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@Hosch250 It's temporary.
But probably longer than a day.
Something like the 3-6 weeks, or whatever?
More like a week I think
The big SE guy is a fan of the idea, so that's about as much indication as we get.
They might as well do it right and change all the logos while they are at it.
Like this isn't confusing enough already.
I mean, if you open the Stack Exchange drop down, it has the old logo.
Ah, guess they forgot that one.
Or on purpose, you never know.
They didn't forget anything. It's just a temporary edit because the guy in charge (Joel) thought it appropriate.
I am a little curious how the whole thing'll turn out, though.
@SuperScript To be honest, I don't care. The LGBTs have something to celebrate. Good for them. Carry on.
This is a code review question. This isn't a place to post code with syntax error. And moreover there is a SO site for code review. — user3320018 38 secs ago
If they would do it on the Russian version of Stack Overflow, that would probably not be popular...
Not popular among the Russion government, anyway.
@user3320018 No! No! No! If it's not working, it's off-topic for Code Review! — Mast 22 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg Now that would be interesting.
@Mast probably a little ugly (if I could read Russian).
@Duga Not very popular among the Russian people either, I believe.
A: Downloading 2 tables from db, does calculation and uploads resulting table

Ethan Bierlein I know, that you know, that your code is messy, but I'm still going to give some tips on your coding style. Here are a few tips I have on what can be improved there. Don't use % for string formatting, as it is deprecated. You should be using str.format() instead. Here's an example: print "Hell...

@SuperScript I know how to read the Cryllic alphabet, and I'm learning Ukrainian.
Are you going to provide a Russian translation to RD? ;)
@user3320018 I don't think you get it. Codereview is for working code only. The user mentions this in his post: "The code below is what I have so far and it is not working.". Codereview is for working code only. Broken code is off-topic there. — Ethan Bierlein 52 secs ago
@user3320018 Being a regular on Codereview, I know this. If you need/want to know what is on, and off-topic there, you can read through the help center. — Ethan Bierlein 14 secs ago
@Duga Don't refer them to the help center. Refer them to the on-topic page instead.
God, some users are just so freaking annoying. cough user3320018 cough
@Mast done
@user3320018 Regardless of being off-topic here or not, it's not on-topic on Code Review. Don't refer broken code to CR, ever. — Mast 19 secs ago
@Mast like the ", ever." finish-off (even if it is a bit brutal).
I think I'll stop flaggin on SO. Takes too darn long for those flags to get handled and often they expire.
@SuperScript Thank you.
So, @SuperScript, how'd you make your way here?
Welcome to the 2nd Monitor, BTW.
@Horsch25 Oh, I've been around since I asked about a sandbox way up there chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/22411752#22411752
I've got a MySQL question coming.
A hard one (be warned). I'm hoping it doesn't end up zombie
@SuperScript Ooh! You know our memes? Yay!
@SuperScript I'm sure it won't.
Post it, we'll notice it and get our best men on it.
However, if you want best results, post it when it's busy and some MySQL guys are around.
Like @Phrancis.
@EthanBierlein I got it on the how-to-ask-good page. @Mast it's still in the works, I'll let you know when it's ready.
@SuperScript New questions pop-up here, we'll know.
TLDRing it, only code that works as expected is for code review. Broken code comes here. Working, but ugly, code goes to CR. — Dan Pantry 12 secs ago
Is he posting new comments I'm missing, or are you guys beating a dead horse?
We're beating the shit out of a dead horse to make sure it gets the message.
Hit one of the links, click 'show all' and see for yourself.
@Mast I wasn't sure if his were getting deleted.
No, probably not.
They should be
Just hidden because the list gets too long.
Flagging takes forever on SO.
If you want someone to review your code, ask on Code ReviewHobo Sapiens 58 secs ago
@Duga Would be borderline off-topic here. OP states it 'acts funny'. Whatever that's supposed to mean.
Agree not for code review but not for here either...the OP's code has syntax error and that's my point. — user3320018 24 secs ago
@Duga Our dead horse agrees. Mission accomplished.
Q: Scala: implicit example

HeeLI'm implementing a plus method that should work this way: 1 plus 2 // 3 "a" plus "b" // "a and b = ab" Here is my implementation: implicit class MyMath(a: Any) { def plus(b: Any) = { (a, b) match { case (s: String, s2: String) => s"$s and $s2" case(i: Int, i2: Int) => ...

Now he thinks that syntax errors are off-topic for SO
@Ethan @Mast maybe this "extended discussion" between you and user3320018 should be moved to chat. :-)
I got a better idea: TTGTB
Aufwiederschnitzel allen
Oof. I think I'm just gonna back away from that. We got the user to know what CR is for, and I really don't give a rat ass what happens on SO.
@EthanBierlein That ^^
@CaptainObvious Is this real code?
@200_success Are you sure about the rollback for codereview.stackexchange.com/q/94813/14363? None of the answerers actually noticed that the code is broken. I guess they don't even read it. In no case, does the edit by the OP invalidated them (unless I'm blind).
So, suppose a candidate doesn't pick a first choice in Meek STV?
Is their vote just auto-dropped?
Q: Find pairs in an integer array whose sum == 10

cswI'm practicing for technical interviews and I'm looking for ways to improve my answers/code. Please point out the flaws you see and how I can make this better. Task: Find pairs in an integer array whose sum is equal to 10 (bonus: do it in linear time) //Container class that will hold the ind...

@EthanBierlein whaaa
~suddenly wide awake
@maaartinus It says "Thanks for catching bugs!" And even if no answer actually mentions a bug, it would still make a mess to have two reviewable implementations in a question.
~eyes begin drooping
g'night :D
Q: Checking three values are consecutive

rolflThis question was recently asked: Determining if three numbers are consecutive It intrigued me, even though it was broken. I have the following implementation I thought would be interesting, and I am looking for reviews on readability, usability, and for any edge cases it may miss, etc. /** * ...

Q: Database design for dependency system

SuperScriptI've designed a database for a task management system handling. It is a specific project, but seems like a fairly common type of thing one would need to build. Here's the basic idea (minus the specifics): items individual tasks which can be completed and can depend (be held up) on other items...

There it is: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/94827/64123 good luck, it's a book. @Phrancis Any ideas?
It's a kind of complicated design with a long post, so please feel free to ask me any questions.
@SuperScript Sorry, but there's a rule - no code = off topic.
It's +25 with no code except DB definitions, which mine has.
@SuperScript That question has code.
Argh.... what a mess.
@SuperScript - this is a problem, and I'll try to explain it.
It's just a database definition. I didn't put mine in MySQL format, would you prefer that to the schematics?
that +25 question is from 4 years ago, when the site was new, and poorly defined.
@SuperScript Actually, SQL is code.
@200_success Yes, but the bugs were caught in my and janos' comments on the question. Concerning the reviewable implementations: Only the second counts as the first is broken.
I'm OK with replacing the original code if there is no answer invalidation.
Should I delete, add MySQL code for my table definitions, then reopen?
@SuperScript Sort of yes, sort of no, Yes, because without that, it is off-topic. No, because even if you do put the real code in, the actual question is "how should I design my database better", and that's not a code review question
Question code reinstated. Reopen?
@rofl Okay. I'll look at another SE site for this.
Perhaps Database Administrators
@Jamal I'm looking at it now.
Q: Mutable map for text

HeeLThe function should get some text on input and return a map in a following format: ("word1" -> 1, "word2" -> 2 ...) The keys are words from text and the values are representing the number of times the word appeared in the text. We take into a count only words which at least 4 characters long. ...

Q: Javascript, sed like attempt. Looking for a better architecture than what I have come up with so far

James PowellI posted this to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31082221/looking-for-a-better-design and http://stackoverflow.com/users/1864610/hobo-sapiens said I should post this here instead, so..... The following code and test data works, but with no delays between writes to MySQL it acts funny (especi...

@Hosch250 I don't know Russian, I have no plans on learning Russian. I only know a bit Ukrainian, and I don't know nearly enough Ukrainian to translate :) Russian != Ukrainian.
@200_success Thanks. Voting for reopen. It's not broken and it hasn't really be reviewed. Despite the accepted answer.
@Jamal @EthanBierlein Could you leave a comment on the Scala question about what is unclear?
@nhgrif Aaaaargh. I was just about to post that. I even had the link copied to my clipboard
I love the fact how I am not the one to post Rebecca these days :)
That's even the second time today
@SuperScript Add the actual code and ping me again
@rolfl You have yourself reviewed some of my database design questions, so has @200_success - DBA.SE told me they don't review database design code
And SO would kick it back here.
Hmmm ... I do care ;-) I added some other extreme test cases, but I did not think of wrap-around cases. I like this answer, and I think it counts... now I have to decide whether it should be solved with code, or documentation, — rolfl ♦ 21 secs ago
"How would I design my database better" could be fine, but you have to include code in the question.
@200_success I was under the impression we (the community) decided against that... (off to search meta....)
Related, but not the answer I was hoping for:
Q: Does database normalization belong here?

Simon André ForsbergAs of today, we have four questions in the normalization-tag. One of these has already been closed, and the other three don't exactly look 100% on-topic to me as they don't include any SQL code but instead ask about the database schema. Do these questions belong here or should we redirect all no...

Q: Are database design reviews in scope?

BenVSee this question: Can you peer review my database design for a school system?

I think no.
Schema is a design question.
If you're hand crafting some schema scripts and want the scripts reviewed, sure... I guess.
Also, significantly, the program does not work yet....
I don't know how often people actually hand-write schema scripts though...
Versus letting whatever tool generate the script.
I have to once again ask though, why is a tag?
@rolfl Really? I can't see it there.
Are we talking about this question?
Q: sed-like attempt

James PowellThe following code and test data works, but with no delays between writes to MySQL it acts funny (especially on the target data set which is over 700 rows). The table is really simply, just a number, value (the number is another table's 'foreign key(?)'. I am looking for suggestions on how I mi...

I agree that "I don't know how" makes it off-topic.
However, if it worked, and it were presented as code rather than as a diagram, I don't see any explicit prohibition against reviewing database schemas.
Also, if the stored procedures were presented with the design....
the question is largely about the procedures.
@200_success This question has no code in it
I already said that there needs to be code in the question.
@CaptainObvious This question I marked as Too Broad. It has two language tags... what is being asked to be reviewed? The JavaScript or the MySQL?
@nhgrif node.js and javascript are not different languages
Hmmm.. I see what you mean... I think I will edit it.
@SuperScript This could be a good question for SO, but when you just add some code, it surely will be a very good question for CR.
@EthanBierlein - did you spot the syntax error in the code part of the question? <accordion-group is-open="isopen" ng-repeat="item in items | limitTo:2" ng-if="item.condition == "true"",ng-init="isopen=2"> I didn't mean code review...I was trying to make a point about quality of question for here. Did you read the question completely the first time...along with the code? — user3320018 20 secs ago
Just a test.
Q: Can Stack Overflow and Meta's logos be changed temporarily to the "#LoveOverflows" logo?

TimStack Exchange just tweeted this image following the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in favor of gay marriage: #LoveWins #LoveOverflows Please can this be made the logo for a couple of days? I'm thinking Stack Overflow. LoveOverflow chat room for the more... off topic discussions...

catches up in chat.... penny drops
Q: Dealing with students who sent email with empty body but the homework attached

M.MI am responsible for the exercises for a graduate course. The students submit their solutions via email and all of them send a normal email: greeting me and telling that the solutions file is attached then (most of them)wishing me a good weekend as the due dates are Fridays. One group sends me ...

Sounds like it would be a better question on codereview.stackexchange.com — Jashaszun 14 secs ago
Who said it has to be "all or nothing"? Five year old kids ask "Why did he get a cookie but not me? It's unfair!" Life is unfair, nothing new there. It does not have to be all or nothing. No one is preventing you from creating a meta question whenever you want the logo changed. — Simon André Forsberg 1 min ago
^^ regarding one of the most common "arguments" against the logo change
Does anyone here know how to migrate to CodeReview? It's not one of the options available to me. — Jashaszun just now
@Duga lolnope
(the migration option, not the topicality)
Q: Simple Path to Route Algorithm

Lvl 1I'm currently conducting research into subway paths, but stand in front of a problem, with no programming knowledge and an extremely short time-limit. Probably the question I am asking is trivial, but I would be very happy if you could point me in the right direction or to the right forum! Havi...

The short answer is yes. The long answer is this question is too broad. — nhgrif 14 secs ago
@Jashaszun flag the question for moderator attention, using the "custom flag" option; explain how this question would be a good migration candidate for Code Review, submit, wait. ;-) — Mat's Mug 43 secs ago
Hi @SimonAndréForsberg!
Since people are looking:
+1 for the new logo, for all sorts of reasons, but also just because it is nicer. The bland orange one is just so... meh. I like a bit of colour. The world is colourful... also, I come from the rainbow nation. — rolfl 5 hours ago
My comment has 30 upvotes, which is a new record.
@rolfl Is Canada "the rainbow nation"?
Rainbow nation is a term coined by Archbishop Desmond Tutu to describe post-apartheid South Africa, after South Africa's first fully democratic election in 1994. The phrase was elaborated upon by President Nelson Mandela in his first month of office, when he proclaimed: "Each of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the bushveld – a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world." == Symbolic identity == The term was intended to encapsulate the unity of multi-culturalism and the coming-together...
Here's a list of the generally used racial divisions in South Africa: Blacks, Whites, Coloureds, Indians, Cape Coloureds, Hotentots, Koi
those each have varying sub-categories.
and, their names have probably changed since I was last using them regularly.
The people who honestly don't have anything against gay people and are truthfully only against this because stackoverflow is never supposed to do anything other than answer programming questions probably really hated hats. — Don't Panic 1 hour ago
In most of europe, countries and identities are somewhat related... swedes are swedes, etc. Also, for the most part, european cultures are settled, and not nomadic.
In Africa, the populations go back a lot further, the people are/were nomadic, and tribalism and conflict was common.
even the europeans, indians, and others who arrived there recently (like after 1600) were nomadic.
As a result, it becomes a guessing game as to who actually got there first, and the people who claim it at one point in time, can be proven to be the same people who displaced other people before them.
In north america, it's simple. You have the first nations, mostly decimated and wiped out (which is politically convenient, now.... :( ) and then "African Americans" and "Americans".
The US is becoming more complicated with migration from the south.
Canada is becoming more complicated with migration from everywhere, but especially the far-east.
Everywhere is a "rainbow nation", but, South Africa, with it's 11 official languages, is probably the best example.
Hey, I am a migrant, I can't complain.
Wakka wakka hey hey
Q: Convert swift to objective-c

MikeyI have this library: KSTokenView and in this file: KSTokenView, he adds a tableView somehow. Can someone translate from swift to objective-c as to how he adds the tableView?

Q: Function to return last line's length of a string

EdeniaWell, I am completely re-writing the textbox gui widget. In order to set the position cursor after the last character in the last line of a text, it is good if you know the exact column of it. So I created a small function that calculates this. It is meant to work sonicly. int get_last_line_leng...

Sweden is also a bit of a rainbow nation, I believe. But, with it's 0 official languages until 2009 when Swedish actually became an official language... is probably a horrible example :)
@CaptainObvious Nope

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