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@BrandonEnright if you think it's off topic here, flag it
Q: Can this question about anomalous dimensions and operator mixing be reopend?

DilatonI edited this question to remomve the reference request issue and think it should be reopend now. At a first look, one could think that the question still asks too many things in a too incoherent manner, but Mitchell Porter was able to correctly understand the question. To me, asking about tw...

7 hours later…
4 hours later…
@RhysW ah... Thank me then ;-)
@Gugg It's very cool to have a collection of downs (especially in a question, but I haven't) :P
This room has been very sleepy since my absence. I shouldn't leave it again :D
Can someone point me whether this is right...
Of course, I don't say it wrong. But, have a look at my edit & my response to it...
@Ϛѓăʑɏ βµԂԃϔ I think a short friendly remark here and there in a question does not any harm, on the contrary it makes the site look friendly ;-). There is no need to remove them all ... — Dilaton 2 hours ago
Q: Should 'Hi', 'thanks,' taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?

GEOCHETI edit a lot of posts every day. I often run across posts with 'Hi' and 'Thanks' on the top and the bottom of the post respectively. I also run across things like: --User Should these items be removed during the editing of the post by an editor?

@ManishEarth Though I'm an avid MSO reader, I'm blind that I haven't spotted many good questions :P
Should'a read the voted questions first :D
I actually sort of disagree with the answer
Not really
@ManishEarth Ohh..???
don't have privileges to see the downs :(
Basically, there isn't any need for signatures (due to the usercard), but thanks is usually OK. I do remove it, however, but I don't just remove it, I try to fix other things as well
@ManishEarth ah... But, have you seen suggested edits in the queue that remove the "thanks" only and say - removed thanks..! I've seen a lot
even yesterday...
@ϚѓăʑɏβµԂԃϔ yeah, I hit improve on those, fix other things, and mark as not helpful :P
sometimes I just approve
I mostly try not to blindly approve, I improve them..! But, I won't take out the helpful mark..!
Yeah, your choice
I think in this way: "Hmm... We should encourage this user's thought on development of community" :P
@ManishEarth Take my case then - It has both user sign and the "thanks for your time"
I went to remove the sign and finally ended up washing off the thanks..!
@ϚѓăʑɏβµԂԃϔ thanks i guess ;)
@ϚѓăʑɏβµԂԃϔ well, there probably could be other things to improve
not too important though
There's always an interesting topic to read about here, regardless of how many times i come back! Just wish i understood most of it :P
@ManishEarth I was quite at a rush that time ;-)
@ManishEarth These are some good suggestions!
Have you guys heard about the OUYA console?
@RhysW Now I have :P
@ManishEarth www.ouya.com :P once youve bought the console, thats it! all the games come from the community, and are free apparently,
@RhysW The main idea is awesome, I was wondering if you had any suggestions to improve them. If you do, post it there :)
Open source gaming? Want.
@ManishEarth ooh i doubt i could improve on whats already there to be honest!
great then :)
@ManishEarth even better? the console IS the IDE! it comes with everything you need to make your own games for it too,
its one of the biggest pushes for open source stuff ive seen recently
and the only one ive seen on the games development front
They should do this with phones. Android comes close, but a lot of stuff is still paid
theres only one thing i worry about with its release
then again, we wouldn't have those same apps in the first place on a fully free app store :P
(which may happen with ouya: the awesome games will be left out)
that its so awesome i might forget to leave it alone and end up with no job xD
@ManishEarth its got an inbuilt app store type thing, but free ofc, which i think incorporates rating ect to encourage high quality
There's drama on Chem the one day that I don't have time to deal with it. Grrr.
I'll just grab a bite to eat~
@ManishEarth wow really?
some might say there has been an puts on sunglasses over-reaction
Q: Bullied in Chemistry

caseyr547I'm being followed and down voted by a user on chemistry SE. He answered Computational Bond Dissociation Energies and Bond Energy but failed to prove the answer was correct with a link and I couldn't find any official support for the function I seek. So I unaccepted his answer and down voted as h...

It's just a single downvote, and not bullying, but the posts need looking into
@RhysW LOL
disappears in search of food
@ManishEarth ah, we had a severe case of this on WP the other day, as in ongoing for months, and the team basically said 'suck it up', we almost lost a good member because of it :/
Q: Can we ask applied Physics questions?

xxmbabanexxAre we allowed to ask questions that pertain to the application of physics on this site? For instance: What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Bowstring Truss Bridge? Or is there a different Stack Exchange Site for more engineering-oriented questions?

@RhysW happens all the time. Folks get too worked up about downvotes :S
@ManishEarth Yeah, it was beyond just that though, it was stalking through all questions and answers, degrading the user again and again, picking them out and trying to find things wrong with everything they did,
just for the sake of arguing
thats what mods are for
a stern cut it out works wonders :)
nothing was done, the guy is still here, still does it, just less frequently
though sometimes kid gloves are better
it got to the point where the guy is stalking him so hard that he followed him across multiple SE sites...
@RhysW yeah, no action needs to be taken.
I don't see how its allowed though, its bullying and trolling and nothing less, yet for some reason its allowed
or atleast, not punished
@ManishEarth oooh did you find out that graphene thing yet?
hm? nope, not yet gotten a reply from the prof
@ManishEarth aww hes holding out on you then!
Well, he just reached back this morning
Did I just see Tourette's in action?
Fair point, I'd say. :)
Though the excuse seems a little outlandish :P
We see that excuse all the time (network wide), usually not legit
And... it's gone. (@ManishEarth: BOOM?)
Though here it's not of the obviously illegit type
hm? Not me
@ManishEarth exactly! why would someone hack your gmail and know to go to SE and edit a question just minutes after its asked?
that wasn't me
Which brings us to the issue of a nice picture for the 404-page.
@Gugg totally needs to be matter and anti matter colliding
but it's not a self delete either
@RhysW Nowadays "hacked" means "I left my comp unlocked like an idiot and someone came and messed around"
@ManishEarth yeah, i forget im 'not with the times' despite actually being the times xD
@ManishEarth This is the first time that you appear not to know what is going on! :)
there were some offensive flags left over from the edit
and someone triggered it off
@ManishEarth offensive flags? whatever for! he only speaks the truth, there are alot of equations and graphs here :P
(Ps for those who cant detect it, i was joking :P)
Would this question fit here?
Q: Will I lose water pressure going from a 2" pipe to a 1/2" pipe then back to 2"?

DarrenI have jimmied up a pool heater from an idea on YouTube, but just expanded it. I have a water line of 2" PVC, piped down to 1/2" copper, so it can run through a coil, then increased back to 2" PVC, and re-connected with the original pool hose of 2". Will this keep the constant pressure that i...

@Tester101 Sort of, though it seems better for your site
Don't migrate if it's on topic for you
@ManishEarth I'm not sure it's on topic for us, and I thought the OP might get a better explanation of what's happening from a physicist than a contractor.
@Tester101 sure. I don't mind it on our site, but I'd prefer if it was first tried out on DIY
@ManishEarth If it doesn't get an accepted answer in a week or so, I'll migrate. Thanks.
@ManishEarth: you are some sort of admin right? what motivates you to do it?
Help keep the site clean, that's all :)
lol 'some sort of admin'
@ManishEarth you mean, because youre programmed to want to help the site :P
i swear youre always here, and know the answer to everything, if you arent some kind of super computer then i am shocked :P
I must say that most of my questions are eighter mathematical or run against the (naive, hehe) ontology of the users here
3 hours later…
[the silence of the lambs]
@ManishEarth If you're not Siri's brother, would it be an idea to let Siri be permanently on the chat?
@Gugg lol
probably wouldn't be hard to program an ELIZA or a Siri-like entity running via the Wolfram Alpha API
I'm sure somebody has tried it somewhere, right?
Maybe I'll post the suggestion on MSO and beat my previous lowscore of -11. :)
There are JS versions of ELIZA
I can't read the github thing. What's JS?
See? That's how much I (don't) know. :)
But you could run one, and maybe get some sleep.
@Gugg I hereby sentence you to a year on StackOverflow. If you survive (unlikely), then you shall be put on parole on Physics Meta.
Can my "reputation" go sub-zero over there?
The scripting language that lets websites be dynamic
Also, cool new feature
Rep never goes below 1
I really like how you're programmed to take some time for answers, as if you are thinking/ploughing the internet/whatever.
@Gugg actually that's my university's (usually awesome) Net connection dying out
Wow, that's my future??
It's accurate. I don't like .
@Gugg Yay, a fellow robot!
Does it also work on Philosophy.SE? How do I get there?
@Gugg change physics to philosophy in the url
It's <site>.stackexchange.com/users/tag-future/<userid>
The Q&A site philospohy.stackexchange.com doesn't seem to exist…yet.

You can vote for it to be created through our democratic, community-driven process at area51.stackexchange.com, or see a complete directory of all our Q&A sites at stackexchange.com.
@Gugg lol
I think I'm gonna go for it on area51. I take it you're in as well.
2 hours later…
Hopefully I didn't goof up on my latest Hubble's law answer
And I don't know why I put in the side story on the cosmological constant, just felt like it
@ManishEarth rep whoring, that's why :-D
That's okay because I gave you a +1 since it's a good answer :-)
1 hour later…
@Tester101 I'm guessing the OP's goal is not to understand the theory behind why water pressure would drop in a pipe, but just to figure out if it does. Which makes it more the kind of thing that would go on your site. On Physics we always expect the askers to be interested in the "why".
@Qmechanic, could you have a look at this issue too, as an uninvolved (but certainly knowledgable in the relevant physics topics) arbiter? I and Mitchell Porter (who maybe even has an answer?) would like the question to get reopend (even though the OP is probably no longer that interested in it) whereas David says it should be left closed. It still picks me that such a nice high level technical question can not get reopend :-/.
Prathyush is interested in seeing answers too. So in summery we have two people who agree with David's point of view (leave closed) and three people who like to reopen...
Thanks, if you have time for it :-)

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