@EshaManideep "Who the hell are you guys? I bet you'll be in top 100 AIR in JEE. Insane marks... Are you like FIITJEE toppers or Resonance toppers or something"
I am getting pretty bad marks though.
Which topper are you Esha? :D
@Abcd Is the answer here meta wrt the big substituent? Edit: Is the answer (B)?
@EshaManideep Just like 2p-2p orbitals are of comparable sizes and can overlap better, 2p-3p overlap better than 2p-4p orbitals (Because 4p are obviously bigger in size). This overlapping 'stability principle' is also used in backbonding.
When heat is given, you consider the thermodynamically stable product as major. Whereas, with no heat or high temperature conditions, you will mark the kinetically stable product as major.
Here, the kinetically stable product will be meta because of the steric hindrance.
Do you mean the relation? It is given in my book for derivation of ebullioscopic constant.
It's like 'Apply Clausius–Clapeyron relation to the solution:' ... And then derivation. As if we have learnt it. But, I haven't heard of that before.
@EshaManideep Because of people like this, the entire indian system is failing to produce who love what they do and do what they love... I'm not being bitter at you, but i really wanted to study at iisc... But no offence meant, i respect your choice and your actions.