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2 answers, mortarboard and already 6 upvotes today again..
mine SO question yesterday was mine best ever :
Q: Spring data repository's 1 generic class for all pojo's

chillworldI know the implementation of spring data repository's : Create an interface like this : public interface CountryRepository extends CrudRepository<Country, Long> {} Now Country is an AbstractCatalog and I have (a lot) more catalogs in mine project. I'm wondering if I can make 1 repository that...

pity I have to alter the DB to get it working => can't do that anymore at this point
but I'll remember for next project => I'll make some noise so hopefully they listen
Monking @Vogel612
Simple class got more complicated than intended
@Heslacher I found 3 small thingies in your answer while applying..
It's 200 lines already!
one is: the event stuff is mostly duplicated boilerplate..
ima check how I can refactor.
and I still made an issue
next. The ArrayToSort private get needs to declare a body
And the next two ?
and the sortFinished was supposed to be private, right?
Should have been. I will edit this.
and 20 more lines suddenly spawned
JavaFX does have some awesome ideas
Which made me craft this code (part of it):
private final CircularListCursor<SelectionData> selectionDataCursor;
selectionDataCursor = CircularListCursor.of(selectionDataList);
selectionDataCursor.elementProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldValue, newValue) -> {
    oldValue.getLabel().setStyle("-fx-text-fill: black");
    newValue.getLabel().setStyle("-fx-text-fill: red");
@Vogel612 This is because i usually implement interfaces explicit, and then you need to go this way.
@Heslacher would an abstract class be an alternative??
early bird @SimonAndréForsberg!
@skiwi In France I got up every morning at about 8-9. Getting up at 10 is actually quite late in comparison :)
@SimonAndréForsberg Wow, but okay you gotta be doing things on holiday
JavaFX Property<T> is awesome
except for one small issue
@Vogel612 I will think about it while I get some coffee
morning @SimonAndréForsberg
selectionDataCursor.elementProperty().addListener((observableValue, oldValue, newValue) -> {
    oldValue.getLabel().setStyle("-fx-text-fill: black");
    newValue.getLabel().setStyle("-fx-text-fill: red");
Might it be intended that this doesn't work when initializing the property?
ugh it's that post
the edit isn't correct. It belongs as comment
Rejected the edit and pasted its content as a comment
@Vogel612 I would say so, at least if all your sorting implementation will have/need the same events.
@Vogel612 There is: private get { return arrayToSort; }
Q: Remove Empty String array from ArrayList

RuncornI am trying to remove empty String Array from ArrayList, List<String[]> someList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); which contains data like, [ { "Loic" , "Remy" , "Fail","Medical"} , { "Faser" , "Foster" , "Pass","Southampton","GK","Young"} , { "" , "" ,} , { "" , "" , "","","",""} , {...

About the abstract class, I thought about it once more. If you want to use the interface anyway, you need to implement abstract methods which will then be called from the interface methods to do the job.
void ISortAlgorithm.PerformSortStep()
protected abstract void PerformSortStep();
Btw, how can one post code in chat ?
@Heslacher paste the code and click the "fixed font" button that appears
or, if you only want one line of code use backticks: some.code(); ---> `some.code();`
@Vogel612 I have updated my answer to show an abstract class approach.
@CaptainObvious Good question. Answered.
@Heslacher sweet.
btw, I am now officially PSM I certified Scrum Master.
I messed something up... Cannot register event listeners to my scene anymore
thanks ;)
Does all of your 15 sorting algorithms do swapping of indexes ? @Vogel612
@Heslacher currently I just implemented 2..
and then the scrum software died
so much for doing work today
@Vogel612 I have edited, so the abstract class also provides an abstract SwapIndexes() method, as the CoctailShaker algorithm is also swapping indexes.
@Pimgd scrum software??
yeah why bother with post-its on a wall when you can have virtual post-its on a virtual wall
where "THE CLOUD" is a marketing term
aka. Ticketing system??
and is basically a real post-it taped to a crappy server in our basement
no, more like "stories and tasks"
so it's not tickets in "halp x don't work" but more like "do this (8 hrs) by doing" "such (4hrs)" "that(3hrs)" "so(1hr)"
with explanations and stuff
I'd post a screenshot BUT IT'S DOWN RIGHT NOW /grumpy
well JIRA allows for Agile board...
ah wait
google help me
and there you can have ticket types: Epic, User Story, Task, Feature, Improvement, Bug, Incident, ...
and many many more#
It's like that
except we use colored tickets to indicate type and/or platform
and it's in english
So the words issue tracker do not exist?
It's just a note saying "fix some random crap that appears after doing more random things"?
It is not an issue tracker
Finally I found issue of a bug
Is it normal that when you press a mouse button, it registers a mouse press and mouse release event?
Ugh! This is just plain evil!
> public static final EventType<MouseEvent> MOUSE_RELEASED

This event occurs when mouse button is released. It is delivered to the same node where the button has been pressed which activated a press-drag-release gesture.
so if you start dragging (which I do), then press/release suddenly do not work anymore as expected
I solved such a thing by hitTesting mouse location with button location in actionscript
might help to use same approach
I think it is fine, but it's just a whole bunch of documentation
It isn't that bad at all, I was trying to manually implementing dragging, but it is already implemented
It's a bit sad that therefore manual implementations will not work anymore
Q: PostgreSQL datatypes for libpq in c++

user3791372Following on from my earlier question: Very simple PostgreSQL ORM in C++ using libpq (tldr; I'm creating a set of helper classes for working with libpq) I've decided to have another attack at the datatypes which represent postgresql data types so some sort of ORM can occur with my classes. Follo...

Anybody knows an open-source chat system like this that I could install at work?
Sorry lemme rephrase that
to communicate between teams about ongoing issues
thanks @Bhathiya-JaDogg-Perera looking at it....
JavaFX is actually awesome again!
@skiwi having mood swings
My learning curve for JavaFX goes from... "I think I understand all" to "WTF is going on?!" to "It's awesome!" and repeat
@Pimgd Yes, also having a dis-functioning brain
newValue.getLabel().setStyle("-fx-text-fill: red; -fx-font-weight: black");
@Bhathiya-JaDogg-Perera hm it's not really a chat....
I'm trying one of their demo boxes now....
it might still work though
it's nice that conversations can be threaded
it uses flash, why oh why....
a simple chat like this would be kind of easier UI
I have this feeling that what I'm supposed to do is all wrong
ah, this chat is probably microsoft stuff
and it will be really easier for me to find something in linux
@janos : btw,wikipedia says its java en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Wave
wave, yes, but it's not as good fit as a chat
Q: Single class unit test framework in Java

Bhathiya-JaDogg-PereraThis is a single class and dependency free unit test framework for Java. The only assertion available is assertTrue (this can be used for all test cases). What it does Execute all methods with annotation Test. should fail if any arguments are needed. Calculate elapsed time using a given repea...

@janos why opensource? and why not IRC?
or use already existing systems (skype and similar)
IRC is the closest to what I want, but lacks many features
it would be ok, if I could see the recent messages after joining a channel
open source is readily available and easy to install on linux
Q: how to optimise method with if elif

user2424174I have such method which takes url f.e. : http://twitter.com/ttt or twitter.com/dasd and should show its domain with http: http://twitter.com and name twitter def show_domain(url): sites = { 'twitter': ['http://www.twitter.com/', 'twitter'], 'facebook': ['http://www.facebook....

Q: How can I Shorten/Refactor this Jquery

FedeI know this is a mess! how can I write this code better? function anim() { $( "#p1-animation-1" ).fadeIn( 1200, function() { $( "#p1-animation-1" ).fadeOut( 1200 ); $( "#p1-animation-2" ).fadeIn( 1200, function() { $( "#p1-animation...

@Pimgd Huh, that what you are supposed to do is all wrong, or what you are doing is all wrong?
@janos Connect it to a bouncer?
Well how should I put it
writing your own videoplayer
that sounds wrong right
lunch :)
why don't you integrate an existing one =D
with less bugs
and less performance issues
Q: Integer seconds to formated string mm:ss

DudiI got String like "Time left (XX)" or "You need stay here for (XX)" and int as second. I use those two var to format label like "string (mm:ss)" example "Time left (59:23)". I use code below, I will be happy if You review it. private String timeDescription(String pDescription,int pTime) { f...

Fun programming with webservices => webservices down => your application also down :( (not down but strage things happens and people are acting crazy)
Q: how to do the codes of this problem in "Bills and coins"

natashauppose that we have the following bills: P1,000, P500, P100, P50 and P20, and the following coins P10, P5, P1, P0.25, P0.10, P0.05; Create a program that provides the smallest number of combination of bills and coins possible for a given amount. e.g. input, amount => 20.75 output => 2 x P1...

@Pimgd Not enough fun of course
"Dit alternatief voor OpenCL vereist niet langer code die sterk lijkt op C, maar Spir 2.0 moet developers in staat stellen om code te schrijven in andere programmeertalen, zoals Python of javascript."
Oh god, javascript on the GPU?! That means a bunch of those will inevitably burn down.
"how to do the codes"!
@chillworld The alternative is....? To just not use the Internet. Welcome to 20 years ago.
Q: Java's Object.wait method with nanoseconds: Is this a joke or am I missing something

KrumiaHelp states that Code Review is a question and answer site for sharing code from projects you are working on for peer review. But this is a review of Java API, which I had no hand in creating. However I could not find a proper StackExchange site to ask this question. I was checking out the Jav...

Q: Java's Object.wait method with nanoseconds: Is this a joke or am I missing something

KrumiaHelp states that Code Review is a question and answer site for sharing code from projects you are working on for peer review. But this is a review of Java API, which I had no hand in creating. However I could not find a proper StackExchange site to ask this question. I was checking out the Jav...

I think it could be on topic with a little bit more code, but it's from the Java source.
I mean, I wrote a library to talk to SQL Server without going through a web service. But the same principle applies. If the server goes down, an app using my library still can't get its data. I don't see how the web service on a server is significantly more likely to go down than the server itself.
Are you an owner or maintainer of the Java source code? If not, this question is probably better suited for Stack Overflow or Programmers. — nhgrif 22 secs ago
In this case, I'm going to argue it's off-topic. Even if he is an owner or maintainer by extension of the fact that he's calling the method for which he's questioning its source code, at the end of the day, he can't change the source code, can he?
So, he could go to Stack Overflow or Programmers and see if he could get an explanation as to why, because I imagine it might have to do with technical limitations or something, and that's really all he wants--an explanation of why this code is how it is
If it was Ruby, I would say the maintainer by extension makes it on-topic, but the licensing is different.
@nhgrif create decent webservices with fail backup servers
@ckuhn203 Yeah, to me that's the biggest thing here. No matter what answers he gets, no one can do anything with them except hope that Oracle stumbles upon it.
But as I said in comments, I feel it's most likely a technical limitation.
Q: Can I always use variable-length argument lists instead of arrays in argument types whenever is a choice?

Vadim KarimovSorry for my English I just changed this class: public static class Options { public String table; public String[] columns; public Options withTable(String table) { this.table = table; return this; } public Options withColumns(String[] columns) { th...

Sticky gray area. I don't like that it would be ok for one language, but not another @nhgrif. (Putting aside that he's asking for an explanation.)
Q: CircularListCursor - an efficient circular cursor on any list

skiwiI have decided to create my own CircularListCursor, because I wanted some abstraction and a ListIterator<E> couldn't give enough in my opinion. I'm also using the javafx.beans.Property class, as I really like how it is being used in JavaFX 8 and figured it would be useful. The basic properties o...

Q: CircularListCursor - an efficient circular cursor on any list

skiwiI have decided to create my own CircularListCursor, because I wanted some abstraction and a ListIterator<E> couldn't give enough in my opinion. I'm also using the javafx.beans.Property class, as I really like how it is being used in JavaFX 8 and figured it would be useful. The basic properties o...

@skiwi I should rename
private final static int MIN_RANDOM_ACCESS_SIZE = 20;
private static final int MIN_DEFAULT_CIRCULAR_LIST_CURSOR = 20;
second the int is the minimum size you need to trigger the DefaultCircularList and not the randomacces one
correct about the naming
What is up with the modifiers?
even final static private is allowed
it's still raining rep on scifi..
400 now.
Q: Converting LINQ query to lambda, having issues

VolearixTrying to convert a LINQ statement to a Lambda expression, but seem to be having trouble. Can't figure out where the issue is, but keep getting the same error message. Regular LINQ statement is below, followed by what I have, then finally the error message. Any suggestions? LINQ Expression ...

@CaptainObvious Off topic
Yay, everything is wrapped in scroll bars and a lot of my elements are resizable with a split pane, no more awkward presentations due to the beamer not showing everything
Huh, auto correct, is resizable not a word?!
Monking, @all
Monking @rofl. How are ya?
I might even accidentally become a JavaFX expert with my current plans
Monking @rolfl
monking @rolfl
@skiwi - you are only a JavaFX expert when you can spell it right.
@skiwi convention is that first static then final => see link provided
Monking @rolfl
@rolfl Oh :( It's too late to edit... typos
that sounds about right
@skiwi If you ask nicely, I can fix it for you ... ;-)
@rolfl Would you please fix it? :)
done ... ;-)
@rolfl maybe that was the reason it was starred :p
@rolfl Wait what?
The Latin adverb sic ("thus"; in full: sic erat scriptum, "thus was it written") inserted immediately after a quoted word or passage, indicates that the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text, complete with any erroneous or archaic spelling, surprising assertion, faulty reasoning, or other matter that might otherwise be taken as an error of transcription. The notation's usual purpose is to inform the reader that any errors or apparent errors in quoted material do not arise from errors in the course of the transcription, but are intentionally reproduced, exactly as...
Oh, you mean really fix it .... ;-)
It's rolfl form of lol
@rolfl lol
latin makes one sound elquoent[sic.]
+10 -6 Don't Edit soon to be closed questions
Q: Switching font and background color on button click

morgiI am currently building a web app where I need to randomly switch the font and color of a title (inside the #content div) and the background of the page every time a button is clicked. I wrote the following code that works perfectly, but I'm wondering if it could be optimized (or at least writt...

@CaptainObvious malachi'd
Hey folks.
Look what I just found: A pure CSS tic tac toe: codepen.io/ziga-miklic/pen/Fagmh
Erm @rolfl, oops, there's a ReadOnlyProperty<T> in JavaFX
And doesn't a ConcurrentModificationException attempt to do a best effort?
I have solved an use case though here, so it does not not exist :)
@skiwi Why is that important... you don't use it... right? (ReadOnlyProperty<T>)
@skiwi with CME, if you can't rely on it, then don't have it at all. It's an all-or-nothing, not best-effort thing.
@rolfl Well it would be the correct way to do it for read only properties
Your public IntegerProperty indexProperty() does not return a read-only property
I know
that's why I need to change the implementation
> Note that fail-fast behavior cannot be guaranteed as it is, generally speaking, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification. Fail-fast operations throw ConcurrentModificationException on a best-effort basis. Therefore, it would be wrong to write a program that depended on this exception for its correctness: ConcurrentModificationException should be used only to detect bugs.
emphasis on unsynchronized concurrent modification
you have problems with synchronized, single-thread modificiation.
Good point
What you want is a circular linked list.
one that allows the list to be empty....
@rolfl What should a next method then do?
I might've wanted that, but that's too much work to make in my opinion for this problem
I did feel the need to have a wrapper though
In the existing linkedIterator, the next advances, and returns the data, if it is availabl.e
(and previous does the reverse).
There is no current.
so, I would just suggest you remove the current* methods.
but, then your class looks a lot like a LinkedIterator.
The current methods are exactly what I need
Else I'm back to zero with a regular-like iterator, as I need to manually save the current element somewhere
How big do these Lists get?
always less than.... say 100?
Currently 6
It holds GUI elements, through which I can cycle with tab and shift+tab
so I wouldn't expect them to get big
OK, give me a second.....
@skiwi - wait, this problem should be solved already in JavaFX... why are you reimplementing it?
Q: JavaFX: How to change the focus traversal policy?

SonjaIs it possible in JavaFX to change the focus traversal policy, like in AWT? Because the traversal order for two of my HBoxes is wrong.

@rolfl How/where would it be solved?
It's custom focusing here though, I need to be able to cycle through when targetting another pane/imageview
I don't think I can use that class there
OK. I would take a much simpler approach then.... these things are not going to change in the life of the GUI, and, won't be empty.... so, the general case is not important....
Depends on what the simple approach looks like
Q: An issue in getting tinymice rich text editor content to Struts action methods

SadanandCan any one help me to review the code and help me to fix the issue I am facing ? Kindly check my post in stackoverflow and do read the comments for better understanding of the problem I am facing. and find the code in the google drive link Let me know where exactly I should change to fix the i...

Greetings, Programs.
still a hot question!
Q: Why does Windows think that my wireless keyboard is a toaster?

ydaetskcoRI've inherited an old PC from my girlfriend's dad and when setting up the printer I got a bit of a surprise: Two questions spring to mind here: Why does Windows think my wireless keyboard is a toaster? Why does Windows even have an icon for a toaster in the devices menu?

@rolfl That solution would also do indeed, I don't see much fundamental difference with my solution though, except that mine took longer to make
Q: Generate JSON with jackson-asl - empty stream

AldianDue to several constraints (of avoiding at all costs to change the pom), I am trying to generate JSON with an old jackson-core-asl-1.0.0.jar library. Here is the code I wrote: import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.HashMap;...

@skiwi The difference is that you advertised your solution to be a general purpose Circular linked cursor for any list....
... and I am making a really simple circular linked process for a specific problem....
Your title:
> CircularListCursor - an efficient circular cursor on any list
My recommendation:
well... yes
> Since these lists tend to be small, I would simple leverage the existing toArray implementation in the underlying list, and provide a thin wrapper that is not a general concept
Oh, and 2 weeks ago:
Jul 31 at 21:14, by rolfl
I've been watching my badges for the past few weeks, thinking.... maybe I can get 6, 66, 166 badges.
@Malachi Well, it is kind of amusing, and goodness knows the tech world is woefully short on amusement.
Ain't that the sad truth @Donald.McLean?
Only 80 more days until Christmas.
52 until my wedding.
great, thanks for ..... oh, congrats, ckuhn203
@Donald.McLean That can't be right.
maybe shopping days?
@ckuhn203 Mazeltov!
@rofl @Donald.McLean Danke!
@rolfl That was a joke. It's 80 days until Halloween.
Halloween > Christmas
@Donald.McLean Ahh, that is how I knew you were wrong.....
halloween is a special day for me.... I get a badge that day.
The famous joke goes "Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas confused? Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec"
So, 80 days to yearling, and 72 repmax required to legendary.....
Though it isn't nearly as accessible as the short psychic joke.
Q: Ignoring certain lines in a text file C#

ShaunI'm trying to work out a way of removing records from a program I'm writing. I have a text file with all the customer data spread over a set of lines and I read in these lines one at a time and store them in a List When writing I simply append to the file. However, for deleting I had the idea of...

Is that the one about the dwarf psychic that escaped from jail?
@rolfl Yes.
small medium @ large ..... ;-)
I got the chance to tell it to someone who had never heard it before...and they were quite amused.
<-- does not know the joke
@Pimgd What do you call a short psychic who has escaped from prison? A small medium at large.
ah. =/
That's awesome.
why is it funny when @Donald tells it, and not me .... huh.
@rolfl I put it all together in one post.
I have kids. I love Popsicle jokes.
I think we will need to have a Halloween party......
Link it to killing zombies.
Hello, World!
@Donald.McLean It's Mazel tov.. Tevye does not approve :(
either way I need to get going..
print("Hello World!") @Phrancis
In Lua of course
function initCallbacks()
    system = luajava.bindClass("java.lang.System");
But that wouldn't equal hello world
Q: List doesn't exit loops?

Gennaro Marco Devincenzis#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct EL { int info; struct EL *next; }; typedef struct EL ElementoLista; typedef ElementoLista *ListaDiElementi; void InserisciTestaLista(ListaDiElementi *lista, int elem){ ListaDiElementi aux; aux=malloc(sizeof(ElementoLista)); aux->...

Hey @Phrancis!
@skiwi a bouncer?
@Vogel612 I'll remember that. It is, however, the thought that counts.
@janos Yes, it's a 24/7 running server that logs messages, etc. for you while you are gone
sounds like a bot
you know, anytime I login here, I see the conversations of the day, and I can even go further back
any user can use it, easily
will a bouncer help?
I think so yes
if you have the bouncer 24/7 connected to IRC, and then you connect to the bouncer
I've never used one myself though
sounds interesting, thanks for the tip @skiwi
... and if you have a post on CR that deserves more votes feel free to draw my attention to it ;)
hopefully not about ios though :p
Q: CircularListCursor - an efficient circular cursor on any list

skiwiI have decided to create my own CircularListCursor, because I wanted some abstraction and a ListIterator<E> couldn't give enough in my opinion. I'm also using the javafx.beans.Property class, as I really like how it is being used in JavaFX 8 and figured it would be useful. The basic properties o...

^^^^ good for napalm .... ;-)
you'll probably benefit a lot more from that than skiwi :p
Oh, I did not realize .... ;p
Napalm... I'm not familiar with that term
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

JamalMeme: Napalm Strike (or Carpet Bombing Airstrike) Originator: Mat's Mug (/retailcoder /lol.upvote) Cultural Height: During The Mission Background: This meme came about as the community started seeking good questions and answers to upvote, in response to our first site review. In this context,...

Was before my time!
well, deserved to be napalmed :p
@skiwi it's not as bad is it sounds :)
I've read that yesterday
^^^ about memes, I mean. useful post
I've read through the entire thread at least two times
it probably evolves
I laughed out loud when I saw "Jamalized"
and yesterday I quietly celebrated my first question that Jamal did NOT edit
> Jamal: @Mat'sMug brb synonymizing [JAVA] and - Jun 30 8:35 PM
what's up with posting but it's not really?
it sure is. I'm wondering if there's more to it, like a meme I don't know or something
@janos there should be a badge for that.
a badge for ... what?
@janos I think using tags for popular memes is pretty much SE-wide on chat.
6 mins ago, by janos
and yesterday I quietly celebrated my first question that Jamal did NOT edit
I think is popular on The White Board (programmers.se)
@janos - you know that if you hover over a 'reply' chat message, it highlights what the reply is a reply to... right?
I'm not use to that yet. It's like, invisible to me, that arrow
You're on the TopX graph now, you have to know these things ... ;-)
and the pencil mark means it was edited, right?
If you have room owner, or mod privs, you can see previous versions of other people's messages.
dammit this is a nice chat app, I'd really like this at work too
@rolfl awesome
@rolfl I'm not a big fan of the mouse, to be honest
You have figured out how to turn off the ding chime though?
(I am not a fan of audible notifications).
yeah, I mute my PC :)
when it bothers me
I very rarely chat, so I don't get a lot of messages
I see I can click on the speaker thing above the title
you got it.
@rolfl At the first time I heard this, I thought my hard disc is broken ;-)
erm no that sounds different
broken hard disc sounds something like a crashing sound driver
Because it's usually an OS freeze
and then you're fuckd
source: Me trying to record video one day and finding out I had bad sectors
Urgh ... BTDT.
bad memories.
(no pun intended).
Hey, we're under 700 zombies again.
knock on wood
Q: How to avoid code duplication in multiple except blocks?

MainMaContext: A logger records events which contain an area, a level, a message and an option indicating that the source replaces another one. The logger attempts to send the message through HTTP, and on failure, saves it locally. If HTTP service times out, the logger stops attempting using HTTP and...

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