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There are 1398 unanswered questions (94.5622% answered)
ouch, almost at 1400 again ^^
Hmm, that calculator question went HNQ already.
@SimonAndréForsberg to be fair I did mention that it is okay since he is a beginner, but that as a general rule they were bad comments
@bazola yup, noted that. I liked that part on your answer.
I thought that string builder was almost always better than System.out if you were printing a bunch of times?
if you are printing in a tight loop, yes.
this might be a loop, but it's not a tight loop
and any possible performance difference will be negligble
and what you might save in performance, you instead spend on readability, memory cost, and other stuff...
i do also mention that it won't make a difference here, but it might in a future scenario (so its a good thing to know about? i dunno)
Q: Loading a file from repl in Emacs

Exodus5656Alright I apologize if this has been asked, but I cannot seem to find this problem through searching. I am trying to figure out how to work on code in Emacs and when I come back open it again to edit the code. I was working with Emacs in the REPL learning Common Lisp and I used the "save as" feat...

Q: Custom encryption algorithm, "SBC". How good is it?

KrythicI decided to roll out my own encryption algorithm, which I am calling "SBC" or Simple Byte Cipher. Essentially, I just take the bytes of the string data, do a caesar cipher like shift to it, increment through an array of password bytes for each byte in the data (this enables the same letters such...

@Hosch250 No code, no clue --> Delete.
poof, gone
I just realized that I down-voted the question first so that it was at -3 so that I would be able to delete-vote it... I'm stupid.
@CaptainObvious Don't do it.
Q: Debounce in Scala

wrick import scala.compat.Platform.{currentTime => now} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** * Return a function f that it can only be invoked iff it is not already running * and atleast wait duration has passed since it last stopped running * Usag...

Python question coming along
@wrick Hello
hey there!
So, sorry about any confusion. I'm just trying to nudge you from a potentially off topic question to a great one
We've just found that "code dump" questions don't make for good questions.
What shall I change in my question? I titled it "Code Review my Debounce in Scala" - the site suggested I do not put "Code Review" in the title and suggested similar posts like this one:
It's not about your title. Your title is fine.
It is not code dump - it very clearly explains what the code does and it also has example usages of how to use the code
There's no description in the body, so technically, it is a code-dump.
But it looks like one.
I think it's a great question, but it just needs a description in the body.
That ^.
Use it to summarize what it does and what (if any) concerns you have.
Something must have brought you here. Help us help you. =;)-
This is relevant.
Q: How to get the best value out of Code Review - Asking Questions

rolfl I have a project I am working on, and I would like some, or all of it reviewed, how can I ask for this review on Code Review in a way that produces the best possible value? This is not about a question being on-topic, or off topic. Rather, this is about making on-topic questions great qu...

So are you saying I should take out the code comments which explain what the function does and how it is invoked and has some examples and put it outside the code into the question body?
You don't have to remove the comment in the code.
I'm going to use one of my questions as an example, this one.
Just let me ask you this, why do you want your code reviewed?
First, I describe what the code does, and how to use it.
Then I describe any concerns that I have.
Then there's the code.
And at the bottom, I put some additional (optional) info.
That's a pretty good formula actually @EthanBierlein.
Hmm. Meta?
I needed debounce - I wrote it in Scala and tested it but not sure if this is the best/most idiomatic way to do this.
So I wanted it to be reviewed in case I missed something (either a legit bug) or some better way of doing what I want ...
Q: Simple local source control

Ethan BierleinI've written my own local "source control". Rather than using a commit-based system, when you're ready to release a version, you can run a command which will create a .zip copy of your source code, and it's saved to a versions folder. How does it work? Each "project" written with this has a s...

Then that's exactly what the text of your question should say and I see it does now.
cool. thx!
You're welcome! And welcome to CR & the 2nd Monitor!
Gotta run. Hope you get a good review!
Ohhhhh emmm geeeeee — jayrdub Jan 27 '11 at 0:03
This looks like the long-code-questions version of Stack Overflow — Carlos Muñoz Jan 20 '11 at 19:20
Really good question here.
Q: Solidworks EPDM add-in

CBRF23I need to expand the functionality of this project to encompass more commands (you may notice in GetSelectedFilePaths() I have a case that is not currently used, this is to support additional commands I plan to add in my next sprint). So, before going further with this project I thought I'd post...

@Roflcoptr, I think you need to stop worrying about how to improve the method, and start worrying about how to defend yourself from the programmer who has to maintain your code when he shows up on your doorstep with a shotgun. — smartcaveman Apr 6 '11 at 17:53
I ran out of flags or I woulda flagged that too
So, you guys must be getting close to Marshal.
One more delete vote will do it. I'm sure it's hit the LQ queue by now.
Q: Yellowpage scraper

Halcyon Abraham Ramirezhey guys below is a scraper I made for yellowpages. what are your thoughts and comments? leave me some feedback on areas I could need improvement on import csv import re import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup class Resto: def __init__(self,url,filename="default"): self.page ...

@Hosch250 16% the way
Lol. OMG...
Actually it is even longer ;) I wasn't able to post the whole method because of the character limit;) — RoflcoptrException Jan 20 '11 at 0:28
> If you copy and paste, you're doing it wrong. Every time you hit Ctrl+C, a kitten dies. No no no.
@RubberDuck Have you looked the PR over yet?
I've not yet. Sry.
@CaptainObvious eww
That's my general reaction to pretty much every we scraping question ever @quill.
Night guys.
@Quill At least this one's not PHP ;D
Evening everyone
Hey guys, the duck is being translated to Japanese!
@Hosch250 Googleのような良いシステムの翻訳や悪いものが翻訳されていますか?
@Hosch250 Who's doing it?
@Phrancis Yeah, *pretends I didn't post a scraping question in PHP*
@EthanBierlein You speak Japanese?
@Quill No, but google translate does. ;-)
Q: Simple cash register function

user3655510I finally finished this online cash register, but I feel like it's a bit messy. Is there any way to trim this down a bit? The code is complete but the if/else statement keeps returning the else statement and if not, the if one. Is it incomplete? function StaffMember(name,discountPercent){ th...

@CaptainObvious ewww all that extra whitespace
I'm not sure what this means:
> The code is complete but the if/else statement keeps returning the else statement and if not, the if one.
Unless they mean their comparison operator is backward...
Q: Could anyone help me check my gibbs sampling code in R?

FJHI am now trying to write a Gibbs Sampling code based on the posteriors from a paper "Bayesian Regularization via Graph Laplacian", writer: Fei Liu, et. When I run the code, it always show the error: Error in eta_ii[i] = rinvgauss(n = 1, mean = mu_eta_ii, shape = a^2) : object of type 'closure' ...

Night guys.
Time for me to continue my Star Trek marathon.
Q: Interactive transition between view controllers

NicoI have made an interactive transition controller in swift in two different ways. This interactive transition controller is the parent class and I have few child classes which adapt the parent for each situation where I need an interactive transition. The first way, the parent doesn't use a dele...

Q: Vimscript command to fix broken tab-completions

WCharginI've just hacked the following together and added it to my .vimrc file. I don't know very much vimscript at all, so any suggestions would be appreciated! " If I tab-complete 'some_mod<Tab>', I want to get 'some_mod.py'. " But maybe there's also a 'some_mod_test.py', so I just get 'some_mod'. " O...

Q: Parse.com simple query

Alfredo HuI was recently at a hackathon and saw quite a few people using Parse. So I decided to check it out and read some guides online. Can someone take a look at my code? I followed Parse documentation so it should be fairly readable. I'm trying to get the balance for the user when they log in and displ...

Q: Passing arraylist value android

AlcaI have simple_list_multiple_choice adapter, when I click the button, I need to pass the value of checked item into another class. @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.diagnosis); ...

monking @all and @Heslacher
hey @chillworld
how are you?
fine, only lots of work to do ;-)
how are you ?
also lot's of work :)
using an old question of me to set up the model
Q: Use abstract super class as parameter to Spring data repository

chillworldI know the implementation of spring data repository's : Create an interface like this : public interface CountryRepository extends CrudRepository<Country, Long> {} Now Country is an AbstractCatalog and I have (a lot) more catalogs in mine project. I'm wondering if I can make 1 repository that...

but have no luck atm with it (saving doesn't work in abstract repo)
oke found it
saving must be in the actual repo, while query for all can be in super repo
just added a comment to the correct answer.
this set up is really helpfull in mine case now
Wouldn't be better in Code Review? — Soner Gönül just now
You might want to post this to code review: codereview.stackexchange.com. You would probably get more help there asking this type of question. — Kozmik 34 secs ago
@codeReview, that sounds like a potentially good approach, though I am not quite sure if there is an obvious way to bridge Kivy/Qpython native part, and Cordova, unless someone writes (or has already written) a plugin. This is especially good where lot of business logic, can be written / already exists -- written in python, and user-interaction is only occasional. Anyhow, something worth exploring. — icarus74 32 secs ago
Q: Optimize my Code logic without singletion

user1581317 public interface IHandler { List<string> Run(); } public class Base { void methodA(); } public Class Der1 : Base , IHandler { List<string> Run() { //Generate huge records } } public Class Der2 : Base , IHandler { List<string> Run() {//Generate hu...

Q: design fails to meet time constraints

Shabd Preetihere is my code to remove some certain patterns from the input data vectors streams . the time constraint for this design is 13 ns but the best achievable case i am getting is 18 ns , is there any way by which the time constraints of my design can meet without changing the original logic. `defin...

Q: caesar cipher brute force

Leon SurraoI have a code that uses the brute force technique to find the message to a Caesar cipher. The program decrypts the message using different keys and then checks weather the resulting words are contained in a file called 'wordlist.txt', if they are it returns only that result. Here is my current fu...

@codeReview, I have been using Kivy with Python2 only and have no experience in it with Python3, is everything running smoothly? — Anzel 51 secs ago
Monking @all
Q: comparisons with hard coded values python-django

vijayI have choice field with the following values RequestStatus = (('New','New') , ('info sent','info sent'), ('Follow up call','Follow up call'), ('Follow up email','Follow up email'), ('Awaiting reply','Awaiting reply'), ...

Mon petite baboon~
Q: How to prevent database calls in loops django admin action

vijayI have model action in RequestAdmin like this. def offer_plan(modeladmin, request, queryset): class MembershipForm(forms.Form): plan = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Plan.objects.all(), required=True,empty_label=None) _selected_action = forms.CharField(widget=forms.MultipleH...

@Kevin, is this not a right platform for discussing approaches? #CodeReview, do you mean a different portal here? — Sadique Khan 34 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel hello
How's it going?
the review queues feel a bit more filled than usual
That is good.
In a sense
Please read How to ask before actually posting a question. The page consists of rules and lots of useful hints to post questions, which actually get an (good) answer. For code-reviews, have a look at codereview.stackexchange.comPatrik Eckebrecht just now
But is bad because there's less people answering now
Well, mostly first posts, which is a good thing
If they are all on-topic, that is awesome!
But that's a big if
Most off-topic posts really should just have a friendly comment like "Is your code working, or is it broken? Your question is a little unclear, you should clarify to avoid premature closure.'
Don't you just love it when someone uses += but doesnt use -=?
Maybe they didn't knew it?
2 hours ago, by Captain Obvious
Q: caesar cipher brute force

Leon SurraoI have a code that uses the brute force technique to find the message to a Caesar cipher. The program decrypts the message using different keys and then checks weather the resulting words are contained in a file called 'wordlist.txt', if they are it returns only that result. Here is my current fu...

Which is weird.
Look at this:
num = num - key
num = num + len(LETTERS)
translated += LETTERS[num]
translated += symbol
I know, right?
Fairly strange
Maybe copy-paste?
also, it seems strange that they'd move the first part to a function, but not the rest of it
Probably copy-paste
Q: How would one optimize this JS function

LodderI have written the following function: function drawHumanCard() { var random = generateRandom(0); // Human container var humanEl = $('#human'); humanEl.find('#human-name').empty().text(cards[random]['name']); humanEl.find('#human-job').empty().text(cards[random]['job']); ...

@CaptainObvious missing code?
It seems that there's some mixing code.
And a mixing context
@Quill New title: Emptying and then populating an element in jQuery
@IsmaelMiguel Cool
That title is really bad. It applies to 300000000000 examples of code
There, I'm emptying and populating an element
I'm loving that question
Specially this comment:
// ... and so on
Q: Optimizing LINQ routines

Erki M.I run a build system. Datawise the simplified description would be that I have Configurations and each config has 0..n Builds. Now builds produce artifacts and some of these are stored on server. What I am doing is writing kind of a rule, that sums all the bytes produced per configuration builds...

> 0..n?
visit codereview.stackexchange.com — fubo 31 secs ago
Q: Optimize LINQ search with Custom Fixed Ranking

advapiI've to perform on some collection and return ranking based on some logic I wish to optimize this working code since I think it can be bettered (maybe using Tasks?) Here's my code and extension method that performs the search public class Counterpart { public int Id { get; set; } publi...

Q: Java 8 find array of countup sums

AbdulI have an array of some arbitrary int values; I want to find the array containing the sum of the past elements in the current index. Example: int[] myArray = new int[5]{ 5, 7, 8, 2, 6 }; I would attempt to: myArray[0] = 5 myArray[1] = myArray[0] + myArray[currentIndex] = 5 + 7 myArray[2] =...

@codeReview, good luck for your journey. If this is your first app, I strongly recommend to use .kv as layout file. It's like a yaml or simply tree file to define the layout widgets. If your app is multi-screen/layouts, use ScreenManager as this will save you tons of time. Also a piece of advice is to read their mailing list, a bunch of knowledgeable people there willing to help you. — Anzel 32 secs ago
@codeReview, also, instead of learning from Kivy's demo app, you may gain more insights searching for some existing kivy apps and see how people manage the "widgets" and callbacks in a real-world scenario. Kivy isn't hard to learn at all, I'll say much easier in terms of learning curve than say, in Java+Android or objective-C+iOS — Anzel just now
Q: Should I expose a filtered IEnumerable<Entity> instead of IQueryable?

AlexI want to have a cross-cutting delete flag in my repository. I have the following repository pattern at the moment: public interface IRepo<TModel> where TModel : EntityBase<int> { TModel Add(TModel item); void Add(IEnumerable<TModel> entities); TModel Remove(TModel it...

@Morwenn Can't listen now, but I will in 1:30H
@ssc Hello :)
Lets see if I cap today
Right at 9am I had +90.
Answered a simple question and got +10
Link to the answer?
@codeReview: Nothing has changed here - Kivy itself supports windows fine (and always did) but compiling an APK is not possible there. However, I've been working in a revamped python-for-android that does target windows support, not by compiling everything but by doing a binary download of prebuilt android components. This will hopefully be ready soonish. — inclement 58 secs ago
Q: My soultion to Free Code Camp - Pairwise (Javascript)

JJMaxI'm working through the Free Code Camp syllabus and I'm on to Intermediate Javascript Algorithims. This Pairwise problem was the last challenge in that section. The section came just after Object Oriented Javascript. So I figured they were looking for an OO solution, but the instructions included...

A: Emptying and populating an element in jQuery

Ismael MiguelYour code isn't bad, but there are some aspects that tick me a bit. Lets start with the generateRandom() You currently have the following: var objCount = Object.keys(cards).length - 1; var number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (objCount - 0 + 1)) + 0; return number; And I ask: Why + 0 or...

If your code is working but slow I would suggest posting it on the vb.net ot excel forum at Code Review. — Jeeped 12 secs ago
Thanks, Santa!
Now I need more 55 to cap
Q: Program that finds bonds needed to be calculated and calculates them

JakobI am writing a program that updates bonds in an external system that I have database access to. The program is run in a 8 minute interval. Bonds are stored in a table called Debentur. Bonds need to be calculated if they are new or it's calculation method is changed. The calculation method is stor...

Q: Global.asax singleton.

Nikhil ChavanPlease help me deciding whether this should be good or bad idea to declare a Singleton variable in Global.asax file public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication { private HTML5Video dailyHtml5Video; public HTML5Video DailyHtml5Video { get ...

Off-topic, broken code:
Q: Instance Depth Ordering System

Lemony-AndrewI have created a template class that manages instances by order of depth (least to greatest) and first added to least added. It allows for a user to add and remove instances, and it allows for the user to retrieve a vector of a layer, retrieve an instances depth, or retrieve the entire ordered, f...

@Morwenn To the best of O.P.s knowledge, according to what isn't in the question, it is still on-topic in a certain way.
It doesn't even compile.
Then that is really broken
Unless he is missing some context.
I don't do c++, so, I really can't close it.
And what are "lifetime issues"?
As I have commented, there are missing standard headers, but even with them there are still compilation errors due to non-const references bound to temporaries.
In C++, you can bind a const reference to a temporary, but not a non-const reference.
Q: Multiple Google Maps using V3 API

Lighty_46I have several Google Maps on one page and each has its own set of Lat/Lng co-ordinates. As a result I have added in the JavaScript options for each one individually as follows: function initialize() { var myLatlng1 = new google.maps.LatLng(49.18589, -2.19917); var myLatlng2 = new google.m...

Then that is really broken
If we bind a const reference to a temporary, the lifetime of the temporary is extended to that of the const reference.
I'm closing then, thanks for the tiny class
StackOverflow is for specific problems about code that isn't working. You said that your code does work but that you want some input about efficiency and whatnot. That's more suited for the CodeReview StackExchange. — Kevin Workman 19 secs ago
@KevinWorkman Just because code is working doesn't mean it's automatically off-topic for Stack Overflow. This code however, is example code, which does makes it automatically off-topic for Code Review. See A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow usersSimon André Forsberg 58 secs ago
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean Welcome back, master.
Oops, we're not in the Maid Café room.
I can't see a question here. I run your code and got the "circle inside a circle". If you want a code review, you should head over to codereview.stackexchange.com/. For text on a canvas w3schools.com/tags/canvas_filltext.aspdingalapadum 28 secs ago
@Donald.McLean Greetings, User.
A: Multiple Google Maps using V3 API

Ismael MiguelHave you considered an array? You can then create multiple objects, having each object the values per point. Like this: var coords = [ {lat: 49.18589, lng: -2.19917, zoom: 17}, {lat: 101.1986, lng: -50.2445, zoom: 17}, {lat: 29.125285, lng: -82.048823, zoom: 17} ]; var markers = []...

I'm going for the cap! \o
Hoy cap.
I do not know your application design - maybe you can createa Code Review Thread on the code review stackexchange site - there are lots of people with great feedback — Stefan 17 secs ago
@Stefan what's a Code Review Thread? (I am fairly new to this site) — Robert Melikyan 14 secs ago
Make sure that the code is working as intended before posting on Code Review. For more information read A Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users and Code Review help centerSimon André Forsberg 56 secs ago
@Stefan Before suggesting anything, read the help section. Code Review is for full working code. This only have a few sparse lines of stub code. It would be even more downvoted there and closed in 2 minutes. — Ismael Miguel 29 secs ago
@Stefan If it doesn't have working code, it isn't ready for Code Review. Code Review is the last step in the development line. — Ismael Miguel 26 secs ago
Welp, that comment thread is getting out of hand.
@IsmaelMiguel Know when to stop commenting.
He is insisting in pushing a question with a few sparse lines (6, I think) of stub broken code.
@SimonAndréForsberg I know: When he stops answering me
@IsmaelMiguel No. Stop before that.
Also, he wasn't even asking about Code Review.
He was asking how to avoid SO downvotes.
@IsmaelMiguel This is primarly opinion based and we should not discuss this off-topic in this thread - But I still don't see code review ins only for code - that's just my 2 cents if you would like to discuss further feel free to contact me directly :) — Stefan 32 secs ago
It's to that
@IsmaelMiguel This is primarly opinion based and we should not discuss this off-topic in this thread - But I still don't see code review ins only for code - that's just my 2 cents if you would like to discuss further feel free to contact me directly :) — Stefan 47 secs ago
But ultimately, once one person has reminded them about what is and isn't on-topic for Code Review, the next reminder is when their question is posted to Code Review.
Q: Get java code to check AP isolation is enabled?

user79065I am building a chat application with java socket programming to communicate locally like IP messenger. When AP isolation is enabled i get only my IP and gateway.gateway. That's why i can't chat to others.I am not the administrator of the network. My question how can i check in java that AP isola...

Or... if there truly is a misunderstanding, take it to chat.
@CaptainObvious BURN
@Stefan As a moderator of Code Review, I'd like to invite you to chat with the community in The 2nd MonitorSimon André Forsberg 29 secs ago
@Vogel612 No code, no clue. Poof, gone.
Good Monking, Vietnam Code Review
@Malachi Greetings
Why Vietnam?
I really like how imdb shows the title in Portuguese, while the entire page is in English
mods are going to love me if people keep posting comments without RTFC!
And what's RTFC?
RTFC = Read the Fuc** Code?
@JohnSnow I also know nothing, don't worry
@JohnSnow hey woah, asterisks please
But that is a possibility
granted I don't have everything coded yet, like the I Am Not a Robot
so please, review the code I have. and don't tell me to post screenshots on UX
@Mods how are those comment constructive? they are telling me how to form business rules?
how about Obsolete comments, I have edited it out of my question
Those comments aren't constructive. I don't get how they have upvotes
"The problem you are trying to solve is more a UX problem" -.- So? The problem you are asking is to clean up the code.
@IsmaelMiguel Would you like to keep on our discussion about design and code review or would you rather not?
I am sure that the mod who declined those flags has a good reason for doing so
@Malachi Or no one flagged
@Stefan Sure.
nice :-)
@IsmaelMiguel I flagged, that is how I know they were declined
While I do agree that posted code on a code review should be a working version I do not agree with doing a code review is only for code
Hi @Stefan. Welcome to The 2nd Monitor. Glad you could come.
For sure, name it a design review or not, but I don't see it that formal to be the last step in development
@Stefan Here on Code Review . Stack Exchange, a code review is only for code.
is there a specific reason for that?
or is it "just the rules" ?
@Stefan partly related to this:
Q: Why is hypothetical example code off-topic for Code Review?

200_successAs stated in the Help Center, one of the criteria for a question to be on topic is: Is it actual code from a project rather than pseudo-code or example code? What is the rationale for that rule?

also, Programmers.SE deal a bit with "whiteboard" questions, for cases when there is a design but no code.
Also though, just like a project needs scope, Stack Exchange sites need some sense of scope...
@Malachi Fraud is serious stuff and not to be taken lightly. I feel that the comments on your question are serious, and the underlying actual User Experience problem is serious. Therefore I have declined your flags.
Okay I think we are misunderstanding each other
Maybe we are, misunderstandings tends to happen.
@Stefan What is "design" for you?
What do you mean when you speak about the "code design"?
@SimonAndréForsberg there is no fraud, there is no charging of the Credit card that happens in the code that I posted, there isn't anything to do with code that performs a charge to a credit card.
as far as user experience, I haven't asked anything about the flow from one element to the next.
Do you store the CC#?
the user commented on something in the context text of the question and not the actual code
(I haven't looked at the code)
@nhgrif I don't even ask for the credit card yet
I mean, in fairness, every time I see Flappy Bird clones, I remind people that it will never make it through the app store review process
regardless of whether or not they even intend on submitting it
meeting time
@Ismael My first comment on that thread was just to make the author aware that there seems to be a problem when needing to access attributes of another class on a regular basis
I don't see any usefulness on those comments, when you look at the code and their content
@Malachi I am aware that there's no charging of that, but you wrote the code and dialogs as if it would charge. And there is a question in our help center about "Do I want feedback about any or all facets of the code?". I consider those comments you got as feedback about those facets of the code.
and I just wanted to tell him he should think about this and that there exist SE sites which can help and discuss such points
But that doesn't fit on Code Review. Specially not with the limited broken code that there is in there.
if code review SE is not the right place this is fine for me - I was not aware about that strict rule only for code
@Stefan What I tried to clarify in my comment was that while CR.SE could indeed help and discuss such points, we'd need real, actual, working code to do that.
Not only it must be only code but also must be fully functional
@Stefan now you know :)
@Malachi Thanks a lot for accepting
Just need 30 more to cap
@SimonAndréForsberg and this is the point I would disagree. Seeing a misconception of your separation of duties can already be seen in a object oriented analysis, class diagram etc. - You don't need code for that
Now, I have to go to work
that was the point I wanted to make clear so author knows he can see such problems before code was already written
20 minute walk on 42ºC
Have a good one.
you too Ismael
@Stefan technically, sure. But here on this Code Review site, we do. For a general design review, I believe Programmers.SE would be a better option.
this is good to know and was my mistake. I always found programmers be a more philosophical talk, talk about general programming related stuff etc. (I mean, there is a coffee cup on the site you know.. kitchen talk etc. ;-))
There was lots of misunderstanding on different levels :D
well... the scope of Programmers.SE is very difficult to grasp, even for me. I'd recommend discussing whether or not it would be on-topic there in here:
@SimonAndréForsberg Rumor goes that even Programmers.SE does not know their own scope
anyhow keep up the good work - it was nice to discuss the topic here.
@IsmaelMiguel accepts don't count towards cap
@Stefan Thanks, same to you.
While this may be answered here, questions like is my implementation good? or how can I improve this code? are better for the Code Review stack exchange — jkeuhlen 55 secs ago
yeah I definitely don't want UX, I work for about 20 different people that are not afraid to tell me where they want things on the page, I don't need to sit on a site for people to tell me that
Matt Sherman on July 29, 2015
I was asked this question twice in the past week, by colleagues who work with our clients. It’s a great question…
Q: Deterring Searches on Minors by restricting Date of Birth

MalachiI have some code that I am using to deter users from attempting to search for minors, there is also a nice confirmation dialog on the search button. I also use jQuery DatePicker on the DOB Text Box. Note: This page is unfinished, but this part of the code is working. I will be placing an I am n...

Q: Javascript to update css for "active" tab

sunnyI'd like to get some feedback on this very basic Javascript to update which tab is showing as "active" on my simple web page. This is all in a file titled adjustactive.js and included in my footer template for all pages like so: <script src="assets/js/adjustactive.js"></script> Here's the full...

Where does your code fail (which line)? What is the exact exception (copy-paste it here)? Also a bit of code review: Why is patterndefined inside the for loop? Why do you retrieve the value of SERVICE_ID twice? — BCdotWEB 42 secs ago
Thank you all! I'll keep in mind the code linking and code review suggestions in the future. — Sebastjan Hribar 5 secs ago
just call me Chat-Killer
Guys, if there is some code that I have to understand, how can I tell if it's designed better or not? (Not as per my opinion but as world's coding standards)?
Anyone installed Windows 10 yet?
Nope. Even though I could.
I'm trying to figure out if a straight upgrade from Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 will not break anything
If my path or environment variables get messed up then I have a problem...
Does anyone wanna laugh a little at a fail?
Q: Mapping a promise to an object

ThomasReggivar _ = require("lodash") var R = require("ramda") function extendArray(arr) { return _.extend.apply(null, [{}].concat(arr)); } var origin = { "srcpath": "../package.json", "dstpath": "./test/package.json" } Promise.map(_.pairs(origin), function(arr){ var key = arr[0] var value = arr...

@JohnSnow depends ...
@Quill It's my fail so no 3rd party is getting hurt
@CaptainObvious What do we do with that?
@JohnSnow also depends on context
@Quill Soo... Continue?
It's code related
@JohnSnow In that case, fire away
also related ;P
@Malachi More like star-killer
@Quill Nailed IT!
Since I started experimenting with mongoDB connections I've been wondering why there's 5 connections when I only connected once. And today I had to ask if MongoClient threadpools
My face when I connected the dots must have been priceless
I've firstly found this trick here. Much later in more detail here. Hope this question would top in peoples searches unlike theese links. — Vadzim 53 secs ago
> Every program has some organization, even if it’s just “jam the whole thing into main() and see what happens” [...].
You can find patterns in almost anything
failure can be a pattern
Q: brute-force word cracking program using /dev/urandom

LinusI've been having fun with this program and trying to use different methods and such to achieve the fastest possible word cracking program I can come up with. I'm pretty happy with my current program which is able to crack any three letter word on my computer (Dell Latitude E6400 Dual Core) well u...

@Quill yup
@CaptainObvious is that second macro (that's what they're called right?) considered bad code or meh/good code
Anyone have an idea of how you would identify a repository that is in need of a code review?
(I know, it's vague...)
I'm still laughing at myself for taking so long to realize where those 5 connections came from :')
@nhgrif like, online, or internal?
@nhgrif Why would you need to?
I would look for something with a high line count, low class count to start.
The more LoC per class the more likely it needs a review.
Look at the lines length.
Run a redundancy tool.
What about a complexity tool?
Ctrl+F on "hack"
Well... let's say we're talking about repositories on BitBucket which could be in a relatively wide array of languages... and we're trying to find repos most in need via a Ruby-on-Rails app
Objective-C, Swift, C#, Ruby, Java, etc.
There's generic patterns that identify to bad code, like empty conditionals, to-do comments
@skiwi also "bug","wtf", and "todo"
and then there's language specific ones, but, I suppose it's how deep you want to go down the rabbithole with quality
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this should have to be posted to code review website — Navdeep Singh 50 secs ago
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