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the program is expecting more input than the input file has lines
(wild ass guess but that happened to me yesterday)
it's not a end of file error lol
it's a file not found error
the end of file error I guess I got rid of earlier
and it switched to a file not found error
reading is helpful for computing, fyi
I think probably it is in fact the trainer subprocess is expecting more batches than the loader is loading into the que
but I specifically have the loader load a "None" variable to que at the end and then set the trainer to break if it sees this None variable
it feels so close to working! The program runs...until it errors out at the very end D:
he means queue
@enumaris Always at the end...
I mean que
why add the end ue
just write q
How to pronounce 'queueue'?
Just 'q'?
gosh, this multi-processing is dense lol
tried a fix, got a new, different error
this is why computer programming will never take off
@0celo7 It already has
not in intellectual circles
yeah, pseudocircles
homeomorphic to circles
feels so close to working tho
it's just the end
it crashes at the end
@enumaris just insert 'break' before 'end'
I have a if(que.get()=None_: break
it doesn't fix it
@0celo7 aka a circle
@enumaris maybe your 'program' doesn't end at the 'end' but more towards the beginning
@Slereah tony being on all deez meds doesn't seem like a good idea
who's Tony
I never saw that show
you knew the memes though
Only in that I am aware of all memes
his mom wants him dead
it's pretty hard core
What does 'POB' mean?
In the context of stackexchange
@Keepthesemind Primarily opinion-based
Q: What is the pronunciation of 'queueue'?

Keep these mindSince 'q' and 'Que' and 'queue' sound awfully alike, would this continueue with adding more 'ue's, even if the result is not a proper word? Or would the pronunciation become longer?

Just having some innocent fun
@0celo7 Are you Korean?
kek is lol in WoW
I'm trans-Korean
sorry about that
I support your decision.
his mother is a complete psychopath
only in Europe
a = w^2 × r and a = v^2/r where r is the radius, a the centripetal acceleration, w angular velocity and v linear velocity. I don't know why in the first formula r times and not divides. I mean, if the radius decreases, the vector velocity has to change its direction faster
@Curio well $\omega$ is $\frac{\theta}{r}$ so if you square it you still got a 1/r in there.
@CooperCape $\omega = \frac{v}{r}$
Did I booboo
oh yeah oops it's theta/t isn't it
well dtheta/dt or whatever
What John said.
So the formula which I wrote is a only a form which doesn't make the idea
Oooo I can now check upvotes.
Okay this is much less exciting that it sounds
(and it didn't sound exciting in the first place)
@Curio Whatchu mean?
I mean, it seems that radius increases with the acceleration. Instead this happens because the velocity increases truly
Linear velocity
Being omega times radius
I guess...
@JohnRennie what do you think about it?
I've had to use $\frac{v^2}{r}$ a lot more though
(although I'm only an ickle highschooler)
and $F=mr\omega^2$
I'm out of ideas on how to fix this
ugh and again I get the trivial soliution
In Applied Cryptography Bruce Schneier gives a firm but gentle explanation of why layman should just stop trying to design cryptosystems until they learn the subject in a organized way.
I'd very much like to write the equivalent explanation for quantitative natural sciences, just so I would have something to point to when people post things like physics.stackexchange.com/questions/373898/…
Starting with needed to have a catalog of quantitative agreements your proposal have to have with existing theory and data, and going on to talk about knowing something about the mathematical structure of existing theory.
@Curio Both of those expressions assume as a pre-condition that uniform circular motion is taking place.
That means that trying to reason about what would happen to a particular moving mass if you changed the radius without explaining how you insured that the motion continues to be uniform leaves you with unstated assumptions.
And reasoning naively from the two equation leads to different unstated assumptions, and so different conclusions.
Identify the assumption you are making and then try to figure your way out of the pickle.
@dmckee Don't forget his bounties, either!
Why not make him a room owner?
why should they?
Emilio didn't want to become a mod, I doubt he'd want to be an RO either :P
@ACuriousMind I'd be a good room owner
celo would do a bang up job.
Let me deflect this discussion by saying we're not currently looking to add more ROs :P
Make a room :P
@ACuriousMind are you disagreeing with me?
I think I've shown great understanding of the policies recently
^Hasn't been banned in ages!
you've made a lot of progress
::clap clap clap::
you know it!
@ACuriousMind where do I submit my resume?
Applications are not being accepted at the moment.
@enumaris Don't do that, because every time you run that test you're pulling an object from the queue and throwing it away
have you finished testing the ice?
@DavidZ what are you referring to?
I've tried a bunch of different things, and none of them work so far
the closest one to working is I manually break the trainer loop when it gets towards the end of training, but before the very end, but then the process just hangs
@enumaris The message I replied to, where you posted the if statement you were using
the one with que.put(None) and then if(None): break?
Sorry, it's been a while since I messaged you, I dunno where to see that message I sent...
@enumaris that's not what you wrote before. Go back and look at the message I replied to.
how do I find that message
Click on the little arrow to the left of my message
That thread has a full description of the problem
right now the newest iteration of the code I've tried is replacing the for(step in range steps): loop in the trainer with a simple while(True) loop. And then moving the que.put(None) over one indentation so that it outputs a stop message at the end of every epoch.
3 hours ago, by enumaris
I have a if(que.get()=None_: break
the code runs fine across epochs, it breaks out of the while(True) loop no problem, but it errors right before training finishes.
oh, are you referring to my lack of double equals signs?
There's two equals signs in the code, I just typo'd that message
I think the process doesn't know when it's supposed to end...I don't know how to end the process gracefully
No, I thought you had just made a typo and omitted one of the equal signs when you posted here. But it turns out that what you posted here was an entirely different piece of code from what you actually use, so my objection doesn't apply to your real code.
@enumaris good post BTW, but I would suggest code-formatting your stack traces
@enumaris just get a bigger computer and do it normally
get a mining rig
this is so confusing to me
I've tried some .join() statements, but I'm not actually sure exactly how that statement works
either way, it doesn't fix my problem lol
also, I don't know how to make the pytorch forum highlight the code and error messages to make them more readable =/
Q: How does process join() work?

Rakesh AdhikesavanI am trying to understand multiprocessing in Python, I wrote the following program: from multiprocessing import Process numOfLoops = 10 #function for each process def func(): a = float(0.0) for i in xrange(0, numOfLoops): a += 0.5 print a processes = [] numOfProcesses...

Q: What exactly is Python multiprocessing Module's .join() Method Doing?

MikeiLLLearning about Python Multiprocessing (from a PMOTW article) and would love some clarification on what exactly the join() method is doing. In an old tutorial from 2008 it states that without the p.join() call in the code below, "the child process will sit idle and not terminate, becoming a zombi...

Q: When to call .join() on a process?

JustinI am reading various tutorials on the multiprocessing module in Python, and am having trouble understanding why/when to call process.join(). For example, I stumbled across this example: nums = range(100000) nprocs = 4 def worker(nums, out_q): """ The worker function, invoked in a process. '...

I will look into it, thx :D
I've tried all 3 combos tho
like loader.join() by itself, trainer.join() by itself, and both loader.join() and trainer.join()
I get the same error no matter what lol
when they say main process vs child process
do they mean the code that isn't assigned to a Process vs code that is assigned to Process?
so in my case, both loader and trainer are both child processes?
@enumaris The join needs to happen on both, for sure, but it might be done implicitly by the Process object when its target function returns, so I'm not sure whether you really need to call it
@enumaris Yeah, I think so.
hmm, then in that case, it should only affect whether I have code after the child processes finishes?
I keep getting connection reset by peer or file not found
I think one of the processes is shutting down the que and not letting the other process work on it
I don't know why it's doing that though
The "connection reset by peer" error might happen if you move the call que.close() earlier in the loader function. I'd expect an error like that to come from trying to do something with a queue after it's been closed.
The "file not found" error I'm not sure about. It sounds like it's failing to find the file corresponding to the socket which connects the two processes, but that doesn't seem like an error you should ever get under normal circumstances.
I read the documentation of que.close() and it says, it simply tells the Que that no more items will be added to it, and it won't actually shut it down until after it's not being used anymore
yeah something really funky is going on
so if a state spin required 2 complex numbers to be defined, it means 4 real numbers are required. how does normalization of basis vectors and phase indifference eliminate 2 degrees of freedom?
cus sometimes, like 1/10 times, the program won't even train, I get a file not found error at the very beginning
well...since I can't get this to work...I might have to port my entire model over to keras
that's gonna be annoying -.-
or I have to accept that it takes 5 hours to train the model cus it takes a stupidly long time to grab a minibatch -.-
5 hours per epoch*
for 100 epochs that's 500 hours...ugh...
@enumaris Maybe that's best. Keras is supposed to be easier to work with, I believe
generally speaking, yeah
but I'd have to relearn how to get a LSTM to work on it
a lot of code would need to be re-written
Hm, well up to you
I can take another look at it and try to find a pointer for this file not found thing, but later, when I'm not at work
that'd be great :D
:D :D
I still think you should fix the formatting in your post on the Pytorch forum though ;-)
I dunno how...
It allows you to edit, right?
yeah but I dunno how to make it better
Code formatting on the stack traces. I told you before.
like instead of a block quote, make them like code?
Yes, exactly.
ok, done
Oh check these:
Q: Share list between process in python server

timI have simple UDPServer, which works with multiprocessing. I want to create a list, that contains information about all clients. I use Manager, but I don't understand, how to append information in list - I need transfer Manager`s object to handle, but how? My way with new attribute does not w...

Q: Python Pickle throwing FileNotFoundError

Jadiel de ArmasI have a situation in python where, in a python runnable object that is running together with other processes, the following situation happens: If the code is simply: f = open(filename, "rb") f.close() There is no error, but then when the code changes to the following, introducing pickle in th...

Q: python multiprocessing manager list error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

stamaimerI worte a multiprocessing program in python. I use multiprocessing.Manager().list() to share list within subprocess. At first, I add some tasks in main process. And then, start some subprocesses to do tasks which in the shared list, the subprocesses also add tasks to the shared list. But I got a ...

the first one suggests the solution is to use a .join()
I've tried that and it doesn't work
could it have something to do with the daemon flag? I can't make heads or tails of what that means...
it sounds like it could be relevant cus apparently it has something to do with terminating processes right...
Maybe. If you set the daemon flag on a process, that means it won't keep the program alive.
I didn't set a daemon flag so it's "inherited from the parent process" what's...it inheriting...
Basically, the program only runs as long as there is at least one non-daemon process running. Once the last non-daemon process exits, all remaining processes (which are necessarily daemon processes) get shut down.
"inheriting" means that if a daemon process starts another process, the new process is marked as a daemon process by default
Or something like that, I think
I'm gonna try setting daemon to False for my 2 processes and see what happens...
nope, still connection reset by peer
setting them both to true gets me back to file not found error lol
it seems to just oscillate back and forth between connection reset by peer and file not found
so frustrating...
"Rigor accomplishes dirty deeds, however, serving three primary ends across engineering, engineering education, and engineering education research: disciplining, demarcating boundaries, and demonstrating white male heterosexual privilege."
Damn you mathematicians
That's why I don't check if the function is analytic!
Who said that?
pfff Donna Riley
@skullpatrol who's that
@Slereah what are you reading
rigor in engineering, nice
ughhhhhh this error is stupid -.-
Given how lazy engineering math is, the idea of rigor in such a subject would indeed put people off from learning it
Well technically (at least in France) engineering school do teach you a lot of math
But France has that weird thing where engineers are considered some kind of elite
@Slereah Like India?
Globally, it's not that "weird" of a thing, pal
@0celo7 I do not know
That link gives one explanation of why France values math so much, which contradicts the whole male privilege thing, however there is unconscious bias which lowers women's stem scores and one could see rigor in engineering as potentially interacting with that etc
It is primarily used as a filter.
thanks for sharing the link @bolbteppa
ah, good Italian family values
"If you want to raise your hand against her, first give her your last name"
why attach that...
Because they're old school Italian mobsters
Still, the mob has no ethnicity.
The Sopranos is literally about Italian mobsters
there's one non-Italian in the whole show
Yeah, I stay away from shows like that.
Too much stereotyping.
@skullpatrol The Godfather is easily one of the best films of all time
Nah, not in my opinion.
Have you seen Roots? @Mithrandir24601
@skullpatrol Mama mia!
Ghandi @Slereah
@skullpatrol no...
So you haven’t seen the wire?
@skullpatrol What?????!!!!!
check it out
I need to watch The Godfather again. I was too young when I first saw it.
The original?
@skullpatrol obviously the original...
When Marlin Brando was young.
@0celo7 I only watched it for the first time a month or so ago
There are sooo many sequels...
The Sapranos it just a spin off.
The Sopranos, the Sapranos, the Supranos, the Sipranos
Many sequels

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