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in The Periodic Table, Dec 6 '18 at 11:00, by orthocresol
“Professor Dumbledore. Can I ask you something?"
"Obviously, you've just done so," Dumbledore smiled. "You may ask me one more thing, however."
3 hours later…
So, I have a friend who is working in the wrong field of physics at the moment (not enjoying it.) They are still undergraduate however and have time to change this.

They are currently working on a summer project which will soon end. If they leave now it will be time (and a scholarship) wasted on them, because most of the summer project was teaching them the basics of what to do (a 6 week project.)

They are about to start their final year in undergraduate physics, and in this year the university offers a project based unit, with a similar structure to a summer work project, but with assess
I was wondering if anyone here has experienced or seen anything similar to this before, and what their advice to my friend would be. My normal advice to them would be to take your time to find the right supervisor/field of physics, and work under them regardless of the current work. (After all, they are still undergraduate and are allowed to make a mistake.)
However, due to the deadline for the project choice, it might not be easy to find the right supervisor. Which is why I’m asking online for any advice.
If this is the wrong place to ask, please let me know and I’ll remove it.
@user400188 It's fine.
@user400188 So what's this "wrong field of physics" you're talking about?
Currently they are working in experimental physics on ultra cold atoms (BEC creation). They have never shown an interest in the field however, and I think they only took the summer work because they thought it would be like any other job.
Their actual interest is in particle physics as a theorist.
From what I've discussed with my seniors, "undergraduate" projects don't really matter much if you manage to find go ahead and find good supervisors for your graduate school. Also, if they're learning some computation/programming stuff in that project, that'll be helpful no matter which field of physics they transition to.
That said, it is of course best to take some time to find a project that they'll enjoy, as the learning the basics of the field they're going to transition to, during the undergraduate project might give them a minor head-start.
@user400188 Why not ask this on Academia? There are several experienced folks there who can guide you.
I thought about it, but I wasn’t sure if it’s the same deal in every discipline or just physics, and if there were many physics there.
I probably will ask it now that you have suggested it.
This picture shows how much of a certain part of the EM spectrum the sun emits and I was wondering, in order for the sun to be white, shouldn't R, G and B be equal amounts?
I mean, the sun should appear mostly green and yellow and the light that shines should be mostly green and yellow but it's not?
The sun is white and for it to be white it must emit equal amounts of R, G and B, but according to the picture it doesn't. Soo, what is going on?
@NovaliumCompany the sun is actually slightly yellow, but since the sunlight is everywhere our eyes adjust and see it as white.
Also the eyes aren't perfect detectors
in sunlight they tend to saturate
(TIP : Do not look at the sun)
If you sit in a room with very blue lights, e.g. arc lights, for a while then look out of the window the sunlight outside will look noticeably yellow.
Remember that colours are just human perception.
Hell your eyes don't even need to be stimulated to see colors!
@Slereah Talking about 'shrooms? :P
@ACuriousMind not working today?
@JohnRennie Nope, took the day off
@ACuriousMind Well serotonin agonists in general :p
or even $\kappa$-opioid agonists!
Brain's a giant mess really
Those poor guys at the neurology stack exchange
@Slereah mine certainly is :-)
But then life is far more entertaining that way.
Why does serotonin act on reward, vision and diarrhea
That's not a proper separation of tasks
@Slereah That's nature telling us life's basically shitty
When I read about the human body I just think of some intern in charge of a huge mess of a software changing things at random until it works
thank you evolution
@Slereah Ah, so you're a believer in Unintelligent Design
We get stuck with the intern
I mean I guess it makes sense why he slapped it together in 6 days
We get stuck with Azathoth the blind idiot god
Playing his accursed flute
that jerk
Careful, while Azathoth worship has a rather abysmal survival rate, I'm not sure taunting him is any better
Well that's the nice thing about the Elder Gods
They are indifferent to humanity
Think they're too good for us
Except Nyarlathotep I guess
He has gone native
First thing this morning I logged a call that disk 2 had failed in a customer's server. But being half asleep (it was around 5 a.m.) I put in a call that dick 2 has failed. The day I stop finding these things funny you can place the order for my coffin.
@Slereah For being indifferent they always seemed to me to be strangely reactive to cultists
I think they're just playing hard to get
@ACuriousMind Well to paraphrase some post I've seen
If you heard a bunch of ants calling you, what would you do?
@Slereah Freak out, then start rolling in the biology grants to study this exceptionally gifted tribe of ants?
@ACuriousMind A real ant apocalypse!
Ant alien abduction
That's what happens in the Mythos when you're transported in a strange land from beyond the stars, I guess
just a bunch of those guys poking you with sticks
@Slereah Hm, I guess that's an accurate way to look at it
I like the great race of the Yiths because they look kind of goofy but also creepy?
Best design of the Mythos imo
Just look at those guys
What the hell has happened to this chat room... :D
@JohnRennie So humans have adapted to perceive yellow as white? Wut??
just look at those guys
with their little notebook
@NovaliumCompany sorry we are all under the influence of the old ones now
Human sacrifice is just around the corner
@NovaliumCompany well what does white actually mean? It means the colour that humans call white. It is purely human perception.
Nope, white is the sum of all colors (of equal amounts)?
@NovaliumCompany nope.
@NovaliumCompany have you ever seen an optical illusion
The brain's pretty easy to trick
ye I kno, I is confusededed.
Yes we can write a definition of white light, but that definition basically comes down to light that humans perceive as white.
Yes, colors are just interpretations of the human brain.
I mean "white" isn't even a proper physical notion
there are no white photons
One context where I like to bring up Azathoth is cosmology because I remember a friend of mine making a joke about "if the universe is closed then what is inside?" and the answer was "Azathoth"
It's my go to answer to that question ever since
I read all the Lovecraft stories as a kid and I loved them. These days I'm a bit more conscious of the racial stereotypes he used, but I still love them.
They are quite jarring
I'm not going to attempt to justify Lovecraft's prejudices, I'll just say he was of his time. Because I love his stories of elder gods, etc, etc does not mean I approve of him as a person.
oh he was even racist by his era's standards
He was one of the first person to try to make really alien creatures, though
Every color is associated with a wavelength right?
@NovaliumCompany Define "color"
An EM wave with a specific wavelength and a name that people have given it.
Well your definition is exactly the same as your question, so yes
But there is no wavelength for pink or brown
@NovaliumCompany have a look at:
Q: Is it possible that there is a color our human eye can't see?

MegaNairdaIs it possible that there's a color that our eye couldn't see? Like all of us are color blind to it. If there is, is it possible to detect/identify it?

@NovaliumCompany Not really - the spectral colors are, but you can see in that horseshoe diagram a lot of colors not associated to a single specific wavelength
The answers give a pretty good description of what it means for the eye to see a colour.
oh and by the way
There are also these
Impossible colors or forbidden colors are supposed colors that cannot be perceived in normal seeing of light that is a combination of various intensities of the various frequencies of visible light, but are reported to be seen in special circumstances. == Types == These impossible colors are of two types: Colors that would be seen if the output strengths of the human eye retina's three types of cone cell (red, green, blue) could be set to values which cannot be produced by exposing the eye in normal seeing conditions to any possible combination of strengths of the frequencies of visible light...
There are colors not even associated with any combinations of wavelengths!
cf also
All I wanted to know is what is the color of the sun lol
well look at it
@JohnRennie I read it.
(LEGAL WARNING : I do not advise looking at it)
It's not rocket science
@Slereah I can't, the atmosphere is f*cking with me.
Unless I go to space of course.
I mean you know, if you want to know the color of something, looking at it is still the simplest way to determine it
depending on how you define color 'course
So colors are just an intepretation of the individual, so colors are different for everyone?
but if you want to know the relations between EM wave wavelengths, eye color detectors and the brain interpretation
that's a whole 'nother can of worms
So, nothing in this world really "has color"?
that's more of a question for the philosophy stack exchange :p
I was just arguing with a girl in my class that the sun is white, and she said that the sun is yellow, and we asked the geography teacher and she said the sun is burning red, and I'm like wetefe is goin onnn?
I tell them that the atmosphere has effects on how people on Earth perceive the color of the sun and if we went to space, the sun will be white, but here I'm told it's not white.
it's one of those questions you can't answer unless you define properly what you mean
@NovaliumCompany Well, you can determine the wavelengths something emits and then determine the response of a "standard" human eye. But there's lots of non-standard human eyes around (e.g. colorblind people, tetrachromats), so whether or not you want to call that "having color" is a question of how you define your words, not a question about physics or biology.
So it all comes down to what is "yellow", "white"... "color"...?
and of course there's the old philosophy chestnut
Is the yellow you see the same as someone else's yellow
Can't argue about incomparable subjective perceptions, aka qualia.
I just use my qualia detector
So asking the question "What is the color of the sun?" is like asking "What is the pain when someone hits you?" wow the best analogy I've ever made.
Well there too you can define it differently
you can measure it with brain activity etc
or consider the subjective experience
@NovaliumCompany Sure, but consider that for both color and pain we have established cultural norms of how to talk about it. Specific pain is often described as "stinging", "searing", or some other adjectives, and we feel we understand what these words mean, just like we feel we understand what someone means when they call the sky blue.
So since colors are different for everyone (e.g colors are just interpretations of the brain), starting an argument on what is the color of the sun really doesn't make sense?
When someone asks you what color the sky is and you start going on about how color perception is subjective and there really is no objective notion of color, that's not what they wanted to hear and you're committing a cultural faux pas
I don't give a duck what they want to hear. :D
@ACuriousMind you may get tarred and feathered as a huge dork
@Slereah Ah, well, dork feathers can be stylish
Man reading Reichenbach on GR was basically 200 pages of discussions like that
about what it means to take measurements
Very interesting but a bit abstract
and it was pretty ahead of its time for the 1920's
It's a bit weird that it had a discussion of closed timelike curves but nothing on singularities
2 hours later…
Gnnnh, I hate it when a one-liner about basic mechanics nets me more rep than my last few answers together
Curse you, HNQ!
that's the way it goes
We omit constants in Big O notation whether they are in product or addition.
Now consider $f = \text{(10000 million)} x^3 + ....$
And $g = x^4 + .... $
So f is $O(n^3)$
And g is $O(n^4)$
If one compares complexities one will say f is more efficient.But by looking at the functions, g appears to be more efficient!
What does it mean for a function to be "efficient"?
@ACuriousMind least time
Big O notation is concerned with asymptotic behaviour
Not useful for small $x$
The point of big-O notation is that it tells you how the function grows, not how large its actual values are.
Here's an example for instance
Standard matrix multiplication algorithms are $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$
Certainly, for small values of $x$, $g$ is smaller than $f$. but if you keep increasing the input value, at some point $f$ will be smaller than $g$, and stay that way after that
There are more efficient algorithms, such as Copperhead, which are $\approx \mathcal{O}(n^{2.8})$
@ACuriousMind but that value might be very very large not very large.
But due to algorithm overheads, it's not actually more efficent unless $n$ is very large
Sure, depends on your notion of "very" :P
@Slereah overheads means?
@Abcd Calculations to do beforehand
In linear algebra, the Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm, named after Don Coppersmith and Shmuel Winograd, was the asymptotically fastest known matrix multiplication algorithm from 1990 until 2010. It can multiply two n × n {\displaystyle n\times n} matrices in O ( n 2.375477 ) {\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}(n^{2.375477})} time (see Big O notation). This is an improvement over...
$n^{2.37}$ even
A: Is the common Computer Science usage of 'ignoring constants' useful when comparing classical computing with quantum computing?

Niel de BeaudrapThe common Computer Science usage of 'ignoring constants' is only useful where the differences in performance of various kinds of hardware architecture or software can be ignored with a little bit of massaging. But even in classical computation, it is important to be aware of the impact of archit...

Define n-modernism to mean postpostpostpost (n times)... postmodernism

Then we have the following:

-1 modernism: No such thing as truth
0 modernism: There exists universal truths
1 modernism: Truth is context dependent
2a modernism: If you believe, then it is true
2b modernism: "Truth is context dependent" is context dependent
2c modernism: Truth is what is not context dependent
2d modernism: Truth has no meaning
2e modernism: What is important is the relation between truth and its context
@Chair Meta voting is even stranger than HNQ voting sometimes :P
@ACuriousMind It's certainly more extreme and FGITW-influenced.
Like if something gets to -1, it frequently shoots down from there, but if it's positive, it won't stay in single digits for a long time.
Bam, it goes to 14, presumably though the chat-effect.
@Blue Yes please, go ahead! It would be nice if we could avoid giving him reasons to use other channels to communiate.
17 messages moved to Trashcan
Yay, rep cap -.-
@Blue Interesting, I didn't know there was a mod-only trash chat. So when you're considering options for deletion of messages, what are the options? I'm quite sure there's a publicly visible trash, and clearly there's this hidden trash. Presumably there's a permanent obliteration option which doesn't even move the messages?
What else?
@ACuriousMind That escape velocity question was somewhat... surprising. Lots of "me too" comments
Well, a mod can either delete the message, or move them to any other room in the network
Some of the other rooms are intended to hold deletion-worthy messages, like the Trashcan, but there's really nothing special about them other than that
@ACuriousMind In terms of deletion, is there a deletion which leaves the message visible to room owners (since I've seen JR mention that in a meta discussion) and a different one which hides it from everyone?
@Chair There is redaction, which removes the message entirely and is intended only for e.g. PII leaks
@Chair Yeah, that's the normal deletion. Apart from that we can also redact messages, in which case no one else can see the history --- not even mods.
Cool, thanks!
I used redaction to delete a tetrathonk once. :P
What's a tetrathonk?
@Chair Click on the link. ^
Wow what the hell did I just see?
I posted it in the Teacher's Lounge and some other mods were complaining that even after deletion it's visible for those who use the "view deleted messages" script. I didn't want it to stare them in face and finally redacted it. ;)
@Chair Lol XD
It looks like me doing math on the papers taped to the walls of my room.
Over three hours, there have been 51 votes on this thread
Must be some kind of a record.
The following [redacted] is [data expunged]
@Chair I have no actual data, but I don't think that's a record
Feels like a pretty "normal" HNQ to me :P
Do we want a set of rules resembling this or not? I think the meta discussion we had about rules a while back was not particularly firm about whether it's a good idea or not, if I recall correctly. I have some more time at my disposal now, so I may be able to put something together. Also, I imagine I'm more active on chat now than I was then, so it'd be less of a challenge :P
@Chair Yes, we do! I've been thinking about it for sometime, but didn't really get time.
It would be nice if you could put something together. I'd be happy to give inputs.
That math meta post is rather well written and I was thinking of following that pattern with perhaps some minor alterations.
I need a nice title, something related to food. "It's always lunchtime in the hbar" just sounds lame, but something in a similar vein to indicate that we don't want to be too formal is in order.
We also need a metaphysics pun to give our meta site's room an interesting name.
@Chair Seems quite normal for HNQ questions. Looking at my biggest HNQ question physics.stackexchange.com/questions/361679/… within 3 hours it got at least 40 votes between my answer and the question, and this was with only one answer to vote on. HNQ + accessible questions = easy votes for everyone
@JMac I wonder how things will change once SE does their thing which they've promised to do with HNQs. What if it suddenly becomes 'hard' to gain rep and all new 'experts' find themselves with less rep than people who answered easy HNQs and have lots of privilages?
@Chair To be frank, I don't think the experts should care, and I would hope they are the least likely to care, assuming they are still being treated well by the site in ways beyond arbitrary points. I'm pretty far from "expert"; but I wouldn't mind if HNQ didn't give so much rep. It's nice to have privileges, but I've always found answers like that aren't always personally satisfying.
it's nice to be able to say "oh good, it looks like a lot of people found this really useful" but at the same time, I'm often thinking, of all the things I post here, is stuff like that really worth the points it gets? I knew as soon as I read the pen question that it was going to go HNQ, so I basically made my answer really pretty, and what do you know, it's my most points on an answer
I dunno, those VtCs may go out of control, but there's no point in speculating since it's starting to look like the HNQ drama has died down and things will take a while to pick up again.
@Chair The h bar is always open ?
Relax...the h Bar is always open
We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave!
That sounds...creepy
The h Bar is always open in at least one universe
@ACuriousMind Trying to put together music and food references. :P
Collapse in the h Bar
@ACuriousMind that's OK, some spoilsport just closed it :-)
@JohnRennie Heh. I gave up looking for duplicates when the first tew hits for escape velocity didn't seem to work, apparently should've looked harder :P
I see @ACuriousMind has another new picture. =)
"New"? This one's already getting a bit old again! ;)
@JohnRennie I am sorry to bother you here, but I remember a long time ago we were discussing Dell Inspiron computers. I was wondering if you heard anything about the fact that many of them have their fans constantly spinning even though the computer is not under heavy load? Searching online tells this is a common problem.
@Jasper Most of the laptops I have are Latitudes, though I do have a couple of Inspirons. I've never had any of mine spin the fans continuously, and I've never heard that this was a common problem.
@Jasper is this something your own laptop is doing?
@JohnRennie No, but it is the main reason I did not buy a Dell Inspiron in the end, because I read too many such negative reviews. Very often, the people with these problems could not solve them even after updating their BIOS and changing their thermal settings.
This is new to me.
Anyway, thank you for your advice. Dell does have a fan troubleshooting guide written though, but of course it doesn't always solve the problem.
Some people had to return their units a few times for this and other problems. Oh well, maybe big companies have some quality control problems.
@JohnRennie Yes, I read it too! But if you search Dell fan always spinning in google or youtube you will see many examples of what I mean.
@Jasper I'd be cautious about what you find on the Internet. As a rule the many satisfied users don't post on the Internet saying My laptop is working perfectly.
@JohnRennie Hmm OK. Maybe I will give it a try some day.
@JohnRennie And absence of bad reviews doesn't tell you anything, either - maybe just no one bought the thing!
@ACuriousMind true :-)
@ACuriousMind Let it be known ACM wants his HNQ answers to be downvoted :P
3 hours ago, by Chair
I need a nice title, something related to food. "It's always lunchtime in the hbar" just sounds lame, but something in a similar vein to indicate that we don't want to be too formal is in order.
Challenge accepted
Serving cats a flask of poison, a radioactive source and a gieger counter since 2010
Not very good but I'll be back later
Oh wow h bar and I share birthdays
first day at SAP :D
ayyy y'alls icons are no longer censored
@enumaris Wohoo!
How is/was it?
doing the onboarding thing right now lol
getting all the benefits explained and stuff like that
Yeah, benefits. Those are the things you should get cleared first. :P
Make sure they don't censor your web browsing!
pretty sure I'm just gonna choose Kaiser
seems a lot better than the Aetna options
Do you get free lunch?
they provide some drinks and coffee and small stuff like that
Duh...I thought the Germans are more sensible.
@enumaris Not bad. ;)
At our German locations, you do get free lunch :P
I can ask them lol, but it seems like no
there's like 10 people here...in an office for like 200 lol
apparently the salespeople don't show up often
dunno if this will change when we move to the new location next month
this stuff seems complicated -.-
still can't connect to outlook hmmm
Grrr. This stuff was recently posted on Astronomy as a question (now deleted). The OP didn't mention he'd already posted it as a Physics answer. physics.stackexchange.com/a/451249/123208
I briefly described Shapiro delay, linking the Wikipedia article & a couple of relevant Physics threads. But it looks like he still doesn't get it.
this onboarding is taking longer than 2 hours...-.-
I said that despite Shapiro, all local measurements of lightspeed in a vacuum yield c. But he's locked into his belief that gravity causes light's speed to increase as it heads away from Earth.
Is Alan gee a troll?
@Blue love the new profile pic
@JakeRose Heh, thanks. Found it on MO. Took some time to understand. :)
In the mathematical field of knot theory, the tricolorability of a knot is the ability of a knot to be colored with three colors subject to certain rules. Tricolorability is an isotopy invariant, and hence can be used to distinguish between two different (non-isotopic) knots. In particular, since the unknot is not tricolorable, any tricolorable knot is necessarily nontrivial. == Rules of tricolorability == A knot is tricolorable if each strand of the knot diagram can be colored one of three colors, subject to the following rules: 1. At least two colors must be used, and 2. At each crossing, the...
Reminds me of the treyarch logo
still cool as hell
Q: Is it ok to link my own questions from another SE site?

MuzeWhile I was suspended for low quality questions. I asked astronomy.SE if it would be ok to write some of my low quality questions from here to a higher quality there? They said yes and I did and they did well. Now that a better question exist what can I do with that here? https://astronomy.meta...

Hi, everybody.
1 hour later…
I am currently going to buy a grade N45 6 inch diameter by 2 inch thick Neodymium magnet. And I am wondering what the possible pull Strength can be?
It is magnetized through the thickness.
The type of situation for the Pulling Strength would be magnet attached to magnet. At ground 0. On the horizontal magnet surface
What do you guys do when you can’t solve a problem?
i get stressed and completely disheartened and I don’t think it’s a very good way of progressing
If you can already solve the problem, then what's the point?

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