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Aspect (plucked from 'Constantine'): Jackass of all trades
4 hours later…
@BESW I am not sure why he decided he had to hate mutants,....
it seems,.... extraordinarily hypocritical
@trogdor I am going to talk with him about how PC conflict needs to be based on player collaboration.
I don't personally mind that is character dislikes mine
It isn't good if he literally tries to kill my character, but otherwise I am fine with it
I just don't get where his logic in this case is coming from
If you want to talk to him about illogic, feel free. I'm going to start by focusing on the fundamental "player collaboration" thing where he shouldn't decide to have an antagonistic relationship with your PC unless he's made sure you're okay with it.
Working on a brainstorming document for my players. I think they need some guidance on exactly what parameters they should determine for the setting, so I'm hoping these questions will help... onedrive.live.com/…
I know once I get them rolling they will keep rolling, like a boulder down a hill. :P I just have to get them started.
@BESW I think that if I bring this up, I will first be focusing on asking him whay exactly he has decided on this
I will reserve pointing out that he seems to be thinking this through illogically if I really don't like his answer
I already mentioned to him that I don't mind a relatively antagonistic relationship between our characters as long as he isn't literally trying to kill me
And Ben actually chimed in that killing other party members is not going to fly with people
It is slightly ironic after we had Leela kill the Doctor once, but I think the point was still carried across well enough
2 hours later…
@BESW We'll see how this rolls in our game too. One of the characters (the Eagle-lady) really dislikes humans and looks down at them.
@lisardggY This player is very new to RPGs and only shows up every three or four weeks so there's not much continuity for him to build on.
@BESW Our player is also new to RPGs. She's a writer, though, and I think she might be more character-driven than collaboration-driven. But I'm not too worried, and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
@lisardggY Yeah. I'd monitor the situation. Writing and RPing are different animals, and people don't always realize that (this is especially pertinent if your RP medium is the written word). But as long as she can grasp the concepts of OOC/IC separation and the need to work with the other players, cross-species tension can be fun. It just might require some special attention to answer the question, "if she hates humans, why is she working with these ones?"
My group and I have fun placing adversarial characters in situations where they must work together or tolerate each other to survive or get what they want, which is fun, but only if you have the right player buy-in. You want a trajectory in which they do indeed tolerate each other long enough to get through the ordeal (and maybe even come to a real understanding), not kill each other. Unless your players have fun with that, too. :P
This player in my group is the little brother of a player who enjoys RPing antagonistic relationships between her PCs and the PCs of her boyfriend.
But they're good about collaborating on the antagonism.
@Pixie I trust her to get the hang of it quickly.
@Pixie Right now the reason for cooperation (from the 20 minute or so of actual play so far) is "Someone is trying to kill us all".
The classic.
@BESW Heh, my boyfriend and I do that too. In fact, I think when we first started RPing with each other (well before we were dating), that's what we were doing.
@lisardggY Oh yes, I'm sure she will, too. And heh, always a good catalyst.
Next time Ira shows up, I'm going to take a few minutes to give the How To Play Nice With BESW talk.
Clarifying expectations is a good plan.
@BESW The only continuity I have really seen is that he has already made one character who was antagonistic to mine in that campaign
I am not complaining, mind you
and even in that case, he actually never tried to kill my character
The main issues I had in this new case are 2 in number
the first being that he stated that his character would probably try to kill mine
and the second being that his reasons seemed,... hypocritical
My big problem is that he didn't involve you in the decision.
Hmm, yeah, especially in a party-based game.
I can see that as a problem
but it was not my biggest issue
However, I will say that if it had not been a problem to begin with my main issues might not have even occurred
That being said, if my main issues had not existed, I wouldn't have minded it so much by itself
I'm looking at it as a "teach good interplayer habits and other problems can be solved as they arise."
This is true
I just,... I don't understand why his character, who is someone who genetically modified himself to gain regeneration and within-humanoid/human-shapechanging would feel he needed to kill a mutant for being a mutant
because he is one too, and voluntarily at that
2 hours later…
I need to work on my character, specifically on his story arc. I want him to have a story arc.
Not having read the chapters on character and story advancement in Fate, I'd appreciate a summary - how is this expected to work?
Aspects change, I'm sure. Is the High Concept expected to change?
The Trouble?
Yes to both.
I need to chart out a (loose) plan for change.
Milestones are opportunities to modify your character; after each session you can change something about your character sheet, which includes the ability to modify any non-high-concept aspect.
Let's say my High Concept is "Disgraced Ex-Cop".
After major campaign events, you can change your high concept.
However, it's generally not a good idea to be too attached to a plan of how your character will change.
I'd need the story to supply me with a new self-definition.
Yes, exactly.
Now "How", just "What". I want to stop being defined as an ex-cop. I don't know what I'll be next, I just know I want that to change.
Gotcha. So, tell your GM the kind of story you're hoping to have--IE, one which focuses on his disgrace?
You can also force this yourself by, say, compelling your high concept to create thematic complications.
"Because I'm a disgraced ex-cop, and we're at a high society event, it makes sense for our host to have recently married the man who got me kicked off the force. This goes horribly wrong when he decides to humiliate me further."
Basically, self-based event compels are a great way to force the story to examine the aspects you want to change.
I'll keep that in mind. Will take some time, though.
Need to play the character a bit to shake off the rough edges.
Especially since our schedule will be erratic in the coming months, since two of the players and (to a lesser extent) the GM are making a feature film.
They're filming most weekends from now until March and it's sucking up a lot of their free time in general, so it'll be rough.

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