on invitation, somebody should probably grant him rights.
let me try, but I think that needs a mod
I don't know about an invitation, just saw him show up.
or we give him upvotes no?
we did that already before also
yup, needs a mod
heya @200_success nice to see you here, could you grant write access to user 161206, please?
@GR412 Unfortunately, such requests are off-topic for Code Review. If you have made significant changes, you can post a new question as a follow-up. Code Review is not the place to ask questions about issues that "don't work" or "need fixing", or to get guided help, but instead for review of code that is actually working as desired. If you want help changing the output/rendering of the HTML to meet certain requirements, you should post those on Stack Overflow. — EBrown 9 secs ago
Five minutes if anyone wants language changed.
That said, I'll be back to work, if there's something happening for that, drop me a ping, please
@Vogel612 Room owner doesn't suffice?
If you need music, I can drop the bass.
@EBrown Seems good.
@Mast nope. only works for gallery rooms / restricted access
I cannot grant talk privilege over reputation
@Vogel612 Ah. Another thing learned today.
@Mat'sMug Getting ready to put this on GitHub if you want to see it.
This is about to be a cluster.

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