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TTGTB for me too, Tomorrow I will think about this, good night
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, 46 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@Phrancis Always always always strict mode. No exceptions.
I feel really stupid right now.
I forgot to put a comma into an expression, and it screwed everything up.
@EthanBierlein Programming languages can be a bitch
@Mast I'm still looking for what exactly is included for a default project... but you can't build an application for iOS in Xcode without including Foundation.framework and UIKit.framework
@nhgrif Voila
Isn't Foundation.framework basically the Xcode version of Here's .NET, have fun
Essentially, yes.
Well, mostly anyway.
So, my question is when you use Microsoft's new stuff to "port" an iOS or OS X Objective-C app over to Visual Studio... what's it using?
So are we going to call it ?
Why not?
Or, should we keep using the tag and just tack tag onto questions specifically asking about writing Objective-C for .NET (where and are used for questions about those platforms)?
I suppose that would be preferred, but there is some controversy about .NET being a tag of its own
Right, but I think this comment is relevant to that discussion:
Is it impossible to write code in those languages without using the .NET framework? — Simon André Forsberg 7 hours ago
The fact of the matter is, you can write for , and now we'll be adding as a language.
Not irrelevant. I think he was asking if it made any sense to use it in conjunction with the "usual" languages.
And for these two in particular it will be especially important to tack some sort of tag on to specify "This language for .NET" versus not for .NET
Yea, C# without .NET is exotic to say the least (afaik)
It might feel silly or trivial or pointless to tag something as and . But it wouldn't be pointless to tag something as and or and .
@nhgrif I'm your man.
And has the .NET built into the tag.
Can you wait about 8 days until the end of the semester?
Q: Accessing value from either os.environ or argparse

kenorbI have the following code: #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, argparse if __name__ == '__main__': # Parse arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose") args = parser.parse_args() try: verbos...

but... you could write just plain , theoretically.
That is when my last assignment is due.
But I don't think it'd be beneficial to have and
god no
just use two tags
Particularly because that might make it harder to find questions. I'm not very likely to see questions because I'll never subscribe to that tag.
But I could still answer questions even if they're about Objective-C.NET
such a combination tag would be awful
combine where needed but don't combine them in a single tag
You know what's worse? Imagine this:
> The .NET Framework is the easiest way to build apps on the Microsoft platform.
Now we have a metric quadrillion tags.
TTGTB, had enough of this
I have an idea.
Let's make a tag for terrible questions.
To me, all of the above conversation should go on meta, if it will influence the way questions are tagged.
I'm about to post an answer.
On a funnier note, let's name that god language - that is what it will turn out to be anyway.
So if "The .NET Framework is the easiest way to build apps on the Microsoft platform" is no longer limited to Microsoft platforms, then WTF is .NET?
It's the easiest way to build apps on the Microsoft platform.
It's not the easiest way to build apps on the other platforms .NET runs on.
The .NET Framework will be the next... Java?
Also, technically, .NET is the platform sort of...
@Hosch250 Not sure about that.
Neither am I, yet.
Much like you can't run a Java app on a machine without installing the Java stuff... you can't run a .NET app on a machine without first installing the .NET stuff.
Of course not.
The difference is that for the foreseeable future, every Windows machine will always come pre-installed with .NET frameworks.
But not Mac/Linux machines...?
.NET framework is what its name says: a framework. It's the default library
Nothing besides Windows machines comes with .NET installed.
It may be that certain Linux distros might start pre-installing it, maybe, but I doubt it.
Nothing will
And I really, really doubt that you'll see OS X come pre-installed with .NET any time soon.
@MrFunny744: There comes a point where a piece of code can only be reviewed so many times. Perhaps you should come up with something new. — sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ 12 secs ago
There's another framework - WinRT - (Windows Runtime) which was used for Windows 8.1 and Phone 8.1
.NET and WinRT have sort of come together and had their most important parts grouped into CoreCLR
CoreCLR is what is distributed to Windows, Linux and Mac
That, and there's another smaller framework which you can also use though I can't recall the name right now
People speak about .NET development but .NET technically refers to the .NET framework
which isn't the same as the CoreCLR, as I said
Well, whatever you call it, the real point is that the library you need to run this code isn't going to come by default on OS X any time soon, and most likely you won't see it on any Linux distributions by default.
Likewise, you won't be seeing any interpretation of Foundation, ApplicationKit, or UIKit outside of iOS / OS X any time soon.
The power of CoreCLR is that it can run on all these platforms: Windows Phone, Android, iOS, Microsoft's tablets, Windows Desktop, Hololens, Raspberry Pi, etc
thus code written for CoreCLR (which is really just the normal libraries with a few changes) can run on each platform without any issues
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Especially when they WON'T STOP USING SLEEP!
Yes, but the library must still be installed on the device first.
@nhgrif I think it will be more of a success on Linux than OSX.
or I guess you might conceviably be able to package the library in your application?
Yep. You can bundle CoreCLR with your apps
@Hosch250 Right...
OSX will prompt when a program needs Java, my guess is that is what will happen.
And it will strip out all the parts of the library that it doesn't use
That's good then.
Ah, .NET Core is the other version I had in mind
@JeroenVannevel Is the version of Visual Studio which will port Objective-C apps already publicly available?
A: What's the purpose of the .NET tag?

nhgrifFor the language tags you mention, the .net tag might be unnecessary or redundant (most of the time). In fact, the tag vb.net already has the .net built into its tag. The actual language is called BASIC. Microsoft's version of BASIC is called Visual BASIC (like they also have Visual C++ and Vi...

@nhgrif Oooh I don't know about that. I'm not even sure if that's even part of VS rather than a standalone tool
Any Apple experts know how to completely cancel an App Store purchase?
There's this already
Which looks pretty cool
OK, I guess the Option key does it.
Looks very familiar to the options I am used to
Except... you can't make iPad/iPhone specific apps since Xcode 6.0. All apps are universal (though you can specify which type it's for later).
@JeroenVannevel Start a universal, single view application? I'm curious as to what the project it creates looks like
oh bah
it requires Xamarin.iOS
Well, I should've known. Guess it's mainly a better integration with Xamarin
Oh, that's C# development.
I'm pretty sure Microsoft will buy them out soon
Yeah, it's all in C#
Is there an Objective-C section in Visual Studio yet?
I just looked and couldn't find it in my Other Languages
I assume it'll be there when the RTM comes out
This is just the RC
When should that be?
No idea
Though I assume it won't be too long anymore
When it happens, I'm going to send one of you Microsoft folk a very small, very basic Objective-C iOS app to see what it looks like after porting with Visual Studio stuff.
Have you seen the Candy Crush port they showed?
Is there a link to just what the ported source looks like?
Nah, I don't think they'd release that. It's still a company after all
Err yeah, that's true
I don't immediately find the Candy Crush app, but there's this: theverge.com/2015/4/29/8511439/…
1 hour later…
Wow, it's especially quiet.
Q: Structure passing from client to server

MubeenHow to pass structure from client to server?? my client is sending message but is unable to sand structure.

@CaptainObvious -_-
@nhgrif Yeah, weekends...
Been working on some music, got something pretty epic sounding so far
Please don't just dump a wall of code on us and ask us to review it for you. We have Code Review for that purpose. — John Saunders 45 secs ago
If, and only if the code works as intended, may the question be on-topic for Code Review. This phrase: "Please let me know how to restrict the dynamic programming version to subsets of size k" makes it sound like the desired behavior is not written yet. — Phrancis 56 secs ago
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Are you into ballet/dance?
@Hosch250 I'm afraid not
I could upload my trailer for Paquita on GDrive if you are interested, but it would take a long time.
I don't dance, but I like dance music and marches best.
Probably something about they have a strong rhythm.
"dance music" is possibly the vaguest terminology possible :)
Strauss, Tchaikovsky ballets, etc.
Use "ballet music"
Strauss isn't ballet.
He has a lot of waltzes and polkas.
I like classical/romantic era dance/ballet music.
Does that help?
Baroque too, but I don't know if they have a lot of dance, they have a lot of masses and choral music.
Like Handel and Bach.
Much. By "dance music" I could very easily lump Skrillex into that category
Or, practically all music ever.
Some traditional folk music is nice too.
But, nothing modern.
Well, modern written in old-style is alright.
But no rock/country/etc.
We obviously have very different tastes in music :)
I like some classical/related music in small doses
I listen to Soviet music so @Hosch250 and I can probably go to a concert together
Hmm, what kind?
Red Army Choir
I think I've heard of them, but I've never listened to them.
Mostly Boris Alexandrov
I like Tchaikovsky a lot, and select pieces from Prokofiev and Rachmaninov.
I've never heard of him.
Have you ever heard of Martin Frost?
He is a Swedish clarinetist I like.
It's actual soviet music, not just a Russian composer
The propaganda-related music
Oh, I'm not sure I would like that.
I've heard some of it before, I believe.
I wasn't exactly "listening", but my siblings were playing different Russian choirs' music once, and I believe the Red Army Choir was one of them.
It sounded sort of folk-song style, I think they were looking up an old soldier song from a while before the take-over.
@JeroenVannevel Have you been propagandized yet? ;)
Nah, I entirely separate music from the context in which it was created
I see.
I've listened to Red Army propaganda, ISIS propaganda and Justin Bieber and I can appreciate all 3 without feeling any sort of affection towards them
Hmm, I don't think I'd be listening to ISIS if I were you.
You are probably on a zillion countries watchlists.
In fact, you might get turned back at the US border if you listen enough.
I just hope that the NSA spies on me thoroughly enough to realize that
Though I can just summon them and point them to the above text
Hey NSA! ISIS allahu akhbar boom boom US soil read the text above this
As long as you don't contact ISIS or anyone in connection with ISIS, you might be fine.
Lol. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask them for personalized serenades
Art !== Politics
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Politics is often expressed through art. It is called the Universal Language for a reason.
This isn't really suitable for stack overflow, maybe the other one designed for code reviews (warning, you will be tore to pieces in there) — Tymoteusz Paul 55 secs ago
@Duga WHAT?!?!?!
@Hosch250 That seems too context-specific.
@Everyone We have a reputation for tearing people to pieces!
I thought it was SO who tears people to pieces.
Maybe CR makes him so happy he could die
I should become a spin doctor
This may be flagged as "unclear" on Code Review, @TymoteuszPaul; some rewording of the question may be in order. — Phrancis 12 secs ago
^^^ ... or else, we'll tear you to pieces
Code Review will be glad to have you, and we do not tear people to pieces. In fact, we are doing our best to keep the community attitude friendly and not tear people to pieces, like SO does. In fact, I've seen question on SO essentially the same as yours with 3-5 downvotes. — Hosch250 36 secs ago
bet the star is from Jeroen
How much did you lose?
Betting on me starring is the worst you could do
oh well
I have +- 40 stars in over a year
If you want me to unstar it, you better tell me quick.
I'm happy with the star
BTW, I wonder what SO would do if we declared it international SO upvote day.
see you tomorrow
See you.

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