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Too Chatty? Apparently not
@Mast Is that bad?
and the stupid V whatever that windows 8 comes with doesn't work on my Machine
There are 1429 unanswered questions (94.5032% answered)
@Malachi You are screwed with it :/
Hyper-V crashes the system
@IsmaelMiguel It's way faster than I expected.
I can't use it with this particular motherboard or something dumb like that
@Mast Is it ready for review?
Now I partially re-implemented it Brainfuck-style and it sucks, bad.
@IsmaelMiguel Uh, well, yea, but it's not much really.
It's freaking small.
so I am going to work on a new web design for my Father-in-laws business site I made for him
Q: Handling enabled/disable of UIControl

Adam VenturellaThis sample uses the Swift 2 version of ReactiveCocoa 3. I have 2 options that work, but I do not know if there are any alternative ways, that I might be missing or, if I am performing this task in the idiomatic ReactiveCocoa 3 style. Options: DynamicProperty Action.enableIf Option 1: Dynami...

I voted to close that as too broad.
I hold questions to a very high standard (since they really shouldn't be here at all).
@Malachi Hum... Well, your CPU may not support it or you may not have the service running or some weird thing
@IsmaelMiguel It's 10 lines, not counting whites
What's wrong about it?
@nhgrif Stargreed.
It's asking for a .
@IsmaelMiguel first thing that I tried to do when I bought this computer was start up Hyper-V so I could try and run some virtual machines. and it crashed the computer, I did some extensive searching for several days, and found out that it just doesn't work with this computer set up..... I was so upset
@Malachi You could try VirtualBox
@IsmaelMiguel Stargreed.
Seriously, even a 6 years old kid can set a virtual machine on it
I want to set up for building XNA games, and apparently I need Hyper-V for that. because it crashed my computer the other night, I couldn't boot it back up
Let me think
I had to recover from some directX install, which I think was attached to XNA
but when I tried to install the windows SDK it said something about Hyper-V not working
What computer do you have?
@nhgrif I really don't understand the hatred of comparative reviews in this chat room.
@IsmaelMiguel envy 15 I think
They're terrible questions.
Just pick the better or the worse version and make some remarks on it. What's the big deal?
@Malachi I know I'm asking too much, but can you be much more specific with the model?
The big deal is that, best case scenario, doing that approach means that I'm not going to get my question marked as accepted, or I'll look obtuse because I spend time explaining something as if they don't know about it even though they used it in the alternative version.
give me a second. I hate Windows 8 I should just go to 10
But ignoring the best case scenario, it frequently leads to bad questions, period.
And questions that are off-topic because it misleads people into thinking they can ask things they can't.
Why wouldn't your answer get accepted? Why are they bad questions?
@Malachi Ping me when you get it
@IsmaelMiguel HP ENVY 700-200z CTO
My answer wouldn't get accepted because I'm never comparing two pieces of code.
Every "comparative review" is a double review.
If the asker posted it as two questions, I post two answers and get double rep.
When he posts it as one, and we have a tag for this clown style of asking questions, I look like an idiot if I post two answers that independently review the code and make no comparisons.
Comparative review is arguably the worst idea this site has.
Suit yourself. You're welcome to choose which questions you want to answer or ignore. But don't abuse the closure mechanism to suit your tastes.
I'm not abusing the closure mechanism.
Anyone can vote however they please.
It's run by the community. Please don't forget.
@Malachi Which CPU you have?
And don't abuse your mod powers just because you disagree with the community.
You voted to close that one.
That's not an abuse.
I vote to close any "comparative review" which provides zero guide lines on how to determine which is supposed to be better or any justification as to why we need to review two pieces of code
AMD A10-6800K APU with Radeon(tm) HD GRaphics 4.10 GHz
Why is that user undecided which of the two is better to the point that he must ask the question in this way? Without that critical piece of information, the question should be closed.
And my vote to close can never be an abuse of the system for as long as I think the question is off-topic.
Q: Comparing [tag:comparative-review] to a regular review

Malachi I think that a comparative review should be 2 questions, and then the user can take the answers from both and do the comparing on their own. then they can decide what is going to work best for their situation. This came from chat. There is a lot of discussion in Chat about comparative-revie...

As with any question, you're welcome to comment on any aspect as you see fit.
does that have anything to do with this conversation?
I can be wrong, but being wrong and abusing are different.
@200_success You don't get it. I know I can comment on any aspect. I do that all the time. Why do I have to comment on two pieces of code instead of one?
@Malachi That CPU doesn't support AMD-V. You can check on http://products.amd.com/en-us/search/APU/AMD-A-Series-Processors/AMD-A10-Series‌​-APU-for-Desktops/A10-6800K-with-Radeonâ„¢-HD-8670D/7 (look for "AMD Virtualization")
The thing is... the users posting comparative review can't describe to us any criteria for better, and they can't explain why they feel the need to post two versions of the code, in most cases. And why? Because in most cases, they haven't even thought of it. They just post two versions of the code because we apparently allow that.
And we need to stop allowing it.
@Malachi AMD-V is required for Hyper-V
@IsmaelMiguel well I know I probably can't work with Windows Phone SDK then, but I wonder if I can figure out how to set up XNA without the Windows Phone portion of it....
@Malachi Some voodoo with the installer? Extracting with 7z and installing manually may work
@IsmaelMiguel but you are saying that I could still do it with virtual box though?
like the virtual machine thing?
@Malachi Well, your CPU doesn't have AMD-V. It won't work. It's weird to find a CPU in 2015 without a virtualization accelerator
It's AMD's fault
I blame HP they should have told me when I was on the phone with them trying to order it. they asked me what I was going to be doing with the machine that I needed a heavy duty CPU
It is a heavy-duty CPU
It's just not meant for virtualization
It's a gaming CPU
I wish Windows 8 could keep up....lol sometimes I think that windows 8 drags it down
That's the HDD
no that's windows 8
I had Windows 8 on my old SSD
maybe I can still work with the XNA Framework on my machine by using the dll
another day, I am already working in Web Express on a website
Sorry to hand you the bad news on this way
Next time, specify you need Intel-VT/AMD-V
or I try to speed up my lagged out windows 7 laptop that I actually started the game on
this was the best CPU I could get with this Model
Next time, go for Intel
my laptop is so slow now, but it is old
it only has a 1st generation i3
but it is enough to run some cool stuff on, as long as you only do one heavy duty thing at a time
Honestly, shove in an SSD (even a Kingston v300 will do)
It will be a new laptop
@nhgrif Nobody is making you to comment on both pieces of code. Like I said, you could just recommend one or the other.
Why shouldn't it be two separate questions?
How could I recommend one or the other?
On what criteria?
@nhgrif Good points. But divided in 2 questions, the O.P. would decide by himself. This is Code Review, not Code Picker.
Q: The dwindling Fibonacci

MastI've recently taken a renewed interest in non-standard languages like Brainfuck and TIS-100. I'm currently writing a Fibonacci generator in Brainfuck which differs a bit in approach from the usual generators already around. Since my current understanding of the language is very limited, the limi...

@IsmaelMiguel Above should answer your question.
It did
Sadly, I don't do Python
If the user doesn't specify the criteria by which "better" should be decided (and the user almost never does, and that's the reason why I vote to close almost all comparative review questions), then how do I know what to recommend to the user, @200_success?
@IsmaelMiguel You don't need Python to be able to read it, it's very, very straight-forward.
Moreover, most of the criteria by which two pieces of code would be compared are objective and measurable criterion. In which case, the user isn't asking for a review. The user is asking the wrong question. The user should be on Stack Overflow to asking how to measure whatever metric they're trying to compare.
I'd love to hear more opinions about in the most recent meta about it:
Q: Comparing [tag:comparative-review] to a regular review

Malachi I think that a comparative review should be 2 questions, and then the user can take the answers from both and do the comparing on their own. then they can decide what is going to work best for their situation. This came from chat. There is a lot of discussion in Chat about comparative-revie...

All that's really left, I think, is readability. But what's the value in comparing two pieces of code and saying which is more readable? Why don't the user just give the code that's performing how they want and ask us how to improve its readability?
On a totally not related note, I just hit Marshal at SO :-)
@Mast Hard to understand what's going on when you don't know the language and the concept
@nhgrif Just use your own judgement. All questions are open-ended anyway.
You mean guess?
Guess at the context which the user hasn't provided.
If one is clearly better, state so. If it's a wash, state so.
@IsmaelMiguel Do you know ? The Nth value is the Nth-1 value + Nth-2 value. In this case, I shift them all to the beginning to save memory.
@200_success Define "better".
If they're both fine, state so. If they both suck, state so. It's all up to you.
@Mast No, I really don't know
You're entirely missing the point.
What's better?
The user has put two side by side because they want to know which is better
the user almost never specifies by what criteria they define "better"
So it's just a double review.
The same criteria you use when writing or evaluating any piece of code.
You literally couldn't get this any less.
Suppose you gave the same task to two interview candidates.
When it's a single piece of code...
Would you prefer to hire one or the other based on the two different answers?
When it's a single piece of code, we can improve it's readability without sacrificing its performance. We can improve its speed without sacrificing memory usage or readability, etc.
We can make it better regardless of context or what the most important constraints are, even if we're optimizing something they consider insignificant.
So, you could write "A is more readable, but B is more efficient." That's a valid answer.
When a user gives us two pieces of code that do the same thing in different ways and ask us which is better without specifying any criteria to judge it on, then it is impossible to say.
@200_success It's a double review. It's too broad. It's two questions.
The user has to be expected to do more than just get away with posting two snippets.
If two snippets are okay, are ten?
How different do the snippets have to be?
Do I need to do anything besides say what the code does and post two snippets?
Ten is clearly ridiculous. Please be more serious.
Besides, would you really want to see ten similar questions? That's equally harmful to the site.
They are terrible questions and the only justification I've ever seen for them is that someone thought it was good for the site because people post them and so it's generating traffic...?
No. Ultimately, the point is that the user probably only actually needs one question.
But since we allow comparative review, user's are exploiting it to post questions without putting much effort into comparing the code themselves.
The author has a genuine desire to know which approach to use. Why is that not a valid question?
Why is psuedocode not allowed then?
Because that's what is being asked.
I'd much rather see a pseudocode question about best practices than these.
Because at least then, we have a much higher likelihood of the question actually being focused on what the user wants to ask.
But that's just not how Code Review works.
Which is fine.
Q: The Geppy String: Regex vs Iteration

Caridorc We'll say that a lowercase 'g' in a string is "happy" if there is another 'g' immediately to its left or right. Return true if all the g's in the given string are happy. gHappy("xxggxx") → true gHappy("xxgxx") → false gHappy("xxggyygxx") → false I have written two functions to solve this p...

I consider that a good comparative review question.
It still doesn't define "better"
Splitting it into two would be worse. In my opinion, the regex is the way to go, and I wouldn't even bother considering the other approach.
tokland answered the other approach anyway, and got accepted.
Good for him, he got lucky.
That's OK.
So we're okay with a question that asks "Should I use regex or iteration in Ruby?"
That's what this is.
But nevermind this specific example.... because I'm not even here to argue that comparative review should be outright banned.
What I'm saying is that comparative review questions are on average of a drastically lower quality than questions that aren't comparative reivew.
And that I think comparative review questions should be held to a drastically higher standard.
But you voted to close what to me looks like a valid question. How is that consistent with not banning?
The question you linked, I can give it credit for this...
It at least expresses conflicting concerns about two pieces of code that do the same thing.
The user at least has some justification for why the code needs to be compared. What concerns are we addressing.
We're not really comparing the code, so much as comparing his concerns.
That's not most comparative review questions.
Most comparative review questions are "Here's two pieces of code that do X. Review them and tell me what is better."
That's just a double review.
And it's a bad question.
The user rarely elaborates on they're starting position of pros-vs-cons of the two code snippets. They don't give us any input on how they even got to the point of being stuck between two pieces of code.
It would have been kinder to at least leave a comment asking for clarification. It is a new user, after all.
Why? He doesn't even have negative score. We upvote too much.
If this had negative score, I'd bother with it
But since the community isn't going to close it, I'll use the one veto power I do have... and just not answer it. Sure, plenty of people can write answers to it... but not many know Swift hardly at all around here.
So there's that.
It's a bad question that the community is rewarding by leaving open and upvoting.
Q: Cardshifter game lobby

PhrancisWe have been hard at work creating a browser-based GUI/Client for playing the Cardshifter TCG for the past week or so. Today I just finished doing a pretty complicated layout for the chat lobby, along with @SirPython who put together the JavaScript / AngularJS code, which I will include with his ...

@IsmaelMiguel ^^
He's asking... "Is A idiomatic? Is B idiomatic? Is there some other approach I'm completely unaware of?"
Suppose the question had just the DynamicProperty code, and it said "I'm not sure whether Action.enableIf would be better, or if there is another alternative. What do you think?" Would you be happier not having to "review two pieces of code"?
@Phrancis I don't know angular.js :/
So, if it weren't a comparative review
@IsmaelMiguel You're missing out!
Because it rocks.
@IsmaelMiguel Since you already got experience with JS, try some frameworks.
Same question, posed with less code, basically.
@Mast I do jQuery. It's 1 more library than I wanted to know
jQuery doesn't count.
It's a library
I just don't have a REALLY good reason to learn angular
@IsmaelMiguel It's fun.
Assembly is more fun
I agree that assembly is fun, but it's not the same kind of fun.
I know
But it's fun!
@SirPython Assembly has more sense in it than JS.
@Mast "sense"?
Logical behaviour.
I completely agree.
Couldn't find the correct term.
Don't worry, I get what you are saying ;)
But both have a completely different purpose, so they can't really be compared.
Which is why I said, "it's not the same kind of fun"
I'm currently trying to port the Fibo I posted in Python to Brainfuck and I got most of it down. Details are still hard...
And for some reason, it's way slower.
Must be all the looping going on.
I appreciate your frustration in the code reviews of projects created in most of the off-shore companies, something like being deceived. It's not difficult understand how foreign exchange rate, inability of client to personally visit the premises and unscrupulous character of the contracting agency combine to promote hiring un-skilled or less-skilled people (often freshers) who work straight on the client's project without training, all the while deceiving client to the skills and experience of workers. But then, foreign exchange difference is the reason why work comes to them. — Gopal Aggarwal 43 secs ago
@Duga That's a 'unique' comment, I don't see them often like that.
I'm not sure if 'unique' is enough
Q: How to fix this error : cannot find symbol, symbol: method setText(Int)

Anonymousshows the error at this line : gross.setText(GI); int R; int NO; int GI; private void enumerateActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { empnum2.setText(empnum1.getText()); name2.setText(name1.getText()); nhw2.set...

SO is not a code review site. Do you have a specific problem? Otherwise try code review, but first read their FAQs. — Olaf 37 secs ago
Q: Any ideas why the cuda program is twice as slow as the cpu code?

chasep255This is a little baffling to me why the cuda code runs about twice as slow as the cpu version. The cpu code is commented out above the main. I am just counting all the primes from 0 to (512 * 512 * 512). The cpu version executed in about 97 seconds whereas the gpu version took 182 seconds. I have...

1 hour later…
Not sure if this question belongs here or on Code Review. \ — PakkuDon 34 secs ago
it's finally over
after 3 hours of fucking around with my network driver, I finally got it to work.
too bad I can't share this triumph with anyone
I see.
I mean, I'm here to share it with you (sort of).
Yay! Another robot human!
That awkward moment when you're about to flag a hardware question, only to realize that you're on SU and not SO.
I reviewed another CUDA question, but mostly offered generic advice performance-wise. I suppose that's expected when the OP hasn't provided more information on testing (and is probably good for a downvote on the question).
well, it's 11 here, night @all
@CaptainObvious oooh
It is past midnight here. See you.
@Hosch250 good night
A: Printing the sums of numbers from 1 to 10 with only 1 loop

yehudaif you do it recursively it should be fairly simple

@Jamal lol
Anyone out there? — Anonymous 3 hours ago
^ funny comment
Although it was for @Malachi, thanks, @RubberDuck, for the bounty :-)
Hey all.
Hmmmm, I had a java question that I needed a sanity check on. But I think I figured it out...
@Rossco, we're not the kinda people to shame you for silly questions, right @Phrancis?
(I can only hope)
So feel free, in future, to ask them, if you can't exactly remember the answer/s
in TCG Creation, 1 min ago, by Quill
A: Cardshifter game lobby

QuillThere's not much to cover, other than the things @IsmaelMiguel went over, nonetheless: The Mundane: This is less of a important thing, as a style thing, but: font-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif; font-size: 1.6em; text-align: center; background-color: #0033CC; color: #EEE...

1 hour later…
Q: Basic login script for educational purposes

kexxcreamI have created a login script to demonstrate the usage of sessions in PHP. The focus is not on security, databases or encryption. The idea is to exemplify how you can use sessions to protect pages from user access. Key points to focus on: Logical structure (return early, missing checks, error ...

@Quill Right lol.
@Quill No worries, I wasn't worried about shaming.
I'm writing some Java, which I'm relatively new to (I'm more comfortable with c#).
Its for a uni assignment and I was wondering why I was not getting what I expected.
I'm using JavaFX and hooking up to TextField.onKeyPressed(). I was finding that as I type, attempting to getText() from the TextField was always giving me one less char than what was visually displayed in the GUI. However when I switch to TextField.onKeyReleased I get all the text. I'm assuming that the text property is not updated until after the key is released.
Q: get the string as integer input and return true if it is sorted or else false

user80798include enter code here void main() enter code here { char string[20]; int n, count = 0,i,k=0; printf("Enter the no of characters present in an array \n "); scanf("%d", &n); printf(" Enter the string of %d characters \n" , n); scanf("%s", string); while (count < n) { string[coun...

@CaptainObvious vtc as unclear
actually, VTC as broken
Yip, its terrible.
But be kind as it is a first time user.
Nice, is that a canned response?
Yeah, from a meta thread
Is there a place to ask that kind of question? I can see that CR is the wrong place, since it is reviewing working code, not solving issues. Is SO for that?
Q: Decimal can only be used once, have to restart program so it can be used again

iLove69I have made a calculator using Jframe but the decimal can only be used once. When I press the button again it won't appear. package Calculator; public class Calculator extends javax.swing.JFrame { int decimalClick; private void decimalActionPerformed(java.awt.event.Action...

Thanks, @200_success
@Rossco To a degree. It really depends.
Copy-pasting your entire solution isn't really appreciated, nor is simply just my program doesnt run.
If it isn't a large problem, people here can usually give you a hand
(In 2nd Monitor, I mean), if you pastebin the code sample, or just paste it in here, we can take a look and help.
If it's something in between large and small, you can make a room and ask people to help you there.
Q: i have implemented of getting the string as integer input. i want to check wheather they are in sorted. if they are sorted print true or print false

user80798enter code here#include enter code here void main() enter code here { char string[20]; int n, count = 0,i,k=0; printf("Enter the no of characters present in an array \n "); scanf("%d", &n); printf(" Enter the string of %d characters \n" , n); scanf("%s", string); while (count < n)...

@CaptainObvious This user just does not get it
Bring down the hammer
User will be automatically blocked from asking a next question.
@Quill never thought of that. I'll keep that in mind.
I've edited it, in case they ever want to change their off-topic ways, but, I heavily doubt it
1 hour later…
The whole point of a class is to encapsulate things. Your class contains functions that store data in a global object! Apart from that, its syntax is for old Python only, you seem to have a tendency to terminate lines with asemicolon and it has superfluous brackets at various places. There are further flaws and if you care, I'd suggest putting this on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Ulrich Eckhardt 1 min ago
Q: Simple Snake with pygame

David MašekI've been reading excelent Dive Into Python and I needed to actually program something before I forget everything I learned. So this is my first python project (apart from trying the basics and playing with console). I first wrote this using lots of globals but that looked stupid so I rewrote it...

code review?!?? There's another site out there to do it. — Rajaprabhu Aravindasamy 18 secs ago
@Duga I really, really wouldn't mind if they kept such lousy questions there. The question just radiates lack of effort by OP.
@RajaprabhuAravindasamy I assume you're thinking of Code Review. The question would need more context and more code (this is a snippet) to be acceptable there, but with some work it could fit. — Mast 18 secs ago
As in, it would really need some work before it won't mass attract downvotes.
@Mast fit what? Codereview.stackechange? — Rajaprabhu Aravindasamy 34 secs ago
You're welcome @Quill
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question ismore appropriate for Code Review SE. — shekhar suman 27 secs ago
Consider posting your question at codereview.stackexchange.comRenzo 53 secs ago
@Quill Thanks for the edit. It is a lot better now
Q: File Downloader in C++ using cURL

NidhoeggerI have written a C++ File Downloader for use in one of my projects. It is using cURL and libsigc++ (for callbacks). It can handle only one download at a time (for which I at the moment create many instances) and the second problem is destroying the object. When I destroy the object outside of the...

Yay, I managed to get my double variadic template dispatch to work.
I have no idea what that means
Basically, I wanted to benchmark my algorithm for several distributions and for several sizes of arrays.
The size of the arrays is a compile-time constant and the distribution are types.
Now I understood around 80%
Which is good, considering that I'm half-asleep
So the whole stuff was trying to figure out how to make a kind of double for loop for type and non-type template parameters at compile to cover every possible benchmark case.
And it is working fine?
It is. It generated the results of the bencharks for the four sorting algorithms, for five kinds of distributions, for arrays of size 0 to 15.
@IsmaelMiguel No problem.
Which edit are you talking about, sorry?
@Morwenn 0? How can you sort an array of size 0?
@IsmaelMiguel You do nothing.
Sounds reasonable
@IsmaelMiguel Yeah, no problem. Good answer btw
But I would have had to add yet another layer of tricks if I wanted to avoid the 0 case, so I considered supporting it because it costs nothing and avoids consistency problems.
@Quill Thanks. Yours is a bit under-apreciated (ignore the spelling). You found a bug! That's more important than the style.
@IsmaelMiguel Ah, I found visually, but not physically. I found your answer much more rewarding for those looking to improve not only their current code, but the future code they'll write. And in size, too ;P
@Morwenn Probably it must be as easy as if(count(array)<2){return;} (pseudocode)
@IsmaelMiguel It's trickier since the condition is a compile-time one.
Let's say that I have a sorter_n<int N> class template with a sorting method and I provided a specialization of sorter_n for N = 0.
@Quill You fixed functionality.
@Morwenn How many lines of code is all that?
@IsmaelMiguel I actually made that point in a review today, with a superfluous length check mixed with a foreach
Sorry the question, but what point exactly?
@IsmaelMiguel A full file of 36 lines. But it's mostly boilerplate. That's actually 8 lines because I have short lines to keep a consistent indentation.
struct sorter_n<0u>
    template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
    static auto do_it(RandomAccessIterator, Compare)
        -> void
@Morwenn I though it would be huge!
@IsmaelMiguel That's only to handle the 0 case. That's already a big hammer to handle a small case.
@Quill You forgot one thing
foreach($errors as $e) {
    echo $e . '<br>';
It should be $error, not $e
Also, you have mixed quotes
Did I?
Read the bottom
I was talking about the tiny loop
But yeah, you still have mixed quotes
@Morwenn Was that pun intended?
@IsmaelMiguel Which pun? :o
@IsmaelMiguel I just literally snipped out OP's superfluous code, that much wasn't modified
Also, thanks for the heads-up about quotes
@Morwenn I don't know if I can explain well, but 0 is a really small case
@Quill You're welcome. I don't know your preference, but I prefer to use single-quotes
@IsmaelMiguel I don't particularly care which, but, sticking to one and not changing style in between is important, do what you preach, or something, right?
@IsmaelMiguel Well, I can see what you mean.
@Quill Exactly. I just prefer single quotes because of it's nearly-0 performance gain and because you can't screw up. If you accidentally leave a $ behind, inside a double-quotes string, you may be seeing weird stuff happening.
On a single-quoted string, you will see whatever you write
@Morwenn I see it wasn't intended. I don't know, but in my head it sounded funny
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on code review. — just.another.programmer 31 secs ago
A: Repeatedly check URL for change on iOS

nhgrifIf you want a UUID, generate one. What you have isn't a UUID. It's just a string of random numbers. If you want to reuse a once-generated UUID multiple times, you can do that. static NSString * const uuid = [NSUUID UUID].UUIDString; If you're calling a variable URL, it should actually be ...

Q: Developing a basic design for a Design problem regarding Hike in Recession by a company based on criteria

Krishna KumarI was going through design questions frequently being discussed in interviews. I found a problem which states as below. Consider a company which wants to process salary hikes of its employees during recession period. As a precautionary measure, instead of hiking all employee salaries it decided ...

1 hour later…
Good morning!
What's the good word right now?
Lol, nothing, I take it
? I don't get the question
oh, what's going on right now?
As far as I know, nothing
I'm playing Need For Speed Underground 2
I'm playing old versions of Minecraft, for nostalgia.
Which versions?
Alpha v1.1.2_01
Wow, that's ancient!
Back when the grass was bright green and the terrain generation hadn't been screwed over.
It's actually my favorite version.
Why you say it was screwed over?
Fractal terrain in minecraft just doesn't feel as interesting as 3d density-based perlin noise.
Q: can anyone explain me this python code of a snake game

Sami copied this code somewhere from internet and submit it to my teacher and now my teacher wants me to explain how this code works. I have basic knowledge about python. please someone help me with the code - how is the snake moving, how does it length increases on colliding with the object and how...

@EthanBierlein Excuse my stupidity but I don't get it :/
@IsmaelMiguel Which one don't you get?
@CaptainObvious I believe this is off-topic. "i copied this code somewhere from internet..."
@EthanBierlein Both
@IsmaelMiguel Okay, I can find a link for fractal terrain, but I have to go in about two minutes, so I'll explain 3d density-based perlin noise later.
A fractal landscape is a surface generated using a stochastic algorithm designed to produce fractal behaviour that mimics the appearance of natural terrain. In other words, the result of the procedure is not a deterministic fractal surface, but rather a random surface that exhibits fractal behaviour. Many natural phenomena exhibit some form of statistical self-similarity that can be modeled by fractal surfaces. Moreover, variations in surface texture provide important visual cues to the orientation and slopes of surfaces, and the use of almost self-similar fractal patterns can help create natural...

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