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12:00 AM
Assuming that Wolfram Language and Mathematica is the same
Well, I thought it would be different since you go through each element of the collection twice. But I must admit, even though I now understand that the complexity stays O(n) even if you loop multiple times, I have a hard time understanding why
@TopinFrassi - Complexity is all about scaling, that's all you have to know.
If you double the data, what happens to the runtime.
It... doubles?
if the runtime doubles when you double the data, then it is O(n).
@TopinFrassi The same amount of computer power is needed if you loop once but do two things in the loop, or if you loop twice and do one thing in each loop. You're still doing the same amount of things
12:02 AM
(yay, I got that one right!)
So, 'Big-O' notation is only about scalability, not about performance.
rather, it is how the performance is affected by scale.
not about how fast something goes at the current scale.
Can I ask another question?
No .... ;-) Of course you can ... ;-)
I just have parents, work, chat, mod stuff, cat, and kids on the go here.
Thanks! So, when we talk about O(n^2), I thought it meant "Each time you go through an element of the collection, you go through all the collection again" or something like that, which seems to make sense. I fail to understand how is this different from going through the list twice or something like that. Why does O(n^2) affect scaling and not O(2n) (which is invalid, from what I now understand)
Well you can also answer whenever you have time, I don't have a gun against my head asking me to explain Big-O notation :P
Q: Winforms Dice Control

user3189142This is my second Custom Control I have made, a dice. The code below has worked 100% in all my tests, program contains 1 dice control and seven buttons, 6 for setting a number directly, and one for randomizing it. Feedback and improvement suggestions are greatly appreciated. using System; using ...

12:13 AM
@TopinFrassi Let's say that you have a nested for loop. A for-loop inside a for-loop. And you're looping through the same list in both loops. Let's say that the list is 10 items, how is performance affected if you make the items to 20 instead?
@TopinFrassi Hint: Let's say that inside the inner for-loop you're printing "Hello World" to System.out, how many times will it be printed if the list is 10 items, and how many times will it print if the list is 20 items?
If the item has 10 elements it'll be printed 100 times, and 20 : 400. But what I don't understand is, if I have two loops that aren't nested, I would print Hello World 20 times with 10 elements, not 10..
So, "O(2n)". (I'm not trying to prove a point or anything, just trying to understand!)
@TopinFrassi Exactly. Now imagine if it would take one second to print something to System.out. If you have O(n^2) complexity, it would take 400 seconds instead of 100 seconds. If you have what we can call O(2n) complexity, it would take 40 seconds instead of 20 seconds.
So you see, if you increase the size of the list for O(n^2), the performance is affected much more than if you have O(2n)
Yes, so why isn't O(2n) considered, 40 seconds instead of 20 is still important, but much less than O(n^2)
So, we don't use O(2n) because the performance hit isn't big enough to be considered?
@TopinFrassi O(n) would be 20 seconds instead of 10 seconds. Which indicates a doubling. O(2n) is 40 seconds instead of 20 seconds, which is also a doubling. So technically, they have the same scaling.
Double the size, double the time required.
vs. O(n^2), where you double the size and get a quadratic increase in time required
oh I think it just flashed in my head
Saying that going through the array twice (O(2n)) is exactly the same as saying "If I go through the array one, the complexity is O(n) since they scale at the same rythm. O(n^2) is important because the time required is exponential comparing to the number of elements
Oops I realise I'm not clear. I mean, if I go through the array twice the performance will double, so the scaling of the algorithm stays O(n) since the performance scales the same way the data does. Where as O(n^2), the performance doesn't scale with the data, which is why it is specified O(n^2). Did I understand?
12:38 AM
And pleased I could help.
@TopinFrassi have you looked at the formal definition? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation#Formal_definition
So, let's look at a typical real world situation
Someone writes the code: lineSize()
@TopinFrassi Not exponential, but polynomial. O(n^2) is veeeeery different from O(2^n)
@mjolka, I must say all these numbers made it pretty hard to understand!
By numbers I mean, anything but numbers ahah, all these variables*
public int lineSize(String line) {
    char[] chars = line.toCharArray();
    int size = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
    return size;
Now, that function returns the length of a string.
12:41 AM
Not very efficient.
You put that in a loop, and you have:
no wait ehm
for (String line : lines) {
    size += lineSize(line);
Now, you have two components, one is the size of the lines array/list, the other is the average length of each line.
@Mat'sMug I admittedly don't see the benefit of using interfaces in VBA, so I may not be the best to ask. I think they're far too constricting.
O(n x m) where n is the size of the list, and m is the average line length.
12:43 AM
I understand that
OK, so assume that the average line length never changes..... it is constant.
now, as you scale, the only thing that can scale, is n, or the number of items in the list.
Unless you create a static helper function that takes an IPresenter by Ref.
So, your time complexity is O(n).
double the list size, and you double the time taken to compute.
So, someone says, hey, I have an O(n) method for calculating the size, and I say, yeah, but the base algorithm is really, really slow.
You have to look at both components.....
A loop that is written:
for (String line : lines) {
    size += line.length();
is far, far faster, and is also O(n).
12:46 AM
Assuming Length() doesn't run through each character of the string to find the length
exactly..... and, you will notice that the original loop uses data.length anyway.
it did not need to loop through the array to get the size of the array.
And I've just learned a ton about Big O notation, so I'm glad you're in here asking about it @Topini.
I'm glad I did too, I thought I understood but I really didn't!
Bottom line is that performance often relates to two things..... scale, and static.
sometimes, an O(2^n) operation is better than an O(1) operation, when n is small.
you have to be careful when you deal with these things.
There are some common things to be aware of.
a second, O(2^n) or O(n^2)?
12:49 AM
2^n is very bad.
n^2 is just pretty bad.
n^2 means that when you double the scale, you quardule the output.
2^n, for every element you add, you double the output time
That is terrible. Do you have an example of such an algo?
actually, now I am thinking......
Ummm wouldn't 2^n scale exponentially?
2n would double for every element.
2^1 = 2; 2^2=4; 2^3=8; 2^4=16
Ok, bad example. 2^n = 2n
No. No. I was right the first time.
12:53 AM
Travelling salesman problem too: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
I heard about that one
An important one that comes up often is O(log n).
NP problem... Bad juju.
A binary search is log n
@TopinFrassi here's a good exercise. using the formal definition i linked to before, prove that f(x) = 2x + 2 is O(x)
12:55 AM
each time through the loop, you eliminate half the data.
Which means, each time you doule the data, you only add one loop iteration.
I'll try it @mjolka!
In essense, what this means, is that, for anything after about 32 elements, the binary search is O(1).
The binary tree (a balance one), is O(logN), right?
yes... and, think about it, if you double the tree, you only have one new level in it.
12:57 AM
You were faster than me to write it!
so, going from 1 element, to 2, the time doubles. then, to 4, it doubles again, and 8, 16, and 32.
Yes, wow I don't regret spending time here tonight instead of playing diablo 3.. :P
So, 5 iterations for 32 members.
6 iterations for 64, which is only 20% slower, and 7 iterations for 128.
There's something I'm not sure I understood
@rolfl Why is it O(1)?
at that point, the marginal increase for doubling the data is, in % terms, less than 5% and is probably not worth worrying about.
12:59 AM
oops, wanted to link the message..
@TopinFrassi Look at this article:
A logarithmic scale is a nonlinear scale used when there is a large range of quantities. Common uses include the richter scale for earthquakes, acoustics, optics and chemistry. It is based on orders of magnitude, rather than a standard linear scale. == Common usages == The following are examples of commonly used logarithmic scales, where a larger quantity results in a higher value: Richter magnitude scale and moment magnitude scale (MMS) for strength of earthquakes and movement in the earth. ban and deciban, for information or weight of evidence; bel and decibel and neper for acoustic pow...
whic inclues this graph:
In the top left graph, the blue line.
that's the log scale.
the blue line becomes flatter, and flatter, and flatter.
as you go beyond the right margin, you find the log scale is, for practical computational purposes, flat
TTGTB, seems like @rolfl has the complexity things covered
btw, my new tag was removed from here: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/61037/revisions
Oh okay, so the performance hit of the increasing number of data becomes more and more insignifient, which is why it is O(1)?
@SimonAndréForsberg TTGTB? Another meme?
@TopinFrassi Time To Go To Bed
Oohh okay! Good night!
1:05 AM
@TopinFrassi Which is why, beyond a certain point, increasing the size of your data has no appreciable impact to the performance of a binary search
why, after say 100 members in your data, when you go to 200 members, you will not likely be able to measure the change in speed of the search.
Indeed, it is way too small
And, once you have something like 1000 members, in order for the search to take twice as long, you need..... go to 2^20 members.
which is a lot.
Yep, I understand that
That is the power of the algorithm, not the implementation.
2^20 isn't that much
1:08 AM
It is easy to take a badly implemented binary search, change a line or two, and halve the execution time.
without changing the algorithm.
or the complexity in which it scales.
just because the algorithm is a good one, the implementation can be slow.
Now, sort algorithms are often approaching O(n log n) performance (quick sort, etc.).
Isn't there some... "perfect" implementation examples. I mean, the binary search algorithm is quite clear in how it works, why is there multiple implementations of it?
For example, a quick sort that, uses floating point math to find the midpoint instead of integral shift is slow.
"The version of binary search that I wrote for the JDK contained the same bug. It was reported to Sun recently when it broke someone's program, after lying in wait for nine years or so."
That's a bug, not a performance problem.....
yep, just saying it's not easy to get right
1:13 AM
Consider a quick-sort for integers that, for some insane reason, does data[left] - data[right] == 0 instead of data[left] == data[right]
they are both going to scale at a complexity of O(n log n), but one will be faster.
(or, to make it really bad, consider a comparison of String.valueOf(data[left]).equals(String.valueOf(data[right]));
It will work.... but.... shoot me now!
I believe it wouldn't be much faster? But I understand the point. And @mjolka, I understand that the algorithms are theoricaly awesome, but the implementations are yet to be better (I'd need to get on English SE to see if that is a correct sentence..)
@RubberDuck how else would you write a data layer that can be mocked, making your app testable offline?
@TopinFrassi - here's an interesting example of log-n performance, netflix.
Netflix can double it's subscriber base, at very little additional cost.
Netflix has these nodes that contain the bulk of their content in a storage rack and distribution node.
Thnk of a computer rack with a bunch of disks and some network capacity
They distribute their content to a top-level tier of nodes, say, 100 of them spread around the world.
then, these nodes in turn distribute the data to another 100 in smaller regional ISP server rooms.
which in turn distribute the data to what is now 10,000,000 users world wide.
@rolf mind if I bookmark this conversation? I'm missing it all and I'll want to read it later ;)
It's a kind of binary tree?
@Mat'sMug how can I do that, there's a big probability that I'll reread it more than once to make sure it is well written in my head
1:22 AM
It is a heavy investment in infrastructure, but, now, to add another million subscribers, all they need to do is add a server rack here or there, and not even worry about their central bandwidth.
@TopinFrassi exactly.
except it's almost Log100
Facebook does the same thing with it's Pictures caching I think.
indeed, many ssytems invest heavily, in complicate dinfrastructure, that just scales well.
once you get beyond a certain threshold, the additional scale becomes.... not so expensive.
Slide 21 has my favourite, the chaos monkey! : slideshare.net/adrianco/netflix-global-cloud
I can't thank you enough for the time you took to explain me all this!
@Mat'sMug Fair enough. You're right.
@TopinFrassi Vote , and vote often ;-)
Q: Vote Early, Vote Often

YannisLack of voting has already been identified as an issue that prevents the site from graduating. I'm shamelessly stealing this post from Meta Biblical Hermeneutics, hoping it will inspire all of us to be a bit more active with our votes. Enjoy! And vote! I cannot state this strongly enough. Voti...

1:31 AM
I will! :P
Be careful for the serial upvote script, don't just vote blindly, read things, and vote for things that make sense, and down-vote those that don't.
@Mat'sMug I think that's where you're thinking is getting twisted. DetailsPresenter shouldn't be an IPresenter, it should be a PresenterBase, which has an implemented Dispose method. All of Presenter's properties would be little more than wrappers around 'BasePresenter' with their additional logic.
Yeah, voting doesn't only mean upvoting. Plus I got 716 rep, if I could bring it to 715 I'd be happy :P
OCD Voting FTW.
The trick is to ask two questions, and accept two answers ;-)
accepts get you +2, and edits too, until you get to 1000
@rolfl got a minute for a couple SQL questions?
1:40 AM
You spell it S Q L
I've posted, some time ago, a question on database schema
And specifically, user cimmanon posted the following suggestion:
    -- look, no serial
    PersonRoleName TEXT PRIMARY KEY
    ('Session musician')
And I'm basically perplexed as to whether an int PK (as in my original version) is indeed a bad idea, for such a small table
On the upside, this would make it where fewer joins would be needed for the data to make sense, which I feel is good. On the downside, each of those words stored being larger in size due to being text/varchar would make each record bigger
How do you feel about it one way or the other?
I know you're not asking me @Phrancis, but I feel like it's a judgement call. On such a small table, performance and storage size won't be an issue, so the artificial key might be overkill.
I'll take anyone's good advice ;)
Then again, it introduces inconsistency into your schema.
Judgement call.
A lot of people are religious one way or the other, when the truth is
> What's best isn't also so black and white, and sometimes, there's not a best.
@Phrancis - My skillset here is .... 10 years out of date.
my instinct is that standards dictate an integer key.
Especially if the many-side of the join is large.
1:52 AM
This answer to a different question is what got me questioning
So, if you have 1,000,000 people and 3 roles, then go for the int key. 4 bytes will win out.
@nhgrif's logic follows mine.
There are some caveats now though.
For example, I know with IBM's new DB2 BLU column store technology, I would recommend the alternate system, and have a text-based role
The column store uses an encoding scheme that would essentially store the data in almost no space.... like, often just a few bytes for a few hundred values.
(in ideal situations).
Hmm that's interesting. I guess some bench mark testing may be in order, to see what Postgres likes best
Postgress is still using a traditional row-store mechanism (as is most of DB2, just the new BLU extension uses column-store).
Though it seems there's an extension to postgres: citusdata.com/blog/76-postgresql-columnar-store-for-analytics
But, by default, and to avoid user surprise, I would suggest an int-based primary key, and suffer the addtional lookup.
In almost all applications I have seen the join to the lookup is fast, or non-existent (because the lookups are resolved in the client-side of the query).
Q: Storing array inside closure

ranchoIs storing array values inside of a closure considered bad practice. I having been trying to decide if i should just use standard object with key value pair. This is NOT the method I am using to populate arrays, but this does show how i create function to store values. also...is this technical...

OK thanks both you all for the input. I'll look into that pg extension was well, looks interesting
2:02 AM
that was not a recommendation from me... just a google search
column-based stores are very interesting for large and low-update data.
especially for analytics use.
I should recommend it to the SEDE folk.
hello people, monkeys
Understood @rolfl
Hi @Yuushi
Hey hominid
Q: Optimizing CSS Selectors

Lucien LachanceI'm currently writing a scraper to extract recipes from Wikipedia. I've come to the point where I've realized that I'm going to need a complex regular expression to remove all of the unwanted text and I personally think that's going to be expensive in the long run. Below in the code section, I've...

translate fr: hello Morwenn
2:16 AM
Bonjour Morwenn
2:28 AM
Umm hello @StackExchange^?
@rolfl There is also smallint which stores 65k values in 2 bytes, and tinyint which stores 256 values in 1 byte, of course depending on your actual DB.
Store anything as a partial byte won't speed up comparison, but could save on size (but probably not a useful optimization). Processors compare bytes at a time--not individual bits.
It's not even that comparing strings is slower than comparing ints--it's the fact that strings require more bytes to represent for each character that you add. If you only count the set of upper and lower case letters, that accounts for just 52 possible values--yet each character is going to take at least a byte. And a byte can hold 256 possible values.
So unless you're going to use punctuation, numbers, symbols, and whitespace characters, you will definitely be wasting bytes when using strings.
@Phrancis ^^^
2:51 AM
Thanks for the info
I'm guessing converting a column to a bigger int as needed is a pretty trivial thing as well right? (wouldn't be surprised if it did automagically say when you insert value # 257 into a tinyint)
Yes. Trivial Alter Table statement.
Going bigger isn't a problem, but if you've got 257 roles, you still have a problem. =)
Q: Better way to write this cordova hook

mhartingtonI'm writing a hook for cordova that prints out the projects name in the console. Nothing special, but it's a part of a bigger project. Currently I have this #!/usr/bin/env node var _NMR = '../../node_modules/'; // update this to your node_modules/ where cordova locates var cordova_util = requi...

Looks like Postgres has no tinyint so I'll try smallint
Hmm copy/paste not working in chat for some reason
Weird, it works in another room... huh.
3:44 AM
Is a SQL performance CR question off-topic due to "Query timeout"?
4:00 AM
@Phrancis Hard to verify it's correct if you can't get a result back? :)
4:14 AM
A: Optimizing nested "Select Distinct" query

PhrancisNitpicking Aliases/notation Single-letter alias names are not very helpful. Aliases should at least give Mr. Maintainer a clue what it stands for. What if you had a table called family along with friends... would you call it F2? FROM friends F LEFT JOIN message_share S ON S.ouid_fk <> F.friend...

4:31 AM
and good night
4:48 AM
A: Get and display employee time clock data

PhrancisThis is not the most important aspect of your script, but I wanted to answer about... SQL formatting I recommend using line breaks and indentation to make your query easier to read, as inline SQL can be difficult to read, doubly so when using column aliases. Also, optionally, meaningful table a...

5:19 AM
Q: Tiny DOM builder

John MMy goal was to create a tiny DOM builder library that made creating element trees less gross. This is the syntax I decided on: var foo = Builder.create('div', function(){ //set attributes this.id = "foo-div"; this.title = "Foo Div"; //append a child node this.create('button...

6:00 AM
And bye! Gotta go to work
If you're still here in 30 minutes...
I don't often answer on SO, but when I do, I KISS...
A: What is best way to fetch related rows in each table of dataset in sql

PhrancisUse a CTE to keep it simple: -- 1. Artical(ID,Description,PubDate) -- 2. ArticalMedia(ID,ArticalID,MediaURL) with Top5Artical as ( select top (5) Artical.ID as ArticleID from Artical order by Artical.PubDate desc ), select Top5.ArticalID, Art.Description, Art.PubDate ArtMedia.ID, ...

@SimonAndréForsberg This Q&A suggests that is just a rebranded form of .
A: Is Mathematica an Implementation of the Wolfram Language?

Joel KleinThe Wolfram Language is what we all know as Mathematica, but rebranded to help wider adoption to people, particularly for people who don't self-identify as "math" people. As a Mathematica programmer, emphasis on the "programmer", I see this as a good thing.

If both tags exist, then they should be synonyms. Which one should be the master, I'm not sure.
If you disagree, please post your rebuttal as an answer on the cited question. =)
6:19 AM
Q: File structure model

demasI need a class to read and store directory structure. This is my first step in Objective C so I ask to you to say what you think. Header file: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface FileStructureRepresentation : NSObject - (id)initWithPath:(NSString *)path; -(NSMutableDictionary*) parse...

@Phrancis Why not name your CTE properly so that you don't have to alias it?
And if OP knows how to do it, why not post the working temp table version on Code Review?
SO questions are crappier.
Good point, and yes. It's a case of the OP looks like had a crappy question, commented on all the answers saying that's not what they needed, then went and edited their question with the solution... wtf.
Q: Full width carousel's slides on the side is not working

hirohitoHi I bumped into http://coolcarousels.frebsite.nl/c/2/, the full width carousel with half visible side slides. I used that on the project that I am currently working on which is http://1ne-studio.com/test/ id: total pass: totalc and carousel is working but when I start resizing my browser, half...

6:36 AM
And back again
Hi all
6:55 AM
We seem to be having difficulty understanding what you want. However, SO discourages inclusion of working code in questions. Why not post a complete working version of your procedure on Code Review instead? Then your intentions would be unambiguous. Also include any relevant background information, ask an open-ended question about your dislike of the temp tables, and maybe even include your application-layer code (C# or whatever). — 200_success 55 secs ago
We'll see how that turns out.
Hello there.
@Vogel612 Yesh.
7:11 AM
So what's bringing you here?
Boredom. lol
something similar... well at least whenever I am at work ...
@All waiting for SX SWAG:
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 hours ago, by Tim Post
FYI - The last of the swag backlog we've been hammering at goes out today, so if you're owed something, it's out of the warehouse this week. Apologies, technical difficulties and such, I think we've got it back to normal.
7:28 AM
Q: Implementation of Anisotropic Diffusion in C

beginerI implemented Anisotropic Diffusion for 2d image in C language in order to develop Brain Surface Extractor. My code is having some flaw which I am not able to find.Its taking a pgm image as input and not producing the expected output which is the "Edge highlighted image". Please help me in this....

@CaptainObvious broken code
I want Project Valhalla Java version noooow... gotta wait till I'm at home though
poor @skiwi
@DanPantry What's special about it?
Look at the error
then loook at the interface
realize that the interface does not actually have a where method
Where's your Where?
thats the point
there isn't one.
The interface doesn't defineo ne
But VS seems to think it does
well VS error thingy is crap anyways..
8:10 AM
It is until it won't compile as a result
and yes i've done clean build :P
you need to rebuild the whole thing for that sh*t to be updated..
Agreed it is crap but it is actually preventing the program from compiling ahha
This is all 3rd party code as well
time to do the old turn it off and back on again trick
Nope. . Can i just go back to Java please
@DanPantry That's how we like it!
My employer might have other ideas
public IEnumerable<MeterModel> Where(Func<MeterModel, bool> predicate)
                return Enumerable.Empty<MeterModel>();
Add this to class
solution compiles
.. it's not called anywhere.
Visual Studio logic.
@200_success I think the benefit of the tag is that it covers both if someone starts to type "wolfram" and also if they type "mathematica"
8:22 AM
oh my god
i removed some of the projects from building
Hello Danny Phantom
8:37 AM
@DanPantry does the resulting dll after a build show you the Where declaration in the interface?
@JeroenVannevel I sorted it now basically the assemblycontaining that interface wasn't rebuilding
because I "helpfully" excluded it to "REDUCE BUILD TIME"
@DanPantry that's... *cough* ...
Yeah, when you have inter-assembly connections then this is the kind of problem you'll get
I've stung myself on it as well
@Vogel612 to be fair, it was my boss who suggested after it took literally 15 minutes to start the damn solution
There are 22 projects in this thing and only 3 of those are test suites.. if 3 tests in a proejct can be counted as a test suite
@Vogel612 it is, after all, a tuesday-should-be-monday morning
Q: Is there a way (and is it more elegant) to avoid the try/catch/finally block in scala?

Jas override def get(key: String): Option[Any] = { val timer = couchbaseMetricsTimer.time() try { // Any way (is it more elegant?) to avoid the try/catch/finally? Option(couchBaseClient.get(key)) } catch { case e: Exception => couchbaseFailureMetricCounter.inc(); throw e ...

1 hour later…
9:48 AM
I am sorry, but what makes your answer any different from the question now?? You're going on a completely unproductive and unhelpful rant here. The point of meta is, that anyone can express their opinions as long as they do it in a serious and constructive manner. Op was seeking input and you are not giving any here. Your own answer suffers of being "slanted towards the [answerers] opionion of". You are not answering the question, but try to attack OP. -1 — Vogel612 8 secs ago
silence in the chat..
10:07 AM
Looks like monsoon season has started in Belgium
Lol just found out I got turned down for a job @ riot games because they are no longer looking for the position
Ia ctually forgot I applied, it was that long ago, woops
@Phrancis First, I'd find some Postgres documentation--the types I gave you are MS SQL Server types.
Why would you *ever* want to do this
@Phrancis But... I would say a query that times out could be on-topic--but it depends. You should probably open a meta question for this.
@Vogel612 That answer isn't even an answer. I just flagged it as such.
10:24 AM
Q: Improvising the code block

SharathWatson gives to Sherlock an array: A1,A2,⋯,AN. He also gives to Sherlock two other arrays: B1,B2,⋯,BM and C1,C2,⋯,CM. Then Watson asks Sherlock to perform the following program: for i = 1 to M do for j = 1 to N do if j % B[i] == 0 then A[j] = A[j] * C[i] endif end do end ...

Q: Multithreading - program with lots of parallel routines (C++)

PnDhunI'm coding a networking software, which has lots of functions (modules) which can be run in parallel. They share some resouces, like libnet_contexts of every type, pcap_handles, device info (may not change). Now the sructure is (pseudocode): class Tools { Libnet link; Libnet raw4; Li...

10:43 AM
A: Directory listing model

nhgrifFirst and foremost, I think the return type really should be an NSDictionary rather than a mutable one... but that aside, there are bigger issues: -(NSMutableDictionary *) parseDirectory:(NSString *)path { // stuff NSError *error = nil; NSArray *listOfFiles = [fileManager contentsOfD...

Stupid question, are there any resources anyone knows of where I can find open source projects that need 'help'? :p
Every open-source project needs help. You just have to find what they need.
Somewhat inspirational quote.
"You are the hero Gotham deserves, and the hero it needs."
But what Gotham rellay needs is a better police department.
@Morwenn and a good school for orthography ;)
10:57 AM
I need a keyboard that never makes inversions of letters.
isn't that multithreading question off topic ?
Good catch @JaDogg.
Monking everyone.
@Morwenn I have an open issues list!
@skiwi Great, I love to sell my skills to open-source projects.
11:06 AM
Q: PHP Session handling class

OMII've written a custom PHP session class for handling sessions across the web app. Please review the code and point out mistakes and suggest better handling techniques. require_once('config.php'); class Sessions { protected $sessionID; public function __construct(){ if( !isset($_SESSION) )...

Is this an argument for using var more often or disagreement that this question was asked on meta? I don't understand what you're trying to say. Please clarify. — RubberDuck 26 secs ago
@RubberDuck hmm. Well that's kinda the nicer way to put it. I'd still leave my comment there ;)
Q: Clustering markers on google map on zoom

DvoleI have a method that is getting called when someone zooms camera on map (google map). I recalculate the positions of markers of map and the code is clunky and not effective. I iterate over arrays three times per method call and that is really slow. When I have 600 markers the performance is reall...

11:27 AM
@alan2here I fail to see the point you're trying to make.. If you have critique concerning an answer, you should comment on the answer, and not post an answer about another answer (even though meta is different). Especially "unhelpful, counterproductive assumptions" is not clear enough to me. Care to join me in Code Review Chat so we can sort this one out better? — Vogel612 6 secs ago
11:39 AM
Yeah. I'm curious too. I think there's a misunderstanding of some sort.
@RubberDuck it definitely looks like that...
I don't understand your comment brother. Can you please explain? — OMI 3 mins ago
and I dislike the OP of that already...
<Sings> I'm not your bro! Don't say it! Don't you pretend... That you're my bro! </sings>
Awwww man. Who sang that? Brb.
Q: How do I move away from the "for-loop" school of thought?

PPGThis is a rather conceptual question but I was hoping I could get some good advice on this. A lot of the programming I do is with (numpy) arrays; I often have to match items in two or more arrays that are of different sizes and the first thing I go to is a for-loop or even worse, a nested for-loo...

Welcome to Code Review! We review code here, and don't provide general advice like this. Your question might be a better fit for Programmers Stack Exchange, but even there I think they would prefer to see an example or two. — Gareth Rees 1 min ago
I forgot how many awesome reviewers there are that don't chat here.
12:04 PM
This is my way of talking I use these words bro, brother and dude , to be polite when talking. If you don't like such words then I'm sorry. — OMI 15 mins ago
Gotta love how some folks talk :)
And it never dawns on anyone that it's not polite.... Yeah. gotta love it.
a well meant "suggestion": don't use "bro", "brother", "dude" and the like if you intend to be polite. Usually it's fine to just drop the salutations, but if you really want to be polite, then "Sir", "Mr." and the like are the words of choice. Anyways, thanks for clarifying ;) — Vogel612 55 secs ago
In some cultures and (religious) communities, “brother” is actually a honorific. However, it's better to assume a more generic western cultural reference frame in the internet. I think it's also weird when someone calls me “Sir” on Stack Exchange, as that tends to imply a hierarchy that doesn't exist in my perception.
Brother is an honorific @amon, but one that is earned. At least in my culture... And yeah, I get weirded out every time the bag boy at the store calls me sir.
12:28 PM
This is why we can't have nice things!
@rolfl The spam is quite bad in our TCG Creation right now ;-)
in The Bridge, 2 mins ago, by Marc Gravell
my bad
we get one for each message I think..
GD unicorns....
12:32 PM
Finally it stopped
@StackExchange That was even more annoying than usual. I think I prefer the slow version of you instead of the spamming version.
translate fr: well, that was interesting
Now no bot.
Never a dull moment.
in Code Review - Discussion about help vs. review, 13 secs ago, by rolfl
@SimonAndréForsberg why is that one not a gimme-the-code?
12:44 PM
Oh my......
_GN_If CheckProjectReadOnlyStatus() = "-1" Then
_PS_     Redraw off
_GN_     ' When a read-only planogram is open along with a read-write planogram, Redraw Off throws an error.
_GN_     ' I have no idea why this code fixes it. It should read "If CheckProjectReadOnlyStatus() = False [0] Then"
_GN_End If
Say what? ^
@RubberDuck where did you find that???ß
In my code.
@Malachi :)
I'm not sure if I left that comment or someone else did.
12:46 PM
@Mat'sMug I agree, C# too modern for Egyptian standards, I hear they were terrible coders
(i.e. version control history...)
@BenVlodgi .... but their block indentation was exceptional!
@rolfl I just put this script into version control yesterday....

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