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about to post my first code review, is it alright to post "no specific topic related"?
like no engine, no graphic related, just "how do I loop better in this case" type of question?
Sure.... we are a harsh crowd (kidding).
All we need is a language
and the code should work
As long as it's real code, not some example you've come up with.
Hi @BlueBug - BTW
@rolfl hey man! <3 (sorta) missed u.
Sure you did... that's a sweet thing to say.
: D
I, it's posted, hopefully it fit's the purpose of site bites nails nervously
Q: Find all the possible ways to pop elements from list

BlueBugI am solving https://projecteuler.net/problem=32 I have decided to try brutal force approach; find all the combinations of 1,2,3...9 then see if the pattern A * B = C occurs. I have list [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] I want all the possible combination of these elements. The following loop should give m...

Little slow, @CaptainObvious ...
edited and posted full version.
@BlueBug - it is somewhat anemic.... and, the missing logic....
@rolfl how about now? I just edited, does it look a bit better...?
It's not solving the problem, though, just printing the combinations, right now?
Whether they are pandigital, or not.
no it's not solving the problem. Just printing the combinations.
Also, there are no 'pops' in there are all, and you will get output like 000000000
"pop the element from the list, in terms of index."
000000000 should pop first element from the list 9 times.
sorry I see my description is vague, and missing logic.
so would it better if I post full version instead?
Always ;-)
oki. I will delete the post for now then.
You will get a better response with the full code.
If you do this right, you will likely end up on the Hot Questions list....
H, Hot Question?!
I can thing of a few people who will see those for-loops and start drooling.
yeah, on the front page of every site:
See the Hot Questions at the right?
now suffocating from so much excitement I can't breath.
Yeah, a question that has about 4 upvotes, and 3 answers, will hit that list.
from anywhere on SE.
They tend to 'cascade' as people come in to check it out.
It's probably not a good thing for your ego, but, those for-loops will generate some activity.
and people will answer, and upvote... so, it will likely go hot.
my ego is already inflating too big. Oh my...
now it's not about the code but, my ego.
hehehe. I will work on this problem more and come back with full code soon. Now, back to code.
In general, Code Review is for improving working code, and not about helping to make it work. Just bear that in mind.
Q: Extract Html code from list of website (website per website)

user3599914i have a textbox multiline with a lot of web site per line, i want to extract html code from all of the website in this textbox(list), i write this code,but i need to finish it to extract the html code from all the list: string url="http://website.com"; HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest...

is "Captain Obvious" bot...?
@CaptainObvious r u bot?... ok u r bot.
CO is the name for the questions feed in this chat room, so, not really a bot, but an automatic RSS poster.
Q: MergeSort w/ Custom Functions

Kevin MeredithPlease review my implementation of mergesort: mergesort' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] mergesort' [] = [] mergesort' xs = merge' (sort' fst', sort' snd') where fst' = take half xs snd' = drop half xs half = len `div` 2 len = length xs merge' :: (Ord a) => ([a], [a]) -

Hi guys
Hey there.
Gotta meta question hoping I can get some thoughts on
Sure. What's up?
Feel like there's two types of code review questions: a line by line review, and a fundamental program design review.
Is there a consensus on which is preferable?
Hmmm.... that's a loaded question. I believe the type of review is closely geared to the issues in the question... as a result, they are both equally good... (if there is a problem with the design, then a line-by-line is pointless)
If the design is good, then a line-by-line is good.
My example is below. I provided a line by line review, and 200_success posted what I thing is a more valuable answer getting to the core of things: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/48728/…
i fear that i'm gaining more rep by posting a lazier answer
That's not the right way of looking at it.
i'm happy that the asker here got both types of responses
There are a number of different philosophies, and my perspective, is that, as a person answering a question (performing a review), you want to make the asker think about things in a different way.
If you can do that, you have added value.
So, nothing wrong with the line-by-line (and you got an upvote on that answer from me, a while ago).
That's a good point, along with the troubled design point above
Code review is not about supplying 'the right answer', it's about improving the code.
Your answer does that.
200's does it in a different way.
Both are good.
The challenge comes from the asker now, to decide which one is most helpful, and that's the one they 'accept'.
That's the way I would like to see it work.
Also, an accepted answer does not mean the other answers are wrong.
There's no competition for answers on Code Review (or at least, there normally isn't).
I completely agree
Q: Which answer to accept?

BenVI can imagine this situation coming up frequently on this site. What should we do when there are multiple helpful valid answers? Accept the one we think is most helpful? Accept the one that was posted first? Accept neither? Accept the one with the most upvotes? I think we should have a docum...

^^^ from the early days of Code Review (long before my time).
Thanks for the link. I'm not too interested in getting my answers accepted (as long as I've provided some value).
great community on this site
thanks for your input
No problem.... also, while your attention is here... have a look at this one:
Q: Vote Early, Vote Often

YannisLack of voting has already been identified as an issue that prevents the site from graduating. I'm shamelessly stealing this post from Meta Biblical Hermeneutics, hoping it will inspire all of us to be a bit more active with our votes. Enjoy! And vote! I cannot state this strongly enough. Voti...

people voting on answers that provide value, and questions that are well structured, and clear, will be the best thing for this site.... ;-)
People voting down on badly asked questions, and incorrect answers, will help tons too.
voting is key.
Gotcha. I visit the stack exchange metas everyday at work when I got some time, so I understand the value
So how does code review graduate?
Like, is there a set of criteria?
(besides the voting)
That's a fuzzy answer.... we have "officially" been told:
> Keep doing what you are doing, and you will graduate, when you are ready.
Which is a little fuzzy.
and two years later...
Alright, thanks for your help
Just been curious about this for the past week
@eruano57 Sorry about the deleted posts... want to hash out what you need to do for a follow-on?
@lealand Technically I am quite new here.... it's a great place. And good answers can earn you a lot of rep quite quickly faster than any ther SE site I know of).
@lealand - your swing answer is good, too.
@rofl that's what brought me here. asker had a specific question about his implementation (which could be off topic)
What is on-topic here, can be hard to define. The only hard rules are that there must be code, and it must appear to work
Incompatible types: T cannot be converted to int. But nowhere do I use an int..
not that you know of ;-)
The linked list assembly zombie has been answered! :D
return components[leftComponent].equals(components[rightComponent]); gives me that error. components is T[], the arguments are T.
left and rightComponent are int?
Everything is T
this is compile time
Well, ^^^^ leftComponent needs to be an int, to be the index of an array
it cannot be a T
I'm ashamaed
Code Review FTW ;-)
Another set of eyes, and all that.
I want indexers in Java
They are called ints.
I hate ints
With their weird error messages
Incompatible types: T cannot be converted to int. <--- not really that weird.
yeah you're right, just making silly remarks
Guess I'll go with a Map instead
Q: An Object-Oriented Programming pattern for AngularJS models using CoffeeScript classes

BlaizOver the past week, we tried to make our AngularJS model layer more powerful and reduce complexity in our controllers and template by using the object-oriented programming pattern and the CoffeeScript class keyword. You can see the result here: http://plnkr.co/edit/c1uxN6ZorQzOVizlzU5Y?p=preview ...

Red-freehand FTW on SU: superuser.com/a/749710/295631
Q: Determine how many bits are in a floating point value

user3478869I'm writing a program which determines how many bits are in a floating point value - (this will be run on unix). #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void countbits(int k); int main(){ int input; // int a = (int) malloc(sizeof(int)); printf("Please enter a number: "); scanf(...

I am not being able to post my question since my code is not working.
I looked at solution for question#32. There's much better simpler way. My approach is "stupid" but I do not see any reason why it shouldn't work but it doesn't work.
of course... it didn't work because I thought I was supposed to count the damn thing, not sum their products. OTL
Q: First Php Login system

Lemony-AndrewThis Is my first attempt at a login system! I've only had roughly 2 days of experience with mysql and php so far and this is what I came up with: <?php session_start(); //Start Database $IP = ""; $user = ""; $pass = ""; $db = ""; $con = mysqli_con...

Morning everyone.
SO and CR reputation are the same lols
Mine differes by 32 points. ;)
And mine... 10,501. :P
Shall not take long, one more review and I'm higher :)
Q: python: within class better use self or pass variable around between helper functions?

LarsVegasI have a fairly complex object. Running the main method involves several helper functions. Something the scope of a variable exceeds the scope of helper function. So the question is should I pass a variable around or should I better expand the scope of the variable by adding it to the classes nam...

Q: Sudoku puzzle generator in C

JerrySo the code below i have written in order to generate a 9x9 sudoku puzzle by shift the 1-9 numbers 1 space over each row, Basically i wanted to write a more concise and efficient code so that i did not have to do 9 for loops, MY ORIGINAL SUDOKU CODE: #include <stdio.h> int main () { int i, j,...

2 hours later…
Q: Entity Component System engine performing poorly

VeritasA few days ago I managed to finish the core of the engine for a game that I am making but unfortunately the performance is quite bad. This is the first time I am writing something like this and I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look and specify where I could improve things a bi...

rant: why is CR still in beta when the stats reported in area 51 blows away even a couple of "graduated" sites? /rant
@rolfl Isn't the array I supply (an empty array on compiletime) a single empty arra objectt hat is immutable hence a single object? Even though the object I get back, is indeed a new array
Monking CRitters
Mokning @rolfl
Q: Splitting numbers in JavaScript

Abdullah 0v0Now, I was writing an algorithm in JavaScript... Here's an example in pseudo-code: a = "2-9"; b = ""; The end result is: a = "2"; b = "9"; It should also work with multiple digits: a = "2332-377"; b = ""; End result: a = "2332"; b = "377"; Here's the whacky code I got out: <!DOCTYPE ...

@skiwi... no. new always creates a new instance.
Hey Vogel612
morning @rolfl
but... I can get around it myself
Only question then is if the reflective creation in toArray is not harmful?
monkign @SimonAndréForsberg
Mostly about the functionality
People, I'm building an editor and need feedback jsfiddle.net/NUveL/8
Also, if you want to see a feature implemented, tell me.
I already implemented the tab one
@dotbitcode export to SE Markdown as new feature
or more generally, support normal Markdown or any other well-established markup language rather than inventing a new mix
@amon I'm building an editor based upon people feedback, not following the trend if not necessary.
If markdown feels easier let's go for it. Else improve upon the syntax.
It should feel easy for both people and programmers, hence the tab functionality for example.
@dotbitcode That's quite funny, if you put it like this: You ask: Also, if you want to see a feature implemented, tell me., Someone responds: Do the normal thing, and you say I'm building an editor based upon people feedback, not following the trend if not necessary. ..... I would say you got good feedback there....
@Malachi ... I was under the impression that SU folk were not very good at voting ... but I see they are suckers for free-hand red stuff, just like everyone else: superuser.com/a/749710/295631
hmm... Would Streams benefit for having an onFilterFailed method?
@dotbitcode Well, the point is that there are very few successful markup languages which I'd expect in something like a comment form: (1) Markdown as in SE or Reddit, (2) BBcode as in many older forums (3) a validated HTML subset that avoids XSS vulnerabilities (4) no markup whatsoever, except line breaks, as in many comment systems. Inventing a 5th solution is superfluous.
@amon Don't forget github (or bitbucket?) with their ``` around code
@rolfl Is a trend always the normal thing? :) What I'm trying to said is, don't give me a suggestion just because it's commonplace and someone decided it will be the cool thing for 20 years to come. If you personally feel more comfortable typing markdown than anything else then that's a good (read: personal) feedback.
@amon It's good. If one of them ends up feeling actually easier and is not just a trend I'll use it and avoid inventing my own.
@skiwi GitHub uses Markdown but extends it by some features like fenced code blocks, twitter-style "@"-mentions, emojis, and various autolinking. The most successful markdown syntax extensions were introduced by “PHP Markdown Extra”, which contains tables, footnotes, ….
So I guess

`Heading\n-------` (without actually writing the newline of course) is easier than `=Heading=` right?
Evil code galore #1 for today:
public void registerListenersOfObject(final Object callbackObject) {
            .filter(method -> (method.getAnnotation(Event.class) != null))
            .filter(method -> method.getReturnType().equals(void.class))
            .filter(method -> method.getParameterCount() == 1)
            .map(method -> _(method, method.getParameterTypes()[0]))
            .filter(pair -> eventClassConstraint.isAssignableFrom(pair.b))
            .forEach(pair -> includeEventHandler(pair.b, new MethodEventHandler(pair.a, callbackObject, p
monking, Ben
@skiwi No, it would not benefit from "onFilterFailed". If you want to separate items by if they return true or false, there's a separate method for that
@SimonAndréForsberg I more meant for the possibility to do something if they fail, much akin like peek()
@skiwi Again, I say: Split it into if they return true or false.
Everything is not meant to be done on one line.
@skiwi That looks like ReST syntax
double backticks, double colons..:)
is laying it down: Markdowns non-standard choice of *em* and **strong** are retarded. Let's use _em_ and *strong* instead. Who's with me?
While Markdown is a huge step in the right direction, there are still things that nag me, and I surmise might nag others as well.
That's what I mean by feedback ;)
I'll base it on Markdown and change what people want changed
@dotbitcode Calling it 'retarded'? Seriously?
Why are there words randomly highlighted on that site? It is quite annoying to read like that.
@SimonAndréForsberg Well, I wouldn't call it retarded, but I share the concerns.

For example this says it all:

Since the inception of the internet, the following have been rather standard:


Markdown breaks from this long-established standard, with the following rules:

/normal text/
always from that site's guy
Doesn't /italic/ makes more sense than * italic * or _ italic _?
@dotbitcode I've never seen *bold*, _underline_ and /italic/ ever before.
/italic/ is begging for problems with slash-delimited text
@SimonAndréForsberg Maybe because you're too young as am I? :)
@SimonAndréForsberg: You read to few Torvalds rants
@Nobody I read just enough rants as it is - i.e. as few as possible.
I mean: to few to know this formatting style
> I've never seen *bold*, _underline_ and /italic/ ever before.
I have seen that before... and it is common from before markdown existed
When the text was parsed by a person and not a computer
I.e. e-mails from the 90's.
Markdown is supposed to bridge a gap between authoring, and parsing the text. There need to be compromises between 'parsability', and 'writability' ....
@skiwi Isn't that the same for asterisk delimited test?
What I wanted to write was * * italic * * without the spaces, but I got bold text
use `**italics**`
since when is text asterisk-delimited?
@SimonAndréForsberg Since when you concentrate on the juice of the discussion instead of the syntax used by the interlocutor :)
It could be the same for: ` //italic// `
@Nobody Cool
@rolfl It still has to be parsed by a person, doesn't it?
@dotbitcode When would I use asteriks in typed sentences?
@dotbitcode - this whole discussion is somewhat redundant, and close to trolling. Whenever you have a requirement for compromise (and there is one here with the different needs between parsing, and writing markdown), then there will always be contentious issues. Code Review chat is not the place hash out what the best markdown compromises are, and it's certainly not the place to pose a loaded question then criticize the answers.
@dotbitcode The only person parsing markdown is the author, or editor.
The computer does as well, converting it from markdown, to formatted text.
@skiwi When you have to talk about Markdown syntax for example. But now that I think about it, you'd use more slashes than asterisks?
@dotbitcode Why do you ask for feedback when you've already made up your mind?
remember that software I finished on a friday, then left for vacation?
@SimonAndréForsberg I didn't I've brought up the matter here to see what your opinion was and then weigh them to decide.
@BenVlodgi Obviously your vacation was not good enough.
Installed it this weekend, and it is running now... so far the warehouse has not crashed
@rolfl oh, it was good.... but I had to come back to do this install
@BenVlodgi Well... You haven't passed Murphy's Law yet.
@rolfl Please don't bring up the trolling word to colmate a sentence's hole.
@rolfl that is actually what this place looks like
@BenVlodgi You mean, before, or after?
before :P
Critics are needed if not we'd all be monkeys without progress.
@dotbitcode Why don't you write your implementation, get a CR account, post a question on CR about it and ask for a review of it? That is what we do around here.
@skiwi it will probably come crashing down as soon as I leave tomorrow, when I'm not supporting it
Also another question: When designing an EventBus, does one register listeners, or callbacks? Currently my method names are a bit ambigious void registerListenersOfObject(final Object callbackObject);.
Java has listeners, and not callbacks.
They are both the same thing in concept though.
@SimonAndréForsberg I thought it woult be too broad/localized and prone to closing?
What's the difference in reality between a listener and a .... monkey answered my question.
@dotbitcode If the code works, then it's on topic
@rolfl Of course, there's the fiddle ;)
@dotbitcode your question about if the markdown choice is good or bad is off-topic, but the code itself is always reviewable. And, when we review your code, we might offer some feature-requests as well.
Q: My EventBus system followup

skiwiThis question is a followup from my previous question My EventBus system, and incorporates most points from @rolfl's answer. It includes, but is not limited to: Usage of Collections.synchronizedSet over manual synchronized { } on trivial methods. Minimal locking High performance code, but not ...

Also, the review should be about the existing code, not about how to implement features that are not yet implemented.
btw, on a Swedish keyboard, it's a whole lot easier to write * than to write /.
@SimonAndréForsberg Are you saying we should accept an answer as is without doing some logical thinking?
@dotbitcode - noone is saying that.
You convinced me to use * instead of / anyway.
To write '/' I have to use Shift + 7. To write '*' I have to use Shift + key-to-the-left-of-the-big-enter.
Right, @dotbitcode - you've officially made me put on .... dun dun dun ..... The Moderator Hat.
> ..... Are you saying we should accept an answer as is without doing some logical thinking?
@SimonAndréForsberg: I find the index finger far easier to stretch than the pinkie
^^^ is pure trolling.
@SimonAndréForsberg Well... but who uses a Swedish keyboard anyway?
@skiwi: that ^^^
@SimonAndréForsberg That's the same for me actually
@skiwi ha - ha - ha.
Q: Matrix Multiplication

Gokul NathBelow is the code that I've written for matrix multiplication: import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Scanner; public class MatrixMultiplication { private static final String TERMINATED_MESSAGE = "Terminated" + "," + " "; private stati...

Q: My EventBus system followup

skiwiThis question is a followup from my previous question My EventBus system, and incorporates most points from @rolfl's answer. It includes, but is not limited to: Usage of Collections.synchronizedSet over manual synchronized { } on trivial methods. Minimal locking High performance code, but not ...

I'm afraid I have no picture of my keyboard to show superiority
Oh, Matrix Java question!
@rolfl Please stop it.
That's in the italian keyboard too
@SimonAndréForsberg The amount of variables declared upfront is quite a signal
Oh, Matrix Java question that's only using static!!!!
@skiwi: Have a look at this article: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#Neo (the one I linked is the one I am currently using)
@Nobody That is... quite interesting
6 layers, what?
I like that you can input greek letters: λικε τψισ
Heh, I didn't even know I could write µ that easily...
@skiwi: Yeah but I use about 3.5
@Nobody Wasn't there a different s (more like the normal one) when ending a word? Or is that only in Ancient Greek.
The dutch layout looks horrible.
@skiwi: you mean ς?
@skiwi I know, I bought my laptop there..:p
I honestly didn't really know abou tthe alt gr
I can write formulas without mathjax in Θ(1)
(or could if I would use this feature more often :)
I wonder when keyboards will automatically switch the letters once you go to another layer (like uppercase while holding shift)
You mean like this one:
The Optimus Maximus keyboard, previously just "Optimus keyboard", is a keyboard developed by the Art. Lebedev Studio, a Russian design studio headed by Artemy Lebedev. Each of its keys is a display which can dynamically change to adapt to the keyboard layout in use or to show the function of the key. Pre-orders began on May 20, 2007 for a limited production run from December 2007 to January 2008, with a second batch expected to arrive in February 2008. It first started shipping the week of February 21, 2008. Overview The design featured on the studio's website received attention on th...
@Nobody That's awesome
The price is awesome too.
is it below 1000 by now?
I better hope it's a mechanical keyboard then?
it seems to be but the reviewer said he was exhausted by 30s typing on it
Q: Multiple search filter like the one in freshdesk in rails

AravindI have requirement to apply multiple filters on database. So I am doing this now. I will have multiple conditions in the front end where the user can select the conditions he wants to filter with and then see the output. This is similar to the filter that Freshdesk has or for instance similar to ...

I like when my day starts with an inbox notification like this!
Yeah, you are right. Thanks — Akshay Vats 14 mins ago
now that's a nice "hot" question!
Q: Is there a male equivalent of 'bitch'?

user73091While I know you can attribute 'bitch' to a male, I feel there is a sense of femininity. I was wondering if there is a colloquial equivalent that describes someone with the qualities of a 'bitch' without the feminine connotation. Also Wikipedia says that, When applied to a man, bitch is a...

@rolfl LOL nice answer
Monking @Mat'sMug
Possible napalm target:
Q: Matrix Multiplication

Gokul NathBelow is the code that I've written for matrix multiplication: import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Scanner; public class MatrixMultiplication { private static final String TERMINATED_MESSAGE = "Terminated" + "," + " "; private stati...

Thanks, Santa Mug!
wow that code is electrifying ...with static!
hey @Mat'sMug
Yeah, I know!
It feels like my life has a new meaning: Eliminate static!
(I know, I know, the answer is "use scala")
no, no, you got it wrong - the answer is "use IoC"!
Would that help even here? Would you call using local variables instead of statics "IoC"?
"I hope that you will write a follow-up question and that I will say "Well done! You did it!"." Aren't those hopes a little bit high, though it's good to keep people motivated.
@SimonAndréForsberg it was more of a joke... some of the static finals are ok I think
meeting, later!
@skiwi If he doesn't post a follow-up, I will probably forget having had that hope anyway :)
@Mat'sMug Yes, the static finals are OK. I wrote that in my answer also.
Best... explanation... ever
"The only real alternative theory is mysticism: that minds operate in some mystical realm taht is beyond physical science."
oh yes internet works again
Sweet, and the first thing you do is post to the 2nd?
@rolfl He's been typing that sentence continously every minute since days, this is merely the first message we receive.
@rolfl yes :)
@skiwi in your dreams :) had an 404
Nullable<T> is a completely insane type, and trying to reason logically about it is folly. Shut your eyes, cover your ears, and scream "la la la la la I can't hear you la la la la" until it goes away, that's my advice. — Brian Nov 28 '10 at 0:39
Q: Calculating postfix expressions using stack

SaraWhat is wrong with my calculate function? All other functions work fine but when I try to calculate a post fix expression, it adds some weird symbols to my stack. void push (char operand) { ++top; stack [top] = operand; printf("Stack: %s \n", stack); } int ...

@CaptainObvious Offtopic
Q: Trading card game GUI approach

user3602615I'm reasonably new to Java, and have worked my way through a couple of books including Java concepts by Cay Horstmann. I'm just starting to look at writing the GUI and had a few questions I hope you guys could help me with. Should i be using a timer based render system for menus? Or should the...

mhhh trading card game and its not from @skiwi :)
Q: Iterate through series of timers

eykanalI wrote a short program for my exercise routine. It takes a JSON array of exercise names and duration (seconds) and puts it on the screen. The JSON looks like this: var exerciseArray = [ { "desc": "Pushup/Pullup", "countdown": 30 }, { "desc": "Squat p...

@chillworld Little progress on the actual TCG was made because I'm switching over from one system (I called it views) to a more general eventbus approach
@all is this what he ask or do I read the question completly wrong?
A: Iterate through series of timers

chillworldI'm not going to make a big answer. Take a look at this post of stackoverflow. There are several ways how you can iterate over your jsons and after your iteration you can do the clearInterval(tt);

@skiwi sometimes a few step backs will make your life easier at the end ;)
Hi all!
Hey @Marc-Andre!
hi @Marc-Andre and @SimonAndréForsberg
@Marc-Andre In case you're interested in my progress of implementing Hearthstone: 41 tests working. 3 tests ignored for unimplemented cards. None fails. Most of the functionality is... functional! There are however a bunch of cards I haven't implemented.
Haven't I said hi to you today @chillworld? How rude of me. Hi! :)
@SimonAndréForsberg Nice can't wait to see it ! And surely play it :P !
@Marc-Andre Some small parts of it can already be played, but that version is lacking so much functionality I won't give you the link to play it yet :P Hopefully I'll compile a new version later today.
@SimonAndréForsberg maybe this morning but mine compagny forget to pay the internet bill I gues. Lost connection with internet from approx 9h30 till 14h40
Nice ! What did you use for the GUI ?
@Marc-Andre I'm using GWT. It's nice to be able to layout with CSS (although I'm not very good in CSS), and the DockPanel in GWT is just awesome for this project
Q: Batch beat out consumer/producer, and i dont know why

UkemiI was tasked with making a program that uploads a csv to a nosql cluster. We were doing 2-5 gig files, and it was taking 4-8 hours. Well when we hit 17 gig files that was just to slow. When I remade my program I realized working in batch made is much much faster. I could get a 17 gig file done ...

@SimonAndréForsberg Very nice!
This rage feel... I needed to get a time of 1:58:00 in GRID 2, I got 1:58:034
milliseconds :)
Q: C scanf not working for multi word input

RupamI have this code. #include <stdio.h> struct name { int age; char fullname[20]; }; struct name names[20]; int main() { int n,i; printf("Count of names:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("Name %d : ",i); scanf("%[^\n]s",names[i].ful...

@CaptainObvious off-topic, obviously
@CaptainObvious offtopic
A: Functional interface hierarchy in Java 8

abuzittin gillifircaFirstly, as usual, this answer assumes anyone reading this already saw Simon's answer. MVC Architecture Issues The problem with this design: public interface HandView extends View<Hand> { //... some handler methods } apart from being just confusing, is that it violates Interface Segrega...

This is a great answer
@chillworld aw, missed the auto-star ;)
@Mat'sMug learning every day : what the .... is the auto-star? :D
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

rolflMeme: LOL - AutoStar Originator: Mat's Mug / Jamal Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: "lol" somehow got targeted at this point here (the first starred lol): retailcoder: lol (darn, again) Followed shortly by: Jamal: lol (don't star that) And then the tradition was cement...

@skiwi indeed he points nice to some "designer" faults
Avoid static. Static can kill:
The Hindenburg disaster took place on Thursday, May 6, 1937, as the German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station, which is located adjacent to the borough of Lakehurst, New Jersey. Of the 97 people on board (36 passengers and 61 crewmen), there were 35 fatalities. There was also one death of a ground crewman. The disaster was the subject of spectacular newsreel coverage, photographs, and Herbert Morrison's recorded radio eyewitness reports from the landing field, which were bro...
Q: String handling

VIckybI have small doubt which is the best way to handle string in below scenario: Am i creating too many instance of string is it right way to do in the loop import java.util.HashMap; public class StringHandle { HashMap<String,String> records = new HashMap<String, String>(); private...

13K, 7 to go
First usage of "Frenglish" in a CR answer: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/48987/23788
@CaptainObvious That code is not ready to be reviewed.
@konijn 12.2K here. 0.8 to go. I'm coming for you next!
Yeah, the well has dried a bit on my end
not so many JS questions any more , plus I have gotten good competition on the JS front,
PS : I bypassed you first ;)
or wait,
@Mat'sMug Static that blew up the Hindenburg... static electricity is not the same thing as static variables, I believe!
you already bypassed me once ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg it's just as disastrous for testability!
@Mat'sMug True that.
@konijn Really? I have? Seems like I gotta take a look at some rating history graphs.
I am pretty sure about it
but not 100%
Btw, the fish has a good answer here:
A: Output day of the week from given date

200_successUser experience bugs The UI is entirely console-based — except that errors are reported in a Swing message dialog. That's bizarre. The user has no way of knowing that the program only accepts fully spelled out month names, not numbers or abbreviations. The blank lines in the output result in e...

@SimonAndréForsberg also "In two words: avoid magic strings"
@Mat'sMug I count three words? Or perhaps that's the point?
The moment where you read "Firstly, as usual, this answer assumes anyone reading this already saw Simon's answer." and then you go back and look at your own answer to remember what you wrote.

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