@Phrancis That's kinda silly, because instead of me posting several hundred lines stretching over like 5+ files of completely useless code for the actual issue, I show here clearly what I want to be more efficient. The second example is extremely close, but you want me to swap the function call with a check of some complicated structure???? Seems totally pointless, because that's not what I need to get done faster. — Horse SMith6 mins ago
Perhaps this would be more appropriate on codereview.stackexchange.com. If it's working code and you're asking for a better way to write it - that's what code review is for. You can't however ask for a discussion of architectural concepts there. — jfriend001 min ago
If you know C, learning Java should not be that hard IMHO. And if you don't have time for your homework I can only suggest you to concentrate in what important (and I think school is important)
Well, you can think of it whatever you like but I most definitely consider myself a programmer. Maybe once you had more exposure to other languages and actually used them, you'd see there is a reason C has 20 evolutions that are more popular now
If you really think that coding in C# or any specific language is not programming base on some arbitrary notion is just limiting yourself. Get the right tool for the right job.
Sometimes I heard people talking about how "that guy is not a programmer, he is just a coder."
Could someone specify what's the difference between "programmer" and "coder"? Does the IT coder profession even exist?
a good programmer writes code that colleagues can read, understand, maintain, extend and debug. a good programmer knows what he's doing. a good programmer knows that the language is completely irrelevant
@Edenia because he is @JeroenVannevel. If you would have asked @nhgrif you would have gotten the answer that Swift is the best. If you would have asked @Donald.McLean you would have gotten Scala as an answer. If you would have asked @rolfl or me, we would have said Java. We all have our preferences, end of story.
@axblount maybe: if Ben can simplify the code down to "why is this black" (ie, far less unrelated code), it could work here. Code review is for working code methinks? — Yakk1 min ago
This is my version of a linked list in C. The function mergeSort requires a reference to the first and to the last nodes, it also requires the indexes of the first and the last node and a comparator.
You need to compile this source code using c99 standard in order to get it working.
#include <s...
@Edenia Actually, @SimonAndréForsberg is wrong. I would never say that Scala is the best language. It is my favorite language, and I use it when I can because it is the best for me to work in. I would never presume to say that it is the best language for anyone else.
Have I followed best practices for PHP development, or can this class be improved?
<?php namespace azi;
* Class Validator
* @package azi
* @author Azi Baloch <http://www.azibaloch.com>
* @version 1.0
* @license The MIT License (MIT)
class Validator {
* Re...
I also thought how I could improve my code further.
First Convert, this
#define xIndex (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x)
#define yIndex (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y)
unsigned long dataIndex = (xIndex + (yIndex * width)) * PIXEL_SIZE;
#define BLUE bitmapData[dat...
@Donald.McLean That is the same sentiment I have about C# although I do believe that compared to a similar language like Java, C# beats it. But in the end my love for C# doesn't mean I make assumptions about how it holds up against languages I either don't know or are too different.
Im using multiple instances of an object creating a form
BPFormInputTextFieldCell *nameCell = [[inputTextFieldClass alloc] init];
nameCell.backgroundColor = cellBgnd;
nameCell.textField.placeholder = @"business_name";
nameCell.mandatory = YES;
nameCell.textField.delegate = ...
> C# is standardized by ECMA International as the ECMA-334 standard and by ISO/IEC as the ISO/IEC 23270 standard. Microsoft’s C# compiler for the .NET Framework is a conforming implementation of both of these standards.