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@ϚѓăʑɏβµԂԃϔ recommended, but not required.
1 hour later…
Q: Error bars for pair-correlation function

NickI have obtained some data from neutron diffraction for some material samples. The "rawest" form of the data is the structure function $S(Q)$. We can choose a variety of different Q-maxes when Fourier transforming the data into $g(r)$, along with applying something like a Lorch function to smoot...

Should that be migrated to scicomp? I think it's a numerical issue at heart and thus not quite on topic here.
@DavidZaslavsky i agree, migrating...
2 hours later…
Q: Whats the theoretical max speed to go around the world?

mfriisI light of the new Scramjet tests i have a question thats been bogging me. I live in Denmark, about the furthest i can travel is to New Zeeland which is roughly on the opposite side of the earth. It's 18800 km away The new Scramjet might do mach 24 (8167 m/s) We start out doing 0 m/s (obvious...

Off topic? The limitations of commercial airlines don't seem like physics material
yeah seems like it
Theoretical max speed is c-\frac{1}{\infty}
3 hours later…
Q: what is the purpose of the popular science tag?

DilatonI have just noted that we have a popular-science tag. What is its purpose? Does it mean that the answers are expected to be pop science level, that just the question is pop science but the answers can nevertheless be techical for people other than the OP, or is it meant to characterize questions ...

@ManishEarth hey manish :D
@ManishEarth im just saying hi :P no double meaning!
oh hi then :)
It's the 20th, my brain is telling me this is important for some reason and led me here to this chat
I don't know of anything important today :)
@Qmechanic what do you think about the purpose of the popular-science tag? I would appreciate an answer from you to my corresponding meta question a lot ...
7 hours later…
Is something changing with the flags? I went to flag a question as off topic but I don't have those options anymore. I'd be happy to flag and type a reason but still, what's up?
Ah figured it out. I'm an idiot. It's already closed.
@BrandonEnright Actually there's a major overhaul to the flag system coming up
But it probably won't affect you, it will be on the mods side.
@ManishEarth thanks. In this case it was just stupidity on my part.
@ManishEarth I'd like your opinion.
Q: A tick box for "delayed response"

GuggFor sites (like) Philosophy.SE and Physics.SE: I would like to propose a tick box under a question, that makes sure that during the first, say, 24 hours, no answers will be visible to anyone (except that an answerer can see and edit his or her own answer). It would have some benefits. Independe...

@Gugg upvoted, but i sort of agree with the answerer here: not much use
I see what you mean about independent answers, but this probably isn't how that should be dealt with
Maybe, maybe. Only a little bit frustrated that they don't carefully read the proposal. :)
Some of them seem to think that it allows for abuse. IMO, it can't.
Not more than the current situation.
The answers seem hopelessly focused on SO. Perhaps, that is the ideal, but thus far it doesn't apply to some other sites.
@Gugg Yeah, I hate that
It's usually useful to specify that you're not talking about SO on MSO
hopefully the MSO<->MSE split will happen soon
I'm totally unaware of SO. I initially thought it was a rival.
No, the thing is that MSO is both the meta for the network and for SO
I like your "furious" response! :)
And you need to be excruciatingly specific before they stop giving SO specific answers :/
OK, so we're "niche". Good to know. :)
What's FGITW?
Fastest Gun In The West
try to answer a question on SO, you'll get what I mean
Basically you need to be the first to post an answer. A lot of answers get posted quickly and the first couple get upvotes (which entails more upvotes)
So people write short answers and then abuse the 5-min grace period to slowly substantiate them
Q: Fastest Gun in the West Problem

Omer van KloetenI feel like there's a problem with Stack Overflow, as the number of people prowling it increases. Each question's answers are sorted by descending score and then by descending time of posting. This means that if a person sits down and answers a question in a long, thorough way, going through eve...

I guess it makes sense for a hugely populated site.
@ManishEarth I've noticed. Some years back I was answering lots of perl and regular expression questions on SO and never got much in the way of upvotes even though my answers were often the only correct or good answer.
@BrandonEnright Yeah. A good, substantiated answer isn't as well received as a fast one
Makes me want to pull my hair out :P
@BrandonEnright Your answers are always the best. That should be automated. :)
@Gugg careful I might let it go to my head :-p
Physics.SE has the opposite problem with not enough people so sometimes detailed answers are understood by too few people.
Didn't think of it that way, but makes sense
@ManishEarth Are you ever fearing of democracy? :)
The popular vote. Does it scare you sometimes?
I have seen people give immense support to horrific things
@Gugg Very. It's a scary world out there.
@Gugg Deleting a message means that you ensure the nearby mods will scramble to read it :P
@Gugg Yeah, many of the people who are active on MSO don't even know there are other stackexchange sites
there's no other explanation for their behavior sometimes
The entire discussion with Jeff here
A: Is there a rule of thumb for objective questions asked out of curiosity?

Manishearth See also: What "practical" physics problems do you "actually" face?? I agree with Isaac here. On science sites, this rule can actually be counterproductive. Questions asked out of curiosity generally fall in the following types: "I think I see a paradox here", "What would happen if?", and ...

you would think a bunch of programmers would be more logical
(there's a deleted answer by him with a lot of discussion here revealing that many MSOians don't know how science sites work)
@ChrisWhite lol
@ManishEarth you're a Meta machine.
I challenge you: What were my comments?
It's rr
and @Manishearth In
F*** you! :) Brilliant.
there's a little 'history' button
IIRC you can use it on your own messages as well
and room owners can use it
Did out chat censor that F*** or was that done by hand?
By hand
There are rooms which use it regularly
No, I wrote "Fuck you".
One major user is the Teachers' Lounge :P
Teacher's Lounge? Sounds good.
Mod only room
For cross-site mod issues (and for advice on moderation especially for new mods), but when none of that is happening we talk of random stuff
Kittens and bitcoins and trolls (oh my)
Seriously though
Q: Existence and uniqueness of Stokes flow

JurisWhat are the solution existence and uniqueness conditions for Stokes' flow? $$\nabla p = \mu \Delta \vec{u} + \vec{f}$$ $$\nabla \vec{u} = 0$$ Maybe you could also provide some articles or books about the topic? Most physics books seem not to care about these details.

Migrate to math? It seems like a good candidate for migration to me
@DavidZaslavsky I saw that question yesterday and I thought the answer provided by michielm was good and probably would have required a physics and not math background.
@DavidZaslavsky I agree with Brandon. In addition to what he says, mathematical properties of the solitions of the NS equations can have physics implications. For example complex time singularities can be shown to determine the UV behavior of the TKE spectrum in turbulence, and I am not sure but
@ManishEarth How come my last edit is not there?
There might be some physics implication of the uniqueness issue too.
@ManishEarth Forget that.
@DavidZaslavsky I don't think it's OT enough to force migration. Really the OP should choose, since he's been warned that more general results will probably come from math
if he wants necessary/sufficient conditions for existence/uniqueness, it should be migrated; if he wants physical insight into a few interesting cases (and there is no indication yet that he does), then here is better
@BrandonEnright That's not what I'm asking, though. Is the question a physics question or not? I don't see the physics content in it.
You're right it's a purely math question from that perspective.
When considering whether something is off topic or not, we only think about the question itself, not what sort of answers it could get. People here can answer all sorts of questions that are not necessarily physics questions.
Since the OP requested migration and I'm not seeing an argument that there is physics content in the question as currently written, I'll migrate it.

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