I proved that internal energy has to be additive in the above case using Carnot engines and 2nd Law. But can't prove the same additivity for Entropy.
@ACuriousMind I talking strictly under the terms of Classical Thermodynamic. How can one conclude without invoking stat mech. In one of the paragraphs of AB Pippard, he insists the reader to prove this additivity.
I tried, but seems to have no progress. One idea was to take a system where I raise the internal energy is raised using heat only. Now, I claim that that this heat, is a state function(cuz = dU). Now, I can say, that this heat will be additive(dQ1+dQ2). So, the entropy of the subsytems will increase by integral dQ/T.
Now, for physical reasons, I am forced to have additivity, because, say I put all my heat into one of my subsytem. No heat transfer takes place between the subsystem
So, the entropy of the subsystem I provide heat, will increase. The other subsystem will be intact, as they are adiabatically separated. So any change has to come up due to first subsystem only. The only sensible way of then defining the total entropy will be using sum of components. However, does this even constitute a "proof"?
A second question. Suppose I have a composite system C, which has two subsystem A and B, adiabatically separated. Now, say Tb<Ta. Can I ever have a reversing heat transfer between the two in any manner? Obviously, opening the adiabatic shaft is irreversible. I came up with the answer that it simply isn't. Here is my thought process, please help me find my holes in understanding
Say I run a Carnot engine between two temp Ta and Tb. And it does work. Essentially taking heat from A and depositing some of it to B, the rest used in work. Why is work non zero here? Because at any stage, I will want to reverse my process, so that my engine can function as a refrigerator.
Now, here is the problem. All my work can be converted to heat, but all my heat cannot to converted to work, due to 2nd Law. Say, I run the carnot cycle, extract heat from A, then deposit it back to B, and in the process doing non-zero work, quasi statically. But, consider it to be one composite system. So, I am, extracting heat from C and completely converting it into work.
Ok, maybe you say that it's illegal, cuz a Carnot engine has to operate between two cycles. And one cannot consider the two reservoirs to be a composite system, or else, it will lead to problems
So, what else could be the reason