We need a basic laboratory logbook function that can be accessed via the internet, possibly even at least viewed on phones. This is a modest university laboratory.
Currently all we need is logging of events (time and name) and discussion of status of the parts of the experimental system:
X is ...
2020 is quite a special year. Wildfire in Australia, Coronavirus in China, locust swarm attacks Pakistan and Africa,...etc. Who knows what else is going to come.
@skullpatrol Currently 25000 people got infected with Coronavirus, 500 dead. Though I am a bit surprised as India isn't that hard hit by it (just 3 cases as of now). I think if this virus ever reaches India many more would die.
@vzn Cool but it still doesn't feel like you are in the VR world. You can't lean in stuff, touch stuff and feel their shape... I want a machine that literally makes you feel like you are in the VR world.
There exists a really cool tech but I forgot it's name. Kinda like a hologram but with cube sticks coming out of it.
Does anyone know the name of a device I have seen on youtube. It's like a table with pistons which push long cubic sticks in and out to create like a physical hologram.
Viruses regularly jump from animals to humans. The virus often exists in a mild form in animals but when it jumps to humans it becomes a lot more dangerous.
In the UK a few years ago we had a scare with a virulent version of coronavirus in wild birds that was infecting humans.
Thinking more about it, making a realistic VR world experience would be very very hard since it would require a machine that is able to exert force on on every point on the person's body in any direction. Something like the force from Star Wars.
@JohanLiebert No, USA is not concerned about it’s own people, USA is worrying what would happen if China would annex its neighbors by this organic weapon
"It's Over 9000!", also known as simply "Over 9000!", refers to an internet meme and a form of trolling involving a particularly famous change made for English localizations of an episode of the Dragon Ball Z anime television series titled "The Return of Goku", which originally aired on April 19, 1997.
The phrase refers to an alteration of the original line spoken in Japanese by the Saiyan character Vegeta, voiced in English by actor Brian Drummond, in the 21st episode of the Ocean Productions English dub. The phrase is typically used as an innumerable quantifier to describe a large quantity of...
I'm feeling very confused about which sign to the potential should I choose. A specific exercise I've had trouble with is in this link.
in this exercise a double Atwood machine is given. when I tried calculating the potential, I drew gravity pointing downwards, and the axis system I chose was y p...
While studying thermodynamics my book describes the quantity the internal energy of a system. My book states:
The concept of internal energy of a system is not difficult to understand. We know that every bulk system consists of a large number of molecules. Internal energy is simply the sum of...
" In a class I taught at Berkeley, I did an experiment where I wrote a simple little program that would let people type either “f” or “d” and would predict which key they were going to push next. It’s actually very easy to write a program that will make the right prediction about 70% of the time. Most people don’t really know how to type randomly. They’ll have too many alternations and so on. There will be all sorts of patterns, so you just have to build some sort of probabilistic model. Even a very crude one will do well.
The Cartan–Karlhede algorithm is a procedure for completely classifying and comparing Riemannian manifolds. Given two Riemannian manifolds of the same dimension, it is not always obvious whether they are locally isometric. Élie Cartan, using his exterior calculus with his method of moving frames, showed that it is always possible to compare the manifolds. Carl Brans developed the method further, and the first practical implementation was presented by Anders Karlhede in 1980.The main strategy of the algorithm is to take covariant derivatives of the Riemann tensor. Cartan showed that in n...
@AaronStevens actually the question isn't good and through it I ain't able to tell what really is in my mind. But as you can see I have got some answers so I can't delete it nor modify it in a significant way. So I thought it would be good for all if it was closed.
I definitely prefer to have specific/latent heats be extensive
because 1) it makes it clear that specific/molar/volumetric heat capacities are variations on the same concept, and 2) so that, when I refer to a particular experiment, I can refer to the amount of heat required to vaporize a given fluid as the latent heat of vaporization
otherwise I have to say that the latent heat of vaporization is different than "the heat required to vaporize my sample"
which is annoying
(It does lead to the following rule of thumb, I suppose: If your book talks about the difference between extensive and intensive variables, then specific/latent heat is probably extensive. If it doesn't, then it's probably intensive.)
I'm quoting Griffith's *"The biot-savart law for the general case of a volume current reads $$ \mathbf{B} \left(\vec{r} \right) = \frac{ \mu_0} {4 \pi} \int \frac { \mathbf{J} \left(\vec{r'}\right)\times \mathbf{\hat \mathcal{r}} } {\mathcal{r}^2} d\tau $$
So, this the equation. "this formula gives the magnetic field at a point $\mathbf{r} = (x,y,z)$ in terms of an integral over the current distribution $\mathbf{J} = (x', y', z')$. It is best to be absolutely explicit at this stage:
$$ \mathbf{B}~ \textrm{is a function of (x,y,z) } \\ \mathbf{J} ~ \textrm{is a function of (x', y', z') } $$ $$\vec{\mathcal {R}} = (x-x') \hat x + (y-y') \hat y + (z-z') \hat z \\ d\tau ' = dx' ~dy'~dz'$$
@JohanLiebert I have no idea. I would guess it isn't really quadratic. Given ideal transmission it would be exponential, but the quarantine in effect in Wuhan will be limiting transmission to give a subexponential dependence on time. I'd guess it looks quadratic simply because any curve is approximately quadratic over a short range.
But wouldn't $\mathbf{B}$ gonna exist even inside the material through which the current is flowing? For example if we have a slab of some conductor and current is flowing through every infinitesimal volume, then at point inside the slab we should a have magnetic field due to currents flowing somewhere else in the slab. Then in this case we would have the $\mathbf{B}$ with primed cooridnates.
@JohanLiebert they helpfully provide a log plot, and since that isn't a straight line we can see it's sub-exponential growth. Still, the rate of growth is on the scary side.
@Knight primed versus unprimed coordinates don't denote separate locations or something
primed just means they are dummy coordinates to be integrated over
so there are no primed coordinates
Suppose you have a sum $f = \Sigma_{i=1}^4 i^2$, then $i$ would be like your "primed coordinates"...it's just a dummy variable to be summed over, it's doesn't really exist
@JohanLiebert The question is fine. I don't think it should be closed. If it is not exactly what you were confused about then it would be fine to just ask a new question
@AaronStevens I don't think I would be asking any related question any time sooner as I think there is a lag in my understanding of the topic and hence I might not be able to convey it properly.
consider $f(t)=\int g(t,t')h(t')dt'$ then $df/dt = \int dg(t,t')/dt h(t')dt'$ right and you don't get a term like $dh(t')/dt$ since h(t') doesn't actually depend on $t$
That's essentially what that step is doing, except it's in 3-dimensions