@Mast I'm still looking for what exactly is included for a default project... but you can't build an application for iOS in Xcode without including Foundation.framework and UIKit.framework
Or, should we keep using the objective-c tag and just tack .net tag onto questions specifically asking about writing Objective-C for .NET (where ios and osx are used for questions about those platforms)?
It might feel silly or trivial or pointless to tag something as c# and .net. But it wouldn't be pointless to tag something as c++ and .netorobjective-c and .net.
Particularly because that might make it harder to find questions. I'm not very likely to see objective-c.net questions because I'll never subscribe to that tag.
But I could still answer objective-c questions even if they're about Objective-C.NET
Much like you can't run a Java app on a machine without installing the Java stuff... you can't run a .NET app on a machine without first installing the .NET stuff.
@MrFunny744: There comes a point where a piece of code can only be reviewed so many times. Perhaps you should come up with something new. — sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ12 secs ago
Well, whatever you call it, the real point is that the library you need to run this code isn't going to come by default on OS X any time soon, and most likely you won't see it on any Linux distributions by default.
Likewise, you won't be seeing any interpretation of Foundation, ApplicationKit, or UIKit outside of iOS / OS X any time soon.
The power of CoreCLR is that it can run on all these platforms: Windows Phone, Android, iOS, Microsoft's tablets, Windows Desktop, Hololens, Raspberry Pi, etc
thus code written for CoreCLR (which is really just the normal libraries with a few changes) can run on each platform without any issues
For the language tags you mention, the .net tag might be unnecessary or redundant (most of the time). In fact, the tag vb.net already has the .net built into its tag. The actual language is called BASIC. Microsoft's version of BASIC is called Visual BASIC (like they also have Visual C++ and Vi...
When it happens, I'm going to send one of you Microsoft folk a very small, very basic Objective-C iOS app to see what it looks like after porting with Visual Studio stuff.
Please don't just dump a wall of code on us and ask us to review it for you. We have Code Review for that purpose. — John Saunders45 secs ago
If, and only if the code works as intended, may the question be on-topic for Code Review. This phrase: "Please let me know how to restrict the dynamic programming version to subsets of size k" makes it sound like the desired behavior is not written yet. — Phrancis56 secs ago
This isn't really suitable for stack overflow, maybe the other one designed for code reviews (warning, you will be tore to pieces in there) — Tymoteusz Paul55 secs ago
Code Review will be glad to have you, and we do not tear people to pieces. In fact, we are doing our best to keep the community attitude friendly and not tear people to pieces, like SO does. In fact, I've seen question on SO essentially the same as yours with 3-5 downvotes. — Hosch25036 secs ago