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And there are other scenarios too.
That repository is supported by the company that I work for, but it's also open source.
The iOS developers are Metova are encouraged to contribute to it when they can. Essentially, if there's some method you find yourself rewriting in every app, put it in this project (most likely)
And this library is included by default whenever we start new projects using the script we have to start new iOS projects.
It could just be an internal library. I mean, up to this point, that may be all it is...
But it's open source for two reasons (that I'm aware of)
1. Being open source potentially provides some free advertising for Metova.
2. We potentially get contributions that no one internally thought of.
But as you can see, both of those reasons are beneficial to Metova. Sure, the library could be beneficial to the community at large, but that's not generally a good enough reason for companies to open source any of their code base.
Microsoft isn't open sourcing .NET because it's good for the community. They're open sourcing .NET because they believe it's good for Microsoft.
@CaptainObvious Dikstra's algorithm...
@Mast The O.P. isn't sure if it works or not
Q: Should we nuke this post from orbit?

Mat's MugNormally I wouldn't ask, I'd just kill it with fire. But this post is a bit... special. How could I optimize this script? It's an anti-post, a troll question... and yet, it's one we love to hate. From the question title down to every single comment in that code, everything in that post says...

So, it was unlocked to be locked again with a different reason?
3 hours ago, by 200_success
just unlocked
For what reason would you lock it, @IsmaelMiguel?
For the reason on the first answer
> This script is a total of 99 lines. Of that, 49 lines are insulting, annoying, and ironic self-congratulating comments.
Sorry, 2nd answer
> Let's change it to the "Not a good fit for the site, but has historical significance blah blah blah" lock. It's a much more appropriate lock and it should remain locked, so that no one attempts to delete the question.
On RubberDuck's answer
So it should stay locked so it wouldn't be deleted?
makes me wonder, do you guys have a "delete" vote button on that question?
I mean, it can always be undeleted
Because, honestly, people will continue downvoting it
@Mat'sMug You can't delete questions that aren't closed
I can delete anything
I mean, non-mods.
We'd have to close it before we can delete it.
But they can spam flags and downvote
And there's no reason to close it that I can see (as my meta answer explained)
The flags would be declined
@IsmaelMiguel and the flags will be declined with a link to the meta
And there's no problem with downvoting bad questions
Then I shall cast my downvote
Although, since unlocking, I have removed my downvote on the question.
And now re-added it because I remembered why I said my downvote would stick
@Mat'sMug I just want you to focus on more important things. A swarm of flags on a crappy question isn't a good thing
I'm not expecting a "swarm" of flags ;-)
Even a locked question (except for historical locks) can still be flagged.
The downvotes are deserved, in my opinion, not because of the content of the code (and its comments), but because of the lack of detail in the question.
You are right
But most are downvoting because of the content of the code and comments.
@nhgrif downvotes would be deserved for the title alone
Well that too
I feel bad for saying that that question is crap
Arguably, the title could get the same Jamal treatment that other questions get..
But the code isn't readable
It would take Jamal 5 weeks to come up with a title
Well, it's not any worse than other questions which get 5-10 upvotes.
@Mat'sMug - With great power comes great responsibility :-)
@Richard indeed!
Well, it's still bad
I look at that question and I run away
I fixed the title.
@nhgrif the latest question-with-trollish-comments didn't score as well
Not the best one, but that will do
In the same way we'd fix the title to any other question asked as such
@nhgrif I can only fix titles myself if either the OP has provided enough context or if I'm able to determine the purpose from the code alone. For the titles that I'm unable to improve myself, I just downvote the question until someone else fixes it.
Q: Console-based Rock-Paper-Scissors game

fun TertainI just began my C# debut and was just wondering if this Rock-Paper-Scissor console app is good and flexible. abstract class Participant //Abstract - no need for instances, Many common functionality { public int wins; float winRate; public void DisplayWinRate() { winRat...

I think that the best part in that question is really your title
function usage ( )
// Ahhh the marvels of echo, such a wonderful tool
// yet so advanced that a beginner will tremble at the
// word. Woe's me is spoken to the RAM with such care.
echo "\n";
echo "----------------------------\n";
echo "> Derp.PHP is a CLI based \n";
echo "> image derpification tool. \n";
echo "> Use only with: \n";
echo "> jpeg, gif, or png files \n";
echo "> \n";
echo "> Usage: \n";
echo "> derp.php path/to/file \n";
> Derp.PHP is a CLI based image derpification tool.
What "derpifaction" actually means, who knows...
I think Jamal hates PHP as well
@Mat'sMug Now the -30 question is unlocked, I could add the comment I wrote on the question you linked...
@nhgrif I can try to explain, if you want
I'm not too fond of some of your comments. — Mast yesterday
I guess "Image derpification tool" would've worked. :-P
@Jamal Let it be known! There are posts even Jamal can't fix!
@Mat'sMug That's not what I meant. There have been metas before (I think) indicating that up/down votes aren't supposed to indicate the quality of the code, but instead the quality of the question.
@Jamal That's what I had in mind
But the title that it has is way better than the question itself
Questions of identical quality to this one (ignoring the actual code) average 5-10 upvotes.
And now, excuse me while I get myself a beer
@Jamal Not enough comments in that title.
@Mast Titles, specifically. If I were better at understanding code, I would kill off so many bad titles and reverse so many downvotes.
@IsmaelMiguel Agreed. The question isn't even worth the title fix. Just let it rot in its downvotes.
The trollish comments troll people into voting based on the trollish comments (which are part of the code... the code's quality)
Meanwhile, questions without these sorts of comments get undeserving upvotes despite being of poor quality.
@Jamal I think that it is worth the fix. I don't think it should exist. But now that it exists, we have to make it shine as much as possible. Even if it still looks like a turd.
More specifically, if this question had more meat to the plain English part explaining in greater detail what the code did, originated with a better title, and gave reviewers some better advice on specific concern areas the asker had with the code, it would still get all these downvotes, but wouldn't deserve them.
The title got fixed just now. At least it won't get bumped to the front page.
Q: Is an infinite LINQ generator bad practice?

JeffI have a snippet of code that's part of a larger project. I don't think the context matters but if someone disagrees, I can try to post more. The crux of it is an operation being done on sequences and in a special case the termination of the sequence is indeterminate. As such, I have: protect...

This is a rare case where the community is actually downvoting a question that deserves downvotes. But they're doing it for the wrong reason.
Remember this: There will be someone crazy enough to upvote it
Consider posting your question at codereview.stackexchange.com — James 5 secs ago
@nhgrif come on: OP's attitude is begging for them
That's missing the point though.
The point I'm making, the real area of concern... is all of the other questions with identical quality, but lack the trolling commentary, and end up with a net +5 or +10 vote score instead of downvotes.
@IsmaelMiguel Sad, but true. SO is living proof of it.
"This question isn't off topic. Upvote."
@IsmaelMiguel You're probably right, but this is such an extreme example it will never get above -20 again.
@nhgrif Somewhat unrelated, but have I ever asked a question with equal quality?
@nhgrif "I can answer this!!! Upvote."
@IsmaelMiguel I don't know. I haven't seen any of your posts.
I was saying -25, but I see it currently is -25. I guess a lot of people retracted their downvote...
@nhgrif You have answered the UIntArray question (part 2)
@IsmaelMiguel Nobody in this chat has ever posted questions with that quality.
@Jamal Yeah. The community has lots of that too. I've downvoted several questions that I've also answered (including this one).
@IsmaelMiguel lol o
I mean.... if I saw a bad question that someone in chat posted, I'd let them know here.
So we decided to just unlock it? Seems reasonable enough I suppose.
So take that to mean, if you've posted a question of such low quality, I've not seen it.
@Mast I might have. I try not to. But if my question is bad and more content is required, I add it.
@nhgrif Thanks. You want to take a very quick look at my questions? I would appreciate a lot.
@nhgrif the point is that everybody has their own reasons for voting, and that's the way it should be.
I know.
You aren't required to. But it's always nice to have someone pointing out some flaws in the question instead of in the code
I just don't like the way the community votes at all.
At least we can protect the question if it suddenly attracts (other) trolls, probably those searching for "derp" on Google.
@IsmaelMiguel No, you didn't. I've read a lot of posts in the last couple of months.
The question could also be marked as protected.
The average quality of your questions is high enough not to doubt it.
that, definitely
The way the community votes gives no indication as to the quality of the question.
@Mast Alright. Thanks dude. But if I say or do crap in a question, please tell me
@nhgrif That's only to protect against low-quality answers, right?
Not against low-quality questions.
@Mast from users with <10 rep, yes.
@Mast Right. Protected means you have to have at least 10 rep to post an answer.
Some more than others @nhgrif. I believe I DV more than most.
So no new signups.
30% of my votes are down
@nhgrif Do you expect it to change anything?
@nhgrif 45%
No. I was addressing Jamal's comment about attracting based on Googling "derp"
I believe any decent on-topic question, at least those from brand new users, should have at least +3. 3 upvotes gives OP +15 and grants them "vote up" priv.
I disagree completely.
The reward for asking an on-topic question is that it's not closed.
"not closing" a question isn't a reward
Posting a mediocre question or bad question shouldn't be rewarded.
Answers are rewards.
@Mat'sMug Yes, since it allows for answers to be posted.
Rewarding things encourages them.
"Really? I can post a 10-word description of my code, dump the code in, and get +3 upvotes? Guess that's the type of question they want on Code Review."
Bad questions should not be awarded. Mediocre ones... maybe.
Not arguing you know I think we don't DV enough.
I don't think it's right that down votes only seem to accrue on closed posts.
I think at the end of the day, the real problem with the community voting pattern at large is that too many people associate upvote with on-topic and downvote with off-topic.
That ^
In fact, I've heard it in this chat before (can't remember when or who)
"Why would you downvote that? It has no close votes." (or something like that)
Well, I'm not trying to point any fingers. Individuals can and should vote how they want.
Okay. You were looking at it the other way.
The problem isn't a problem of individual voting patterns. The problem is the community voting pattern at large. Also the fact that people might be voting on questions they're not capable of assessing the quality of...
@nhgrif Put this on meta.
Because we've also seen it before, I think I remember a user upset that 200_success closed his question which had +5 upvotes.
You guys are a barrel of laughs. Ok, I'll update when I'm not driving. — Jeff 1 min ago
Since I spend less time here, I tend to be stingier with upvotes. They need to be good interesting questions.
@Jamal That is a question worth of my downvote.
@Jamal to me that one is off-topic, asking for best practices about X. there's nothing to review there, it's a one-liner infinite loop.
@IsmaelMiguel Why?
It actually seems like a SO question, because he seems to be asking about surpressing the warning, right?
It's RBA by the way.
@Mast The overall quality. The text is bad, there's no context, there is no description, the code is the minimal of minimals. Basically, it doesn't have anything good.
Which question is this??
This question was voluntarily removed by its author.
It's deleted.
Thats that then
I guess he stopped driving then
@nhgrif the R# warning could be suppressed with a comment to that effect. // resharper disable once blablabla - it's asking whether a "lazy-evaluated" infinite loop is good practice
I mean, in fairness, he actually has that exact code in his repository
...but doesn't give us any more meat than the infinite loop in question
And he linked to the repository for context (which I think has been established as a valid way of giving context)
I think the question isn't great
you can't review that code without looking at the repo
@nhgrif The overall question is bad. Not the lack of code, but the whole thing
I also thought that it was okay to ask about how your code adheres to best practices
@Mat'sMug I'll take your word since I'm not a C# expert. But basically, this is an "Unclear what you're asking."
@IsmaelMiguel I couldn't read it, got removed before I saw it.
Since there's not enough context according to you
protected static IEnumerable<int> GetInfiniteSequence(int value)
    while (true)
        yield return value;
I have a snippet of code --> off-topic
you want to hang your code, call this method and do result.ToList()
we don't know how it's used, we can only extrapolate
I understand that the question lacks context.
> The crux of it is an operation being done on sequences and in a special case the termination of the sequence is indeterminate.
So I'm okay for closing it as unclear and assuming it's broken until clear context is provided indicating how it works.
it's, uh, deleted
I know.
downvotes did that
This is just a theoretical debate. Also, he may repost.
or may not
Or maybe Jamal's comments.
*Deserved downvotes
We may all be dead in 20 minutes.
@Mat'sMug Is there an imaginable way to use the code that makes sense?
So if he wants to re-post, he better hurry.
I think it could have been reviewed as is and was on topic. Just a poor question.
@RubberDuck Probably.
It looks like he supplied enough info for the question
@nhgrif result.Take(randomValue) perhaps
He even said he would post more if needed
I'd VTC it for stub code though.
After that, he could supply more information.
Wait a second!
Which would warrant a re-open.
I think we f*cked up
Q: Derpifying Images

irywJust wondering if there was someone out there that could offer help in optimizing my script which "derpifies" images. <?php /** * If you don't understand what this does * you have no hope as a programmer. * */ function usage ( ) { // Ahhh the marvels of echo, such a wonderful tool // yet...

Okay. So it's not broken code. I know it's not hypothetical/stub/example. It appears in his repository.
There, we f*cked up there
The comments and everything say that it despifies an image
Thats a genuine post
It's just unclear
But it doesn't handle anything
The code is broken
@nhgrif that
@IsmaelMiguel You tried?
It simply echoes the extention
@IsmaelMiguel If you want to make a case for the question being closed, I recommend taking it to the meta.
No one that weighed in on it is a PHP expert, as far as I know.
I'm just showing what I found
@nhgrif Why? If it's broken, it can be closed as such.
We don't usually meta broken code.
If you think it is non-sense, just say it
But the whole thing says it handles an image
@Mast There was already a meta on this question.
@Mast that post has enough history to justify it
But it doesn't do anything
And it's been locked for ages.
@Mat'sMug New situation has nothing to do with the old situation.
It's not a new situation.
The code hasn't been edited.
I was the last one to edit the code when I removed some profanity over a year ago.
I'm just saying that the code is broken or has code missing
And am asking if you agree
> This isn't real code and should have been nuked two and half years ago. – Malachi Aug 20 '14 at 15:39
IMO, a comment saying what's broken & a vtc. Let it go through the queue like any other.
Technically we can't prove it's broken since we don't know what it should do...
I think we should just leave it
walk away, slowly
I don't know PHP.
Speaking of... Please comment what is broken when you use that reason. It helps tremendously when working the queue.
Although, if it is broken, perhaps go back to the historical lock.
@Mast It should do something with an image. But all it does is checking if the image library is installed and echoes the file extention. Poorly. It assumes the extention is either 3 or 4 characters which is also false
@nhgrif I do, but he's pulling some ridiculous magic at the end of the script which should be simplified.
I cant read this form.
@Mast Post an answer simplifying his magic?
24 secs ago, by Mast
I cant read this form.
Or just walk away slowly
Why not?
I mean, there's that too.
Walk away.
Don't forget to upvote my answer. But then just walk away.
  $type = ( substr($file, -4, 1) !== '.' ) // Can you see?
      ? substr($file, -4) // Can you see my genius.
      : substr($file, -3) // It's shining...
      ; // oh so bright. What a marvelous function, I
        // couldn't have done it better myself. Oh, wait.
@Mast That code is broken
So, you don't know what a ternary is?
I know what a ternary is, I don't know what he's trying to accomplish there.
It's not doing anything useful AFAICS.
Extracting the file extention
@IsmaelMiguel Yep it is borken code
Yea, it's reading the last part of the file name, the extension.
if (substr($file, -4, 1) !== '.') {
    $type = substr($file, -4)
} else {
    $type = substr($file, -3)
It splits on the .
It verifies if the 4th character from the end is a dot

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