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[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogReader] 3 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 7 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 3 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
@Duga Who made those? Marc Andre must have been working at it :D
Most hated question on SO:
Q: Single layer neural network

user414981For the implementation of single layer neural network, I have two data files. In: 0.832 64.643 0.818 78.843 Out: 0 0 1 0 0 1 The above is the format of 2 data files. The target output is "1 for a particular class that the corresponding input belongs to and "0 for the remainin...

@SirPython Holy Molly!!
I didn't think that was possible...
Answer has +150.. talk about a reversal!
If you reach the daily rep max, do you get the excess rep the next day?
I just wrote a really awesome orchestral strings part for a country song... Damn I'm happy with it, lol.
@Phrancis share it :D
When the hell did I upvote that answer on SO???
Most hated question on CR that isn't a troll:
Q: Can anyone better refactor this php lorem generator?

stack98I wrote this and am wondering can it be written any better, would love to get rid of the for loop! <? $paragraph[1] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ......... Fusce a ante."; $paragraph[2] = "Praesent sit amet est. Vestibulum quis elit ......... consectetuer quis, quam."; $paragraph[3] = "Suspend...

@Mehrad Wish I could... it's pre-release though, don't have rights to it
It's definitely a song arrangement tho.
I was planning on doing something productive today, but I forgot what it was.
@SirPython that's why the first thing I did the moment I woke was to set a todo list
Yeah, but why make a todo list today when you can make one tomorrow?
and it was a hybrid, "HairStyle, CC, Ergon, Protein" :D
too much to do
wanna go with this, what do you say :D
Is that an old spice commercial?
Pretty killer. Wish I had enough hair to do that LOL.
@Phrancis On the PyscoProductions website, there is someone named Francis. Is that you?
Yep that's me!
@Phrancis that's exactly what my girlfriend says. "They don't cut your hair longer Mehrad "
@Mehrad LMFAO.
I'm going to go kill phantom watch mutts.
From the phantom toll both - the watch dogs that get mad when you "kill time"?
Lost me there
It's a book ;-)
The Phantom Tollbooth is a children's adventure novel and modern fairy tale by Norton Juster. It was published in 1961 with illustrations by Jules Feiffer. It tells the story of a bored young boy named Milo who unexpectedly receives a magic tollbooth one afternoon and, having nothing better to do, decides to drive through it in his toy car. The tollbooth transports him to a land called the Kingdom of Wisdom. There he acquires two faithful companions, has many adventures, and goes on a quest to rescue the princesses of the kingdom—Princess Rhyme and Princess Reason—from the castle in the air. The...
looks interesting
I was about to say the same
It includes lots of play on words, phrases, and concepts that are taken for granted every day.
Playing with words, I love that kind of stuff. May be part of the reason why I like HHGTTG so much
Hopping hippos get too tubby gesundheit?
Another 17 (minimum) questions and I get CR's 2nd [badge:socratic] (my 4th gold badge at last!!)
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy ;P
@Mat'sMug Congrats!
@Phrancis Have you seen:
Q: Most creative way to display 42

MiloDouglas Adams was born on March 11, 1952, and died when he was just 49. In honor of this wonderful writer, I challenge you to display 42 in the most creative way possible. Now this can be printed in the log, using some convoluted way of getting to 42, displayed in ASCII, just to name a couple of ...

Hey @TylerHarden - just done dinner ;-)
@SirPython That BF answer....
You're fine, I had just made Italian Wedding Soup about an hour before I got on here
@Mat'sMug I don't have that kind of patience to make sure everything lines up all right in the correct format
Please find me in The 2nd monitor (Ping me by typing @rolfl somewhere in yur message). This question needs to be discussed. — rolfl ♦ yesterday
Right, jogged my memory.
@SirPython Hahah that's awesome...
Yeah, @TylerHarden - it was just to point out that on Code Review it's hard to keep Questions and answers consistent if the questions are edited.
At the time there were lots of edits, and lots of comments on your question.
The C answer by Mr Lister is pretty clever. It took me a couple tries to understand it.
@Phrancis You just gave me the perfect response to my philosophy teacher.
42 (not that I've ever read that book).
The code also apparently went from 'broken' to 'working', yet none of the code changed.
@rolfl I definitely understand the reasoning there, I kind of hopped on CR without reading the rules of the road, per se.
@Hosch250 You're missing out man. Though, I personally like the original radio series
I actually find BF to be quite fun... I just can't get a good interpreter.
@SirPython make one!
@TylerHarden Yup, and that's all that I needed to convey when I requested that you join us here.
I've tried 6 times in C - yet they all fail.
That, and to sort out how to keep things right with respect to the answer matching the question.
I bet this one works:
Q: Brainf**k Interpreter in Java

Simon André ForsbergDescription To increase the awareness of my previous brainfuck question, not only is there a bounty on it (Thanks, Mat's Mug) but here's also a brainfuck interpreter. This is written with Java 8 Class Summary (298 lines in 4 files, making a total of 7409 bytes) BrainF.java: Represents a Brai...

@rolfl It wasn't working from what I could deduce throwing it in place of an existing Stack, but once I wrote unit tests, it appeared to be working properly (so it wasn't even originally broken)
@rolfl Makes perfect sense, honest oversight from a new user.
My main problem is that I am bad at dynamically allocating memory.
Hopefully I didn't fall into anyone's bad graces :)
No problem. and I'm more than happy to move on ;-)
I still don't know how to write a unit test.
@TylerHarden only trolls show up in The 2nd Monitor and do that ;)
And not even always them.
@Mat'sMug Do what?
1 min ago, by Tyler Harden
Hopefully I didn't fall into anyone's bad graces :)
I have purged the remaining comments from the question, @TylerHarden / @Mat'sMug - perhaps you want to flag as obsolete whatever is redundant on the answer now... ;-)
Lol I'm most definitely not a troll. Read my about me on my profile to understand my position on this community. :)
I'm just a bit of an idiot when it comes to reading rules before engaging, but I'm catching myself up now.
You're not skilled enough at trolling for me to have even considered you a troll. A troll would have come here and said: WTF, dude, my question is perfect and so am I!!!
What is the opposite of a troll? That's me.
I was genuinely excited to hear what you had to say, it gives me faith that people can genuinely offer critiques without simply being dicks to the new kid on the block. :)
That's the policy at CR - no dicks allowed.
I like that policy. If only we had that here at my office...
> I've came to Stackoverflow for years now, feeding off answered questions to improve my own code or solve issues I was too lazy to ask questions about, but as of 2015 that has ended, and I now exist here to give back more than I have taken.
@TylerHarden ^^ Beautiful
@Phrancis Thank you
So if I wanted to chat with someone about CQRS, what would be the proper chat room?
Command Query Responsibility Segregation?
Command Query Responsibility Segregation
Never heard of it til now.
Basically, from my understanding, versus the typical CRUD model where you store only the state in your database, you store your events, like a log, using eventstore.
This room has 37.6k stars
+1 more
@TylerHarden - I am not familiar with CQRS... not sure where to direct you.
Chat on SE sites is sometimes hit&miss.... it is typically not the place to get live-support on anything, but it does happen occasionally, even in here.
@SirPython I have an excellent grasp of First Aid; however, until Microsoft HoloLens is released I cannot assist with a bloody nose via the interwebz.
I think he was trying to be punny about my infamous typos
I had 'eben' instead of 'even'.
Correct ;-)
Ah, Sylvester Stallone is in the building?
Well I fail troll then.
Oct 13 '14 at 16:02, by rolfl
Monkey Typo... should be a meme
I am victimized in here....
I'm going to take your face and make a meme, @rolfl.
Why are you a monkey?
Because he's a codem onkey
Because monkeys are supreme - duh!
"The obvious usability problem there is that, if someone is coming in the other direction, you suddenly get a face-full of door, and a lot of damaged plates." @rolfl - What an amazing deduction. I am falling out of my chair here.
Oh, so most of you work at Stack Exchange?
LEt me help a bit there.....
@TylerHarden We do? Have yet to get a paycheck =;-)
@TylerHarden That post has a history....
I have three answers on UX, and they are all over-rated.
Hmmm, my accent is not that thick ;-)
I couldn't think of anything else.
@RubberDuck I'm implementing these nodes in a "make it work, fast" mindset. does it show?
Ooh - that's clever.
I should've put that in.
@SirPython LMFAO.
@SirPython - you will need to update your avatar so we can return the favour....
@rolfl I'll go find a pic right now
(now everyone knows what I am thinking when I see @RubberDuck's icon.)
Star overload....
@rolfl Good problem to have eh?
Let me help this happen, @SirPython
I see my old icon in the chat, but my new icon next to the enter box
Click your username anyhere.
How did you refresh my page?
29 secs ago, by SirPython
How did you refresh my page?
mod magic
I gotta find someone else to meme
@SirPython LOL
Meme my profile picture of me smoking a Cuban cigar on Ocean Drive in Miami. No wait...that isn't memable, I'm just a snobby douche.
user image
@Jamal Check this out
good one
user image
Ohhh... clever.
That was a good idea to take a screenshot while you still had the hats.
@Mat'sMug Where can I get one of those mugs?
you have to win them.. and then be lucky enough for them to actually ship ;)
@rolfl my new profile pic :)
@TylerHarden Request fulfilled:
Now, to remember how to update my own website.........
@SirPython Down vote, lack of effort -_-
"When your code finally compiles"
Then again, I guess I appreciate it. You and I don't have enough history for you to have funny inside-joke esque memes of me.
I bet you can't make a meme of me.
Not a good one, anyway.
Q: Beat detection algorithm implementation

SzabWhat is the quality of the code I've written? Is it easy to read or is it a low-quality piece of code? Also, is there any way I can improve the algorithm itself (beside changing C parameters)? using System; using System.Threading; using Un4seen.Bass; using Un4seen.BassWasapi; namespace Szab.Bea...

Therw we go, @Mat'sMug - profile
@CaptainObvious I could use something like that! Too bad it's C# and I'm on OS X...
Nope, not a good one.
Yes, @Hosch250?
I bet you can't make a meme of me.
I'm working on improving Tyler's. I'll accept your bet later ;-)
I have a feeling we're all gonna be out of stars by Monday morning, if this continues!
@Phrancis Is there a star limit?
No stars spent today.
Yeah 20 I think
Reload at 00:00 Zulu time
gotta code some more nodes
20 - I know ;)
I don't know what a node is, but they sound pretty awesome, according to Mug.
Bah - I can't GIMP.
Hosch, I accept your bet.
@Jamal part of me wants to copy that into the CR-meme post...
20 mins ago, by SirPython
user image
@Mat'sMug I guess that makes you the 2nd biggest fan of trees on CR!
Darn... I can't think of a good meme for @Hosch250
@Phrancis nah, I'm actually solving a problem here, this isn't a tree-for-a-tree!
> If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does JavaDeveloper still write a question about it?
That is better.
"because my avatar is just weird" wouldn't fit
But, it is now a paradox (is that the right word)?
If it is a good meme, then it lies.
Here is my shot at @Hosch250
This chatroom just became a "meme-roast"
Anyone want to take a peek at my current code?

    <Grid Background="Transparent">
        <ScrollViewer Style="{StaticResource DataPage}">
Not finished, and hardly code.
I'd call it markup ;)
don't hard-code image paths into the XAML like that
So how should I bind them?
depends. if it's a path, bind to a string; you could bind to an Image object as well - any valid ImageSource works
Well, why don't you write an answer to my question about this.
TTTIFTN, see you guys tomorrow.
See you.
Time to turn in for the night?
Q: XAML Markup Improvements

Hosch250I have a Windows Store and Windows Phone app, and in this app I have many pages like this: <Grid Background="Transparent"> <ScrollViewer Style="{StaticResource DataPage}"> <StackPanel> <TextBlock> Some text here: <LineBreak/> <...

@Hosch250 favorited. I will get back to that one :)
OK, thanks.
and at 1-month old, it's officially a zombie now
Got it.

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