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The more I look at it, the more I think QFT is just the part of building block level reality that can be captured mathematically
Imagine if QFT do not have all those selection rules, symmetry constraints, quantum numbers, then quantum fields can potentially excite to make particles of any mass, any quantum number value and types
Yet, experimentally, we only ever observe particles of certain combinations of mass, charge, spin, decay channels and symmetry structures etc.
In particle physics, a generation or family is a division of the elementary particles. Between generations, particles differ by their flavour quantum number and mass, but their interactions are identical. There are three generations according to the Standard Model of particle physics. Each generation is divided into two types of leptons and two types of quarks. The two leptons may be classified into one with electric charge −1 (electron-like) and neutral (neutrino-like); the two quarks may be classified into one with charge −​1⁄3 (down-type) and one with charge +​2⁄3 (up-type). The basic features...
From this philosophical viewpoint, a couple other questions can be asked:
1. Why only neutrinos mix readily with each other across the generations while other leptons and quarks do not do that much. Or rather, why do the mass eigenstates of neutrinos so similar while those of other leptons and quarks differ a lot across generations?
2. What really controls mass, why do they have the values as shown. Why must certain values of mass are paired with some certain combination of quantum numbers?
3. Are there deeper relations between mass eigenstates and other eigenstates besides flavor. We knew that neutrino flavor and mass eigenstates are related by some Pontecorvo–Maki–Nakagawa–Sakata matrix, and there are also mixing matrices that relate quark flavours with each other. But what stops quarks of a given flavour to have different mass. Is mass merely an emergent property from the Higgs field, interaction energy and other quantum numbers?
4. Why is the rest mass of a particle not a quantum number and why unlike other quantum numbers, any type of particle only ever has one rest mass?
> What determines the observed pattern of quark & lepton mass matrices?
That's basically question 3 rephrased
It will be very strange had it does not break at all, because then it really raise the question on just what is the point to say the leptons have three flavors
There has to be a difference between rest mass and flavors
Today were announced the first two cases of coronavirus here in Bulgaria....... great.......
1 hour later…
What is reality?
I am really starting to think that reality is the part of totality that is self consistent
The fact that regardless of what philosophy we use, and what we observed (and to some lesser extent, what other animals and life have reasoned about their surroundings) and the absence of abrupt discontinuous events, suggests that at least the subjective reality that interacts with us humans (which if the objective reality is really out there, is the interface where humans and it interacts) has a strong bias to be self consistent
This perspective also raised interesting metaphysical questions, such as self consistency does not require a lot of criteria, yet most things in real life can be modelled mathematically, which is a stronger version than mere self consistency. It thus lead to the question on why is our human sense of mathematics evolutionary significant enough to become a cognitive bias in our thinking, and only be interrupted by our disposition to create beliefs
Reality is that which remains after you have sobered up.
I also like how metaphysics actually makes me understand particle phenomenology a lot better
because compared to the entirety of metaphysics, physics is a lot more rule abiding
hence "simpler"
Q: Should we test lowering the vote to close and reopen threshold?

tpg2114Update Based on the votes, we will be giving this experiment a try. We are working with the CM team now to figure out what metrics we can measure for comparisons before and during the test and we will update everybody as soon as we come up with a plan and a date to start the test. Stay tuned! ...

Before we launch the test, I'd like to have an idea of what metrics we can actually quantify and how we will use them, rather than trying to p-hack our way through data at the end. So I plan on posting a hypothesis/experimental approach post prior to starting the test -- although, I also don't want to influence people's behavior during the test, so I'm not sure the best way to approach that yet... — tpg2114 ♦ Jan 4 at 3:13
Any update on these?
The neutrino theory of light is the proposal that the photon is a composite particle formed of a neutrino–antineutrino pair. It is based on the idea that emission and absorption of a photon corresponds to the creation and annihilation of a particle–antiparticle pair. The neutrino theory of light is not currently accepted as part of mainstream physics, as according to the standard model the photon is an elementary particle, a gauge boson. == History == In the past, many particles that were once thought to be elementary such as protons, neutrons, pions, and kaons have turned out to be compo...
A more comprehensive answer to JD's question on why there are no composite photons: Because they are not bosons (as well other inconsistency issues discussed back in 2014 with Acuriousmind and co.)
> Violet objects are normally composed-light violet. Objects reflecting spectral violet appear very dark, because human vision is relatively insensitive to those wavelengths. Monochromatic lamps emitting spectral-violet wavelengths can be roughly approximated by the color named electric violet, which is a composed-light violet producing a similar effect to the human eye.
Nah, electric violet is way off compared to even 400 nm. It's too red and also too blue
@YuvrajSingh... the trouble with these ideas is that there is no way to test them. They may be true or they may not, and there is no way to tell.
Most physicists don't take this type of discussion very seriously.
Also judging from the preview alone
Those worlds aren't parallel at all!
They very much intersect
Also composite photons are a thing
ie the Kugelblitz
The existing moderators requested it to replace Manishearth and because of increase in traffic since the 2016 election. — Qmechanic ♦ Apr 27 '19 at 22:49
Since dmckee sir has left the site, will there be another mod election?
Currently, I think, we have 7 active moderators.( so no?)
@JohnRennie ok sir, I thought something else, thanks for clearing.
Kugelblitz are too massive
they probably long become black holes already
Meanwhile, I am not sure how can one find a geon
I think I vaguely read about finding them in gravitational waves stuff, but it is inconclusive
Some latest theoretical paper said probably you cannot have geons without negative energy
and rotations alone cannot sustain them
1 hour later…
@JohanLiebert We haven't explicitly talked about it, but with 7 moderators we're in much better shape than many other sites. Given the current workload an election is likely not necessary, and definitely not urgent
Hi all, Hi @EmilioPisanty I just came across your H$_2^+$ question, and I wonder if you ever since made any progress on that? In particular I wanted to ask you if you know in how far symmetry has been exploited in the literature solutions.
Well ok this is getting really confusing:
If in the end of the day what distinguish between one quark from another is the combination of their electric charge and masses, and likewise for leptons, then why do we even need the notion called flavor?
Or rather, as the CKM matrix and PMNS matrix shows, how flavor eigenstates are coupled to mass eigenstates, why is flavor arise from mass and not other quantum numbers?
Flavor does not "arise from mass"
We simply call a particle species of quark a "flavour". There isn't anything deep hidden there, it's just a historical relic that people noted that certain "flavour numbers" were conserved before we had QCD worked out and understood these numbers were really just particle numbers
Ok I see, I probably got confused because when I look at what is really different for each particle along generations, the only thing that seemed to differ is mass (e.g. from e to mu to tau, from u to charm to top etc.), and then the PMNS matrix is written to relate mass of neutrinos with their flavors, thus leading me to think that for some reason particle numbers of each particle species somehow get correlated with mass
So most of the peak will be done after about two months.
We still have a two-month supply of nuclear-grade surface disinfectants at work and just ordered another batch. That should be enough when it comes to us.
Loong, what is meant by "nuclear grade" surface disinfectant? Is it especially made for nuclear reactors? Or does it have any kind of radiation to kill micro-organisms?
Google search results for the term gives only ordinary disinfectants which are used in houses.
@GuruVishnu The chemicals are certified for use in a nuclear facility.
For example, they don't damage our waste water evaporator.
They don't contain much chlorine, which could damage stainless steel.
Ok. Thanks a lot for the info. I thought it was meant for cleaning the fuel pellets and don't accidentally introduce neutrons.
In effect, it's the same stuff you use at home, just ten times more expensive. ;-)
Cool :-)
Can anyone see me?
@AnneWebster hi
@AnneWebster Hi :-)
I need help with installing ubuntu. where cn i get help?
Did you try askubuntu's chatroom, if it exists?
no one is active there

 Ask Ubuntu General Room

Normally: General discussion around Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu & offic...
I see you already tried.
yeh no ones there
Hey Guru , can you come to ask ubuntu chat plz
Or u Loong
@AnneWebster I'd be glad to help, but unfortunately, as of now, I don't know anything about Ubuntu :-(
Its not all about ubuntu
its mainy linux
Im trying to install Ubuntu under RST premium with optane mode. But ubuntu can't see my NVMe's drives
To be honest, my knowledge on software is limited to C++ (grade 12). You might get some help in the following chatroom:
2nd wave of scholar search: Found no thing that distinguish between up and down quark physics in terms of general research directions
its hardware tho. but ty
It is proven that universe is expanding, and Albert Einstein too later agreed on that. But what I understand increase in space or universe there is production of mass or decay of mass, which result in some energy variations or formation, bit how can the energy be created does I am making any mistake.
So it seems we need to go up to 3000 GeV in order to have a chance to see a monopole
Q: 4 questions on basic magnetism

Stewie4 Questions: For a permanent magnet like a bar magnet, the tangents to its magnetic field lines represent the direction of the force which the north pole of a permanent test magnet would feel right? Is there a way to determine the path (displacement) that a permanent magnet within a magnetic f...

@JohnRennie don't you think the question is broad and should be broken down into separate questions?
well ok, it seems you can make a dipole to behave like a monopole
that may explain why so far we have yet to nab one besides possible dilutions by universe expansions
@YuvrajSingh...Bro need help
@Secret Where can I see the proof of 'multiverse Theory'?
I don't think we have evidence for or against the multiverse
Then you were the guy who was talking something about multiverse
If I'm not wrong
@YuvrajSingh... How do you entangle photons? Tell mah, hurry
@Secret Then who came up with the hypothesis
and string theorists
when they try to get rid of fine tuning
I on the other hand, want a monopole because they are much cooler than electric monopoles
as I am used to breaking symmetries daily
Monopole experiments have give stronger and stronger constraints. Meanwhile, negative tests on monopoles so far have yield no thing
@Secret I remember that Stephen Hawking's Nat Geo Show said that either string Theory or M-Theory has predicted infinite parallel Universe. I'm now interested in watching the argument if it's theoretical
@FakeMod How's your exams goin'?
@AbhasKumarSinha awesome!!
@FakeMod Physics? :P
@AbhasKumarSinha Didn't have enough time, so a question worth 2 marks was left unattempted. Everything else went perfectly fine! Wbu?
@FakeMod Good... :)
@FakeMod Expecting 70/70 in physics
@AbhasKumarSinha What are you doin lately!!?
Neither String Theory nor M Theory are ruled out nor boosted as far as latest experiments shown
@AbhasKumarSinha That's ..... Fabulous
LHC have been constrained the possibility of finding supersymetric particles very hard so anything else is probably at very high energies
@FakeMod Messing with ArXiv
@FakeMod Thanks :)
@AbhasKumarSinha NOICE!
@FakeMod Noice? What's that?
@FakeMod Here's something you'll like: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No-go_theorem
In theoretical physics, a no-go theorem is a theorem that states that a particular situation is not physically possible. Specifically, the term describes results in quantum mechanics like Bell's theorem and the Kochen–Specker theorem that constrain the permissible types of hidden variable theories which try to explain the apparent randomness of quantum mechanics as a deterministic model featuring hidden states. == Examples == The Weinberg–Witten theorem states that massless particles (either composite or elementary) with spin j > ​1⁄2 cannot carry a Lorentz-covariant current, while massle...
@AbhasKumarSinha I wish determinism was a real thing, even at the quantum level.
@FakeMod That's why I tagged you... Whatever we imagine is unreal!
-Abhas Kumar Sinha
@FakeMod What's more interesting is that, Theoreticians are using this thing to proof that Multiverse Theory is real
@AbhasKumarSinha Aight! Imma' head out!!! Seriously bro, I don't know that much physics.
Okay bro....
@AbhasKumarSinha Hey I am not seriously heading out, twas just a spongebob meme
@AbhasKumarSinha hey!
@FakeMod Okay... I love Spongebob.. <3 If you love Spongebob, then your childhood is awesome
@YuvrajSingh... Hello Bhiya...
Need help
in enganglement of 2 photons
@AbhasKumarSinha OK?
How to do it?
@YuvrajSingh... How to entangle 2 photons? What things should I buy for it? (Amazon link please)
Why is there an option to flag your own comment/chat? Like, why would someone post something flag-worthy and then flag it himself/herself?
Buy infinite intelligence
@FakeMod If you are interested against the pholosophy, then there's a good paper about that: arxiv.org/pdf/1307.3179.pdf It has around 26 citations.
@AbhasKumarSinha Quantum Tomography
Do you have any idea?
What you can do is For photons, take a positronium - an electron-positron bound state - and make sure that it's in the singlet, spin-zero, state. When it decays, the total spin has to be zero, so both photons resulting from the annihilation of the positronium have to be right-handed or both left-handed (because both of them go in the opposite direction, the same handedness means the opposite angular momentum, so that the sum cancels).
Sorry, I was printing.
@YuvrajSingh... The separation of Matter and Anti-Matter doesn't entangle them...
@YuvrajSingh... You mean take an antimatter and annihilate them... What I'll get from it?
@FakeMod On a serious note, Do you know any kits for that? I did a google search and come up with nothing useful.
There was a paper by someone, but unfortunately it's written in Korean... I dun see any translation in google, neither the paper was typed, it was photoscanned and I can't copy fonts
Is this Quantum Mechanics or Number Theory?
A proof of impossibility, also known as negative proof, proof of an impossibility theorem, or negative result, is a proof demonstrating that a particular problem cannot be solved as described in the claim, or that a particular set of problems cannot be solved in general. Proofs of impossibility often put decades or centuries of work attempting to find a solution to rest. To prove that something is impossible is usually much harder than the opposite task; as it is often necessary to develop a theory. Impossibility theorems are usually expressible as negative existential propositions, or universal...
Hello, genders.
Notice Carefully that many world Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics have serious flaws.
new supahero
Hi, basic QM questoin
@AbhasKumarSinha You won't find any interpretation that doesn't have flaws in the eyes of those that prefer a different one.
I'm genderman
and we are gender men
@NovaliumCompany Yes, we got it, very funny. You don't need to repeat it again.
@ACuriousMind Are you gender like me?
ok sorry
@ACuriousMind That's Diarc's Paradox, no theory or no Assumptions can model the universe. But we must find the best one.
Suppose I have a state $|\psi> = \prod_k |\psi_k>$, where each individual $\psi_k$ is a state of two systems with entangled fermionic particle, suppose I want to compute the density matrix, how is it related to the density matrix of an individual state $\psi_k$, where one of two entangled systems is traced out?
@ACuriousMind I think you are a very smart person. Take the compliment and absorb it. I want you to feel happy and proud.
I'm in a happy mood right now so I want everyone to be happy.
@1010011010 Why do you think there should be a relation?
@ACuriousMind If you permit me to be a cheat: because the lecture notes imply there is. :p
They only mention a calculation for one of the states and do not mention what the density matrix of the complete system is, other than using some modular Hamiltonian identity
It would seem that the density matrix of the product is the product of density matrices
But it would seem off-base to assume it
Taking the complete expression, one would have a tensor product over many of the states. First non-trivial step: do all the anti-commutations lead to the correct "+" sign
@1010011010 You don't need to assume that, it's always true that a product state $\lvert \psi\rangle \otimes\lvert \phi\rangle$ has the density matrix $\rho_\psi \otimes \rho_\phi$
That follows quite directly: $(\lvert \psi\rangle \otimes \lvert \phi\rangle)(\langle \psi\rvert \otimes \langle \phi\rvert) = \lvert \psi\rangle \lvert \psi\rvert \otimes \lvert \phi\rangle \langle \phi\rvert$ pretty much by definition of the tensor product.
Ah indeed,,
I keep forgetting that physicists typically abuse notation horrendously, I'm on the fence as to whether I should introduce the tensor product notation in what I'm writing... :\
The notation used is literally:
\lvert \Psi\rangle = \prod_\kappa \lvert \Psi_\kappa \rangle
Yeah, physicists often seem reluctant to use $\otimes$ and when they do, it's not always correctly :P
There are too many products defined on spaces
Well, say the wedge product is usually notation'd correctly by the physicists I know, but then they use a regular product here for ???? whatever reason.
Tensor Product, probably.
Btw coronavirus is in Bulgaria now :( (they announced that today)
hope it cleans up quickly
I mean
Both the tensor product and the direct product are cartesian products
So it's not technically wrong
But it doesn't convey all the informations
@Slereah The tensor product is not the cartesian product!
@ACuriousMind It is set-wise!
No, it isn't
Isn't it
Oh right
It becomes pseudotensor if used set wise
$\mathbb{R} \otimes \mathbb{R} \neq \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R}$
$T^r_s = K \times K \times \dots \times K^* \times K^* \times \dots \times K^*$
^That's a Pseudo Tensor.
But wait
Formally it is!
okay, waiting
But an equivalence class of the cartesian product
Q: Extracting a professional account from my existing contributions: Is it supported and wanted?

WolpertingerThis question is about something I expected to have been asked before, but I could not find anything, neither on physics.SE nor on general meta. Apologies if I have missed something. I started thinking about the topic after reading the recent question How to Help the Physics.SE grow (member-wise)...

Tensor Product -> $A \otimes B = A B^T$
@Slereah I don't know what you mean by formally, but the cartesian product of n and m dimensions has n+m dimensions and the tensor product has nm dimensions, so they're definitely different!
One may refer - Large Spacetime Structures - Stephen Hawking, second chapter to read about that.
Hello, does anyone knows how to enable ChatJAX on Firefox, Linux? Bookmarks are not working here.
Perfecto, Greasemonkey firefox addon works! :)
$ R_{\mu u} - \frac 12 R g_{\mu^u = \kappa T_{\mu}^u $
@AbhasKumarSinha hi.
@YuvrajSingh... hello, you saw my last message? How to entangle Photons? I haven't found any kit on amazon to do that :(
...why would you expect a "kit on amazon" for that?
I want to do entanglement experiment at home.
@AbhasKumarSinha to be honest, why would amazon or any other site have a kit like that.
Yeah, that's something you really want a proper lab for
Oh okay, I thought there to have some DIY kit to do that...
@AbhasKumarSinha I am not sure if there exist such model I am not a right person for this model, I am afraid!
If Amazon has these weird things for sale, then why not a quantum entangler...
I tagged you because, I've seen you talking about that somewhere on this site, thought that it was about entanglement
@AbhasKumarSinha ,You don't "DIY" Quantum physics experiments!!
@AbhasKumarSinha I have performed them practical may be if you get in a good college in physics you will able to do such experiment.
which one?
or MTech?
@AbhasKumarSinha well that was intended as a joke......a poor one
Sorry it was a typo! I want to say I haven, t performed such experiment! Because I am not
Physics ug.
Yes I am a btech student.
@AbhasKumarSinha I am not wrong you are in 12th.
@AbhasKumarSinha Why didn't you get back your original identicon?
He's gone, I think
@YuvrajSingh... Hello Bhiya, you won't believe whom I met today! I met Prof. M Vidyasagar today, Professor of Physics, IIT H
@YuvrajSingh... Yes, my board exams are going well, I'm expecting 70/70 in Physics.
Can anyone help me in converting the Vanderwaal's gas equation to the Virial form (the pressure power series of compressibility factor)?
I'll be collage next year, I'm excited!!!
@AbhasKumarSinha how was jee?
I have derived the first 2 coefficients by extremely exhaustive repetitive differentiation, but is there any general way?
I apologize for my hypierbehaviour today
I earned like 60$ from freelance programming and I'm happy
I have already derived the power series of volume, but i am stuck with pressure....
@FakeMod unfactorize (break Brackets) of Virial form and VDW form and compare coefficients.
@YuvrajSingh... told ya, 92 percentile
@YuvrajSingh... You won't believe, but some of Prof M Vidyasagar's papers have more than 5000 citations (actually many of them) and he's a fellow of Royal Society.
@AbhasKumarSinha It works for volume but not for pressure and that's why I am stuck...
First, I expected him to be an introvert, very calm and serious, but, you won't believe that he was a very common man, he has a keen interest in Politics, recent affairs which I never expected and he's very cool professor and he also told be some of the tips on how to read a journal (for beginner)
@FakeMod show me.
@AbhasKumarSinha what?
@FakeMod If you won't mind showing the question and your approach to attack the problem.
I'll have to go, sorry
and now to figure out how many more slides I need after this
@Secret you might care to add: medical physics (both clinical and research side), atmospheric physics (all the climate change stuff), quantum information...
@Secret "The study of actuality" - says who? your perception organs? Guess what, they lie
The way in which your senses lie should also obey the laws of physics
Just model your entire brain from particle physics and it should all fall in place
although mapping neural activity to qualia should be challenging
I think it's finally time to reveal my face
how do I look?
hOw dO i lOok?
jk, it's notme
this face doesn't not exist
it was generated using thispersondoesnotexist.com
@NovaliumCompany i remember that site
insane that technology like that exists
2 hours later…
@Rudi_Birnbaum I'm not aware of anything regarding that problem that isn't already documented there
regarding symmetry: every symmetry of the problem has already been used to the maximal extent

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