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[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogReader] 5 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 2 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogAPI] 2 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Zomis/security-spr] 6 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 1 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
Woah! Hey! Over kill Santa! Thanks.
I just needed one...
That's Santa's job - overkill.
Did the most quality answer on SO which I am really proud of :D
A: Write A DataTable with variable columns into a database table

MehradPedram, sure you can. Go ahead and use GetOleDbSchemaTable() to get the details. This is the way you proceed, DataSet output = new DataSet(); using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(strConn)) { conn.Open(); DataTable schemaTable = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable( OleDbSchema...

Now I can figure out the solutions for my own problems
Thanks, mysterious Santas...
Thanks again this year for paying the Santax, @200_success!
Santa loves me too :D
2 years in a row he offered bounty prizes for the "best of" winners
I hate how sometimes when I'm browsing SO and I see someone asking for a bug fix, that I almost put a comment saying that "Here in Code Review, we don't fix broken code."
@janos I try hard not to pimp too, but when you're one away it's hard...
@Simon - you should find SEDE graphs work nicely now.
Thanks santa(s?) !
And yes. Thank you @200_success.
You all be good this year, OK?
Gosh - it's Christmas everyday in Code Review
Lol. @SirPython I resist the urge to review SO code on the daily.
Now you really sound like Santa.
@rolfl thanks. Tim's answer upvoted and accepted now.
Night @SimonAndréForsberg
@Simon, just BTW, tim is working with a relatively short window for feature-requests n SEDE.... if you have suggestions, post to meta.se
@rolfl Does that "@Simon" you just wrote actually ping him even though you didn't type the full name?
Yes, you only need the first 3 letters if they are unique, @Sir
(that did ping you, right?)
Yes! :-)
Q: My Calendar of Events is coming up with doubles of the same event

Shortstuff81000I created a calendar of events for several of my sites, including the [Eagles Club of Rapid City](http://www.rapidcityeagles3555.com using a tutorial from 4GuysFromRolla. I tried replacing most of the code behind with a SQL data source - I have nothing against the code behind, I just like using S...

@Shortstuff81000 rule of thumb: if it doesn't do what it's supposed to, it's not ready for a review ;)
I also can't figure out what your intentions are.
Is the VB code to be reviewed, or to be discarded in favour of SQL?
Q: My Calendar of Events is coming up with doubles of the same event

Shortstuff81000I created a calendar of events for several of my sites, including the Eagles Club of Rapid City using a tutorial from 4GuysFromRolla. I tried replacing most of the code behind with a SQL data source - I have nothing against the code behind, I just like using SQL data sources because they're easy ...

I'm going to go see if I can cook up something for a review....
The help center has all the rules. Basically the code has to be working as intended, it has to be your code, real code, and you must be ready to receive feedback on any aspect of the code you've posted.
That last one tends to be the rarest, but most problematic when it happens.
What am I doing? I need to be writing release notes...
I will one day understand all this bit and byte stuff....
But until then, my keyboard will still have to stand by as I smash my face into my desk, pondering why I can't move a 16 bit value into a 32 bit register.
At the CPU level, you can.
I'm writing this in assembly - is that close enough?
yeah, you shoud be able to, no problem. You may have other effects though, like filling the high bits with stuff too.
or, perhaps filling the high-16 bits instead of the low ones.
I'm getting the error invalid combination of opcode and operands
But I don't see any syntax error, if that is what that is saying.
It should be giving a line number?
What's the code?
Yes... sorry, I don't have time now. TTGTB - see you guys tomorrow.
Well, OK, then, Night
I wonder if these two questions can be combined somehow. The code isn't entirely identical, so they're not exact duplicates.
Who's gonna set him free... he is suffering @rolfl
It's network-wide, so we don't have to do anything.
Is there such a right to delete somebody's user?
Mods can delete users under restricted conditions. We can't delete him. He has to request it directly from SE staff, which requires an e-mail.
Gotta run.
@200_success as I mentioned in the comment, it would be nice to see your approach, the way you finally come the the submitted code. If I could see your git repo for the submitted code that'd be great.
There is no git repo. The whole solution took not much more than 10 minutes to write.
I could say more about the thought process, but I have to go now. I'm frequently around in the chat room, though.
@Phrancis show us show us
Don't have a committed link yet but I'll post a quick screenshot
that's do
Would love some help with this question of mine: stackoverflow.com/q/28058234/1937270
Kinda been out of the programming system for too long haha
This is GitHub-style @Mehrad now I can finally start tweaking the CSS
in TCG Creation, 25 secs ago, by Duga
> finally got prettify-test.html to link to custom styles, committing before I break it again
@Phrancis looks beautiful
Not bad, I find it a bit bland but otherwise, nice and clean
I know.
Make the background to flash in different colors :P
Just... no.
it''ll be really eye-catching(crashing) :)
Anyone around has VS?
I do... hit me
Could you paste this snippet, and take a screenshot with the default, white BG color setting?
sure. i'll try
// this is a comment
** Block quote
public static class Evaluate
    public static string FizzBuzz(int start, int end)
        return Enumerable.Range(start, (end - start) + 1)
            .Aggregate(String.Empty, (y, x) => String.Format("{0} {1}", y, x))

    public static string FizzOrBuzz(int n)
        if (n % 15 == 0) return "fizzbuzz";
        if (n % 3 == 0) return "fizz";
        if (n % 5 == 0) return "buzz";
That has basically every element that can be changed using CSS so it would be a good reference for me
sure... Is this good enough @Phrancis
Great! If there is one Black/Dark BG setting that is not too "blingy" you're welcome to post don't have too though. Just gathering examples so I can try different things :)
@Phrancis not at all. Let us know when you need a hand
You rock!
Well I have a few other languages, if you have IDEs. Thinking Eclipse for Java (I have Netbeans), I think that's the main one.
There are three color schemes for VS overall but the Blue and Light don't have any differences in the code coloring but the menus. and Dark is dark obviously
Got some Python too, if you have an IDE
(not really looking for Notepad++ and such, just actual IDEs)
I don't have Eclipse but do have Notepad++ and Sublime if that will do
Okay. No. I think VS handles Python but never fed him something like that
let me have a look
Here's a short Python one if you want to try:
# This is a comment
def fizzbuzz(number):
    if not number % 3:
        if not number % 5:
            return 'fizzbuzz'
            return 'fizz'
    if not number % 5:
        return 'buzz'
    return number

def main():
    for i in range(1, 101):
        print fizzbuzz(i)
Only others are HTML/JS, PHP and VBA
vba would be easy
not sure how to do PHP though
I am looking into the Python atm
Give me the HTML. that's easy with VS
<html><body style="font-size: 12pt;">

<script type="text/javascript">
// This is a comment
 * Block comment
var myString = "Hello, World!";
var myInt = 42;
function helloWorld(world) {
    for (i = 0; i <= myInt; i++) {
    p { color: pink }
    b { color: blue }
    u { color: "umber" }
You know, I want to write answers/ask questions here, but I need to do school.
I got something for PHP I think, no worries
VBA I can get from one of those masochists in VBA room ;-)
$loop = true;

while ($loop) {
    $loop = false;

    // define and clear array
    $matrix = [];

    // Fill all cells with possible numbers
    for ($x = 1; $x < 10; $x++) {
        for ($y = 1; $y < 10; $y++) {
            for ($z = 1; $z < 10; $z++) {
                $matrix[$y][$x][$z] = $z;

    // Start selecting random numbers for each cell from
    // the possible numbers contained in it currently
    for ($x = 1; $x < 10; $x++) {
        for ($y = 1; $y < 10; $y++) {
Oh. you wanted a light version for Python. one sec
There is some PHP.
@Hosch250 I'm looking for IDE screenshots, I got code already ;-)
Oh, OK.
I only have VS, so Mehrad can help you just as much as I can.
@Phrancis so now you got two light and dark for Python
Talking about code, do you think I'm good enough at C# that somebody would be willing to intern me for writing it?
@Mehrad Very appreciated friend
I'll post the HTML in a sec
@Hosch250 you're definitely knowledgeable
@Mehrad hardly.
I do learn fast, but I hardly know anything about it.
I learn something almost every time I open my IDE still.
@Phrancis HTML light in VS
Oh man @Hosch250. I don't think anybody is out there who sits down and punches in code for 100 lines and F5
and it runs :D
@Mehrad LOL yeah that happens right.
Oh, I think don't so.
I mean other than @Phrancis :P
I do it for things that are easy.
Or things that I know well, anyway.
Hell I can barely write HTML... SQL... a little JAVA (and not very well)
I have asked so many strangely complicated question from some decent pro-s and their strongest point is that they know better ways to look for answers of their questions.
Its correctness/bugfreeness is questionable.
I usually find a couple bugs for extraneous input and that kind of stuff.
They have lots of side/small muscles which helps them work their main ones :) (if I wanted to make a physical example)
Oh, the Java doc is nasty.
@Mehrad If you can pull off a dark one for HTML I promise I'm done bugging you :D
MSDN is clear.
andddd the dark HTML VS
Not at all, was in the process of uploading it
@Phrancis What do you need VS shots for anyway?
What for?
Don't you need browser shots for that?
31 mins ago, by Phrancis
user image
So I can make this ^^ look like a real IDE
I like your dark theme in the answer.
@Phrancis BTW, that yellow line is showing unsaved edits.
It turns green when you save it, and disappears when you close the file.
@Phrancis send me the VBA code you want
Option Explicit

Public Function Chop(target As Long, Arr() As Long, Optional midpoint As Long = -1) As Long
    Dim result As Long
    Dim currentTest As Long

    If Not IsArrayAllocated(Arr) Then
        Chop = -1
        Exit Function
    End If

    If midpoint %lt; 0 Then
        midpoint = UBound(Arr) \ 2
    End If

    currentTest = Arr(midpoint)

    If target = currentTest Then
        result = midpoint
    ElseIf midpoint = 0 Or (Arr(UBound(Arr)) < target) Then
        result = -1
NetBeans not too far off from VS
Little bold/italic here and there
@Phrancis for some reason VS is stock on the Creating project. As soon as it resolves I'll send you the screenshots for VB
I can also just get them from work tomorrow in the VBE, don't worry if it's a hassle you did plenty already!
kk... if it doesn't crash i'll send them to you hopefully soon
It's a bummer that VBA formatting is crappy in Prettify though
emmm... I wouldn't know why. maybe the writers weren't a big fan or something :)
Part that, part VBA being... odd :)
I hear Ruby formatting is really weird too
VBA is formatted like this...
Sub foo ' formatted as comment from here
    Dim stillFormattedAsComment ' no longer formatted as comment, even though it's a comment
    Dim formattedNormally
Also, Rem Hi, I'm a comment is formatted as regular code
Q: Sublime Text 2 R Build System (source file, send selection to interactive session)

cpicancoThe following is the description of the R build system I am using (very happy) with Sublime Text 2 on linux (Crunchbang). With it, I am able to: to source the current file.R to an interactive R session; to send the current selection to an interactive R session (supports multi selection); to out...

Any Java people around?
@Donald.McLean I saw a monkey a little bit ago, not sure still around though...
It's no big deal. Thanks anyway.
@Donald.McLean - what's up?
@rolfl I'm working on a writeup for my office talking about some of the new stuff in Java 8, and I'm looking for feedback on how it sounds so far.
I'm good for that (giving some feedback). What form is it in?
@rolfl I have a Google Doc. I can post a link.
I'd be happy to. Obviously, you may want someone other than me to have a look...
If you don't want it public, I can accomodate too.
As long as people aren't making fun of me behind my back, it won't matter.
Only when you wear that baseball cap.
It's incomplete... right?
Yes, it it not yet complete.
I had an itneresting teacher omce, who effectively taught us to read the last part of an assignement first.
Q: SHA1 Implementation producing wrong hashes

Drew BuckleyI am currently trying to implement SHA1 in C. My code seems to be executing successfully, but is producing the wrong hashes.. What am I doing wrong? /* * sha1.h */ #ifndef SHA1_H_ #define SHA1_H_ #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef unsigned char sha1_byte; t...

@CaptainObvious Bother.
Hey Donald, how about a fresh chat room? ;-)
@Phrancis this VB code seems to have lots of errors
I donno VB so I wouldn't know how to fix it
@Phrancis not sure it will be useful this way though
You can still see the colors and all
Seems it carried over the &lt; and &gt; probably causing a lot of the errors
That's one annoying thing about escaping code within HTML
I'm actually very curious why only the VB formatting actually renders &lt; instead of <, all the others work fine using &lt;
See if this works any better:
Option Explicit
' This is a comment '
Public Function Chop(target As Long, Arr() As Long, Optional midpoint As Long = -1) As Long
    Dim result As Long
    Dim currentTest As Long

    If Not IsArrayAllocated(Arr) Then
        Chop = -1
        Exit Function
    End If

    If midpoint < 0 Then
        midpoint = UBound(Arr) \ 2
    End If

    currentTest = Arr(midpoint)

    If target = currentTest Then
        result = midpoint
    ElseIf midpoint = 0 Or (Arr(UBound(Arr)) < target) Then
        result = -1
This one was better :)
The code you gave me actaully had the escape codes and I pasted it however it was
Q: Remove duplication of constant value

linjunpopPlease suggest a better implementation to remove the duplication? class Authentication PROVIDERS = if Rails.env.production? %(weibo open_wechat wechat) else %(weibo open_wechat wechat developer) end.freeze end

and the dark one
Much much better!
well I never thought I'd write as much on a simple little function!
A: Efficiently create and sort a Collection

Mat's Mug@RubberDuck gave a pretty awesome review here, I'm just going to cover dissect the InCollection function, which was left out. I like that you are sticking a comment at the top of every procedure - that's very good practice. One little nitpick about this one though: 'Returns boolean true if an ...

in TCG Creation, 1 min ago, by Duga
> Got all CSS/HTML/JS files to work in local directories and should be honky-dory from here!
Hope you didn't type all that on your phone buddy!
haha nope
You don't happen to have SSMS open do ya?
nope. I was planning on opening VS but that answer took longer than I expected. Closing Excel & VBA ;)
Don't blame you ;-)
and now I only have Chrome opened
Kind of tired of looking at this HTML, TBH
ssms Open and ready @Phrancis
here goes:
    Word VARCHAR(100)
SET @var = 'bar';
INSERT INTO foo (Id, Word)
    VALUEs (1, @var);
     , Word
FROM foo
I'd expect Id:1, Word:bar to be returned as the sole result row..
I'm getting screenshots, not making real code :)
I think I'm missing something... but go on?
It's for Code Prettify
oh, pretttify for T-SQL
thought you had an SQL question!
@Phrancis would this do ?
@Mehrad Perfect
@Mat'sMug I am helping @Phrancis with SQL :P
This would be the only time I could though :))))))
@Phrancis you're in good hands, I'm off to bed!
I put that script in pgAdmin but it got really confused about the syntax ;-)
@Mat'sMug Ok good night (PS: Put the phone away!)
haha yeah
Q: Beginner advice

10eilleI've developed an interest in software engineering. I want to be able to create what I use one day, particularly mobile apps. I'm new to all this though and could use some advice on how to start. I've never coded before. I barely know much about the topic but I'm willing to learn. What books ca...

@CaptainObvious oh come on!
(phone down now)
Q: Is this a good approach for better readability?

abhishekApologies if this is not the right place to ask this. I am in great doubt about this approach. I'm working on a PHP based web application. While building the UserStorage class, (which acts as a storage source for user data, and implements the UserStorageInterface), I noticed something. The get ...

@CaptainObvious "Is this a good approach for better title?"
Q: Poker Game Java Code for Hand Rankings

here4learnHello Reviewers, I have tried to write small part of poker game to check the poker hand rankings. Please review and provide me your feedback. package com.sa.test.conditions.poker; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; class Hand { Card[] cards; publ...

@Mehrad ^^ making progress
@Phrancis is this font medium weight?
it looks bolder than normal doesn't it?
Made a bit of adjustment, it's that stupid Courier font that looks like that. Here comes
font for sure
what font SE uses for the Code block?
My CSS wasn't quite right. This ^^ is what it looks on OS X (Monaco font). On Windows it would use Consolas instead.
SE uses Consolas for Windows and Monaco for OS X, which is the same setup I am using.
^^ Latest question, Monaco on my machine, looks like 8pt instead of 12pt though
interesting. I never knew Windows and Mac use diffeerent fonts to load the same page
They do.
.prettyprint {
  background: white;
  font-family: Monaco, Consolas, Courier New, monospace;
  font-size: 12px;
  line-height: 1.5;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  padding: 10px;
See the font-family attribute. It will pick whichever is the first one to be available on the client
and I assume say in iOS the Monoco becomes available first
Yes. On Windows it skips it, unless you're one of the very rare Windows user who has Monaco
I could put Consolas first, result would be identical 99% of the time
And, if neither are available, it goes to Courier New, and short of that, the default monospace system font... old Courier, or FixedSys or something
I always wondered why they list couple of fonts in the family when you just need one. Thanks @Phrancis. you just answered one of my question :D
Of course unless you're running Windows 98 or OS 9 you probably won't ever get to Courier New
Just curious, how is Windows coverage were you live? want to understand why you've been using Mac? Cuz my best friend lives in Sweden and where they work they don't even support Windows in their organization and it's all Linux.
Windows is most of the market. Mac are mostly independents, a few companies adopt it but it's not common
Linux... Very rare AFAIK
So in your case it's just the matter of preference right?
Other than Macs being a little bit pricy they look and feel nice I'd say.
It's a big move though. I wouldn't be able to do anything since so dependent on Windows
Yeah. I run a small media business and Mac is the way to go for media. Not so much for office work.
@Phrancis No way!
I can do anything media on Windows.
Media Business?!! really. What's it called? what do you do?
I produce music
Here is the troll :D
(part time, I have a day job too)
That's amazing
So you should be able to understand the Fourier Series better than most of us
My mom has a mac, and so does my sister.
I'm not sure what Fourier Series are, first time I've heard the term :)
My boss has a mac and he wouldn't change it for the world
One terrible thing even I know better than to do is in iPhoto.
They load all the photos with the application, so when you have 2000+ photos, it locks up.
iPhoto is bleh, as is GarageBand and iMovie
But you can turn off that thing :p
Then, you have to reboot the thing to regain the memory.
Oohhhh, never knew there was a name for this!
My HP has better hardware than the macs get, but it cost 2k (with Office Pro and a big warranty packet).
You see... isn't that interesting. We spent over 3 months understanding these series in Engineering and now I know there is a simple musical explanation to it as well
Paid $900 for my MacBook like 7 years ago, hasn't crashed on me (in a non-trivial way) once
Macs are very stable, yes.
But, to each their own :)
My moms BSOD'ed once, and my PC BSOD's 4 times in three years.
Brb nicotine (don't smoke, kids)
Well it's very easy to design a software for a fixed hardware. That gives the Mac the stability edge
I think the main reason I don't like Mac is because my mom didn't let me do much.
I am king on my PC, and if I crash it, that is my business.
hahaha... Interesting
Also, Office Online is better than iWork.
They really botched that in the last couple releases.
even Mac users prefer Microsoft Office
My mom actually bought it because it was so much more powerful than iWork.
However apparently the Mac version of Microsoft office is a little bit different with shortcuts and all. so my boss runs a VM to have Office on windows
Need to do a quick merge into master... I get so nervous with git sometimes
Once I get the entire Learn Office suite for Windows down, I would like to go into Mac development and expand that way.
Yes, Office for Mac is very Mac oriented.
@Phrancis since I don't understand it fully it makes me nervous too.
Good morning, people of the night
I keep everything on an external HDD, copy/pasted every day.
Good night, @JeroenVannevel
11:54 here, so I'm off in a couple seconds.
@Phrancis there is nice course for Git though that I want to follow and get more confident. udacity.com/course/ud775
Morning @JeroenVannevel
Ugh, conflicts
G'Night, folks.
night @Hosch250
Bah, every time I touch git I break something
did it break again this time?
I think it's a PICNIC issue
Q: Simple Generic output for Deserializer

MehradDespite always reading, learning, and interpreting Generics in the past, these days I am trying to make a use of them and their power in my code. lately I have been learning about Serialization so I decided to write a little helper class for my Application to make it easy to use this feature in ...

Made a bunch of changes to local repo, then pushed commits to develop. Then I checked out master and tried to fetch, told me there are conflicts (no hints as to what they are except the file name), tried to switch back to develop and it doesn't let me.
daymn. and Googling starts as of now
Been doing that for a few now
If I had the time, I'd review that deserializer now
there's some juicy improvements :'(
please do @JeroenVannevel
But alas, AngularJS exam calls. I'll answer it in a few hours if it's not done so yet
appreciate it
thanks for the edit @Jamal
Crosses fingers ... git push
I think I didn't break master
@Mehrad click this please, if you're around: cardshifter.github.io/prettify-test/prettify-test.html
Notice how the font is not the same as my screenshot from earlier of the same file
Although, I think it's not totally up to date
There's a bit of a conflict I'll have to fix
@Phrancis how did it go?
This is beautiful. However the strings aren't in the Redy sort of color but gray for some reason
Clunky, as it usually does when I try to do anything with git
Not in the legend though
Yeah, that's the conflict. Getting a bit late, I'll work on fixing it tomorrow
Overall, it looks fantastic
well done
and also before you go, what do you think about dimming the line numbers down a little bit
something grayish and really light then it won't stand out
Yeah I agree, once it get it committed correctly I'll get into design :)
perfect. They seem to be really blending in with the code. thought I'll let you know
good luck
Thanks! Once Simon is around tomorrow I can fix this, he's uber-pro at git!
Morning @janos
hi @Mehrad
Thanks @Heslacher for the answer.
My pleasure
it's interesting how many mistakes I make in a simple little bit of code. Should pay more attention and do some housekeeping
Thats what code review is for ;-)
@Phrancis can you see the conflicts with git diff ?
TTQW guys. see you later.
see ya
also thanks for your input on my question @janos
you're welcome ;-)
@SimonAndréForsberg what type of format needs the remote file to be ? (autocomments) meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/a/4978/29371
@janos Haven't tried git diff I saw them on github
It's 02:14 though TTGTB :)
oh I see. Yeah GitHub cannot resolve conflicts and won't show the diff (which would be nice though), you'll have to do the merge locally
Q: esLint - Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression

John GIm having the following code and I got in the lint error "Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression" How can I avoid it? this.getChecked() ? nSelectedChildren += 1 : nSelectedChildren -= 1;

Q: Pulling thread data from Invision power board from an external java application

Ezra PolterWhat I am planning on doing is pulling the first post of my news section, this was made for V bulletin and now I need to add it for IPb. package com.rigory.loader.main.services; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; i...

Q: plpgsql function optimization

niiJust started to use PostgreSQL and want to be sure that I'm not making any mistakes. Here's a function that splits given string according to predefined patterns. It's part of a trigger function used to populate one table from another. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION split_t1_name(t1_name TEXT) RE...

Q: PrettyPrint a Binary Tree (Follow Up)

yadav_viI have improved the Pretty Printing of binary tree that I implemented previously. In this follow up I have made changes such that every tree is printed (not just a Complete binary tree). Here is my changed implementation. Please suggest any improvements that are required. public class PrettyPri...

@Heslacher JSON. Click the link in my meta answer to see an example. It is possible to export that format from the autocomments script
@SimonAndréForsberg Thanks.
@Phrancis Monking
2 hours later…
Q: N-Bodies Simulation: Barnes-Hut Java

Guido CeladaI am doing a n-bodies simulation using java, but something it's wrong and i can't tell what. Can you please help? Here are the classes: package model; /** * Celestial body * * @author Guido J. Celada ([email protected]) */ public class Body { public static final float GRAVITATIONAL_...

Yay, moderator tools privilege on SO

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