@Hosch250 If you don't know about a problem in some software you wrote, but your users do, and your users never report the problem, how can you fix it? If the university doesn't know about a problem you're having, and you never report the problem appropriately, how can the university fix it?
I've prepared a script to manipulate csv files in Windows that simply adds quotes as requested.
The script creates a backup of the original files and overwrite the wrong originals in its same folder.
It works as expected but I'd be really happy to learn from gurus how to improve my code, my thi...
I have some enums that define measurement information, such as volume, mass, distance etc...
They are defined as such:
/// <summary>
/// Units for measurement of area.
/// </summary>
public enum Area
/// <summary>
/// Meters squared.
/// </summary>
M2 = 0,
/// <summary>
So you release it, and it's bug free as far as you know.
But an end user finds a bug. It's a real bug. We're not questioning whether or not this is a bug. This is a hypothetical (yet extraordinarily real) scenario... this is a bona fide bug.
Let's say... if you create a file called ThisCausesABug.cs, every time you close VS, it appends a new line to the end of the file. Just the new line character.
And it only happens if the file is named exactly that.
The best effort to get a "bug-free" application you can do is to continue executing and log (and possibly show somewhere in a small window) that something bad happened
You log the exception that occurred for example, it doesn't mean the application is bug-free, you just have to hope it won't crash or do any other weird things
So you can't simply log ALL exceptions handled or not... because that catches some things that aren't actually bugs... and misses a lot of things that actually are bugs.
@Hosch250 My application can work completely fine, even if it throws exception every once in a while and I deal with exceptions in such a way that nobody notices it
@skiwi I can't completely recommend that you let exceptions go entirely unnoticed by the user.
It depends on what you're doing generally... but no matter what information you log... even if you're taking a screenshot of their screen as the exception happens, it's always helpful to have the user know that the exception occurred so that they can provide some sort of feedback.
@nhgrif I'd say, it depends, showing them is not a bad thing though, as long as it's not a big in your face exception
@Hosch250 Users will report failures, they won't report the actual mistake that has been made in the code
Some really weird thing might be happening in your app and you'll get a report of that, and it is your job to track that down to the fact that your sorting algorithm was wrong
Our application has an unhandled exception handler which takes a screenshot, asks the user to leave a comment, and provides the ability for them to immediately send an email to us (otherwise it logs in their database and we don't check these that regularly).
Or maybe your algorithm was right but the data was wrong.
For example, I had a bug where some rows were sorting incorrectly. It was sorting by date, but the date had already been turned into a string starting with the month... so "February 2, 2015" sorted before "January 2, 2015"
I don't know. Does it matter to the end user what order they're in? And if it doesn't matter to the end-user what order they're in, is it actually a bug?
I have a CSV data file with 3,896 columns (variables), and I am attempting to extract a particular subset of columns for use in a data analysis project. To avoid the burden of having to constantly check the codebook, the script also renames the variables according a particular pattern, using an a...
And if you the developer don't know it exists and the user does know it exists, then the situation is that the user is disappointed with the product and you don't know it and you can't fix it. You can't fix what you don't know is broken.
And this relates to the problem you're having at the university. You're disatisfied in some way with the university's product. If you don't report the problem with their product to them, you have no reasonable expectation of them fixing it for you. You're disatisfied and not giving them opportunity to fix their flaw.
@Hosch250 You should always go to the advisor if you can't reach an agreement with your teacher, no matter if it's continuous or not, that is up for the department to decide and how to handle it
I know that at our university we get surveys at the end of every semester and they use them really well to improve the course as best as possible for the next instance of that course
Part of our software calculates exactly when you need to place a purchase order or start manufacturing an item based on your needs (sales orders, or items required to make other items you have scheduled to make). It works perfectly. But we get regular bug reports from people who are using it incorrectly (and making wrong decisions with it) because they don't understand it...
Decided to go tech and learn a language. I have been reading Java for a week and here is my first attempt. I am making a habit to write JUnit test cases so that I start on correct path. Here is an attempt to write program that dispenses coins in the denomination in the range of $20 to 1 cent incl...
Tell a company that pays 5-figures for their software that "Oh by the way, you'll also have to invest about 6 weeks of training time per employee you intend to use our software"
No, a lot of companies with complicated software offer training programs and certifications. And companies expect their new hires to already have the certification.
Companies expect their new hires to have already trained themselves on the software on their own time.
I am building a WPF application which uses a third party library to fetch objects which I want to allow the user to interact with.
The objects are returned as interface types. Am I right in thinking it is good practise to create wrapper classes for these objects instead of binding directly to th...
And given that we're basically an entry level (or slightly above entry level) ERP system, our customers are usually people making the jump from "We'll just use Quickbooks to manage our company".
We don't have enough users for that to be helpful. Moreover, most of the time when you're posting on a forum with a problem you're having, you typically want to post a screenshot of your software, right? Most of our customers wouldn't be able to do this in most cases.
So, the list of modules in our software... by memory... Time Clock, Time Management, AllPart, Inventory, Jobs, Orders, Accounting, Data Analysis, Shortage, Accounts, Employees, Permissions, Attachments, Company Settings, User Settings... and at least 3 or 4 more I'm forgetting...
Put it in different context, I work for an insurance company and use software mostly internally designed. But let's say I was using a 3rd party software in the task of underwriting an insurance policy or building some internal margins... It would be against compliance policies (and often against the law) to post any of that information in a public forum, or even the software developer's internal system
The main iOS app is iPad only, and part of its primary purpose is scanning barcodes... it makes more sense how useful this actually is if you actually use our software... anyway, it doesn't really fit that well on phone screens, and most Android tablets don't have good back cameras... and even if they did, Android doesn't have a very good built-in barcode scanning SDK.
The only one available on Android that I noticed was the same library I was using on iOS pre-iOS7, and that library hasn't been very good lately. It has a memory leak.
I have a list called all_dates which contains timestamps for a number of days (hourly). I wanted to select each day (i.e every 24 items in the list) and pass it to a function.
Here is my implementation that works:
count = 0
while count < len(all_dates)-1:
day_list = [all_dates[count]]
It turns out, in the real world, there's this very limited supply of a resource called time, or "development hours".
And the first 99% of any project takes 90% of the time you scheduled for that project. The last 1% of that project takes the other 90% of the time you scheduled for that project. What's that, you didn't schedule 180% of the time you scheduled?
For the record, one of our current clients came to us from MS Dynamics.
Windows Phone support will never be a strong selling point for our software.
Developer time is extraordinarily expensive.
We don't manufacture a mobile phone. If we did, it'd support our ERP system. It'd be in our best interest. We wouldn't support it because it's a huge market share. We'd support it because supporting it might encourage some of our clients to then go get our phone so they can use it with our desktop client.
Well, you say that... but I've never been on my phone and thought, "Hang on, I need to mess around with my spreadsheet real quick!"... but if I ran a business and I wanted to check on the status of a sales order while I'm talking to my customer, I'm pretty sure that'd hold a high level of value for me...
@Hosch250 We understand you're a big fan of the whole Microsoft thing, I think we're trying to illustrate that there are other tools that can do some things better, and also often business needs are very specific and a Microsoft-based device is not a practical solution