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Wow, only three Marshal badges.
How rude, @Duga was talking
Hallo, @Duga?
There are 1347 unanswered questions (94.6375% answered)
Yes, it's going down.
I stopped answering, that's why.
I'm going to try to get 10k.
I'm 70 rep away from my summer goal, 5K
@Hosch250, I found this, before, and it thought it looked alright. Thoughts?
@Quill Which IDE are you using?
I wouldn't do that.
What docs are you talking about?
Docs for a webpage? The pop-up XML docs in the IDE?
Release docs?
Supper's on, BBL.
VS Premium 2013. Previously, I doubt any docstrings have been used
What happens when you type /// above a method/class definition?
Or anything, for that matter...
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
List<Parameter> Parameters { get; set; }
Put your docs in the summary section.
@Hosch250 It spits that out
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
@Quill have you tried SandCastle?
And, there are things for exceptions too.
It generates a MSDN-like website out of the xml doc
That's all good and well, but, I have existing code without XML docs, so I was looking for a solution that converted plain // and /* */ comments to somewhat of a doc
...good luck with that
GhostDoc maybe
But I doubt
This looked like it does the job
Q: Upcoming login changes

Anna LearAs y'all know, our current flavor of "global authentication" leaves a few things to be desired. It's flaky, requires a page refresh, etc. etc. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just sign in once and be automatically logged in across the network? We are ready to roll out Stage 1 of Project "Make...

@Quill When I sign in, I am already automatically signed in all across the network.
@Quill What happens when it misses a doc, or doesn't catch it?
> If you see any issues... Good luck, because you probably can't log in to report them here. =)
@SirPython It's problematic in many areas
YAY!!1!!111!!11!!!! — nicael 2 hours ago
What. ^^
Flagged as not constructive.
Minimum comment size.
also, nicael is nicael.
It's gone
@Hosch250 That's a good point, I think GhostDoc is the way to go
and in future, actually use xml doc commenting
What's with nicael anyways?
I've heard some stuff about him, good, and not good.
@EthanBierlein lots of history behind that question.
Is it too much history for chat?
curiosity grows
Probably, but, more importantly, my experience with him is biased by my own interaction and stuff... I can't possibly give you an objective opinion
I wonder...
Is it good for SE that people have more rep on Meta than any other site on the network?
I mean - several times more, with fairly low rep on other sites.
A lot of community managers have that.
Also, a lot of SO regulars have that too.
Remember, MSE was once MSO, and people vote on site-meta issues differently. Some 'discussions' are wildly popular on meta stack overflow. When the sites split, those copious votes were translated in to lots of real rep that you don't normally get on meta sites.
I see.
Ooh, I woke up the dead.
A: "The Ministry Of Truth" challenge at CodeEval.com

QuillYour code is nice, but could use a few improvements: [array objectAtIndex:pos] From what I can see, array[pos] is valid syntax for Objective-C, and is much better. You're missing, in more than a few places, whitespace. For example: }else{ should be } else {, @"resultArray %@",result...

(Thanks Santa)
You're welcome. :D
Hmm. Anyone got any good zombies?
@EthanBierlein Try this
@EthanBierlein No such thing as a good zombie.....
@Jamal and @200_success are tied!
It's been a tug-of-war for pretty much the whole time. :-)
You both have a position nailed.
And you've earned it.
Q: XML parsing in Java using SAX parser

JavaHopperI have started learning XML parsing in Java (currently reading Java & XML by Brett McLaughlin). Here is my first program to parse XML using SAX parser. Please review the code and let me know if that is correct way of parsing books.xml and storing into to a List<Book> (The code is working fine. I ...

698 caucus badges awarded
in Code Review Moderator Election 2015, 2 hours ago, by rolfl
YEah, I ran this query which I use to rank Code Review participation against other sites: http://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/199310/site-badge-rankings
@Mat'sMug Only?
only 16 sites over the entire exchange have more than us, now.
Many of those sites, like webmasters, have had multiple years of elections, though. We have already had twice as many people with the badge than their best years.
I bet we have the best turnout ever.
The other sites must think we are clannish, or something.
Well, I often relate our site to Programmers.se .... I consider the sites to be similar in size/complexity..... but they get around 1800 vists for an election.... so we have a ways to go.
@Hosch250 a clan of 700 reviewers?
Programmers has 3X our total users, even though we have about the same volume of questions/answers.
Clash of Clans SE Sites
@rolfl Maybe it's also due to our beta-ness. We still blend in with the others. It's only a matter of time...
@rolfl So, Jamal and 200 could have up to 1k votes if we were P.SE?
@Hosch250 Their last election was "sorry": programmers.stackexchange.com/election/3?tab=nomination
What SELECT statement would you run to find out how many users have the caucus badge?
only had three nominations for 1 mod position
@Quill select count (*) from Badges where Name = 'Caucus'.
They were so bad they had to apologize for it?
@rolfl LOL, I would have voted for all of them!
You are all aware of this page, right? elections.stackexchange.com
it's ok if i voted for two people, right?
@MERose codereview is for code that works. — NightShadeQueen 36 secs ago
@MotokoKusanagi What do you think the vote controls are there for?
@MotokoKusanagi You can vote for everyone
ok thanks
Or no one.
Or any combination of anyone.
Vote how you want.
honestly, i don't think i'll have a problem with any of the candidates
i've found cr users to be very amiable
Really, we are all miserable jerks, we just put on a good face at election times ;-)
i know you're joking because i've never been treated poorly here
What's the ratio of caucas holders to non caucas users with >=150 rep?
Anybody done a similar query yet?
Q: C++ 2D predator-prey simulation

Morgan WeissHere is my assignment: The goal for this programming project is to create a simple 2D predator–prey simulation. In this simulation, the prey are ants and the predators are doodlebugs. These critters live in a 20 * 20 grid of cells. Only one critter may occupy a cell at a time. The grid is enclose...

> Here is my initial setup, I am pretty lost on how to simulate ants and doodlebugs moving if anyone can help me or provide some guidance I would appreciate it.
oh, i see
It seems simulating ant movement is a major part of his assignment, but he doesn't have it, or know how to do it
i voted to close
it'd be a ok maybe on a site like elance
@MotokoKusanagi The OP didn't do much... and what they did isn't useful, anyway. More "yet to be written" than "stub code", I'm afraid.
i put a comment explaining my vote
Good. I'd rather say "no code", but "not functional" sounds less rude.
well even with elance, asking for someone to do homework is probably a shot in the dark
@CaptainObvious I didn't even notice before that pretty much all the code was missing. Derp.
I'm pretty sure, I saw a solution recently. Either on SO or (more probably) CR.
i tried for hours to get the SFML library installed so i can review this question... but i eventually gave up :(
well i guess i wouldn't be able to adequately add to the existing reviews, but i was disappointed i couldn't run it at least
This appears to be off-topic because it's a request for general improvements to make to working code. You might have better luck on Code Review, but be sure to read their help center before you post it there. — Nathan Tuggy 33 secs ago
there must be a delay with the data defining unanswered questions
Q: Setting up CodeIgniter for live server

Valerie SharpI want to know how to set up CodeIgniter with different environments so it will work under development along with it being live on a server. I understand that I can create a multiple config.php files for each environment, by placing them in a folder under the Config folder (e.g.Application/Config...

I'm sure this have been covered a bunch of times on CodeReview SE — Pierre-Luc Pineault 35 secs ago
@CaptainObvious @Jamal @rolfl VTC
@Duga Indeed. Bad titles are bad.
Hi! Is there any Haskeller around here ?
Or anyone into functional programming ?
Hello, @iluso
Thank you for joining us in our cosy chat room. Unfortunately, our functional programmers are all currently occupied. Your question is important to us, so we apologies in advance for putting you on hold.
But seriously, we don't have many haskeller's in at the moment.
Is there a SO haskell room?
@rolfl Haha. That's sad
There may be....
no activity in 5 days
Maybe that's why my question was left unanswered for 25 days
janos, 200_success, and Vreedac all have haskell answers out there..... but they are not in here at the moment
@iluso Which question
Q: Counting unordered factorizations with distinct parts

ilusoTrying to solve this combinatorics problem, I wrote some functions to count the number of unordered distinct factorizations of an integer n into k distinct parts. The following function builds up a list of unordered distinct factorizations of n with largest part at most m. duf' :: Integer -> In...

I had already +1 voted that I see you just got another one too ;-)
let me see if this helps:
Thanks for the +2 :)
Now there's a bounty too
@rolfl Wow, nice
Haskell is a quiet sector on our, and many sites, but it needs more attention.
I still recommend you look around, but you will probably get more visits now, at least.
Your question currently viewed 41 times.... let's see how we can change that, at least.
@rolfl I have the feeling that it's the case for all functional programming language
I confess that I have a lot of programming experience, but functional languages have me scratching my head, and it embarrasses me...
@rolfl Out of the ten oldest answers, 8 are lisp. I think lisp is the main zombifyer
This type of question is probably better asked on code review. — Ron Beyer 11 secs ago
@Duga Looks hypothetical
@Pierre-LucPineault I aggree. this is working code that you'd want to make better. Code Review would be a better place for this question. — James Khoury 57 secs ago
And, I will counter the recommendation for going to Code Review with this question - questions like this asking "what are the best practices" are off topic there. Also, this is a very specific coding question, not a general "review any and all aspects of my code". — rolfl 22 secs ago
@Duga thats two different questions right?
@rolfl what, do you think you are a moderator at CR or something? — Snowman 23 secs ago
^^ gotta be kidding, right?
He's CRazy!
Aaand it's gone.
@JamesKhoury I have asked an SO mod to migrate that, not sure how long that will take but normally quite quick
@JamesKhoury Hey, Look! Another Australian!
@rolfl Thanks. I only added an answer because I assumed it would be. And I was too lazy to wait for it and then answer.
I understand. Who wants to know a bug in the stacks?
here's an experiment, upvote that answer, then upvote it again when it is mgrated ;-)
@rolfl Was it Jamals fault?
Q: C# Clean If Else If Statements

chiiefsCould somebody help me out with trying to clean up this big list of if / else if statements please? I've found that switch statements won't work because it won't handle a TextBox as the parameter. I've seen many answers involving the Dictionary, but those won't work either in my case. privat...

No, Stack does not remember who voted for what when things are migrated.
so, if you vote before something migrates, there's no restriction on you voting again when it arrives at a destination....
Stack does not move down-votes to the target site, only upvotes.
Nice. Double votes for double points?
Now that it has an accepted answer, it might as well stay.
after migration, you will get the rep for the SO upvotes, plus whatever votes you get here too
@JamesKhoury My clan does not produce buggy utility classes!!!!
@rolfl You mean when you guys aren't throwing food around? thecodelesscode.com/names/Laughing+Monkey+Clan
> The existence of the Standard PHP Library would seem to imply that this has already happened
Yeah the scribe Qi isn't a fan of PHP. He seems to be from a Java shop .. err Temple
Q: Multiple Environments on CodeIgniter

Valerie SharpI want to know how to set up CodeIgniter with different environments so it will work under development along with it being live on a server. I understand that I can create a multiple config.php files for each environment, by placing them in a folder under the Config folder (e.g.Application/Config...

@CaptainObvious Still looks off-topic
> What I am having trouble with is what exactly should I change in my .htaccess and the index.php files?
> Any explanation or website with an explanation would be very helpful.
Q: Simple Node Processor

Vince EmighNode: public abstract class Node { public final void execute() { if(canProcess()) { process(); } } protected abstract boolean canProcess(); protected abstract void process(); } NodeProcessor: public final class NodeProcessor { private Set<Node>...

Zombie down
A: Reading columns and rows in a .csv file

Ethan BierleinFirst off, if you want re-usability, you should probably encapsulate this into a function with it's specific arguments. Also, the general style for naming is snake_case for functions and variables, and PascalCase for classes. You also have some other style issues. For example, (PrEST,Gene,End_Co...

@CaptainObvious Missing code
Ooh! I'm only 50 rep from my summer goal!
@Quill in the "usage" part?
oh nevermind
This might also be better suited for Code Review ExchangeMadProgrammer 31 secs ago
Q: Geometry Calculations - Cube, Sphere, and Tetrahedron

Gregory SmithThis is the first code I've written. It's for an Intro to Java course. Could you look over it and let me know of things I could improve before handing it in. I've also provided what I'm being graded on at the bottom, thanks! import java.util.Scanner; public class LB01Smith { public static void...

Occasionally, a question comes up which is smack-dab in my area of expertise... where very few other people could answer it.
Hey @Hosch250
> I've also provided what I'm being graded on at the bottom, thanks!
> (__/10) You correctly indented your markdown
Hey guys!
I need some help with The Egyptian Fraction Greedy Algorithm
And why would you feel this room is appropriate to ask for help like that?
Never mind then. I guess I forget that this is a code Review site.
Yup, we've been cracking down on people rocking up and asking off-topic help-me type questions
^^ nothing personal ;-)
other than that, welcome to The 2nd Monitor!
May 24 at 0:33, by Refath Bari
Excuse me if Im a newbie,but I want to transfer data from Yahoo Weather (ie Temp in Chicago) to my code,but Im not quite sure how to do so. BTW,I have very little knowledge of back-end-programming languages,so Im just looking for a generalized step-by-step idea of what I have to do.
That ^^
Q: Forecast displaying app within a User Profile

Refath BariI'm a fresh newbie to web development. I'm building a web application which will display the forecast of the user's location. Yet, I'm not quite sure how to transfer the data from the National Climatic Data Center*'s database. I would also like to know how to make my code more reusable, such as,...

@RefathBari do you have any with that? I suspect that question remained unanswered because it's not doing anything, and I'm surprised it doesn't have more comments about its on-topicness.
it doesn't look like it's doing what you intend it to be doing
clicks the link
^^ Voted to close
hold on
VTC'ed as well
CSS is pretty powerful, nowadays.
I don't think CSS can communicate with an API
There's probably one guy who would try, like that one guy who wrote FizzBuzz in Brainf**k
try that run code snippet button
> <h3 class="prfle">
really? *sigh*
looks like it's reviewable after all? ;-)
It really shouldn't be
@Quill Or the guy who wrote FizzBuzz in SQL.
> I would also like to know how to make my code more reusable, such as, instead of repeating circle1, and defining a new class for each circle which I create-perhaps use jquery?
He's right, needs more jQuery
but stirring in some JS would be writing code for the OP
I'm really on the fence here
"If the universe ever comes to an end it will be because it has been rewritten in JS."
That it would ^^^ me too^^
@Quill Haven't you heard? jQuery isn't hip anymore.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions involving refactoring working code are better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Brad Werth 42 secs ago
and when I'm on the fence, I'd rather lean on the "on-topic" side.
@Hosch250 Oh hush ;p
@Phrancis Don't worry, we are all loonies over here.
@Hosch250 What's hip, then?
That's why people leave us alone, as a general rule.
@Quill C# 6.0!
@Hosch250 Miserable jerks, actually
3 hours ago, by rolfl
Really, we are all miserable jerks, we just put on a good face at election times ;-)
@Hosch250 Yeah... No.
Swift is pretty darn cool, though
Really? Sound like nhgrif.
I've got to get ready for bed now, BBL.
Groovy is hip.
I haven't got a niche, I get to try all the languages
Anything goes, so long as it compiles.
Haskell is hip not hip
@RefathBari there are two things I find problematic with that question.
> Yet, I'm not quite sure how to transfer the data from the National Climatic Data Center*'s database.
@Quill Same here, really, just trying to get better.
and then this part:
> I actually wanted to derive the forecast from Yahoo Weather,and found out Weather.com sourced their data,after which I went to Weather.com and found out they got their data from the NDC.
@Hosch250 Sums how I feel up perfectly
Now, @Mat'sMug is having serious business - head's up!
thanks @Hosch250
He just left, lol
Uh oh.
Close vote, I suppose?
Ping him back?
@RefathBari Please see @Mat'sMug message.
@EthanBierlein I think he saw it
Q: WPF | What is the best approach in handling multiple DataGrid in one Grid cell

devspiderI'm new in WPF and I want to know how to approach in developing this feature. I'm using a Grid and in a row I have a TreeView on the left column and a DataGrid on the right. When I click different levels of the TreeView, I should display different DataGrid related to that level. Should I just mak...

@CaptainObvious VTC for code not written yet
for the record I've settled with an "unclear what you're asking" close vote, because 1) I don't understand what the last part of the post is saying or why it's there, and 2) the part about not being sure how to transfer the data from the database, along with the question, look like the code might not be doing what it's intended to do.. but the question isn't clear about whether the question is about reviewing the posted HTML+CSS, ...
...or about asking how to implement the "backend" part, which, correct me if I'm wrong, would be and "front-end" anyway
Aaand it's gone.
so, unclear what you're asking seemed like the best option.
Zombie down
A: Conway's Game of Life in Python3 (follow-up)

Ethan BierleinFirst off, the line class GameOfLife(): should be changed to class GameOfLife:. Secondly, using os.system("clear") isn't very portable. A more portable method would be os.system("cls" if os.name == "nt" else "clear"). If you want re-usability, you can also put this into a function, like this: d...

side note, 200 has 200 votes
and [badge:caucus] has been awarded 741 times
Q: nested if code refactoring in ruby on rails

Roshan ShresthaI have been using ruby on rail some time. But code refactoring the controller has always been a hectic task. So I have following action in the controller and wondering how can i re-factor it. Could some one help me on this? # Saves the record-payment data to respective tables def record_pay...

Mmm. Went a bit quiet.
@Jamal Jamal as 206 votes.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question is about making an already working code better, hence it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comekad 5 secs ago
Shoot, wrong room again!
Aaahg. Standardizing brainfuck is a little annoying.
@EthanBierlein facepalm
@Mat'sMug Shh.... It's a fun side project. Shh....
It makes brainfuck easier to understand.
you know, a fun side project could also be to write a tool that creates a website out of XML documentation from a .net project ;-)
Woah... That sounds fun.
@Mat'sMug -_-
Hmm. It'd scan code files and create the HTML + CSS from that...
It's my project now. :D
@EthanBierlein no need to scan code files
Sandcastle is great
when you build a .net solution, you can choose to build the xml documentation into its own .xml file
I've got a bunch of [Missing <summary> documentation for "w/e"]
but it looks really cool
> The Sandcastle CodePlex project is no longer under active development by Microsoft and as such, there will be no future releases to this site.
@Mat'sMug Which is why I'd make my own version.
@Mat'sMug github link on the page
I used it < an hour ago, and it worked really well
I used it > a year ago, and it worked really well
hehe casted mine votes
7 votes :)
lol. I still only have 24 upvotes. And 22 downvotes.
I have 22 up 21 down
Any santas have two votes to spare? I'm almost to 5K.
There's four days left
should be interesting to see the final score of Jamal and 200
Methinks me or you won't make it to final elections.
Oh well. There will be other elections.
mhh downvotes I find not done in moderation election
I'm doing better than most.
@EthanBierlein 10 spots for next round, 12 candidates, likely you and I
the absolute leader was already the big favorite ;)
Hosch'll be right
@Quill Huh?
@chillworld ;-) Jamal and 200 are essential to CR
@Hosch250 As in you'll make it to the next round
Maybe - I'm still in 10th place.
@EthanBierlein I think santa has passed ;)
If you or Ethan start getting more votes, you could still bump me.
Thanks santa!
the amount of downvotes is.... ....interesting.
@EthanBierlein, no blog posts recently, where's the smoldering typing peripherals?
@Quill I haven't found anything interesting to talk about really.
The OP here keeps adding noise, though it might be edit clashes. Feel free to fix it up again. I'll be going to bed soon.
@Jamal Sure
even jamal and simon has downvotes :s
I'm honored to have as many as 200
Are elections at minimum held annually
I think site traffic may spike after graduation and we may need another mod
In that case, if it's closer to a year, we can hold another election, otherwise just take #5 place candidate and say "Hey, wanna be a mod?"
if the need for a 5th mod happens soon-ish after the election, the runner-up ... ^^ that
back soon
BBL - I'm going to bed.
I have an election outcome .txt file on my desktop, I'll be curious to see how accurate my predictions are
Certain of you guys need to post your answers too, and the rest of you need to vote on them.
6 hours ago, by Quill
@EthanBierlein I'm at work, and I've gotta finish this silly JS filter system asap, so I can't answer
OK, just letting you know.
Throw a huge ping in the Mod room or something
And, proper BBL. Closes browser before I get distracted again.
Hey! Hey @Hosch250! Hey! Distraction! Hey!
Hey @Heslacher
I need to promote a very good answer which started as a comment to mine. The user had beaten me by about 10 minutes with bit shifting.
A: Read binary serial data and parse integers

EBrownData Acquisition You asked: Is there a smarter way to accomplish the result of my code above? So, I have another suggestion, to work on top of the suggestions by Heslatcher: Eliminate the BitConverter work. This is easily done with boolean operators (most specifically the shift operators)...

hey @EthanBierlein
Now let us read the answers of our want to be moderators ;-)
Q: N-body sim with Barnes-Hut - Follow up

Kieren PearsonLink to previous question: Barnes-Hut N-body simulator Here is my new and updated code thanks to you guys :) It still has issues i'm sure but I would like to thank this site for a very good first impression. I will recommend this site to my friends. Node.h #pragma once #include <vector> s...

@EthanBierlein, perfect 5000
not anymore ;-)
Q: Is code of my model good or bad ?? And Is my login code secure?

Kabir HossainI have made my model global so that I can work only a model with several controller. I do not know, is it good or bad practice ?? And according to this is my login process secure ?? Login Check Funciton in Controller: public function login_auth(){ $this->form_validation->set_rules('user_use...

aaand... Jamalized
man, Jamal is killing the tags today
Nah, that was .

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