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@ACuriousMind I legitimately forgot about that rule, although it's likely because I still don't understand the rationale. To what end are we avoiding talking about certain users?
I get the whole "he's not here to defend himself" thing, but do you think he honestly cares about our opinions if he keeps getting himself banned?
@SirCumference careful and only use "him/he"
@MoreAnonymous JD refers to himself as a guy
U said it again!!!
that comment is gonna be removed
I wasnt going about guy vs gal
@MoreAnonymous Stop being childish. This isn't about simple mentions of a user's name.
@ACuriousMind I just got my bounty back ...
@SirCumference It doesn't matter whether this specific user actually cares. The rule is in place 1. to protect those who might care. 2. to generally prevent chat from piling onto banned users, whether they actually "deserve" it or not.
Well that said, the rule about bringing him up is casually broken. But alright alright, I'll be more careful
@MoreAnonymous btw do you know this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncertainty_principle#Examples
the third example - I mean
@Rudi_Birnbaum yea I can provide Physics Stackexchange link on it if u want?
@MoreAnonymous What would be the benefit of knowing two links to and the same thing?
This argument works nicely in wave mechanics as well (no need for Heisenberg time evolultion, you seem to dislike): " A state that only exists for a short time cannot have a definite energy. To have a definite energy, the frequency of the state must be defined accurately, and this requires the state to hang around for many cycles, the reciprocal of the required accuracy."
@Rudi_Birnbaum well it wasn't obvious to me and was a worthwhile post: physics.stackexchange.com/questions/269852/…
When you are in an energy eigenstate, there is only an oscillation of the complex phase but not the amplitude and it remains stationary.
@Rudi_Birnbaum is this complex phase detectable?
If you have a state that deviates from a pure energy eigenstate, you get fluctuations of the amplitude.
wait are you saying complex phase = unitarty phase
@MoreAnonymous Well yes and no. Bohm-Aharonov would be the buzz word for yes
Really I thought most systems including QHO would qualify
Im curious about no
@MoreAnonymous This is standard school QM
which one yes or no?
Can u tell me an explict example of no?
The no: you only can observe $|\Psi*\Psi|$
or expectation values of hermitian operators
@ACuriousMind Now that my question is closed how often can I can try to get it reopened and what is the procedure for that?
So there is "normally" no way the measure the complex phase.
@MoreAnonymous The first edit you make to it after closure automatically places it into the reopen review queue.
If you have two states only differeing in a complex phase factor they are physcially indistinguishable
Ah ... and I get unlimited tries and no duration between each try?
No you only get unlimted states
unlimited number of states
@Rudi_Birnbaum I remember my prof saying the electron phase difference was detectable by experiment
(the one where u go around it by $2 pi$ )
Thats for high energy electrons
then they get quasi-classical
I think u do so by using interferance
@Rudi_Birnbaum I was under the impression that it was purely quantum mechanical
is the phase quasiclassically
with S the action
@ACuriousMind Ah ... and I get unlimited tries and no duration between each try? (if yes ... god save us all)
@MoreAnonymous I do not understand what you mean by "try"
@Rudi_Birnbaum I'm refering to the spin statistics theorem one
no idea what you mean
@ACuriousMind try = "ideal edit" but might be most of the time just an "edit"
As I said, the first edit places it into the reopen queue. None of the subsequent edits do, so it's more like you get a single try.
@MoreAnonymous only one try per state,
after that one measurement it gets nonsensical ...
@ACuriousMind whattttt :((((( Thats soooo much pressure ... Is there anywhere I can ask for help from?
@Rudi_Birnbaum yes but we can use interference to detect these things
@MoreAnonymous no idea what you mean
"You only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow"

Interference won't tell you about the complex phase factor. The freedom of phase is an essential symmetry of a QM state you cannot fix it.
I mean you can for calculations of course
But you cannot break this symmetry in an experiment
I know what ur talking about
global phase
@Rudi_Birnbaum I have no idea how this conversation got there but I think Anonymous is talking about relative phase measurements as in physics.stackexchange.com/q/322013/50583
@ACuriousMind sure thats possible
@ACuriousMind yup
@ACuriousMind We came here by the solutions of time dependent SE
and there the complex phase is the "absolut"/(global?) phase
@Rudi_Birnbaum SE= Stack Exchange or Schrodinger Equation :P
Schrödinger Eqaution
stack exachange is se
aww man if I were u Id b like pun intended :p
@ACuriousMind doesnt it usually take 5 people to close a question?
I just counted there are 4 in mine
@MoreAnonymous are you upset that your question got closed?
Can u hide yousrslef after a certain nummber of points and close as well
@Rudi_Birnbaum not really ... More upset I have only one chance to edit it and get it right
@MoreAnonymous The little diamond behind rob's name means he's a moderator like me. Moderator votes are always binding (essentially count as 5 votes).
@MoreAnonymous just forget it
it was probably not that good
@Rudi_Birnbaum C;mon if u know the answer lemme know .. .Otherwise I think its a worthwhile question
(pun intended)
@ACuriousMind Is it unethical to ask any of the closers for help?? Maybe rob might be okay since he's a mod?
But then again none of them even commented to clarify :/
or commented at all
To me it seems everything is explained in the WP link I gave. Everything else, about these "non-unitary" things to me seems to be based on a incomplete understanding of the involved technicalites.
@Rudi_Birnbaum u have a strange sense of puns
@Rudi_Birnbaum If I had complete understanding I don't think I'd even have a question ...
@MoreAnonymous Usually, they would have left a comment if they were interested in starting a discussion about the question with you. You can of course try pinging them, but do not ping them more than once if they do not respond. Many users vote to close several questions in a day and they cannot be expected to have time to debate their decision for all of them.
And the whole non-unitary thing comes in "basic premise"
@ACuriousMind thanks Maybe i can ping them all simultaneously and see if any of them respond back?
@ACuriousMind I mean really, who would like to be pinned more than once!
lots of meta discussion here, recently, it seems.
@Rudi_Birnbaum the basic premise is the 2nd part of Math and Context (which is where the argumenbt starts)
Try to translate that into the (SE) wave formalism
Well for that you'd need way out 4
if u go with way out 3 then u just SE does not apply during the measurment
Unless by (SE) wave formalism u mean Schrodinger picture?
surprise surprise
@MoreAnonymous yes I do
time dependent SE, evolution of $\Psi(x;t)$
@Rudi_Birnbaum Thats Heisenberg picture
good lord!
if ur wave function has time dependence ur in the Heisenberg picture
Oh wai tI got it the other way around
Nvrmind ... :P
I must be really tired
I conceded before u posted :P
Also I dont think u can write this in the SE picture
$$ |a \rangle + |b \rangle \to |a \rangle $$
I would be a nightmare
It just means a+b and a cannot be different time points of one and the same state function
the antithesis would be that there exists $t_0,t_1$ with $\Psi(t_0)=|a>$ and $\Psi(t_1)=|a>+|b>$, right?
Not really like I said depends .. Taken from my massive post:

Sorry relevant parts :


that means exactly that there is no $\Psi$ solving the TDSE such that for any $t_0,t_1$ we would have that identity.
Did u see the first link?
No more no less, right?
Why do I need to see another link to judge on a self contained statement in one link?
Because " In this fourth way one stops the basic premise of my objection which is the measurement being a non-unitary process!"
Yes I am just copying pasting at this point
So again, do you agree that the yellow text I psted in here is eq. to the statement I gave, above? And if not why?
So in the fourth way out ur forced to talk about the wave function of the apparatus as well
In the third way yea thats fine
While both positions are okay ...
my whole question was which one would give more mileage :/
Like both positions have their own charm ...
so whats it again? 3rd and 4th way (no links please, just in a nutshell)
3rd way: lets not talk about the measurement ... (maybe even call it non-unitary)
4th way: the measurement can be modelled as a unitary system once apparatus is taken into account
@ACuriousMind would any of you be willing to help me rephrase this? (I mean if so it would be gr8 as I think I only get $1$ chance(/edit) to effectively re-open this question) ... I would be very grateful if yes ... Please let me ASAP ... I'd be willing to participate in some chat at a convenient time for any of you?
I'm planning on multiple tagging people in the above comment
u tihnk it's fine?
And should I do it in chat or question ?
yesss ... I have studied that equation .. .why is it relevant
your "non-unitary" phrase means that in general there is no way to describe the measurement as a time evolution of a state with the equation
No matter how you choose V(r,t).
Hi @Semiclassical
good to have you here (pun intended, but greeting meant seriously)
@Rudi_Birnbaum yes that is the main difference between 3 and 4
3 says Impossible
4 says I am possible
but "apparatus" is no way pure QM, you see?
@MoreAnonymous 1. I, personally, have no interest in talking about the content of that question any further. 2. If you intend to send this to the people who closed your question, some further advice:
a) Don't use textspeak ("gr8"), write full, coherent sentences. You expect these people to expend effort for you in their voluntary time here, show some effort in return. b) Avoid things like "Let me [know?] ASAP". There is absolutely no urgency to anything that happens on this site, and people will just view this as being pushy.
Alright thanks ... I'll keep that in mind
Okay heres another difference ..
3 says apparatus is something that lets us do a measurement ...
4 says apparatus is just another system (yes I do use the word quasi-classical)

But 4 is of the opinion u can do it with quantum as well .. its just very difficult
@MoreAnonymous It basically boils down to two points: Are you willing to accept an explanation within the framework of any_ONE_ of the QM formulations that made it into textbooks. If yes you go with the WP link. If no and you insist on technicalities or subtilities that are moreover object of current research, in that case you must improve you question significantly, and I am afraid that means deepening your understanding of QM prior to the formulation of the question.
Otherwise this might only lead from one to the next confusion.
@Rudi_Birnbaum I'm an open minded (and even dodgy) person :P ...
I go with that ... that which lets me expand on usage of current tools ...

as for "technicalities or subtilities that are moreover object of current research" ... I do provide links including lecture notes
And I think Landau wrote his book ages ago
Intuitively I think it's plausible but Im not sure ... Hence the question
@Rudi_Birnbaum I am trying to learn about this subject as soon as possible I wasnt even aware that with different interpretations u can get different mileage outta the same derivation ... This now seems plausible is welll woooow
try to explicate as short clearly self-contained and concise as possible what exactly is the "different mileage".
physical cases the this "quasi-classical measuring apparatus and the Copenhagen interpretation" seem to work for that the original objection stops (way 3)?
@MoreAnonymous If that's supposed to be a clear and coherent sentence, it fails badly. ;)
@PM2Ring atleast it's concise :P
@Rudi_Birnbaum by mileage I mean if we assume way 4 then does the applicability of the derivation to the number of physical systems increase as compared to using way 3?
Is this better/
If the number of systems increase then thats my metric of mileage
Try to imagine you have to explain it to your grandma.
and start all over again
@Rudi_Birnbaum okay (to be fair the question was intended to be broader ... but maybe making it narrower will help ... Also my family doesnt like to talk about physics with me ... Esp on freewill )
@MoreAnonymous I am not surprised, for that you should only imagine it.
So let's say I'm interested in a specific case of the energy time uncertainty principle:

Why can't the time between $2$ measurements be $0$

So there this great derivation on the internet (joshphysics) answer.

Now, I ponder about it and figure this derivation doesnt apply to that case! Because there is no notion of a measurment in his derivation (way 3)

However, after asking around there is one way to make it apply to that case ... it seems like magic but it seems to say there is no measurement at all (way 4: The measurement is a unitary process when the apparatus is taken into account)
@Rudi_Birnbaum Grandma style no math equation either
*physical situation which I can't talk about? = any physical situation I can't apply the time energy uncertainty principle to (esp with way 4)
"Why can't the time between $2$ measurements be $0$" that sounds like a much more feasible question for (p)se. Maybe with time being $\varepsilon>0$ it could even make sense.
I don't think it's feasible in way 3
Forget your ways 1-4 for a moment.
Sep 10 at 18:43, by Semiclassical
I think what I've got in mind is that a frequent -application- of the time-uncertainty relation is to situations where two measurements are made and $\Delta t$ is the time between them. (whether that is a -sound- application is what I'm wondering)
Sure go on
Now what do you mean by measurements, the same observable or a different one?
If the latter shall they commute or not?
if not what shall the commutator be and so on ...
It possibly could get a pse question if you work it out properly.
So I mean energy is an operator but not an observable and time is a parameter in QM
I mean the time energy uncertainty principle does not have same status as position-momentum uncertainty principle
@MoreAnonymous No energy is NOT an operator. But the Hamilton operator is an operator that corresponds to energy.
For that I suggest you start with $\hat{p}$ and $hat{x}$ to begin with.
@Rudi_Birnbaum I'm thinking about this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_operator ... But only \$hat H = \hat E $ you cannot square energy ...
Because $\hat H^2 \neq \hat E^2$
So u can't talk about its standard deviation
@Rudi_Birnbaum Feel free to clarify I am tired so I tend to skip sentences and make mistakes
@Rudi_Birnbaum Let's just talk about this observable being the energy of the system
Sorry took me time to figure out the quesiton
This is what I was talking about:

Also Landau states: "From section 44 of Landau, the ΔE in the time-uncertainty relation is the difference "between two exactly measured values of the energy E+ε at two different instants, and not the uncertainty in the value of the energy at a given instant" (for a system of two parts with energies E and measuring apparatus energy ε)"
@MoreAnonymous I quickly check that it doens't make sense to me
So basically (I think) Landau is saying if you measure the energy $E_1$ at $t_1$ and then the energy $E_2$ at $t_2$ .. Then using $/delta x = x_2 - x_1$ you can get an energy time uncertanity princple
@MoreAnonymous OK, we have two weakly interacting systems
Alright ... In this derivation $E_1$ and $E_2$ refer to the energy of the same system but at different times
@Rudi_Birnbaum wait I'm wrong
one moment
AH OK I see $\Delta t \Delta E$ is not really an uncertainty in the sense like $\Delta x \Delta p$ is.
But this IS about a QM time evolution.
And not about a measurement.
How do I upload an image
Oh its getting late I have to leave, good luck furtheron.
There now Landau with his way 4 manages to say what he said I suspect with way 3 with that derivation it would be impossible
*derivation or interpretation
@Rudi_Birnbaum This might be in alignment with way 3 (?)
@Rudi_Birnbaum Im guessing what you want to say is:

The uncertainty principle for energy and time is not a canonical uncertainty relation because it is not based/produced by canonical hamiltonian variables, instead it expresses dispersion and lifetime of a state. There is a confusion of a cartesian space-time x,t (used as parameters) and canonical position and momenta (q,p) which are functions of these parameters (however simple in some cases, like q=x)
Where on the internet can I watch videos of people having social interactions (conversations...) I wanna practice my body language reading skills
@NovaliumCompany how smart (isolated) are u?
@MoreAnonymous quite a lot
I'm not sure if I'm smart, but I don't have many friends for sure
@NovaliumCompany :(((( ....
I'm guessing some events have happened that led u to say: "Where on the internet can I watch videos of people having social interactions"
I've read a book on non-verbals (now I'm reading a second one) and I want to practice observing and analyzing. Where on the internet can I do that?
Also my guess is youtube just mute the video?
And then un mute it to see if ur guess is right
School is starting tomorrow so I'll have much more social interactions.
But then again the acting miught not b gr8
What should I type in yt?
I don't want acting
I want real
hmmm ... try a documentry on youtube??
why documentary
@NovaliumCompany U remind me of a uni housemate who others didnt like ...
He talked way too much about politics and intellectual stuff ...
Something happened with him in school and he lacked social interactions and thus social skills ...

But to me he was a really nice genuine person ... If I had to tell him something I'd say try talking about something others are interested in too
@NovaliumCompany no acting in them
@MoreAnonymous I'm pretty sure I'm not very disliked. And I don't talk about politics and intellectual stuff (whatever that would mean).
documentary of what?
Hmm ... good quesiton .. at this point Id just youtube search documentry of ghettos or schools or something?
@Rudi_Birnbaum Drop it ! It's wrong I wa wrong arghhhhh so pissed off :((((
@bolbteppa Check this out: arxiv.org/pdf/1610.09619.pdf
@MoreAnonymous Me learning non-verbals has nothing to do with me having no friends. I just prefer to be alone than to spend my time with idiots.
And also no one has similar interests to mine so..
@bolbteppa And read Landau ur god's words:

@NovaliumCompany maybe ur like me in school smart but disengaged :P
@bolbteppa I feel like posting another meta ... after this whole fiasco ....
@MoreAnonymous I can't find anything with documentary
@NovaliumCompany if ur searcing for body language of people making fun of u maybe this is better? youtube.com/results?search_query=mockumentary
no. I just want simply, people communicating.
I want only people taking. I don't wanna listen to a whole documentary where 80% is talking and buildings
@Isomorphic something gr8 to do with my first paycheck :))))
@MoreAnonymous :)
@NovaliumCompany not sure if there's anything like that settle for this?

Or these kind of videos?
Anyway gotta go ... I can sleep and rest now that I know heuristic @bolbteppa is and was wrong!
thanks for the help tho
@MoreAnonymous you are not supposed to gain pleasure of other people being wrong...
@NovaliumCompany its okay when they have some kind opinion which doesn't conform to mainstream and they don't answer questions which contradict them and they convince u in chat about their ideas ... For which u go through hell ... If only I found that paper earlier
@MoreAnonymous In my opinion, you should be happy that the person is learning at that situation, not be glad that "you've won". Whatever I'mma go
@MoreAnonymous please don't
@AaronStevens yea Im gonna call it a night ... I only wish he was the one to defend his ideas and not me ...
There is a fair chance that OP chose the title How does a linear operator act on a bra? with no double entendre in mind, but of course it instantly became clickbait in the HNQ!
@Qmechanic thats really funny
@Qmechanic Gotta get people interested in physics somehow
@MoreAnonymous Surprisingly enough, watching prank video (BigDawsTV...) works.
@NovaliumCompany yea reality TV should work I guess?
5 hours later…
@MoreAnonymous That question is all over the place, very had to make any sense of it, and still days later - nowhere did you explain why unitarity for the Schrodinger/Heisenberg equations fails... There is no derivation of these equations for non-unitary processes... Even worse everything you're saying would apply to all aspects of QM not just time-energy... Way 1 (the velocity comment) makes zero sense, way 2 on continuity is as unexplained as the unitarity issue...
Way 3 also makes no sense the way it's written. So far it still seems to be the case that the buzzwords 'non-unitarity' and 'continuity' randomly mean everything fails but it's never explicitly shown how these buzzwords actually show up to wreck everything. I literally have no idea how you concluded "bolbteppa is and was wrong!"
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