« first day (534 days earlier)      last day (3780 days later) » 

@Phrancis I have completely revised my answer there
looking at your code now.
@Phrancis You have the conditions:
  t0.END_DATE >= TO_DATE('03-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  AND    t0.END_DATE <= TO_DATE('04-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
and there's no data where the end date is between the check dates
And it looks like the One Vote Short query has finally updated.
Oh? I looked through it earlier... was it old?
Nope, looks like I left it this morning.
When I last saw it, it had 194 entries. Now, it has 140.
thanks @Santa!
@rolfl I thought the OR clause in the middle would check for either the begin date condition or the end date condition, and display anything that falls within either
Only if the BEGIN value for that same record was in the begin range.
Sorry, let me pull my head out and look again.
So, does it ignore parentheses completely? (in a where clause)
No, I think I am doing something daft too.
Nope, I'm not doing anything stupid... you are ;-)
  t0.BEGIN_DATE >= TO_DATE('03-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  AND    t0.BEGIN_DATE <= TO_DATE('04-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  t0.END_DATE >= TO_DATE('03-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  AND    t0.END_DATE <= TO_DATE('04-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
this one is also one vote short:
Q: Unit Testing in VBA

RubberDuckUnit testing in VBA is... lacking. (What isn't lacking in VBA though?) Since I've become more interested in unit testing lately, I decided I needed something better than Debug.Assert(), so I started building this framework. Currently there is a ton of functionality missing, but since I'm new to u...

What OR clause?
FROM dates_test t0
  t0.BEGIN_DATE >= TO_DATE('03-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  AND    t0.BEGIN_DATE <= TO_DATE('04-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
OR ( -- this one
  t0.END_DATE >= TO_DATE('03-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  AND    t0.END_DATE <= TO_DATE('04-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
That's not in the SQLFiddle you pointed to: sqlfiddle.com/#!4/f9d0e/4
I may have shared the wrong fiddle, but results are identical
They are, just looking now.
I feel pretty certain this would work fine in MS SQL, Postgres and even MySQL
Oh I think I get it, looking at original question. Seems like Oracle may have that silly extra set of parentheses like Access does (sort of)
Meh. That must not be it. This also returned 0 results:
FROM dates_test t0
    t0.BEGIN_DATE >= TO_DATE('03-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
    AND    t0.BEGIN_DATE <= TO_DATE('04-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  OR (
    t0.END_DATE >= TO_DATE('03-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
    AND    t0.END_DATE <= TO_DATE('04-06-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
The TO_DATE does not translate the dates you have.
(not in the format you expect)
What form of sorcery is that? ;-)
Well you clearly deserve this one, I'm not even going to attempt an answer.
The OP used dates that were in march/april, and you changed them to june.
Ah, good catch
Here's the fiddle with the dates translated right: sqlfiddle.com/#!4/f9d0e/22
Uhm, make that the edited version (22)
I've come up with this, but it inconveniently leaves out the 'spans' row. I'm starting to think the OP actually has the best way of doing this.
FROM dates_test t0
    t0.BEGIN_DATE >= TO_DATE('06-03-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
    AND    t0.BEGIN_DATE <= TO_DATE('06-04-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  OR (
    t0.END_DATE >= TO_DATE('06-03-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
    AND    t0.END_DATE <= TO_DATE('06-04-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
I can add another OR ( AND ) condition but then it will be exactly the same as OP.
Yep sure enough, this gives identical results:
FROM dates_test t0
    t0.BEGIN_DATE >= TO_DATE('06-03-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
    AND    t0.BEGIN_DATE <= TO_DATE('06-04-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  OR (
    t0.END_DATE >= TO_DATE('06-03-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
    AND    t0.END_DATE <= TO_DATE('06-04-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
  OR (
      t0.BEGIN_DATE <= TO_DATE('06-03-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
    AND    t0.END_DATE >= TO_DATE('06-04-2014', 'DD-MM-YYYY')
WOW. @rolfl that's very simple and elegant
A: Filter out date records which don't fall within a date span

rolflSo, My first answer messed up (Can I blame it on incomplete test data?) That's a good thing to note, that your should design your tests to cover the situations that are significant to you. Because your tests were incomplete, when I ran and modified your code, and got the 'same' results, I assume...

am I the only one to read OP's name as "Oh, MegaMan"?
Probably. But I like the reference ;-)
Also, NES graphics look so much better on a tiny, low-resolution CRT screen.
> As of 2014-02-02, we now stand at 754 zombies. CR is 94% answered.
currently 735, 96%
That seems to indicate the number of answered questions has increased in greater proportion than the total, right? @Mat'sMug
@rolfl where BEGIN_DATE <= TO_DATE('04-06-2014', 'mm-dd-yyyy') AND END_DATE >= TO_DATE('03-06-2014', 'mm-dd-yyyy) ?
That game was so bad and so good, simultaneously. I hated swinging at the air when I overcalculated my attacks on a unit.
haha yeah, the new Android (PS?) ports don't do that anymore
I think I've played every version of FF1
Is that your actual game? (hinted by the first char named Matt)
nope, just the first screenshot I found ;)
Ah. I was gonna say... no black mage??
that's actually a fun party to play with. Fighter-BlackBelt-WhiteMage-BlackMage is for noobs :)
I miss the music these games had. (FF1 and the Dragon Warrior series)
I would usually use the above, but Redmage instead of Blackbelt. Guess that makes me a noob lol.
the black belt stops needing a weapon around level 10-12.. and IIRC can kill the final boss with a single blow (or two)
and we're so off-topic :)
HACK - and yes
I'm gonna smoke an underscore a dollar sign, brb
me too
well, if the cool kids are doing it...
@mjolka Yes, in fact....
Want to answer it, or can I update?
It is the same boolean logic, expressed differently ;-)
@rolfl update away :)
updated away!
upvoted away!
Q: Java implementation of QuickSort

Ricardo ParroHow can I improve the following code: public class QuickSortAlg{ private static int[] arr; private static int arraySize; public static void main(String[] args){ arr = new int[]{101,102,75,80,85,60,55,50,77}; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { System.out.print("||" + i + "=>

public static void quickSortYeah(int left, int right){
uh there's some heisenbug in that code
which is super weird since i can't see any randomness
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
	at QuickSortAlg.quickSortYeah(QuickSortAlg.java:70)
	at QuickSortAlg.quickSortYeah(QuickSortAlg.java:75)
line numbers are changed
ok, broken code. doesn't terminate for an array of all zeros (even a two-element array)
Q: Basic Java Currency Converter

Redgoose2This is my basic currency converter for my intro to java class. I'm supposed to be able to convert between yen, dollars, pounds and euros using static rates. It works, but I was curious to know if I did it in the most efficient way possible. It seems quite long and looks like a huge mess. Just wa...

Q: Creating a singly sorted linked list of structs

Tai M.So I'd first like to punctuate this by saying that it is for a homework assignment, so this code is going to be published anywhere. Along with that, this is a sort of repost from an earlier topic (where it was suggested that I try to compile everything and then post what issues I'm having). Tha...

Q: Error Handling in Servlets and JSPs

ohtphI have an HTML login form that is processed by a servlet, which then redirects the user to a result page. login.jsp: <strong>LOG IN</strong> <p>Please enter your credentials.</p> <form action="process-login.jsp" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type...

Accept in less than a minute?
@Jamal .... did you edit the source code?
love the accept without an upvote. have an upvote
Thanks, the OP did not have enough rep to upvote.
Q: Optimize my simple C++ grading program

ChantolaI have started working on the projects listed here: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/articles/12974/ I want to practice my C++ coding skills. Here is my code, I would love any constructive criticism I can get! The more the better! This is for the very first problem, #1 "Grading Program" #include <...

@rolfl Where?
Q: Basic Java Currency Converter

Redgoose2This is my basic currency converter for my intro to Java class. I'm supposed to be able to convert between yen, dollars, pounds and euros using static rates. It works, but I was curious to know if I did it in the most efficient way possible. It seems quite long and looks like a huge mess. Just wa...

Oh, I see, you did, but only to indent it all... sorry, I missed the extra } at the end.
Yeah, that part of the system is kinda misleading.
JAVA midterm tomorrow. D:
Almost. I haven't quite looked over threads, which weren't taught too in depth anyway. It would've been nice if he had returned our UML projects.
@Jamal what sort of questions will be covered? is it just about java itself, or also algs/data structures/other stuff?
Mostly Java (concepts, features, writing code, identifying output) and UML (drawing and analyzing).
Q: Project euler #43

slayerI'm using C to solve this one, but no matter how many numbers I check I get the final sum to be 145, which isn't the correct answer. Can someone look at my code and see if I overlooked something? The problem I'm trying to solve is commented in the code. #include <stdio.h> /* 145 is a curious nu...

Monking @all
monking @Heslacher
@Heslacher does "Heslacher" mean anything?
i googled it and only found a tunnel by that name
No, not really. Heslach is just the part of my city where I live. So I used Heslacher ( meaning a guy from Heslach in german ) as my screen name.
Yeah, that tunnel is where I come from.
But you should have found also some entries on msdn forum by me
nope... your technet profile came up on the fourth page though
This tunnel is too popular ;-)
must be one amazing tunnel :)
Q: Get all the attributes of a DOM Node

vivekpoddarI needed this small function for one of my project. Fetch Attributes Its working fine as expected but I wanted to know if I am missing something from performance point of view or good coding practices. Just need a second opinion :)

Monking @janos
Monking @Heslacher
just checked out your tunnel :)
Only 30 rep from 19K. :-) And I have a "queue" of bad titles that I will gradually improve after tomorrow.
27 rep from 4k
An I have a "queue" of work to do at the office ;-(
@Heslacher r.e. ShouldExit in this answer codereview.stackexchange.com/a/67208/44723
you can just use return input.EndsWith("exit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
@Heslacher What 27 rep? ;-)
@Heslacher congrats!
yup, congrats!
Trusted till graduation ;-)
@mjolka Updated my answer
@Heslacher I think it's good to order your points by priority, for example in codereview.stackexchange.com/a/67019/12390 single responsibility first and nitpicking last ;)
Now start deleting some non-answers!
@Heslacher could be an interesting race: reach 10k before the privileges are updated ;)
I'm still trying to do that with 20K. 1030 rep remaining.
@janos You are right. Usually I I write in the order I read. The first thing I read is the first thing I review. I don't think I can win this race.
@Jamal Really ?
I write like that too at first. Then review and reorder. It seems the real graduation will take months. I think it's easily possible that you can beat it
Yeah, there should be plenty of time to hit milestones. That way, we'll be even stronger once the privilege levels are adjusted.
hm, the spoiler thingy doesn't quite work in this one: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/66811/12390
Q: Finding Largest Integer Palindrome within a Set

Sleep Deprived BulbasaurI've "solved" Project Euler Question 4 and I was wondering if I could make my answer more efficient (I'm using Project Euler to help me learn Haskell). The problem reads: Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers Here is my solution getMaxPalindrome = maxim...

maybe @Jamal knows how to fix?
Seems to work fine on my side. ?
thanks santa(s?)!
I'm not too good with spoiler tags. I can hide the code itself, but the highlighting remains.
I'll circle back to it a bit later. now let's answer some questions first ;)
A 1-rep user apparently has tried to kill a zombie, but with a Java code dump for a Haskell question.
Q: Another way to loop this code in AHK

NekroI have a working AHK code, but i am curious if there is a better/shorter way to do this loop, a := b := aFunction() ; get a starting value for a and b loop, { a := aFunction() ; call a function to get current a value if (a == b) continue Else { c := a - b ; this is t...

hey @Phrancis
Monking @Phrancis
Q: JavaScript prototype inheritance

JohnI've been spending my past couple hours researching prototypical inheritance, but I'm left with conflicting/unclear answers on how it should be done. It seems to be working for how I'm using it right now. Paper.Component = function(){}; // useless unless I can solve problem mentioned below? Pape...

Q: Flood game implementation(coffee+jquery)

kharandziukThere is the implementation of flood game on my github. The app.coffee is the main part of project class Square colors = [ 'orange', 'green', 'red', 'blue', 'violet', 'yellow', ] constructor: (@game, @node)-> @node.on 'click', => @game.flood(@color) re...

monking @Vogel612
Q: Least suprising extension methods for DateTime to NATO date-time group

Code ClownI have the following code to get a NATO date-time group for a DateTime. I usually need Zulu-Time or from a specific time zone. Is it clear what those methods are providing? If want to parse a NATO dtg string would those be extension methods for string or DateTime? using System; using System.Coll...

@CaptainObvious migration completed...
Monking @TheKittyKat
Monking @Vogel612
Monking @TheKittyKat
Monking @Heslacher
Q: Getting Time Limit Exceed and need to optimise

Nawed ShaikhI am solving a problem of code chef : N Soldiers are lined up for a memory test. They are numbered from 0 to N-1 from left to right. In the test, there are M rounds. In each round, Captain selects one position. Soldier at that position will be numbered 0. All the soldiers to the right of select...

Q: creating objects from parsed file in python

bocharovI'm newbie in Python but I want to know some tricks to make my code look cute. I know that syntax of Python allows to do this, but I don't know how. Suppose I have file with lines of format "x y z" and I want to parse it and make some objects. Now code looks like this: class Obj(object): def...

Q: Is it possible to condense this ASP code?

user2714575There must be a better way to display this code, does anyone have any ideas? What the code does is displays a row of buttons and when you click on a button it changes the session so you can see if it's active or not. Also this is a link to what the side panel looks like when you click the "prog...

Monking @skiwi
> I want to know some tricks to make my code look cute.
Add smileys in the comments.
And use kawai variables names.
that could make a funny review
kawai_int so_cute = 18_nyaaaa;
Monking @skiwi
Use more Japanese names.
a seriously cute answer would go viral, I think
wonder if this would work in Python: plus.google.com/+ProgrammingCom/posts/RqXAbZqNyF3
@Morwenn usually kawai is romanized with a double i IIRC...
@Vogel612 Right, otherwise it's a piano constructor.
kawaii with double i is not romanized, but the correct way
Q: deleting values from std::vector of different types

FelicsI need to make a vector of different types and be able to delete the values (please ignore anything else but deleting the values for now). Is the next code safe to delete the values? #include <memory> #include <vector> #include <string> using MyPtr = std::unique_ptr<void, void(*)(void*)>; temp...

"kawaï" is an acceptable romanization.
interestingly: い = i -> かわいい = kawaii, but as it's long, you combine ii to ī
@janos wanna drop in a reopen vote on that python question?
I'll let others decide. I'm sometimes told I answer junk I should better just let go...
hmm.. can't resist the urge to review, eh?
Gah, still having trouble deciding what I am going to do for uni computer
... no comment ....
sometimes my hands are faster than my brain
@CaptainObvious looks like example code to me
sometimes I should stop and think, probably
user image
When you're making a public API, how do you document getters and setters without falling into the
//retrieves X
unsigned int getX();
//sets X to provided value
void setX(unsigned int value);
@Pimgd I think that's actually good behaviour
@Pimgd it's (almost) impossible
You don't want them to do something else
And yes, documenting tools often need the verbose documentation
I wanna transcend the stupid.
 * @returns X, if set, else 0
unsigned int getX();
* @returns X, if set. Default value is 0.
unsigned int getX();
remember, unsigned int
hmm but still
at least the default value is now documented in more than the type only..
Hey it could be 42 for all you know
Uni is so expensive...
except I don't define a default value.
Can I document the property itself?
You maybe should...
// X is responsible for Y. Setting this value to A or B will produce undefined behavior
@TheKittyKat Depends on where you live, what the student loan/gift rules are, etc.
@skiwi Still seems difficult
*cough* no study fee in Germany *cough*
This is no fun
Monking @all
Monking @rolfl
Monking @rolfl
Monking @rolfl
At all: Does the [chat] shorthand link only work in comments ?
Not sure.... I seldom use it.... (I tend to piont directly to the 2nd monitor).
Q: Parsing a string (e.g. "Name: John, CallName: Peter") to get the values of certain attributes

InvisiblePandaI have written a small method that extracts certain information from a string. An example of such a string is "Some text BLA/123/5345/349230498 some more text PNR: 12345678, Name: John, CallName: Peter, TimeStamp: 01.10.2015" Now I need certain information from this string, e.g. the PNR, Name,...

Q: Practice about FutureTask and ExecutorService

NingLeeI have many unrelated tasks to execute. and I have to get the result of the task.so I use the futureTask. I submit all the task to the thread pool and use a map to keep the task and the futureTask to get the result. And two for loop is used: ExecutorService es = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()...

Thanks @rolfl
so I've suddenly lost understanding of typedefs and aliases in C
The syntax of the C programming language, the rules governing writing of software in the language, is designed to allow for programs that are extremely terse, have a close relationship with the resulting object code, and yet provide relatively high-level data abstraction. The development of this syntax was a major milestone in the history of computer science as it was the first widely successful high-level language for operating-system development. C syntax makes use of the maximal munch principle. == Data structures == === Primitive data types === The C language represents numbers in three forms...
enum colors { RED, GREEN, BLUE = 5, YELLOW } paint_color;
What's the difference between colors and paint_color, and what happens if I add typedef in front of the whole lot
Q: Rotating contents of a matrix (vector<string>) to the left or right

DiogoNevesEach vector element is a row. Each character is a column. Assume the matrix is square (N*N) and N is < 10. I got some code to do it but doesn't look great and would love some feedback on how to make it better. You can use any function of the C++ standard library. The only constraint is it can't...

So a public repo forked part of their API to the official JavaFX project and I'm keen on testing their new API, except... I cannot find any documentation
the... colors bit makes it accessible for variables...
and the paint_color bit is a colors variable?
then what's the typedef for
it... defines? the whole enum as paint_color... and discards the colors?
actually it needs to be enum colors backgroundColor and you use typedef to make it paint_color backgroundColor
I need a way to google C stuff without hitting C++
@Pimgd -"C++"
welp time for lunch and probably more frozen bread
this should exclude exact matches for C++ from the search results.
wow you get even more useless results
people use C/C++ so intermixed
it just filters all the interesting bits out
thanks though
woo, no frozen bread
Q: Pythonic way to find index of a list using the sum of the list elements

GuestI'm trying to make a function that returns the index of the smallest element whose sum along all the elements to its left is bigger than a number x. How can I do this in a Pythonic way? Example: I have a list of numbers [32, 6, 12] and I'm trying to make a function that would return 0 if x < ...

Q: Python Tkinter controlling flow using classes

George WellsI have recently started learning Tkinter, which is my first experience of GUI programming. For my first project, I am trying to write a 'scrabble scorer' that I have already created as a console app to use a GUI. I have had a few stabs at this already, but the thing I am struggling with the most ...

Q: Small cli note manager and publisher

padThis is my first attempt at trying to make a cli note manager, than can be easily published on the web. I have made one note and you can see it live here. import subprocess import os import json import markdown2 import argparse import re from datetime import datetime from slugify import slugify...

Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean Greetings, User
woop, untagging dirty tag usage on SO
rep farming my way to 2K
@Pimgd meh.. removing fluff ftw..
yeah but that's actually hard work
finding tags that have nothing to do with the question is easy
... reject based on introducing tags when you don't introduce tags
spawn is probably a ill-named tag...
maybe or even would be better.
also that question seems to be off-topic....
well if they won't let me do tag cleanup then the next thing that happens is meta ofc
@Pimgd ??
... then I'd make a meta post saying I want to clean up the tag, but I get my edits rejected
take care to not sound ranty ;)
maybe I should add tag cleanup infront of my edit summaries
@Pimgd maybe.. but then there's still loads of retards in the SO review-queues.
... that's why I'm farming my way to 2k
how-to: gain rep
or rather: how to gain rep the painful way
Welp done
I need a new tag to shoot down
is clean now
people were using it for spawning objects enemies and what not
but it's for processes and threads
Hmmmmm. I think we need more Scala reviewers.
@Donald.McLean that sounds like you have a plan??
@Vogel612 No, merely an observation that Scala questions are piling up, and some of them are beyond my current mastery of the language.
is at ~10% unanswered...
19 unanswered. doesn't sound so bad
@SimonAndréForsberg youtu.be/hZg7EBxbqSE
wow, python unanswered diminished, a LOT!
a few weeks ago there were ~300, now only 136. hard to believe
Q: How was this off topic?

ArtOfWarfareMy question was closed with the stated reason being Questions must involve real code that you own or maintain. Pseudocode, hypothetical code, or stub code should be replaced by a concrete example. That sounds like a fair enough rule, there's just one problem: this is actual code. It's not t...

first day of my new job was awesome
what happened?
@janos are you asking me?
yup, hi @JaDogg
A: How was this off topic?

Pimgd # It's considered fine. else: # It's considered a problem. else: # Other code which checks for other possible errors... else: # Other code which checks for other possible errors... That bit alone makes me go "you've cropped the code for us". That...

free transport service for interns, really awesome, public transportation is a nightmare in Sri Lanka
Next up; life in a company-owned town
Get paid in food tickets
There's a law against that in the US
which was sad because it prevented a tipjar system in custom currency on a website
it was illegal to "pay" people in a currency not supported by the banks
did a company actually try to pay using food tickets?
Well you used to have mining towns apparently
but when the company owns the whole town
they set the prices really high
so your salary would go to living expenses
and you couldn't raise the capital to move somewhere better
so they become legal slaves
and when that got fixed they moved to food tickets... which you can't use in other places
you're free to go any time you want
that's pretty messed up
History is pretty messed up
A company store is a retail store selling a limited range of food, clothing and daily necessities to employees of a company. It is typical of a company town in a remote area where virtually everyone is employed by one firm, such as a coal mine. In a company town, the housing is owned by the company but there may be independent stores there or nearby. Company stores face little or no competition and prices are therefore not competitive. The store typically accepts scrip or non-cash vouchers issued by the company in advance of weekly cash paychecks, and gives credit to employees before payday. Except...
hopefully that won't happen to software engineers when the world is controlled by Google+M$+Apple
Not all company owned towns were like that
but I'm sure some were
You're not likely to see this kind of abuse these days anymore
glad I'm in IT
Q: Simple password encryption / decryption

Mayur MohanI had posted here about an year ago for my last year's final IT project, and followed almost all of the feedback posted. So I thought why not try this again. I'm working on a simple data storing program for my senior year (Secondary School / Grade 12), and there is a user sign-in functionality I...

... the sprouting of disease pathogens from outer space.?? I guess that could explain it. — user2338816 3 hours ago
Q: Users continue adding/removing a specific tag

msrd0I just noticed this two users: Pigmd and M. A. Kishawy. The first one makes one suggested edit after the other one removing the spawn tag (what sometimes make sense), the other one suggests edits where he adds the ibm tag (that really isn't related to any of the questions). What should I do with...

Oh shi-
They're talking about me =O
yes, they are, and they say you're correct...
nice going @Pimgd, officially approved
Just a bit of a shame about the part where I get called a pig.
> minor edits that are correct, should not be rejected.
^^^ correct

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