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The thing about places like this is that people get this thing in their head like they run some kind of heavenly kingdom, and are part of some higher collection of humans. That's cool , except . . . . its just a school
that article feels poorly written
@enumaris The article was written by 2 cnn senior people.
it's language is overly convoluted
"This allegedly wasn't the first time this white Yale student called the cops on a person of color"
for reals...
yeah . . . hehe
and that headline by itself is totally meaningless
you don't know if the person had good reason to call the cops...what is it trying to say...
that multiple people of color were committing crimes at yale and had this person report them? Or what...-.-
I literally get up in the morning and my news feed is full of stories like this, and they remind me of all sorts of things . Everyday
Literally every second
I've had some next level experiences myself and can never forget them
But the world is changing . . .
lol I just wanted to get on my pc and work, but this stuff is getting me to think about things lolz ahhh life
do you experience racism often?
@enumaris every day
I've actually very rarely come across it...but that might be because I lead a sheltered life
hmmm, in what area do you live?
These days I literally run deep backgrounds on anyone I choose to even have a convo with
I do a deep dive into digital activity from past 10 years, political affiliations, social things etc
It's time consuming sometimes but well worth it
I've had my fair share of police encounters and racist things
the thing is . . . **** people always contort to make up reasons for x or y ****, ; && its not a cool thing to talk about. You will be labelled the guy who brings up race etc
so people just do strange things in the dark
To be honest, some people don't even know its wrong
they just think hey. . . person x is blk thus more likely to y hence we must purge
Basically $M \in SL(2,C)$ is just inequivalent to $M^* \in SL(2,C)$ as a representation of $SO(1,3)^+$, i.e. no $T$ such that $M^* = TMT^{-1}$ for all $M$, while for $SU(2)$ and $SO(3)$ they are equivalent, so this is why you treat complex conjugation differently and get $(1/2,0)$ versus $(0,1/2)$ spinor reps on a Lie group level, yikes
hmmm...certainly a lot of ignorant people out there
yeah, but like I said I'm not worried. I do a deep background dive into everyone and give records to friends in case.
There are a lot of cool people out there though
so yeah :D life can still be awesome
it's just you know, if your parents tell you x, and none checks you on that and challenges your beliefs , it's all you will think of
you know . . . a lot of blk people who go to ivy leagues suffer mental breakdowns for two major reasons. i) everyone questions their goals and intentions and why they are there, ii) when they graduate, everyone assumes they were admitted becuse of some quota iii) Its not fashionable to have a lot of blk people in your group, because it brings down the value of your work (God forbid you have too many black people-- - - it must be baby stuff you are working on ) hehehe fun things
Let me put it this way
I think it also depends a bit on where you are
are you on the East Coast?
The south?
There are convection currents . . . . once you . . . . from the start drop a spec of dust in a current , it loops infinitely in that loop
I am in Los Angeles, and . .
I know you might feel that places like stanford are cool
It's people . .
we act differently one-one vs many-one
In a group we hold certain shared social values and so forth
one to one we feel more connected as meere humans
It's the same reason why you might like a certain girl and everything about her including all the horrible things about her, and together you guys are awesome. . . . .
but . . . . you will not bring her home to your parents because you will be judged
instead with your parents you will support everything they say and condemn all the same things you like about her
This way your social value is preserved
It's kind of like this
. . . .
Except people become disenfranchised, become broke and then one collects them in the statistic, and the process repeats lol
Life is actually simple, however social systems have emergent properties like . . .
nerd vs hotties
blk donkey vs white genius
capable vs . . .
It is very simple but complex
It's usually just about preserving social value, stake and reputation. Sometimes money has a thing to do too
@Cows Not everyone is like that, and I find it slightly worrying that you seem to think this is a natural assumption to make about the generic "you". Maybe go a bit easier on the stereotyping/generalizing as a whole.
@ACuriousMind believe me I know that not everyone is like that. I've met some really cool people.
What's going on here? :P
hehe nothing :P
I can just see a huge wall of text
Cows likes to type
BTW, the grammatical and spelling errors are due to fast typing not limited education :P
I should really be working though :D
@Blue I'm keeping half an eye on this chat while being trapped in Wikipedia's ancient history articles...I don't even remember why I originally went to WIki but now I'm reading about the Bronze Age collapse...
@ACuriousMind Lol, haha! I was supposed to be preparing for my test next week. But instead spend the last 3 hours watching old episodes of Arrow, and then doing some Wikia research on the characters :P
Anyhow, I was a bit tired anyway (had a test in the afternoon). I'll start studying tomorrow XD
Good thing that I don't have a Netflix subscription
@ACuriousMind what was the main factor that caused the bronze age collapse?
@Cows Hmm? I just said that I'm reading Wikipedia about it, I don't know anything more than it does. "Sea Peoples" is my favourite answer so far because I can't help but think they're a type of sea monkey.
@Cows Climate reasons
it is suspected
The sea people are dreaded barbarians, @ACuriousMind
They are suspected to be south european people
mostly from around greece
hmm very interesting
I see
@Slereah I still prefer to imagine Egypt being invaded by sea monkeys.
I'm working on a crude way of named entity linking today
fun beans
I remember you mentioned^^
"Industrial-Strength" :D
yeah...but I'm going one step beyond today heh
named entity linking is what you do with the named entities after you got them
figuring out which actual named entity a given flagged named entity is referring to
right now I have a very crude algorithm that is based on just word matching
it's a pretty greedy algorithm...although not totally greedy...
feels like it's gonna perform quite poorly
So...conversation starter: At the LHC, to measure momentum, they do multiple position measurements to find the radius of a circle which the particle is traversing and infer the momentum. => Can anyone think of an example of a measurement which isn't actually done in terms of a position measurement?
are you considering moving a needle on a dial a position measurement?
if so, all measurements are broken down to a position measurement
Hmm, I don't think it would be interesting to include that
I suppose the observable is whatever basis you'd expect the wave function to be projected into after the measurement process
and I'm wondering if there are measurements which would plausibly project into a basis other than position
hey yall where'd everyone go
time to go home :D
who's going home
do you all go to school with eachother

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