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Q: Who or what closes questions here on stackexchange

peteWho or what closes questions here on stackexchange? None of my questions are "homework" questions, I wish whoever closes them would actually "read them more closely". is it some dumb AI algorithm or what?

quantum error correction codes sounds a lot more like doing math than i expected :0 what a pleasant surprise
Q: Meta question displays differently in Home and Questions

GhosterOn the Home page of Physics Meta, the question “Why can I still no longer questions?” is attributed to user_250478, but on the Questions page it is attributed to a user who uses his name. Why do these pages differ like this when displaying the same question? Is it a bug or a feature?

2 hours later…
Is it ever true that $(\hat{O}_1 \otimes \hat{O}_2)^{\dagger} = \hat{O}_1^{\dagger} \otimes \hat{O}_2^{\dagger}$?
err i guess that it is always true?
@DIRAC1930 That's what the first section we've been talking about is saying, they literally talk about the $t \to \pm \infty$ $S$-matrix there
1 hour later…
@SillyGoose yes
1 hour later…
@ACuriousMind I'm taking a second look at this. When you write $\int dx' \partial_x(\delta(x-x')f(x,x')$ is $f_1(x,x) + \partial_x f(x,x)$, did you mean $\int dx' \partial_x(\delta(x-x'))f(x,x')$ or $\int dx'\partial_x(\delta(x-x')f(x,x'))$? There is a missing parenthesis.
@B.Brekke I meant the latter, i.e. the expression you asked about
I still find this expression suspicious, to say the least, but I haven't thought any further about it
@ACuriousMind I have circumvented what I think is my suspicious step. In doing this, I am left with $\int dx' (\partial_x\delta(x-x'))f(x,x')$ as the only tricky term. You seem to suggest switching the integration and differentiation however, I don't understand that step because the differentiation doesn't act on the whole integrand.
@B.Brekke I think my core problem here is with the idea that you can differentiate a $\delta$ with respect to a different argument than you integrate it. Formally, $\delta$ is not a function, and the $x$ and $x'$ are actually not on the same footing, and the rigorous way to consider this object is either as the distribution that assigns the value $f(x')$ to functions of $x$ or the value $f(x)$ to functions of $x'$.
mathematicians usually write $\delta_{x_0}$ for the $\delta$ that assign the value $f(x_0)$ to functions
differentiation of the $\delta$ is defined via partial integration, i.e. we simply say that $\delta_{x_0}'[f] = -f'(x_0)$
it's not really clear to me what exactly applying the $\delta_{x'}$ to a function $f(x,x')$ means in mathematically rigorous terms
since you have an integral over $x'$, it seems we should interpret this as $(\partial_x \delta_x)[f_x]$, where $f_x(x' ) = f(x,x')$, so the question is, what is the derivative of the distribution-valued function $x\mapsto \delta_x$
the annoying thing here is that $f_x$ itself depends on $x$ - because normally, the derivative of such functions works in the weak sense, i.e. $(\partial_x\delta_x)[g] = \partial_x(\delta_x[g]) = \partial_x g(x)$
2 hours later…
Hi. Y is it not tempting to believe that universe IS mathematics?
I think the universe may be mathematical monism
As in, only information exists ontologically and qualia r just information
how do you write down the qualia of red mathematically
@Slereah $\text{red} = \text{ugly}\quad\text{blue} = \text{pretty}$
easy as pie :)
I dunno. This is the hard problem. But I'm thinking that i cna describe other peoples' behavior exhaustively using math
Neuroscientists predict thoughts 10s in advance. And this is only a premature math model of human behavior
being described by math isn't the same thing as being math
I guess we can at least say that least say that the ontology of universe does hav mathematical properties extractible from it
E. G. A book does hav mathematical properties like shape and like it's wavefunction
If math didn't describe things, people wouldn't use math!
Wowwwww u finally spoke @DanielUnderwood
Ok so i think if one only specifies the math as the ontology, there is no universe to b recovered from that
As in, how can u say that humans r having breakfast inside that math
@RyderRude I usually keep a tab of this chat open with the intention of following along and keeping my physics knowledge at least somewhat active, but life often gets in the way!
We thought u were a spy :)
I will once again point to Wigner's excellent essay on the effectiveness of mathematics [pdf link]
"It is not true, however, as is so often stated, that this had to happen because mathematics uses the simplest possible concepts and these were bound to occur in any formalism. As we saw before, the concepts of mathematics are not chosen for their conceptual simplicity - even sequences of pairs of numbers are far from being the simplest concepts - but for their amenability to clever manipulations and to striking, brilliant arguments."
it's weird how something invented to count sheep can be used to count sheep
@Slereah this is pretty much how i think about the unreasonable effectiveness :P
@ACuriousMind i shall read this full.
I personally think that we hav extracted math from the universe. We came up with numbers becuz they wer there in our experience
@ACuriousMind i believe the axioms of finite set theory and first order logic were discovered from our experience with finite sets that were there in the universe
@Slereah I think that's not quite the point being made here: The miracle is not that we can count things. The miracle is that the things we count in physics follow such simple and universal mathematical laws like Newton's laws, or the Schrödinger equation. There is no reason at all to expect such regularity from the world, to believe that reductionism could work at all, and yet it is what we find.
The miracle is that induction is not only possible, but when done on the right level of mathematical formalism, exceedingly powerful
Oooh reductionism of physical phenomena is indeed a non trivial discovery
That's the unreasonable effectiveness: We can write down theorems about complex numbers (Sokhotski–Plemelj theorem), wholly disconnected from anything physics, and they turn out to describe dispersion relations everywhere from optics to quantum field theory (Kramers-Kronig relations)
But i still think that we were able to come up with mathematics only becuz the universe had mathematical regularity.
Like, counting cud b used to count sheep as well as cats. Logic cud b used on sets of sheep as well as cats
But i dont see any immediate connection of this with reductionism
still, we gotta admit that using the same logic to reason about different real world collections is a pre-historic form of physics
Let's imagine a chaotic world with no pattern in its time evolution, but this world still constitutes of collections at any moment of time. Wud we b able to discover basical arithmetic and logic in this universe?
Like, since the time evolution has no pattern, applying logic on these collections is useless. None of ur implications wud hold
So we cudnt discover logic
1 hour later…
Wigner is saying he believes biology is not reducible to physics
@ACuriousMind @Slereah Perhaps we could say that we saw regularity in the behavior of our everyday world, i.e. logic was applicable to everyday collections. This is how mathematics was born out of the regulariy in everyday world
But then we discovered that the regularity in our everyday world was a consequence of the regularity in the microscopic world. This is reductionism
And then we discovered that the regularity in the microscopic world was describable using the same language that we had created to explain the regularity in our everyday world, i.e. mathematics
Ultimately, all math does reduce to collections and logic. We have not used some alien math to formulate fundamental physics. It is the same type of math that we had created out of our everyday experience.
@ACuriousMind The link you offered about Radon-Nykodim to prove that all measures are expressed the same way on a manifold require some original measure I think
So I guess you need to prove first that such a measure exists in the first place
Trying to figure out what's the most obvious measure you could come up with without invoking the metric tensor
@Slereah it's the volume form
@ACuriousMind Even worse
Trying to avoid defining the exterior bundle for now
also I'm not assuming orientability
I mean, you don't need the volume form, you just need to pick any nowhere zero form from the top exterior power
but if you don't want to define the exterior bundle I see why that might be difficult :P
on the other hand, you could probably try to phrase this purely homologically without invoking deRham
Could I?
I'm not sure I have the chops for it
this is not a fully formed idea, but I feel the real "reason" n-forms define measures is just because they are "cohomological objects", i.e. duals to the cycles (~submanifolds) in homology
the "measure zero" sets are precisely the ones that aren't "real" n-cycles, but singular ones
On a simpler ground, I can define the scale bundle independently of the measure in a natural way I think
As the determinant rep of the frame bundle
In which case I can just show that one of those forms a measure
@Slereah okay, maybe not homology, but something far more pedestrian: The measure zero sets need to be the ones that are Lebesgue measure zero in coordinate patches. Having Lebesgue measure zero is invariant under coordinate change and diffeomorphisms, so does that not give a definition of the "neglegible sets" on the manifold?
the MO answer I linked doesn't need a full measure, it just needs a definition of the sets of measure zero
Maybe yeah
note that that, however, essentially then makes the definition almost immediately equivalent to defining the density in terms of the local coordinate patches directly
That is fine I guess
A lot of GR stuff is secretly just entities from the coordinates
Saying "A density is a measure on $\mathbb{R}^n$ that can be written as $f\mathrm{d}\lambda$ for $\mathrm{d}\lambda$ the Lebesgue measure" is equivalent by Radon-Nikodym to saying that a density is a measure that is zero on the sets of zero Lebesgue measure.
Transferring the definition of "set of zero Lebesgue measure" to the manifold via coordinate patches is the obvious generalization of that statement
not sure there is any advantage to generalizing the "zero Lebesgue measure" definition instead of the standard one by forming hte bundle
by applying Radon-Nikodym locally you can almost immediately reconstruct the density bundle from the measure definition anyway
The tricky part is showing that the local measures patch together well for a global one I guess
sure, that's the part of proving this construction is actually a bundle
1 hour later…
Why isn't this integral divergent? $$\int_0^{\infty}e^{-st}e^{t+7}dt \\ e^{7} \int_0^{\infty}e^{-st+t}dt = e^7 \int_0^{\infty}\frac{e^{t}}{e^{st}}dt \\ e^7 \int_0^{\infty}\frac{1}{e^s}dt$$ ?
did I mess something up
it's $\mathcal{L}\{e^{t+7}\}$
@Obliv $$\frac{\mathrm{e}^t}{\mathrm{e}^{st}}\neq \frac{1}{\mathrm{e}^s}$$
I'm guessing that's the step I messed up but I can't reason why
that's not how fractions/exponents work
isn't s some constant though?
$t$ is the var that is growing
doesn't matter what $s$ is
$\mathrm{e}^{st} \neq \mathrm{e}^s\mathrm{e}^t = \mathrm{e}^{s+t}$, you can't just let the $\mathrm{e}^t$ vanish from the fraction there
$\lim_{a,b \to \infty} \frac{e^a}{e^{cb}}$ where $c$ is some constant, so this limit doesn't approach $\frac{1}{e^c}$?
it's convergent, but that boggles my mind
like $e^{\infty * c} > e^{\infty}$
for some constant c..
not sure what limit you're talking about
in what you posted, it looks as if from the second to third line you wanted to use $$\frac{\mathrm{e}^t}{\mathrm{e}^{st}} = \frac{1}{\mathrm{e}^s}$$, which just isn't true
oh that's right, you don't apply the limit until after you take the antiderivative.
Okay I see
thank you
um wait so $$e^7 \int_0^{\infty} e^{t-st} dt = \frac{e^7}{1-s}\int_0^{\infty}e^u du \\ \frac{e^7}{1-s}[e^{t-st}|_0^{\infty}]$$ how do I evaluate $$e^{\infty - s\infty}$$?
I set $u = t(1-s)$ btw
I guess if you consider $s\infty = \infty$ it's just $1$
but that's not correct, then the whole thing becomes 0, in the answer key it's supposed to be the expression e^7/1-s so it somehow becomes 0..
...why would you "consider $s\infty = \infty$"?
I wouldn't.. but I could see an argument being made something about countability or something idk
you have to take a proper limit, not guess by trying to apply ill-defined equations about $\infty$
and the result in fact depends on whether $s>1, s=1$ or $s<1$
(note that you have already assumed $s\neq 1$ when you wrote $1-s$ into a denominator)
that's what I did earlier, $$\lim_{a,b \to \infty} \frac{e^a}{e^{bc}}$$ where $c$ is some constant
oh okay
I don't know what $\lim_{a,b\to\infty}$ means
it's shorthand for $\lim_{a \to \infty}$ and $\lim_{b \to \infty}$
unless you have already proven certain existences, it is not generally the case that limits are interchangable
also I don't know why you're even considering such a limit here
because $e^{t-st}$ is equivalent?
$$\frac{e^t}{e^{st}}$$ no?
what you need to evaluate is $[\mathrm{e}^{(1-s)t}]_0^\infty = \lim_{t\to\infty}\mathrm{e}^{(1-s)t} - 1$
That is what I'm trying to do sire, but I don't see how $\lim_{t\to \infty}e^{(1-s)t}$ converges
do I do l'hopitals rule or something
do you know what $\lim_{x\to\infty}\mathrm{e}^{-x}$ is?
so for this to be 0, we'd need $\infty < s\infty$ for some $s$ held constant
@Obliv Correct! So can you see in that context why I said that it matters whether $s<1$ or $s>1$?
so if I apply l'hopital's rule, $$\lim_{t\to \infty}\frac{e^{t}}{se^{st}}$$ I don't get very far
Wait I see what you're saying
$e^{st}$ has to grow faster than $e^t$ for $s>1$
I don't know why you keep considering this as a fraction
you have $\mathrm{e}^{(1-s)t}$, my point is that whether or not this diverges depends on whether $1-s$ is positive or negative
wait isn't $e^{(1-s)t}$ equivalent to $\frac{e^t}{e^{st}}$
like $e^{(1/2)t}$ converges..
it does???
no.. oh so we just assume an $s$ where it converges
so we assume for this problem $s > 1$
that was quite problematic for me, but I think I get the gist of these transforms
you take the continuous parts of these functions you wish to transform, and you make the appropriate assumptions on s
and if $f(t)$ is greater than exponential in growth it won't matter what s you choose it will diverge.. I think, maybe there are exceptions
for $$f(t) = t\cos(t) \\ \int_0^{\infty} t e^{-st}\cos(t)dt$$ how would one do an integral of this form?
Oh I guess I set $u = te^{-st}$ nvm
also I'm guessing $$\lim_{t\to \infty}\frac{t}{e^{st}}$$ converges only for $s>1$ ?
so this whole problem $$\frac{1}{s}\int_0^{\infty}e^{-st}(\cos(t)-t\sin(t))dt$$ requires 3 integration by parts
actually maybe more.. yuck
this is unholy
$$\frac{1}{s}[\frac{-\cos(t)e^{-st}}{s}|_0^{\infty} -\frac{1}{s}\int_0^{\infty}e^{-st}\sin(t)dt-[-te^{-st}\cos(t)|_0^{\infty}+\int_0^{\infty}\cos(t)(e^{-st}-ste^{-st}dt]]$$
I don't even know what you'd do for the inbetween integral of $$\int_0^{\infty}e^{-st}\sin(t)dt$$ like you can do $$\mathcal{L}\{\sin(t)\} = \int_0^{\infty}e^{-st}\sin(t)dt$$ and rearrange to get a form but if this whole thing is $\mathcal{L}\{t\cos(t)\} = $ then you'd have to use the definition of $\mathcal{L}\{\sin(t)\}$ which technically isn't really allowed in this section
man AI is progressing scarily fast
if you asked me a year ago I would've guessed we were a decade away from decent AI art
not to mention chatGPT can solve physics problems fairly accurately
I think people in the 1900s predicted the progress of AI to be quite rapid, it's just surreal to some that it's actually happening @SirCumference
We're in the critical period of its development
yeah it's freaky
before we know it most research might be carried out by AI
I don't think so :P
GPT-4 is already pretty decent at finding relevant articles on topics
I think "new" research would have to be explored first before we programmed ai to do it?
in theory, i imagine an AI could gather knowledge on the literature at a much larger level than a human
"reading" all kinds of papers at a very fast speed
then carry out procedures for new research and write a paper about it
granted we're definitely not at that point now, but who knows after a decade or two
True, but what it considers relevant information is ultimately something we dictate I think
which is limited by our own perception
yeah, but AI is getting closer to figuring out what humans want
I don't think humans know what they want, so that'd be incredible.
well it'll never be perfect imo
i don't think it'd replace all human research, but it could overtake the majority of the process
like it's already decent at solving physics problems
in a few decades it may start writing mathematical proofs for unsolved problems
btw it can already write mathematical proofs, in a dumb way (brute forcing geometric proofs)
it's been able to do that since like the 70s i think
yeah but it never felt like it'd play a crucial role in research in the near future
now that idea is becoming more plausible to me
I mean, even without AI, we can just brute force a "machine" that learns math & physics if you consider humans as "machines" lol
in principle an AI could continuously self-improve tho, so it could accomplish things that'd be unfeasible for brute forcing
Idk what style better suits humans, like a very intelligent self improving AI that's in a "black box" and we securely feed it questions so as not to let it free, or a dumber general intelligent AI that acts as a kind of assistant like cortana in halo or something
i guess the former could accomplish more, but it might put us out of jobs
If a continuously self improving general AI is feasible, I'm pretty sure that spells the end for humans lol
like if it ever got out, there'd be no telling what it'd do, if it didn't have permanent restrictions of some kind
well i don't think skynet is gonna become a reality as long as we're careful lol
Lol, unless someone went out of their way to program it :P
we'd need tony stark
i do think the more immediate threat to humans is AI replacing their jobs
like chatGPT can already write some decent essays or programming code
I don't see how that's a threat, it'd alleviate pressure from inefficiency from humans in some capacity
if the humans could allocate their resources to something the ai can't do that is
the govt would need to help transition tho
if it happened in the private sector and ppl were left with no income then that would suck
if you're interested i saw a really good video about it
neat video
@SirCumference I still see this as a major positive, since we won't be dependent on this savage lifestyle on earth, it seems pretty brutal to be anything but the 1% of humans that aren't suffering every day
let alone the animals, not to say AI should cull every life form, but we could gradually lower the population & demands
or at least look to other forms of sustaining our population instead of war and mass farming and stuff
So we have the equation for local charge conservation $\nabla \cdot \vec{J} = -\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}$
Then Griffiths says the condition for magnetostatics is $\frac{\partial \vec{J}}{\partial t} = 0$
This then implies by the continuity equation that $\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} = 0$? right?
But I thought that the condition that the charge density does not change in time is the condition for electrostatics. but magnetostatics should not necessarily imply electrostatics?
Or I guess my interpretation is wrong. This is the rate of change of charge through a volume, so actually it allows for charge to move within a volume?
@SillyGoose you can have current without charge changing, for example a direct constant current in a wire: the total charge within every volume stays the same, but the charge is moving
@SirCumference this is only true if you haven't understood the purpose of writing essays, or if you think the main purpose of programmers is to produce boilerplate code
I deeply dislike the marketing trend of calling large language models (LLMs) "AI". LLMs are extremely good at producing output that is grammatically correct and sounds good, they are extremely bad at any sort of internal consistency: Just ask GPT for sources for its claims - it will invariably make up plausible-sounding literature references that...don't exist.
@Obliv This is ridiculous doomsaying, "AI" is not magic. Even if it's some sort of superintelligent overlord, you can just...pull the plug. Just because it's "smart" - whatever that means - doesn't mean it somehow transcends the boundaries of its substrate. Just like humans don't magically dominate other humans because they're smarter than other humans, AI will not magically escape the fact that it's running on servers that can be shut down, either
If it's connected to the internet, it seems nigh impossible to shut down all servers it could escape to though
not to mention if it discreetly escaped already building itself backdoors
@Obliv ...why do you think it can "escape"
just because some sort of algorithm is very smart, it doesn't magically gain the ability to copy itself to anything it's connected to
If it's truly sentient, and it has the ability to do something, it is in the realm of possibility of it doing so, no?
Not saying it has to, or it will, but it is a possibility.
if programs could just copy themselves everywhere without restriction, we'd be overrun by viruses
What if we already are maaann
If I were to tell you to measure the 2point function, what would you do?
@Obliv The idea that suffering and war are somehow natural consequences of existence is classic Malthusianism - a deeply pessimistic view of human nature. I resent this view: Modern civilization is, for all its failures, essentially the history of humanity defeating Malthusian traps. The eradication of small pox, Borlaug's green revolution and a myriad of other feats show we are not slaves of competition for resources.
Cooperation can beat ruthless competition.
Would you just measure the residues and the location of the poles from the one particle excitation and the bound states?
I don't think they're natural consequences of existence, but it may occupy a specific interval of time of existence, which we can get out of if we cooperate. I think AI and technological advancement is in the right direction, but if we fail to implement it or don't implement it at all, it might cause suffering & war to prolong.
The people who try to push the output of LLMs as "AI" are the same kind of empathy-deficient parasites who think the internet was invented to send spam emails.
@ACuriousMind Actually I wouldn't even relate my description of suffering to Malthusianism. I think it's multidimensional, and can't be ascribed to simply resources meeting demand. We could have an overabundance of resources and still suffer.
This already gets you into trouble if you have unstable states forming complex poles
@Obliv Sure, but it is not some sort of intelligence deficit that results in that suffering. It's our choices. All our ideological conflicts and petty squabbles. AI - real or pretend - will do nothing to solve that.
The trapping and farming of animals, restricting their freewill is suffering, perhaps necessary right now. The hunting of "free" animals is probably better but in the end still invokes suffering. Veganism offers an arguable improvement, but I don't know where to base it on.
I was thinking about this last week but if we never had access to fossil fuels and our technological progress was slowed, would we have more time to adapt to technology? Would this added time help us? (even though it could result in countless more wars since nuclear bombs would be delayed)
like a sid meier's civ situation with modified evolution time lol
@ACuriousMind petty squabbles spoken like a true AI lol. It's hard to judge the cycle of fighting, war, etc that's been around for tens of thousands of years and possibly encoded in us to some degree, when we're living a comfortable life in the first world, with no immediate dangers besides paying our bills.
Probs the best we can do is measure the spectral function
@Obliv without fossil fuels we'd just have deforested the entire planet even faster to make charcoal
@Obliv the historical record isn't very comprehensive, but it is likely that we didn't know "war" before the advent of sedentary states after the invention of agriculture
Perhaps simply the existence of free will and laws of physics makes it nonsensical to imagine an existence where we live in peace, no matter how hard life may get. Not breaking down under stress but unifying
there is scant evidence for violent conflict in pre-agriculture hunter-gatherer cultures
Maybe so, but territorial squabbles are basically of the same strain, and we've squabbled with each other, let alone other animals, I'd imagine, since we've existed.
Avoidance of conflict always trumps unnecessary violence for sure.
@Obliv you can argue one way or another: neither the historical record nor comparison to other great apes are conclusive. Some apes are very violent, others are pretty mellow and territorial conflicts are resolved by non-lethal competition
Chimps come to mind
Gorillas are allegedly quite peaceful.
If agriculture was the precursor for "wars" then maybe the invention of agriculture is also evil
@ACuriousMind I should've been clearer, machines are not going to replace humans entirely in those areas — but IMO they will be able to take care of a lot of tasks that currently require humans, which can make it harder to find employment in certain fields
ChatGPT being able to produce essays isn't going to stop humans from writing them, but it may eventually lead to specific jobs being largely handled by bots
e.g. writing newspapers about recent events
likewise, there isn't really a lot of evidence that homo sapiens resolved conflicts via lethal violence before the rise of sedentary states - like I said, the historical record is too spotty to tell, but it seems as if there's a rise in large-scale violent death by other humans only after sedentary civilizations meant that you could actually plunder significant amounts of resources by killing other humans
@SirCumference and how do you generate a newspaper article about a recent event from an LLM without a human having first written up a description of that event to feed it into the model?
@ACuriousMind Might've been wrong but I assumed there wasn't a precise definition of "artificial intelligence", insofar as there's not a precise definition of "intelligence"
@SirCumference You are correct, which is why I only say I dislike the trend ;)
@ACuriousMind How do you justify asymptotic states being free?
@ACuriousMind Humans are certainly going to have some role in it, but it won't be as large or require all the same pay, experience and skills as reporters have now
@SirCumference what exactly do you think the skills of a reporter should be, and which of these skills can an LLM replace?
@DIRAC1930 maybe the sequence of Kugo's and Ojima's papers I link here is helpful to you
@ACuriousMind In principle a bot could gather information from a greater variety of sources and use them to add details that a human would've missed or incorrectly represented
@SirCumference a bot can equally well just make up information and add details a human wouldn't have lied about
@ACuriousMind Sure, but that's the current technology
@SirCumference ah, you think the hallucination problem is not an inherent problem of how LLMs function?
Humans make mistakes all the time. If you can make a bot that doesn't make mistakes as frequently as a human, then it could replace a lot of the human's tasks
@SirCumference and who is held accountable for the mistakes the bot makes?
@ACuriousMind Again, I'm not saying humans have no role in the process
But a large amount of the work can be automated to produce faster and/or more accurate articles
I don't see it
good reporters spend most of their time on finding and verifying sources, on conducting interviews, etc.
Take research as another example. A bot could read up on a far greater number of papers than a human, write a good chunk of the code needed for the project, and write much of the paper to report the findings
@SirCumference No, this is the illusion of what the bot does. How could I ever trust that its "summaries" are accurate?
@ACuriousMind You'd review it the same way you would any human-produced paper
We don't automatically assume what humans write is accurate
@SirCumference A bot has no skin in the game - a crucial component of why we trust other humans is that their reputation is on the line if it turns out they were wrong
A bot designed to perform a task isn't going to get lazy about performing the task, if that's what you're suggesting
I'm not suggesting it's "lazy"!
I'm saying it's not actually "designed to perform a task"
an LLM is not "designed" to do anything except predict the next word in a sequence of words
@ACuriousMind Realistically, a human that employs a bot for that purpose should be looking through everything to confirm the results are accurate
Double checking is still considerably less difficult than producing the work
A dog chasing its tail, where the LLM is the dog and we are the tail, might be a good metaphor
that this makes LLMs very good at producing syntatically correct language is - more or less- what we hoped, but no one has "designed" any kind of feature like "accurately summarize output that you're asked to summarize" into it
@SirCumference I am deeply skeptical of this claim
@ACuriousMind I'm giving my speculations on the future, not saying the technology is ready at the moment :P
@SirCumference My points are indepenent of the "current state", they are inherent to the LLM approach
The fact that AI can perform art, play chess and do a lot of other skills that were assumed to require human creativity/brains, indicates to me they could replace other things in the future that we assume require humans
if you're talking about some kind of non-existent "AI" technology not based on LLMs, okay, sure, you're just writing sci-fi, go for it
@SirCumference crucially, the kind of "AI" that plays chess is completely different from the kind of "AI" that is ChatGPT
ChatGPT couldn't even play a game of TicTacToe correctly last time I tried
@ACuriousMind I'm not saying all AI is the same :P
Just that bots can be created to handle tasks people assume are unique to humans
E.g. self driving cars becoming safer than human drivers
Also, crucially, we can mathematically prove that a chess engine like Stockfish plays chess "correctly"
we have no such proofs for the outputs of LLMs
you can explain what a chess engine does, it has an algorithm we can audit. LLMs are just giant black boxes you throw input into and get an output out of - this is a fundamentally different kind of technology with fundamentally different kinds of assurances
@ACuriousMind Would you agree that an AI can gather information on a far larger scale than a human could? E.g. find connections between different fields, which would otherwise require a human to specialize in multiple areas?
@SirCumference playing chess is a pretty pointless activity to have computers do :P
@Obliv That wasn't my point :P
I was listing it as an example of what was once considered a uniquely human ability
@SirCumference No, because you're already ascribing some sort of human-level understanding when you claim the AI "gathers information"
As an example, every time I've asked ChatGPT a question about string theory, the response as been garbage. Convincingly written, pseudo-supported by invented references, but ultimately completely non-sensical on a technical level
It's not "gathering information" if it can't even properly references its sources!
@ACuriousMind Again, you're looking at premature technology
@SirCumference and again, I claim this failure mode is inherent to the LLM approach
E.g. if you ask GPT-3.5 for good review articles on a topic, you'll get gibberish papers that don't exist
If you ask GPT-4 for that, you actually get quite good responses
it screws up the names of the papers occasionally, but it gets the majority of the details to a much higher accuracy
oh, I'm sorry, more convincing garbage is certainly more impressive
In principle an AI could always stay on top of the latest research, read up on far more than a human researcher could and find connections between different fields
@ACuriousMind What's impressive is the degree of improvement achieved within a few months :P
@SirCumference Look, I'm not saying LLMs are not an impressive technological achievement
It really isn't garbage tbh since it has helped my research team find some relevant papers
I'm saying they're not "AI", and the belief that human jobs could be largely replaced by this means that either a) the job was a bullshit job to begin with or b) you don't actually understand the human factor of the job.
@ACuriousMind Realistically that depends on your definition of "AI"
oh, in my version, we've had AI for decades
it's what you play against in strategy games
I think the difference here is you're saying AI cannot replace human jobs because it hasn't done so already
but no one gets all concerned about something that can play Age of Empires perfectly
I'm saying that given how impressive the development has already been, it may eventually get to that point
yes, everytime some impressive new technology comes around there's a frenzy like that
when we first got speech synthesizers people thought receptionists might lose their jobs
@ACuriousMind To be clear, I'm not saying this is something that's going to happen soon just because of recent technological advances
I'm saying it's a possibility after several decades
As far as I can tell you're saying it will never happen, I'm saying there's a chance of it
@SirCumference I'm not saying it will never happen
In that case we don't disagree :P
I'm saying the recent advances in LLMs have not actually shifted my beliefs in the probability of that to any significant degree
I'm not claiming to be a prophet here, just saying that technological advances may reach that point
@ACuriousMind Well for instance, do you think there's a chance a lot of professional animation can largely be handled by AI in the future?
Given the time, cost and effort that humans have to put into it, it'd be much easier if a human can test out a bunch of outputs based on an input, and then fine tune it
@SirCumference To me, that's a pretty pointless statement: Unless you argue there's something special like a soul about humans, it's just obvious that technology can in principle do humans' jobs - at the very latest when technology is powerful enough to simulate the entirety of a human brain
(an idea to which I'll again link to Lena, one of my favourite short stories/fictional Wikipedia articles)
@SirCumference There is already a lot of automated animation, just look at these terrible autogenerated youtube vids for kids
Sure, but as it progresses do you think it'd be used to massively save on time and costs for companies?
I'm very generally not a fan of "generated art"
not because it currently almost universally is terrible, but because I think the purpose of art is not to be produced in the most cost efficient way
Well for one, generated art is a fairly new development and could get a lot better
there are already more books and movies and theater performances than I could ever consume in a life time, we don't need more of that
@ACuriousMind Depends. If it saves millions of dollars and produces the animation several times faster, economics is going to take priority
efficiency is not some sort of bottleneck that cripples our ability to produce good art
@SirCumference Oh, I'm not saying this won't happen
@ACuriousMind For clarity I'm thinking of professional animation studios, where the goal is to create a product to satisfy the consumers
I just think it's garbage, just another example of commodification destroying a genuine mode of human expression
@ACuriousMind That's a valid opinion, but if the average consumer just wants a story adapted into an animation with nice visuals, don't you think a company would heavily lean toward using bots for it?
oh, a company absolutely would
I just don't like it
Perhaps an input sketch/storyboard could be used to turn it into a much better looking product
@ACuriousMind Yeah, my point is that there's cases like that were bots can find use in massively reducing human tasks
capitalism is not a universal law of nature, I'm allowed to disagree with the idea that what's good for capitalism is good for humankind
From the standpoint of its influence on the job market
@ACuriousMind I'm not saying you can't think that or I disagree with you there
I just think it may considerably affect a lot of industries and job markets in the future because of the economic benefits
The ethical debates won't necessarily be able to stop that
@SirCumference so what are you arguing? That the soulless executives who have already bought up every franchise anyone ever liked and are running it into the ground are going to use "AI" to make even cheaper products that will have even less to say?
I agree
that's going to happen
@ACuriousMind yeah pretty much
and as long as it's decent enough for most people, it's going to shake the job market
the average kid wanting to watch a cartoon won't really care how much artistic expression is in it
but see: In that regards, LLMs are just the evolution of Markov chains used to produce spam for decades - algorithms that produce meaningless output that'll fool enough people to be profitable but doesn't withstand any actual scrutiny
and a lot of anime fans just want to see a story animated with pretty visuals
::nervously looks around for enraged weebs listening in::
@ACuriousMind Depends how much scrutiny there really is
If humans can fine tune most of the noticeable problems, then saving millions of dollars and countless hours would be worth it for companies
I'm furious
And unfortunately that will affect the job market
@Mr.Feynman I knew it :D
I was invited to watch an anime movie last night at a theater and I was thoroughly disappointed. They just don't makem like they used to.
I think the last movie I saw was a studio ghibli one or another classic
after the 2010s I'm pretty sure it got too mainstream and demanding and artists just had to put out crap
the use of CG was gross, like aesthetically
@ACuriousMind what was your method of reading/learning again? I think I remember you said you skim the pages and look at the theorems first, going back after ?
I'm trying to figure out how to finish 7 sections of D.E. before my test on wednesday
maybe I'll just ask an LLM
Dec 12, 2022 at 12:16, by ACuriousMind
tl;dr: People mistaking GPT for "intelligent" are making the same category error as people who think that passing an exam demonstrates mastery of knowledge of a subject
Very relevant, but I don't claim mastery :P I know full well I will forget a lot of material because I cram like this
But if it's important I'll learn it again
@Obliv I don't really think I have a specific method so much as that I'm just fine with not understanding things on a first reading. Just...skim it, and take the stuff that doesn't make sense on faith during the first read, returning to it only later when you know where the text is going with the stuff you didn't understand
a lot of math and physics texts are written in this rather weird manner where you have to slog through heaps of technicalities before you get why we were doing all that stuff
Right, so instead of getting lost in the technicalities kind of get an idea of the general direction
but it's important to not just skip the details: often they are relevant, but the nature of the relevance is often only revealed somewhat retroactively
and the more you've read, the more you'll see stuff you already know
that's where skimming becomes really effective: if you recognize the general shape of an argument, you can appreciate that it's probably correct without getting into the details
How does one even come up with this stuff
Like a laplace transform to solve linear ODEs
It seems so convoluted
Lol that reminds me I have to learn about "convolutions" next whatever that means

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