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There are 1347 unanswered questions (94.6624% answered)
@SimonAndréForsberg Night
Time To Get To Bed?
or Time to GOTO Bed works too
I remembered 1
@h.j.k. NO! Using GOTO is a bad practice
@IsmaelMiguel ;)
Oh, come on, that was cleaver... But no stars :/
@SimonAndréForsberg and Eclipse and that project died with my hard drive last winter
Ok, so I believe this question would still be on-topic on code review since this is asking about the idea of reducing the code with the assumption in mind that the code itself works. The load problem appears to be a separate issue. But, since it's already here and has answers, there's no reason to delete it. — Anonymous 4 mins ago
400 rep - 1k reached
I'm even
@Quill: looks like we're edit-warring over the ES6 tag. Can you please add it, since you've removed it from the title? I don't have enough rep on CR. — Dan Dascalescu 1 min ago
@Jamal: ^
We do have it:
@Jamal We do? thanks
You can still create and I can merge them.
@Jamal It's just shorthand, (right?) Should be fine
The advantage of synonyms is that they dont need maintainance
Next time someone tags now, someone has to edit it
I don't have sufficient rep in that tag, if you or someone else want to suggest it, that'd be good
I can just merge them myself. Actually, I can probably do this without editing a question.
sure, okay
It's really TTGTB
I got held up by a good C question finally arriving
@Mat'sMug some regex question?
Hello, @Mehrad
@Quill hey buddy. how are you doing
@Mehrad Alright, thanks, today's my last day of work before I head back to school
@shog9 It's the brady bunch
@Mat'sMug found the solution.
Yeah, it turns out that I could've used the merge tool instead of an edit, but once again, the caching concerned me. It's always caching.
Stupid SQL and it's scope issues...
Q: Ruby script that deletes servers from Red Hat Satellite

theillienThis script uses the Red Hat Satellite v5.4 API to delete servers which are read in from a file. The servers are listed in the file by hostname but the Satellite API deletes servers by ID number. The script runs the getId call using the hostname and stores the ID ( val[0]["id"] ) in the system_id...

@Anonymous There is technically no rule against optimizing working code on Stack Overflow; the actual rule is that question needs to ask about a specific programming problem. If migrated to Code Review, I would consider it off-topic for being hypothetical code, since there is no such HTML element as <button1>. — 200_success 23 secs ago
A: Class(es) for animating objects on a canvas

Ethan BierleinThis is really cool! I do have a few small tips though. First off, rather than creating an entire function, in this case, config, that returns configuration data, I'd store it as a public getter, like this: class Wave { static get CONFIG() { const waveBaseLength = 5; return { co...

Are we just going through all questions on meta and adding puns to the titles?
@EthanBierlein Adding? We usually make them like that to begin with
Also it's: [meta-tag:burninate-request]
Well, I had an old burninate question that was edited by Jamal two days ago to have a pun/joke in the title.
Oh, and also:
Q: Percentage of questions that are unanswered or answered - Part 2

Ethan BierleinI've refactored my previous query and added better checks when selecting the data. The query link can be found here. The formulas used to calculate the two percentages are the same, and can be seen below: $$ \text{Answered Percentage} = 100 - \left(\frac{\text{Unanswered}}{\text{Answered}} \time...

I've been on a question-roll today.
Q: I ,a green hand ,just want to know whether you could see me ,could you?

Liu ;)I ,a green hand ,just want to know whether you could see my question ,could you ?

@200_success You may want to read this meta post about the distinction. Stack Overflow is for erroneous code unlike Code Review which is focused around working code. The two are (at least from what I can gather) mutually exclusive. — Anonymous 24 secs ago
@Quill Good. Lord.
@Jamal Tavern on the Meta is the place for that ;-)
Wow. I feel like I've had a good night so far! I posted an answer, a question, found some good music, and my super-secret project works!
A: Multiple File Downloader using checkboxes?

ChristopheCVBI think it is using invisible iframe for each posted file...

is PostTypeId = 1 for questions or answers, I can never remember
PostTypeId = 1 is for questions.
@200_success And as for your point about code review, I don't really understand your point. Clearly you would know better than me what is off-topic there, but I don't see why this question would be (provided that the accompanying HTML is included). — Anonymous 40 secs ago
Q: Percentage of questions that are unanswered or answered - Part 2

Ethan BierleinI've refactored my previous query and added better checks when selecting the data. The query link can be found here. The formulas used to calculate the two percentages are the same, and can be seen below: $$ \text{Answered Percentage} = 100 - \left(\frac{\text{Unanswered}}{\text{Answered}} \time...

Q: Error: Not a graph object in R shiny

StudentDoubtsDoes anyone how to fix this error when I'm trying to find the degree of each vertex from the input file? Here's the Pajek file i want to import in and export the degree into CSV. When I tried using a smaller input file. The renderTable works but when I tried with my file(which is in the link) i...

@200_success You may want to read this meta post about the distinction. Stack Overflow is for erroneous code unlike Code Review which is focused around working code. The two are (at least from what I can gather) mutually exclusive. — Anonymous 6 mins ago
Did he miss the diamond, or...?
@Anonymous, FYI 200_success is a moderator on Code Review — Quill 6 secs ago
^ She beat me to it
DanDascalescu, please don't incorporate answer suggested changes into your question, leave that for a new question. — Quill 19 secs ago
@EthanBierlein ^
@Quill I beat you to that too.
Incoming VTC for broken code
Hmm. It appears that my new SQL question isn't as popular as my previous... Tahts okay though.
@Quill Off front page, needs one to be closed.
Q: Calculating which direction my bad guy should face when moving

James HogleI have just implemented an algorithm which calculates the direction an enemy in my game should face when moving to a location. This is a 2D game where characters can face in one of four directions. (Up, Down, Left, Right) When navigating to a point, if the new point is further away on the X ax...

@CaptainObvious Cross-posted on Meta and deleted right away.
@EthanBierlein, you should run a spell check over edits first, you missed an incorrect spelling of 'algorithm'
A: Behaviour on html_safe? in Rails 3.2.1

LukeI would like to know the answer as well. Thanks

@Jamal People must thing that SE is a forum.
I love how we use SO as our "entertainment channel" of sorts.
If I wanted to post every NAA, we'd be here all day.
Hmm. Gives me an idea...
@Jamal If you find any, you can always drop them in Tavern on the Meta and the guys over there will crush it
Someone should write a bot that gets questions and answers from SO that are "bad" and post it too a room.
Where everyone can then laugh at it.
Yeah. I haven't been there in a while. So many chatrooms to juggle.
@EthanBierlein Yeah?
Hello, @200_success
Oh, yeah, right. *sulks away*
@EthanBierlein Just because it has already been written doesn't mean that you shouldn't try and write it yourself.
Yeah. Hmm.
Oh and, zombie down:
A: Artificial Neural Network implementaion

Ethan BierleinFirst off, the below section of code here: self.hidden_layers = [] for n in xrange(n_hidden_layer): self.hidden_layers.append( Layer(n_hidden_nodes, "Hidden %i" % (n+1)) ) Can be shortened to the below, using a generator expression: self.hidden_layers = [ Layer(n_hidden_no...

@SirPython Greetings
Hello, @IsmaelMiguel.
I've edited the bot, you should check your Github
Ping me in the other room, if you wish
Q: Generci Repository For Web Apps

AkbariI was developing a web app using Entity Framework 6 and MVC 5. For data access layer, I eased the job and wrote a generic repository as following: public class GenericRepository<T> where T : class { private EFDbContext context = new EFDbContext(); public IEnumerable<T> GetAll() { ...

WHEE Imgur's working!
Q: Am I taking a correct approach to retrieve three separate sorted lists of items?

Daniel NewtownI need to search for records based on their area, postcode, city and sort each group separately based on the value of their code field. Table is as following ID Code Name Area PostCode City 1 15 BV Shore 343444 Toronto 2 2 BB North 545555...

I got the new iOS 9 update just now, looks amazing
- Where mathematics and cooking meet...
I'm certainly learning quite a bit going through this big tag list :)
Q: jsonToDOM Function

NoitidartFor the MDN documentation website we have written this jsonToDOM function and I was wondering how you all would improve it. It takes a json structure and creates DOM elements out of it and appends it to the document. It is written in such a way that the user has to pass the window/document as the...

@Phrancis I had the same thing happen when I went through all the empty tags
^ The new app tray in iOS 9
Old comment in buffer.
I was going to type that I prefer stuff to just work, so I let brave souls like you test everything out first.
I'm really glad I didn't update to iOS 8.4.
Well, except my IDE. With that I use the latest build, safe in the knowledge that I can easily back up to the previous version.
I like to get the beta versions, and just smile and submit an error report if the need arises
Apple are usually alright in beta versions
On the scale of bugs: Release < Public < Dev. I have dev on my Macbook and public on my iPhone
I'll just wait for the full release of iOS 9. I do hope it'll indeed free more space and improve battery life.
It has a battery menu, and a Low Power Mode
Does it let you uninstall apps, or are you still having to stuff crap into a folder?
Which apps?
The preinstalled ones that cannot otherwise be removed.
No it doesn't
Of course...
ooh, I had 200mb storage left, and now I have 1.5gb
and I found a bug already -_-
@Quill Storage on my phone, much less of a problem since I upgraded to a 64GB 6plus.
@Donald.McLean I only got 16gb ;-;
It's a great feature for my Macbook (120gb), though, the extra storage
I still have an 8 GB 5C.
I have 13.7GB just in music, and that's with the "Convert to 128kB" option checked.
I have 3.2gb, and I had 4gb in Spotify until I lost my premium
On my work machine, 1TB is way more than I need. On my home machine, I have a whole bunch of extra 3TB external drives.
I'm older and have had more time to accumulate music that I really like. 3530 songs - something to offend everyone.
You're a bit of a Music Fan, though, aren't you, @Donald.McLean?
@Quill Why, yes. Yes, I am. :-)
@Donald.McLean :P
Incoming VTC for broken code (See below):
Q: PHP - Regex Issue

NSaidI have a quick piece of code that seems to be failing. What I am trying to do is simply match a part of a URL (extracted using parse_url) to a pattern. So my code is below: <?php namespace App\Helpers; class WildcardUrlHelper { public function endsWith($var) { echo $path = pars...

@Quill If we were a graduated site, we could probably vote to migrate it.
We can still flag for migration.
15 hours to go before elections start.
Another incoming off-topic question.
Oh, look. Jamal's here. No need to flag anything.
Fair enough, but the OP asked Is there a cleaner way to define this ViewModel? then the OP left a comment in response to @200_success why more information was needed when the question seems to be pretty clear (at least to me) about what he is asking. Having said that, I will try and provide more of an explanation. — Nathan Fisher 45 secs ago
@RMunroe How relevant
Q: Finding the number of primes between two numbers (Java)

Andrew Changpublic class Loops1 { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 0; for(int x = 2; x <=10000; x++) { boolean hasDivisor = false; for(int y = 2; y < x; y++) { if(x % y == 0) { hasDivisor = true; ...

@CaptainObvious VTC for broken code
Hi @Donald.McLean, thanks for the welcome. It works but I am just having an issue getting to work to my needs. I am trying to control which form I present using this function but in its current state will present the same form no matter what page was the referer. For example /cms should present one form, and /cms/1 should present another. As it stands now both cases will present the same form. — NSaid 3 mins ago
Some people don't understand the word "broken" apparently.
^ Yeah
Perhaps we should have a question: "What does the word "broken" mean?" /kidding
For users under 300 rep we could have four javascript alert()s to ask 'Are you sure your code works?'
A: Customer ViewModel with optional JSON initialization parameter

Nathan FisherThe issue that I have with the viewmodel, and I suspect that it is the issue that you're having, is that you have two code paths to keep in sync when initializing the object. By getting rid of the if {} else {} and having a default value going into the knockout observable as an alternative value...

OP just cleaned up his answer
Q: Player Rotation script

FunlambThis is my player rotation script. I just want to make sure my naming conventions are right. If there is anyway to make this code more readable I'm open to suggestions. This is also my 3rd post about along the same line so please be brutal. public class ShipRotation : MonoBehaviour { [Serialize...

Q: Function to sort items with an array of keys

Eduardo E. ValenzuelaI'm working on a function to sort two elements using several properties. I want to know if the function is well structured. function comparePropsOfAWithB(a, b, props) { var prop = props[0]; var propA = a[prop]; var propB = b[prop]; if (propA === propB) { var array = pro...

in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 6 mins ago, by 1999
Code Review primary closes in 15 hours... Current standings:
Jamal : 369
200_success : 362
Mat's Mug : 307
Simon André Forsberg : 281
janos : 194
Malachi : 101
Phrancis : 76
Vogel612 : 59
Donald.McLean : 54
Hosch250 : 43
Ethan Bierlein : 13
Quill : 11
@Quill I don't think anyone's standings have changed since the first 30 minutes, except Jamal and 200.
@Hosch250 I know :P
I didn't think they would.
I'm going to bed. See you.
Oh, and my 5 predictions are the top 5 candidates.
A: Calculating which direction my enemy should face when moving

AlexTheDeveloper Additional: remove comments and try to explain your code using variables or code logic: float xDiff = Mathf.Abs(navPos.x - curPos.x); float yDiff = Mathf.Abs(navPos.y - curPos.y); bool movingRight = navPos.x > curPos.x; bool movingUp = navPos.y > curPos.y; if(xDiff>yDiff) { return movingRigh...

seems like a slow java-question day after getting mortarboard from yest... :-|
@Phrancis 'Night
monking @all and night @Phrancis
You've provided alternate solutions, but haven't reviewed the code. Please take the time to explain your reasoning. — Quill 24 secs ago
mhhh providing code on a plate
@Quill What's up?
@200_success Just politely saying hello :-)
Q: Host my git repository as a webpage

user567797Is there a way in which I can host my git repository on a server with a UI after which I can give the URL to my team mates to view the code online , see the diff etc. Also if there is an integration with a code review tool that would be an added advantage. Are there any plugins or extensions out...

@200_success I have just been writing my 3rd javascript question as you closed it. ;-(
I don't mind reopening that one.
There you go.
Let us wait what the op will do. I have still my answer if he/she edits the question.
I see, I am typing not fast enough ;-)
Ahh, I didn't read your comment to this question carefully. My bad. Otherwise I wouldn't have said anything. :-(
The closure was marginal. The OP was probably unaware of the brokenness.
I think so too.
Btw, great answers to the questionare
Thank you.
@Phrancis not sleeping? ^^
Is what good practice, specifically? This is not a code review site, so I think your question should be a bit more specific. — Hannes Johansson 53 secs ago
Gosh! Clearly im asking is it fit MVC rules ! if its not code review web whould u mind show me usage this piece of code in REpository Part. — user3214904 25 secs ago
hey @Vogel612
@Biffen I'll ask question at codereview, thanks — Sebastiano Tognacci 44 secs ago
Probably for Code Review — ken2k 46 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for a code reviewRowland Shaw 42 secs ago
OK - if this is working code then you should probably migrate this to codereview.stackexchange.com where it would be more appropriate. If you have a problem with your code though, and a specific question, then please edit your question to include the details. See also: stackoverflow.com/help/on-topicPaul R 33 secs ago
hi fellas
my bounty attracted some decent answers, which on the other hand haven't received much loving. Can C++ folks kindly take a look at this?
btw I intend to award that bounty in a few hours. If you plan to work on it, ping me so that I wait a bit longer
hey @janos
@Mast btw this and this are waiting for eyeballs as well
hey @Heslacher
Q: ConfigParser - class for configuration managment

setevoyI writing tool to manage our application. One part of it - is INI-file, which contains UUIDs for some application modules. It looks like: [version_1_0_2_staging] MATH_DLL = 7a00ca94-b68d-4c89-a004-d3a4f5e7cf56 MATH_DLL_XML = 738174f7-f310-4989-8cae-da1690487e7c ASSETMANAGER_API_DLL = 2e9e3807-...

You should post questions like this better here: codereview.stackexchange.com - but it would be a bad question (no offense) there too, because the "best" depends on what you mean by "the best". Is it e.g. the most performant? The code with the best readability? The "cross-browserest" way? And so on... — Dominik 42 secs ago
@janos Good picks.
@Mast patting yourself on the shoulder, are you? ;-)
@janos Now let's hope the decent answers come in. They are hard questions after all.
hey @jacwah, @Mast, @skiwi
hey @Heslacher
posted on July 10, 2015 by user177931

What im trying to do is, when a user enters in a phone number it looks at the first 3 digits, and depending on those first 3 digits, assigns a country code to it. What i have is in the example below assigns the UK country code. My question, What am i doing wrong? I can post more complete code if you like. var exp = /(070|071|072|073|074|075|076|077|078|079|08

@CaptainObvious off topic
@CaptainObvious new look and feel ?
@Heslacher Hey
@CaptainObvious Ah, I see this is how it looks if the question is already deleted.
@Heslacher It's probably because it's deleted already ;)
(Remember, @CaptainObvious isn't that fast)
@CaptainObvious RBA
Removed By Author?
Yay, my $2 DisplayPort <-> HDMI adapter has been shipped... I really wonder what I'll get home
A cheap low-quality cable?
It's just an adapter, so no cable attached
It could be entirely crappy, but it could also be exactly the same as they sell for 20€ around here
My experience with adapters is that the ones from a chinese store work 80% of the time
And usually have around 60-90% of the quality of those expensive ones
Online, I have no idea
But I would expect the same quality
I think that codereview.stackexchange.com is exactly intended for this sort of “my code works but is there another method?” question. — Pascal Cuoq 48 secs ago
My laptop has VGA and DisplayPort ports and the screens at work have VGA and HDMI, so I can live with a VGA cable, that adapter from Ebay won't be around until 2-6 weeks anyway :P
@skiwi DisplayPort or Mini DisplayPort?
@Quill The regular one
Ah, my mac has mini display port and I've been trying to get a cheap adapter for a while
I agree with the first comment (more suitable for codereview), and in addition, as far as I know, true and false are not part of the C standard, but the C++ standard. — barak manos 14 secs ago
And then there's me, who has a 1280x1024 screen connected to DVI with a VGA adapter...
I think I can trust adapters from Ebay, but batteries are fishy, you don't want defective ones
@IsmaelMiguel Oh well, I almost (if one adapter wasn't the wrong way around) connected it via VGA <-> DVI <-> HDMI using adapters
That would result in a terrible quality
Probably... I couldn't imagine it working perfectly
I can
But the signal would be below-optimal
If you want to ask a question on Code Review, I suggest that you post your entire hashtable implementation rather than just this function. — 200_success 27 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel No, it would have VGA quality.
@Mast Translation: below-optimal quality
Q: Attempt at sorted word count in jcascalog query

Antigone93I am trying to sort the output of the classic word count query by the count, but the Options.SORT predicate is not working as expected. I read somewhere that it only works with aggregators. Doesn't Count() come under aggregators? Please explain the exact usage of Options.SORT. Api.execute( ...

But VGA supports up to 1080p, so that's usually fine
Yeah, that is the resolution it supports.
Remember that VGA is analog signal
HDMI/DVI/DisplayPort/Thunderbolt are all digital signals
The quality will never be the same
(I've included Thunderbolt because it can also send image signals, sound, data and others)
Digital is overrated. That's mostly only relevant for long distance transport.
200 emails to go and 1600 tabs to close, looks like I still have stuff to do today
1600? My RAM probably won't like that.
@skiwi well...
@Mast Yes, it is overrated, but it is way better
Besides, RAM doesn't matter:
I just edited 140 references to a single property key...
Firefox only uses 2.5GB, so it's still fine
Use an SSD for SWAP
manually... got some keys to go..
@Vogel612 Fun... I do prefer manual editing though (via search & replace) as I dont'want to mess things up :D
@skiwi Where are those 1600 pages stored then?
@Mast It doesn't load the actual page into memory as far as I'm aware
I have like 30 pinned tabs and only those are fully loaded
@skiwi search the whole workspace.. and replace it all over... manually
git status already is over the full screen...
@skiwi I'll look into that.
Question, are tags interpreted in a multi-line string here?
Looking through my mails I just saw a very interesting job offer via LinkedIn, too bad that I'm not done with university yet
@IsmaelMiguel don't know...
you can try in the sandbox.
@skiwi make an internship out of it
I just started a new parttime job this week, so won't happen
I'm liking this place really a lot :)
@Vogel612 Can't find such room
Dang, it doesn't work
Q: Faster method for loading a hash table in C

user15128I'm looking to make my code faster for loading a hash table. Any pointers would be appreciated. Below are my includes, the node def and the loading code. #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "dictionary.h" // define hash t...

A sad and beautiful song. If you understand French that is :/
I doubt most of us speak French
I knew how to say some things in French
It was a pain to learn
Some do. Otherwise, that's still a good reggae song.
Grammatically, it was a nightmare
I hate reggae :/
(Don't bother with me hating reggae, my musical tastes are..... twisted...)
I never bother with other people's musical distastes :p
That's a good thing
I can't stand when someone speak about some pseudo-"artists"
But well, each one likes it's own things
Hey, everybody has a different vision of what's art and what's not. I stopped criticizing musics I didn't like a while ago. I simply don't understand them, but that's all there is to it.
@IsmaelMiguel It was bread to learn?
This student survey is driving me crazy, it's fully optional so I wanted to be a nice person and do it, and then they ask more than 100 questions and things like "what was your average grade in high school/university so far"
Q: Testing scripts which interacts with third party API?

songyyI'm writing some automation setup script for the my AWS accounts (S3, IAM, etc). It is interacting heavily with the AWS Ruby SDK (v2). And I think if I were to write test, I'll mock all the API calls (which would be a lot of mocks upon AWS SDK). Although feeling a bit unconfident, I'm personall...

Q: Leap year check in Java

TheProgrammerLooking for 3 different answers: 1. using java predefined functions 2. converting string to number 3. without the above two [any other types of answers are also welcome! ] I am looking for improving my code (as per the above 3 conditions for 3 answers) taken from my repository here: https://gith...

@CaptainObvious Could be a fit... if the questions were to be removed?

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