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Qt vs GTK+
@Phrancis That's kinda silly, because instead of me posting several hundred lines stretching over like 5+ files of completely useless code for the actual issue, I show here clearly what I want to be more efficient. The second example is extremely close, but you want me to swap the function call with a check of some complicated structure???? Seems totally pointless, because that's not what I need to get done faster. — Horse SMith 6 mins ago
@rolfl Would you mind responding to that? ^^
great now you all have me looking at linux servers on System76
I am supposed to be writing documentation and drinking lots of coffee.
You know, now that I think of it... I've never used Linux, ever.
it's just like windows
except it's linux
okay maybe a little less coffee
Idk navigationally ..it is like Windows I suppose
something with the coffee
I haven't done anything.....yet. I am not doing updates without where statements, I can tell you that much
following rule number 1 of database hacking --> don't
and number 7 --> get someone else to do it/take the blame
Let's hack them servers nothing happened I say.
SQL Injection
@Phrancis Sometimes no response is needed.
Looks like it solved itself
4 mins ago, by Phrancis
You know, now that I think of it... I've never used Linux, ever.
You have, just don't know it.
Well this is highly illegal e.o
Well, I'm sure some of the sites and web apps I use run on Linux servers... I guess I meant, haven't interacted directly with a Linux OS
Try to use Internet Explorer for like 1 min. Then use Iceweasel
for 5 seconds
because its startup loads for 5 seconds
and decide.. which one is better
for the record, I don't use IE. I don't touch IE unless I'm forced to.
You were.
You were forced to.
IE11 is not too bad for an IE browser.
Who uses IE aside from oblivious parents?
Use it to dowlnoad another browser.
IE11 is IE
@Edenia Not in Europe ;)
@Phrancis You have wifi at home?
IEx is great for downloading Chrome ;)
@rolfl Sure do
even Microsoft is abandoning IE for spartan
Great. I am BUlgarian.
is it
@Phrancis Ahh, so you have a linux computer then....
Perhaps this would be more appropriate on codereview.stackexchange.com. If it's working code and you're asking for a better way to write it - that's what code review is for. You can't however ask for a discussion of architectural concepts there. — jfriend00 1 min ago
there are a lot of Apache Servers out there running websites @Phrancis and that is a linux OS
Or you can simply install Linux along Windows.
Well then you had the browser choice option to choose your starting browser
Well no.
It was IE that I had to use to download Opera
and Midori
and Slimbrowser
this would be cool for a big screen TV or something --> system76.com/desktops/meerkat
Google Chrome was cheeky so I downloaded it too
almost forgot the link
Hire Imax cinema screen for 3D gameplay of "Minecraft"
Well, this discussion/debate is somewhat old and boring.... I guess I should find it more suitable to my tastes, but, it's not.
Sorry @rolfl
I share your interest.
No problem.... but, I was expecting people to see the funny side of that statement... ;-)
Instead.. I started to cry.
I'm just glad we all came to the conclusion that Windows beats Linux in every aspect and that C# is the most awesome language
out of apology.
And now I'm going running to avoid the fallout
yeah sure.
I will simply agree. Because..
I am the one who can prove things in reality lol
yk like.. comparison, performance tests etc
Why have you tested only positive numbers? — Eric Lippert 21 mins ago
my code won't work for negative numbers.
I should be out of stars by now.....when we graduate will I get a double portion of stars?
@rolfl I have an approach in mind for this thing, but it was about four years ago since I last did this so I am trying to figure out the math again :)
Speaking of math..
anyone masterized math x.x
Because I figured a compression mechanism with a level of 200% e.o
Meaning it will compress 1 GB to like 12 kb
if I get the math thing up.
(oh and works only for images)
@SimonAndréForsberg were you on the phone recently? Go well?
Also, I was literally falling asleep when I committed that code.....
what code ?
@rolfl not proud of it?
Not exactly, but it gets the point across
@rolfl so far so good.
I think the interface is about right.
the implementation has some wrinkles
@rolfl so as far as I understand.. you are very good in Java aren't you ?
Actually, no.
I am just pretty good at a limited subset of Java
Great. What would you want in exchange to do my simple Java homework. Eh I am too busy with a variety of C projects.
"core" java, no GUI, no persistence, no Spring, no Hibernate, and I am OK
@rolfl Yes you are
I think I am overrated
I have not done anything 'serious' with Java in... years.
you're very good at what you do
Was that a yes?
Some sort of agreement.
@rolfl If you're only "OK" I don't want to judge my expertise :P
@rolfl UBench is not serious?
Edenia, no, I am not going to do your homework
Not for free?
@SimonAndréForsberg Well, I am not getting paid for it...
It is a pretty basic thing.. I just have no time...
@rolfl oh, details!
Like I can not offer to make you a program of any kind.
@Edenia if it is basic, then by the time you have described it to me you can have it done.
Yes. It is.
I wasn't good student.
And I still need to learn to make it.
to make it done.
1 min ago, by rolfl
Edenia, no, I am not going to do your homework
Instead.. I would write you a program or something
I am living with the resources I have / could have.
You would write a program to not write a program.. and you have no time... humm weird
I would write a program in C
to not learn Java
and I am currently working on 7 exclusive projects.
If you know C, learning Java should not be that hard IMHO. And if you don't have time for your homework I can only suggest you to concentrate in what important (and I think school is important)
It is not school.
It is a course.
the last module is Application development with Java
after this.. I'm getting the very desired diploma "Programmer"
I just don't know why they require Java
It is SQL, PL/SQL, Java, C, C++ and co-modules
@Edenia When I dropped out of CS, it was VB6...
I had COBOL. COBOL, SQL, PL/SQL, Java, Javascript and C#. And VB.NET in high school.
And there
Not programmer.
But an interesting selection of languages I see.
I'm not a programmer because two of the 7 languages I used were Microsoft-made?
Who said this?
Was a question
are you ending with a Programmer diploma or IT
What is the specialty of your school..
Applied Informatics with a focus on mobile app development in the third year
Definitely not IT
Sudden realization that COBOL and LOLCODE are spelled almost the same XD
Right.. Because for a "Programmer" diploma you don't learn C# but you do C++
And this is a ww notation not my call.
@Phrancis I'm wondering which one is "worst"
Well, you can think of it whatever you like but I most definitely consider myself a programmer. Maybe once you had more exposure to other languages and actually used them, you'd see there is a reason C has 20 evolutions that are more popular now
I will just sit and wait people to realize C# embeds to nothing but MS.
With C.. you can program machines
not only PC
same stands for ASM
You can consider yourself w/e you like.
But there are no C# PROGRAMMERS.
Simply because coding in C# is NOT a programming.
and every major PROGRAMMER knows that.
Wow you really want to start a war here
Do I care
The winners will be these who can prove
So I am not afraid.
I don't get how you claim every major programmer "knows" that while you are still in school yourself
Except I passed the C test with excelent
as well as the rest but
I still have to handle Java
You're a major programmer because you had great marks on a test?
I know there is nothing like the only truth. It is about how and which people vote for x
I never said I am a major programmer ??
I said.. these who contributed the world of programming
the creation of OS
If it wasn't ASM and C++.. there would't be Windows
If you really think that coding in C# or any specific language is not programming base on some arbitrary notion is just limiting yourself. Get the right tool for the right job.
I'm not a certified programmer. But I can code and get things done. And I wear a suit, love what I do and earn good money for it.
Well then YOU are fine.
That means you selected the right tool for you
As I said.. C# could be cool, USEFUL
easy to use
If it was better than C.. I would code in C#
because it will be easier
(and feel like a stupid kid for that)
okay, so the things you use it for are better done in C than in C#.
you have a job? I mean, have you ever written and maintained code for an employer?
A program made in C ..for performance, quality, size
That's okay but that doesn't mean C# is not a real language..
I believe.. if I am dependant
But I do private programming.
Hi Ben, codereview.stackexchange.com is probably a better fit for this kind of question. — axblount 30 secs ago
because in the real world, nobody gives a flying f!!k what language is a "real language".
They just wants the job to be done
and claim theirself as supreme programmers
I'm seeing the opposite, really
nobody cares for "supreme programmers" either...
except the developers obviously.
Because if someone says they are not programmers they will make a whole movie out if this
I once said to my friend that he is not a programmer (because all he programmed is games, which makes him game developer not a real programmer)
oh come on
If he writes code, he's a programmer
Programmer means creating programs
and being able to program
You seem to have a very romantic notion of what constitutes a programmer
Well.. there is one globla notion
Q: What's the difference between "Programmer" and "Coder"?

artjomSometimes I heard people talking about how "that guy is not a programmer, he is just a coder." Could someone specify what's the difference between "programmer" and "coder"? Does the IT coder profession even exist?

Everyone could be programmer if it was like so
what that mini question
"what you want to be called" lol that's good
@Edenia excuse me? I know quite a few very good C# programmers. Many of them are in this room.
by your standards, 90% of programmers aren't programmers, and to a certain degree, that's outright offending
Very good C# programmers because?
They can program a launcher
What makes a good C programmer in your eyes?
Good C programmer..
Is the one that can
Create ANY kind of program. And make it without
a single bug
That's a non-answer and entirely unrealistic
C# don't even know how to use threads
Nobody creates bugless programs
And that is straight out bullshit
Oh yes?
Jon Skeet writes bugs
Okay guys. Can we boot the troll now?
He is just one dev
about to
I'm going jogging, this is pointless
Try out one program created by wonderfox and we can continue.
If you are asking.. here is your answer.
a good programmer writes code that colleagues can read, understand, maintain, extend and debug. a good programmer knows what he's doing. a good programmer knows that the language is completely irrelevant
Preach it brother.
AH it is on a way
A good programmer could write an entire system in LOLCODE. =;)-
@Mat'sMug erhm... Brainfuck? :)
If this is true Mat.. then why did he said C# is the best
or if you are a programmer you should always use C
Child, talk to me after you've gotten paid to write code.
I said I ♥ C# - not that it's the best - there is no such thing as an absolute "best language".
Thanks now I guess all is clear.
No it wasn't you
@Mat'sMug Sure there is... LOLCODE is obviously the best.
lol right
And don't forget FIM++
@Edenia because he is @JeroenVannevel. If you would have asked @nhgrif you would have gotten the answer that Swift is the best. If you would have asked @Donald.McLean you would have gotten Scala as an answer. If you would have asked @rolfl or me, we would have said Java. We all have our preferences, end of story.
Yep. So what he said about what is a programmer
is pretty much what I was trying to say
without receiving a single star
You could be good programmer even in C#.. but I am still looking for a good program written in C# (that is better then a C version of it)
so I guess
a good programmer takes a cool C# project and makes it better.
this is easy
I can think of one...
I think it shall what your are finding: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/36256/…Neil 47 secs ago
@RubberDuck shhhh ;)
> and this is how the cookie crumbles
@axblount maybe: if Ben can simplify the code down to "why is this black" (ie, far less unrelated code), it could work here. Code review is for working code methinks? — Yakk 1 min ago
why is this black xDDDDDDDDd
It will be suspicious if it was white huh
@Heslacher I'm bountying your answer as soon as I can put up a bounty on my question
I need a TokenRewriteStream there, for sure - and it's the only completely right way of doing this.
Q: Sort a linked list with merge sort in c

cristid9This is my version of a linked list in C. The function mergeSort requires a reference to the first and to the last nodes, it also requires the indexes of the first and the last node and a comparator. You need to compile this source code using c99 standard in order to get it working. #include <s...

@Mat'sMug Does that just re-write the stream, or will it update the actual code? Do you know?
it won't magically update the code in the IDE - but at least it would avoid having to work with a code line string
@Edenia Actually, @SimonAndréForsberg is wrong. I would never say that Scala is the best language. It is my favorite language, and I use it when I can because it is the best for me to work in. I would never presume to say that it is the best language for anyone else.
and it will greatly facilitate things like Refactor > Change Signature
Q: Server side form validation library

Azi BalochHave I followed best practices for PHP development, or can this class be improved? GitHub <?php namespace azi; /** * Class Validator * * @package azi * @author Azi Baloch <http://www.azibaloch.com> * @version 1.0 * @license The MIT License (MIT) * */ class Validator { /** * Re...

Meh, Afrikaans is the best language
@rolfl You can't program in it though, so what use is it?
Hey, I learned to program in Afrikaans...
Well, as much as I could, anyway, joys of my first job being at a customer who's primary language was that
A: Convert a 24bit bitmap to grayscale

JaDoggI also thought how I could improve my code further. Readability First Convert, this #define xIndex (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x) #define yIndex (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y) unsigned long dataIndex = (xIndex + (yIndex * width)) * PIXEL_SIZE; #define BLUE bitmapData[dat...

Thanks Santa(s)
@rolfl ever used a TokenRewriteStream in ANTLR?
can a RuleContext be used as a TokenSource?
No, and not sure
hmm I'll have to play with that
We were not reqriting things when we used ANTLR... purely read-only
(and from 2003)
I hope I did it right.. if I did it right, then the TokenRewriteStream will just fit right in.
otherwise.. I'll have to swap things around and break stuff
I need that rewriter
Hello, all.
hey @Shortstuff81000! welcome back!
Hey there @Edward. Long time no see.
Yes, I've been very busy lately but then I thought I ought to go ahead and break 10,000 before my first year anniversary here.
Kind of surprised that the "divisible by 9" question is quite so popular
@Donald.McLean That is the same sentiment I have about C# although I do believe that compared to a similar language like Java, C# beats it. But in the end my love for C# doesn't mean I make assumptions about how it holds up against languages I either don't know or are too different.
I have an inherent skepticism of proprietary languages
C# isn't proprietary
C# is a spec
and it's open-source now
Q: ios best refactor for all this constructors

MaKoIm using multiple instances of an object creating a form {... BPFormInputTextFieldCell *nameCell = [[inputTextFieldClass alloc] init]; nameCell.backgroundColor = cellBgnd; nameCell.textField.placeholder = @"business_name"; nameCell.mandatory = YES; nameCell.textField.delegate = ...

@Mat'sMug Is it still an ECMA spec, or did they go to ISO?
I don't know.. what difference does it make?
> C# is standardized by ECMA International as the ECMA-334 standard and by ISO/IEC as the ISO/IEC 23270
standard. Microsoft’s C# compiler for the .NET Framework is a conforming implementation of both of these
You've got both!
ha, nice!
well, Microsoft's implementation is
@Mat'sMug sure the one thing I should have starred I can't because I ran out of stars and not it tells me....
Generally, the ISO specs tend to indicate a wider consensus, but Javascript's still ECMA only as I recall.
At least that's my take on it. I'm sure plenty of folks would argue loudly against that view...
If your code is working then ask on codereviewBhargav Rao 1 min ago

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