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Yay, my Linked List implementation is theoretically done!
@skiwi theoretically just like I theoretically starred your message right now?
@SimonAndréForsberg If you plan to also unit test starring my message, then yes.
Hmm... I wonder how I would unit test a theoretical star?
@skiwi TS ^^
7 tests passed, 12 errors - that is exactly the same as when there was no implementation
assertEquals("@skiwi TS ^^", myLastMessage);
Are you sure you test the correct class? (Sorry, just have to ask)
add your own fail() somewhere and see if that triggers
Even my empty list fails
yep, testing the correct one...
Do you provide the correct parameters to the super test class?
or is there really a problem in your list implementation perhaps? :)
Perhaps there's a problem
assertTrue(list.toString() != null); fails, it's even so unlikely @rolfl didn't add a custom error message to it
that's not really unlikely
that's just overriding toString without actually making much of an implementation...
Perhaps the list is not being initialized properly
as the list itself is also null
oh, well then there's a problem.
@skiwi - WTFUDoing?
Isn't there a assertNotNull(list); as well?
@rolfl Stuff is not making sense
public LinkedList() {

is returning null
(that wouldn't happen in C#)
It can't be
a constructor cannot return null
That's my point @SimonAndréForsberg, so something is properly messed up here
not even if it throws an exception, actually (if you leak this from the constructor)
public void testEmpty() {
    System.out.println("Testing empty");
    List<T> empty = buildEmptyList();
    System.out.println("empty = " + empty);
    assertTrue(empty.size() == 0);
    System.out.println("empty = " + empty);
    exercise(empty, buildArray(0));
It's literally only printing "Testing empty"
@skiwi did you mess up the inheritence?
buildEmtyList is supposed to be an abstract method that is implemented by your real class.
I didn't touch the test class much at all
You should have 2 classes, not one.
an abstract class, and a test class.
The real tests are in the abstract class, and there are three build* methods and a constructor in the 'real' class.
And I run/test the concrete class, because it is a concrete implementation of the abstract one
run/test the "fake" class? What's fake about it?
@SimonAndréForsberg - maybe you can replicate my envoronment, and confirm it works?
4 hours ago, by rolfl
@skiwi http://pastebin.ca/2689989 and http://pastebin.ca/2689993
@SimonAndréForsberg Meant to say concrete there
@rolfl I'm on it
Two files, the first is abstract, the second implements it, and is what defines what the list is, and what data is valid/concrete.
public List<Integer> buildEmptyList() {
    System.out.println("Returning buildEmptyList()");
    System.out.println("(new LinkedList<>()) = " + (new LinkedList<>()));
    return new LinkedList<>();
It does literally not print the second line.
With System.out.println("(new Object()) = " + (new Object())); it has no problems at all
@rolfl Running those classes resulted in 18 working, 1 fail. Failure is in testIllegalClassContent: This code was expected to produce the exception java.lang.ClassCastException but it was not thrown.
@skiwi - do you have a naming conflict with java.util.LinkedList....
@rolfl As far as I know not, but I'll doublecheck
@SimonAndréForsberg - yeah, ArrayList/LinkedList implementations are not well structured to check the class of their own contents.
I expect that to fail.
Bottom line is that ArrayList<String>() does not check that add(Object) is a String
assertFail() hmm.... :)
Ah, yeah, that's only checked when it gets the object. Is there any (common) list implementation that performs that check?
Mine does.
See the JavaDoc for List: docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api
Ah, for JDOM I can imagine that's quite useful...
Stupid link, let me fix that....
nope @rolfl, no naming conflicts
> ClassCastException - if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this list
Yeah, I figured you meant that part :)
@skiwi - I have it running for standard ArrayList and LinkedList .... in an eclipse environment with junit 4.11 and hamcrest-core 1.3 ... Simon does as well ;-)
It's my implementation...
Now what ?
What the actual hell
public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<Integer> list = new LinkedList<>();
    System.out.println("list = " + list);
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
	at linkedlist.LinkedList.assertIndex(LinkedList.java:337)
	at linkedlist.LinkedList.listIterator(LinkedList.java:247)
	at linkedlist.LinkedList.listIterator(LinkedList.java:242)
	at linkedlist.LinkedList$1.<init>(LinkedList.java:50)
	at linkedlist.LinkedList.iterator(LinkedList.java:49)
	at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.estimateSize(Spliterators.java:1821)
	at java.util.Spliterator.getExactSizeIfKnown(Spliterator.java:408)
Avg. answers-per-question booster:
A: Simple structure that would contain validation errors messages

Uri AgassiNon-static static classes Your inner classes (_Notice, _Exporter, etc.) don't seem to have any use-case where their instances have independent meaning - their state is "hard-coded" on instantiation, and are read-only. Why don't you just declare them as static, just like their parent? Instead of:...

What on earth are you doing in constructor?
public LinkedList() {

Oh, nevermind. It's not the constructor.
What on earth are you doing in toString() ?
I commented toString() out, same issue
but... wait
... waiting .....
Something goes wrong in your custom iteration of the list.
The default implementation of toString() from Object made my class crash
Your own listIterator throws an exception..
How did it do that?
which wants to get the hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hash(iteratorToStream().toArray());
This hashCode() breaks everything
I didn't even know hashcodes could break things so badly
What is on LinkedList.java line 337 ?
And in your listIterator method?
To obtain a stream, I use my iterator
which uses the listIterator
Which does... what exactly?
iterate over all contents (empty contents)
Via the stream, which is obtained from an iterator, from an listIterator
a little sidetrack though, the List interface defines lists equal if their elements are equal, so the hash code should contain a hash over all elements... right?
Is that not very inefficient, or should I start caching it?
equal and in the same order.
I think I need to cache the hashcode calculation, or not?
Elements can be mutable, so am not allowed to do that either
so calculating hashcode of a list of let's say 1M elements, is awful?
How often do you have 1M elements in a List?
Also, the real underlying issue was that my implementation was refusing to return a listIterator when the list was empty.
I've tried to write a short, self-contained checklist for moderators on other sites to read before migrating a question to us. Please review.
A: What questions are suitable for migration to CodeReview, and how does the process work?

200_successChecklist for migration to Code Review Is the question calling for a code review? The author of the question must be an author or maintainer of the code. Requests to explain others' code are off-topic. In Code Review, answers may cover any aspect of the code, including the algorithm, data str...

We'll tag the question as in a day or so, after you have had a chance to discuss improvements.
@200 what do you mean by "Is the question off-topic for the source?" ??
You cannot migrate a question if it is on-topic where it currently is....
It seems like he did. Isn't it better that way ? — Josay 2 hours ago
Then it should say source site
I confused it with code source, thinking it was about being the user's own code and all that.
@SimonAndréForsberg I've changed it to "originating site".
even better :)
@rolfl I'm guessing your unit tests are doing their job
I'd change The code in the question must be preserved to should be preserved
And a note about users being allowed to have specific concerns about the code.
Q: Trigger custom implicit conversion on "copy"

ScarletAmaranthIs there anything horribly wrong with creating different representation of data behind the scenes when constructing a std::vector<T> from a std::vector<U>? std::vector<Color> initialScene(Settings::HRes * Settings::VRes); std::vector<Pixel> finalScene(std::begin(initialScene), std::end(initialS...

Q: Same function, variable parameters and types with lambda

Johnny MoppIn my current project, I find myself using Dispatcher.Invoke alot. Before each call I test if the current dispatcher is the right one. I want to write a wrapper class like so: class SafeRunner { //From the thread we always need to run on public static System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher ...

And that optimizing performance (speed and memory) is on-topic here.
Overall, good job, @200 :)
@skiwi - it is not a great unit-test for TDD.... it has this internal 'exercise' method, which runs the List through its paces... and fails if there is a problem. That exercise method could be hundreds of test methods.
@rolfl It does the job :)
Yes, it does, and usng a debugger is better than using the error messages ;-)
Can anyone crosscheck this snippet? of a ListIterator? (logic)
        public boolean hasNext() {
            return (current != null && current.next != null);

        public Node<E> next() {
            Node<E> next = current.next;
            current = next;
            return current;
Hm or wait
What is that quickCheck() method of yours doing?
That is just a quick sanity check....
Is it trying to get an element after hasNext() returned false?
There is a required exception case for that.
because, when hasNext() returns false, next() should throw NoSuchElementException.
(and not any other form of exception).
I must've missed that somewhere
I see
Your quickcheck() is breaking my code! (Though in reality my code is broken and it is just pointing it out...)
That unit test not only tests the expected behaviour, but also checks that all exceptions thrown conform to the specification.
Pretty heavy test ;)
But totally neccessary for production code
@rolfl Can you give your motivation behind expecting an IllegalStateException on calling iterator.remove()?
    UnsupportedOperationException - if the remove operation is not supported by this iterator
    IllegalStateException - if the next method has not yet been called, or the remove method has already been called after the last call to the next method
Shouldn't UnsupportedOperationException have precendence over IllegalStateException?
I don't think the docs claim that the iterator() should support remove()
Uhm.... that's a point... but... well, what can I say....
The TestCase relies heavily on being able to remove() content from the list.
Q: Web API 2 authentication with JWT

NarayanaPlease review my code for bearer token (JWT) authentication of Web Api 2 (Self Hosted using OWIN) Are there any security issues in the implementation? Quick overview: Token creation and validation using JWT Handler Symmetric key encryption CORS support not yet checked for the authorization he...

If you don't support remove then the test harness is essentially useless.
@skiwi You're not making an UnmodifiableLinkedList, are you?
I think it's good that the test fails.
Alternatively it should mark itself as Ignored, but I don't think a test is able to do that to itself while running
@rolfl Ah, maybe I should implement remove() then...
@SimonAndréForsberg lol... favorited ;)
This is actually off-topic, I think:
Q: Is my makefile correct?

user3475982I am new to using makefile. I have got three files in a folder- cat.c, hello.c and bash. I am not sure if this is the right way to do it. all: program program: hello.o cat.o bash.o clang -o hello.o cat.o bash.o hello.o: hello.c clang -c -wall -std=c99 -o hello.o hello.c cat.o: cat.c ...

shooops one slipped..
... because it's asking whether it's correct. (And the code has a few errors in it.)
@Mat'sMug I just realized something though, now I've only have +198 for today so as soon as I get another up-voted (which, of course, I want), I won't have good rep numbers anymore.
damn I got ripped - "off-topic because unicorns" doesn't work!
@200_success At best it was an odd question unless he's really writing cat and bash replacements... I figured it was close enough to give an answer
Your answer contains good suggestions, and adds value. Still, the question probably needs to be closed.
@200_success No objection here.
@rolfl I'm progressing... Those Iterator and especially ListIterator are really pesky things (but hugely helpful if they work)
@Mat'sMug were you the one I was talking to about whether MonoGame actually replaces XNA?
@skiwi - I have a strategy for 'working and easy' Iterators... let me dig up an example.
A couple months ago...
@200 or @Edward Can someone add a comment to the question and explain why it is off-topic. From the question, I can't tell that it's not working. From the answer, there's also nothing indication that it doesn't work.
I don't think it's asking for code to be written either (which seems to be what 2 others think)
Yay, testEmpty() passed!
Note, the above code maintains concurrentmodification state as well.
you will need to think about that ... hard....
Q: Web API 2 authentication with JWT

NarayanaPlease review my code for bearer token (JWT) authentication of Web Api 2 (Self Hosted using OWIN) Are there any security issues in the implementation? Quick overview: Token creation and validation using JWT Handler Symmetric key encryption CORS support not yet checked for the authorization he...

Looks like that will be a hell...
well it's time to actually Quit work after having stopped working 5 hrs. ago...
Is this supposed to have some kind of language tag with it?
Also, for your ListIterator, I found the 'forward' flag really useful, and 'everything just works' if you start with forward == false
cya around, guys ;)
Cya Jeff
@SimonAndréForsberg would you prefer comment to question or update to answer to explain why it's off topic?
@rolfl I see that I should not have ignored that the cursor must be before the start, running into the troubles like right now
@Edward either would work
In the answer might give you more votes though ;)
Oh Python...
Q: linked list in Python

EdwardI've created a linked list class in Python, but I'm not sure how to enforce only passing Node objects into the insert routine. # linked list in Python class Node: """linked list node""" def __init__(self, data): self.next = None self.data = data def insert(self, n): ...

My LinkedList implementation in Java 8 is 520 lines at the moment.
@Simon Why that link doesn't work?
@SimonAndréForsberg You've embedded it in text
oh crap
mixed it up
@SimonAndréForsberg done.
I used to have tons of problems with that, [text](url), [url](text), (text)[url], (url)[text].
[url text]
But if wiki then [Url|Text]
Maybe it dont work here
@Koveras you're tricking me!
Nah I've been doing markdown all day
Updating the MonoGame wiki
Old school <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-html40-970917/struct/links.html#edef-A>HTML a href</a> stuff works, I think.
errr. maybe not here
But what about A HREF
[url=http://www.google.com]Remember the good old BB-code?[/url]
Lots of forums are still BBCode
At least the ones I hang out on
Q: Educate me on understanding this dynamic programming problems solution to interleaving strings

bazangSo I was trying to solve this problem, and I gave up, and found the solution below, although I do not understand how the solution works, or why it works. Any in-depth solution would be deeply appreciated. Please educate me. Thanks! :) Question: Given s1, s2, s3, find whether s3 is formed by the...

Yeah, I'm semi-active on one such forum, I then realized how much more I prefer the SE-style
That question be off topic
Aw, damn. I just realized that after editing it...
Shameless rep whoring:
A: In-place reversal of a singly linked list

CorbinWhile this a good example of a list reversal algorithm from a purely algorithmic point of view, the finer details with regards to the list and the reverse implementation are in need of some work. The biggest problem here is that the proper tools haven't been used for abstraction and encapsulat...

Well, at least it looks shiny now.
You mean you edit before you even think?!
Jerry did a really good job of crafting some nasty code :/ lol
You're more machine than man
@Jamal I guess that's proof that you edit first and read later.
Twisted and... evil
@SimonAndréForsberg Technically, I read first, otherwise I won't be able to determine if an edit is needed.
But, maybe this can be migrated.
Reading and thinking are two separate activities
Unfortunately for you Jdwag
Reading is easier. :P
I think @Jamal is only doing theoretical reading first.
Or imaginary thinking
I do like the bobblehead purchase.
Actually I quite enjoy editing, it soothes my OCD tendencies
Interesting... My LinkedList has no head.
@Corbin I've already started my linked list. Hope you're prepared for another "essay" of an answer. ;-)
Speaking of OCD, since my last OCD-voting I'm not +198 for today... so hard to get even numbers everywhere.
What do you mean, you have to do +200 votes every day?
@SimonAndréForsberg You can just downvote Jerry Coffin's some bad answers.
@Corbin and if you're really bored... codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/45923/…
This is a serious issue, because my linked list has no head nor tail when initializing it, it refuses to ever add elements.
@Koveras Not every day, but it's frustrating being so close to rep-max. I hope to one day get the Legendary-badge, for rep-maxing on 50 days.
I didn't even know that was a thing
@skiwi Having neither head nor tail, it's more of a goose egg than a linked list, isn't it?
@Edward Unfortunately I do not know python :/.
@Koveras There is, @rolfl has got the Epic-badge which is 1/3 of the way to Legendary
@Koveras I don't think so.. maybe Malachi?
@Corbin Alas. Part of the joke of doing a linked list in Python is that efficient lists are already part of the language. So if you'd like to learn Python, don't read that code!
Ah lol
If I have time before midnight, the world still cries out for lack of a linked list in assembly...
I had other plans for today, other than spending 4 hours on linked lists...
That wouldn't have worked
@Malachi were you the one I was talking to about whether MonoGame actually replaces XNA?
It's bugging me because I remember arguing with somebody about whether or not it does actually replace XNA, and I just found out it does for the most part
hmm, Java 8 did not support class-specific imports yet? (in inner classes)
@skiwi Is it a static inner class?
Or well... that might not matter. But umm... AFAIK it's been supported for a long time
@SimonAndréForsberg afaik you can't have imports anywhere inside a class
@skiwi Oh, you want only the inner class to import something? No, that you can't.
I thought you meant the other way around
I see no reason for that feature either TBH
I'd want static imports on enums in an inner class, having the enum as an inner class
Woah, thanks Santa! (hope they won't get reversed!)
@Mat'sMug Santa wants to let you know that he needed more of a challenge in the 10K race.
yeah.. I need more answers!
sadly I can't be all the time!
@Mat'sMug How about , then?
You have fully used your vote allowance for today
@skiwi join the club!
Hm, I just created an InfinitetlyLinkedList.
seriously, that's been on the hot questions list all day!
Q: Why Do Sausages Always Split Lengthwise?

JoeHobbitSausages universally split parallel to the length of the sausage. Why is that?

@Mat'sMug If ever there were a candidate for "closed because unicorns..."
@Koveras Probably
haha just noticed the bobblehead powerup's effect.. nice!
@Koveras it actually uses the same libraries as XNA I think. they are included in the Monogame extension for Xamarin, I noticed that while I was trying to get my game to work.
is Microsoft ditching the XNA Creators' Club?
Yay, I'm having good progress!
like, if I get my game finished and nicely playable, and buy a XNACC license (@$100/year), would I get skrewed?
@rolfl Once I post my question, should I mention your unit tests, and if so, how?
@Mat'sMug probably
I don't know. they aren't maintaining XNA anymore. that was news like a year or two ago.
I know, but does that mean no more indie games on Xbox360? or just no more XNA updates?
Didn't they set up a whole new programme for indie games on Xbone?
I don't have an Xbox One, and I don't plan on getting one. That would mean they're going to issue a new SDK?!
I don't know exactly, you should investigate further ;)
bah, I'll just get it to work on Windows, and see what options I have then ;)
This is an interesting piece of code I find
    public int nextIndex() {
        if (!hasNext()) {
            return index;
        return index;
someone heard me clicking
anyone have that auto clicker where the rocks mine themselves?
Q: Revising list of closure reasons

200_successFollowing up on a past discussion, I'd like to tweak our list of off-topic close reasons. We may have up to three canned reasons. Currently, they are: Questions asking for code to be written to solve a specific problem are off-topic here as there is no code to review. Your question mus...

I only have the Bobble HEads and the 10 times my Rep
and I adopted the SQL tag....
I'm still bashing my head against my code
My linked List implementation won't make it on april fool's day unfortunately
Q: Async and Error Handling

thumbmunkeysI need to delete a file when an error occurs during loading it. It is not allowed to perform async operations in a catch block. This has lead me to writing following code: public async Task LoadFromStorageFile(string fileName) { StorageFile file = null; Exc...

TTQW - later (hopefully!)
Q: Revising list of closure reasons

200_successFollowing up on a past discussion, I'd like to tweak our list of off-topic close reasons. We may have up to three canned reasons. Currently, they are: Questions asking for code to be written to solve a specific problem are off-topic here as there is no code to review. Your question mus...

Stupid brain, I cannot bring myself up to make homework for 1 hour, I can however work on linked lists for 5 hours with no issue at all
@skiwi Your brain is probably a bit tired after all the LinkedLists
I should tell the same thing to my brain, although I haven't worked on LinkedLists - I'm tired of them anyway! ;)
I meant, I couldn't bring it up before I started working on them
Going to bed now, need to get up early tomorrow
meh, had time for a quickie - YASP:
A: Async and Error Handling

Mat's MugCouple random observations: This initialization is redundant: StorageFile file = null; Exception ex1 = null; Because all reference type default to null, this is rigorously equivalent: StorageFile file; Exception ex1; Your method is doing 2 things, it...

*Yet Another Shameless Plug(tm)
Santa's afraid of triggering a certain script
2099 points. I lack 1 point to be happy :(
@Morwenn Sorry, could only give you 10
@SimonAndréForsberg I was about to thank Santa, but I'll have to thank you instead :3
Q: how to use Joptionpane in java

InezaI have to change import java.io.*;to import javax.swing.JOptionPane; I want to use Joptionpane import java.io.*; public class MaxSubsum { public static int MaxSum(int[] array) { int maxsum = 0; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { sum += array[i]; if (maxsum < su...

Wow, I'm just one vote away from my first Guru badge!
A: Using a for-loop instead of sleeping?

Simon André ForsbergThe biggest problem with using a for-loop to do this is that you are wasting CPU power. When using sleep, the CPU can, in a sense, take a break (hence the name "sleep") from executing your program. This means that the CPU will be able to run other programs that have meaningful work to do while y...

My linked list is looking good so far! I should have it up for review sometime today.
Is there any way to see how the default methods have been implemented in Java 8? For example Collection.stream() ?
I haven't been able to find any Java source for Java 8
You've earned the "Guru" badge for Using a for-loop instead of sleeping?.
Thanks, Santa!
Not really my best answer I think, but a badge is a badge!
TTGTB, night
It's not on the Open JDK page somewhere?
Q: Maintainable Javascript Code

user2197114I have been developing a small application for a client which combines two arrays together and then creates a URL and then loads the images on the same page from the given URL. Is it possible to look at my code and give feedback on how to make it more maintainable and robust. function displayCo...

@StackExchange that's a myth
anybody else having problems with GitHub?
Was just about to say the same thing
I am indeed having issues with github :(
yay, more CR time :)
Linked list done! Now to put it on Ideone and then CR.
How far did you go with it? Is it a full std::list?
Q: Setting class varaibles in vb.net using set and get

CHRISTOPHER HOY Should this hold a string value outside the class once I set it with an object? Like objClass as new ClsTask objClass.Task = "some task" something to that effect it doesn't return any values for me. Public Class ClsTask Private _strTask As String Private _strDesc As St...

What the hell... std::list has a sort() member?! That just seems so wrong.
Q: Balanced parentheses

konijn Given an expression string exp, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of "{","}","(",")","[","]" are correct in exp. For example, the program should print true for exp = "[()]{}{[()()]()}" and false for exp = "[(])" Complexity: Time complexity: ...

Q: Singly-linked grocery list

JamalFor my own linked list implementation, I've decided to try something different: a linked list of groceries. The main differences between this implementation and a standard list are: more data fields (name, quantity, if item has been purchased) two size data members (different items and total i...

The two answers here are crap. Should they just be deleted?
Q: Counting Monday and Friday from a Date Range

user1647667How can I get Monday and Friday from a date range (start and end date)? Example: startdate - 03/24/2014 enddate - 04/01/2014 Result should be: Monday - 2 Friday - 2 I tried this code: Monday = CountDays(DayOfWeek.Monday, startDate, endDate); Friday = CountDays(DayOfWeek.Friday, startDate...

Q: Singly-linked grocery list

JamalFor my own linked list implementation, I've decided to try something different: a linked list of groceries. The main differences between this implementation and a standard list are: more data fields (name, quantity, if item has been purchased) two size data members (different items and total i...

Q: Deadlock in Dining Philosophers (reentrant lock) program java

jerryI have to simulate the dining philosophers problem and I have but it is not deadlock free. I think I am doing something wrong with the ReentrantLock. Anyone have any ideas? import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Reen...

That special feeling when your question gets Jamalized
@JeffVanzella Apparently github is fine via SSH now... Just HTTPS being difficult.
@SimonAndréForsberg where do I ask this question then? I apologize if I violated your policy. I usually post my own code, it's just that I couldn't understand this problem, and the folks on StacKOverFlow are pretty douchey, so I didn't bother asking them. — bazang 4 hours ago
I'm really hoping this isn't becoming another reason for people posting off-topic questions here...
Off-topic (of course):
Q: Convert an MP3 data file into Hz file through codes

BerhaneI am revising a recorded song. I am doing a research and evaluating its modules using a recorded data file. To compare it with the european style, I need to convert them to the standard of music. Is there any code system that can read the song and convert the notes into hertz value? I appreciat...

Q: Convert an MP3 data file into Hz file through codes

BerhaneI am revising a recorded song. I am doing a research and evaluating its modules using a recorded data file. To compare it with the european style, I need to convert them to the standard of music. Is there any code system that can read the song and convert the notes into hertz value? I appreciat...

A: Revising list of closure reasons

rolflWe only have three custom options. I believe we can be more efficient with the close reasons... : Incomplete, or no Code: Code is not included or is only a link Code does not exist (a request for design help) Code is included but the included code: has severe bugs which are obvious does n...

^^^ same things, structured a different way
Hello. Just stopping in to pay a visit! :)
Pivo ... still distinct?
No sir! I was able to complete it...everything's fine my friend.
Good, pleased I was able to help... now, you have any ideas on how to bath a kid with road-rash on their but?
Actually, I deleted the work. I lost it all! I need to start over!
hehe...april fools!!!!
ekk, I don't really have children that I know of. Maybe soap and warm water?!?!
Well, that seems too easy... ;-) actually, he seems to have just climed in OK.
One full week alone! Wifey's going on vaca, so I get a vaca! :) Super excited!

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