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I bet it's either everything on or everything off, rather annoying
@DanPantry // todo: remove tinfoil hat
@Mat'sMug LOLCODE is spreading ^^
@SimonForsbergMcFeely vim adventures
@SimonForsbergMcFeely daheck is that?
it looks like an rpg thing with lolcode in vim
BTW.HomeTime. talk later
@Mat'sMug vim adventures.
looks like a broken Civilization I
lol. that's not quite what it is.
It's a game for those who have problems learning keyboard shortcuts in vim
oh wow
somebody needs to make a ReSharper adventures then
@Mat'sMug A list should be good enough.
At least, it would be a start.
Q: XML editing and merging

MattI have only started working with XML files and PowerShell. I feel that while there are many ways to accomplish the same thing that I might be doing the following inefficiently. This is all based on the following SO post which I have an answer to: $numberOfCores = Get-WmiObject -class win32_pro...

IKR ..still it felt like the obligatory answer
This shirt tag-line thing has some pretty intense voting going on…
It would be nice if the website URL could be included though... — Simon Forsberg McFeely ♦ 40 secs ago
I'm going to end up using all my votes on this damn T-Shirt Tagline question.
I gotta say it was damn hard to get upvotes on that meta...
@SimonForsbergMcFeely yeah. on the back perhaps? — Mat's Mug ♦ 35 secs ago
I've never been so downvoted on meta in my life.
@SimonForsbergMcFeely damn right
@SimonForsbergMcFeely I've voted on the question and every single answer, some up, some down, unfortunately.
Friggin side-effects.
Change one And to AndAlso and it breaks everything.
A: Let's pick t-shirt tagline!

Mat's MugBecause you need to know that you don't know what you don't know. ...you know.

okay I'm leaving it at that
@Mat'sMug That's grammatically wrong.
Does Code Review Meta have a vote limit?
same as main I believe
I don't think I ever hit vote-cap on meta though
I might hit it if there are any more answers to this tagline question.
I've hit the cap on PPCG while badge hunting.
@Duga that's a rather interesting false positive
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs to another stackexchange site CodeReview. — Jorge Campos just now
@Duga That's not really a valid reason.
@EBrown tell 'em at your own risk! :)
@Mat'sMug It's also broken code.
@Mat'sMug Every time I come here, the message seems to be "things could always be better," so I would have to submit "There's always room for improvement."
> My code is passing only one test case i.e. if n < 20.Other test cases are not passing.
@EBrown Sounds broken.
@Pops that's pretty good actually
@Pops Suggestion welcome.
Why don't you write an answer?
I don't participate enough on the site, I don't feel qualified.
@EBrown Can confirm, 40. Just like main sites.
I've actually capped at some metas IIRC.
PS, please don't put anything vulgar or swear-wordy on the shirt, or I will have to withdraw my application.
I've already posted too many answers to steal it
@Hosch250 I'm pretty sure anything unfitting would get downvoted to oblivion
@Mat'sMug More than likely.
"Because we all hate ugly code."
Just Curious about the Coffee Mug situation.... I am about to post an Answer and want to make sure that I am not stepping on something already in place
what mug situation?
There is one that is only at -1, and I'm sure my parents would be furious over the reference to f* in "refuctoring".
Hey wait a minute... no mug?Mat's Mug ♦ 19 hours ago
@Hosch250 Do your parents read SE?
My dad isn't allowed on the computer, and my mom isn't interested.
@Hosch250 isn't allowed? lol
I was gonna say the same thing as Mug.
@Hosch250 Worry not, I DV'd that one.
@Mat'sMug He has a reputation for crashing things.
most Parents do
and you don't? mwahaha
that's why they keep us around
Nope. I know more how computers work.
anyway, back to the important mattter at hand
@Hosch250 As do I. That's why I became an Engineer.
My new email regex is as follows: .*@.*\..*
CR Coffee Mugs!
:26667701 He doesn't crash apps, he crashes the entire system.
@EBrown my Email is [email protected] would that get through your regex?
@Malachi That's fine.
And my mom wouldn't even let me install XCode because some reviews said it crashed.
So, obviously she is over-paranoid.
@Hosch250 Get your own.
That's what I did when I kept crashing stuff.
I've got a really nice PC with VS.
Had to get it for college.
@EBrown I always have to look up regex somewhere to get what I need, it looked like yours wouldn't play with my address very nicely
isn't XCode for Macs?
@Malachi feel free to do whatever - TPTB have already seen the comment and the number of upvotes on it though (right @Pops? ;0)
@Malachi you know
no I don't.. ;)
The Powers That Be
@Malachi My regex was wrong, it should have been .+@.+\..+.
@Malachi Yes.
That was before I had my own system.
@Hosch250 then you don't want it anyway
Not now, I don't.
Y'all wanted rubber ducks!
whoo hoo!
but, nobody told us we'd have to give up mugs for ducks :(
that isn't what you are saying is it, @Pops?
Well, we haven't produced any CR mugs. I don't know what it would take to get those added as an option down the line. It wouldn't happen in the near future, at least.
@Pops Would SE be against it if we rolled our own mugs?
@Mat'sMug why not both? Duckmugs?
@Mast Unfortunately, yes. It's part of "gotta protect your trademarks or you'll lose them" I think? Not a lawyer.
I never wanted a rubber duck, but that's only me.
@Pops it needs to have the CR logo on one side (with the website url?) and the t-shirt tagline on the other
Also don't mind me, I'm only here to fuel the debate.
@Pops Let me rephrase that: Is the chance of getting in trouble higher than negligible? We'll clearly state it wasn't SE's idea.
Since there won't be official mugs, it can't hurt that much I'd say.
But it would be awesome to generate more traffic to CR by having mugs in the workplace.
it would lessen the chances of there being an official mug, I am guessing
Well, now I obviously know about it.
SE chat is public knowledge.
This isn't the first time I've voice the idea of printing own mugs.
I would be more than happy to wait, as long as I know that there will be mugs, and that I will get one.
No profit or anything, just having mugs. To celebrate CR, quality, life the universe and everything.
Actually, is there a way for me to withdraw my registration? I don't really know what I would do with stickers and rubberducks, and I'm not into shirts with words.
Someone else who likes this stuff can have it.
@Hosch250 Sell it on ebay.
@Hosch250 U WAT?!
Do with the rubberduck like you'd do with any rubberduck: use it for rubberducking.
I don't have an ebay account.
@Mat'sMug I mostly registered for the mug.
I guess I didn't read the meta post very carefully.
I understand the feeling.
@Hosch250 Get it, give it to somebody you feel deserves swag.
@Hosch250 I think most of us didn't.
@Zak And have SE pay shipping, then pay shipping again myself?
I know, @Pops can just keep it.
I'm pretty sure refusing swag is unheard of
@Hosch250 I'll take your shipping cost, regardless of who you sent it to.
He deserves swag for putting up with us for so long.
@Hosch250 SE's a big company. I think they can handle it.
...do you think I live in the swag warehouse?
No, maybe you can just re-route the package to yourself.
Or don't you have access to the registration list?
@Pops Wait, you don't?
@Hosch250 Why not just email @JNat and ask to change the shipping address, then send it to whoever you like.
@Hosch250 Ask @JNat about that.
That's an idea.
Do that, yes
@Mat'sMug You know, we llive in times where we have so much useless stuff that we sometimes want to avoid having to store more, because we know that we won't be able to throw things away once we have them.
OK. Thanks.
@EBrown There's a long waiting list! I'm still a relatively new employee.
Q: Game engine Scene class

sydanI'm writing a C++ game engine and I have a scene class that I'd like to present as a code example to a team who are interesting in my skills. The scene class holds games entities, updating and rendering them using a camera. I'm interesting in the stylistic or functional improvements that could ...

@Pops Ah, well that makes more sense.
I know, I'll send it to Jon Skeet or Eric Lippert.
If it were me, I'd love to live in the swag warehouse.
To be honest, I'd love to live in any warehouse.
I'm good with warehouses.
Final email regex: [^\s]+@[^\s]+\.[^\s]+
@EBrown Don't parse e-mail addresses with regex.
How many citations do you need on that?
@skiwi If you didn't get the email (you are on the top of the third page), let me know your address and I'll re-route my swag to you.
@Hosch250 @skiwi did
OK, I guess @bazola is next in line.
It's top 72 users *as at time of graduation* as well as right now
Oh, I thought it was the top two pages.
Regardless of how it went, he mentioned he got the e-mail in chat.
@Hosch250 that is top 72 users ^^
Oh, OK.
@Mast Did you get it?
@Hosch250 Nope, too far down the line.
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by LandotheProgrammer: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116127/revisions
OK, you can have mine.
There are people above me you should consider first.
I can't ping most of them.
@Mast You're allowed to parse email with Regex.
I guess I could ping @Donald.McLean.
It's HTML that you can't parse with Regex.
I'll print my mug and send one to @Mat'sMug as well. @Pops knows, but I'm outside US territory.
@Hosch250 you *do* have 2 weeks to make up your mind you know
And Mat's is in Canada.
@Mast I'm in the UK, does that mean I can get one ^^
@Zak I'll simply spread the information around required to get them, I'm not going to set-up my own shop or anything.
UK, Europe and Canada at least, we'll see how USA goes.
Perhaps AU, don't know many shops there but I can find something out.
I think I am out of stars or close to it...
@Mast ah-HA! Secret Santa unmasked at last!!
Q: Adding a List to SQL database (Entity Database)

GuestolinoI got a database with members, each member has a list of sports they do. now I want to loop through a listbox and add every selected item to my database. This is my database : And this is my code : foreach (var item in sportCheckedListBox.CheckedIndices) { int s...

Well, this email Regex thing was easier than I thought.
@Mat'sMug Pretty sure you living in Canada isn't a secret :p
@Hosch250 You rang?
Yeah. Do you want my swag?
is this a crappy post that should have been downvoted to oblivion? I'm asking because last thing I want is to hurt the site, and I got this one migrated over - what's the difference between them? #meta
@Hosch250 You don't have to give your swag away, you know. You could just keep it for the sake of having it.
I could.
@Hosch250 If you don't want it, and it isn't an imposition, sure, why not?
@Mat'sMug I don't think so, the post might not add much value, but he did get a solid answer.
OK, send me an email at {username}@live.com
@Mat'sMug Just going to point out that Mods *probably* shouldn't use swear words in chat
I'm basically second-guessing whether I made a bad decision and migrated crap
I'll need your address so I can email @JNat to ask him to update the list.
@Mat'sMug Good question.
You asked, not those two.
The first should never gone HNQ...
is this one only downvoted from SO --> codereview.stackexchange.com/q/116127/18427
@Mat'sMug I think the one migrated can stay as well.
I wish VB.NET supported nested Using statements without indenting them.
IMO, posts with an answer shouldn't be migrated.
Answers should invalidate all migration requests.
@EBrown agreed, they sure do get ugly
@Malachi I have three in a row and it just makes the whole block look bad.
@Mast if the answer fits the site being migrated too then why not migrate?
@Mast the answer seemed an ok CR answer
@EBrown that's VB for you, in C# you don't have that probably, rewrite it in C#...lol
@Malachi votes are cleared upon migration
@Malachi Perhaps that could be an exception, but I've seen quite a lot of answer which weren't good CR answers on migrated posts.
@Mast they should be flagged and/or downvoted according to our site guidelines
@Malachi No. It's not the author's fault their answers aren't right.
another underlying question is, is a beginner console game app a crappy post by definition? what about a fizzbuzz? would we migrate a fizzbuzz review request?
@Mat'sMug I don't deal with a lot of migrations, that is a good thing to know. I see code that works and does what it intends to do and it looking for improvement
Personally I'm against migrations and cross-posts except under particular circumstances.
@Mast the answers should be flagged handled if the question was migrated and the answer doesn't fit the site
but the answer does fit CR
I was saying in general
@Mat'sMug Yea, this one does. But in general.
4 mins ago, by Mast
IMO, posts with an answer shouldn't be migrated.
Let me rephrase that.
Posts with answers that don't fit the target site.
we were discussing this line of reasoning
But, to remove confusion, to eliminate problems, I'd say refuse migration for all questions having any answer.
#MigratingIsHard #LetsJustDownvoteAndCloseInstead
@Mast if the question is not a fit for the site and a migration is suggested, then usually the answer doesn't fit the site and may or may not fit the target site either
what makes it bad?
@Malachi Not necessarily.
I've seen odd answers at SO and they stick around with migrations.
@Mast because we haven't been paying attention, perhaps?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it benlong to another SE site: codereview.stackexchange.comhindmost 28 secs ago
Wait? The CR swag comes with a rubberduck?!
@skiwi YES! =)
@Malachi Let's agree to disagree.
I don't really like shirts myself, but if there's a rubberduck then I can't pass
Nobody passes the rubberduck
@skiwi @Hosch250 was offering you his earlier.
@Mast the question in question is a CR question, it shouldn't be closed, it was right to migrate to CR because it works and OP is looking for a way to improve working code.
what is there to disagree about?
Every time you don't feed a rubberduck it will die
maybe the Quality? I agree it could be cleaned up a bit.
@Malachi "don't migrate crap"
I don't think it is crap. what makes it crap?
I wouldn't call it crap (The code is crap but that's not how we judge CR questions). IMO it's sub-par but acceptable.
It could do with more description from the OP
Code being crap has never been a reason to close a question. No description is a different problem.
@Malachi See the changes in Rev 2. Literal crap.
@200_success I see....
A: Let's pick t-shirt tagline!

Phrancisif (code.isUgly()) { code.review(); } As a wink to all those who write code for fun and/or for a living. And I think it reads good enough as English for non-coders to "get it".

Maybe isUgly should be a property not a method. Also the villagers are coming with torches and pitchforks to protest your placement of curly braces. — ChrisW 4 mins ago
Q: Optimizing this particular script with some array workarounds and sorting

LemSo this is what I'm doing: I have hundreds of arrays, each of them filled with a date in milliseconds in the first position, and the rest of the array is filled with user game scores. Let's just call this array above var scoresDates The ultimate goal is to have each of those arrays contain o...

Q: OpenGL mesh renderer implementation

sydanI'm writing a C++ game engine and I have a Renderer class that I'd like to present as a code example to a team that are interested in my skills. The renderer is used to setup the OpenGL environment and then provides a RenderMesh function that will render a mesh with a texture and shader using th...

The Desktop Laptop
@CommitStrip hey that's my exact setup!
@Mat'sMug I don't think my laptop's moved outside of a 3ft x 3ft area for at least 6 months now
@Mat'sMug Yuck lol. Docking stations FTW
@CommitStrip Mine isn't quite that bad. Just connected to my phone and the wall.
"Do you believe in aliens?" best question ever. :) — K Ф 2 hours ago
The actual question is, who is alien?
Yuck I'm back :)
@Gustavo6046 No, not really.
@Zak Mine has moved around the world.
mine is locked with a clipper (saw?) -proof cable that requires me to fetch a key to unlock and carry the thing to the boardroom. always fun.
@Mat'sMug So, what's your corporate's rule in case of fire?
let it burn
Lousy rule.
git commit
git push
git out
I prefer spending 10 seconds to cut cables and grab the laptop.
Saves me a heck of a lot of paperwork.
@Mast Get an axe. A strong enough swing with a good-quality blade would cut it.
@Hosch250 My boss doesn't trust me with axes on the workfloor.
I do have a pair of metal cutters handy though.
Next to my copper cutter.
Probably won't cut through a proper laptop lock.
Most companies would have you leave the laptop in. That's what they have insurance policies for.
And, paying someone to restore machines is a lot cheaper than lawsuits ;)
Unfortunately, we do not do code review here. — schroeder 14 secs ago
This is Europe, we don't do as much lawsuitery as in the USA.
I can't find how to create a instance of a class without having to store it on a variable (C++). Even if I Google it...
You can't
@Gustavo6046 Why on Earth would you want to do that anyways?
What if I want a instance factory? I want to simply create instances, not store them.
Why a factory? It lets me call global functions in all the instances, each instance has its own place in the array of instances...
Instances are only in memory while they are in use (unless you specifically tell it to store it somewhere)
(the above statement is probably not 100% correct)
Oh snap
@Phrancis Sure you can. Java code: new Object();
But... why?
Great idea I had: append a new instance into the array each time a instance is created. (Yes, std::vector!)
@Gustavo6046 But then you'd be storing it.
But I won't use a single variable, which means I can store as many instances as I want!
3 mins ago, by Gustavo6046
What if I want a instance factory? I want to simply create instances, not store them.
How many instances do you need to make, and why are you making them?
I should have thinked a little to have that idea before asking here, sorry...
I am making a ant simulator.
A console one.
It's OK, we all need a sanity check once in a while
@EthanBierlein Especially the question about why is an important one.
Don't just create objects for the sake of creating objects.
I need to make instances of an Ant class everytime the users press Enter.
And pop the last created ant when the user press Backspace.
And what should this Ant class do?
@Gustavo6046 Then use std::vector<Ant>.
How is your ant simulator going to work, except for creating and removing ants?
First, it will wander randomly leaving food scent. When it finds food, it will backtrack following the food scent and other generated ants will follow the food scent until the food is over. Then this process is repeated.
(when more food is allocated, that is)
My inspiration is SimAnt.
That sounds interesting!
The size of the ant determines how much food can it carry at once, and once the food's size is too small, another piece of food will spawn.
Of course, since I didn't work it out with any graphics API, this will have to be console made. I have two options:
1. Ascii Art
2. Just printing ant location, food location and tile stats via cout
Calm down, option 2 is just the very last resort :)
But saying is easier than doing it...
The thing that keeps me from using SDL is "undefined reference to WinMain" even though the project is actually an console application!
The ant could be just a character while you work out the logic
< > v ^ maybe depending which direction it is going
Once you have the logic working (which is the harder part) changing what the things look like is relatively trivial
Good idea. And the food would be 'o' and the anthole would be 'x' and each tile would be . with no scent, , with food scent or something like this...
There you go, now start coding :)
I'd make 'o' the anthole though
or 'O'
UGH XML, the bane of my existence.
@Mast Yes. Agreed. Unity3d is good for simulations.
Q: Project Euler Q2 - Comments please

Avrohom YisroelI'm very new at F#, and am using Project Euler to help me learn. Question #2 kept me going for a while, as my initial attempt at an answer was very slow and inelegant. Then I learnt about Seq.unfold, and a whole new vista unfolded in front of me! Please can you comment on this code. Bear in mind...

@EthanBierlein It is if you want something graphic without having to learn crazy GUI API.
It's relatively easy to learn.
A pain to VCS though.
@DanPantry What do you think of this: repl.it/Bbr7/7
Q: How i can make this code to paste from Excel to DataGridView Faster?

Christian EAI have a this code that Helps me to paste data from a Excel file to a Datagridview: If e.Control AndAlso e.KeyCode = Keys.V Then DGVLookUP.Rows.Clear() DGVLookUP.Columns.Clear() Try Dim Generar As Boolean = False Dim N As Inte...

Q: An ideal structure for Tree in java?

Shivam SrivastavaI have created a package for Tree in java. I have already added Binary Tree. Now I want to extend the package to contain Binary Search Tree and Threaded Tree but I need guidance regarding a proper structure and inheritance to be implemented. Tree (Interface) AbstractTree (Abstract Class impleme...

@Phrancis I'm not impressed ^^
Why must class variables be private?
@Gustavo6046 They don't have to, but it has advantages making them private.
You don't hang your private parts out the window either, do you?
Classes feel the same way.
@Gustavo6046 encapsulation, one of the 4 pillars of object-oriented programming
What if a variable is set to public?
Not meaning that all variables are public, that is.
@Gustavo6046 Why aren't you in the Programmers chat bugging them with questions they like to answer?
Because I like you guys :)
Q: Why do we need private variables?

mwallaceWhy do we need private variables in classes? Every book on programming I've read says this is a private variable, this is how you define it but stops there. The wording of these explanations always seemed to me like we really have a crisis of trust in our profession. The explanations always so...

Here, they already answered it for you.
Now learn how to use the StackExchange search.
@Mast wtf, typo lol
Your question is more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Renzo 13 secs ago
@Mast ehhh...
 obj\Debug\src\foodFactory.o||No such file or directory|
@JeroenVannevel Acts of Belgianism don't count.
in Code::Blocks
@Gustavo6046 Stop being a help vampire.
Excuse me, what do you mean?
Q: The Help Vampire problem

Barry KellyWhat is Stack Overflow's long-term solution for the Help Vampire problem? Quote from article follows: Identifying Help Vampires can be tricky, because they look like any ordinary person (or Internet user, whichever is lesser). But by closely observing an individual's behavior using this hand...

We are not your personal helpdesk.
If your code can't find a file or directory, you're doing something wrong.
You're doing something very basic wrong.
Find yourself a search engine of your choice, learn how to use it, find the solution to your problem and live happily ever after.
Code Review deals in working code.
We like working code.
If your code works, we may take a look at it.
If you put it as a question on the site.
Not finding a file is not a sign of working code.
So fix it!
Don't ask us, we can't see where your file is hiding.
Perhaps it's afraid of you.
Files do that every once in a while.
They think you're going to hurt them, or even, modify them.
Thanks @Mast
Which reminds me, make sure you've set your permissions right.
Q: 1 or 2 Player CLI Tic-Tac-Toe

Mark KaravanI wrote a simple tic-tac-toe program in Haskell. It runs on the command line, has a one and two player mode, and implements a minimax algorithm when you play against it. I'm used to writing proper code in OO languages, but Haskell is new to me. This code works reasonably well, but seems hard to ...

Hey @Vogel612
@Phrancis Well done, but probably a little late.
@Vogel612 Somebody had to say something.
damn right, but everybody could (and probably should) have spoken up sooner

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