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@skiwi I don't think it's off topic
The questions could possibly be removed
Or at least reworded
Are certificates really a big thing in the industry?
"please by any means, tell me your opinion on how we can make it work better ..." - is this your question? If so, code reviews are off topic for SO. See http://codereview.stackexchange.com/Sexy Turnip 34 secs ago
If you have working code then perhaps your question is better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com? — EdChum 33 secs ago
@skiwi I don't get the bread reference
@Mat'sMug That's what happens when you don't put it on github as well.
It's a good question but needs to be moved to codereview. — Bathsheba 53 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview. There, You would need to post the code in your post rather than linking to your github. You only have to post relevant parts. — UmNyobe 49 secs ago
you have to implement Dijkstra's algorithm(codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/75641/…) — Double H 43 secs ago
@Quill I know that what is 'real' art for me is different from you, but there is a baseline that most of us can agree upon, and assume that what is in that baseline is intrinsically art.
@IsmaelMiguel, huh?
@Anonymous I suggest you come join the Code Review regulars in The 2nd Monitor, then we can straighten things out (instead of littering the comments even more). — Simon André Forsberg 44 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel, did you mean to ping @Morwenn instead of me? I've been lurking for close to an hour
@jacwah My days of French are long gone. But thanks to teach me that bread is pain
@UmNyobe This question, as-is, it totally off-topic. The website (CodeReview) is meant to review code. This question has absolutelly no code. Without code, it will be closed as off-topic. — Ismael Miguel 54 secs ago
@Quill I'm really sorry, it wasn't for you
That's okay :P Was just confusing, is all
Since he isn't present in this room, I'll delete the messages
If possible
...Can't delete...
@EdChum Please read this check-list before recommending a migration to Code Review meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/1687/…jacwah 24 secs ago
Is it just me or has the number of suggestions to post on CR significantly increased recently?
This would be more suitable for codereview.stackexchange.com. Without knowing what the content of Tag is though, it could be that the original coder was lazy. Why not write equipment.Select(it=>it.Tag[0]).ToList()? — Panagiotis Kanavos 19 secs ago
New job @skiwi? Grats mate.
@RubberDuck Thanks! I did ultimately get it
Got rejected in first round, replied to that email and got invited again
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's a code review question, better suited for codereview — Panagiotis Kanavos 26 secs ago
@skiwi Whatever works.
Yeah, congratulations!
@Duga No, it's not.
First project is a Qt application, mostly QML stuff right now but also some C++ things, of which I both have no practical experience
But then again QML is quite easy, you just need to learn the framework and it uses Javascript which I already know
And for C++ I do know the syntax, etc. - I just think it's very difficult to create my own application withotu using a library, but maintaining an existing code base is way easier :)
@PanagiotisKanavos Code explanation is off-topic for CR.SEMast 26 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg It has, pretty badly
In my opinion
Most recomendations to migrate to CodeReview are broken
Welcome to legacy code land! I removed hundreds of LoC yesterday... Copy pasta everywhere.
* are awful
@RubberDuck LoC?
Lots of Code?
@RubberDuck That's exactly where I'm stuck in... But at least here they know they did it wrong, but they just needed to get a beta version out before a deadline
Lines of code.
@RubberDuck And by Copy pasta everywhere you were refering to spaghetti code?
Yeah. I'm kind of in the same boat. My team knows it was wrong, but did it anyway.
Kinda of @IsmaelMiguel.
With so many food puns, I'm hungry
Specially without breakfast :/
It's when you Ctrl + C; Ctrl + V stuff that should have been dried out.
Leading to a change that should take 30 minutes taking 2 days...
@RubberDuck Isn't not that bad honestly if it's assigned to you as a task, then they cannot hold you responsible for "wasting time on refactoring"
Sadly, that happens to me :/
Still trying to figure how to get the code base under test too. Not an easy task.
I hate testing
When developing my own applications I might do it the other way around though, make some completely generic reusable component for something that gets used only once
That happens to a lot of people.
IMO that's okay if it makes the code less coupled and more flexible.
I have to program the Database, Design, Backoffice and test both Backoffice and Frontend (or whatever names you call). That is, indeed, a nightmare
@RubberDuck Until you realize you are spending a day thinking about stuff that was also easily implemented in 30 minutes
Nightmare? Sounds like my last job. I like full stack.
I'm more someone that works on whatever stack I'm needed for
True... There is a line @skiwi.
Try doing all that when your boss expects 8 hours of full programming
Isn't that programming?
And then you have to answer clients, fix computers, networks, printers, cellphones and a whole bunch of stuff
@RubberDuck But it might not be bad that it happens on my own projects, as I'm learning as much as possible, unfortunately it does mean that I don't release often at all
And by the end of the day, you MUST have 8 hours of programming, no matter what you did
Sounds like time for a new job. Speaking of, I gotta get going.
There's no new job
This or live in the streets again
@IsmaelMiguel I think I'm liking the getting paid by logged JIRA hours and deadlines approach more
But sometimes, I wonder if it is really worthy to put up with all this
@skiwi No mean to disrespect you, but I really don't understand the part getting paid by logged JIRA hours and deadlines approach more
Q: C# 2.0 i want to add a static data to a dynamic data table

Crazysuri have a dropdownlist ,txtbox and a gridview.The dynamic data's are binded to it.I want to add a static value to the dropdownlist like "select" so that if i click on that select i should get all the values in gridview.i.e.,even if the textbox is empty and dropdownlist==select the gridview values ...

@IsmaelMiguel Here we have to log all work in our JIRA, related to a specific issue on the project you're working on (or a general project), and you get paid per hour at the end of the month
@CaptainObvious code not yet written
If you only effectively work 6 hours on an 8-hour day, you only get paid for 6 hours
You obviously still have deadlines when stuff needs to be finished, but say you work 12 hours on a day close to the deadline, then you'll get paid 12 hours
@CaptainObvious 3 more VTC please. No code.
@skiwi Where are you from? That sounds like an USA policy.
@IsmaelMiguel The Netherlands; I don't know how common it is around here, but I think it's more common in startups generally
We can literally be around whenever we like, as long as we meet the deadlines and are around for scheduled things
That seems cool
(A lot of us work parttime)
@skiwi That's the preferred way in an increasing amount of companies. Luckily.
There are days, like today, that I feel like my head is going to explode
I prefer that method.
And woke up running, because I fell asleep
so, no shower in the morning, no breakfast, awful night of sleep
With that model, I could go home and rest properly
@Mast With a good management it's not hard to do
Or arrive later and with more energy
@skiwi That's the difficult part: good management.
@CaptainObvious Burned.
@Mast Yep, they also need to trust the amount of hours you put into there
That's not the only thing they're usually not too great at.
I'm currently looking for something better and my boss knows this. It's just hard to find anything with decent leadership nowadays.
@Mast It's nearly impossible to find anything here in Portugal!
My current manager has good intentions, but there's a lot of miscommunication. So I need to get out before shit blows up.
@IsmaelMiguel Is it that hard over there?
My first job was as a gardener
And it was a really hard thing to get
Basically, I had to beg for it
What education do you have?
This, my 2nd job, was a pure miracle
I can't say it, I lack the right names
But I was in school for 12 years
And never failed a year
You probably know the right name
If you never got anything higher than secondary education, there's no chance to get work in software here either.
There's almost no chance to get work here anyway
Education is important, even if you have the feeling you never learned a thing.
I've sent over 100 resumes
Only 2 were answered
And both rejected
One of them was by a guy who was at the university
2nd year
His programming knowledge was....
And the hardware-part was below 0
And he got the job, I didn't
The job was to fix computers
But well, 6 months later and the thing burnt down
Not even those stores that sell microwaves, tv and that stuff accepted me
I can turn the whole freaking store and know almost everything there!
Maybe it's the resume that sucks
Maybe it was the experience
Who knows, right?
Maybe it was my look
It's not about what you can do. It's about what they believe you can do.
^ That
True, but I can't write a 20-page resume
You don't need a 20page resume
Good, nobody will read it anyway.
A resume should at most be 2 pages, usually.
Well, it is going to the trash anyway
That's why I don't have everything I know
But usually those interviews are just formality and they are sneaking someone in
My suggestion, @IsmaelMiguel, have some people take a look at your resume and ask for feedback. Preferably people that know what you can and can't do.
That would be no one
And post questions on Code Review! That will give others a better feeling for what you can or can't do.
@IsmaelMiguel Don't forget about the CRitters.
But that will be limited to my programming knowledge
Hmm, that reminds me
I don't have an updated resume, since like 2013
I've seen this advice before, do they actually look at stackexchange?
@Quill Mine isn't updated since 2012
@jacwah They, who?
@IsmaelMiguel that might be part of it, then :P
Not really
I haven't updated because I have a job now
When I need it, I will update it
@IsmaelMiguel Employers
@Mast Is that true? Right now the times aren't the best, but I would say there are still possibilities
@jacwah Nah, I doubt they know almost anything about internet. Just facebook and things I can't say here without hurting sensitive 'audiences'
@jacwah There are recruiters who look at Stack Overflow. I told a recruiter that contacted me a while ago to also look more at Code Review. Hopefully they will learn to do that... (unfortunately I didn't get the job, but it was still quite an experience...)
@SimonAndréForsberg resumereview.stackexchange.com ?
That would be a good and bad idea
I got plenty of help from my fellow Code Reviewers to improve my resume.
I could provide my resume, but there are so many things I'm capable of that aren't there
@skiwi Close enough.
And I have no way to fit them there
I'm really lucky. I have a relative who owns a two-person company, he's the one who got me into programming
I was really lucky as well
At the moment I'm studying, but can get part-time from there
My current boss saw my file in an employment website
And he discarded me as a possibility because I've made an internship in a sh*tty company
A friend was contacted and gave my contact
Then we sheduled an interview
It was an exercise
He says that what got him amazed what that I opened Notepad (not Notepad++, the Windows Notepad) and started writting the whole code there!
No Google, no research somewhere else, no copy-paste
Sit, write code, get the job
All my other interviews were just "Blah blah blah blah. Bye, we contact you later to say 'No'"
I only got 1 answer from those 2 interviews.
And the 2nd interview was a mistake in the system.
I wasn't supposed to have an interview
Gentle reminder - @IsmaelMiguel - I am scrolling back in this transcript and just see walls of brain-dumps from you.
Individually, that's OK, but if a few people do that.... we have a problem.
@rolfl Sorry, I will refrain from repeating such thing
It isn't usual for this to happen
Hmm... this is not a typical Code Review answer, but, if written as: "Your code is one big main method - you should extract logic blocks in to functions to make the code more readable and reusable", then it would be great. Oh, it's really close to that, so it's an answer. — rolfl ♦ 2 mins ago
@rolfl It was just the fact that they had put in zero effort to write two sentences that annoyed me
@rolfl I disagree it's a worthy answer.
It could have been a good answer, but it isn't.
switching OS
@Neel For the review of your code, you can post your code at codereview.stackexchange.com, and can get a decent(I hope) review about it. Thanks. — Arslan Ali 14 secs ago
@jacwah How to explain this... it's somewhat complicated. Hmmm... I wrote a meta post at one point, let me find it.
Q: What are the correct actions to take when there is a 'bad' answer?

rolflWhen there is an answer you feel is 'bad', what are the correct actions to take? For example, the question: Similar methods using loops has an answer: If you always use both functions together it might be faster to run the code in one pass instead of two, but here it is perfectly fine to...

@rolfl I'll read it
@rolfl I'd be fine with it if that answer was converted to a comment.
@Mast Just because it is small enough to be a comment, does not make it not-an-answer.
I claim that it IS an answerr.
It's an old question and his answer is not answery enough to be a real answer As a comment, it would be fine. As an answer, it lacks body. It lack content.
No, it is perfect... we will have to disagree.
A: Parsing hex and decimal numbers in C++11

William MorrisJust use strtoll with a base of 0

answers do not need to be long.
The point of the exercise was to create functions, functions would be useful, and good practice, the answer points out these things..... not particularly well, but, it is a code review.
No other answer points out this basic flaw in the code.
I don't see a lack of functions as a flaw in their code, but I get your point @rolfl
Removed my comment - yours is fine on it's own
@rolfl That answer is missing the Why?.
Time to get my lunch!
@IsmaelMiguel I guess it's implied: using a standard function instead is much easier
I'm not used to downvoting things on this site
I'll have to get into the habit of doing that instead of flagging
I am not claiming it is a good answer in it's current state, what I am claiming is that it is an answer, not a comment.
Q: Return True if num is within 2 of a multiple of 10

noob81Is there a way to make my code simpler/more pythonic? Given a non-negative number "num", return True if num is within 2 of a multiple of 10. Note: (a % b) is the remainder of dividing a by b, so (7 % 5) is 2. See also: Introduction to Mod near_ten(12) → True near_ten(17) → False ...

@rolfl Because that requirement wasn't stated. You need the book to find the flaw.
No, even extracting functions is a good suggestion
It usually is, but the answer specifically states it's part of the exercise. However, that part isn't posted in the question.
Which is probably why no other answers mention it.
Q: Do I overdo things when I separate interfaces from concrete implementations?

EugeneI've severed interfaces from concrete implementations, please check out the screenshot below. I'm just thinking I kind of overdo the thing. Do you guys think it's a good practice?

Greetings, Programs.
It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!
Greetings, User
friday or not, I'm in a bit of a pickle :( sad face on
@DanPantry <good vibes/>
So I need to use a feature from Angular 1.3 in my project with work.. a 3rd party has adamantly decided we must use angular-kendo. Fine, whatever. However, the code is currently in Angular 1.2 and Angular 1.3 breaks a lot of the things in kendo-angular. Whats worse is that Angular 1.3 has significantly better performance, something is app is lacking. :(
And, of course, we do not have the professional kendo licence, but the 3rd party does, so I can't get the most updated code. a 3rd party developer has - quote - "kendo framework script to fix some kendo bugs" and refuses to publish them in source control. What do
Talk to the 3rd party? If you both need to use Angular 1.3 for a feature and Angular 1.2 for kendo, then your assignment is impossible
Maybe they can get you upgraded or relax the specification
Stick to 1.2 and implement the 1.3 function yourself.
@Mast this seems basically what I'm going to have to do.
@jacwah I'm trying, however, the 3rd party has only one point of contact (and I believe developer working on our project) who does not seem to fully understand English and refuses to address the issue at hand.
In fact, he points out that he 'fixed some bugs in kendo' to make itw ork with angular 1.2. I suspect we're using a heavily monkeypatched version of kendo just with angular 1.2
this makes me very sad.
@DanPantry That's an ugly catch 22.
@Donald.McLean That ^^
Somebody has to make concessions.
@DanPantry So, @rolfl worked on the code?
Ever since I joined work on this project I tried extremely hard to push it away from Kendo and use the native Angular-UI components which are not proprietary and do not require a nasty 300kb jquery download... but the third party insisted on kendo. :( Guess I have to lay in this bed now.
@Donald.McLean lol
The Scala plugin gnomes have been busy. There's been a new nightly build regularly for the last two weeks.
@Donald.McLean Fancy stuff in it?
@Mast No idea (pun intended). There used to be a page where you could see what changes were made, but now they're only showing what issues were closed - not as informative.
Less and less people seem interested in changelogs anymore. A shame.
They have made tremendous progress on it over the years that I've been using Scala. In the beginning, there used to be massive amounts of incorrectly identified "errors".
Sometimes I run into code that IDEA says is fine, but doesn't compile, but it's uncommon anymore. I report it, they fix it.
@Donald.McLean sounds like you're their greatest buggfixer :P
@Gemtastic I really doubt that. My Scala code is fairly unsophisticated.
Well, I just said it sounded like it "I report, they fix" implied: they be my buggfixin' female dogs ;P
@Donald.McLean currrently my visual studio sometimes decides it doesnt feel like running completely fine, 100% compiling code. It will compile it and then proceed to run an old version of the code because why not.
I'm gonna learn scala once I'm done with JavaScript actually. Sounds like fun :)
It also likes to crash when I build sometimes.
it is these things that have lead me to say to any and all recruiters: no f**king .NET jobs please
I don't see a problem here. Maybe this would be better posted in CodeReview.StackExchange.com — Tab Alleman 55 secs ago
@DanPantry That. Freaking annoying if it does that when you don't notice.
@Mast I only notice when I put a breakpoint in the code and notice the symbols haven't been loaded. It's like what the hell, I've just cleaned and builded you manually 3 times in a row now.
@Gemtastic The easiest way to learn Scala is to pretend that you're writing Java that has a whole bunch of great new libraries. Over time, you start to learn the Scala idioms and advanced concepts.
I lose approx 30 minutes of dev time every day just fighting with my IDE. That's a sign something is wrong.
And then there's having to check out each modified file of an .edmx one by one every time you make a change in the edmx file..
@DanPantry That's just sad.
@Gemtastic You will never be 'done' with JavaScript. I try and only use JavaScript so much that I find it very hard to use compiled languages now. :(
@DanPantry You should probably get that checked out man.
@Donald.McLean It's also true for way too many developers.
JavaScript isn't as bad as it seems.
@Donald.McLean Since I already know Java that should be easy then :D
@EBrown I deal with it by opening up vim and not using Visual Studio in the first place.
@EBrown Yes it is.
@EBrown you misunderstand - JavaScript is my favourite language by far
@DanPantry I can't blame you, I always liked VIM.
@DanPantry Well then, "done enough to do more than just use it"
@Mast Alright, maybe I understated just a tad.
@DanPantry It's hardly mine. I prefer good old compiled languages like C, C99 and C#.
Once you understand how this works (or just avoid it entirely), I find JavaScript to be quite enjoyable. ES6 looks pretty awesome as well, and the async/await proposal for ES7 even moreso.
User != Developer
@DanPantry Or, I could do everything in the backend, since I have to revalidate user input anyway.
@EBrown there's a special place in my heart for statically typed languages, but I don't think I will ever write a web server (or IO of any kind, or CLI tool) in Java ever again.
@Gemtastic Yes. Scala uses Java as its starting point, so knowing Java, there's only a handful of things that change.
@DanPantry Eww no. That's a horrible thing. Java is one of the worst out there.
Yeah, as I said; I'm a Java developer so I have a lot to wrap my head around with the asynch thing and amusingly the functions as parameters and inside of other functions were a little bit to get into as well...
C++ and Python, those 2 are the only things you need in life.
@EBrown You can create full stack JavaScript applications and have been able to do so for 5 years. They are arguably the most well scaling server applications at the moment.
Also, there's something called isomorphic JS which shares the same code on the server and client. React and Meteor are examples.
@DanPantry I'd rather make it in a language that doesn't rely heavily on var.
@Donald.McLean Well, it uses the JVM but people told me it was a lot more complicated and nothing like Java. I have no clue s far :P
@Mast Which C++ spec?
@EBrown it doesn't - JavaScript has const and let as of ES6 and you can get typed supersets (TypeScript) that enable transpilation with a type checker and type annotations.
11 is the latest I've been using
const myFoo: path.to.namespace.MyFoo = new MyFoo();
Node has a C or C++ module. That's a bit fun
@DanPantry That just sounds horrible...lol I only use JavaScript for UI stuff anymore.
@EBrown The typed superset is very similar to C#.

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