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How does it look then?
I don't think you can see my downvotes anyway
Only your own
Apparently, you look much sweeter this way....
nice from far, but far from nice.
45 mins ago, by Jeroen Vannevel
user image
Compare.... ^^^
It goes on and on
But yes, I do look like an excellent person in your view. I like that.
Well there you go..... you had us fooled.
Going for the 200%!
I stole an accept from jaons. I don't think he's going to be happy with me.
He's perhaps some help with these janos zombie kills: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/73683/process-zip-files
2 more votes till 1.8k.
I want to get to 2k before the site updates.
you'll be 20k by that time
@Hosch250 as much as it pains me to say, the odds are only 50/50 that it will happen this year.
College is going to get fairly intense in a couple weeks.
I thought it would probably happen sometime this spring.
I would like to think i will happen, but, the system seems to be moving slowly.
Maybe now that SO and Meta.SE have their updates...
Unless something changes, we are about 8-sites down the line, at a rate of one every couple of months.
Weird. The HTML tags were never previously set to use HTML syntax-highlighting by default. I've fixed that now.
I need to write a 3 page paper on Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle by next Friday (I think), so I'll be working on it this weekend.
+90, Revival, and Enthusiast today. Not bad.
@Hosch250 "They dead, old, Greek and talked a lot"
A lot closer to three words than three pages.
You have to round up
Tell my professor that.
Aristotle was interesting.
He made several discoveries that weren't verified for hundreds of years, but turned out correct.
He also made our biological classification system.
Socrates and Plato are pains.
Plato I'll focus on Platonism.
Socrates, I'll examine his Crito (I had to study that a couple years ago and write a paper on it).
Thank you, everybody. I no longer have 0-voted answers.
I have one and I'm proud of it!
Not anymore, unless you want to to revert my vote.
Better tell me quick.
Why are you proud of it?
I'm not, I'm just not into the upvote-asking game
I feel like it diminishes the worth of my genuine votes
OK, I think it is kind of cheating too.
(I'm not that fanatical about it though, just saying :P)
But I still do it, because nobody cares.
I gave it back, because I might as well spend it.
It was worth an upvote anyway.
Fine, if you must
Busy serial upvoting the main page just so my votes aren't wasted
Also, adding the SettingsVM we discussed earlier.
Also reading the Q/A's.

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