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@Vogel612 it is not an official channel for doing Code Review business, so it isn't really something that should be at the top of our pin list, we do have a Moderator election going on, and that is important, it should be the top of our star list.
One advantage of a primary is that you get a feel for the "support" for specific candidates. People vote on who they want to see in the final round, and those votes are "visible" and "real time".
Additionally, the primary process often filters out those nominations which have little/no chance of success, and it leaves the more serious contenders around.
thanks @rolfl
There is also the "prestige" part to it.
which means that people can vote differently between the primaries and the real thing...
in the primaries you can vote for as many candidates as you want.
in the actual election, you have just one vote (which can cascade if needed).
ah, right
@Vogel612 I did. No need to link to a room that's not about anything official or the community
otherwise we have to link in to a number of other rooms, too.
@rolfl Uh, I dislike that, I rather upvote/downvote candidates
Not much we can change though
@rolfl I thought we got three votes. "Each community member has 3 votes." (from the election page).
A: Wording of election-phase sidebar is misleading and needs repair

rolflI recommend that the paragraph which currently reads as: Each community member has 3 votes. Please cast your votes in order of preference, starting with the most desirable candidate first. should instead read as: Each member has a single vote which is applied to their first choice c...

@skiwi Right. Now I understand.
However, we have to put them into FITS format first.
@Donald.McLean Is that difficult?
Q: Getting all the UTC "day stamps" between 2 dates

bradvidoI need to get every UTC day stamp in yyyy-MM-dd format (e.g. "2015-07-02") between any two arbitrary Date fields. My first attempt is this: public static Set<String> getUTCDayStringsBetween(Date startDt, Date endDt) { if (!startDt.before(endDt)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(...

@skiwi Not with a good FITS library. I'm not sure what keywords you'd use though.
I think that this question might be better for codereview.stackexchange.com — Brian Driscoll 42 secs ago
@rolfl I have a feeling I won't completely understand the system until I implement my own STV thingy
@SimonAndréForsberg Funny, I had that thought a few month ago ;-)
Q: “Critter Tracking: When does it cross its own path?” Part Duex

WernerCDBasic Info: This question is my second attempt at this question. It is based on a question similar to this Codility question. The input (an int array), the outpout (an integer) and the method signature (public int solution(int[] A)) are given. Situation: A critter starts at (0, 0) on a Carte...

@rolfl reading the meta answer, it does make more sense now, it will be fun to implement that.
Welcome back from Code Review to SO. :) It seems that your question there has been removed successfully. Don't worry about that. If you have a concrete programming problem SO is the right place to ask. If you have a certain piece of working code and want to enhance it Code Review is your friend. — insertusernamehere just now
@Duga That was fast. How often does Duga scan for comments?
@SimonAndréForsberg ^^
bbl. Gonna go do some work.
@SirPython Whenever you are not looking
I am slightly disappointed in the number of entries for the June 2015 Community Challenge — just two, only one of which actually tries to solve the problem. Was the challenge too hard? Too boring? Everyone too busy? Comments, please.
Sorry, I was busy with my new job
@GarethRees I wasn't aware of there being a challenge (mostly been busy), but if I glance over it it more looks like an university assignment than a coding assignment to me
"Too busy" is a good excuse — it's just a bit of fun, after all.
I don't see implementing it being particularly fun, while it's still challenging
Q: c++11 reentrant atomic spinlock

dundeclaredCould you please review my spinlock implementation? Many thanks, greatly appreciated! class spinlock { private: static const std::thread::id lock_is_free; std::atomic<std::thread::id> lock_owner; public: spinlock() : lock_owner(lock_is_free) { } void lock() { static...

Q: August 2015 Community Challenge

Gareth ReesIt's time to choose a community-challenge for August 2015. Post your challenge as an answer to this question. Feel free to resubmit non-winning ideas from previous months. Vote for those answers which interest you. At the end-of-day on Friday, July 31st, the top-voted post will become the next ...

@skiwi Can you elaborate?
@GarethRees It doesn't give me a lot of room to be creative, it's just an assignment to solve, though a LinkedList assignment (I believe that's been a community challenge? or maybe it didnt'make it) is the same
How do you submit a solution?
@Yann You just post it as a normal question and tag it
@skiwi Interesting. My thought when designing the challenge was that it had three parts: representing knowledge/guesses about the nature of the plaintext; scoring proposed decryptions; searching the space of ciphers. In each case there would be a choice among many possible algorithms, giving scope for creativity. But maybe this was not enough?
So sorry for that. This place seems to be huge. I did try finding correct community before making an account but it beat me to it. So that means if I have working code but need to shorten it or make it more efficient then I'm suppose to do that in Code Review? I'll be mindful. Apologies again. — Схирисх Шреста just now
@GarethRees I'm afraid that at the point someone needs to actively pick an algorithm (as opposed to just guessing) there is less interest
There have been challenges in the past that people could just answer without prior knowledge, but where algorithms would still be superior, that gives a challenge that both types of users can do
Exactly, that's what Code Review is about. And don't worry about posting something in the wrong place. It happens. :D — insertusernamehere 57 secs ago
Not everyhere has a background for an university and I personally feel your challenge was more targeted at those users
(Disclaimer: I may be wrong)
I'm not sure being from a university helps, unless your course caters to that sort of thing. I know that I'd have to spend some time looking up algorithms before I started programming
Maybe going to university helps because that's where you learn that it can be helpful to look stuff up before you start programming?
Thanks for the feedback, @skiwi, your perspective is new to me and so very helpful.
I suppose, although I'm struggling to think of someone who wouldn't at least wikipedia a problem they were trying to solve
But that may be from a privileged position
Is the community challenge 1 month on 1 month off?
cout<<-2[arr]; I would never let that go through in a code review... way to be confusing for no reason. — Borgleader 21 secs ago
@Yann It has run every month (since April). Here is July's challenge.
Ah, couldn't see July, I only noticed June and August
If you can get it working "C-like" I suggest doing that and posting on Code Review to see if you can improve it. — IanAuld 23 secs ago
@GarethRees University seems to have the whole vibe of actually knowing what you need to do before starting to do it, opposed to schools where you have a more practical approach and where students are often eager to just jump in
Not my U.
In my U, they just throw classes at you just to get your money.
Yeah, mine too. There's very much a "well, we've just learned this thing, so sod planning" vibe
Maybe also university is focused a lot more on teaching you the theory
Maybe you just have a better U than I do.
If I wanted I could also complain about lots of things that make no sense :P
Universities are good at things that make no sense
Now, C# if for OO programming, right?
Why this guy is trying to program Scala-style in it is beyond me: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/94330/…
Now he's saying my C# review is completely beside the point of the question.
So now I'm not sure what the point of the question is.
He might believe that his Student data model is not up for review (just quickly glancing)
Bizarre. Oh, one thing that I was ~arguing~ talking about with a friend a few days ago. If you have a load of class variables that you want easy access to outside of the class (because the class is acting as a fancy struct). Would you make the variables private and write unrestricted getters/setters or just make them public?
@Yann In Groovy (and lots of other languages) one doesn't have to choose :D
I would use auto-properties, probably.
public string Name { get; set; }
They get fancier too:
public string Name { get; private set; }
(should probably clarify c++, but I'll not argue)
Oh, C++.
Not a big c# user
OK, I started on C++, but I've not used it a lot lately.
So what affect does auto properties have?
Well, then the natural question is why are they there?
Aren't pure structs an accepted thing in C++? If so, then it's probably okay if it's really just data
You could just use it like Name = "test";
And, you can also set it up backed by a private field to get/set through.
@Yann It just reduces typing and makes things simple.
Otherwise, you would have to set up a private field and create a property and manually write getters/setters to access the field through.
@skiwi I was writing some thing that would hold d&d character sheet data, and there's some stuff which you'd calculate based off other stats, so a pure struct wouldn't be the best (I think)
In C#, I would set up a property with a typed-out getter to calculate the data off the other stats.
BBIAS with an example.
public int Stat
    get { return Stat1 * Stat2; }
@IanAuld I might do that, however its practically the same thing than asking it here as if there is a pythonic way of doing it it wont have absolutely nothing to do with the "C-like" way. That's why in the end I decided to leave it here. I don't want my code reviewed, but done differently. — Ander Biguri 29 secs ago
@Yann Hmm, I'm not experienced enough to recommend C++ things I'm afraid
@skiwi Fair enough. I was just looking to avoid a butt-ton of typing, but I think it's just the nature of the problem
public int Stat1 { get; set; }
private int _stat2;
public int Stat2
    get { return _stat2; }
        if (_stat2 != value)
            _stat2 = value;
That OnPropertyChanged() could be there if the class implemented INotifyPropertyChanged, which would fire an event to let other things know the property was changed.
That's what code review is for... — IanAuld 49 secs ago
This is not a code review site. If you have any specific problem, please state input, expected behaviour, and a detailed description of what goes wrong. — Olaf 1 min ago
@Hosch250 how does my comment sound to you? is that a fair explanation?
@Yann Now that I've wasted your time, this is what I think.
@Malachi Great.
I prefer properties because they are easily adjustable to who/what can set/get them.
However, if everyone should be able to set and get the property without any validation or anything, using a public field would be perfectly fine.
@Hosch250 Wasted my time? You appear to have been thoroughly nerd-sniped with the amount of code you just wrote. But yes, I agree. I think that a property would be a better way of doing it, given that anyone should be able to get it, but it's a subset who should set it.
@StackExchange I'm not looking for a while and this happens.
@GarethRees - your use of n-grams had me chatting...
Jun 14 at 19:37, by rolfl
@Gareth put together a question here:
I was wondering whether your approach of collapsing the spaces between words before computing tri-grams was going to skew your results.
but then trying to add spaces back in to the cypher text would be problematic
Still, if it could be done, the results would probably be more accurate
@Heslacher To clarify, your idea assumes a two-dimensional array of data and draws the contours?
A: August 2015 Community Challenge

HeslacherWrite an implementation of a contour tracing algorithm like Theo Pavlidis Moore-Neighbor etc. For simplicity assume that the underlaying array is of type bool and that true stands for a point of interest.

2D array -> image?
Either a 2d array or a 1d array with height and width.
Where the later will be faster.
@Heslacher Are you running for mod? I don't remember if I've asked.
Updated post.
Right now I am thinking about it.
Have fun, whichever you do!
@rolfl Yes, I saw that. My first thought was that it massively increases the search space (there are 2^(n-1) ways to insert spaces into n characters of text). However, maybe the increased accuracy of recognition due to the word boundaries compensates for that? I would be interested to see your solution!
I have always fun. ;-)
Q: Retrieving the first occurrence of every unique value from a CSV column

Adam BarthelsonA large .csv file I was given has a large table of flight data. A function I wrote to help parse it iterates over the column of Flight IDs, and then returns a dictionary containing the index and value of every unique Flight ID in order of first appearance. Dictionary = { Index: FID, ... } This...

@GarethRees I worked on Watson for a while , and ngrams were used extensively for a number of purposes.
Q: Need help in reviewing and fixing code

dataEnthusiastpublic void DownloadURL(String fileUrl, String directory, String fileName, int noOfAttempts, Connection con, String downloadStatus) throws IOException, SQLException { System.out.println("step1"); URL url = new URL(fileUrl); // HttpURLConnection huc = (HttpURLConnection) url.getContent();...

Q: R - Long Format Data - Fill Episode Based on Conditional Previous Episode

giacomoVThe data are organised as long format data. 4 individuals are observed during 4 or 5 days (BCSID is the name of the unique key). Basically, the data describe activities performed during these 4-5 days. START describe the start time of activities and MAINACT the activities. The data : data =...

I know how fast it can get really complicated.
The edit... removes the swearing, but invalidates one answer somewhat.
Right, I'm orf, speak to y'all tomorrow
See you.
@Jamal I'm inclined to let it stay (the edit). It's an old quesiton, the answers are messy, it's before the scope was narrowed down, and the guy is probably trying to clean up his image
@rolfl Does that also include correcting typos users made?
Is this responding to the wrong message ^^^ ?
No... You are talking about ngrams there
Ahh, OK, I thought you were replying to typos people are cleaning up in their old posts....
They (the ones I know about) are used to give information about the frequency of an ngram in a language dictionary, etc.
NGrams in Watson were used for a few things, The use I was most involved with was matching search term relevance
For example, "White House" appears so often together that it is almost a single term. European Community is tha single thing, not a community of indivudual europeans.
The ngrams I had were word-based, not letter-based.
So, not really for typos, but for sentence analysis.
Ngrams.. I've done some research on the frequency of n-grams on Stack Overflow. :D
Okay, I can see that easily working out then
It was really cool to feed the ngrams back to themselves.... do an analysis of wikipedia, pull up all the 5-grams.....
then, pick a word, any word, and get the computer to build a sentence using that word.
using ngram frequency it could choose the next word based on frequency analysis and a random component.
cool stuff ;)
My phone guesses the next word, but 99% of the time it ends up doing a simple sentence with some grammatical errors and ends with a smiley.
Of course, Watson isn't a phone.
Watson instead of Siri. the new IBM phone?
No, just the Windows Phone word-guesser on the keyboard.
It is pretty good when it has most of the sentence up, but if you just type a word and go from there, it is pretty dumb.
Today I got to use a basic piece of Scala knowledge in answering a CR question.
Plus, technical terms confuses it.
we should put a miniature Watson on a phone instead of Siri, that would be fun
@Donald.McLean Nice!
For all the nerds out there :)
@Donald.McLean A Scala question, nice!
I tried Scala. I wasn't a huge fan.
@EthanBierlein I think that for most programmers, going full immersion is a mistake. I started out thinking of it as Java++ and slowly working my way into it.
@Malachi Watson is available to use relatively free, on Bluemix....
@Donald.McLean Good point.
@rolfl searching now....
I think I finally understand Meek STV.
@rolfl for some reason the language translation and Q&A piqued my interest
The big concept of watson was built by integrating a lot of different technologies, creating a monolithic behemoth of code. In the past year or so, those components have been separated out in to micro-services, and some of those services are now available for use on Bluemix
well it made my interest level peak...?? I hate those words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings... English.... ugh
peak peek and pique ... yeah.
@rolfl what exactly is BlueMix? is that an IBM OS?
or is it more of a hosting platform like Apache servers or Windows Server....?
@Donald.McLean I've had my time where I thought Java was the answer to everything, I was wrong
@Malachi I bet @rolfl is digging up his extensive explanation he gave to me a while ago ;)
Actually, no. I had the wikipedia entry primed, but got a work mail instead.
IBM Bluemix is a cloud platform as a service (PaaS) developed by IBM. It supports several programming languages and services as well as integrated DevOps to build, run, deploy and manage applications on the cloud. Bluemix is based on Cloud Foundry open technology and runs on SoftLayer infrastructure. Bluemix supports several programming languages including Java, Node.js, Go, PHP, Python, Ruby Sinatra, Ruby on Rails and can be extended to support other languages such as Scala through the use of buildpacks. It took a team of people located in different places only 18 months to build Bluemix from...
@skiwi There is no "answer to everything". I just like Scala, the JVM, and many of the Java libraries as tools for solving problems.
@Heslacher Thank you, seems like an awesome entry for CC
Zombie down!
Q: Order a list of tuples or a NumPy array in a specific format

Ander BiguriI have a list of tuples or a NumPy array (it can be either of them as the variable comes as a list and will end up being a NumPy array) and I want to order them in a specific way (that I am not able to phrase it). Let's make an example: boundary=[(1, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4), (2, 4)]; Desired out...

This is really more appropriate for Code ReviewMorgan Thrapp 8 secs ago
Thanks for the edit @GarethRees
@Heslacher No problem.
I just have checked a log file from a client on my phone. That is far away of having fun .
@Heslacher Was it a JPG?
No a text file, but I first needed to install a editor. Also logging to much isn't helping either ;-)
You check log files on your phone? That's one thing I refuse unless it's an absolute emergency.
Allowing me the time to whip-out my laptop makes life better for everyone.
I have a break of 1.30 hour, because I misread an email for a conference at my daugthers school. Sitting in the shadow, drinking a beer I thougth checking my mail.....
What do you think is not optimal? What should be improved? If you are asking what improvements could be made, you should rather ask at Code ReviewBergi 29 secs ago
Q: Quite often can not choose between filtering/mapping strategies

shabuncSo, ok, for the sake of simplicity I'll use javascript with lodash, but actually this particular question bothers me quite often disregadless of the language. Say, I need to generate some data relying on some filtered out piece of other date. Here are three approaches: // filtering out, then jus...

nostalgia took over, so I finally got a model M keyboard for work :)
it's every bit as loud as I remember :P
Model M keyboard?
people are going to hate you
Model M is a designation for a group of computer keyboards manufactured by IBM starting in 1984, and later Lexmark, Unicomp and MaxiSwitch. The many variations of the keyboard have their own distinct characteristics, with the vast majority having a buckling-spring key design and swappable keycaps. Model M keyboards have been praised by computer enthusiasts and frequent typists due to their durability and consistency, and the tactile and auditory feedback they provide while typing. The Model M is also regarded as a timeless and durable piece of hardware. Although the computers and computer peripherals...
I wanted windows keys, so I got a new one from Unicomp rather than trying to find an IBM version off eBay
but it's largely the same
Someone should make a keyboard that plays a different note for each key pressed.
They could play regular tunes on their keyboard.
@Hosch250 That would drive me completely insane.
tying specific notes to keys would make it sound like awful noise when typing normally
Oh, those, I think I still have one around
The note would last as long as the key is down.
my dad still has the one I used as a kid
So, yeah, it would make a terrible racket.
Although mine doesn't have that official border on the top. The rest seems identical.
Let's see, I could write an app to do it, I bet.
you can still rest pens on the top edge :)
Jul 2 '14 at 8:43, by Madara Uchiha
12 hours ago, by CodeX
@Mat'sMug @Malachi @MadaraUchiha @Jamal @Phrancis @ckuhn203 @chillworld @CaptainObvious @rolfl @SimonAndréForsberg I love you all! Thankyou! :)
I mean that still
Q: How do I deal with a very manipulative employee who doesn't do his work?

ThompsonI am the supervisor of an IT department in a small but a high-paying company. I supervise 12 employees. There's one that I'm having troubles with lately, he is newly hired and is a great person. But the problem is that he's somewhat selfish and at the same time, very clever. He's rising up the r...

This sounds somewhat unbelievable to me...
wow @skiwi Sounds like a very clever guy
maybe this question is better suited for codereview? — Nitzan Volman 1 min ago
@CodeX Indeed. Sounds like the OP is exaggerating and jealous as well.
Random fact: in the first month that Stack Overflow existed there were only 4k questions. That's like the daily amount these days, if not more? :D
@DJanssens I wonder what the quality of those questions was back then ;0
haha +1. I'm certain that most of them - if posted now, will get closed for being incomplete/offtopic
@skiwi On one hand they were better, less 'gimme-teh-codez'. On the other side, they often were not in scope
On topic, Isn't that simply how the world turns? Being social and creating/having good connections > hard work.
I originally approached it that way, but after some advice from a user over at CodeReview, I decided it would be better to use ADO. Eventually the code will be set up to search for many more keywords, and move a lot more data between the workbooks, so I figured it would run better with ADO. Thanks for your help though. — Aei 5 secs ago
Hello @IsmaelMiguel
How is closed-source code handled in CodeReview?
Becomes open source, I think.
I don't remember the license exactly.
I'm building an Operating System
But, anyone can use it as long as they cite the answer.
@IsmaelMiguel Sounds cool.
The idea is to have a cloud system
Is it built from scratch?
The programs all run in the client
Sounds tough.
it is
The idea is to have a database-less system
And it uses the files in the server
> You agree that all Subscriber Content that You contribute to the Network is perpetually and irrevocably licensed to Stack Exchange under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.
> You grant Stack Exchange the perpetual and irrevocable right and license to use, copy, cache, publish, display, distribute, modify, create derivative works and store such Subscriber Content and to allow others to do so in any medium now known or hereinafter developed (“Content License”) in order to provide the Services, even if such Subscriber Content has been contributed and subsequently removed by You.
The programs are simple compiled Javascript files
@rolfl Thanks a lot.
I guess I'll only post the client-side code.
@rolfl Have you got a minute?
I do ...
@rolfl can you join this room, it won't take long
Q: Dynamic voting protocol implementation for replicated file system

SidI recently implemented a dynamic voting protocol for a replicated filesystem. I would really appreciate it if you can review the design and some choices made with regards to sharing of Locks & shared objects. The code is quite big hence I'm not going to post it all here. It was for a school proje...

What do you think of the idea to create a virtual filesystem using javascript LocalStorage?
Security issues..
Javascript isn't the most secure, why don't you use something more solid like C#?
Because it can't run in a browser.
There are WPF web apps.
I just learned about them yesterday.
You use the C# server-side, AFAIK.
But do those use Silverlight?
Then it isn't an option.
I really want to build the ENTIRE system using Javascript, PHP, CSS, HTML and SQL
So, it is an OS in a browser?
With a complete UI
And programs
It is going to have a server-side, right?
The idea is that a program is a single JS file that builds the entire UI structure.
It has to
I think you can pretty much take your input from the client and use whatever language you want on the server side.
That's where I validate users and save files and prhrams
But for now, I want it to run on a browser.
I'm thinking about, way later on, in using ArchLinux
And build the entire UI with native Javascript
It can run on a browser, but the server handles the hard work.
Like the Office Web Apps.
I think there are other web OS's you could research too.
But if it depends on plugins, it isnt an option
Q: How's my first ever MVC-Web Api 2 integration?

OrtundFor the first time ever, I'm integrating an MVC website to an ASP.NET Web Api 2 web service (both of which are coded by myself). I'd appreciate it if you guys can just look this over for me and let me know if I'm on the right track here as far as the integration goes. I'm working based on [this...

posted on July 02, 2015 by CommitStrip

Today, Intel is back on CommitStrip! They’re building an interesting plateform for the Internet of Things, with their Edison technology and the Curie module, specifically designed for the creators of devices. Visit the Intel Developer Zone for access to Developer Kits and support, and maybe one of you will finally build this eagerly awaited connected lamp ;).

I like the JS on the client side, but I don't know if I would trust it using it server side.
The server-side will be all in PHP
The client-side is Javascript
Oh, I see.
Let me know when you get it up.
It is a rather complex idea
Well, it will take a long time
The development is going slow
Speaking about it
I might need help in the structure
Do you think that a C#-like structure is a good idea?
Cloud systems can be hacked, PHP isn't the most secure code to use as i have found out, when dealing with large amounts of personal data, for a simple personal system / case study it should be fine
Well, it depends.
There are two main types of OS structure.
@CodeX You are right, and I'll take every possible measure
@Hosch250 I'm talking about the structure of he objects

 Operating System Concepts

Room for discussing operating system concepts and development
We should get a room owner to move those messages.
@rolfl ^^
what messages? :p
@DJanssens All the messages about @IsmaelMiguel's OS
@IsmaelMiguel Thought about using Node.JS for your serverside?
@Mast Ask in the room.
@EthanBierlein Explain how it was excessive and distracting?
@Mast I'm really thinking about PHP. If NodeJS has better performance, I'll use it then.
@rolfl Oh, I was just assuming that'd we'd move conversations like that to their own separate rooms, if one was created. I'm not saying it isn't distracting or excessive.
There is not a single person asking a CR-related question, so you're good.
@EthanBierlein I think those messages are on-topic for CR
@rolfl This could become a huge conversation.
@rolfl Besides, I think those messages might be wanted in the room for future reference, if like @Hosch250, it becomes a huge conversation.
right now, no one else is chatting in here
If I understand @rolfl correctly, the messages don't have to be on-topic for CR. You just have to keep it down when 'business' is on the table. Correct me if I'm wrong.
CR-site discussion > programming discussion > general chat > useless chatter/noise
if you guys think it will become a huge conversation and want to talk in that room, then go ahead.
that ^^^
if it extends in to a long dicussion where it is no longer of general interst to the community, then move it out.
the whole point is that some people were having long conversations, that put together, were not of interest to the Code Review community, and I moved it out for them.
brb. Gonna restart my laptop.
I voted to leave this question closed in the review queue, because it's a comparative review showing 3 distinct approaches to a problem that isn't presented in full context. Then I came here and voted to reopen, because for now, it's community consensus that comparative reviews are on-topic. However I downvoted it, because I don't agree with this, and it remains a borderline question, but in all fairness I have to lean on the "reopen" side of the fence. It would be much better to include one of these snippets as part of actual code that's using it, and then voicing your concerns about it. — Mat's Mug 29 secs ago
I hate being on the fence
here, let's talk about it.
Q: How do comparative reviews ...compare to the rest of CR questions?

Mat's MugI stumbled upon this question in the reopen queue, and looking at it I could find reasons to leave it closed, so I voted [leave closed]. Then I was curious about what made it gather so many reopen votes, and went to the review history, and from there to the post itself. It was closed by a trust...

Code reviews are best posted over at CodeReview SEJoseph the Dreamer 41 secs ago
is synonymized with .
Performance has a bunch of references to Optimization.
That should be removed, right?
That synonym is in an intermediate state.
There's a meta post... let me dig it up.
Also, what about , , and ?
Q: Tags for [optimization], [performance], [speed]

200_successThere is currently a suggestion to make performance a synonym for optimization. I don't think that's right, for two reasons: You can optimize code for several criteria, such as maximum execution speed, minimum code size, minimum memory usage. Optimization is not always about performance. (Si...

@Hosch250 I just rejected a time-limit-exceeded/timeout suggestion, is that what prompted this?
time-limit-exceeded and performance are related...
I saw time-limit-exceeded and performance yesterday, and thought maybe they should be synonymized.
What about timeout?
but, the tle is a specific issue with online judges that 'fail' programs if they take too long.
Timeout almost seems to be buggy code.
So, tle is reported as an "error", but it's not a functional error, it's a performance error.
timeout can both be buggy, or handling timeouts, or enforcing timeouts.
we don't want the buggy timeouts.
we want the questions where people are implementing timeouts, or handling timeouts.
Oh, that makes sense.
e.g. This code makes sure that clients that don't respond in 10 seconds are rejected .
Good timeout use:
Q: Web service proxy that switches endpoint URLs in the event of a TimeoutException

Sam LeachI am creating a service (FaultTolerantCommunication) that wraps a call to a (web) service. Its responsibility is to switch the endpoint URL in the event of a TimeoutException. Currently the web service is a soap web service but I am attempting to make it reusable for other remote services such a...

So, about performance, optimization and time-limit-exceeded....
there has been a lot of talk about performance and optimization... , which one should be the master, which one the synonym, etc. I pushed hard to make performance the master, which is what it is right now.
Having pushed that hard, I decided to let it sit for a bit in case people wanted to diagree again.
the next step woul dbe to "merge" the tags, replacing all optimization with performance tags (unless the question already has performance tag).
That would reduce/remove the double-use of the tags.
it would also leave the optimization as a synonym.
Jon Chan on July 2, 2015
There was a lot that went into building our new blog - including the new engineering channel. See why it took us six to eight weeks to move to a new system, migrate our old content, and redesign the site.
Q: optimizing “offset position on scroll” javascript snippet

unsiderI'm at a loss as to how I could optimize this bit of code. I realize I could place these objects into some sort of array, but I'm not sure how to go about this. Any guidance would be appreciated. I'm still learning, and stackexchange has helped me greatly so far. Thanks! $(document).ready(functi...

Q: How do comparative reviews ...compare to the rest of CR questions?

Mat's MugI stumbled upon this question in the reopen queue, and looking at it I could find reasons to leave it closed, so I voted [leave closed]. Then I was curious about what made it gather so many reopen votes, and went to the review history, and from there to the post itself. It was closed by a trust...

I have a "vested interest" in that, though. It will bring me pretty damn close to a gold badge if we do.
so I have not activly participated in it.
@StackExchange ok, please fix that icon.
@Mat'sMug there is an icon there?
Partially implemented. We now have performance, memory-optimization, and embedded. — 200_success ♦ Mar 25 at 20:35
@StackExchange @Mat'sMug it was not closed as hypothetical before being reopened??
sorry I ditched out there, did everything smooth out alright? --> looks like it :)
that was jamal then. I remember VTCing as hypothetical, that being said it seems to have been a too quick shot (yet again)
I'm not sure whether the meta-post might need a
I had it in, but then I'd rather this be a discussion about comparative reviews in general - that specific question is but an example

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