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my goodness that frequency energy question has created a mess. as a student the different answers has really muddled my understanding
the post has now been edited 'The electromagnetic spectrum's wavelengths all travel at the same speed, c'
so now its wavelengths not particles
even if OP meant classical i don't understand why people are talking about wiggling electrons......
if all wavelengths have the same velocity, surely we're talking about a vacuum. are there any materials with no dispersion at all frequencies?
OR do people mean that a wave (or photon) in pure vacuum doesn't have energy until it interacts with something to impart that energy to? I never heard of that before???
5 hours later…
Part of the problem I that the original question is unclear. At first glance I read it as asking why E = hf, in which case the highest voted answer was completely wrong. However on a second read it isn't clear that was what was being asked.
When any question reaches the Hot Network Questions list answers tend to be upvoted on the basis of plausibility rather than correctness since most of the people voting are not physicists. That's just life I'm afraid.
What is annoying is that no-one has posted the real explanation i.e. the modes of the electromagnetic field behave like simple harmonic oscillators. I've toyed with writing an answer along these lines, but given the lack of clarity in the question I wasn't sure it was worth the effort.
Hi All..
Hello @JohnRennie Sir
What is the reason when system can not split into two parts, not able to change its state of rest or uniform motion?
honestly love this book lol
2 hours later…
@SirCumference lolol Its inventor thought it deserved a cool name
@ACuriousMind But I think the C* algbera is of observables. And observables are generators. Then why do you say that the algebra is of the group of exponentials of generators?
@RyderRude because the unboundedness of $x$ and $p$ is annoying
@ACuriousMind i don't know what unboundedness means. Is it related to topology of the algebra?
technically you have to take the algebra of actual projectors associated with $x$ and $p$ as observables if you want a bounded algebra
Yeah, the projection operators will do as observables
@RyderRude "unbounded" means that there are arbitrarily high values in the spectrum. In particular both $x$ and $p$ not only are unbounded but also have continuous spectrum
this makes them mathematically very ugly operators and hard to deal with
But then again, none od the projection operators satisfy the heisenberg algebra
And we start the theory by postulating the heisenberg algebra
so you don't really want to work with them directly - just look at the SvN theorem, while we do have uniqueness as along as the exponentiated CCR hold, we don't have uniqueness just for $[x,p] = \mathrm{i}$
@ACuriousMind that makes sense
@ACuriousMind oh
Would u say that the clifford algebra of pauli matrices counts as a C* algebra
Maybe it needs additional structure like a norm and adjoint
I don't know what the "Clifford algebra of Pauli matrices" is
Pauli matrices are a 3d Clifford algebra
So, in abstract algebra, you will define the quantum theory of spin by writing a clifford lagbera
The 3D one
but sure, the algebra generated by the Pauli matrices is a $C^\ast$-algebra
With additional structure defined on, like a norm and self adjoint
every subalgebra of operators on a Hilbert space is a $C^\ast$-algebra and since the Pauli matrices are just operators on $\mathbb{C}^2$, there isn't any problem here
But what about in abstract, like defining the spin theory without reference to hilbert space
Then we would just write the clifford algebra, right?
The clifford algebra would be analogous to heisenberg algbera here
But with additional structure
Because clifford algebra's definition does not have an adjoint operation
I feel this is a distinction without a difference - the norm/adjoint you need to impose is exactly the one you get from the faithful representation on $\mathbb{C}^2$
otherwise what are you even doing :P
in fact every $C^\ast$-algebra is isomorphic to the algebra of bounded operators on some Hilbert space
i.e. there aren't any "abstract" algebras that you can't represent just as operators on a concrete space. A lot of the $C^\ast$-algebraic approach to QM is just showing the whole machinery is overkill if you just want to do QM :P
I have never cared about the algebra either
In fact, the adjoint structure of the algebra is pretty much stolen from matrix adjoint
That structure makes sure that we're talking about matrices
Still, there is some beauty in describing the theory in a minimalistic way
Like in algebras
1 hour later…
Q: Flag declined even thought it was (possibly) correct

peepI've flagged this post with the 'other' option for flags, and described it as 'Homework question'. The post was closed as a homework question, and my flag was declined. The justification was that I did not use a standard flag, and was referred to What is flagging?. In this page it is not specifie...

@ACuriousMind Hi. Like mathjax works on main site, does it work on rooms as well? I have seen people typing in mathjax commands but these commands do not appear as they should look to me?
@An_Elephant see the room description for how to run MathJax in chat
I am sorry but how do you see room description?(I can't find anything like this :(
Oops sorry , I get it.
3 hours later…
Maybe I'm just getting old and turning cynical, but I'm surprised he hasn't tried to rebrand Science as Wolfram at this point wolfram-media.com/products/…
I have nothing to say about Wolfram that Feynman didn't already say in his oft-quoted letter to him :P
"Your comment is unclear to me. Would you consider a region of space that contains a gravitational wave a vacuum ?"
does he mean like a vacuum cleaner

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