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-5 question +20 answer
@Vogel612 Ah, we have 4.
correct. 2 of them are mods though..
Oh... you think my answer will get to +20?
and that's kinda moot
@nhgrif it might..
You think that question will stay at -5 after my answer is posted?
hmm... it might..
To me, if I weren't familiar with that library, I might have down voted the question.
I hate it when people ask about libraries that I think are pretty obscure. And I might count this one as pretty obscure... if it weren't for the coincidence that I've used it, made commits to it, and then reinvented it as my own library which does the same thing in a way better way...
@Vogel612 - @all - do me a favour, if you are serious, think up a process/procedure/system for making a fair way that would be accepted by the community to give room-ownership perms to this room, without it seeming like a "club".
As long as they are trusted by the community and very trusted by the current 4 RO, I don't see a problem in adding one.
I already own this room.
Whether or not I have any sort of moderation powers...
@rolfl Screened elections?
I feel the RO permissions are needed rarely enough to be very important, and if there's a problem, there's always the flag-a-mod option
Of course, I may have just missed those times when it's been needed
I've never seen it needed.
Although, I'm also in an American time zone.
I could have banned what's his name if I had the power! which I do have the star power!
While I acknowledge that the current owners are somewhat arbitrary, I can't think of a fair way to change that
@nhgrif I have.
I can only think the minor possibility of possibly adding another European owner?
@rolfl There's nothing wrong with the current room owners. But I can imagine you'll want one extra.
@rolfl @Mat'sMug only got the room owner because he was the one who did the most talking at the time of the revival
But, worst case scenario, if you just ping one of the existing room owner's it's not that long before they show up.
@Lyle'sMug I know. Quentin Pradet did not even know he was an owner ;-)
It'd be nice if this comment also had an upvote so it didn't fall off to the "2 more comments" link. ;)
I still haven't gotten much (real) work done....
I have been floating around my new Addiction and this one.
Hello @Phrancis
For those interested.... Ownership here changes rarely: chat.stackexchange.com/…
@rolfl Is there a current system?
If so, is it flawed?
@Mast At the time the current owners were established, it was pretty much the only people in the room.
Why exactly do we need ownership changes?
and Lyle's Mug ;-)
@rolfl ???
@Lyle'sMug You were/are a regular from "back then".
Stack Overflow is not a code review site; we are here for specific questions and answers. If you want someone to review your working code, try Code Review. If you want advice on the appropriate statistical analysis for you data, try Cross Validated. — MrFlick 29 secs ago
19 mins ago, by rolfl
I have considered RO's in this room a number of times before... I am reluctant to wade in to changing things unless there's a real problem.
@rolfl Add @Vogel612 to the list if he's interested. He's here often, trusted by the rest of us, in Europe, fits the bill.
@rolfl thank you for changing that....lol my wife would not have been pleased to find out my girlfriend is a monkey
Ofcourse, we could go the complicated way and put up an election, but that seems a bit heavy for a chat room. Also has negative complications.
What about skiwi, morwenn, etc.
@rolfl To be honest, I think he's the most calm of the trio.
I nominate me for Room Owner. please vote by starring this post
@Mast Still, why do we actually need changes? Before coming up with a process for how to make changes, why don't we make the case that changes actually need to be made first?
@rolfl No way, I tend to disappear without a word.
Only to come back days, weeks or months later.
But we could come up with a list the current 4 owners agree with and elect one.
I have Chatsey on my phone along with the Stack App
And even with room owner tools, I guess that I wouldn't use them anyway.
@nhgrif @rolfl stated a problem, I only state a possible solution. I'm not here for the why.
My train arrived, back in half an hour.
Hey Welcome Back @IsmaelMiguel
Hmmm... I could have handled this differently.
:) lol
don't take life so seriously @rolfl, you won't get out alive
To be clear, nothing is changing in room ownership.... and certainly not based on a snap poll/decision in chat.
@Mast What's the problem?
@rolfl word
@Lyle'sMug Greetings dude/miss
Yes, I will accept sole room ownership.
I'm glad you all gave me this responsibility
My first course of action will be to create a 2-hour interval Justin Bieber feed
Oh, Jeroen as well, he's in europe ;-)
Then the mjolka's, and mehrads, etc.
Yurop schmurup. WHERE IS MY POWER?
Still, no problem to fix though.
Please, don't play justin bieber
We will find some hidden fans here
(I love the metal covers of his 'music')
I just came out as an explicit super-in-the-open fan
@IsmaelMiguel Dude
It's frifay, friday. Gonna get down on friday!
Well, Donald has not played the cure yet.
@JeroenVannevel you're fired
A: Managing a wish list from an API

nhgrifWe should definitely go ahead and use @objc and make the methods optional that make sense to be optional. In Swift, it's actually not nearly as bad to check whether or not a delegate is set up or responds to a selector. In Objective-C, it was a big if statement. In Swift, we can use optional c...

Play the music you wish, I can't listen to anything
Some decent music for Y'all
@EthanBierlein That was expected...
Try again, surprise me
@IsmaelMiguel That's ficking epic :o
@IsmaelMiguel But, but, it's actually an okay song....
@EthanBierlein dang you beat me to it
@Morwenn I hope you enjoy it over and over again
@EthanBierlein I actually like it
I don't listen to it on a daily basis
@IsmaelMiguel Probably not because I have too many things to listen to, but it will probably go in my "once in a while" playlist.
@JeroenVannevel the lyrics sound familiar, did he steal those lyrics? the beat isn't too bad
@Morwenn You should try Sentenced as well.
@IsmaelMiguel You know, side by side with Children of Bodom.
I don't know if he did but yeah, it's not too bad
And nightwish.
Biebs da man
Anyone willing to share some CV examples?
I kind of stopped listening to Nightwish a while ago :/
I can give you the LaTeX template if you want
I listen a bit less power and symphonic metal than before. That's all.
I listen a bit of everything
I still have some Rhapsody and Angra every month though.
Lots of people will be offended, but here's the list:
And Nightwish is quite good, but not in my favourite bands.
Within temptation is Nightwish's better sister
Bigger boobies
Hey, I used to sing Mother Earth back in the day :D
No eyes for a Swift question & answer?
Q: Managing a wish list from an API

Bryan CimoI have a class that I use to manage a list to/from an API in Swift. Using a clean code approach, I'm wondering if, how, and why I should change it when I have a class that uses it for just one or two functions. Here's the class: import Foundation protocol ApiWishListManagerDelegate { fun...

I wasn't good at it, but it was fun.
Eminem, As I Lay Dying, Skrillex, August Burnus Red, Babymetal, The Letter Black, Cazzette, A Day to Remember
Too many things...
That's what I listen daily
Oh, Lindsey Stirling
That one too.
Oh, by the way, if someone tries creating or something like that here, please burn it quickly...
@IsmaelMiguel I like most of them. I don't know the other ones though.
@Morwenn Which ones you don't know?
Q: Basic Tic-Tac-Toe

DeadPixelI am starting a software engineering degree soon and have been practicing the last couple months. I have posted some code I wrote for a basic Tic Tac Toe game below (C++). I have read the worst thing to do is to get into bad habits early on, so please can you read over the code and tell me what I...

@IsmaelMiguel As I Lay Dying, August Burnus Red, The Letter Black, Cazzette and A Day To Remember.
Well, actually it's more than I don't know most of them and like the other ones .______.
@JeroenVannevel It's an interesting resume, not as boring as the regular Word resumes
Thanks. Googled the template myself!
You googled your own template?
Hold on, just ate out an orange. That stuff requires you to take a shower after you ate it
@Morwenn I recommend them all, except The Letter Black (I'm sure it isn't your cup of tea)
VersaEmerge is a good band too
@JeroenVannevel I imagine you eating like "Omnonnonnonnon!"
love this comment
"And Where are all the Brackets and Semi-Colons?" made my drink come out of my nose. +1 anyway for some good observations. — Comintern Sep 17 '14 at 2:05
@IsmaelMiguel Reminds me of Evanescence a bit (though I prefer Evanescence).
@Morwenn Which one?
@IsmaelMiguel The Letter Black
But with a more rock feeling.
I like it. It's pretty relaxing when playing Tera.
Specially on Balder's Temple.
I listen to more and more songs with non-conventional structures, so that's not what I would listen to on a daily basis but it still sounds good.
What do you listen to?
Never heard it.
I can't listen now, since I'm at work.
Igorrr, The Algorithm, Infected Mushroom, Savant, Gallowbraid, Have a Nice Life and... well, too many things. I can't keep track anyway. Today, I was listening to French pop songs from 10~30 years ago.
Igorrr is basically a mix between metal, breakcore, baroque and a few other things.
"Pizza Aux Narines"?? Possibly the weirdest song title I've ever heard of.
You feel like your ears are being raped the first time you listen to it, but you get used to it and in the end it sounds awesome.
@Morwenn At least it isn't that super-heavily electronic dubstep
@IsmaelMiguel You mean like Knife Party?
@Phrancis I read it wrong the first time.
Pizza Aux Marines.
I like Knife Party.
I think it is Portuguese, I'm not 100% sure.
Knife Party is what's left from Pendulum. They are Australian.
From Pendulum, I only like the song "Tarantula". I think that's the name.
@Morwenn well, that was random
@Nobody Actually not. But it is structured to sound random the first times.
For the record, I don't turn off my phone in meetings. </lurks>
@Morwenn: so what is the structure?
I'll be leaving. See you another day :)
okay :(
Sorry xD
So, back for more when?
@Morwenn May I ask you a weird question?
In your photo, is it a guy or a girl? (Sorry, I get mixed info from your photo)
wasn't there a SEDE query for this?
users with a rep change in June.. should give you an idea no?
or whip up a SEDE query that counts everyone that posted a question or an answer or a comment in the past N days..
@Mat'sMug Couting with meta?
I recently updated site-activity SEDE to do that.
Q: Load SSH key remotely

rolflI often create new accounts or virtual machines, and then have to load my SSH public key/signature in to the authorized keys on that account. That process can be tedious, so I created this script that pushes my authorization on the remote machine. So, typically when you ssh to a remote machine yo...

@CaptainObvious Ooooo a monkey-question!
This is not a monkey question, but still a question:
@QPaysTaxes It depends on how you define "active"
Are questions of code of virus on-topic?
A: How well is "malicious" code accepted here?

rolflCode is not malicious (guns don't kill). It is the way that code is used that makes things a problem. I am certain that every piece of 'malicious' code has an 'angelic' corollary. If code can be 'malicious' then computers are 'malicious', and operating systems are 'malicious', and networks are '...

"Code is not malicious" -> Try format c: /x /f /u on your windows machine.
> Be warned though, that you will likely get some knee-jerk reactions, but that is what happens when things can be controversial.
(I think that's the right command)
Also, is it your code....
@QPaysTaxes Then you don't download it...
then write a script and get it reviewed.
There's a difference between being on-topic, and getting votes

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