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There are 1367 unanswered questions
122 votes to cast.
I'm being accused of an opinion-based downvote...
I downvoted an answer because it's bad and recommends dangerous practices.
I guess it's my opinion that the answer is bad and recommends dangerous practices.
And I think someone gave him a pity upvote.
@nhgrif yeah, well... like... that's just your opinion man.
Grats on the fanatic btw!
yo @RubberDuck
i've built Rubberduck, messed around with the registry, but when i open the VBA editor i get "'Rubberduck' could not be loaded". any idea what i'm missing?
Hey @mjolka!
Depends on what version of Office you have. 32 bit or 64?
It needs registered under addins64
I need to update that...
The COM registration needs done with the 64x version of regasm.
VS doesn't handle it well.
@RubberDuck awesome, thank you. i take it i'd have to run that command after every build?
Yeah. Set up a post build event.
Yeah... Idk. Mug's been mucking with the parser a lot lately.
i should probably ping him about that. @Mat'sMug ^
not sure what branch you're on, but I think that might be this one. github.com/retailcoder/Rubberduck/issues/484
Q: Evaluate Postfix expression

ravenI am trying to evaluate a post-fix expression using stack. the code is below class MySolution { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int a = input.nextInt(); for(int i=0;i<a;i++){ Stack<Float> stack = new Stack<Float>();...

@RubberDuck i'm on next
@Phrancis It's a start ^
@nhgrif What editor is that?
@nhgrif Indeed!
Curious, what is the output of this query, @nhgrif?
FROM information_schema.tables AS tables
    INNER JOIN information_schema.columns AS columns
        ON tables.table_name = columns.table_name
    tables.table_schema = 'replays'
    tables.table_name ASC,
    columns.ordinal_position ASC;
For my database?
Nothing, since I don't have a schema called 'replays'
Well, change tables.table_schema = 'replays' to whatever your schema name is
I have a question, if a language converts it's input into an interpreted language, is that language still considered "compiled"?
Welp, @Phrancis... none of those should actually allow nulls.
Thanks, I was having trouble deciding whether I should describe my language as "compiled" or "interpreted".
And list_recipe_ingredients, besides needing a better name, is a view, not a table.
It looks OK to me, kind of odd a view is showing as a table in the schema though
Going to leave recipe.instructions as nullable, but made ingredient.name non null.
@mjolka I've not been on it in a while to be honest. I really don't know what state it's in.
@EthanBierlein If you want my opinion, you shouldn't create a language which is translated into an interpreted language...
@nhgrif Fair enough, but this one is just going to be a learning experience for me, so that, in the future, I can build off it.
Right, but you're writing an interpreter.
So if you want your language to be an interpreted language, your interpreter should just execute the interpreted language.
Or if you're writing a compiled language, your interpreter should interpret your language into a language for which a compiler exists and compile as that.
Okay, maybe I should just give it the title "other" instead of compiled or interpreted.
And do that until you're capable of writing a direct compiler.
Until at least an interpreter is written to do one of the two things I've described, your language doesn't really fully exist. To me, it seems really pointless to interpret your new language into an interpreted language.
And it seems like the only reason one would want to do this is because perhaps you're not familiar with any compiled languages? In which case, I'd highly recommend getting familiar with at least one compiled language before embarking on creating your own language.
Anyways, that aside, I've created some basic ideas for how this "language" of mine is going to work. If anyone has feedback on the "language" itself, it would be appreciated. You can find the README here.
figured out multi-lining your functions yet?
@nhgrif I haven't actually done any programming yet, just the README. I simply figure that I'll write something that removes newlines where needed.
multi-lining has nothing to do with programming.
How would I write a multiline GATE in LGSIML? What would the syntax be?
@nhgrif I think I'm confused on what you mean by "multiline". Gates are essentially functions, they only return a value.
You've never written a multiline function before in any programming language?
Oh boy, I'm really confused now.
func doStuff() -> Bool {
    let x = 2
    let y = 1
    return x + y
multiline function ^
although... that that returns a Bool is silly... but nonetheless...
I see what you mean.
So to answer your question, functions (gates) in LGSIML can only return a value. They can't execute any code.
I'm not sure how that answers my question.
let's say I want to do something like this:
GATE multilineGate(input1, input2) ->
    result1 = someGate1(input1, 0)
    result2 = someGate2(input2, 0)
    return someGate3(result1,result2)
You're saying I have to do this:
GATE multilineGate(input1, input2) ->
Okay, I hope I understand now, so, yes to your second code block.
And as I get more & more & more complicated, I just have to nest more & more & more deeply, and I can't multiline.
@nhgrif Well, you could write it like this:
Shift+enter to new line, then click "fixed font" before you submit.
Let me try again. :/
GATE multilineGate(input1, input2) ->
like that?
Yeah, or like this:
GATE gate_name1(in1, in2) ->
(NOT (
        in1 AND in2
Obviously that's a bad example, but, you get the idea.
Why would you use ( and not { ?
Is the ; necessary?
I feel like parentheses just "fit better".
Why not use ON/OFF instead of 1 and 0?
And, at the moment, yes the ; is needed because I'm not experienced enough to come up with a better solution.
Since this is obviously sort of circuitry-based...
Actually, that's a good idea. It would also eliminate the need to see if the user entered something other than 1 or 0.
I'd still have to check to make sure that the user doesn't enter illegal text though, rather than ON/OFF, but I'm sure I could figure that out.
Since there is only one type of argument, why even bother with gate_name1(in1, in2), why not do something like gate_name(2) where the number 2 equals the number of arguments to pass in
Then, like many scripting languages, refer to the argument using notation like this:
GATE gate_name(2) -> (
    NOT($0 AND $1)
True, but I feel that specifying arguments would make code easier to read, no matter how trivial this "language" is.
Then if you're going to specify the arguments, then something like this:
GATE gate_name(arg_name_1, arg_name_2) -> (
    // return something
That should be called like this:
gate_name(arg_name_1: ON, arg_name_2: OFF)
What is GEN an abbreviation for?
So, your documentation should refer to GEN as the Generate command then.
You could also call it "print", but I prefer generate in this situation.
And eventually yes, but for now it's just a readme, it's not the full docs.
It's fine that in the language itself the keyword is GEN, but the documentation should say "Use the Generate command (GEN), to output the result of a GATE."
Yep, ik.
You should also implement XOR as a keyword.
And make sure everything short-circuits when it can.
Oh, I forgot about that.
Your languages basic operators should be:
What's the S?
No.. you should always short-circuit.
There's no reason to ever short-circuit based on the way your GATEs work.
They "don't execute" anything.
Oh, okay, I just followed this wikipedia article.
Short-circuit evaluation, minimal evaluation, or McCarthy evaluation denotes the semantics of some Boolean operators in some programming languages in which the second argument is executed or evaluated only if the first argument does not suffice to determine the value of the expression: when the first argument of the AND function evaluates to false, the overall value must be false; and when the first argument of the OR function evaluates to true, the overall value must be true. In some programming languages (Lisp), the usual Boolean operators are short-circuit. In others (Java, Ada), both short...
The only reason you'd want to avoid short-circuiting is because you're relying on side-effects of functions you call.
But by your language's rules, your functions (GATEs) can't have side effects, so you should never not short-circuit.
I see now what short-circuiting is.
And this should be a built-in function (but not an operator).
Anyway, I'm going to bed.
Q: Looking for early feedback on a nodejs project

skarfaceThis is the first foray into server side javascript. I haven't done much with the language aside from some straight forward DOM manipulation and simple AJAX stuff. I think I have a reasonably structured project but I'd like some validation before things get too large to change. My project: ht...

Wow, LGSIML is a bigger project to start off than I thought it would be.
I have a feeling I'm going to tackle it head on and end up having to restart the entire project.
Q: Code Snippet without any use?

Chandra SekharDoes it required to allow code snippet without executable script/code? below code example for java having a code snippet, but there is no use of using it. Is there any way to allow only java script and html (which are executable)? and restrict those features(JAVA, C#, SQL.. etc) are not availab...

@mjolka lol.. I added these return statements because I couldn't decide if I wanted to infer the target or not... and I didn't want to remove that code before I was sure :/
@mjolka also add regasm.exe $(built dll) /u in the pre-build if you don't want to end up with 2000 registered versions ;)
Q: Java programing

aliWrite a Java class called ContainsInRange. This class defines a method called contains(), whichtakes as parameters an array of int called a, an int called x, an int called start, as well as an intcalled end, and returns a boolean which is true if and only if x occurs in a at a position which isgr...

@CaptainObvious where does it say "give us your specs and we'll implement anything for you" in the 5-minute tour?
@David C. Rankin (*s)[nchr] = 0; writes outside buffer. Re-edit comments for length vs. size. Cast not needed in if ((size_t)nchr == maxc). Suggests posting on codereview.stackexchange.comchux 48 secs ago
Thanks, will post it on codereview. Darn, had that fixed with maxc+1 on the initial realloc, but missed it on the subsequent one... — David C. Rankin 32 secs ago
@blackbee Hi! I have been using Scala for about 4 years, but without really any formal training, so there's still some holes in my knowledge. But just let me know how I can help.
greetings user :)
@anyone delete me
Picky vs. trusting reopen queue reviewers (for a question edited 4 hours ago)
Q: MVP pattern reading values from database

Kevin RodriguezI need help im new with MVP Pattern structure coding design, i'm using MySQL as database and i need to display the patient data from a click event in the GridView then PatientForm will show. The patientid in my where clause this will be the trigger to display the selected patient from the GridVie...

This question seems like it would be much better suited to the code review site: codereview.stackexchange.comshuttle87 56 secs ago
Q: getline substitute that will enforce 'n' as limit of characters read

David C. RankinFollowing from a discussion with others on StackOverflow concerning the issue with getline not limiting input and happily reallocating until enough space for a sizable nefarious string, I picked around at a substitute that I could put in place that mimics getline's behavior. The primary objectiv...

monking @all
@Mat'sMug you around?
i'm loooking at Inspector/IInspector
and you haven't turned to stone yet?
FindIssuesAsync isn't really async -- it's got a call to Task.Yield() but that's it
I don't even know what that does
Ducky put that in there
meanwhile Parse uses the async keyword, but doesn't have the Async suffix on its name -- and it isn't async either :)
I'm baaaaad
baaad to the bone
Q: Android better approach of instantiating objects than reflection

l46kokI am in need of a dire code review. I'm currently porting a web-based POS system to Android. The Android version uses NavigationDrawer to navigate between menus. What I need a code review on is my current approach in loading fragments upon selected an item from navigation drawer. I'm using refle...

I'm voting to close because you seem to be wanting a code review rather than help with a specific problem. In this case, the error is because files_assignm1[i] is NA, which is probably because the length of files_assignm1 is less than 332. — Richie Cotton 12 secs ago
similar comments for ToDoExplorerDockablePresenter.GetItems
that one, I'm innocent!
just looking into shadow DOM => Can you see this if you look at source of HTML file?
looks like we need to get our async stuff done right huh
yup :)
mhh I'll better wait for @rolfl :)
@Mat'sMug when moving Rubberduck windows, do you get weird grey borders and lag?
yeah. that's normal. native immediate pane does the same, doesn't it?
yeah it does. yikes, that's unpleasant
>>> reduce( (lambda x, y: x * y), [1, 2, 3, 4] )
@mjolka yeah... the other side of the dockable-toolwindow medal it seems
in this code does reduce initially take first two iterative values 1 and 2and apply lambda?
@Mat'sMug medal?
two sides to a medal
one says "yay you're dockable", other says "boo you're lagging"
Monking @all
@Mat'sMug i've only ever heard "other side of the coin"
bah, must be my bad French translation
make it a coin then (although it sounds much less glorious then)
@Mat'sMug I've heard both, so it might not be your fault
other side of the coin
The opposite aspect ... This term replaced the older *other side of the medal* or *other side of the shield* about 1900. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/other+side+of+the+coin
monking @skiwi
@skiwi Monking
you have errors in markup like not closed form tag, use limitTo as attribute instead filter. You need provide Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. Or move this question to codereview.stackexchange.comGrundy 31 secs ago
@mjolka seen Hosch's contribution?
pretty freakin' cool!
Q: Best way of nesting views in Backbone?

viniI have a parent view with the el say divcontent var DashboardView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: $('#divcontent'), render: function () { this.$el.html(dashboardTemplate); var addchannelView = new addChannelView(); var statsView = new channelStatsView(); sta...

@Vogel612 Morning
Your recent moderator chat flag was inappropriate and declined. Please use moderator flags in chat only in very serious situations. Does anyone have a link for that? An MSE post perhaps?
nope... chat flags are a beast anyways.
usually you can resolve matters with "standard chat flag"
these are handled by 10k users..
mod flags go to mods directly..
Q: Check for secondary key if primary key not in dictionary

DuxI parsed a header of a binary file into a dictionary and need some of the keys to further process the data. One of the keys I need my be present as it is, or with a preceding parent key, so I need to check for the one version, and if it is not present, I need to check for the other one. I came u...

@Vogel612 The spam/offensive one?
Will do.
This should probably be on CodeReview rather than StackOverflow — Dragondraikk just now
Q: Algorithmic efficiency of a value-based checking program

Mission CodingSo I am new to Java coding. I tried my hand at a grade XII Board exam program. It reads, "Given two positive numbers M and N, such that M is between 100 and 10000 and N is less than 100, find the smallest integer that is greater than M and whose digits add up to N. For example, if M = 100 and N =...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs to the codereview.stackexchange website. — npinti 18 secs ago
Your question is way too broad in its current form. It appears to consist of three different questions: 1) How should NA's be handled in an EM algorithm? (This question is probably better suited for CrossValidated.) 2) Why do I get the error message? (For this question you should provide a minimal reproducible example.) 3) How can I improve my code? (This question is better suited for CodeReview, once you have fixed the bugs.) — shadow 47 secs ago
Q: Algorithmic efficiency of a value-based checking program

Mission CodingSo I am new to Java coding. I tried my hand at a grade XII Board exam program. It reads, "Given two positive numbers M and N, such that M is between 100 and 10000 and N is less than 100, find the smallest integer that is greater than M and whose digits add up to N. For example, if M = 100 and N =...

@Grundy No. If code is off-topic, it is not a more suitable place. Perhaps an equally bad place. — Mast 31 secs ago
Q: Is the following code vulnerable to CSRF

Damien RiceI have the following code which is supposed to insert a row into a DB table "clicks" (consisting of 1 Primary AI column "id" and another column "user" which contains the user's session id) upon clicking the Like button. For each user assuming they have a session id set from a login I would like t...

Q: Parsing oscilloscope data, follow up

DuxFollow-up up on Parsing oscilloscope binary data. I wrote a simple parser for Tektronix's internal file format .isf. I revised my code to the following: import numpy as np import os.path def parse_curve(isf_file): """ Reads one tektronix .isf file and returns a dictionary containing ...

Q: Shuffle cards - python

overexchangeBelow is the assignment from here Q6. Define a function shuffle that takes a list with an even number of elements (cards) and creates a new list that interleaves the elements of the first half with the elements of the second half: def card(n): """Return the playing card type for a posit...

Q: BeautifulSoup web spider for driver links

Alex Zeli've made this little spider to grab me some driver links, OS version, and the name. All the info is in a table class, but some pages might be a little different in the location and Number of cells in each row. I can't post the HTML page, but the main problem i'm facing now is getting that someti...

Q: comparing two dictionary in the below way as show in code i want to compare the two dictionary in hash code

user73801for (int i = 0; i < keyList.Count; i++) { if (oldDic.ContainsKey(keyList[i].ToString())) { if (newDic[keyList[i].ToString()].ToString() == oldDic[keyList[i].ToString()].ToString()) { //ReminderBackupLog("Same"); ...

Q: Binary Conversion in Java

camelCaseBefore implementing at GUI I tried performing it at CLI first and I also tried to implement it by using calling methods to other class. Here's my code: BinaryConversion class: import java.io.IOException; import static java.lang.System.in; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.ut...

OK after a looking around Qt BugTracker it seams that it is a known problem from bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-36308 But it is not solved yet I think for Qt 5.4.1 (bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-43145) (codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/111658) — Maimba 28 secs ago
So, an SO moderator cast the 3rd (and binding) close vote on an SO question... used the custom reason someone else already used:
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs to the codereview.stackexchange website. — npinti 3 hours ago
But didn't migrate the question.
Q: Finding the smallest number whose digits sum to N

Mission CodingSo I am new to Java coding. I tried my hand at a grade XII Board exam program. It reads, Given two positive numbers M and N, such that M is between 100 and 10000 and N is less than 100, find the smallest integer that is greater than M and whose digits add up to N. For example, if M = 100 and ...

No need to migrate a duplicate.
I see.
Someone called me? — RubberDuck 28 secs ago
Are you a ghostbuster?
Now I am!
Q: ng-repeat and save function not working

srividhya ravikumar *** This is my HTML file: There is some problem with my ng-repeat and save function. *** <div ng-controller="TopicCtrl"> <div class="container-fluid" style="margin:20px;padding-left:25px; "> <div class="row well"> <div class="col-md-5"> <form cla...

Q: Physics with bouncing balls

Richard KoetschruyterI'm trying to create bouncing balls with realistic physics. At the moment, when the balls hit each other, they bounce back in the same direction they were coming from, now, I've searched the internet for how to do this, but I only find things about how to detect collision, not what to do after. I...

Monking all... ;-)
@chillworld - catching up... what's up?
@rolfl Monking
Easier to ignore people who aren't here.
@nhgrif Won't you have to ignore them because, well, there's nothing to ignore?
monking @rolfl
I was reading about shadow elements in the DOM
Ahh, yes, but that DOM is the browser DOM, right?
but what I couldn't make out was if the client could see those items in the DOM with developer tools or not
I don't know these things
@rolfl wrong DOM ;) and no problem
If by what happens after you mean the velocity (speed + direction) of each component, I think you ought to read a little bit about elastic collisions. You could ask physics.stackexchange.com for some mathematical models I think it is worth mentioning some background, since this can get pretty complex pretty fast. Lastly, for code reviews, please rever to codereview.stackexchange.com. — npinti 8 secs ago
@npinti Yes, I meant speed and direction, but I want to start with only direction, because all my balls move at the same speed, and I don't want them to "lose energy" once they hit something. I'll do some reading on elastic collisions. And codereview sent me here — Richard Koetschruyter 17 secs ago
Q: How do I modularize jQuery?

Angular noobI have a monolithic script that powers this form: Here it is: $(function() { // Functions function attainDistinctTags(value) { var tags = value.split(','); tags = tags.filter(function(tag) { return /\S/.test(tag) }); tags = tags.filter(function(item, pos, self) { return self....

Greetings, Programs.
Hey @Donald
Your daily Zen....
in VBA, 3 mins ago, by Stack Exchange
posted on May 18, 2015

Master Bawan came upon a monk struggling with the photocopy machine. The monk was jabbing buttons in frustration, but the copier sat silent. Bawan shooed the boy away, saying: “Machines can sense desperation. It unsettles them.” The master calmly pressed buttons one by one, pausing to breathe between each. The machine chugged to life, and the desired copies began to appear. The monk ask

Q: C++ Pig Latin program: Suggestions and Remarks wanted.

Ritchie Shatter/* Pig Latin Write a program that reads a sentence as input and converts each word to “Pig Latin.” In one version, to convert a word to Pig-Latin you remove the first letter and place that letter at the end of the word. Then you append the string “ay” to the word. Here ...

Q: Angular JS Directive to randomly Show/Hide elements

user2570300This directive works fine but I have the feeling that I'm not doing it the "angular way" with : .attr('hide', 'true') Is there a better way to show or hide elements from a directive ? app.directive('myRandomshow', function() { // Show a random element from child elements function randomIntF...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because there's separate SE site for code review codereview.stackexchange.com . — sandrstar 17 secs ago
Q: Verifying free space

AnatolyMy code looks like imperative SQL style code. I want to find a value of the variable errDrivers using more functional style and Linq expression. How can I rewrite my program so it becomes functional style code? private static void VerifyFreeSpace(IEnumerable<Volume> volumes, IDictionary<string...

Q: Tried to change a if-else condition, but can it be better?

Tan Jia MingI recently came across this code snippet, and I have tried to change it. this.lblCheck.Visible = false; this.lblBackup.Visible = false; this.txtEmpNo.Visible = false; this.CheckButton.Enabled = false; if (matchedCode) { if (checkBackdatedLeave) { this.lblBackup.Visible = true;...

Q: Lots of duplication in my code

AwaSince i'm still learning C# i've made an exercise but it seems like i'm using the same code over and over again. I do realize I have to use a helper method to get rid of the 'useless' code. How can I put my for loops into a helper method ? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using S...

Q: return null or instance of array

user1432980I have such method @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T, K> K[] toArray(ITemplateCommand<T, K> command, List<T> templates) { if (null == templates) { return (K[]) Array.newInstance(command.getClassOfK(), 0); } K[] array = (K[]) Array.newInstance(command.getClassOfK...

Q: Custom error handler for PHP

LoupaxI've written a custom Error handler for use in PHP. What it does is simply capture PHP errors, and logs them using Monolog. It works, but I can't help that it has too much stuff inside. I could remove the error levels that are not handled by set_error_handler but that's guaranteed to lead to a d...

I leave to do some tutoring in 5 minutes. Obviously that's when I realize I have no Java IDE on my laptop
My MVC friends.... I want to insert a city and state combination like city, state how can I make the comma appear on the page?
@JeroenVannevel don't you hate when that happens?
@Lyle'sMug context?
show them how to code without a IDE, use NotePad++....lol JK
@JeroenVannevel ASP.NET MVC I creating a table with an address in it and all the pieces are held in separate columns
but I want to display them together
I have 6 hours to give a crash course introduction to Java. It'll be tough enough as it is
if you are giving out crash courses for free, I am next!
Why can't you just use @Model.City, @Model.State in that column?
Actually no, €15/hour. But I'll give you a €5 discount!
we let Visual studio set the view up and it is using @html.DisplayFor
Oh like that
It's been a while since I did MVC, not too sure then
@JeroenVannevel might still be too rich for my taste, I am poor. still waiting to hear back about my counter offer. they tried to low ball me on the salary
You might just have to abandon DisplayFor
I might try to do @Model.City , @Model.State just to see what happens, I am learning
in the end, you can just create the generated code as you want
all it does is create an html label with for attribute on it
you don't have to use the Razor-provided helpers like that
I am also using linq to traverse the model
Linq? in the view?
Sounds like something I would want in the viewmodel
@Html.DisplayFor(addr => addr.Address1)
oh okay, a lambda
inside a foreach
@Html.DisplayFor is the same as <label for="Address1">
It translates to that
You don't have to stick with DisplayFor for the sake of it
I really need to learn more about Linq Lambda MVC etc
I am a total noob totally ready to learn
Get the book "Pro ASP.NET MVC 4" by Freeman
It's an amazing learning resource for MVC
And it will also introduce you to other concepts like LINQ
You'll know everything you need to know in there
I have "Pro ASP.NET MVC 5" on my desk
I am in Chapter 4
Well. I mean. I suppose that's okay if you're into updated reading material
but I am also working on a project
keep with the book, it'll clarify everything
Definitely read a few chapters before working on the project
you'll learn many things you didn't know exist
oh I am, I keep putting the projects into my Git so I can keep up at home too
now I'm off to tutor JAVA though
thank you @JeroenVannevel
I broke 17K!!!
Q: Representing vehicles and their components

Tedy S.I am working on a project that needs to represent different kinds of vehicles, components of these vehicles and actual parts of the components. So far I have this code: class Vehicle { public: /* Public interface */ //ctor Vehicle(int id, int year, int mileage, int weight, int leng...

@Lyle'sMug Was that really necessary? What bad things has 17K ever done to you?
Busy, busy day.
@nhgrif When do you wrap up at the old job?
@SimonAndréForsberg He's practicing for 20K.
I was sure that was referring to something. Couldn't find it. Think it was 2K. facepalm
Q: Simple text rpg in python

MedullanI am trying to teach myself to code using python. The following is the first real program I have written from scratch. I feel that it is messy and in need of improvement, but I am either unsure of what to improve next or don't know how to improve it. I am looking for suggestions about: turning my...

CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
I’m missing video games
Q: Union Find why use value not id[p]

Kevin ZhaoIn the following implementation for Union Find: public class QuickFindUF { private int[] id; public QuickFindUF(int N){ id = new int[N]; for(int i = 0; i<N; i ++){ id[i] = i; } } public boolean connected(int p, int q){ return id[p]== id[q]; } public void union(int p, i...

@CaptainObvious Not sure whether it's on-topic or not. Anyone?
@Phrancis Asks for Code Understanding.
It got migrated to SO where it should be :)
Not sure if it's on topic for SO (if you keep the rules loose enough, probably), but not for CR
@RubberDuck I haven't wrapped up yet, but all of my coworkers were informed on Friday and this coming Friday is my last day.
@nhgrif Well, good luck buddy.
Yup. This week is busy. Two people trying to get iOS wisdom out of me, and a third trying to get SQL/.NET wisdom out of me.
At these times you wish DMT would be available
Direct Memory Transfer
Ah... No.
That would reduce my value, wouldn't it?
Hmm yes, you'd need to restrict it from being copied again without consent
not necessarily - knowing something and applying it are two different things
Actually, the biggest difference is more in the ability to resolve issues with an as-of-yet unknown solution.
@nhgrif That's always the problem. Appying a known solution to a known problem is peanuts.
Well... It's peanuts for some.
This belongs on code review, not here. — Patrick Collins 1 min ago
Some people can't connect the dots.
Q: Generating combinations of n elements in groups of k

Sergio FormigginiI've written this program that writes all the combinations (without repetition) of n elements in groups of k. I think the code is good, but I like to know if you have some better (or faster) solutions. The elements to combine are always the number from 0 to n-1, the program calls a function (ne...

Well, it half-belongs there. They're happy to answer "how can I improve my program?" but not "how should I write a high-score saving feature?" — Kevin 5 mins ago
Good man
When they say develop your own algorithim, are they referring to an actual algorithm like mergesort and bubblesort or an implementation of an algorithm? Also, if this works already I'd like to suggest codereview stack exchange. — Captain Man 1 min ago
I recommend you put this on: codereview.stackexchange.comEBrown 57 secs ago
@jozza710 Because this site on the StackExchange network is for code problems, not for optimizations. The CodeReview site is the site on the StackExchange network for optimizations and other review of working, proper code.EBrown 18 secs ago
Q: How can I shorten my code

jozza710How can I make my code shorter, I feel that like I have a lot of unnecessary code. I mainly want to shorten the Update() area but any and all code shortcuts that could help me would be great. NOTE: I had to use the newMax and newMin because the max and min values wern't updating correctly when I...

@EBrown bullshit this site helps with code problems its just full of a bunch of angry fat fucks that get all pissy when you ask a question... — jozza710 29 secs ago
Wow. (I can't delete this from phone)
> How can I shorten my title?
@RubberDuck "HCISMC", is that good enough for ya?
Want me to edit it?
Would you help you if someone came to you requesting information so defensively and angrily? The first comment in this question is correct, you should put the code review question you have on here on the code review stack exchange site. These are simple rules for the maintenance of information and preservation of quality responses that will help others, which this question would not do for a stranger happening upon it. — Timothy Randall 10 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg Left a comment. He's spared my downvote because he's a n00b here.
I mean it's not as if you could run this script trivially anyway. You'd need to set up Google Identity Toolkit and get yourself a gtoken cookie set. That takes a bit of doing, so I'm not looking for code review, I'm looking for someone who already knows the crypto steps needed to verify the signature on a Google-signed id token JWT. I read through the source code on the google libraries for a few different languages. Everything seems to suggest that you should do exactly what I'm doing above. So I wonder if I'm using the wrong crypto algorithm or getting the wrong keys. — zarfmouse 51 secs ago
@CaptainObvious ORLY? YA, RLY.
Q: Texas Hold em Poker Hand recognition algorithm and implementation

Tamir ShklazI am designing an in depth poker game. I am first focusing on recognizing the strength of a hand given the set of cards My Question: Is the following algorithm suitable for the stated purpose Am I using correct OOP design principles and implementation in my code Algorithm: go from a top d...

Q: Java Sorting Algorithm Improments

JaszLast Friday I was hit with a sorting interview question that I never really had to deal with. Develop a your own sorting algorithm. 1. It cannot use any other Classes for help. 2. It needs to be able to sort an array of millions of integers in size. 3. It needs to be as fast as possible. For i...

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