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Hey, @Duga!
[Zomis/Auto-Review] 30 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService] 4 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Zomis/test] 1 commit. 2 issues opened and 4 closed
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 5 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
@Simon, you about?
@rolfl yup, here I am. reading your answer right now. I'd really love usability feedback on it. wasn't quite sure how to code it in the best way
I want to change the title of your question...
currently it sucks (got multiple tags in it....).
How about: CodeQ2A - Copy code blocks from Questions to Answers
@SimonAndréForsberg this is awesome. I'm looking forward to trying it.
Q: Userscript for Stack Exchange to make it easier to answer

Simon André ForsbergI came up with an idea for a userscript to simplify writing answers on Stack Exchange while writing a previous answer This userscript adds "Review"-links on the top of each code segment. When clicked, it adds checkboxes in front of every code line. You select the checkboxes for the lines you wan...

@rolfl works fine by me. Haven't been sure what to name the tool
@RubberDuck You're not supposed to be here for a week!
Yeah. I know, but there's some chaos going on, so I'm retreating.
@RubberDuck Uh-huh... she knows? ;)
@Duga 30 commits?? Dude, it's not fair if you commit every line of code separately!
Well, if you're TDDing it, you probably should be. =;)-
Speaking of... Building untestable code is getting kinda old...
@Mat'sMug I didn't! the first commit was done on January 25th at 00:48 CET though.
It makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.
I did a whole lot of commits which didn't work out though, so I think I could do an interactive rebase or something to throw a whole bunch of commits away. Took a while before things started to work.
What is it, a competition to see who gets the most commits?
@Hosch250 not really...
I'm almost done writing the code for my next question.
@Hosch250 Is now! bhahahahhahhaa
@rolfl seems like there is a little bug in my script as well:
in TCG Creation, 33 secs ago, by Duga
I should have tried the script on the question itself before. Using it on that question screws up some <span> tags that are inside the question. Perhaps use &lt; and &gt;, or some escaping.
Q: Producing a pyramid of capital letters

Vitaliy PisnyaNow I'm reading C Premier Plus by Stephen Prata and there's an exercise 4 in chapter 6 which has no solution in the book, so I can't check if I did it properly. My code works like it should, but I want to know maybe there are some better or cleaner solutions. Here's the description: Have a p...

Q: CSS attribute Selector: performance in modern browsers

superUntitledI am looking to create a simple column based responsive framework, and would like to call my classes something like: <div class="col col-4-2-1"></div> where the div would display as 4 columns on a desktop browser, 2 columns on a tablet and one column on a phone (these breakpoints are hypotheti...

Q: python dict filter

ddenhartogWhich of the following functions would you use and why (readability, performance, et cetera)? Given data = {'ITEM1': 1, 'ITEM2': 0, 'ITEM3': 3, 'ITEM4': 2} gte = 1 lte = 2 Func1 def func1(data, gte=None, lte=None): data_set = set(data) gte_set = set(filter(lambda k: data[k] >= gte, d...

We now have . Would we need all these separate testing tags?
Q: A Timer Construct to Simplify Timing Blocks of Code

CarcigenicateThis is fairly simple, so I'm just looking for ideas on anything that can be cleaned up, places it can be extended, and suggestions regarding style/naming (I'm terrible at naming). It allows you to write something like: val execTime: Long = SimpleTimeBlock { // Expensive tasks here } Time...

This guy wants an answer:
Q: Day Planner / Logger

f.rodriguesThis is a simple program I've made using Qt Creator and Pyside: I made a list of activities that I would like to enforce; Then I made a program that randomly pick them based on chance; It has some buttons to set an activity as Completed/Postponed; It can be added new activities for extra 'point...

I know a bit of Python, but not this much.
Q: C++ OO BlackJack Try

JuanshitoWell, lately I've been coding a blackjack just to see if I could handle all the C++ OOP stuff, and I'd really like to get my code reviewed, thanks :P #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <string> class Card { private: char m_card; ...

Wow... it feels good to answer question ... :D
One C# answer a day keeps the Apple away ...
First answer?
@Mehrad Very clever....
for the day
Wow, you have a 100% selected rate.
Well, clever if you meant Apple the company.
not sure what is that though @Hosch250
My first answer was selected, and it is still my highest voted answer.
Oh, the second is on your own question.
I get so worked up on answering stuff that sometimes I answer my own questionS :P
I do too, but not too often.
I did once on a Java question I wrote about a year ago.
didn't say what is selected rate ?
And a couple times trying to get a hat in Winter Bash.
100% - both answers got the checkmark.
that second question that you are talking about took so much research time
It looked like it.
I have 4 out of 27 accepted.
Q: C++ OO BlackJack

JuanshitoSo I finished my blackjack OO game and Id like to get my OO skills reviewed :P #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <string> class Card { private: char m_card; // 'A' ,'2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'T', 'J', 'Q'...

However, I was talking about answering a question on SO though... sometimes I am worried to mention it since some people actually don't like SO much :)
Oh, no one will do anything but comment.
I dislike the Java crowd, because they just send you to the manual and give down votes.
And the manual doesn't usually solve your problem...
When people have a question in WPF, they often just ask in the chatroom.
Man... If you get trapped in the down vote thing you're done. sometimes people just downvote since they have seen you got downvoted without even reading the stuff :D
I once spent an hour solving a question asked in the chatroom, and I came up with a really neat solution (even the poster, who is really good at WPF, said so).
I didn't get any rep, though.
I agree. I should second what you said the other day in terms of MSDN being way helpful than docs for other languages
I said that?
I think so, but I don't remember saying that.
That's how I remembered. maybe not. and yes. No reps for chatting :D
Can't remember everything.
@Jamal you here?
or @rolfl?
What's up ;-) ?
I think I should create an tag for my last 2 questions
Seems reasonable.
there will be more posts with that tag, too... at least from me
I've used antlr before, it makes sense to make a tag for it.
the C# version reeks of Java ;)
these camelCase method names..
does it make sense to do what I'm going? (you've seen these posts right?)
No, I haven't, actually ;0
I mean, wanting to avoid exposing the IParseTree to the rest of the app..
morning @Mat'sMug
hey @Mehrad
@Mat'sMug rubberduck did this github.com/ckuhn203/SourceControlTest/commit/…
@RubberDuck woah! awesome!!!
@Mat's - those posts are a lot to absorb....
@rolfl indeed
a lot of it is attributable to ANTLR I think. that's why I felt like a tag would be useful
@Mat'sMug That sarcasm?
I have worked an Antlr parser based on a modified and extended SQL syntax
Can't say I care for this though.
My question is essentially ready.
    var creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials()
        Username = "username",
        Password = "password"
Will post tomorrow.
@Hosch250 nope. that commit of VBA code was sent to GitHub straight from Rubberduck, the VBE add-in @RubberDuck & I are working on
Oh, I didn't know it could sync with Git.
@Hosch250 It can now.
@rolfl the code that did whatever it needed to do with the SQL parse tree, did it work directly with ANTLR's generated ParseRuleContext classes?
Kinda of.
It is a real pain, but, the trick is to have a parallel system to pull the landmarks from the antlr events, and build up the system you want.
So that is what you meant about VBA, Git, and your blog stats.
Yeah. Next feature was driven by my blog stats. =)
What's that?
his VBA source control post must be getting a couple of views
@Mat's . I inherited the code from someone else, I can't claim it was done very well, but yes, the interface between Antlr and the rest of your code is a kludge
I did a post on PowerPoint the other day.
(when I say "I can't claim" I mean it may have been done perfectly, but I would not know it).
Does @Duga post new blog posts here?
Someone's blog gets posted here.
Duga posts GitHub stuff...
I think it is Loki Astari's, otherwise known as Crappy Experience Bye.
Loki posted links to his blog I think
Oh, OK.
@rolfl wait, it's a kludge because that seam is a PITA, or it's a kludge in my code?
(probably both)
The transition from a descent-parser in to an object structure is a kludge.
but is it needed?
if I take ANTLR as a "data source"...
That's a 'depends' question
the ultimate goal is to analyze the code, find weird stuff, tell the user, and if possible, fix it.
Antlr is a parser, your program needs to understand the code.
to do that, it needs to parse the code.
Parsing is crazy-complicated, but antlr has a strategy that can be used to transform a syntax definition in to a parse tree.
I have that.
That parse tree allows you to trap events in the sequence they happen in the code.
So, you have an event-based system... that allows you to catch things as they fly past.
Now, your program has to take those events, and turn them in to some code analysis.
in ANTLR for C# that's the tree listener firing up virtual methods as the tree walker "walks" the tree
That's right.
(and typical).
So, Antlr can help you build a parser in a remarkably easy way given the complexities,.
But, transforming any event stream in to an object structure, is hard.
You are going from a procedural structure, to an object structure.
what I'm wondering, is whether I should "leak" IParseTree and the generated code into the "rest of the app" - by doing that, the code inspections have complete visibility of the code...
if I don't "listen" for the tree, I can just run the parser, I get an IParseTree instance.
should I "leak" that IParseTree to the "rest of the app"?
Trying to map that back to my recolllections.
like, if I want a code inspection that suggests reverting a condition to reduce nesting the way R# does, I'm in for quite a bit of pain with that Node class and object structure
but working directly with the parse tree...
@RubberDuck thoughts? ^^
OK, you are taking the IParseTree (a product of the Antlr parse), and converting it in to a nested structire of Nodes representing the code you parsed
And you are asking whether that's the right thing to do.
a "simplified" parse tree
@Mat'sMug My thoughts? I can pull now.. That's what I'm thinking about.
I guess you want to know what I'm thinking about ANTLR thought huh?
No, an in-memory representation of the code using nested Node instances to match back to the structures in the code you parsed.
So, you are converting a sequence of events in to a 'graph' of code Nodes.
yeah. "decoupled" from ANTLR...
Okay. So here's my thoughts.
That is similar to what we did with our SQL++ parser,
1. Make it work.
2. Make it right.
3. Make it fast.
    private IParseTree ParseInternal(string code)
        var input = new AntlrInputStream(code);
        var lexer = new VisualBasic6Lexer(input);
        var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
        var parser = new VisualBasic6Parser(tokens);

        return parser.startRule();
Do the simplest thing that works. In this case, it would be to leak IParseTree (as well as I understand the situation, which isn't well).
I mean making that method public, and having Rubberduck work with IParseTree - i.e. no need for a listener and 200 node implementations
We did that because we had to be able to inspect and correlate different parts of the code at different times.
The laternative was to run the code through the parser multiple times/
'pulling' differnet things for different purposes.
so you weren't using the IParseTree at all...
your code dealt with ParseRuleContext
What exactly does the listener do Mug?
the base listener (generated) has a virtual method for each grammar rule, and it's called every time a tree walker sees that rule
            var result = ParseInternal(code);
            var walker = new ParseTreeWalker();

            var listener = new VBTreeListener(projectName, componentName);
            walker.Walk(listener, result);

            return listener.Root;
ahhhhhhh okay. I see. (I think)
in each of these overrides, you get a ParseRuleContext that represents the "node" the walker is currently on
And working directly with IParseTree short circuits this somehow?
result in the above code, is an IParseTree - and startRule() is the top-level grammar rule, and returns a StartRuleContext object
which has children
            IRubberduckParser parser = new VBParser();
            var code = "Sub Foo()\n    Dim bar As Integer\nEnd Sub";

            var module = parser.Parse("project", "component", code);
            var procedure = (ProcedureNode)module.Children.First();
Does your generator include code similar to:
    switch ((jj_ntk==-1)?jj_ntk():jj_ntk) {
    case 22:
    case 25:
here there would be a ModuleContext, with a SubStmtContext
@rolfl the VisualBasic6Parser, yeah
OK, don't touch that code ;-)
Wise monkey
it's all state flags and ugly crap I don't want to touch with a stick
at least I learned... writing a parser is for grown-ups.
better write a grammar, and have the parser generated
^^^ that
You still might want to write a simple parser to play with some day.
OK, So, your IParseTree is the in-memory model containing Nodes?
(Think string caluclator)
It's pulled the data from the Listeners....
@rolfl yeah. ANTLR's XxxxContext classes
nope. from the parser. the listener is an optional thing.. just call any rule method on the parser and you'll get a XxxxContext class all the same, without dealing with a "time-space" factor
I guess it makes it easier to write "one-off" code - like, walk the tree and get what you're looking for
Q: Efficiency of calling other classes

PALADIN 458SAfter much trial and error, I finally came up with this code to call on other classes to perform their function. This code works and does what I want it to do, so I am looking for some comments on the code efficiency. What I want to happen is have the user input which calculator they would like...

Q: IRC Server Response Parser for IRC Client

Johnathon SullingerI wrote a parser for the IRC RFC 2812 spec and would like input on my use of the strategy pattern for this. I created an IrcMessage class that is responsible for taking the server response string from the (examples below) and parsing it. The server response format is: :<Prefix> <Command> <Space...

I think I'm just going to rework the grammar to see sharp -ify the generated code and get good method names, and I'll run with that.
1 min ago, by Mat's Mug
I guess it makes it easier to write "one-off" code - like, walk the tree and get what you're looking for
^^^ that is always the case... you have to customize your code to the parser you generated
The parser tells you the code you parsed, and your code has to interpret that.
The one has to be mated to the other
ok. picture a toolbar button that says "refresh" on a toolbar in a dockable IDE window titled "Code Inspections" - you click that button; an event handler handles the click and tells the presenter, that has a dependency on a VBParser. it calls VBParser.Parse for every module in the active VBA project, and gets an IParseTree; this object gets passed to some CodeInspector that works with it.
the presenter has a dependency on a VBParser, calls VBParser.Parse for every module in the active VBA project, and gets an INode; this object gets passed to some CodeInspector that works with it.
IParseTree is ANTLR's, INode would be mine
Q: JavaScript String.split on a string literal to produce an array

celeritasI've seen a few javascript programmers use this pattern to produce an array: "test,one,two,three".split(); // => ["test", "one", "two", "three"] They're not splitting user input or some variable holding a string value, they're splitting a hard-coded string literal to produce an array. In all o...

And something in the CodeInspector will have to be tailored to process whichever item you gave it... right (either the IParseTree, or the INode).
Who owns the code int he CodeInspector that needs to be written?
When is it compiled, at the same time as the parser/generator?
so the only downside I'm seeing, is that - say, in 6 months from now, we decide to change the parser generator for another shinier tool than ANTLR...
@rolfl me
That won't happen.... (changing out the ANTLR).
The issues you will run in to are:
1. your syntax changes.
2. you have bugs
Yes, VBA's... new keywords, etc.
or you have to support different versions of the VBA language
I believe I could throw some VBScript at that parser and it would happily give me a valid IParseTree
So, consider how you would support different grammars, if needed.
but yeah, there's the new LongLong type for x64 Office, among other things that aren't in that grammar I found.
I will have to tweak that grammar anyway
So, consider whether, when you upgrade, you need to put in a new grammar, or add a second grammar
VBA isn't likely to change.... but yeah (it did)
OK, so you will not lukely need to change the grammar
(once it is right the first time).
which means you only need to 'support' one implementation of the INode/IParseTree
THus, you come down to whether you need to abstract out the Antlr classes with INode classes, and the answer is no.
now make that an answer :)
thanks, it makes my day. you just spared me from implementing a tree structure with 100+ classes
I think
1 min ago, by rolfl
THus, you come down to whether you need to abstract out the Antlr classes with INode classes, and the answer is no.
Well, if the only consumer of the classes is going to be you, then I reduced your footprint from a possible 200 classes to just 100
@RubberDuck ^^^ going with that
oh crap.
There is no value or potential benefit for code reuse.
I'm going to need a simplified, high-level version of INode anyway
there is no 1-to-many or many-to-1 situation
well there's this Rubberduck.Reflection idea...
So, abstraction is not called for.
Is that built at the same time as the other components?
it's just an idea
Is it just a consumer ... oh.
to have a COM-visible library that VBA code can reference, and do things like enumerate all members of a class
but it doesn't need the whole IParseTree, just a bunch of COM-visible "nodes"
a "light" version of what I was going to do
or rather... pretty much exactly what I've done so far...
Hmmm you'll have to decide where to put that abstraction layer, and probably make it part of the parser.
Q: Coupon Collector. How do I better my code to get better runtime?

user3388770This is a coupon collector code to analyze the running time. I need some suggestions on how to improve the running times of this code? I have used the data structure dictionary but is there any other data structure that will perform faster. import random import numpy as np import matplotlib....

Making the Antlr classes public would be messy
@rolfl i.e. the way I have it now
but internally I can use them for code inspections and drawing the "code explorer" navigation tree
wow I know exactly where I'm headed, at last!
No problem... design review ;-)
ugh.. the generated classes are public...
saw the markdown?
Ah, that makes sense.
I mean that it only took palacsint to approve the review.
back then, beta sites only required 1 reviewer
there wasn't enough reviewing activity, suggested edits would wait forever..
the Dark Age...
I guess he wasn't secretly a mod. ;-)
@Jamal Gold Java badge
@RubberDuck not back in '12
Oh! Well..... wtf?
@RubberDuck did you follow the conversation above? (with @rolfl)
@Mat'sMug I tried.... it's honestly above my head.
but the conclusion? we're going to implement code inspections directly off ANTLR generated classes
and the node classes for VBA reflection are already written :)
Sounds good to me. Chances are next to nil that we'll ever swap the parser out once it works.
I hope.
the generated classes are public partial - I'm creating a new project, and moving that stuff there.
I don't want that shitz visible from VBA
Okay. Sounds good.
That's gonna be a fun merge later......
But that's okay.
    public interface IRubberduckParser
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses specified code into a COM-visible code tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectName">The name of the VBA project the code belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="componentName">The name of the VBA component (module) the code belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="code">The code fragment or module content to be parsed.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a COM-visible code tree.</returns>
Hey, check this out.
        private void Commit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void Push_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void Pull_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
oh nice
Long way to go, but I like the API.
World, the VBE is now integrated with GitHub!
next release is going to make a bang
ummmmmm........ technically.....
Right now there's a lot of stuff still hard coded to the test repo.
well I said next release, not next commit ;)
LOL. Yeah. This is going to take some time, but I'm able to Commit, Push, & Pull.
and branch?
I just wish I knew how to test this in a better way. Too many dependencies.
@Mat'sMug Theoretically. Still untested.
have faith
That I have. Just tired. This one's going to take a while.
in VBA, 54 secs ago, by Duga
> commit, push, pull: one small step for duck, giant leap for VBA kind
well done @ducky!
Q: Start of Login and Address book GUI in Java

user3043051in gui that provided with the right username and password lets you open up an address book like gui where you have crud like operations. I'm still very inexperienced with swing facilities especially with layout managers and placing my components on a panel/frame. I'd like some feedback about how ...

Q: C# Excel VSTO Write Dictionary To Range Code

cnewbI was hoping to receive some criticism on this block of code. I wrote it to write the contents of a dictionary to excel range in VSTO. It works well. I am interested to see how people could improve it. What would you do differently to make it more expressive, efficient? public static void Write...

Thanks Mug! Keep the fire burning. I'll might pop by chat here and there, but I'll be gone for about a week. (For real this time.) cya buddy.
Bye Ducky!
Q: Passing multiple arguments to a function referenced by addressOf operator

Sujith KarivelilI am trying to send daily mail alert to users based on some timer values. for that i used Addhandler to call the sendmail() function on timer Tick, In this scenario i faced a problem that am unable to pass arguments to the function through [AddressOf][1]. that time my function was like the follow...

and ANTLR Strikes Back
Q: Rubberduck VBA Parser, Episode V: ANTLR Strikes Back

Mat's MugI changed my mind. I don't want to implement 200-some Node classes. Instead, I'll be working directly with the ANTLR generated classes, to implement the Rubberduck code inspections, unit test method discovery, the "Code Explorer" tree view, and everything else Rubberduck might need a parse tree f...

@CaptainObvious changed to "The ANTLR Strikes Back"
You're back @Hosch250
@Mehrad Yes, I am.
Want anything?
Nope... It was fairly quite in here and I noticed when you showed up
Did you read the paper yet?
unfortunately I am at work atm. going to do it the moment I hit home
Is it an assignment or a final paper
:) bloody assignments and deadlines.
Yeah :(
I was recently thinking what stuff I want to learn and the list is enormous ... Python, JavaScript, R#, F#, Using routed commands in details, The book @Mat'sMug recommended about Dependency Inversion + Factories, GIT (more than a little I know) and the list goes on... :) Feel free to add to this if you think something is a must to know... I probably need a full year off work for this. :D
morning @janos
morning @Mehrad
to add to your list: Code Complete by Steve McConnell
@janos I bet it's one of those books that you just can't miss out on
published on 1993 should be a really solid foundation discussion of the programing as a whole
unfortunately I did. I discovered it a year ago. Wish I've read it sooner
and it was right in my face the whole time. I mean I heard about it, but I wasn't reading books for a long time
Wow... Then I should start asap
@janos I like that it's a 800+ pages book and it finishes with a chapter called Where to find more Information
each chapter compresses a lot of literature, and he includes the references to the many sources
so you can find where everything he says came from
time to make breakfast :)
hahah... If only earth was flat and tiny :D
if only the breakfast just made itself....
Monking @all
morning buddy
Q: Simple LibGDX Pong game

StefanI created my first java game in LibGDX and it's working fine but I'm 100% sure a lot of my code can be written shorter than now. Does anyone have tips how I can make this code better? Like the Gdx.input.getX(), if I run this on Android, it's fine, but when I run this on PC, you just have to hove...

Q: Upload files on wordpress media library

Vaibhav VeralkarI have created 2 batch files. 1) To upload files on amazon s3 bucket from FTP. 2) To download files from amazon s3 bucket on my remote machine. Upload files on amazon s3 buckets The manual uploading of files from ftp to s3 buckets consume lot of time. This batch file takes lesser amount of time ...

Q: Why is this question in the Top Questions / active list?

AbbasA couple of minutes ago I stumbled upon this question. The reasons I'm asking this question are: There has been no activity since Jamal♦ last edited it. It has been migrated from SO, altough it's a question concerning broken code. In the question list it says it has been modified by the communi...

Poor answer,
A: Actionscript Graph data structure implementation

PimgdadjList needs a more descriptive name. I've having trouble coming up with what it means. Is it related to adjacent things...? Additionally, you have extended Point, but do not use any of Point's functions. Does Point even provide functions? (Yes, it does.) I'd have gone with a Vertex class that...

But it answers the last unanswered AS3 question
Q: Cursor relooping problem SQL

user3284707I have a cursor, that keeps relooping creating more and more documents. There are only one document record in the database. Can anyone see where I am going wrong here? Begin Transaction declare @pAccountUserId int = -1 declare @pWebcastEventId int = 1247 declare @pNewWebcastEventId int = 1248...

A: Why is this question in the Top Questions / active list?

Simon André ForsbergAs you can see, it says "modified 1 hour ago" by Community. The reason for this can be found in this meta.stackexchange answer Short version: Community user randomly pings old, unanswered questions to give them more attention and a better chance at an answer.

@200_success ^^
@CaptainObvious nice to see that there are some libgdx questions incoming!
Code understanding

Proposed Q&A site for most of the time when it comes to contribute in opensource project or to edit others code, most of the time newcomers [or even sometimes pro coder] failed to understand where to start or edit. This site will help them to take help and understand.

Currently in definition.

almost ready for scoping / commitment phase
@Pimgd I am following it, but honestly I don't think that site will work out very well
It's got the potential to be very googlable
true that
If it helps, check if you have any upvotes on questions that have more than +10
and relocate them
@Pimgd there's not enough acceptable < +10 questions to do that IMO.
in general, that proposal seems to die...
> Why does byte[] byteArray = Charset.forName("UTF-8").encode("hello world").array(); prints out 12 instead of 11 in Java?
I think that'd be a good fit
Q: how correct is this quicksort

Ahmed Abd El MawgoodI have re implemented quick sort algorithms that take a list and sort it in non decreasing order here is the function void qsort(int* l, int len) { if(len <= 1) return; int pivot=0; for(int i = 0; i<len; i++) { if(l[i]<l[pivot]) { ...

@Pimgd adjusting the votes like that is not really recommended. It will skew the real results. I have read that the Stack Exchange folks does not want such evening out of votes to happen on A51.
Guess that shows how much time I spend with the rules of A51
A: In-place reversal of a singly linked list

Santhi PReversing the linked lists can be in two ways and are explained well in the following location. Anyways, thanks for posting such a useful content here and please keep sharing the information in the future. Reversing the Linked lists in Cpp

Link dies, remaining answer is "Reversing the linked lists can be done in two ways"
Q: Validator part 2

Nick UdellThis is a follow up to: Validating individual properties and whole items I have a custom class I've written which allows me to validate individual properties of items, without firing validation errors on other properties. This allows me to individually validate what my users are editin...


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