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why is it that a good exposition of statistical mechanics is hard to come by?
Is Wald just proving in 3.1.6 that $\tilde{\nabla} - \nabla$ is a well-defined map?
if not, what is he trying to prove here?
You should have typed up Equation (3.1.3) just for context
Anyway, it is that, while each individual $\nabla$ is "non-linear" in $\omega$ (as in, the 1-form's functional, position dependence, over a region, not just at point p), the difference $\tilde\nabla-\nabla$ is linear in that dependence, only depending on the 1-form's value at p alone.
@SillyGoose what you seek in a text is vastly opposite of what other people would be seeking in a text. A great exposition to others is not so for you. Great expositions for you ain't readable for most of humanity.
since two monopoles make a dipole, is it possible for two quadrupoles to make an octupole?
specifically if i have this distribution and reflect it about the vertical axis:
^ so that the two octopoles (one a reflection of the other) are lying in the same plane of the paper
@SillyGoose yesh thank u sir
@Relativisticcucumber you should be able to make the multipole expansion yourself and show that the dominant behaviour at infinitely far away is the term that you expect.
Hello Everyone...
hello 123
@naturallyInconsistent but the q asks me to do it w o doing any computations XD
This isn’t a hw it’s a practice problem I’m doing to prepare for an exam but it specifically says without doing computations
Personally I expect an octupole but I’m not confident
@Relativisticcucumber for people who can just make guesses, sure. But the vast majority of hoomanity require some hand-holding, and if said hand-holding can just be done by oneself doing the computations by hand, that should totally be acceptable. Complain if the professor only accepts non-computational solutions
My fear is that it’s a timed exam and if he expects me to be able to just see by inspection I seem to be missing the learning objective by doing brute force computations
@Relativisticcucumber But technically you can easily "read off". Like, pick the centre of symmetry and then compute the moments. That is, sum of charges = 0 means no monopole term. Sum of charges multiplied by position vector relative to this centre of symmetry = 0 means no dipole term, etc.
@Relativisticcucumber In any timed exam you are supposed to skip questions that require a lot of computation and come back to them later.
Hm yeah I should consider the geometry. That makes sense
1 hour later…
M I A O ~
why does the cat miao?
1 hour later…
maybe this is relevant for some hbar users dontasktoask.com
M I A O ~ stars
2 hours later…
Hi @RyderRude @user430580
I think i need to change my profile name...
All pseudo forces whether centrifugal, coriolis and Euler are all proportional to mass of the objects?
2 hours later…
@GrowingMind yes
@GrowingMind hi
I have changed my profile name
nice name
@qwerty literally the room guidelines :P
@Mr.Feynman maybe it needs to be pinned more prominently :P
> In the case of the ways in which they are produced, this is because some animals are produced without copulation and some as a result of intercourse.
Of those produced without copulation, some are produced from fire, like the little creatures which appear in ovens, some from stagnant water, like mosquitoes, some from wine turning sour, like gnats, some from slime, like frogs, some from mud, like maggots, some from donkeys like dung beetles, some from fruit, like the gall-insects which come from wild figs, some from rotting animals, like bees which come from bulls and wasps which come from
> Further, when we have stared for a long time at the sun and then bend over a book, we think that the letters are golden and moving around.
People had to pass the time before TV I guess
@Slereah poor man's recreational drugs
Ancient philosophy is always a wild mix of the most profound thoughts and the stupidest ideas
i confess sometimes i struggle to tell the difference when it comes to philosophy
It can be tough
Also pretty wildly different writing styles
It's extra wild because it's from Sextus Empiricus, the man claiming that he only takes extremely obvious facts at face value and will doubt anything else
but apparently some idea he heard a guy say about bees is good enough
Well, the list is very long; each alone is incredible today, but if you consider that this was their best understanding of the time, and that they themselves could have seen it so, then you would also understand that the combination of them all make for a certain picture that life is miraculous
He is using the behaviour of a dog as an argument, and the translator refers to it as a "doggy syllogism" :)
> In our individual peculiarities we differ in such a way that some people digest beef more easily than rock-fish, and get diarrhea from weak Lesbian wine.
both of them r hiden variable theorists. palmer wants to give up statistical independence while maudlin wants to give up locality
palmer is arguing that superdeterminism isnt conspiracious -_-
2 hours later…
@qwerty And incidentally, it's a fact about life
I hate when people tell me "can you do me a favor?"
How can they expect you to say "yes/no" without even knowing what it is about?
2 hours later…
@qwerty I just remembered Rob's message here on Physics SE titled "Alphabet questions versus Dinosaur question". It is very appealing and delightful reading.
@Mr.Feynman Possible answer of "can you do me a favor?" is "It depends."
@Mr.Feynman I think in that case they expect you to ask what's up or what is it, not commit. I guess the etiquette changes slightly when you're irl or 1:1 imo because it's less easy or expected to just ignore something you can't address
@LuckyChouhan thanks for sharing.
@qwerty I'm easily triggered by that. I'm the kind of person who replies "yes, I can" if someone asks "Can you open the window?" and then I stay still :P
@qwerty in your undergraduate years when you used to struggle with physics/math problems so have you faced times when you get discouraged a lot and questioning whether you're good enough to do it or not?
@Mr.Feynman can I say you're like a person who picks up a call and say "why you called me?", "come to the point"?
@LuckyChouhan After "Hello". I'm well-mannered. :P
Sometimes I condense it into: "Hello. To what to I owe this call?"
lol, great,
@Mr.Feynman Feynman's way. Have you read too much about Feynman? Because I haven't talk to him, but you gave his type of vibe :')
@LuckyChouhan not really. I had a large range of feedback depending on the lecturer/people I interacted with too.
Yeah, probably, just with less physics and more bitchiness
But, well, reading Feynman is always something else for me. I get emotional when reading some of his lectures
I think that I almost cried when I learned that on the FLP site they have the actual audio recording of the lectures and I listened to one
@LuckyChouhan it clearly wasn't just struggle :p
@qwerty then you were at nice place. Once I went to my university professor to take his help in an integral and I showed him my attempts and he said "we can't do every integral. And other discouraging stuff" then I asked that integral and RobJohn did that.... I admit that that university is literally not for studying, it is just for giving people degree.
Lectures suck
@qwerty sorry? wasn't just struggle means it was more than that? do you enjoy evaluating integrals and doing programming challenges as can be found on Project Euler or Advent of Code?
@LuckyChouhan @Mr.Feynman does not strike me as an arrogant sleaze :p
I don't know if I should react with a :D for myself or with a D: for Feynman
@Mr.Feynman I once read first chapter of his book "Surely, you're joking Mr Feynma" and that really surprized me. Lol and his both Tea and Coffee joke then the lady said "Surely, you're joking mr feynam."
@LuckyChouhan I mean you would probably be more likely to completely quit or have thoughts of quitting if you only had negative experiences with the work + people , if you only struggled and never had moments where it wasn't just struggling
@LuckyChouhan I think I don't remember it anymore. I should read it again, but well... I have so many things to do
And I can't burn myself out again :P
@qwerty I had many 'Aha!' moments when I wrote the code for a problem which I think is a nice problem. And read George Polya's book and had some more advice from MSE, I realized that "Avoid skipping around between problems, as it undermines one's ability to think deeply." (PS Here the term nice problem means the problem which I think is challenging for me and interest me)
@Mr.Feynman "Should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee?" ~ Albert Camus
You can do both
I mean, not you you D:
I dunno I get the whole "oh no everyone is smarter than me" but frequently enough in academia I also get the thought "omg you're all a bunch of idiots... why are you saying that"
it never happens on stackexchange though - well, not never, but rarely
@qwerty I mean, if I have to be honest I think we all live this moments of self-deprecation and self-appraisal
And they're not necessarily contradictory perceptions
@Mr.Feynman definitely.
Like, when you feel like an idiot you're comparing to someone who's performed or who's performing better than you; in the other case the opposite
So, I will admire and look up to someone who's much more knowledgeable - also feeling inferior and experiencing the thought that you've mentioned. I will have the perception of not "being good enough", but that doesn't mean that I will consider anyone around me better than me
yeah i was trying to explore @LuckyChouhan asking if I question if I'm good enough to do physics
In a very schematic way, the process - at least for me - is about setting the bar very high, so that after I've set it, everyone will look "dumber" in my eyes, not just myself
It's a global transformation
haha. well there are some very clever people out there...
Yeah, so clever that sometimes you forget they're humans like you
i think one should not compete
@RyderRude I mean I agree but I don't think comparison has to imply competition
healthy competition is good
@qwerty that is a good nuance. i dont compare either, but people working in academia may find comparison and competition useful
one has to be competent in the work they do for living
pretty much, but you might argue the same in undergraduate. knowing if you're keeping up with your cohort is valuable feedback too
@qwerty yes
Hey, I'm looking for a mentor and/or partner for my aeronautics project: building a human powered aircraft
Non profit
Is anyone interested?
@RyderRude people have different backgrounds, life circumstances and other things though. that's the other thing to keep in mind, so sometimes the comparison might be unfair or illplaced. it can be hard to directly or fairly compare ability or even just knowledge. so I guess that's a counterargument.
For some reason pi^2 m/s^2 is a decent approximation of Earth’s gravity. (Error < 0.05)
@qwerty yes. one has to compare/compete in a healthy way. one's enjoyment of subject should take priority.
can anyone help me with this identity
$\gama^\mu \not a \gamma^\mu$?
I did $\gamma^\mu\gamma^\nua_n\gamma^\mu=\gamma^\mu\gamma^\nu\gamma^\mua_\nu$
But that doesn't bring me anywhere
I'm not sure what the identity would be @imbAF
it would be
$-2\not a$
Ok, I will guide you
So, begin writing ${a\!\!\!/}$ explicitly
No no no wait
I wrote both indices up
now after 20 min I notices one is up and one is down
lmao I am freaking blind
Then you're done
I am trying it again
@Mr.Feynman I have a couple of them. If you will be online I might ask you some questions
in some instances
As I want to train and not get the answer
would that be ok?
I have some spare time
Shoot it
I mean the question, please don't shoot other users
Yeah but it will take me forever to type
perhaps there is online like a painting or something that I can write and link
If this is a bar, are the mods barmen or bouncers?
Ok here I am with what I asked
first of all
is this the same $\gamma^\mu a_\mu=\gamma_\mu a^\mu$?
You have to insert a space before a
Otherwise it won't render the Greek letters
Yes, it's the same thing
then I used the clifford algebra condition and I reached at
this will take forever considering I have 8 identities to prove
You can treat the indices of gamma matrices like the ones of 4-vectors, so you lower/raise in the same way
@imbAF The idea is the same: anticommute and rearrange.
I don't actually mean "anticommute", rather "use the anticommutator identity"
$\gamma_\mu\gamma^\nua_\nu \gamma^\mu=2\gamma_\mu g^{\mu\nu}a_\nu -\gamma_mu\gamma^\mu\gamma^\nu a_\nu$
= $2\gamma_mu a^\mu-4\gamma^\nu a_\nu$
=$-2\not a$
so ?
Please add that space in the first line and the slash and space in the second :P
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer dude, everyone knows this see
Hi @Mr.Feynman are you an undergrad?
No, I'm and old 24 man
@Mr.Feynman $\gamma_\mu\gamma^\nu a_\nu \gamma^\mu=2\gamma_\mu g^{\mu\nu}a_\nu -\gamma_mu\gamma^\mu\gamma^\nu a_\nu$
= $2\gamma_mu a^\mu-4\gamma^\nu a_\nu$
=$-2\not a$
I'm completing my MSc
@Mr.Feynman that's great, would you tell me where are you from? :')
@LuckyChouhan I don't see anything about pi^2
@Mr.Feynman is that accurate?
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer I meant everyone knows that g is approximately equal to pi^2. It is usually taught in introductory physics classes.
@imbAF Yes, you used the anticommutator and that's it
But please from now on be more careful typing indices. I have a hard time reading :/
@TheEmptyStringPhotographer but if you noticed this yourself then good job :')
I will
@LuckyChouhan Italy, sir.
the next one I will try is the following list: $\gamma^\mu\not a\gamma^\mu=$

$\gamma^\mu\not a\not b\gamma^\mu=$

$Tr(\not a\not b)=$

$Tr(\not a_1\not a_2\not a_3\not a_4)=$




$Tr(\gamma_5\not a\not b)=$

$Tr(\gamma_5\not a_1\not a_2\not a_3\not a_4)$

$Tr(\not a_1\not a_2....\not a_r)=0$ if r is odd
@Mr.Feynman wow, your PM is very famous here in India lol, have you ever visited Lagrange's home in Turin?
Ok, one thing just to make your life easier @imbAF everytime you have a slashed $a$, replace it with a $\gamma^\sigma$ (making sure the indixed is not already used) in proving the identity
Like, the one you've just proved is really $$\gamma^{\mu}\gamma^{\nu}\gamma_{\mu}=-2\gamma^{\nu}$$
@Mr.Feynman in the 2nd indentity in the list I used it but ofc i used $\gamma^\nu$
cuz I have to slash notations
@Mr.Feynman yes of course
I will continue with the list and If i stumble along the way I will ask you, if you are present
I know you know, I'm just telling you to make notation easier
So that you don't need to carry $a^\mu$ forever
@LuckyChouhan My PM?
No, I haven't visited it
prime mininster credo
How come you've spoken Italian just now?!
WTH is going on here
@Mr.Feynman oh, I meant Italy's PM.
Yeah, imbAF explained it
@Mr.Feynman cuz I know
@Mr.Feynman I just read your about on MSE. Would you name any concept or problem which you liked a lot in math or that helped you to understand something better?
(I had to read it)
It was from the good old times when I was passionate
So aren't you now?
@LuckyChouhan I don't have a specific instance now, but there are some situations in which I'm not compatible with the physicists' use of language, which tends to be ambiguous or incomplete
So I find that learning math and doing things in the math way can help understanding, if anything to isolate where the true physics stands and where the problem is purely mathematical
@LuckyChouhan No. I'm the equivalent of a sloth :P
@Mr.Feynman yeah so what are you learning these days?
For physics, I'm currently doing some many body theory, then I'm learning Japanese
@Mr.Feynman you're not credo.
In physics, I'm definitely :P
I can only do bibliography
@Mr.Feynman See this is an instance where I am not sure what to do:
I proved earlier that $\not a \not b=ab-i\sigma^{\mu\nu}a_\nub_\nu$. Now I plan on substituting this expression in here $\gamma_\mu \not \not b\gamma^\mu$/ But I assume the indices should be different than $\mu$ in the expression right?
@Mr.Feynman I don't want to rush and make early conclusions, but you must really like Richard Feynman, don't you?
What makes you think that? :P
Accurate intuition and mind reading, of course :P
One of Feynmans greatest achievement is tricking people who wanted to study physics into thinking, that if they try really really really hard, even if ordinary, they will be able to achieve the same things he did :D
I always laugh at that joke
@Mr.Feynman nice, you know few days ago someone wrote here that this physics can't solve 3 body problem, that can't solve 2 body problem and so on.. but now I can't find that. And yeah I remember you told me that you're learning Japanese before :P
Please pay attention to indices if you want me to read :(

$$\not a \not b=ab-i\sigma^{\mu\nu}a_\nu b_\nu$$
@user430580 He is reincarnation of Feynman.
@LuckyChouhan It was me, and it was a joke :P sorry if it fell flat
Oct 19 at 19:59, by user430580
Progress in physics:
Newtonian mechanics can't solve the 3 body problem
Relativistic mechanics can't solve the 2 body problem
Quantum mechanics can't solve the 1 body problem
String theory can't solve the vacuum
@user430580 oh god, I haven't told you, but I enjoy your lame physics jokes, I read whenever you post them here :')
@Mr.Feynman $$\not a \not b=ab-i\sigma^{\mu\nu}a_\mu b_\nu$$
@LuckyChouhan thanks! <3
@imbAF Yes. I just fixed yours without reading
It wouldn't render
I am still working on it
But you shouldn't need that for your identities above
but that gives me $4ab$ and some other term
which i need to show that is equal to zero
because $\gamma_\mu ab \gamma^\mu=ab4$
ab is an integer and can be moved, correct?
To prove the second identity you can just do twice what you did the first time
I did and it didn't get me anywhere
but that what I did now, doesn't help
I don't see how that helps really
As long as I am having gammas I am having slash notation for a and b
which i don't want to have
Any aeronautical engineers here?
@imbAF $$\gamma^\mu\gamma^\alpha\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu=g^{\mu\alpha}\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu-\gamma^\alpha\gamma^\mu\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu=g^{\mu\alpha}\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu-\gamma^\alpha g^{\mu\beta}\gamma_\mu+\gamma^\alpha\gamma^\beta\underbrace{\gamma^\mu\gamma_\mu}_{4}$$
But I don't see all the steps
I did the same thing you did before
use the anticommutator
On the first step $\gamma^\mu\gamma^\alpha=g^{\mu\alpha}-\gamma^{\alpha}\gamma^\mu$
when in the expression you have
Probably I'm missing a factor 2
Yeah, it would be $$\gamma^\mu\gamma^\alpha\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu=2g^{\mu\alpha}\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu-\gamma^\alpha\gamma^\mu\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu=2g^{\mu\alpha}\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu-\gamma^\alpha 2g^{\mu\beta}\gamma_\mu+\gamma^\alpha\gamma^\beta\underbrace{\gamma^\mu\gamma_\mu}_{4}$$
Now $2g^{\mu\alpha}\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu=2\gamma^\beta\gamma^\alpha$
when in the expression you have:
$\gamma^\mu\gamma^\nu$ How do you substitute this:$(2g^{\mu\nu}-\gamma^\nu\gamma^\mu)$ or $(2g^{\nu\mu}-\gamma^\nu\gamma^\mu)$
What do you mean how? You did it before
46 mins ago, by imbAF
@Mr.Feynman $\gamma_\mu\gamma^\nu a_\nu \gamma^\mu=2\gamma_\mu g^{\mu\nu}a_\nu -\gamma_mu\gamma^\mu\gamma^\nu a_\nu$
= $2\gamma_mu a^\mu-4\gamma^\nu a_\nu$
=$-2\not a$
@Mr.Feynman I reached at your expression
But i can't remove the components that contain g
Is this true $\not a\not b= \not b \not a$ ?
@imbAF do gamma matrices commute?
no $\sigma^{\mu\nu}=\frac{i}{2}[\gamma^\mu ,\gamma^\nu]$
Then no
but then how do you eliminate the terms containing g
@imbAF I told you before
37 mins ago, by Mr. Feynman
Now $2g^{\mu\alpha}\gamma^\beta\gamma_\mu=2\gamma^\beta\gamma^\alpha$
and the other will be
But they are not the same
so they don't cancel each other
You have the last term
That makes it a $+2\gamma^\alpha\gamma^\beta$
So finally you have $2(\gamma^\alpha\gamma^\beta+\gamma^\beta\gamma^\alpha)$
yeah you use the clifford algebra
identity or w/e it is called
Gonna have dinner now, bye bye
How can one prove $Tr(\not a\not b)=4ab$?
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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