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There are 1407 unanswered questions (94.5374% answered)
You might try posting your algorithm on Code Review instead. — TigerhawkT3 41 secs ago
^^ 1408
@TigerhawkT3 This would not be on-topic at Code Review because there is not actual code to review. — SirPython 30 secs ago
@Quill oh lol
A: Shutting down recurring community self-evaluations

Deer HunterOkay, I'll take a bite on site quality metrics, liberally borrowing some ideas that have been floated on MSE. Here are the broad sections that are IMO essential to judge the progress of a site on a continuing basis: Users Questions Answers Moderation While some of the metrics have been implem...

@rolfl may be interested in that answer.
Q: How can I make it so the user can input different answers but display the same result? [Python 3.0]

Wai-manI'm wondering how I could display the same result if the user inputs two specific answers in the input command (ie 'end' and 'End'). Here's the code I have so far; everything is working except the "end" part: def password(): #defines password print("Please input your password.") pass2 = input("...

posted on July 30, 2015

This Saturday we’ll be testing our new DR datacenter in Denver, Colorado. We will begin around 10AM EST (14:00 UTC). We expect the test itself to be approximately 15-30 minutes in duration once it begins and the total window for this op to be around 4 hours. We’ll begin prepping at the start which means actual user impact will begin some time after that. This test will consist of our enti

Heads up: we will be performing a read-only test in our new data center on August 1st (this Saturday). http://stackstatus.net/post/125387022934/read-only-test-august-1-2015
Can you elaborate one what you want the output to be? It would be very useful if you could paste your code, since it does do what you want. If you post it on Code Review, please link to it here. — Cyphase 14 secs ago
Q: Autoplay jPlayer cookie when going to other webpage

An18diI am able to save current time and position of the audio in jPlayer and resume it on other page but I need to make it autoplay if I played it in the current page and went to other web page. Currently, when I play the music and go to other page in my website the jPlayer is not automatically playin...

Q: Inserting data into mysql using python

user123536475I'm trying to execute the following code for counter in range(0, len(weatherData) - 1): string = 'INSERT INTO weather VALUES(' + str((weatherData[counter])[0:]) +');' print(string) cur.execute(string) All the the values and data are printed correctly and everything seems to work as...

Q: Matrix Rotation Algorithm Runs Too Slow

Ben Sooraj MProblem Statement You are given a 2D matrix, a, of dimension MxN and a positive integer R. You have to rotate the matrix R times and print the resultant matrix. Rotation should be in anti-clockwise direction. Rotation of a 4x5 matrix is represented by the following figure. Note that in one rota...

Q: GTA V Mod Menu. Cant open the GTAVMenu.snl file to make changes to the menu

Xtreme Modzi have coded a menu that is very enjoyable but decied i want to make changes to it so i try to open the project file in Visual Studio and it gives me a n error that a Plat form xbox 360 can not be found

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comGosu 22 secs ago
As I said, fine for a school project, but at anywhere I've ever worked as a developer, it wouldn't pass a code review because of the glaring side effect. You asked for advice... — John3136 38 secs ago
1 hour later…
Stack Overflow is not codereview.stackexchange.com If you have a specific programming issue that you cannot solve, then it would be on-topic here. But, code review questions are not on-topic as the answers will be primarily opinion based. — Tiny Giant 28 secs ago
You should post it here instead — Guruprasad Rao 28 secs ago
Q: Is There any way to simplify this jquery code?

user3663033I am using this code to add a class on mouse hover to a link button and remove it on mouse leave. jQuery(".banner-wrap__color-1 > .banner-wrap__inner > .banner-wrap__desc > .banner-btn > .btn-link").hover(function () { jQuery(".banner-wrap__color-1 > .banner-wrap__inner").toggleClass("active...

1 hour later…
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs to the site codereview.stackexchange.com . — Ravimallya 31 secs ago
hey @Hosch250
Hey, @Heslacher.
I am in the process answering your question. Will take a little bit.
Oh, cool!
Hey, @El'endiaStarman.
@Hosch250 Hello. I'm hunting for message #23102310.
You'll probably have a long hunt ahead of you.
@Hosch250 It was posted just a few minutes ago. Shouldn't be that hard to find.
in Mos Eisley, 12 mins ago, by Slytherincess
@Tango Indeed it does! Such a sweet, sweet car! It puts my Honda to shame. That's a great pic of you and the car, too.
Mos Eisley.
@Hosch250 Good job! Not sure how I missed that chat room.
@El'endiaStarman We got message #20000000
Feb 10 at 18:43, by rolfl
user image
A: Regex Search/Replace

HeslacherGetResultsFromModule() private IEnumerable<RegexSearchResult> GetResultsFromModule(CodeModule module, string searchPattern) { var results = new List<RegexSearchResult>(); for (var i = 1; i <= module.CountOfLines; i++) { var matches = Regex.Matches(module.Lines...

@Hosch250 Very nice!
If you want an implementation better than the one you currently have, you'd have to show your current implementation ;-). At any rate, you may have better luck at CodeReview.StackExchange.com (read their FAQ though!). — Jeroen 58 secs ago
hey @JohnSnow
Hello :)
@Hosch250 Congratulations on passing 10k!
Oooh we have another 10k user! Yaay
@Hosch250 Congrats
Q: Iterable doubly linked list implementation using java

overexchangeBelow is the code that is iterable, /** * Dlist using sentinel node * * @author mohet01 * * @param <T> */ public class DblyLinkList<T> implements Iterable<T>{ /** * Representation - starts * * head references the sentinel node. * * Being sentinel as part of ...

Q: Reddit Bot to Check Reposts

BijanI am a moderator of /r/sweepstakes @ Reddit which lets users post their referral links to contests/sweepstakes. One main rule is that a user is not allowed to post their link to a contest, if another user has already done so. It's not so simple checking for reposts since all referral links have a...

hell @annacarolina I've not seen you here before, Welcome to the 2nd monitor
Q: jQuery: Refactor a JS Function with dependency injection

illusionistfunction attachmentFormTask() { + + /** + * Show attachment name when file is chosen + */ + $('#new-attachment-form .file-uploader').on('change', "input[name='attachment[file]']", function () { + $(this).showAttachmentName(); + }); + + var requiredRule = { + required...

That belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com. Your code is working (mostly), it's not as fast as you want. Then, it doesn't belong on stackoverflow. — blue112 8 secs ago
Q: Calculate pairs in a Set - Is my code Readable and efficient?

PosiedonI have started reading clean code and want to improve my coding practices. Here is my attempt at solving an online puzzle. Please review the code and let me know how could I have written it better in terms of logic, coding practices or any other advice you might have. Problem Statement Sherlock...

Q: my non-blocking unix domain socket application shows bad performances

elhadiI've developed quickly two kinds of socket use, the first with blocking mode, the second with non-blocking mode. The sockets are Unix domain sockets. My problem is that the kernel consume a huge amount of CPU (approx: 85 %). My goal is to minimize the KERNEL CPU usage and to increase the THROUGHP...

Q: Better way to handle repetitive constraints?

NicoI am adding some constraints for my auto layout. So far I add them like this. my method calling the methods creating the constraints // all if displayUnitConversion && displayCode { if currency.isDefaultCurrency { buildConstraintsForDefaultCurrency(view1: computedRateLabel, sizeView...

Maybe Code Review site would be a better place for this question. — Arkadiusz Drabczyk 54 secs ago
@Duga Well, yes.
Q: how to replace multiple same words into single word

maheshi have tried like this: str=str.replaceAll("(customSplit)+","") like: input like:customSplitcustomSplitcustomSplitcustomSplitcustomSplitcustomSplitcustomSplitsfvbjnvbjvbjfvjnjncustomSplitcustomSplitcustomSplitjkfef output: customSplitsfvbjnvbjvbjfvjnjncustomSplit

Q: C++11 event-listener implementation

LarsWhile writing a c++ gui application more or less from scratch I needed some form of an event-listener system, preferably using lambdas. An event should be able to have multiple listeners and the user should not have to worry about the lifetime of the objects. I came up with this bit using shared ...

Heya ^^
Q: Sending file through socket.io. RxJS

kharandziukI'm trying to get some confidence with rxjs and frp. The code below handle file sharing throw socket.io. io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { var msgStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(socket, 'message'); msgStream.filter(function(x) { return x.type === 'get'; }).do(function() ...

Q: Using a double variable as loop counter

user3371583I am not sure if I should post this here or on http://scicomp.stackexchange.com. I often have to code explicit schemes which means that I have to look at the evolution of a function by incrementing the time variable \$ t \mapsto t+\Delta t \$. It is therefore only natural to have my loops incre...

@CaptainObvious don't do it
It's a pretty hypothetical question too
Q: How to remove the need for sub queries in SQL

insidesinI've successfully managed to sort pairs of problems so they lie next to each other as well as ordering those that are more important (unauthorised) at the top. Now what I want to do is eliminate any need for a sub query to exist, what are some common steps you would walk through to attempt this, ...

"Asking a question that is well-received by the community will get you more upvotes and quicker answers." is not a rule buddy. Your main link was a waste of time, so yeah, not heeding any of that advice, sorry. — insidesin 3 mins ago
"You're not forced to bend to the rules. We're not forced to answer your question nor leave it open."
Look at these revisions
They're desperate to cram in as many non-existent JS tags as possible
Q: Appending to file slowdowns the process

Vignesh KalaiMy code: import glob,re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import unidecode lis=[] aa=open("C:\project resource\lookup.txt","r") aa=aa.readlines() aa=[b.split("\t") for b in aa ] print "started" for sa in aa: for a in glob.glob("C:\\project resource\\dump\\*.html"): if sa[0] =="".join(r...

Q: Performance Issue: NHibernate Multiple Select queries

SébastienI'm experiencing an interesting performance issue with NHibernate 3.4 (.net 3.5) I have a service called "Roles" allowing me to retrieve all 'items' on which i have permissions. Example: var items = service.Roles.GetAccessibleEntities<Staff>(MyRoles); Here is the implementation of this metho...

@crm Hi :)
I'm writing a meta on
could use some feedback if anyone has some free time at lunch :)
I've developed a basic websocket-based chat system and just wanted to see if anyone could point out any gaping holes in it.
also any general feedback please
It need to be re-written. It's just a first run through as I haven't used the tech before.
When I joined r/lobby and clicked the message text area "Add a README.md" popped up
Is this github.io?
I'm a bit confused
No it is HTML5 and Java Endpoint
Or maybe it's saved in my browser?
That should probably be disabled anyway
I think it might be input text history, ill look into getting it disabled
socket.chat/lobby would appreciate any feedback
it is probably not the best code - this might be well suited for codereview.stackexchange.com — thefourtheye 24 secs ago
Q: In array find locally biggest or equal values including corners

Michał Piotr StankiewiczI am looking for a function, that will find in array of n integers highest or equal locally values including corners. My code is probably wrong, and I somehow think solution is in some library like numpy or scipy, but I do not know how to find it: def look_for_maximas(vals): ''' actually...

Would be better in Code Review? — Soner Gönül 51 secs ago
Seems to me more like a question for codereview.stackexchange.comFlorian Gl just now
Q: Should we have a [reactive-programming] tag?

jacwah In computing, reactive programming is a programming paradigm oriented around data flows and the propagation of change. This means that it should be possible to express static or dynamic data flows with ease in the programming languages used, and that the underlying execution model will automat...

@jacwah I think that the soundness of your last argument is extraordinarily questionable.
The tag can be used with multiple other tags and is therefore meta?
I didn't try to make any argument at all, it was just a question
Regardless of which side of the main argument you're on
you did argue that the tag is "more meta" than OOP or Functional-programming
Based on the logic that it can be used with both tags.
No I did argue that the paradigm is more meta
What does that mean?
I didn't mean meta as in meta tag
I can edit it out if you think it's too confusing
It is confusing.
Do you have a case for not creating the tag?
We don't need a meta every time a tag is created.
We need a meta when someone thinks a tag should be removed.
Isn't one of the uses of meta to ask questions?
> Meta is for... Code Review Stack Exchange users to communicate with each other about Code Review Stack Exchange (asking questions about how the websites work, or about policies and community decisions)
Yes. I'm answering your question here to tell you that we don't need to approve the creation of every tag.
But I didn't ask about every tag, I asked specifically about this one
Then really, you're asking if we should destroy the tag, not whether we should create it.
It's already created, and if you thought the tag were fine, you wouldn't have asked, right?
@nhgrif is that bad?
No, it's not bad.
But the question makes zero case that it should be deleted.
Because it's a question
What makes you even want to ask the question though?
That's where I get to my point about not needing to discuss every tag.
Even if you want to make the question objective... I'm asking you here in chat, why should the tag go?
I saw the tag being edited in and was curious whether others think it's a good tag or not
You're free to downvote the question if you think it's uncalled for
I think the tag calls for a specific sort of programming, almost like or .
For what it's worth, the tag doesn't exist any more.
It steers toward which answers will be most helpful, which is a good thing for the reviewer to keep in mind.
A: Should we have a [reactive-programming] tag?

nhgrifreactive-programming no longer exists. The question mentioned "frp", so I edited the question to use the existing frp tag. I don't know lickity-split about reactive programming, but everything I've seen about it seems to refer to it as "functional", even when it's used in object-oriented langua...

Yea, I've read it.
Just putting my 2c.
Oh, I think I misread your chat message the first time.
But I think I agree now that I've reread it.
If I'm right in assuming that there's only "functional reactive programming" and there's no "object-oriented reactive programming", then I think that no one would ever use with or
Q: Winforms Mathematical Operator Label

user3189142I wrote a custom class which (atm) displays the +, -, =, x, and ÷ operators inside a circle. Apart from the issue of some symbols not appearing in the exact center (everything except + looks a bit off) it works great. It uses an enum to select the symbol to make using the ÷ symbol easier. public...

A: Better way to handle repetitive constraints?

nhgrifUse interface builder. Use interface builder to set up your constraints. If they need to be altered at run time, connect IBOutlets for the constraints and alter them at run time. You can look at this Stack Overflow answer for a simplified approach at changing constraints at run time based on s...

How's it going?
Greetings, Programs.
What do you mean by "How's it"?
How are you?
(That's what i meant)
@IsmaelMiguel :P Healthy
@TinyGiant I'm afraid that's not entirely true. This particular question might be too broad or primarily opinion-based, but certain review-style questions are on-topic for Stack Overflow. See also A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow usersSimon André Forsberg 46 secs ago
Sounds fun
How about you?
I think they misspelled Portugal
They probably intended to write "Hell"
It's burning hot outside
@IsmaelMiguel "burning hot" being what temperature?
and what humidity?
@Donald.McLean 40ºC
in what part of Portugal?
The south
I don't want to even talk about the interior
That surelly is burning
@IsmaelMiguel That's pretty hot alright.
(Literally, most likely)
Probably must be 41ºC, I need to check it
Now my lunch is sligthly burned as well
Hmm... so I'm checking random cities in Portugal... none of them are over 30C according to The Weather Channel. :/
I believe that 41C is the hottest temperature ever recorded in Baltimore. Though there was a day where the heat index was 43C.
I guess I'm not checking your city.
Today, the high here is 35C. It's currently 84% humidity.
I have a thermometer at home
Is it in the sun?
Good question
It's outside
It's 30C here today
I don't know how exactly you're supposed to place a thermometer, but I know putting it in a spot with constant sunlight isn't right.
Google says 31ºC
Not that warm here now (80F/27C) but the dew point is way up (73/23).
Like, when I go to lunch, the thermometer in my truck will read like 43C all the time
The thermometer sensor is at the shadow
What's dew point, exactly?
The first question is: "What's dew?"
If dew point is humidity, why do they report humidity as a percentage and dew point as a temperature?
In what values it is represented?
Then dew point will be the temperature that dew will form in the morning
> The dewpoint (or dewpoint) is the temperature to which a given parcel of air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into water. The condensed water is called dew. The dewpoint is a saturation point.
Dew point is the air temperature at which dew will form.
Guess I was wrong
Thanks for the info
so, @Donald.McLean almost exact same weather conditions here for me.
another meeting soon... oh how fun
I wouldn't mind having a meeting
I wouldn't mind having a meeting.
This will be my 8th meeting with this group regarding this project.
In a week.
First meeting was last Friday.
We've had a 30 minute meeting every morning which takes 45-60 minutes. And we had three 90-minute lunch meetings that was supposed to be just one meeting, and the first two of those 90 minute meetings took 120 minutes.
So, I'm sitting around 8-10 hours worth of meetings (after doing literally nothing for the first 4 days on the project). We're nearing the end of week 2 of me on the project and I still can't write code yet.
@nhgrif You can't write code because you are not allowed or you don't know what to write?
I'm not allowed to
Even if I were... I'm not sure where to begin... because there's so much stuff that needs fixing. But if I were allowed to, I'd just pick a spot and start.
I somewhat wouldn't mind part of that
The client is an American company. They're currently on their 2nd software company writing an app for them... the first two have both been off-shore in India. We're the third company. We're going to eventually completely replace the current Indian team.
Unfortunately... I'm one of the first two to carve that path for my company...
@nhgrif Ouch, that's bad.
Then you are completelly f*cked
They probably want to make sure it isn't going wrong again, but while trying they're almost sure to doom the problem.
I mean, we won't get to rewrite it from scratch even though it's what it needs
because the current Indian group rewrote it from scratch
and it's somehow better than the first rewrite
But still sucks
One step at a time.
And you are trying to re-write from scratch?
It reminds of some of @Mat'sMug's horror stories if I'm not mistaken.
Or was it one from @rolfl?
@IsmaelMiguel We won't be allowed to even though that's what it needs
So we'll just rewrite it from within
which is really difficult
Translation: you have to learn an entire crappy codebase (possibly badly commented)?
and rewrite it without the customer and the currently still working dev-team realize...
Basically, we have to be able to continuously provide bug fixes and updates and rewrite what we can when we can
why does this sound so familiar?
From a business perspective, rewriting it actually would be a big mistake.
Have you ever seen the code?
because you "lose" the value of the working app
Yes. I've had the code for a week.
It's 250k loc
The great business dichotomy. You need business but you don't want it. It makes things move both forward and backward at the same time.
@Vogel612 No. Because you miss out on updates. So your user-base stops using the app that stopped getting updates.
@nhgrif How bad is the code?
in meeting..
Q: Container supporting PeekMax, PeekMin, Sum, and PeekNextToMax v2.0

SnowbodyThis is another part of the update to this question. The interfaces are in this question. To summarize, the class is a generic container similar to MaxHeap, but only needs to support the following operations. create from an existing collection or finite IEnumerable (constructor / factory) with...

You'll need all the luck you can gather
Well, time to go to work
@Morwenn That.
Q: Integration test good practice

merso0027I am using unit test for some time. But now I need to write integration test. I should save something to DB, and than check if saved data is ok. I can't find simple clean example of integration test. My idea is to do like this: [TestClass] public class ReturnServiceTest { private Objec1 obj...

@FlorianGl may be right, but please read this guide to see if it's appropriate and how to move this question to Code Review. — Shepmaster 22 secs ago
@Donald.McLean Greetings, StarGazer
The Lag is bad this monking
I'm working on a lag problem myself.
@nhgrif Congrats!
Thanks, @200_success.
Thanks for the answer, @Heslacher
my pleasure
You were right about the VBA 1-based indexing.
@nhgrif about time.....Lol JK Good Work
And, Replace replaces the first result, while Replace All replaces all found results (obviously).
I suppose I should make Replace jump to the item just replaced.
And, I need to allow the user a way to skip replacing the current value.
The 30 minute meeting that started an hour ago is almost done now.
another meeting?
oh wow
only one today
this is sutpid
I have 5 meetings per week during normal work months (not over the vacation month) and of those, only 1 is something I actually have to attend
The other ones are only open for me for inclusion reason
My company has a weekly meeting that is scheduled for an hour but takes 30 min or less (sometimes just 5 mins)
There is also a monthly meeting for the iOS devs
Well that's good
And then you have meetings with whatever client you are working for. In most cases it is a weekly 30-60 minute meeting.
With this client, it's at least a daily meeting scheduled for 30 min and consistently taking an hour.
@JohnSnow 5 meetings per week... are you counting Standup as meeting?=
Anyone care to comment on a review for me?
drop a link :)
A: Winforms Mathematical Operator Label

EBrownI would refactor your OnPaint method a little to use better variable names, and perhaps store the new values added to the Rectangle in another variable, just to make things perhaps a little quicker and more maintainable. Start with: protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) { base.O...

Still reformatting a bit.
Alright, I've finished with it.
@Vogel612 Nope
Q: Euclidean Distance For CSV file of 4 column

shawin karimI have an issue with calculating euclidean distance for csv file of 4 col, the algorithm should produce matrix but the bellow algorithm does not: double[][] Data = ReadCSV.read("C:\\Users\\navien\\Desktop\\dataset3.csv", 263, false); double Sum = 0.0; double distances; for(int i=0;i<Data...

But I am counting my mentor meeting
I barely have any meetings about my job because that's pretty much "do this in a Google Sheet please" and I do
@CaptainObvious Broken.
I just went through the First post Queue
I noticed ^^
You get a chance to read through that, Vogel?
yea. It's a little beyond me to judge, though.
Ah alright.
Long as nothing stands out as rude or wrong I'm not worried about it then.
the latter part of your answer is definitely correct, but the first on "better names and fully qualifying" ... not so sure about that one
Refresh it, I added headers to everything.
Oh I see what you mean.
About fully-qualifying with this and such?
Q: Randomly learning a neuron to act as a signal counter

coderoddeI have this small program for learning an artificial neuron to act as a simple signal counter: my cell has four input wires (also called dendrites) and a single output wire (also called axon). If at least two input signals are strong enough, the axon is activated. I consider the neuron to be lear...

@EBrown The part above that has a couple of perhaps. Do you or do you not think it's good advice?
@Mast Very true, I can remove those terms.
Don't force it too much either though.
Don't use terms as "This is wrong, you should totally use [...] instead."
There's gold in the middle.
Right, I always worry that people will take it the wrong way.
That's why I tend to start off with "I would suggest..." or "I would start by..."
Nothing wrong with that.
Be assertive when you write a review, then tone it down.
That way, it makes it clear that you know what you're talking about, but you don't want to give the impression that you're imposing your preferences on the asker.
Yeah, I don't want to imply to people that "my way is the only way."
Alright, I made some edits to it.
And I removed the bit on Property Getters vs Fields.
Since it's strictly personal preference, and technically if he does something special in the get of the Operator property in the future, he would have to modify code to use it.
This bit, is what I removed: "You also do not need to use the Operator property in the OnPaint function. You could simply use the op field. (As far as I know, this really doesn't have any performance implications either way - property getters are inlined.) This is strictly a personal preference. I try to avoid using properties inside the class if at all possible."
Occasionally, when I find my words a little assertive but I don't want to reformulate, I add a smiley. It also serves the purpose of keeping a friendly mood. Some consider smileys unprofessional, but I find that they are a good communication tool, even in code reviews.
Is this question off-topic?
@Morwenn Yeah, that makes sense. I've seen people do it and it does seem to lighten the mood of the review.
@EBrown It has code now.
And it works, kind of. Just not as quick as expected.
But the issue is not related to the code itself, but more or less the underlying workings of NHibernate?
Although 'returning more than it should' could be considered 'not working as intended'. However, it sounds like the output is good.
@EBrown There is an issue and he wants to find out what the issue is.
If his code is as quick as it gets, pointing that out would be a valid review.
However, no code is as quick as it gets. It would be nice if the one pointing that out would at least provide pointers to make the current implementation a bit quicker to show after that NHibernate is the only problem left.
My suspicion is the .ToList bit, though.
I'd expect such a basic function not to be the bottleneck in this case.
Q: Follow-up on linkedlist implementation

overexchangeFollow-up to this question as recommended. Can this code be improved from an OOP paradigm perspective? package JavaCollections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * Dlist using sentinel node * * @author mohet01 * * @param <T> */ public class DblyLi...

20 sec over 3800, that's not quick.
Well, the problem with that method, is that the .ToList call forces NHibernate to load all records into memory, and this query every single record...he also does not specify how large the data being queried is.
But, then again, I don't want to get into a trouble-shooting war in the Comments either.
Are you suspecting the code does not work
No, now that I reread it I have another thought.
He says it's unbearably slow, my initial thought was that the .ToList method was querying every single item and he was not expecting that.
But now, I think that his complex .Select combined with the .ToList is creating a performance drag he didn't expect, because the ORM has to build each and every object.
That sounds reasonable.
And with each object matched from the .Where, it has to build it into another anonymous type.
Can anyone comment on this comment I am about to leave on it: "How large is the data set it is querying? Also, have you tried comparing performance with and without the .Select(...) bit? My suspicion is that the combination of that and the .ToList call are what are hurting you. I think the anonymous type that NHibernate and LINQ have to generate is what is dragging performance."
Q: Collect filenames from directory

PaulbComments in text. Code: <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" exclude-result-prefixes="xs"> <!-- collect file names from a directory output as an XML file --> <xs...

<sup> dawg? (couldn't help myself) — anonymous coward Oct 7 '09 at 10:47
Anyone around know a bit about dynamic queries in SQL Server?
very little
what are you looking for @Phrancis?
@Phrancis Enough to get by, what's up?
@Malachi Was that you?
was what me?
That comment.
DECLARE @InvoiceNum VARCHAR(30) = 'Invoice No.';
DECLARE @InvoiceDate VARCHAR(30) = 'Invoice Date';
DECLARE @DueDate VARCHAR(30) = 'Due Date';
DECLARE @OrderNum VARCHAR(30 = 'Order Number';
DECLARE @BalanceDue VARCHAR(30) = 'Balance Due';
DECLARE @ReplacementEsn VARCHAR(30) = 'Replacement ESN';

['+ @InvoiceNum +'] VARCHAR(30),
['+ @InvoiceDate +'] DATE,
That sounds like a Malachi comment.
I'm getting a generic "Syntax error near '='" and not sure where the error is :|
Can't do that eh?
@Phrancis Remove that first GO
Blobs. Blobs everywhere.
sorry brain just kicked in
@Morwenn I'm afraid I misread an l as an o there
@skiwi How could you in this room? I don't see blobs around.
@EBrown Hm I did that but now I get Incorrect syntax near '='. Must declare the scalar variable "@OrderNum". Must declare the scalar variable "@SqlCreateTable".
Ok, the starboard just became stupid .____.

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