There are convection currents . . . . once you . . . . from the start drop a spec of dust in a current , it loops infinitely in that loop
I am in Los Angeles, and . .
I know you might feel that places like stanford are cool
we act differently one-one vs many-one
In a group we hold certain shared social values and so forth
one to one we feel more connected as meere humans
It's the same reason why you might like a certain girl and everything about her including all the horrible things about her, and together you guys are awesome. . . . .
but . . . . you will not bring her home to your parents because you will be judged
instead with your parents you will support everything they say and condemn all the same things you like about her
This way your social value is preserved
Except people become disenfranchised, become broke and then one collects them in the statistic, and the process repeats lol
Life is actually simple, however social systems have emergent properties like . . .
blk donkey vs white genius
It is very simple but complex
It's usually just about preserving social value, stake and reputation. Sometimes money has a thing to do too