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@Phrancis function suck($this) { if($this === "php" { echo 'Nope'; } else { echo 'this probably sucks more'; } }
Yes, Yes I did! @SimonAndréForsberg
Welcome to Code Review! I'm afraid this question does not match what this site is about. Code Review is about improving the cleanliness of existing, working code. Code Review is not the site to ask for help in fixing or changing what your code does. Once the code does what you want, we would love to help you do the same thing in a cleaner way! Please Check out our Help Center, it will explain what is On-topic and what is Off-Topic for CodeReview — Malachi 33 secs ago
what do you use to hold your most frequent comments?
Q: AutoReviewComments - Pro-forma comments for SE

Benjol No more re-typing the same comments over and over! This script adds a little 'auto' link next to all comments boxes. When you click the link, you see a popup with 6 configurable auto-comments (canned responses), which you can easily click to insert. This script was inspired by answers to thi...

@Malachi seems like good old notepad.exe would do as good a job as anything to hold frequent comments
@CodeX - Not sure I want to title a function "Suck($this)"
@Phrancis - Codex has a point, you could be coding in Cold Fusion.
1.5 hour into my shift and I'm already caught up on everything... anyone got time to educate a fellow on some
@JohnP it did not even cross my mind to code in PHP.... but I saw this and thought to myself, WHY
@Phrancis I am trying to build a mysqli OOP class in php here.. Failing miserably..
Of course, I'm not trying to say you can't or shouldn't discuss it here too, but this is a fundamental enough subject that you probably need to study it somewhat systematically to really learn it well.
@JerryCoffin: The OP didn't even upvote my answer from yesterday. I probably should have reviewed more of the code anyway. Oh well.
@JohnP Would be a great function to send to a new gf though..
@Jamal I'm sure if you look carefully, you can still find more to add that hasn't been covered yet. Of course, it's open to question whether the OP will upvote anyway.
One other thing is the lack of const for one of the getters, and not much else. But it's okay; there will (unfortunately) be more linked-list questions where that came from.
@Jamal That (unfortunately) is all too true.
And eventually we can say that we've seem all the linked list implementations one can see.
@ckuhn203 no Problem
@Jamal Nope. Before that happens, people will invent new languages, and the cycle will start again.
Oh yeah... we'll eventually see our first question. D:
@Jamal Undoubtedly...and it probably won't even be very long before it happens.
Can anyone say if this is a decent tutorial?
@Phrancis No
@Phrancis At first glance, it appears to be extremely dated (talks about "if you're using Windows 95/98").
Ah yeah I did notice that
@Marc-Andre - How's the notification integration going?
> JavaWorld |Mar 31, 2000 12:00 AM
Oh, wow.
@JohnP Not sure what you're referring to?
@Marc-Andre - Never mind. That question was supposed to go to @SimonAndréForsberg
@SimonAndréForsberg - How's the notification integration going?
@JohnP Haven't worked on it. It will probably take a while before I'll focus on Android again.
@MadaraUchiha Thank you, downloading the PDF now.
@JohnP How has it been going for you?
Do these people not review their videos before uploading!? youtube.com/watch?v=VDdBX5nmLpw
@SimonAndréForsberg - I didn't have much time to work on it over the weekend. Still prepping the house for the forthcoming baby.
@SimonAndréForsberg youtube.com/watch?v=8q_m-rDUNw0
@MadaraUchiha wow this book is so interesting, thanks a lot for sharing :)
@CodeX I want to watch that so bad, but I need to get some work done....lol
@Malachi Bookmark it and watch it later, its crazy!
@CodeX for sure
Q: Better way of check if current user already like posts

itxI have three models looks like : class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => :count_post has_many :likes end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :posts has_many :likes end class Like < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :user belongs_to :post, :counter_cache =>

lol I just ran across this comment.
both of these functions do different things, you can, but shouldn't merge them together, it violates principles and stuff. — Malachi Apr 14 at 14:27
Ya know, because principles and stuff.
Q: Improving java code for Yahtzee game (using arrays and object classes)

NeaAs part of an assignment for my intro Java class (please bear with my beginner skill set), I'm working on a program for which a Die object class is used to play a Yahtzee game. An overview of the directions are as follows: The program should give an introduction of what it is going to do, ask the...

"Never Violate the P&S!" - @Malachi
Don't cross the functions?
Is there any particular reason to use camelCase in Java other than just "that's what everyone does" (i.e. standards)?
I'm not aware of another reason
That would be the reason. Following standards makes it so genericJavaDeveloper can read the code as easily as any other Java code.
That's a perfectly good reason
Not to be confused with JavaDeveloper
I kind of wish there were such naming standards in SQL. Everyone does things differently there, kind of annoying to have to go back on someone else's work
@ckuhn203 as opposed to JAVA developer right?
Any language that is one letter away from being a swedish swear word has to be cool..
It was cool. Then Oracle bought it.
@ckuhn203 Rules at the Urinal?
LOL I suppose so.
@ckuhn203 Maybe JAVA is not supposed to be an acronym... maybe it's supposed to be a macro!
@CaptainObvious Best I've seen in a long while
@CodeX Swedish?
@SimonAndréForsberg Javla?
lol, now I see what you mean. Technically, that's two letters away. The first A --> Ä
Q: Efficient numpy cosine distance calculation

Jimmy CI want to calculate the nearest cosine neighbors of a vector using the rows of a matrix, and have been testing the performance of a few Python functions for doing this. def cos_loop_spatial(matrix, vector): """ Calculating pairwise cosine distance using a common for loop with the numpy ...

They'll just have to rename the language to Javla instead.
They should "Remain" all languages, im thinking of "remaining" myself to something else..
@Jamal Macro is a dirty word to a VBA guy.
Damn it, too late to edit...
I need a mod! @Jamal please edit my typo ^^
VBA is a dirty word, too :)
What is up with these tutorials: "create a function to output data from an array into html" then they write an array in the same page as the function: array("name","age","location"); <divs>!
@SimonAndréForsberg Nah, I'll keep it. ;-) I'm okay with learning Javla.
@Jamal I meant s/remain/rename
Ah. :-P Okay
Who is good at php here?
@DanLyons Only because of all the people who refer to it with the word "Macro".
I'll stick to my guns. It's a legit language. Just terribly abused.
I thought php was popular.. :/
Haha php is like a bad word or something, everytime i mention it, it goes quiet
@JerryCoffin, i herd u liek phpz?
@CodeX It sure is popular on SO....
@ckuhn203 i dont think i have enough "repz"
MySQLi PDO is giving me a headache
@CodeX There's no such thing as "MySQLi PDO". You're either using MySQLi or you're using PDO. Not both.
i mean MySQLi / PDO is giving me a headache
Im trying to learn PDO and MySQLi OOP
Why are you focusing on both? Why not one at a time?
The voices say we have to learn both
in the voice of the Joker "Why no num_rows?"
I really like MySQLi OOP with prepared statements but i have a small PDO class that seems to work nice too but i still dont really know what either are doing
Is @skiwi around?
If he is, then nevermind.
@SimonAndréForsberg What? That made no sense!
@CodeX - That should be "Awwww...why no num_rows?"
@skiwi I thought I needed you but I don't. I remembered how to Google.
You say you need me, but if I'm around, then nevermind, huh! :P
@SimonAndréForsberg When you don't know how to google, you can always just google a dummy book for it.
@JohnP I forgot PDO has some drawbacks, i have to use COUNT everytime i want to get a num_rows
Found one:
@CodeX or loop through them all and count manually, yes.
" Author Brad Hill, frequently consulted in media coverage of the Internet, will take readers "under the hood" " - Also called Frosting..
@CodeX if you need any help with MySQL I'm a pro (from fixing many PHP programmers' terrible SQL lol)
@Phrancis thanks, i might just use SP's or until i can learn PDO
@CodeX I've used MySQLi a bit in PHP, do you have a specific problem I can help with?
I had a late call today on the steam suller sale
Bought two games 6 minutes before it ended
Anyone got time for Java question?
Sure @Phrancis
Suppose I have a proc in MySQL, and I connect to MySQL from Java. The proc expects 3 values e.g. ID INT, Sale_Date DATE, Description TEXT
I want Java to pass something to MySQL like: CALL My_Proc(1, '2014-06-30', 'Some Description Here')
How would I go about doing that?
Then you'll need to pass in an int, Date and String
More specifically, first you need a binding from mysql to java
It's a jbdc connector
And inbuilt in Java (I believe), there is things like PreparedStatement, Connection, etc
OK I've heard that term before, now I know what it is :)
I keep forgetting the shorcuts in Sony Vegas Pro :(
Oh... splitting is pressing 'S'
@SimonAndréForsberg Thanks, is there any way we can talk one to one?
@CodeX just invited you to a room
What does DAO mean?
Data Access Object
@Phrancis I wouldn't really bother when you are using stored procs
It would be nice to sooner than later switch to something that automatically generates them
@CodeX what?
Talking about that... Does there exist a library for it, hm
What is it ?
@Phrancis It = Generating stored procedures from existing ones living inside a database, on compile time in a Java project
@Malachi "both of these functions do different things, you can, but shouldn't merge them together, it violates principles and stuff." — Malachi Apr 14 at 14:27
It's nicer as maintaining them by hand
If a library doesn't exist, then I could give it a try in the coming weeks
And I'm surprised rendering a 1080p vid still takes a considerable amount of time on my PC, it's just 8 minutes.
@skiwi I guess one could store the procedure code within a TEXT field in SQL or something like that. Does seem like an odd thing to do though
Create a proc that passes parameters to another proc to decide which parts of the code to use...
@Phrancis Why? You mean the definition?
@CodeX where is that?
Hm. If you ever come up with an actual/practical use I wouldn't mind to work with you on designing it
@Phrancis I wouldn't really do that
@ckuhn203 I guess I don't really know yet... hard to imagine the concept without a real application
It feels dirty.
It does.
@Phrancis Be not mistaken though, it is currently very practical to do it by hand, if it's just a few procs
And you don't plan on updating/adding all procs like every hour
I would just as soon program a module or something in the application code that modifies the schema where the procs are stored
All procs should have an individual ID
Be curious to try:
SELECT * FROM databasename.sys.procedures
Your application should not be modifying stored procedures.
Unless that's the sole purpose of the application.
Maybe the whole thing is a bad idea and only a human should modify procs
That's what I'm thinking.
@Phrancis I think that would be a good start :)
@Malachi @ckuhn203 Did you find that quote from Malachi stating "it violates principles and stuff."
Now I would still be curious to try just for fun, storing parts of SQL code as TEXT within a table and see about passing parameters to a proc that would build a piece of SQL code
Is there a way to get a union query from two different databases? I.e. server1.schema.table + server2.schema.table?
@CodeX I haven't looked yet. where is it?
@JohnP yes
are you using SSMS?
I'm using mysql with the workbench
2 hours ago, by ckuhn203
both of these functions do different things, you can, but shouldn't merge them together, it violates principles and stuff. — Malachi Apr 14 at 14:27
Oops misread
@JohnP yeah, you would just need to fully reference each column to tell it was server and database and schema to use
Probably going to be pretty slow running though
So do you do it by ip address?
I was thinking of SSMS, I have never done it with MySQL before
Of course as you would have it, it's more of a PITA to do with MySQL, as most stuff is with MySQL
@ckuhn203 Deleted
yeah, I'm going to try a different approach first.
I think im gonna go lay down before im < human
too late
Evening all!
How goes it?
Hey @StuartBlackler
@JohnP Thanks haha
@StuartBlackler Hey
@JohnP i know in TSQL you can use database.schema.table eg: SELECT * FROM db1.schema1.table1 or if the schema is the default SELECT * FROM db1..table1
it might be the same in MySql
@Malachi Boo. I got a good chuckle out of that.
Because.... ya know. Stuff.
Trying to work around dbase III is a real big PITA.
Bye All!
Bye @CodeX
Q: Iteration over ActiveRecord::Relation

user1280282I have the following two models: class FileInfo < ActiveRecord::Base STATUS = { :PENDING => 0, :UNAPPROVED => 1, :APPROVED => 2, :PROCESSED => 3 } attr_accessible :id, :owner, :status validates :status, :inclusion => {:in => STATUS.values} end FileInfo has id and status fields. Each file...

Does anyone know where in sys schema the table constraints are stored?
Gareth Rees is back!
Dont suppose anyone knows much about how browsers handle duplicate cookies or which SE would be the best to ask on?
@Phrancis One sec.
What do you mean by duplicate cookies?
@Phrancis wouldn't that be in sys.objects? Try scripting a drop+create on a FK in SSMS..
@200_success ie, if you had one cookie: thisValue and cookie: thatValue. Ignoring the fact that two cookies got sent in the response, there appears to be a difference in behaviour between IE 11 and Latest Firefox. Firefox sends thatValue but IE sends thisValue
I would expect the later value to overwrite the earlier one. If you send two cookies back in the same Set-Cookie header, though, I don't know what to expect.
I included primary and foreign keys @Phrancis. Technically, they're constraints too.
select *
from sys.objects
WHERE type in (N'C',N'D',N'F',N'PK',N'UQ')
SEDE has no constraints?? Try it on there
I need to get a repo project up once I find the root cause of the issue (which is I am getting a duplicate ASP session id cookie)
where would you suggest to be the best place to ask the question? I suspect I would get dumped straight off of SO and i'd rather learn the best place to ask
It has types as SQ IT & U
If it's a bug the best place is SO (unfortunately)
Q: Read id with jquery and apply action to corresponding div

user3782713I want a certain button to show a certain div. Now I need to update my javascript for every new button+div. As this will be connected to a cms, for every post it needs to work automatically. How can I read the id/class from the button dynamically to apply an action to the corresponding div? Way ...

@ckuhn203 do you know a way to get all tables that are in sys ?
found the sort of answer:
A: How to handle multiple cookies with the same name?

NateThe answer referring to an article on SitePoint is not entirely complete. Please see RFC 6265 (to be fair, this RFC was released in 2011 after this question was posted, which supersedes previous RFC 2965 from 2000 and RFC 2109 from 1997). Section 5.4, subsection 2 has this to say: The user a...

@MrCochese, where is your review of this question? — Malachi 10 secs ago
@ckuhn203 ▲▲▲
@Malachi you're leaking resources when an exception occurs FYI
@StuartBlackler how?
when you leave a using statement everything is disposed, even in the case of an exception
Eric Lippert is raking in some Rep on CR!!!
Q: Reverse a doubly linkedlist

JavaDeveloperReverse a doubly linkedlist. Looking for code review, optimizations and best practices. public class ReverseDoublyLinkedList<T> implements Iterable<T> { private Node<T> first; private Node<T> last; private int size; public ReverseDoublyLinkedList() { }; public ReverseDoubl...

@Malachi Someone needs to review the reviewers
and when there isn't too.
JDQ #14....7? 8?
damn, #149
@SimonAndréForsberg what are you counting? Java Bugs?
string + string + string should be string.format(string, string)
@SimonAndréForsberg you agree with him?
@Malachi JDQ = JavaDeveloper Question
or use a string builder
I know that it is a short query string, but is it really a good practice?
@StuartBlackler what do you mean when there isn't?
yes, because strings are immutable. Once created, they cannot be modified.
so string + string = 3 strings in memory
@ckuhn203 I tried every possible view to find column constraints on SEDE and all views return 0 results... SELECT * FROM sys.sysconstraints
@Phrancis sys.tables
furthermore, use parameters in the sql command
According to MSDN that should return all the constraints
@Malachi Good question.
@Malachi I don't know. I haven't read the question and your answer. I just think that your comment sounds a bit.... unhelpful.
I love this comment btw, @Jamal
@SimonAndréForsberg he's been ranting and I don't think it is warranted, I think he is trolling
Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't necessarily make them a troll.
To be fair, I agree with the commenter
@SimonAndréForsberg I got the idea from here:
Q: Before you post your next question

Robert HarveyWelcome to Stack Overflow! You are probably reading this because the community put your question "On-Hold," and referred you to this post. This post explains what happened to your question, and how you can fix it. What does "On Hold" mean? What is that negative number next to my question? Wha...

hence the new downvote
I was the downvoter, fyi.
@Malachi I just think that, if you want to aim for moderator once CR graduates, I think such a comment would be completely unacceptable from a moderator. I think, however, that you can say the same thing in a different way: "Thanks for your opinions, but it would be more helpful if you would post your own answer to the question"
Q: A generic MVC ArrayAdapter class

Gabe SechanLike everyone, I use ListViews in a lot of apps. And I pretty much always end up making a custom Adapter. Yet 90% of my custom adapters end up doing the same thing (mapping directly from an ArrayList or array) with getView overridden to update the views. I hate rewriting this part of the code....

@CaptainObvious Needs
365* since I was last here, apparently
busy day?
extremely, coersing asp session state in to doing what we need it to do
Also busy... slept till 9, took car to get serviced, McDonalds for breakfast, passport office to get passport replaced (don't wash your passport). 3 hours later, toMcD's again for lunch, Then with kids to Ikea (Hi Simon!), then to get car back. About to go shopping for groceries, and then off with cat to the vet. Nice quiet day on holiday.
@rolfl McDonalds twice the same day? I haven't been at McDonalds since... April, in Germany, on the way home from France.
And I haven't been at IKEA since..... umm... can't even remember.
@Jamal or ?
Yup, twice in one day.... have I told you I am on diet?
I was able to dig up relatively healthy choices on each occasion.
@rolfl Yeah, I remember having read that a few days ago... which is why your choice of McDonalds is quite... surprising.
McDonalds has been working on improving their image.
@SimonAndréForsberg Unfortunately, all tags are converted to lowercase for display
@200_success They should probably work on improving their food instead...
They have, actually
@rolfl I know :(
It's ISO 9000 certified food.
There's an ISO for everything, huh?
Which guarantees less than 100 milligrams of insect parts per 1kg of other.
It's not a quality standard, it's a documentation standard.
@200_success I started reading about ISO 9000 on Wikipedia and I thought it didn't make sense...
No way I can win this, but it will be fun to submit a VBA answer of code golf.
Q: Finding variables in code

beary605Given some code in your language as a string, find and display all the variable names. Examples in pseudocode: a=2 b=3 for(i, 0->9) do b=b-10 if a=b then write "a equals b" Returns: a b i abcdefgh=20000000000000 bcdifhgs="hello" if abcdefgh=bcdifhgs then da44="hax" if abcdefgh*2=da44 then wr...

I already wrote it before I stumbled on this. lol
@ckuhn203 Hmm it appears that SEDE doesn't have constraints. Perhaps constraints are applied on the application side.
No clue.
@rolfl looks like CR has a new game for the summer... 20 votes already, I think we should brainstorm for a politically correct tag to use ;)
@StuartBlackler I figured it was you, I find no hard feelings in votes here
@Jamal that one might get misused/abused ;)
@MrCochese, where is your review of this question? it seems that you disagree with what a majority of people think about using SQL Query strings in their code, I would love to see your detailed answer to this question, and why any of these answers are wrong. — Malachi 9 secs ago
how did you cross out a tag???
And as far as political correctness goes...
@Malachi Much better comment
Ugh.. stupid battery's dying again.. later @all!
@Mat'sMug too much mobile chat
@Mat'sMug brb synonymizing [JAVA] and
@Malachi I had no idea it would actually work.
@Jamal Which is the master and which is the synonym?
Hm... the latter is the master. That way, more synonyms can be added (, I assume).
Sounds like a plan.
he may not be trolling......
but now he is reviewing the stuff in my answer that I pulled from the OP and didn't change.....
@Phrancis Hey Phrancis, you are aware of both the right-margin in SEDE, as well as the SEDE schema docs, right?
Q: How to make an URL by prioritizing the keys if multiple keys are present efficiently?

WebbyI recently started using Builder pattern in one of my projects. Below is my builder class - public final class DataKey { private final long userId; private final String uuid; private final String deviceId; private final int clientId; private final long timeout; private ...

@rolfl I understand each word in what you said but the way you arranged them doesn't register, so in short: No. lol
Right Margin when creating an SEDE query:
Docymentation for the Database Schema:
Q: Database schema documentation for the public data dump and SEDE

Stu ThompsonStack Exchange releases "data dumps" of all its publicly available content roughly every three months via archive.org, and also makes that information queryable over the Internet at the Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE). Over time, as new features and other bits of data are introduced to Stack ...

Oh the right margin yes I am aware
The other link is blocked here :|
I'll check it from home
it should not be.... odd.
Probably because it's meta
And why is it blocked being meta?
I'm generally blocked from anything forum-like in nature. I'm actually very surprised the chat is not.
@Jamal That ^^ is a query for you
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm not fixing all of them. :P I have my eye on the bad titles.
What do you do with a girl like Maria...
@JohnP "How do you solve a problem like Maria"
Easy. Neurolinguistic reprogramming.
@Jamal i have my eyes on i in post because god i think it's ugly
@Marc-Andre I'm trying to bump as few as possible, but some of them, especially with ones that add updated code above the original, need attention.
@Jamal Well I'm only correcting those on the "homepage" so no uncessary bumping.
Q: Script to convert Shift + Spacebar into four spaces on SE - Second Improvement

jt0ddSecondary Review: I recently requested a review: Script to convert Shift + Spacebar into four spaces on SE. After accepting suggestions and improvements by David Harkness, I heavily updated my code to include his suggestions, improvements, and other revisions. The code is now very different from...

Q: Passing listener to customized extended View in Android

jackhabI extended NumberPicker with several methods needed in my application. When I came to defining a OnValueChangeListener this is how I did it: import android.widget.NumberPicker; interface ValueChangeCallback { public void execute(RemListView list, int oldVal, int newVal); } public class Rem...

Just found a handy little way to get random whole numbers (as opposed to FLOAT)
SELECT CAST( (RAND()*100) AS DECIMAL(3,0) ) -- random number between 1 and 100
The cat next door (I'm living in an apartment building ) doesn't stop meowing (action of meow?) He is so annoying. I'm glad my cat is not that type.
Keep that one in my back pocket for future use
And with that being said, TTQWAGMAUSB.
(time to quit work and go move and unpack some boxes)
Goodbye, World.
Good bye!
if (nothing_to_do) {meow} else { meow};
@JohnP this is excatly how the cat was programmed
@Marc-Andre - Actually, this is probably how the cat was programmed: asset-2.soup.io/asset/3911/8162_257d.jpeg
I'm finished. At least one invalidation was found and reversed.
Well my cat isn't that bad :P He's meowing only when he is really bored, normally he just chewing on randoms things and he will wake you up if he's hungry
Need to go ! Gaming night ! later all !
Q: Job Queue for Strategy Game

bazolaI posted about this basic problem a while ago, and I got the recommendation to move the code for managing the Jobs of my game to another class. I have been working on it for a little while now, and I have code that I believe is ready for review. The result is three classes, one for the Queue it...

Q: Typesafe heterogeneous container

ashurI was reading Joshua Blochs "Effective Java 2nd edition" and during item 29 which describes how to create Heterogeneous containers in the end of chapter he wrote: A Class object used in this fashion is called a type token. You can also use a custom key type. For example, you could have a Da...

hrm, quiet today...
well, not anymore...
"yay" and "monday" do not belong together
besides, it's Tuesday here :)
@Yuushi "Yay! Mondays' almost over!"
I still have 5.5 hours until Tuesday. :-/
@JerryCoffin touché
(uses std::future to go into the future)
You just need the compiler for that.
Hmmm... just recommended in an answer that the user throws it all away.
I tried to do it nicely
I think that could be said about many questions.
Oh, this was the android one.
@rolfl Just read your review. Totally agree. This was the most useless class I've seen in a looooooooong while.
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