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4:14 PM
So, just in time for Anniversary Celebration (tm), the One Piece horrible mobile game that somehow still lives (pray with me that the competitor will be launched globally soon so this piece of trash may finally die) will add the...
Dec 14, 2023 at 12:18, by SPArcheon
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CO-OP MODE!!!!!!
Yes, the one that everyone hated!!!
a quick reminder: this is the game where gameplay is basically "find a team that can handle every debuf in the quest and then use the correct skills at the correct time"
As a result, completing a level is basically a macro of actions in a precise order that works only for a specific team. And every level has just a few teams working. Miss a character? PAY IN THE GACHA YE WORM!
> Guide for the hard difficulty:

Stage 2: kill penguin you are favorable color (STR kill DEX penguin, DEX kill QCK penguin)

Stage 3:
1- Use Dmg Special, kill mobs.
2- Use skill to reduce Resilience and % Dmg.

Stage 4: Use Orb Control and Atk Boost to kill both Boss. (both players)

Stage 5: Attack BM, use Special to reduce DF Up, Heal before hit penguin to reduce CD again.

Stage 6: Orb Control and Atk Boost to finish the fight.
the original "test" (that everyone hated") had a "walkthru" since your teams were fixed, now imagine having to build the team yourself and hope to find the other "matching half" by random match-making...
Reminds me of Plato and the "other half" thing... was that the Symposium?
alas, funny comment from the original test:
> This mode has so many issues it's almost as bad as GP, takes effort to achieve this. At least we can forget this mode after we're done with it.
and now you can't anymore!!!!
because the preview mentions "this new version of the Sugo Fest will let you use items you get from the co-op quest"....
So you need to run it multiple times!!!
YAY!!!! Players will be SO happy to have to grind an event that can only be completed if your "partner" has the correct characters that complete your team AND actually is not a troll / knows when to do what.
It has potential to make even the whales hate it (since they could be paired to players who lack the required units or are trying another team)
I hope it will get ton of backslash and players quitting ^_^

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