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12:00 AM
RELOAD! There are 1644 unanswered questions (94.3431% answered)
@Hosch250 Do you always listen to a single song in a loop until you are sick of it, then switch to another? (I'm curious because that's how my brother has listened to music growing up, more or less)
@Phrancis Often, yes.
My family thinks I'm crazy.
I find I get in a sort of groove and can focus on my work then.
It used to drive me nuts, he would play the same tiny playlist/CD on repeat for hours on end
Same here, on my family's side.
Funny thing is, I still like some of the music he used to listen to ad-nauseum as a teen, while he doesn't
12:02 AM
There was a ska band called Catch-22 that is to this day one of my favorites, that he can't stand listening to now
I dislike rock. I like folk, some country, ballet, and marches.
(no I don't listen to ska that often; but I still think it was a good genre, despite its short life)
@Phrancis I'm not surprised. Sometimes when I play a song a lot, especially during stressful times, I can't listen to it for a full year.
Certain classical is good, especially Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, and Tchaikovsky.
I know you like rock because you play in a rock band, or something.
You might actually like this, it's more jazz than anything
12:05 AM
Maybe. I don't care for jazz, really, either.
Well, just try it ;p
I like most kinds of music, there are just a few oddballs that I dislike with a passion... Opera comes to mind, and almost all music in Spanish (the sound of the language just annoys me)
Oh, you know the worst, though? Rap.
I like certain opera arias, and Spanish kind of intrigues me.
Meh, yeah Rap has a lot of pretty mediocre quality tunes.
Tunes? It is usually an out-of-tune monotone.
Well, you know what I mean. I've heard some good rap though, but it's usually not the stuff that most people who like rap listen to
12:08 AM
I do the endlessly-on-repeat thing. sometimes with songs, more often with small playlists
sometimes with artists (Spotify makes all of these very easy :) )
Pink Floyd in a loop, that I could certainly get used to :)
until some day, I'll feel like something else and move onto a new/old one
@Phrancis I like
I wish ska was still around a bit... I think there are still a few bands, probably mostly indie, but most of the bigger names have moved on
Select students.Student_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Enrollment_Year, Degree_ID, Department, [Description]
From Students students Full Join StudentDegrees studentDegrees On students.Student_ID = studentDegrees.Student_ID
	     	       Full Join [Degrees] [degrees] on studentDegrees.Degree = [degrees].Degree_ID
Where students.Student_ID = 10008
Order By Department;
How does that look?
Full Join ?
12:13 AM
I did that because Jack Pirate, for example, doesn't have a degree.
I don't see those very often. Maybe you should use Full Outer Join for clarity
Oh, OK.
@Hosch250 Missing a DROP TABLE Students;--
@Zak :(
Just remember, any kind of Outer Join are expensive, Full Outer Join doubly so
12:14 AM
To continue, I want to show that the student is in the system, even if they don't have a degree.
I'd check the execution plan before I'd commit that to prod, for sure :)
@Phrancis It executes in 00:00:00.
@Hosch250 You are making table aliases but not using them. Use them.
I am using them - in the joins.
In the Select. This really helps clarify which column belongs to which table.
Also, use line breaks, for goodness' sake!
12:16 AM
@Phrancis Full Outer Joins are the devil.
I did use a linebreak in the join.
Oh, you want me to linebreak the select?
Seriously, I cringe every time a bad schema design or a strange requirement forces me into it.
@RubberDuck I don't need them.
The thing is, I want to show that the student is in the DB, even if they don't have a degree.
Because if the student is not in the DB, it returns nothing.
If the student is in the DB without a degree, it still returns something this way.
@Hosch250 Just use existence checks, they are far less expensive than joins
Oh, OK.
We didn't learn those.
12:19 AM
If you don't actually need the data from the other table in your result set, no need to join
I do. I display it.
Also, your aliases are the same as your table names, that defeats the purpose (SQL identifiers are not case sensitive)
Just use table names if you're going to do that ;)
Select Students.Student_ID
, Students.First_Name
, Students.Last_Name
, Students.Enrollment_Year
, [Degrees].Degree_ID
, [Degrees].Department
, [Degrees].[Description]
From Students Full Outer Join StudentDegrees On Students.Student_ID = StudentDegrees.Student_ID
	      Full Outer Join [Degrees] on StudentDegrees.Degree = [Degrees].Degree_ID
Where students.Student_ID = 10008
Order By Department;
There we go
That definitely looks better.
12:22 AM
    Full Outer Join StudentDegrees
        On Students.Student_ID = StudentDegrees.Student_ID
    Full Outer Join [Degrees]
        On StudentDegrees.Degree = [Degrees].Degree_ID
    students.Student_ID = 10008
Order By Department Asc;
Similar but a few other changes
(I like that you put the comma before the column name, I usually do that too, but sometimes don't if I'm showing to someone else, so as to not confuse them)
Select Students.Student_ID
, Students.First_Name
, Students.Last_Name
, Students.Enrollment_Year
, [Degrees].Degree_ID
, [Degrees].Department
, [Degrees].[Description]
From StudentDegrees Join [Degrees] on StudentDegrees.Degree = [Degrees].Degree_ID
                    Right Outer Join Students On Students.Student_ID = StudentDegrees.Student_ID
Where students.Student_ID = 10005
Order By Department;
There. How about that?
Pretty good, except I don't (personally) like your From clause
I'm down to an inner join and a right outer join by rearranging them.
@Phrancis What's wrong this time?
Just line breaks
Drop and indent the On clause?
12:25 AM
Look at mine though, notice how the "Big" important keywords are all the way against the left, on their own line, and everything else is indented a bit?
Since there are several very distinct pieces to a SQL query, and they all do very different things, I like to keep them distinctly separated like that
Select Students.Student_ID
    , Students.First_Name
    , Students.Last_Name
    , Students.Enrollment_Year
    , [Degrees].Degree_ID
    , [Degrees].Department
    , [Degrees].[Description]
From StudentDegrees
    Join [Degrees]
        On StudentDegrees.Degree = [Degrees].Degree_ID
    Right Outer Join Students
        On Students.Student_ID = StudentDegrees.Student_ID
Where students.Student_ID = 10005
Order By Department;
Like that?
A Right Join? Don't see many of those. =)
Yeah pretty much, I think that looks much cleaner!
@RubberDuck Yeah, they're pretty rare!
@RubberDuck Fortunately, I didn't do a Wrong join.
12:28 AM
Those are probably more common.
Usually, my threshold is at 3 joins, I know I can't screw it up, or if I did it would be obvious, but 4+ I start being very careful and doing frequent sanity checks
LOL. #SequelPun
When your PKs are just regular int with auto-increment, you can really do some fun, nonsensical joins :)
@Phrancis I believe you.
Join the degrees table with the instructors table and the students table and the classes available in a semester table.
Guess SEDE can wait :)
12:35 AM
I need to sign my students up for more classes.
For a second I was wondering what that was.
Then I saw the join.
Exactly :D
@Hosch250 if you can, please do share your paper/essay thing with me when you are done, I'd like to read it
(I can give my email if you prefer not sharing publicly)
I don't mind.
I have 17 pages down now.
Mostly screenshots and queries.
Ah right
With that many I figured it'd be a short novel if it was mostly text
12:45 AM
Supper time. See you.
Q: "Ticker" for game timing

jackwilsdonI designed a "Ticker" based on how I imagine Minecraft's tick system works. My ticker calls a method tickRate times a second and provides a Delta Time value (deltaTime) to the method being called. The issue I have with my code is that I find the update method (which handles timing) to be ugly bu...

@CaptainObvious Even bad questions look beautiful with the new colors
Actually, not that bad I guess
1:03 AM
Everything about the new style is an improvement, I am just disappointed that the logo was un-split. I thought that was the best feature of it.
I like the clean fonts on the site.
Hey @rolfl ;)
Hey ;-)
I rather wish it was Consolas.
That would fit good with the code aspect of the site, anyway.
1:04 AM
Consolas I don't think has very good readability (for plain English)
(nor does any fixed width font)
> "Inconsolata","Courier New",Courier,monospace;
The best part of the new front page is the missing link to: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/11464/code-review
I don't have the first, so I'm pretty sure I'm seeing Courier New.
No more beta-progress on front page.
@rolfl I also prefer the split but I like it either way
1:05 AM
=) I miss the stats though.
Of course, the are-51 lies:
@Hosch250 screenshot?
BS ^^^^
It seems we all owe Robert a thank you. area51.stackexchange.com/users/8370/robertpitt
1:07 AM
@Hosch250 That's Consolas alright
4 months ago? lol
For some values of launched.
@Mast Was that DIG?
I guess that's the iffy part about incremental graduation, it's either 0%, 100%, or n%, where n is largely arbitrary and variable
Guess you are right.
In this case, we went from 0% to 50% where they claimed 50% was 100%. The rest was removed from graduation and would be added later.
And 4 months is just about in the same ballpark as 6-8 weeks.
1:11 AM
OMG. David Tennant as the Big Bad in Jessica Jones, YESH!
@Mast It's a whole ballpark away.
It's only double. For a ballpark estimate, that isn't unheard of.
while(ballpark) { ballpark *= ballpark; }
IIRC, as I said to Pops "You can call it Graduation all you like, doesn't make it true".
And really, if there is one thing that separates a graduated site, it's the rep thresholds.
Q: Ascending Order Algorithm

Greg MI wrote a simple function to sort an array of integers in ascending order. Here is the code - void sort(int* begin, int* end) { int* it = begin; int num1 = 0, num2 = 0; while (it != end) { num1 = *it; num2 = *(it + 1); if (num1 > num2) { *it ...

Q: What do the 20 lines of code in this exploit do?

x457812I stumbled upon this 31 bytes of Linux x86_64 Polymorphic execve Shellcode, posted by the author "d4sh&r": The code seems to be a combination of assembly and C and looks like this: /* ;Title: polymorphic execve shellcode ;Author: d4sh&r ;Contact: https://mx.linkedin.com/in/d4v1dvc ;Category: Sh...

1:14 AM
@CaptainObvious Wish I still had my VTC privileges now.
Already closed.
Man, I wish I had my VTD privileges still.
Oh well, only 9,322 reputation to go!
We all better get to work. I can't see deleted posts now :D
I can, but I can only VTD a post after two days.
I'm getting back in the game now though.
I posted my first answer in about a month today.
My goal is at least 5 answers a week.
One apple answer a day keeps the doctor zombies away.
1:20 AM
@EthanBierlein You and me both
@Phrancis And 5 will get me CR swag :)
Time to go play in traffic, back later
Who knows, I might even post some questions too.
Q: Relative positioning of badge icon relative to badge count

rolflThe relative spacing between the badge icon, and the badge-count gives a visual impression that the badges are associated to numbers on the left, which is the wrong number ... let me explain by pictures: For example, in the above, the badges for janos read like "6 silver, 67 bronze" and in Lok...

@Phrancis wot
So much yes right now. Code Review has gotten it's site design, and there are now t-shirts, trinkets, and other things on the way! WOOHOO!
When you come back, would you mind taking a look at this?
I don't like the Group By clause, but it works:
    Students.First_Name [Student FName]
	, Students.Last_Name [Student LName]
	, Instructors.First_Name [Instructor FName]
	, Instructors.Last_Name [Instructor LName]
From Students
    Left Join StudentClasses
        On Students.Student_ID = StudentClasses.Student_ID
    Left Join ClassesSemester
        On StudentClasses.Class_ID = ClassesSemester.Class_ID
    Left Join ClassesSemesterInstructors
        On ClassesSemester.Class_ID = ClassesSemesterInstructors.Class_ID
    Left Join Instructors
1:25 AM
Group Bys suck. Get used to it. (it's fine though)
@EthanBierlein (aka drive a car to places)
See you later.
@EthanBierlein - FYI, and to ve very, very clear, the mentions about "swag" for code review are "pie-in-the-sky" things. As far as I am aware, there will not be any swag sent to any users with the new logo's, etc.
@rolfl I heard 6-8 weeks.
@rolfl I know
4 hours ago, by Pops
@Zak You've got another 6-8 weeks.
1:27 AM
/me was simply excited in the heat of the moment
You can move that message elsewhere if you want. I don't mind.
No, no need, just because Stack Exchange is good at saying that swag is cool, etc. but in the past few years I have never heard of any graduating site getting any real swag.
Huh. Strange...
There's always talk about the top-rep users, etc.... but I have never seen it actually happen.
Makes me wonder why they'd even bother making claims if they aren't going to follow through with it.
Good question, @Pops may be able to help ^^^ Pops, will graduating sites actually get swag, and if so, what are the "thresholds", etc?
1:30 AM
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Grischa: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/111847/revisions
@rolfl those sweet colors are all the swag we need.
(But a duckie would be cool!)
Totally agree
Ditto ^^^
I'm still hoping to get the CR Tesla S.
I wouldn't set your hopes too high ;)
1:33 AM
Right, we've been promised free cars, with a free sticker. I can't wait.
Well, my phone is almost dead, so I'll see you all later.
Under loved.
Q: ATM program with loan section

Lost BamI have spent a few days coding an ATM. What I'm looking for is some critique of my work. Is there anything I can do better here? The entire project has 9 files and one class, a checking account and savings accounts. It also has a section for loans (thought it was different). Any advice, or inpu...

Huh, FYI:
We have a back log of sites that we need to send user swag too. I hope to get to Raspbery Pi community soon! (realistically within 2 months) — Jin 2 days ago
I did a poll of all meta sites, and that's about the only thing positive in the past 20 months.
Other sites look like:
Q: Is there any news about the graduation swag?

Napoleon WilsonAs part of the site's graduation over 3 months ago there was promise for certain graduation swag to be delivered to the top users of the site during graduation (the first 2 user pages, that is, i.e. the top 72 users by reputation). This swag was supposed to be based on Kurtis Beavers' amazing des...

No response to my last mail. I don't think they will send anything. :/ — atticae May 28 at 13:45
Phew. Finally got this answer up:
A: Simple TicTacToe game, played by two simple A.I. players

TheCoffeeCupBugs if(m==((s[1]&s[4]&s[7]) |(s[0]&s[3]&s[6]) |(s[2]&s[5]&s[8]) |(s[6]&s[7]&s[8]) |(s[3]&s[4]&s[5]) |(s[0]&s[1]&s[2]) |(s[2]&s[4]&s[6]) |(s[0]&s[4]&s[8]))){ Does this even work? It seems to me that you are trying to test m to each of the...

1:49 AM
@200_success, It is kind of confusing (and a little frustrating) when sometimes one closes question or does rollbacks when a substantial amount of code is added, and sometimes one allows it. I thought the rules where quite clear that after the code has been out there for a while, and answers has been posted code shouldn't be added.
(for bystanders this is related to: http://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/111847/78136, where I did a rollback as I was finishing an answer related to the original code, and 200_success did a rollback of my rollback... )
Personally, I would like to be much more lenient allowing some code change, but in quite a few cases where I let the code change slip, it has been rolled back a few minutes later.
@holroy that rule is all about answer invalidation. Adding code shouldn't invalidate any answers. ( shouldn't, I guess it could)
The code was added to the question, not the answer... I know code can be added to answers at any time, or think I know...
Answer invalidation?
I meant the question.
Adding code to a question is unlikely to invalidate answers.
My goal: 5K rep by Mid-December... Let's see if I can get there.
When you change or add code to a question in almost all cases the last few months which I've seen this has been rolled back. The only case it hasn't been rolled back is when the OP has clearly missed formatting of the code. Therefore it came as a surprise to me know that @200_success suddenly wanted to allow changes to the question.
Not that it really matters, but it makes it harder to contribute when rules aren't the same all over...
2:07 AM
I didn't look too hard at that question, but generally, it's ok to add a missing class for more context and a bigger review.
But it's not ok to "fix" the code after an answer's been given.
Sigh, no more... I guess there is no need to dwell on it. Just let it slide...
We should bump this message off the starwall of the CRonicles.
in The CRonicles, Aug 31 at 18:57, by rolfl
So, I am disappointed that CR never got the full treatment, but I am content that it is now in the hands of the best people for the site.
@rolfl Yes, graduation swag is a thing that happens. I don't think we've changed it from "top two pages of users" but if we did change it and I somehow didn't notice (since people keep asking) then it's whatever the current standard is. You have 6-8 weeks to fight with each other to make the cutoff.
OK, thanks, Pops ... I guess I have my work cut out for me ;-)
LOL. I don't even think janos will be able to pass you by then.
I'm going to get bumped off the front page in a hurry, though, if I don't start posting again.
2:40 AM
@holroy There is precedent.
Q: Does this open the door for chameleon questions?

nhgrifObj-C wrapper for OpenLDAP The user originally posted the top half of the code there. An answer was posted. After the answer had upvotes and a comment from the questioner (noting his appreciation for the answer as a good answer), the question was edited to "add more context". No where does an...

I understand your dismay, but I don't think that the OP did anything wrong, and we also have to consider it from his point of view.
For any of those who are interested, I have an interesting game in Java I just posted as a question: the AI (I think) is impossible to beat!
Q: 21: The number with the curse

TheCoffeeCupThe goal of this game is to not say the number 21. Rules: You must only say numbers consecutive to the previous said number. You may say 1, 2, or 3 numbers at a time. For example: Player 1 says 1 Player 2 says 2, 3 Player 1 says 4, 5, 6 Player 2 says 7, 8 And so on... You will be playi...

Ewww What's with the beta-icons on the inlined questions?
As stated above, personally I'm more lenient then what I've experienced here at Code Review, so as such the edit wasn't a problem. It was more what seemed to be different behaviour, as most edits has been rolled back in general. And that frustrated me there and then.
But I see your point, and I have no problem adhering to your point, @200_success. And I apologise for reacting in a somewhat irritated manner. I blame it a little on me being tired...
@Pops I'm going to voice my concern about the "fight with each other" part of the sentence. While I think it's somewhat unfair to have the users receiving swag immediately locked after graduation, I think that some unfriendly disputes could arise from users competing to get onto the first two pages, namely targeted downvoting, hate, etc. While this is unlikely, I think it's something to take into consideration.
Q: 21: The number with the curse

TheCoffeeCupThe goal of this game is to not say the number 21. Rules: You must only say numbers consecutive to the previous said number. You may say 1, 2, or 3 numbers at a time. For example: Player 1 says 1 Player 2 says 2, 3 Player 1 says 4, 5, 6 Player 2 says 7, 8 And so on... You will be playi...

2:53 AM
Gratz on the new site design
Really nice lookin'
Oh god, the privs changed!
I went from a trusted user to a user that can only cast close and reopen votes!
@TheCoffeeCup Welcome to the gang... This has happened to quite a few of the regulars here...
@holroy I assume including you?
I'm over 10k, anyway.
2:57 AM
Wow, suddenly 4 upvotes on my new question.
I'm happy.
Old logo spotted! If you click on someone's name in the chat it shows the old logo to the right :P
I have limited delete privileges, I think.
@Hosch250 Lucky.
@Insane It also shows on the Q/A's posted here, as rolfl found.
It still shows the beta label here.
@Insane Have you posted it on CR Meta?
2:59 AM
@holroy Think I should?
balpha said to wait 24 hours for the caches to all reset.
@Insane I think you should.
@Hosch250 Oh? Then never mind.
It's better to post one too many, then one short... If it is a cache issue, it is easy to resolve. If not, they should be notified
The two site design devs will be gone until Monday anyway, so...
@Hosch250 That is a valid point, and we'll most likely remember it (or frustrate about it) during the weekend if it keeps up
3:02 AM
@EthanBierlein I think there's unlikely to be bad blood. My impression of the CR community is that that kind of behaviour is unlikely to happen in the first place, and would get sorted out pretty quickly if it did come up. There may be a case for closer monitoring around the cutoff date, but there's no point worrying about that unless/until we know when that will be.
So should I make the meta post or just refrain :3
I was going to but not sure
@Zak I was thinking that too, but I just wanted to point it out.
@Insane For the design, I think best to give it 24 hours
It probably is cache
But go right ahead if you want to.
3:03 AM
Well the image points to cdn.sstatic.net/codereview/img/favicon.ico so I'll just leave it and if I notice it again tomorrow I'll make the post
Hey there, @JAtkin
@EthanBierlein Bigger danger is probably sock puppets and the like
those are easily detectable
But I trust the Mods to catch that kind of thing.
@EthanBierlein You say that, but there's a lot fo smart people here
Sure, blatant sock puppeting and even not-so-blatant puppeteers are easy to catch
But I'm sure there are ways it could be done
@Hosch250 Hi. I just noticed the new design of the site, it looks good
3:12 AM
4:17 AM
On an unrelated note..
we can finally declare victory over ppcg.se
as we have now officially fully graduated
4:35 AM
Hardware issue, fantastic
4:53 AM
Q: Extract Text from Alphanumeric String PHP

Mira NazehaHow do I extract text from an alphanumeric string in php? Example: Given that $id = "AB102"; $stdId = array("AB202", "CD204", "EF300", "AB104"); Objective: 1) to extract the text from code $id (// output: AB) 2) check + extract data with the same code AB in the array (output: AB202, AB104. I...

Now I just gotta call the extended warranty place (which is also my former workplace, interestingly)
that is interesting
Q: Float to Byte Array Serialization Over Network

RodolverticeI wrote this code for a multiplayer game I am developing to transmit floats over the network. It works, on the systems that I have tested it with. What I am worried about is the little-endian big-endian thing and the possibility of different float representations in general over computers. So her...

Q: Pure javascript sprite animation

will-tromboneI'm building a small game in pure JS for my own learning purposes, using sprites to model players. Before I go further, I want to try to get the animation down. The below code should produce a blank page with a skelton sprite that responds to arrow key presses. I've only tested it in firefox. ...

5:26 AM
@MonicaHübner - Because this question should probably go on this site — Vinod Madyalkar 27 secs ago
Q: Linq to get records of various status

Abhishek PandeyI converted an Stored Procedure into a Linq Query, but it do not get any records. Stored Procedure: SELECT mo.Id , Machinename, mo.status FROM Discovered di JOIN Monitored mo ON di.id=mo.Discovered WHERE mo.status in (1,4,8) Linq: List<Monitored> lstGetAllMonitored = (from dm in context.Dis...

@VinodMadyalkar please don't recommend Code Review before confirming that it's on-topic there. — Phrancis 54 secs ago
See the help center link I provided. "Performance" in and of itself is not an automatic qualifier for Code Review. — Phrancis 15 secs ago
@Phrancis - Performance is mentioned there — Vinod Madyalkar 1 min ago
Come on dude, just read the damn page first
oh boy, some part of me thinks this is going to escalate
Not too worried about it, TBH
I'm batting for the OP mostly, not against that mistaken recommendation.
5:40 AM
Q: Processing weather station data using idw - Follow Up

AmstellNew Approach My previous question may have had a little too much going on and I realized I could simplify the problem by constructing the data a bit differently thanks to @Gentian Kasa . Previously, the code was filtering data constantly and causing a big bottle neck in the processing time. I h...

Q: Should this question receive a [pascal] tag?

cpicancoFunction to find text between two tags Question is purely procedural. Also, OP explicitly demands "default uses" clauses. Furthermore, even the compiler directives (see 1 and 2) related to the $IOCHECK are portable, as a result, one should be able to compile this code with the major pascal compi...

ffs steam why
I have to pay $5 to unlock "all account features"
meh, it's just rather annoying
Just pay the $5
5:43 AM
I can't even do things like post reviews, or even simple check a review as "helpful"
@Phrancis yeah, but then I'd need to get some form of online money management setup for myself
I don't have anything like that right now
no paypal
no credit card
Well, I guess you're SOL then :)
just some bank account somewhere at some bank I don't even remember the name of
@Phrancis yup
@Paweł @Pops thanks for that upgrade ;-) It really looks nice !
Thanksgiving evening sucks when you have to work the next morning
@Heslacher Monking!
you have to work tomorrow!?
5:45 AM
that sucks
8:30 AM sharp
Full day
hey @Phrancis
I'd think that'd you would have at least a part of the day off
@EthanBierlein Medical patients still need care, so we provide support on holidays
5:46 AM
Oh, that's right. I forgot you worked at a, hospital, am I right?
Not exactly, we dev and maintain apps and databases used by caregivers
It's close enough though
yeah, I sort of assumed that ;)
So anyways, tomorrow is either going to be really quiet, or hell
@EthanBierlein busy?
Me? No.
Can you respond to this guy?
@Phrancis - This isn't off topic either. If you are pointing at something specific which prevents this from being a question on that site, please let me know — Vinod Madyalkar 4 mins ago
5:49 AM
Not sure how to respond though.
What do you want me to say?
Well, your pick. Q is off-topic, A (which they commented and recommended CR on) is off-topic...
Already pointed that out twice, they just don't believe me
I'm looking at the question.
It doesn't actually seem off-topic.
The code may not work on HackerRank, but if it works on it's own, then it's on-topic under performance here.
I'll point it out to him
Maybe I looked at it wrong
5:55 AM
Somehow I don't like the used font maybe I will get used to it
@VinodMadyalkar Phrancis is partially right. As of right now, the OP hasn't specified if this is actually working elsewhere, and not just HackerRank. If it does work elsewhere, and is just timing out on HackerRank, then it's a perfectly on-topic performance-related question for Code Review. — Ethan Bierlein 23 secs ago
^^ well said @EthanBierlein
Damn, ska'ing hard right now.
woot the new logo as tab icon :)
6:16 AM
Q: THE Shouting sitename

HeslacherThe site name ine the upper left is in capital letters CODE REVIEW which just isn't right. The same goes with meta.

Q: Difference between the used font in the editor and in the site itself

HeslacherThere is a difference in the used font of the editor and how it is shown after submitting.

6:28 AM
Welcome to Code Review! For future, it is best to write a title that says what the code does, rather than how you would like to improve it. I changed the title, but you are welcome to change it to something different by pressing the "edit" link. I hope you get some great answers! — Phrancis 1 hour ago
@Phrancis What was wrong with the original title?
It's strange the beta blue gone
I kinda loved it after such a long time in beta
@200_success "Pure javascript sprite animation" ... I thought it was quite generic. First two words "Pure javascript" are just noise, and "sprite animation" seemed very very generic
@chillworld Stockholm syndrome? :)
@200_success And the OP went in and edited their own better title in, so it seems like a net-win, albeit perhaps my revised title was not very good
6:48 AM
Monking @all
hey @Zak
@Zak would you really like to e.g suggest a user on SO "This should be asked on CODE REVIEW" ?
Does the displayed title necessarily have to be in the same format as elsewhere?
IMO yes, you wouldn't want to have our former icon to be shown e.g in the hnq either. It should be consistent all over the place.
@Phrancis yes I think so
7:08 AM
In retrospect, staying up all night wasn't the best idea.
To the Coffee Machine!
while (upstairsNeighbors.areCelebrating()) { sleep.delay(); }
Shouldn't the new icon been shown in the hnq ???
At the bottom is a cr question
Yeah it should
They may have not had a chance to roll that out yet
@Heslacher Interesting. It displays the right one in the HNQ sidebar but not there.
@Zak yea, I have seen this too.
You can click on my user name here in chat and you will see the old icon as well.
7:23 AM
@Heslacher interesting.
So much CSS, so little time
7:36 AM
@SimonForsberg IMO you should update your picture on Stack Overflow Careers to your currently used on cr. The cr one just looks better.
Q: Some old icons are still showing

HeslacherIn the Hot Network Questions, the old icon is still shown. In addition, in Chat, the old icon is shown on the user card as well.

@Phrancis isn't party.join() better?
Totally stupid site : programmingexcuses.com
@chillworld I like it still laughing
@Heslacher funny but unusefull ;)
I hoped I could get good excuses :D
@Heslacher read this story of the coffee machine ^^ venturebeat.com/2015/11/25/…
Why in the hell is your cofee maker on the network :s
7:56 AM
@chillworld because it is a good idea if you have that lifehack at hand ;-)
The github link is there, the one checking mails and reset a DB is just great

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