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"The introduction of numbers as coordinates [..] is an act of violence whose only practical vindication is the special calculatory manageability of the ordinary number continuum with its four basic operations" - Weyl apparently
what is the 'correct hot take' to take on the aharonov bohm effect? In an effort to understand the gauge stuff I picked up a book - and the best I can parse it is:
- classical EM Gauge theory tells us that the gauge potential is not observable and we have gauge freedom
- quantum mechanics tells us the gauge matters in some experiments (where space is not simply connected ; this is not true of real space though?)
- therefore... what? the gauge theory viewpoint of classical EM is not completely compatible with QM? (I thought they merge and become QED?)
2 hours later…
@vzn Spicy
@ACuriousMind Of course,I didn't exactly make up any of those rules. Most of them are general etiquette things which get called out or mentioned in other guides. I hope they don't become too rigid; if someone slips and breaks one of those every now and then, it really shouldn't be an issue. I hope that stuff's only for preventing people from being perpetually disturbing.
It depends on how we implement them. Like if we start pushing out suspensions (or even mod-message warnings) for every little thing, this chat'll deteriorate.
Tell me when I should accept my answer, presumably that would mark my answer as official. Shall we say after a certain number of days pass without a well-received alternative?
Also, are the modifications I made based on the stuff in your answer appropriate?
guys! great to see the interest in building up chat and the meta votes show there is interest. however there seems to be a mixing up of means and ends. somehow, maybe originating in blues post there seems to be an idea that formulating policy will somehow increase chat engagement or popularity maybe by being more hospitable to experts. this is an idea that circulates a lot on SE sites also wrt main site engagement. it may be more valid on main site but think it is less applicable to chat...
@AvnishKabaj lol hey jeffie welcome to your new potential crazy inlaw, ack! things are already turning ugly thedailybeast.com/…
1 hour later…
@vzn Heh heh
@vzn +1
Anyone want to reexamine/apply the rest of physics.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/56244? I think it’s still valid.
@Ry- I think your edit looks fine. I don't understand why it got rejected.
Do you want to redo it, or I can do it if you want.
1 hour later…
I'm not sure why it was rejected either. @Ry- you could probably get some insight by asking on meta.
@vzn I'm not expecting a huge boost in chat with the formulation of rules... it's just to make things convenient and stop new and old users from being driven away by something or the other.
Getting new people is a completely different matter. Perhaps a community ad would do that.
@JohnRennie this might be interesting for you
@Mo_ :-)
My father is from Northern Ireland, though he completely lost his accent.
"raining cats and dogs" means a heavy rainfall?
I'm not from the south east, but that's about right for my accent. I basically speak BBC English, and that's close to the south east English.
@JohnRennie Nice match!
Mine was almost random :)
I didn't know half the words
Until I was nine we lived in the Sudan where my dad was working. The English I learned was basically the British embassy English.
Then I went to a school where the teachers were all very concerned that we speak properly.
I'm not a brit but let's see what is my brit dialect
Oh no I'm Irish apparently
although not very
or a Londoner
I have a YouTube video of me speaking somewhere if you're curious about my accent (I don't suppose anyone is).
Well depends what the video is aboot
My fake Britishness
you can tell I'm a fake brit because nothing is very bright
mine was almost the same (the result was "**Way off**. Your answers didnt fit here at all.")
@JohnRennie We're all curious minds here
I guess it's the kind of stuff you get when you mostly know English from American English
@Mo_ especially @ACuriousMind
It's remarkable how different your own voice seems when you hear it froma recording.
@Mo_ ah, gotta love the wean
I've never seen anything quite as Scottish as that
@Mo_ Seems to work just fine. :P
@EmilioPisanty I do like the Scottish dialect. Note that different parts of Scotland have very different dialects.
@Mo_ It's a pretty common expression (idiom) I think.
Well it's not too common
but it's well known, certainly
Albeit the etymology is unclear.
It's a bit old fashioned
@Blue never heard that (my vocabulary is limited to around 10k)
My maternal grandpa was born in London, but the family emigrated to rural NSW, Australia, when he was 7, so he soon lost his Cockney accent. But he was well-spoken, and didn't pick up a strong Aussie country boy twang. And sometimes people think I'm English from my accent. :) AFAICT, I don't speak "posh"; I suppose I have a fairly typical middle-class Sydney accent.
I speak with a comical french accent
A: The etymology of the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs"

RegDwigнtThere are a few theories, that's for sure. But the bottom line is, the etymology is unknown. I won't leave you without these pointers, though: The Phrase Finder: This is an interesting phrase in that, although there's no definitive origin, there is a likely derivation. [...] The fact that [...

@Slereah Zut alore!
Shrug :-)
those unused slots just mean that I didn't spend enough time in the UK to practice the full range
@Slereah :cues Monty Python's Holy Grail lines:
Pissing down? Do Brits actually use that? XD
Yes, though not in polite company.
I wouldn't say that to the Queen.
@Blue Aussies certainly do.
although this does indicate that I learned to talk about rain in the southeast =P
@EmilioPisanty that's almost everywhere except Ireland
@Mo_ well, it rains everywhere
@JohnRennie Damn servile
When a Japanese car factory explodes, it rains Datsun cogs.
don't get crushed by her jackboots
I'm pretty sure Australians would say that to their prime minister
well, that's definitely curious
that is extremely unlikely to be close to what anyone thinks of my accent
@EmilioPisanty well as you can see
everything is pale
@JohnRennie Indeed! It's nowhere as rich without the direct bone conduction of the sound.
hence not very well correlated
I really don't think I sound remotely close to either Irish or from Edinburgh
Me either
not even drunk
@PM2Ring Yeah, that's probably the main reason. There's also this.
here's some video, hear for yourself.
@JohnRennie Where in the UK would you put my accent?
@EmilioPisanty nowhere in the UK. You sound almost stereotypically Latin American to me.
@JohnRennie seriously?
fair enough
I don't get that very often
@Blue Good point, although if you're a singer or actor (or public speaker) that gets modified to an extent, since you learn how to witness your performance without messing it up.
Bear in mind I know no Spanish so my ability to distinguish between the different flavours of Spanish is minimal.
@Slereah Depends on the prime minister. An ocker bloke like Bob Hawke, no worries. We do have a polite form: "It's persisting down".
Emilio's sounds somewhat similar to the husky Indian voice...I'd certainly describe it as "husky" anyway.
@PM2Ring I'm afraid all prime ministers in Australia are this man
Definitely more like Latin American (basing this on my limited exposure to British and Latin American accents).
Here is a delightful hate song for Canada, too :
It's interesting that I find some of the word sounds garbled in Emilio's accent.
"What do you call the evening meal"... Um, all of the above?
well click on all of the above
@Slereah Not quite. :) There were tiny fragments in that clip that sounded Aussie, but mostly it sounded like bad English accents. But I know it can be hard for Americans to hear the difference.
One of my high school science teachers was from New York. He said it took him a year of being in Australia before he could notice the difference between Aussie & British zccentz.
@Slereah It was one of the 'you can only click on one option' things
Speaking of Hispanic accents, I quite like the Catalan sound of the kids in the Sant Andreu Jazz Band. They have a ton of clips on YouTube, and the audio quality of the clips is mostly quite good, although some are not so great, especially the outdoor performances.
This got bumped by Community a little while ago. physics.stackexchange.com/questions/175569/… It has 1 answer, but it's link-only, with zero score. Do I flag the answer as Very Low Quality?
@PM2Ring Alternatively, you could raise a custom flag and explain the issue.
> Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.
I use this comment template for link-only answers.
I'm a bit hazy on whether the VLQ flag would apply in this case (i.e. for link-only answers), on Physics. On Quantum Computing, it certainly would.
@Blue I have something like that in a userscript on my computer, but not on my phone.
I often link to the "Your answer is in another castle" on SE meta.
@PM2Ring I like that one. :)
I refer to it when users come complaining about their deleted link-only or reference-only answers.
I won't flag for now. The author hasn't posted on Physics for a year, but is still active on the network, so I'll see how he responds to my comment.
Yeah, fair enough.
If they don't reply (which seems likely) it might be better to convert the answer to a comment.
On SO, I downvote & delete-vote link-only answers, but I'm not so inclined to delete if it's the only answer. And I always comment first, to give the author a chance to fix it, if they're still active.
But SO is a different place, with customs (kind of) appropriate to a coding site. And I try to pay attention to the differences between the different SE communities.
We do it a bit differently (on QCSE) i.e. we convert such answers to comments, first.; then we delete them and leave behind a comment requesting them to edit it and flag or ping us when they're done. That way, the information content of the answers still remain in the comments. And the deleted answers act as negative reinforcements in the meantime.
That gets done a bit on SO too, if the link has good info.
I suppose it doesn't scale well on SO as "converting to comment" is a mod-only privilege.
At least with coding info, you can often test it to see if it's correct, but not always. Code may appear to do what you want, but actually contain flaws. And people copy SO code without testing it properly. This has led to expensive &/or embarrassing problems, not to mention dangerous security holes.
> And people copy SO code without testing it properly.
No doubt. :)
@Blue True, and we try to avoid loading stuff onto the mods if we can deal with it at the community level. Quite a few of the Python room regulars have gold tag badges, and 20k+ rep, which is handy.
It scares me to think of how many websites are prone to SQL injection attacks. But newbies persist in writing vulnerable code in their answers. It's like fighting a hydra, for each newbie answerer you manage to educate, 3 more clueless newbies appear. :(
One funny story: a Python room regular also writes Java, and has developed some Android apps that are in the Playstore.
A few years ago, he posted working code on SO that came from his popular baseball card collector's app. That code had a string in it that's basically a public registration key for the app. He didn't think to modify that string, since it's public info.
Anyway, a few years later, he went to install his app to his brand new Samsung Galaxy phone, but it failed with a bizarre error message, complaining that the key was in use by Bixby, Samsung's AI thingy, a bit like Siri.
It turned out that one of Samsung's Bixby devs copied my friend's code off SO, and used it without modifying it, so it still had my friend's public key in it! :facepalm: IOW, it was a twisted accidental form of identity theft.
@PM2Ring LOLOL! This needs to be published somewhere. :D
@Blue It is! Give me a minute... I'm a bit sleepy, so I didn't think to do a search instead of typing out all that stuff. :)
@PM2Ring Is it night at your place already? Duh. Why is Australia SO FAR EAST?!
@PM2Ring Nice!
in Python on Stack Overflow Chat, Feb 5 '18 at 6:57, by Code-Apprentice
It cannot install on Samsung devices with Bixby because of a permissions conflict
@Blue In 40 minutes it'll be Saturday morning. :)
@PM2Ring I have to confess that there is a legacy site I manage that has all sorts of SQL injection vulnerabilities. But it's internal only so the big bad wolves don't have access to it. It's so large that the thought of going through all that code and removing all the vulnerabilities is appalling.
@JohnRennie That's understandable.
@PM2Ring somehow I manage to live with the guilt :-)
(Any hackers out there, please do not take this as an invitation :-)
OTOH, we get answerers who try to defend their vulnerable code by saying it doesn't matter because the OP is only using it internally. They don't care that future readers may use it without realising that it's vulnerable.
True ...
On the bright side, it means there's a big demand for digital security experts & penetration testers. ;)
@PM2Ring That's simultaneously funny and sad
If it were some little obscure fly-by-night company, it'd be an unfortunate blunder. But for a major player like Samsung to do it is outrageous, IMHO.
I don't know how to answer OPs who talk about pure energy. What's impure about a lump of matter? On Earth, you aren't likely to see a more concentrated form of energy than a chunk of dense metal. Ok, it's not pure gauge bosons, but so what?
@EmilioPisanty Thanks for the recommendation! Ignition! is quite interesting. I never realized that popsci would contain interesting characters :P
@Chair no worries =)
Why do you put = signs in faces? It gives one the impression of a really crazed face... :) is so normal and squished.
: ) looks weird in the typing box on my device
or do you do :)?
Ah. Cool. I never realized that these things look that different on different devices. At lease SE doesn't autocorrect things to intimidating faces.
I don't put a space... :)
no, that's too much trouble
What's too much trouble?
No, that was just to show the spacing in a fixed-width font. Obviously I don't use backticks usually!
I mean
it's a pretty minor thing, no?
Yeah, I was just curious why you use the =s. See ya!
One studies occasionally
You also need to read Max Gergel's Excuse Me Sir, Would You Like to Buy a Kilo of Isopropyl Bromide? It's hillarious. And a little scary to read about the blasé attitude to safety and environmental protection they had back then.
That name has me giggling already
When will SE start using normal, meaningful charts?
Here's a sneak preview, which includes a link to the whole PDF. You don't need to be a chemist to enjoy Gergel's memoir, but a bit of chem knowledge helps. blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2010/05/27/…
An answer here was deleted by the author a moment ago. Looks like they were struggling with the mathjax.
Any ideas about what to do with it?
It wasn't a great answer anyways though...
(Looking at the deleted version, it seems downright unhelpful)
But it's still a shame that they chose to take it down within a couple of seconds of it having been posted. Like they made at least 3-4 edits over a moment before deleting it.
@Chair They might have decided to delete it while they're repairing it.
Or realized it was not worth trying to fix it. :) I've done that once or twice... It's amazing the flashes of insight you can have moments after posting, even when you've triple checked everything before hitting Submit. :)
@Blue Do you know any super tricks for tree traversal?
@Chair :=) It's the nose.
@PM2Ring "2 Used from $250.00"
@Chair I've fixed the mathjax for them in case that's what was stopping them.
though of course if it were undeleted right now, it would go straight to the Not An Answer deletion queue
@Chair how do you have access to that?
@EmilioPisanty I was looking at the post while it was being edited (i.e. I clicked "an edit has been made to this post. refresh something-something" a couple of times), and then it suddenly got greyed out with a red banner saying "this post has been deleted". So that greyed-out version was still faintly visible; that's what I was talking about. It disappeared when I refreshed the page. Anyways, it's a pretty lame answer (or even, as you suggested, NAA), so it's not a huge loss.
@Chair like your priorities/ energy/ initiative on this but would like to see the right questions asked to achieve them. "driven away" interesting choice of words. one might ask what is it that drives away chat users? does that happen? btw KK who you had a long exchange with in meta used to be a regular. and one wonders why he left. etc... some ppl are "turned off" by interactions in here and leave but lets face it its a natural cycle for 1-time regulars to fade away over time...
@vzn No, I don't think he was put off by chat (if you're talking about Kyle Kanos as KK). He mentioned in a comment under Blue's post that he has other important things which take up the time.
He even mentions it in his about-me: he's not very active any more.
@Chair on reading the meta posts on this, think they are well written but have this recurring feeling of what problem is this trying to solve and there seems to be some assumptions or misidentifications about what the problem(s) are...
@PM2Ring I wouldn't think that they were deleting it because they thought it's not a helpful answer. Considering that the edits which I could see were minute mathjax fixes, I think that was the issue. Anyways, if Emilio's edited that, they can try undeleting it with a flag or something and either a mod'll suggest that it's NAA, or it'll go through the queues... I guess there's not much more to say about that topic.
@vzn I'm perfectly clear about the fact that this isn't going to play a huge role in getting more people to join chat. I've mentioned that before. The lack of participation here is certainly a problem we want to solve, but this meta post is not expected to be a way to motivate people to join. I've mentioned this before, but it's generally to make it easier for new users once they find their way here.
@Chair right away this phrase lack of participation in chat is somewhat problematic. there are subjective feelings related to ppl leaving but the overall usage/ activity is probably not a lot different. do like your ref to/ interest in community but its a very slippery concept in cyberspace/ SE. was it you that was thinking of making a chat ad? think that would go some ways toward promotion... its not hard...
@AvnishKabaj more trouble in paradise — Amazon’s Retreat on New York City Headquarters Followed Unexpected Backlash nytimes.com/2019/02/14/nyregion/amazon-hq2-queens.html
@vzn If you have any ideas for the design and slogan, please share them with us.
While the room is quiet let me post my latest culinary masterpiece. This time I have surpassed even myself. Ladies and gentlemen, fellow gastronauts, I give you:
The bacon pizza!
And for dessert:
nice :D
I thought so :-)
But ... I feel kind of full now ... :-)
A Glazed Donut-Bacon-Egg Sandwich Isn't as Bad for You as You Might Think theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/04/…
dang, the head of the ICN is not as much of a dreamer as I had hoped
@Chair have some experience with this. have seen an ad with striking image outperform 2-1 something else more utilitarian in clicks (not surprisingly). therefore suggest any striking physics images, of which there are many, (am thinking off top of head of eg heatmap images of atom corrals or lasers etc) with very high-contrast easy-to-read text on top of it, the slogan is not so important, but sell the sizzle, not the steak :)
I hope the new head of engineering is really good
@enumaris ICN?
@JohnRennie I think I got a little closer to a heart attack just looking at that ;)
@ACuriousMind :-) It's not as unhealthy as you might think. I didn't use any extra fat to fry the bacon, I fried it in it's own fat, and pizza dough doesn't have many more calories than the same weight of ordinary bread.
@vzn Oh yes
One of the states was offering $11B or something
Oh wait I got that wrong
@JohnRennie Needs moar cheeze
Honestly I don't like authentic Italian pizza
It's the American pizza I <3
@Avnish the amazon thing is (american) history being made before our eyes... remember when amazon was just a gleam in Bezos eye... so are you studying physics at a university?
@vzn Nope
12th grade
In the jee rat race
@AvnishKabaj yes have heard a lot about JEE on here, my sympathies. do you have a future major in mind?
@vzn CS > Electrical > Mechanical > Engineering Physics
@AvnishKabaj good idea(s), STEM is the (past/present+) future, cant go wrong there :)
Heh heh
Thanks :)
@AvnishKabaj yw! lol its really an egotistical praise :P
@vzn Oh boy
I just had a look at your profile
I had the impression you were a physics undergrad
@AvnishKabaj enjoy physics a lot but its more a dalliance/ avocation for me... there are some neat ways its coalescing with CS eg QC etc
In December I visited my undergraduate school, having a lot of feeling.
that's an era when I could explore whatever I like without worrying about practical affair.
your recent musings reminded me of a quote, looked it up for you.
> I look at being a capitalist businessperson like riding a bike - if I go too slowly, I'll fall over. Or it's kind of like a shark: if I stop swimming, I'll just die. —Andrew Mason brainyquote.com/quotes/andrew_mason_449338
Howdy everybody
@AvnishKabaj why not straight physics?
@JakeRose hey birthplace of the beatles! ... so whats your gf like?
What do the square brackets mean?
does a charged spinning sphere produce a current? I would tend to guess not, because drho/dt =0 despite that all the charges are in motion
am i correct?
so from an electrodynamics point of view, it makes no difference whether the sphere rotates on itself or not (assuming homogeneous charge density)
@thermomagneticcondensedboson By the same argument, no closed circuit produces a current :P
@DavidZ Re: (5) I'd not encourage asking mods for private chat rooms - definitely not before flagging, at least.. Why exactly? The custom mod flag has a rather small character limit and is often not sufficient to explain the context of the "worrying pattern". Also, I think it's better to solve issues at a local level before escalating them to the mods all over the network.
true @ACuriousMind I am confused
in steady state, drho/dt = 0 or not?
rho is the charge distribution
@thermomagneticcondensedboson Current is not the time derivative of charge density.
the divergence of the current density is
plus or minus a sign
Just like a liquid current is not the time derivative of the liquid's density.
from the continuitiy eq drho/dt + div J = 0. In steady-state (this means current can be nonzero), I expect drho/dt not to change
is that correct?
err. i mean drho/dt = 0
(like I wrote above)
Yes, the divergence of current is zero for spinning charged sphere
Which makes sense - the flow lines of the current are closed circles, and "no divergence" means no sources or sinks for these flow lines.
I think the Bridgman effect is proportional to div J. so in steady state, this effect vanishes
man that's so confusing . i read in several sources that the bridgman effect is the internal peltier effect but in a paper it is claimed that there's a distintion
one arises in anisotropic materials, the other in nonhomogeneous materials
and in anisotropic nonhomogenous materials, there are both effects (as well as a bunch of other effects)
As I have no idea what the Brigman effect is, I can't help with that :P
@Abcd No.
I'm not even sure what you mean by "super tricks" there. :P
I had developed some graphical "tricks" for pre-order, in-order, post-order traversal, for quickly writing the orders. But I think you can find them yourself from the pictures given in your textbook.
Say, pre-order traversal is like this. Just follow the dotted curve. You'll get a sense of it.
Same goes for the other traversals.
Uh...do they actually make you write down traversal orders by hand?
That seems...pointless
sometimes it be like that
2 hours later…
@AvnishKabaj lol mathjax

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