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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

@danielunderwood I'm doing some training, but it seems like these guys have some sense of what they want to do so I'm already contributing :D
but I'm not coding yet or anything like that...
4 hours later…
@EmilioPisanty Think I finished my problem, it was a monster. I made a thread about it, and still have a general question about it. If you are interested, take a look at the "add-on" I have at the bottom
Hi people, I was wondering if anyone knew of a reference which discusses how one can obtain the regular (non-linearised) Einstein-Hilbert action from the linearised one (probably via some Noether procedure).
Or if not the action, then the equations of motion
isn't the Einstein-Hilbert action $\intR\sqrt{-g}dx^0\wedge dx^1\wedge dx^2\wedge dx^3$ nonlinear in $g$?
recently I find there are so-called Einstein frame and Jordan frame, but don't know what's the physical meaning of them.
Yes it is non-linear, I am wondering how one can obtain the non-linear version from the linear version.
Sorry I'm not familiar with those terms either
what is the linear version?
The one that governs gravitational waves
Q: The h Bar is always open!

ChairThe main chat room for Physics SE has been an active place for a while now, and a lot of you have probably popped in at some point of time. However, some of the regulars recently got the feeling that chat isn't what it once was, and the general consensus of that discussion was that codifying a bi...

1) Needs pictures of food
2) Needs some more content about what we usually talk about (i.e. there fraction which consists of "don't-do-that"s is too big.
The post isn't very food themed?
How do you intend to incorporate the pictures
A: What should we name our chat room?

corsiKaI know I'm late to the party, but I'd like to formally suggest Schrödinger's Chat - complete with umlaut.

yesterday, by Avnish Kabaj
Serving cats a flask of poison, a radioactive source and a gieger counter since 2010
@AvnishKabaj Yeah, my requests for a food poll were a bit of a flop :P
EmilioPisanty did have a point that some people won't want a starboard filled with food pictures (although I disagree; food pictures are highly important, but perhaps that's just my view). I want to add a food-pun title and just one picture of food in the "what can we ask here" section.
Too much food would detract from the point. But too little food wouldn't emphasize the room culture.
Forget that
Overall, I'd say that the post is a bit too serious; it could be a little lighter to emphasize the informal nature of chat,
The schrödingers chat
Would be an overkill
@Chair It's a serious post
You don't need to make it funny so that it's "cool"
Gets the message across perfectly
I think the post looks fine and strikes the right balance of seriousness. It will be interesting to see what people reply to it.
How has Schrodinger's Chat not been suggested?

It's both alive and dead until you open it to observe.
This is like genius
It doesn't need to be funny... (I'd even agree that it shouldn't be funny) Just a bit more light than it presently is. But if y'all think it's OK, that that's fine.
@AvnishKabaj It was suggested.
Yes corsika is genius
@AvnishKabaj it has been suggested. The trouble is that you're going to be looking at the room title every day and even good jokes wear thinpretty quickly.
H bar is fun enough.
I hate rational thinkers
But yeah
Makes sense
The h Bar is a good balance of not being entirely serious while not trying to be too studiedly witty.
I bow down to the infinitesimal wisdom of John Rennie
A while back we did discuss changing the name, but the overwhelming consensus was that the name was fine as it is.
@DavidZ I think that votes could decide whether this becomes an 'official' post. If it gets to 5 or more, we can add a link to this post in the room description. — Chair 3 mins ago
Does everyone agree with that?
@JohnRennie Indeed, I think I read something about "the h barbecue". I found it lame.
I mean it's the regulars who enforce the rules in chat it doesn't matter how many votes it gets
Sort of like democracy
@AvnishKabaj That's a good point... the votes could come from people who don't use chat, which is not what we want.
But how will we measure what people think in chat?
How does atomic nuclei has viscosity.... I read this somewhere
@Chair I think more or less all the regulars adhere to the guidelines you've framed?
@AvnishKabaj Yes... but I'd still like to know if that's what they think we should be directing new people to.
Get new people first :P
@AvnishKabaj Oh, yeah... We still need to get that ad together.
Q: The h Bar is always open!

ChairThe main chat room for Physics SE has been an active place for a while now, and a lot of you have probably popped in at some point of time. However, some of the regulars recently got the feeling that chat isn't what it once was, and the general consensus of that discussion was that codifying a bi...

@PhysicsMeta You're one step behind us :P
I try to imagine nothingness and I simply do not imagine, does that count?
This is on the HNQ? Really? Has this guy never kept a drink warm in a Thermos flask?
Q: Why is a liquid nitrogen canister not cold on the outside when inside the temp of the sealed liquid is -320F?

Andrew Strever...or IS the inside temperature ambient temperature? Surely the insulation of the container is not sufficient to seal in that cold? I.e. if you had an unsealed bowl of liquid nitrogen with the same thickness of the sealed canister surely the temperature of that bowl on the outside would be cold?

@JohnRennie well I can solve that problem at least
That was one disappointing HNQ.
@DavidZ :-)
I would hope that if we find something on the HNQ list that shouldn't be there, a few downvotes will also get it removed. Closing is more efficient, but sometimes I wouldn't unilaterally put those questions on hold if they weren't on the HNQ list and I'm not overly fond of that.
4 hours later…
A: Meaning of time and distance in general relativity?

Ron EricksonThe universe is actually 24.732 billion years old to be exact and will exist for 1.3124781 giga-googleplex years. The universe is not younger on Mars. Here is some help instead of using E=mc^2 use E=mv^3 because light is not constant it is variable since it can change speed through different medi...

@enumaris nice! I think I still didn't know what was going on a couple days in. Though I suspect yours may be a smaller research-focused thing rather than learning what's going on with a huge system?
@Chair I'd recommend disengaging at this point. Kyle can raise this issue (whether announcenents/FAQ should be in Q&A format) in another meta post if necessary.
I'm no cosmologist, but that certainly doesn't sound right to me
@Blue Nah, I think we're talking about the same thing, but simply giving it different names. I'll tell him that and see how it goes.
@Chair These meta-debates-in-comments only serve the purpose of raising everyone's BP. I honestly don't see it going anywhere. The involved parties are hardly ever interested in listening to each other.
Furthermore, comments are not meant for debates on site policy. If you want to debate, raise the issue on a separate meta thread. Don't fill up the comments with orthogonal discussions.
I think this discussion has gone far enough from the subject of chat rules. It looks like 'guides' (or FAQs, if you really want to call it that) of this sort are common enough on meta sites, so I'm leaving it the way it is for now. We'll see if it makes sense to move it to an answer later. If that bothers someone, please upvote comments with the criticism, downvote this post if you're extremely ticked off, and then move on. — Chair 27 secs ago
@Chair Thanks.
I agree, it's time to stop that line of discussion. In a couple of days, I'll flag it for a mod to clear out most of that... we can leave a bit there so that people know that that aspect has been criticized.
@Blue I'll probably find one or two comments at the beginning which are worth keeping; the rest can go.
@Slereah He's been busy. 3 answers & 1 question so far today.
@PM2Ring Off with his head
I can't tell if those were troll answers or not... I can't understand how someone could commit that much to "Einstein was completely wrong with E=mc^2 because light travels different speeds in a vacuum" without ever figuring out what c actually is
3 answers is definately troll-level.
Either troll or crank
Troll level absolutely, but actual troll is a tough one to eke out thanks to Poe's Law. Consider for example flat earthers, some of them genuinely do believe the things they say, making it quite hard to tell who is being intellectually dishonest, and who really just doesn't understand, finds something they can understand that refutes what they don't, and use that to feel superior
"the universe is older from mars" sounds like they've been making a joke. But when a flat earth person asks "where's the curve?", that's a legitimate question with a legitimate answer.
I mean
I'm not talking about the flat earthers asking questions, I'm talking about the ones who try to "explain" why their model is correct and why physics don't work the way the evil physics cabals brainwash you in school. At that point, it basically always seems like self-delusion as a means of self-elevation
I guess it's not wrong
Because of the lower time dilation in that gravity
but it's not expressed the best
"it basically always seems like self-delusion as a means of self-elevation" is actually a lovely quote.
The "older from Mars" line came from the question, as an example of different frames having different measures of duration.
Wait, are we talking about the same question?
I was thinking about physics.stackexchange.com/questions/227110/… But apparently that answer doesn't mention mars.
There's an answer, either on Physics or Astronomy that calculates the discrepancy in the age of the universe between a couple of different frames. I'll see if I can find it...
Eh they've all been deleted anyways. I didn't realize our LQP reviews were that quick.
It doesn't look like a mod stepped in.
@Chair Not gonna lie I was pretty happy with myself when I thought of that as I tyyped it
@Chair They've all been deleted by users voting to delete.
Our reviewers are on form today :-)
it was a pretty fun queue
some... interesting reads
We get nuts dropping in from time to time. They usually quickly get bored and leave again. It's only a few really hard cases that are serial offenders :-)
How do you do bra let notation in latex?
There's no special macro. Use |\psi\rangle.
@JohnRennie got a quantum question for you
@JakeRose uh oh :-)
how do I do the other side?
Just use the vertical bar on the keyboard. To te left of Z on a UK keyboard.
No but if I have an inner product I need a left facing angle
@JakeRose \langle
oh I see that’s what r and l mean
okay here goes
Ah, \vert creates a vertical bar
$\langle \psi \vert \psi \rangle$
If you want, you can do \left<\psi|\psi\right> for $\left<\psi|\psi\right>$
$\langle \psi | \psi \rangle$
How do you do the circumflex for operators?
I haven't found the post I was looking for, but I found this physics.stackexchange.com/questions/177460/… which doesn't have ages for different frames.
Q: MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference

MJD(Deutsch: MathJax: LaTeX Basic Tutorial und Referenz) To see how any formula was written in any question or answer, including this one, right-click on the expression it and choose "Show Math As > TeX Commands". (When you do this, the '$' will not display. Make sure you add these. See the next p...

@JakeRose that's a (long) short summary if all the MathJax expressions
$\hat{P} = |\psi \rangle \langle \psi | $ is a projection operstor
close enough with the circumflex
now let’s act this on a generic vector
$\hat{P}| a\rangle = |\psi \rangle \langle \psi |a \rangle$
My notes says this equals $=a|\psi \rangle$
is that right?
For reference here is my notes specificslly
@JohnRennie you around?
@JakeRose eating lunch ...
Oops sorry please enjoy
get back to me whenever you’re free
Does anyone have data about the metallicities of the planets in the Solar System? I've found some numbers on the mass fractions that are hydrogen and helium, but those don't seem to include hydrogen and helium bound up in more complex molecules - just pure (molecular?) H and He.
@JakeRose you there?
Yep @JohnRennie
@HDE226868 best looking at geology and earth science places. I know researchers in my uni are doing similar stuff
OK, suppose we have some random wavefunction $A$. If we have a set of eigenfunctions $\psi_i$ then we can write $A$ as a linear combination of our eigenfunctions:
$$ A = \sum a_i \psi_i $$
OK so far?
yep got it
These eigenfunctions $\psi_i$ form a Hilbert space. This is a vector space with the $\psi_i$ as the unit vectors that form the axes of the space.
(Hilbert spaces isn’t covered until next year)
So our equation above is actually just a vector addition.
@JakeRose I can explain it now - it's trivially easy.
Just a vector space that is spanned completely by the set of Eigen functions
Yes. The eigenfunctions are the unit vectors and wavefunction $A$ is a vector in the Hilbert space that can be expressed as a sum of the unit vectors.
@JakeRose I asked a similar question recently... there are some helpful answers here
@Chair @EmilioPisanty has posted a great answer as usual :-)
@JakeRose do you want to take time out to read that question or shall I continue?
No, I think I understand vector spaces stuff but thanks for pointing it out
Are eigenvectors normalised?
@JohnRennie Indeed, that one was excellent. I was quite fond of G K's answer too; it may be more relevant here, since Jake's question is regarding hilbert spaces
@JakeRose eigenvectors are orthonormal so $\langle \psi_i | \psi_j \rangle = \delta_{ij}$
I thought they had to be normalised first?
Are you implying they are inherently orthonormal? Or assuming the process has already been carried out?
Well, you mostly deal with Hermitian operators in QM.
@JakeRose Ah, um, err, this gets us into the difference between unit vectors in the Hilbert space and rays in the Hilbert space - a ray need not have length one. Let's just say the eigenfunctions are normalised and gloss over the details.
After all, an unnormalised eigenfunction is not physically meaningful since it would mean the probability of finding the particle somewhere was not unity.
In short:
> In a very general sense, we say that quantum states of a quantum mechanical system correspond to rays in the Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, such that for any $c∈ℂ$ the state $\psi$ and $c\psi$ map to the same ray and hence are taken as equivalent states.
But yeah, you can skip those details if you're reading it the first time. :)
And off we go down the rabbit hole :-)
@JakeRose you've gone quiet. Brain exploded already?
I’m trying to figure out where any of this was even implied in the lecture notes :’)
Lecture notes make the mistake of thinking that students are delicate creatures who need to be gently spoon fed QM lest their brains overheat. Here on the other hand we give it to you straight. You may wish to brace yourself.
okay so eigenvectors are orthonormal I can live with that
OK, our wavefunction $A$ is a vector in the Hilbert space and the components of this vector are its projection onto the axes. That is, we can write it as:
$$ A = (a_1\psi_1, a_2\psi_2, ... ) $$
(have my notes also assumed the eigenfunctions are normalised?)
@JakeRose almost certainly, yes.
Okay cool
If they haven't I shall be over to spank your lecturer.
stafford Withington
I’ll let you track him down ;)
And the projection of $A$ onto for example the $\psi_1$ axis is just $a_1\psi_1$.
okay so the inner product gives kronecker delta
leaving just that component
You now have all you need. The projection operator is now just trivial algebra.
my notes are still a bit confusing though because it just has a generic a
it’s saying the magnitude of that vector is the coefficient?
Suppose we want the projection onto the $\psi_j$ axis, then the projection operator is $|\psi_j\rangle\langle\psi_j|$
Act on $A$ with this and we get $|\psi_j\rangle\langle\psi_j|A\rangle$. Yes?
@danielunderwood yep, since I'm at an innovation center, there's only like 10-12 of us here lol
@JakeRose the rest is trivial. Writing $A$ as the sum we get:
$$ |\psi_j\rangle\langle\psi_j| \sum_i a_i\psi_i \rangle $$
which expands to:
$$ |\psi_j\rangle \sum_i \langle\psi_j| a_i\psi_i \rangle $$
And because the eigenfunctions are orthonormal the only nonzero term inside the sum is $a_j\langle\psi_j|\psi_j\rangle = a_j$
So the whoe thing evaluates to $|\psi_j\rangle a_j$
oh yes I agree
Which is the projection of $A$ onto the $\psi_j$ axis.
See, it's simpler than you thought.
@JohnRennie man, I lose track of the things
takes me a while to recognize what they even were
Dammit the real experts in linear algebra are turning up now! :-)
fun times
yes but it’s written as $|a \rangle$
Hello there. Reading through the new questions I encounter a lot of new users, often asking homework exercises, unspecific questions not showing any own effort and duplicates. Is there any possibility to show things like "How do I ask questions?" "When do homework&exercises belong here?" more prominent? Or do those people just skip over them anyway?
so really shouldn’t it have a suffix in the final result? $a_i |\psi \rangle$
@Gimli people never read the instructions. I've been on the site for years (seven years ish I think) and in all that time the homework questions just keep coming :-)
where I denotes the component of a in the direction of psi
@Gimli Hi :) There's a big box with advice on how to ask questions and a warning against homework-like questions to the right of the edit field when you click on "Ask question". How do you think we could display that more prominently?
@JakeRose Yes, your notes are a bit weird in just writing $a$ without being clear what $a$ is. However I assume they mean what I've described above.
yes o agree. Confusing as it may be
@JohnRennie thanks for the help
@JakeRose I'm just relieved you asked me something I actually knew the answer to :-)
@Gimli I think the best way to direct new users to the existing policy is to use the AutoReviewComments script. Apart from that, I'm afraid that "banner blindness" is a thing, and I doubt we can make these things more prominent. Do share if you have something in mind though.
@Blue drone missiles?
We can figure out where they live from their IP address.
@JohnRennie That might work. Sell your laptops and buy us some drones. ;)
I wonder if I can buy cruise missiles on eBay ...
@Gimli what Blue said. Using the auto-comments script makes it significantly less tiring to quickly deal with them and move on.
autocomment, flag for closure, downvote if warranted and you feel like it, then get out
and if you have proposals about how to get people to stop and read guidance before they post, then we're very much interested
@JohnRennie Like this
NH4OH + Mg ---> Mg (OH)2 + NH4+ is it correct?
Thank your for the answers, I will definetly use those comment templates.I am not sure what a completly new user sees when
@PM2Ring correct :-)
Here's one with a little more info
Although the IP address places me in Edinburgh. I assume PlusNet have a router there and the geographical info is coming from the location of that router rather than my home address.
You'd get a more precise location from my profile than what that thing shows :P
Also, that's not the name of my ISP
Any ideas?
Yep. There are reverse DNS services that can give more accurate location info, but they aren't free, AFAIK.
@Curio yes, that's correct.
Sry I hit enter too early what I ment to write was: Thank your for the answers, I will definetly use those comment templates. I am not sure what a completly new user sees when he first logs in and it probably already is something like that, but like 5 short rules might be skipped less often than something as long as an EULA. Bannerblindness is definetly a thing though :D
Should I be able to take the following integral $\int dx e^{-\pi x^2 - g x^4}$ and compute corrections to the prefactor of $x^2$ using diagrammatic perturbation theory?
@Curio might be better to consult the chemistry stack exchange for those type of questions :)
Naively I expected to get $\int dx e^{-(\pi+6g) x^2}$, but the series does not seem to arrange this way?
@Gimli Who can fathom the mind of an OP who finds it easier to write a wall of text than to do a quick Google search?
anyone here familiar with Amazon Echo Skills and Google Assistant Actions?
Hello again. Checking in. Has anything happened in physics during the last two years or so?
a few things
Also, the hardcore homework dumper doesn't actually want to acquire knowledge, they just want to pass exams. So they don't bother wasting time reading Help tours or info banners. And any suggestions to improve their question are seen as interference.
@enumaris FWIW you can ask about these things on Internet of Things. It's probably on-topic there. :)
hmmm I don't have a specific question yet tho
but thanks for letting me know that exists :D
@enumaris Any developments on string theory, SUSY, ToE?
@Keepthesemind The universe was obliterated. But it got better.
@PM2Ring Is it now intelligently designed after all?
On a more serious note, we observed a pair of black holes merging, and detected the gravitational waves of the event.
@PM2Ring I read about that. Anything else, like: unexpected?
We also saw a pair of neutron stars collide & create a black hole, releasing a bunch of heavy elements in the process, notably a heap of gold & platinum. That was kind of unexpected; it was previously thought that most of that stuff came from supernovae, but now we think roughly half of those heavy metals come from neutron star collisions.
Protons persist in not decaying, making most SUSY theories look more & more shaky.
Yo folks
The box on the right is fairly short and easy to read. Sure, banner-blindness will kick in, but anything that circumvents banner blindness will also probably annoy many users for little reason
@PM2Ring Got an interesting link for that?
consider the statement
> The direct product of two circles, $\rm U(1)\times U(1)$, is a flat torus.
for me this is obvious and it doesn't require justification
@Keepthesemind Sorry, not off-hand.
@EmilioPisanty Me too
but I have an inkling that a general physics audience won't find this obvious
and might welcome a citation that explains it in simple terms
any suggestions of where I can point people who are confused by that point?
@EmilioPisanty It should be obvious to anyone who's played a game like Asteroids.
In geometry, a torus (plural tori) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not touch the circle, the surface has a ring shape and is called a torus of revolution. Real-world examples of toroidal objects include inner tubes. A torus should not be confused with a solid torus, which is formed by rotating a disc, rather than a circle, around an axis. A solid torus is a torus plus the volume inside the torus. Real-world approximations include doughnuts, non-inflatable lifebuoys, and O...
@Keepthesemind I mean, for a scientific paper
@EmilioPisanty Don't you think the problem might more be that they don't know what a cross product is than that that specific one is the torus?
hopefully to appear in a glossy-cover journal
"In topology, a ring torus is homeomorphic to the Cartesian product of two circles [...]"
Because if you know what the $\times$ does geometrically, then you should see that you get a torus as the surface swept out when you move one circle along the other.
@EmilioPisanty Oh
@ACuriousMind I know it's obvious if you already know it
I find it really hard to envision what it looks like to the folks that don't
(not to disparage them in any way at all!)
they're usually experimental folks of some description or other, who never did much geometry or topology in uni
I've had at least one interaction with someone (late in their PhD? a postdoc?) who had just discovered the fact, and was in utter mind-blown amazement at it
@EmilioPisanty Good for him/her...
@JohnRennie @JakeRose thanks
@Keepthesemind yeah, it was a bit of a bummer for them when I was kinda like "yeah, that's old hat", but I did my best to not spoil their enjoyment
@PM2Ring "Your ISP is Ford Motor Company" uhhh
@danielunderwood Wow! That's bizarre.
Perhaps Ford once owned that address block or something
Though as I mentioned above, I think for me it's giving the location of my ISP's POP.
@PM2Ring Yeah, it tells me that the hospital of Oldenburg is my ISP.
Which...it isn't
@JohnRennie POP?
@JohnRennie That one gets my ISP correctly. The location is close enough to be a hub or something I suppose
@EmilioPisanty Point Of Presence. Basically the router that links you to the rest of the Internet.
@PM2Ring So, what is the status of SUSY? Has it been 'degraded"?
@Keepthesemind I've just read an article by Ethan Siegel on just that subject. Let me have a quick Google.
@ACuriousMind I guess Danasoft are using very stale cached data. Or something... It seems to work ok for Indian ISPs, though, and I presume a lot of those are fairly new.
@enumaris sounds nice. My team is pretty small, but we're working on a product with a dozen or so other teams
@Keepthesemind here‌​. Though note that that's Siegel's views and other physicists may disagree.
Snap! :-)
@danielunderwood I think there's still a lot to be desired in terms of direction
There's no head of engineering atm lol
That's what it was like where I was before, though that was quite a small company. No direction and not really much of an overall mission
@JohnRennie That's yesterday! Quite fresh!
@Keepthesemind it cropped up in my Google news feed. That nice Mr. Google knows me disturbingly well :-)
Are those based on some recent findings? I haven't kept up with much lately
@Keepthesemind I've never been a big fan of SUSY, and I haven't been paying close attention, but I keep an ear open for announcements re proton decay, since that's an important prediction for all flavours of SUSY.
I have no problem giving direction...but I don't have the position to give the direction XD
@danielunderwood kind of. They're based on the fact that no trace of SUSY has been seen at the LHC, and that rules out all the most attractive SUSY theories leaving only the more contrived looking ones.
@PM2Ring I was around when it first became obvious that SUSY could potentially solve so many outstanding problems in physics. At the time everyone thought something that obvious just had to be true.
Quick, publish more contrived models!
@JohnRennie "The great tragedy of science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact."
@enumaris don't you have like a manager/project lead/something?
should be the head of engineering
but he's not coming until March
@ACuriousMind :-) At least SUSY doesn't contradict the second law :-)
@enumaris Sooo...you're currently developing in headless mode? :P
pretty much
tho "developing" might be a stretch for what I'm doing currently
Enjoy it while it lasts, I wish I could complain about not having enough to do :P
right now I'm watching SAP advertisement videos
@JohnRennie The symmetry does have an aesthetic appeal too. But the proton decay thing always upset my physics instincts... not that the universe is obliged to behave in a way that I deem acceptable. ;)
@enumaris Those are terrible. I've sat down to watch some customer-facing things and I can't do it for very long
well this is employee onboarding stuff lol
The security training with the cheesy 90s hacker teaching you to not tell anyone your password is great
was legit
Hey we were also told not to give people our password!
so what's your passwords? (jk - for legal reasons)
Unfortunately not that much official "don't show people your private key"...though hopefully the people in those situations know better
I'll tell you my password if you tell me yours...you go first
@enumaris Asking another employee for their password? Report to Global Security sent.
this presentation is a bit dry...
Does the h Bar use the system to request that other users look at a question and consider whether it should be closed or not?
@PM2Ring No
@PM2Ring Not yet. We don't yet have sufficient 3k+-ers for that to work effectively, I think.
You can just mention a question if you want to discuss whether it's off-topic or not, though
Ok. I guess there's no point if there aren't many voters.
But we don't actively use chat that way, and I'm not sure we should
We use it in SO Python, but we don't want to be flooded with cv requests. We mostly use it on dupes, and questions likely to attract low quality answers.
And we give the OP 10 minutes to respond to comments before a cv-pls request is posted, unless it's a dupe, or an unsalvageable mess.
The SO Python rooms look pretty well moderated BTW. I like the atmosphere there. I used to visit it occasionally.
The room owners seem to be doing a good job. :)
I used to frequent SOCVR, which focuses on closing & deleting stuff over the whole of SO. But it gets a bit depressing focusing so much energy on the dregs of the site.
they talkin about this "discussing your success roadmap with your manager within 30 days" but my "manager" ain't here
@Blue Thankyou!
am I doin this w/ the office manager...hmmm
@PM2Ring Yeah, we'd like to avoid that here as long as possible. :P
@PM2Ring In the last thirty days, only two dozen users have cast a "close" or "leave open" vote from the close review queue. We could use some more regular reviewers.
I mostly come here to relax and talk about food.
@rob Yeah, ok. I'll think about it. I guess there's still a lot I can do even though I don't have 3k yet.
Hmm, I could target a few HNQs. :P
@PM2Ring You're close!
@Blue We have about four hundred 3kers, but skimming through the list I saw a lot of names of people that haven't been active for a long time.
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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