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@Phrancis Do you have a good answer for this?
Q: How to give more depth to vocals when mixing?

Phubar BazI'm recording vocals with a SM58 mic through a USB audio interface and getting clean audio with no ambient noise. At this point it sounds pretty flat (no reverb or echo from the room). So in my DAW I've been experimenting with different effects to make it sound more full and natural, like you hea...

I may, let me take a look
1 hour later…
Woah, looks like I missed something big!
...and I lost 0
Master of Puppets
> Your assessment of your own code is pretty close to accurate: it seems quite long and looks like a huge mess.
Quote of the day... so far
Lol. Where'd that come from?
@200_success 8 more answers and it'll be 1000!
@RubberDuck monkey answer
Hi everybody
@Mat'sMug as always I came up with some random question that you might be able to give me a hand
Hola @Mehrad!
Hey @RubberDuck
Idk Mug. This is up there. Same answer.
> You repeat yourself a lot
You repeat yourself a lot
You repeat yourself a lot
would you be able to direct me to a right direction in this issue and I'll chase it up.
I am trying to open a new Window in my MVVM structure from a command which isn't in my mainWindowViewModel.
Any suggestions?
never done this before and quite confused about it
The command itself, or its OnExecute logic that's not in the viewmodel?
Q: Why Is My QuickSort So Slow? (With large data.)

EthanI've written a program to compare different sorting algorithms with the array size being 10, 1,000, 100,000, 1,000,000 and 10,000,000. I, of course, expect Insertion to win out on 10 and merge heap and quick to really perform at the upper levels. However, below are the times I'm getting. (Note t...

Well say I have a listview which is in AllViewModel. I wanna double click on the item of that listview and open this new window which shows more detials about that item, say lets call it OneItemView
@Captain you sure it's quick sort then?
That ^
I binded the double click to a ICommand in my "AllViewModel" and using that I wanna fire a new view (in this case OneItemView)
This is the exact code
public ICommand ShowPart
if (_showPart == null)
_showPart = new RelayCommand(
param => this.ShowPart(),
param => CanShowPart()
return _showPart;

however not sure what to put in my ShowPart() to fire the related view I want :)
Many ways to make this happen, question is how decoupled you need the two VM's to be
Dang it @Jamal. FGITW...
Since so far I was building up my application based on the example Josh Smith released about MVVM. However he doesn't have a similar situation and he opnes all his pages in a tab view.
@RubberDuck Sorry...
Q: Declaring before a block vs within a block?

dnelsonWhat are the benefits of declaring a variable before the a block? What is common or best practice? If I have 10 variables, should I declare all of them first? public void writeList() { PrintWriter out = null; // declaring here try { System.out.println("Entered try statement"); ...

@Mehrad I'd use the same VM in the "child view" as what you're displaying in the parent listview
@CaptainObvious That could use an edit
(but I need to get something to eat now)
And perhaps inject a view factory to instantiate the child view without needing to new it up directly - so you just pass the selected VM to the factory method, it returns you a view with a datacontext hooked up to your selection..
Wow. That was the fastest I've ever seen an OP self delete. I didn't even get the close vote in.
had something similar in mind. However as I said, haven't done such approach before and struggled to kick start.
that makes sense. For the record, he also makes it mandatory to use using namespace std; and It's already the midterm so I doubt he will change that, but I'll practice it the proper way. Thank you. — Chantola 46 secs ago
tried to find some examples to grasp the concept but it's a fairly broad thing to search.
Bah, I have a "get it to work, then make it pretty" kind of approach
Hm, are you guys aware that the pinned Code of Conduct is 404'ing?
appreciate the input.
will chew on this one a little bit to see if I can make it to work
And then put it up for review! ;)
@Jamal or another mod can edit it
The CoC link I mean
@Jamal I can't believe some of the things teachers make their students do. I'll admit, I don't understand the whole std thing, but I've seen you all mention it enough to know better. You'd think a professional educator would too.
I'd be the kind to raise my hand and explain the teacher why it's wrong to do that, right in the middle of the class.
One of my professors got some code from the book, which had using namespace std. I've used std:: anyway, and she didn't care. My later C++ professor didn't care, either. It still compiles.
They need a CR account.
I've also used std::pair for one of my projects, when we were told to create a function to find the min and max and return both values. I'm sure everyone else either passed in variables by reference, or created two functions.
(although we were only told to have one)
That's some kind of Tuple I guess?
5 votes left. TTGTB.
Welcome to Code Review! I like that you've included your entire code, +1! Expect the whole thing to get reviewed ;) — Mat's Mug 27 secs ago
Yes, but it just holds two elements.
@200_success this guy is right on the money. I thought the same thing as soon as I saw "SM58" in the question...
A: How to give more depth to vocals when mixing?

leftaroundaboutBefore trying any effects at all, I should change that mic if I were you. The SM58 is an amazing live mic – not just because it's dead sturdy, but also because it has a very focused, direct, "shallow" sound. Great to make vocals come out in a live mix and to avoid feedback and other common troubl...

@Jamal More is always better when it comes to learning in C++, IMO! — Chantola 1 min ago
I don't think OP tried that @mjolka
The code is giving me a StackOverflowError when trying to quicksort an array of 10,000 zeros. — mjolka 4 mins ago
hi there people
@Mat'sMug Hi sir!
Hello@chantola! Welcome to the 2nd Monitor.
I'm suprised I have never found this chat before today.
Never too late!
Admittedly I was stalking Mat's Mug profile before hand with his comment saying that "he needs mugs!" and I found his About Me and I wondered what the heck is the 2nd monitor.
Haha nice
^^ TS
Mug seems to be responsible for people coming here.
@Mat'sMug Your denying it
1670 profile views
@Mat'sMug wouldn't that be like the first thing you'd try
lol I'd try sorting {3,2,1} first I think ;)
@Mat'sMug half of which checked your About Me and said "what the heck is the 2nd monitor" lol.
I can't seem to find the comment, but I'm pretty sure you're the one who invited me here.
I... am.
..... I'm out of pie. I need more pie.
But I'm not the only one luring innocent victims into the addictiveness of this site!
It's not addicting if your learning! denial
Seen the meme post on meta?
Incidentally this is my top-voted meta answer:
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: Jamalized Originator: Jamal ♦ (actually, apparently me) Cultural Height: All over CR (see this chat transcript search) Background: Jamal being a frantic editor. And he's fast. So fast, we're all waiting for the day he will edit a bad question title before it's even posted. You never know...

Excuse me good sir, have you heard of Code Review? — RubberDuck Oct 16 at 21:48
Well done @ducky!
All right, time's up, gotta sleep if I want to survive tomorrow.. good night CR!
I read that the other day and had to resist giving it the full treatment.
my question on Cola Machine #1 is currently third on the hot network questions list and has been awarded 69,118 hotness points.
Cya mug!
@Mat'sMug G'Night
Ohhh! You're Cola Machine. =)
What do you mean good sir?
I saw the question earlier. Didn't realize that was you. Nice title.
Thanks :P
I'm always a little happy inside when a question of mine gets on the "hot network question list" or an answer for the question. I don't know why.
Because it's exciting.
Good titles always win
Q: Everyone loves Fibonacci

RubberDuckI was bored and burnt out on more serious projects.... until I saw this Computerphile video on YouTube. Now I'm inspired again. Now I feel like spending some time implementing that recursive algorithm in a little console program. Fortunately, recursion is unbearably slow in this case. So, I ended...

My first hot question ^
Go to bed Mug! Lol
Q: Down with FizzBuzz... LOL

Mat's MugThis post is the result of reading through and following the LOLCODE Specification 1.2, and writing and executing my code on compileonline.com. My "hello world" was going to be a fizzbuzz. I like it because it nicely illustrates the basics of a language - variables, operators, looping, condition...

Mug, if you know, what made my title better and more interesting than the others? (Then go to sleep)
IMO it's not "Boring blah blah optimize foo bar library"
Haha, foo.
Anything different will catch some eyes.
Cheese is not as good as pie. Still need more pie. =(
Our professor on Beginning C++ had an entire lecture about not using Jimmy and Foo for array names, that was hillarious.
@RubberDuck Pie is tasty.
Pillow is even better. Gone. Zzzzzzzzz
Ajax uses foo as a variable name. Done be a jackass Ajax.
Who/What is Ajax?
Household cleaner
I'm far too young to understand jokes.
Something my shop teacher used to say. It's shorty for "A jackass"
@RubberDuck You see, I was born during the 21st century and teacher's never, ever gave us anything that interesting.
In the 21st century?!
Oops, "During"
I have no clue how someone can be born in a period of time.
No no. I just meant... You can't be any older than my oldest...
I'm 13. :P
The youngest moderator on SE is 13
But he's a doorknob
@Mat'sMug Nice! Who is he?
Heh... I was programming BASIC at that age... and yeah. You're my daughter' sage.
@Doorknob is the name
@Chantola - Doorknob
I thought you were insulting him'
He was. =)
I like picking on golfers ;)
I was golfing the other day. Wrote a VBA answer shorter than some others...
Saw that
I hate how my college professor is constantly forcing us to use using namespace std; for everything,
Just print this and anonymously leave it on his desk.
A: Why is "using namespace std;" considered bad practice?

Greg HewgillThis is not related to performance at all. But consider this: You are using two libraries called Foo and Bar: using namespace foo; using namespace bar; Everything works fine, you can call Blah() from Foo and Quux() from Bar without problems. But one day you upgrade to a new version of Foo 2.0,...

Seriously though, don't do that.
@RubberDuck I would so totally do that..
@RubberDuck But maybe at the end of the semester when my 'A' is official
You could save an entire generation of coders! Do it!
Bahahahaha. Yeah. That's best. Wait until the grades are in.
I will.
Quarter of a year till I can do that though.
At least he prefers int main() over void main()... right?
For the record, I like doorknob. It was his meta-post that I stole that made us design community ads for the site. And the little race with PPCG was entertaining for a while
I doubt he would let me actually lecture the students during the final class though, so my plan is to leave an anonymous packet of the entire thread on his desk right before class, and see what his reaction is. If he does nothing, I have the e-mails for every student in class which I can send to my heart's delight.
@Jamal Indeed he does. void main() sounds like a really bad idea.
I thought main had to return something in C
(or izzat C++?)
I think it depends on the compiler, doesn't it?? Idk.
Let's see what happens.
Ah, that's highly possible
I had a professor who was okay with void main(), and globals (I think).
Either way, this duck needs some sleep. Night @all.
Bye ducky!
@RubberDuck Yes, it does, but it's still against the standard.
Bye duck!
runs perfectly fine.
MVS 2013
(not that I'll ever do it)
Hey dudes, I have a question for ya. What answer do I accept if there are multiple correct answers? None? One? The most detailed? The most useful?
It's really up to you. You may likely go with the most useful answer, which may not be the most detailed.
Q: Concatenate two strings

GardenerI am learning C and wrote a function to concatenate two strings in C. Please let help me improve it. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void concat (char result[], const char str1[], int n1, const char str2[], int n2) { int i, j; // copy str1 to result for ( i = 0; i < n1; ++i )...

@Mat'sMug main() must have a return type of int. However, as a special case, a return 0 at the end is implicit (unless you choose to return a different value).
I think I may just throw a answer in whenever I can: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/67392/27623
That's true for C and C++.
@CaptainObvious This was a quite nicely written up question, worth your upvote IMO
@Mat'sMug i figured out the quicksort problem :) still could do with a thorough review though
@Chantola Yeah, there's a reason why using namespace std; is not implicit. Has your professor not considered that?
monking @janos
mmm nice answer!
monkeysort ;-)
New user has a rebuttal to one of Loki's old answers:
A: std::tuple foreach implementation

Louis DionneLoki's solution does not enforce the order in which the function calls are performed, because the order in which function arguments are evaluated is unspecified. Here's a C++14 solution that ensures the function is called from left to right: #include <cstddef> #include <tuple> #include <utility>...

typos are strong today
I didn't know geek-and-poke.com -- not bad geek humor geek-and-poke.com
Q: why is the private member function accessible outside the class

ProgramCppI expect he below code to give an error but Compiles ok class B; template<typename T> class A { private: A() { T b; b.print(); } void print() { } }; class B: public A<B> { }; How is A capable of accessing the private members, the constructor ...

Monking @all
@CaptainObvious For a moment, I thought it was migrated from SO.
@janos have you seen these:
@CaptainObvious Is C++ always this ugly, or does that code smell?
nope. which site?
Q: Binary tree search algorithm

JohnI think there is something I am not understanding with an algorithm I'm working with. I have a binary tree where "*" is the root, "C" is on the left, "+" is on the right and + has "a" to the left and "b" to the right. This is the algorithm: Module Find_Value ( List, Root, Value ) { If ( Root...

Oh look, a tree, and it's not a JDQ!
No, but it is screaming to be closed
@200_success whoa. that's something
congrats @Jamal on 19k ;-)
Thanks, Santa. :-) Hopefully those votes will stay this time.
A quick one before bed...
Windows today is far better than it used to be, but Windows jokes never get old eh
And TTGTB, night CRitters.
ditto, night all
night @rolfl
'Night Billy Bob
night all too
night @Phrancis
Q: Bloom filter implementation in ruby

gitarchieI am following the wikipedia definition of the Bloom filter. My implementation uses the BitArray I created in Bit Array in Ruby using integer as a storage. # n = Number of items in the filter # p = Probability of false positives, float between 0 and 1 or a number indicating 1-in-p # m = Number ...

Q: Is this correct approach to make empty cells in underscore template?

3gwebtrainFrom the back-end, I am receiving 8 datas. client require to show the row per data is 7. so i got 1 data in balance. i am created empty data and made the empty cells... works fine. But is it correct approach to make using underscore-template. Here is the live Demo my Template : <script type="t...

CO, have you ever considered taking a break from work and chatting with us, even just once?
@Jamal how'd the exam go?
Okay, I guess. I kinda ran out of time, and the UML was killer. At least the code-writing part was simple.
well, fingers crossed
At least I now know what the final will be like.
Q: Binary Search Tree in Ruby

gitarchieBinary Search Tree, with preorder traverse. What other methods should I add? How can I improve it? class Bst attr_accessor :data, :left, :right def initialize(data) self.data = data end def insert(data) if self.data < data if (self.right ) self.right.insert(dat...

Monking @Vogel612
Q: Print Student Names from CSV

JaDoggDescription Print all student names from a CSV file. CSV file does not contain string delimited by double quotes. Code csvread.pl #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $filename = "students.csv"; open (STUDENTS,$filename) || die "Cannot Open '$filename'"; # get column names my $lin...

Q: How can bird behavior be opinion based?

PimgdWhere do birds go when it rains? It got 7700 views. It got 14 upvotes. And it got closed. This is sending me mixed messages. It got closed for being "primarily opinion-based". And maybe it's just me, but... How can bird behavior be opinion based? I'm not asking for subjective interpretatio...

perhaps a bit too ranty
but we'll see
Q: Correct way to assign variables before a try/catch/finally

Danusing Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel ... Excel.Application app = null; Excel.Workbooks books = null; Excel.Workbook book = null; object[,] data; try { app = new Excel.Application(); books = app.Workbooks; book = books.Open("C:\..."); Excel.Worksheet sheet = book.Works...

It's... also slightly laced with some hate... I think
not sure how to remove that
@Pimgd well.. it seems to be a case of "good enough" close-voting...
I guess you'd have accepted "too broad" votes?
I'd feel sad
and I'd leave Bio.SE alone as it's unlikely to ever be helpful to me
but at least that makes sense.
Besides I'd be quick to reply with pidgeons
It reads like a reasonable complaint to me.
Yeah that's it, a complaint. I'm not sure they accept complaints. They're ... easily placed in the whiny category.
This sounds like a child crying...please grow up. — JonH Sep 18 at 11:41
you mean.. that ▲?
in a code box, how many character fit on a line in a CR answer for you guys?
I wanna show a nasty thing that can happen
for me it's 94
@Pimgd that depends on the characters, IIRC...
an i needs less space than a w ...
Code box.
Monospaced font.
@Pimgd For me too
I wanna show what happens if you indent comments and therefore make it cut off on a space
You think you know what it says... but it's actually the wrong thing =D
<textarea cols="92" rows="15">… but for me I get 94 as well.
This is an interesting challenge: implementing a shim so that Stack Snippets can support additional languages.
Q: Stack Snippets - Interpret a Language with JavaScript

Calvin's HobbiesStack Snippets were recently added to PPCG! Reminiscent of JSFiddle, Stack Snippets allow HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to be run directly in posts! Here is a very simple Stack Snippet: alert('This is JavaScript'); h3 { color: red; } /* This is CSS. */ <h3>This is HTML</h3> This featur...

Q: merge to create staging table

csetzkornCould you please review this example merge code: IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Source') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Source IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Target') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Target CREATE TABLE #Source ( Id INT, Value CHAR(2) ) CREATE TABLE #Target ( Id INT, Value CHAR(2) ) INSERT INTO #Sou...

@SimonAndréForsberg Yes, C++.
@skiwi And yes, it heavily uses macros.
Q: An atexit for Bash

cevingI wrote the following atexit implementation for Bash #! /bin/bash set -e ATEXIT=() function atexit_handler { local EXPR for EXPR in "${ATEXIT[@]}"; do echo "evaluating $EXPR" eval "$EXPR" || true done } trap atexit_handler EXIT function atexit () { local EXPR for EXPR in "...

@200_success Making one for Brainfuck shouldn't be that hard.
@Morwenn thanks
Monking @skiwi
Q: How to “adapt” DOM (which read XML file) to a Jtree (which display parserized XML file) using Adapter Pattern

user3572461'm making an exercize using Adapter Pattern and I would to adapt Jtree interface to a DOM class. Here there is my DOM class (Target): import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; imp...

So true, unfortunately
> The day to day job of most programmers has little to do with what you learn when you get a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.
On the other hand, having formal background in Computer Science can make a much better programmer.
It can @200_success, but I am myself not really aware of using many things I've learned
Algorithmic complexity is an important one though
Meetings are bad for answers... they make you ditch your train of thought and you have to pick it up later somehow.
A: Making a lightweight app in BlackBerry Browserfield

PimgdYou should fix your indentation. I want to review the code, but a lack of indentation makes it really hard to read it. You use Eclipse, so use this to format your code: Ctrl + Shift + F Or, in the main menu > Source > Format Aside from that, there's a couple small things I see: pr...

any bad scars?
btw. you guys mind checking the review queue?
also @janos nice answer on that programmers meta post...
@Vogel612 not on the meme list
what is it
you're somewhat beating a dead horse, though
thanks @Vogel612. yeah, totally
it's Zombieland rule no 2
If you think you killed the zombie, better shoot it again, just to make sure.
Ah yeah those
answering a question on a meta site... where I'm not a regular.... that has accepted answer with 22 votes. Yeah, probably not thinking straight this morning
Downvote those answers. I'm not looking for speculative answers. That's what the rest of the internet for. I come to a SE site to get something that's been vetted by a community. An answer that's not "I think" but "I know". — Pimgd 3 mins ago
dat: "Opinion-based questions do not strike a precise point" ... Wut?
I will be posting more perl questions
Q: What improvements can be made to this?

VineethI've written a function which can get the environment variables value. The input parameter would be as follows ${machine}/bin or ${machine/bin} or ${machine}/bin${path${OS}}/path I would need to check the values which start with ${} I've written a function which is kinda recursive in nature, but...

@JaDogg why not stick with R ?
@janos yesterday I started a new job(intern). They told me to brush up on perl
ah. can you propose something else for scripting? like Python?
@janos Python is a quite good option IMO.
I just hate it whenever one of the scripts I download and try to run doesn't work...
I also hate it that Python 3 is not backwards compatible with Python 2.7
hopefully that will pass, in a few years
it's a sad blemish on the language
knowing some Perl is probably cool, but try to not get too deep. Switch to Python now if possible. It's a lot cleaner, and a better time-investment for your future
for what you asked in Perl today, R would have been very elegant
@janos hmm
they are probably using perl already
alright. a little Perl won't hurt you too much. maybe only a little
they might be open minded if, you ask
@janos Isn't Ruby a better option?
Did you just question C#'s awesomeness?
to me Python and Ruby are equivalent. I don't know Ruby though
judging by what I've seen
last time I checked, it seemed that Django was more popular as a web framework compared to Ruby on Rails, which would be surprising, considering that R-R was first, so I might have looked completely wrong
I think RoR is phasing out again
it's not as hot anymore
A few years ago it was thé startup thing
anyway, Ruby would be much better than Perl, just as good an option as Python
now it's JS and Python
JS is gaining a lot of ground
I more meant Ruby as simple scripting language compared to Python, and else you'd pretty much have to resort to Bash?
Atwood said everything will be JS at some point
Ruby ~ Python equivalent there
Doomsday thinking, I'm sure it won't be THAT much
I'm hoping for a better browser language in the next few years
Like C#. But for browsers.
If JS will take over the world, then I'll move to Mars.
I think JS is pretty awesome
I used to hate it. A lot. But today it's not what it used to be.
I think scripting languages need a swift kick in the rear
A swift kick in the rear along the lines of "warning = error"
And "error = script doesn't run at all"
This is where we hate on JS
@JeroenVannevel did I mention that Python is beautiful? That's right, I just did.
@janos I'll be possibly using it for a while in a few months, so I need to find some way to like it
@janos Well yeah, but you also think JS is pretty awesome. I'm sure it's a matter of temporary insanity
@skiwi I'm learning AngularJS now for school. Don't give in, keep hating! Stay strong!
there are more things I like than I don't
@janos then you haven't seen enough crap yet, I think
pretty sure I have
and probably the more crap you see, the more you appreciate what is not
@JeroenVannevel I'll be using it for WebGL things, if internship gets confirmed
JavaScript: the bad parts and the bad parts http://t.co/frYYAxvNo1
someone link wat
It's the best talk ever
I would do it but I don't wanna have a huge grin on my face laughing whilst I'm at work
I happened to watch it a few days ago
the laughing is so annoying though
sure but still
time to grab lunch
And then come back here and watch that
will do, bookmarked it. watched he other talks too, hilarious
A: Dirty but Efficient Texture Atlas in Spritekit

nhgrifJust some quick minor complaints... If braces are absolutely necessary in a switch, there's no reason why they shouldn't also be Egyptian-style like everywhere else in your code: case BlockTypeDirt: { int amount = (type * numImagesEach) + damageLevel; return _tilesFromAtlas[amount]; } ...

@janos Node.JS, JSHint and JSLint has more or less transformed JS from a crappish language that was easy to make mistakes in, to almost a 'real' 'compilable' language.
hey @nhgrif, good to see ya!

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