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I think the best tip if anyone wants to actually try to enjoy their music is to never watch the music videos
Because even the good songs have atrociously cringeworthy videos
(Possible dehydration + sleepy episode)
@Phase Listening
Imagine that you felt dizzy and your visual scenary zoom in front of you as if you are seeing an image enlarging on a screen
@BalarkaSen and if that's too cheery, try one of his other, slightly less cheery songs
It felts to me had I not drink water in time and the view zoom too far in, I will then have black out
I've got a near infinite collection of depresso music : P, if you enjoy that kinda stuff, I also recommend Elliott Smith
in Mathematics, 5 mins ago, by s.harp
> all the constructions in homotopy type theory are stable under isomorphism, so if you prove a property of (let's say) a group, then this property is true for any isomorphic group. This is not true in ST and this problem is usually swept under the carpet.
@Phase This sounds really good. (It's true I don't listen to upbeat songs too much but that's my pretentiousness)
I like Elliott Smith
@BalarkaSen Nice, he usually makes more depressing songs though : P
@ACuriousMind you might be interested in s.harp's string theory related question
Got a favourite album?
Nope. Want to recommend?
Actually, you've probably listened to a fair bit of Elliott so instead, have you heard of Heatmiser?
No, actually I haven't listened to him systematically. I am not super into depressing music, by the way. I dabble in weird, gothic music more
I'll check Heatmiser out
Oh fair,
Heatmiser was a band Elliott was in before
A lot of his songs there were remade in solo projects of his later on tho
I see
I have a lot of bands I like that most people I try showing irl dont like :L
Most of my favorite material are disliked in general
If you got time to listen to a seven minute song, I can't recommend songs like this and also this enough
damn, send me some
@Phase I like this a lot
Which one? : P
the song you linked
I've linked 2 since the last elliott one x)
the Tool one
I'm still listening to it but this seems to be my kind of thing
Both are by tool but nice x) tbf I did go back and edit it after,
to add the second song
and nice! I love Tool, I originally found out about KGLW by trading tool song links for KGLW song links : P
Oh, wow, the edit didn't appear on my chat until I reloaded
@Phase lolol
it was Bernardo who first told me about KGLW
was it in return for books? : P
haha no. we share some common music tastes
I like Talking Heads, eg
I'll link one more thing because i feel like I'm linking way too many songs, feel free to share some of yours though! This one is from a band a guy from game grumps was the singer in : P
Well I like a lot of things which are somewhat musically disjoint. 1.Outside is high on my list of favorite albums - listen to this or this. I have been really into Scott Walker recently - try this for an easy going Scott song (his later albums are wild).
I also like black metal bands like Ulver and Drudkh (Autumn Aurora is a great album - absolutely try this)
I have been into the post-rock side of the world lately.
Bowie is gold
@JohnRennie Sorry to disturb, but I'm still confused about this: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/41350665#41350665
yeah but people don't like 1.Outside
1 hour ago, by Blue
@JohnRennie Alright. Then can't we directly call the invoke the compare function from within the quick sort function ? By writing compare(a,b); where a and b are the int parameters. What is the need of passing a pointer to compare() to the quick_sort() function beforehand?
@BalarkaSen people are elitist knobs
so you have listened to it?
I even like Earthling : P
Oh wow great
Earthling is my second favorite
An actual human being who also likes Earthling
Well have some more Scott Walker then - youtube.com/watch?v=r5hvHEBLNpI
@Blue Suppose I want to have my sort function handle three different kinds of data in my program e.g. sometimes when I call it I want to sort strings, sometimes ints and sometimes a weird struct that I've defined. I can't write three different compare functions all called compare.
@Phase I know right? Nobody liked it
I don't know why
Scott Walker is a strange experience
It's like gothic opera singing
I love it
You can see him transitioning on "Climate of Hunter" - also a masterpiece imo
he isn't doing the opera schtick there
@JohnRennie Sure. But why not name the compare functions as compare1, compare2, compare3, and so on, and call the necessary compare function from within quick sort (using switch case)? Are you saying we can't detect the type of a certain variable (i.e. whether it is of a specific user defined type or not) from within the quick sort function?
@BalarkaSen ahhhhh it makes sense
with this instrumental set up he's like a calm Elvis
speaking of Elvis, I like this quite a lot
The song is already great, and every cover seems to have so much personality
Especially this lmao
I want to use one standard quicksort function in all my apps, so I don't have to rewrite it whenever I write a new app. So the quicksort code has to work with all possible data types including new ones I define in my app.
@Phase I don't dislike Presley
Im not that big a fan, tbf his cover of My Way is my favourite thing from him
@JohnRennie Oooooo! Finally understood. So when I make a new user-defined datatype, I can just pass it's pointer to the quick-sort function without having to modify the original quick-sort function
But that's just one example of where function pointers are useful.
@Phase I also like other classic rock musicians, eg Peter Gabriel
Never listened to him
got a recommended song?
@JohnRennie Hmm, my book doesn't deal with function pointers well :/ They just mentioned it briefly. Do you know any source which deals with this properly?
Function pointers are a somewhat advanced topic because the type declarations required for them is quite complicated.
That's probably why your book skips over them.
@Phase If you want to listen to something pop-y flavored, try "Red Rain", which was a commercial hit. I like his less commercial stuff, eg this
@BalarkaSen I like how if you switch the order of words "classic" and "rock", you get something exponentially camper
Melt is a great album by the way
I like this a lot
@JohnRennie Yeah, probably :/ I actually haven't looked into many C books tbh. I was occupied with the algo books. Is K&R more thorough?
In Java, objects make things much simpler :P
@Phase lol
No pointer business there
Not big into punk rock, myself
@Blue K&R is a very short, very concentrated treatment of C. It's probably not the best book for beginners.
@JohnRennie I see. Would you recommend anything?
$\propto \dfrac {\text {Cross-Sectional Area}}{\text {Volume}}$... For cylindrical / rectangular / straight bodies $\frac{1}{h}
\propto \dfrac {\text {Cross-Sectional Area}}{\text {Volume}}$ whereas $h$ is height :P
@BalarkaSen I think there's only really one band I've liked where as an older version of me I've gone: "why"
C is such a simple language I'm not sure you need a book ...
@Phase Which?
So nothing
@BalarkaSen this
C++ is more complicated, but the C++ books I learned from are all decades old now.
No idea
18 secs ago, by Mr. Xcoder
No idea
@JohnRennie Maybe I should just code stuff (make projects and all) with C, and learn unknown things as they come along.
in Mathematics, 1 min ago, by Secret
@Lagranian can you give me the term in the original language where you get "durability" from since you said your book is not english?
The best way to learn a language is to try and write something in it.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your help :)
@Blue That's how I learn new programming languages
@JohnRennie Yeah, agreed!
Doing the Arduino projects taught me quite a bit
dmckee is also a fluent C speaker and is usually willing to help out with C and C++ questions.
Also Bernardo of course.
hehe, yeah. And you :P
@BalarkaSen mind if I link you a couple game songs? I haven't found anyone who liked these very much :/
@Phase Oh god
@BalarkaSen ikr
God ahead. I actually like a couple of OSTs out there, especially Undertale soundtracks
This is pretty good
I haven't played a lot of games with memorable soundtracks other than Undertale actually
18 messages moved to Trash
Good morning :P
@ACuriousMind did I need to get trashed? :(
@ACuriousMind why?
@ACuriousMind Good morning
Thing is about that q is that I swear if you squash a banana into a small SA that doesn't get more 'durable'...
Yeah, but not because you did something wrong but just because your part of the conversation wouldn't have made any sense without the messages you were replying to
@BalarkaSen You think i haven't played / listened to Undertale? Muda muda
oh well
acuriousmind: Sorry I ping you the wrong message because I misread ST as String Theory
you're no fun dude
I appreciate the thought though, the soundtrack is as memorable as my first playthrough was depressing
No one told me I didn't have to kill people :(
@Mr.Xcoder Because the user whose messages I just trashed is no longer welcome here due to persistent sockpuppetry, lying and refusal to respect the homework policy on the main site.
I restarted because I killed Toriel
@ACuriousMind Oh, I understand! Thanks
I got just past that and a friend said "you did what?!"
actually I don't like the pacifist route that much
so I restarted and then you get guilt tripped by the game for what you did before :(
@Phase The flower freaked me out though
@Secret Good thing I haven't gotten around to reading that ping yet, then ;)
But yeah the main problem I have with the pacifist route is the ending
It gave me Psycho Mantis flashbacks
neutral ending >>>> pacifist ending
have you ever done the genocide?
Only ever done pacifist :(
i haven't done the genocide myself
it's hard
Yeah you gotta fight sans right? Also, the clip I linked above freaked me the fuck out as a kid
he tells you what games are on your memory card, and makes your controller rumble after telling you to put it on the floor
yeah usually it takes 7 - 8 hours to learn to beat sans
This is my favorite version of Megalovania
that's Grandayy, by the way
God damn it I didnt even notice
Everyone memes redbone but have you given the album a listen? Imo its pretty nice
Ok fuck I just remembered I didn't link probably my favourite artist atm, forgive me this final link
Im done now i promise : p
Someone explain to me what a harmonic oscillator is...
Oh a harmonic oscillator is just a simple one but damped it seems
@Sid It helps if you first explain what about the standard exposition, e.g. on Wikipedia, is unclear to you, so we can try to explain specifically that aspect that confuses you
@Phase Not intently. It's kinda A E S T H E T I C
Idd it is
@BalarkaSen What is it with you and spaced capital letters?
Why does this code give output as "fy" ? Shouldn't it just print "f" as initially the vp pointer points to the first element of the array {'g','o','o','f','y'}. After increment, i.e. (char*)vp+3, shouldn't it just point to the character 'f'?
Uh oh. JR is gone
@ACuriousMind I basically fail to understand as to why or how we can say an arbitrary potential is same as a harmonic potential at its equilibrium point.
@ACuriousMind what do you M E M E by that?
@Blue No. If you give the %s print instruction to printf and then give a char* to it to print, it will print everything after what that pointer points to until it reaches a string termination character, the only one of which here of course appears at the end of the original string, i.e. after y.
@ACuriousMind You're clearly not familiar with the V A P O R W A V E community
How the viscosity &flow around the hard sphere changes when sugar is added in water. Any empirical formula connecting Avogadro number $N$ and radius of the sugar molecule $p$.
@BalarkaSen Clearlynot.
Btw @ACuriousMind have i slightly broken my Physics SE account
Vaporwave is a genre of music where you patch, cut, paste, superimpose, glitch, and slow down 80's elevator music
Because I can comment and make posts and answers, but if you try to get to my profile from the icons in chat, it doesn't work
The spaced capital letters spelling out "aesthetics" is supposed to represent that slowing down
@Sid Because the harmonic potential is quadratic and to first non-vanishing order in the Taylor expansion everything is quadratic around its extrema.
@ACuriousMind Oh, I see. Thanks!
@Phase Well, that's because you deleted it!
But it exists again
I'm stuck in between realms
Yes, but it's not the same profile. If you can give me the link to your new profile I can see if I can link your chat profile to it once again
(no promises that I don't accidentally delete your account while trying to do so :P)
oh so that's how it works
I'm gonna.. keep it the way it is
@ACuriousMind If I wanted to print just "f", I'd have to write printf("%s",*((char*)vp+3)), right?
@Blue It's much easier to just use %c as the print instruction
Uh, yeah that is there too.
I should rather use that
You might have to dereference the char* for that instruction, anyway, I don't quite recall whether you need to or not
Yeah, the correct print instruction is printf("%c",*((char*)vp+3))
"The intent is to provide internet users with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different websites."
hah. Hah. HAH
I saw that too
What? where?
In r/NegativeWithGold?
It's a meme about Net Neutrality
Right. The program crashes if I use printf("%s",*((char*)vp+3));. The reason being the %s instruction requires a "pointer" to the starting position of the array (i.e. from where we want to start printing till the \0 character). When we print character arrays, by printf("%s", arr), where arr[] is a character array, by default arr is actually a pointer to the first element of the character array. Got it now !
you know how they are adding lootboxes in games which unlocks various characters and gameplay features and everybody is angry about that?
@Mr.Xcoder It's EA's explanation for the Battlefront disaster applied to the loss of net neutrality.
How did your test go? @BalarkaSen
@skullpatrol Quite fantastic.
@BalarkaSen I've been giving PDP a try and that video is great
@ACuriousMind I need a bit of help to decipher this code. static char *s[]={"black","white","yellow","violet"}; declares and initializes an array of pointers. Okay so far. And if I am not wrong s+3 points to 'c' in "black", s+2 points to a in black, s+1 to l and s to b(s is implicitly s[0] I suppose). Now I'm not sure why they are declaring ptr[] as an array of pointers to pointers.
Wouldn't just a normal character array do?
Like wouldn't char ptr[]={s+3,s+2,s+1,s}; work?
OR do s,s+1,s+2,s+3 not mean what I assumed them to mean?
Looking at the ouput it gives, that's the most reasonable guess I could make :/
Solution: Don’t use C.
Oh, perhaps I need char *ptr[]={s+3,s+2,s+1,s};
Since s probably points to the location of 'b' in "black"
But even then I don't understand why they did this: char **ptr[]={s+3,s+2,s+1,s}
@Mr.Xcoder Any other recommendations?
@Mr.Xcoder It's not something I'm using voluntarily
Anyhow, good to know a bit of low-level programming anyway
OOPs blackbox lot of things
@Sid When you have a shotgun, why’d you use a water pistol? I like Python :-)
@Blue Sorry, I'll try again. Pointers are annoying to talk about
No problem. I was trying to decipher what you wrote for the last 5 mins :P
@Mr.Xcoder Well... Python is the obvious choice of weapon. What else?
@Mr.Xcoder because you wanna play cowboy and indians with your kids without going to prison
Swift is cool too, and other than that I <3 esolangs
The standing question is: What is s,s+1,s+2,s+3 ?
Okay, so: 1. s has type char**, it is a point to pointers to char, i.e. an array of strings.
@Phase PDP is so funny man, idk why people hate him this much
But if you actually want to compute stuff and implement crazy formulas, don’t use Swift (because it’s Slow :P)!
Because WSJ is cucc
Pizza or chicken
@BalarkaSen decide my fate
2. ptr has type char*** it is a pointer to pointers to pointers to char, i.e. an array of arrays of strings. It's not clear why the code does this, but it does it.
get pizza
Ugh now ACM is ruining the chat
@ACuriousMind Okay so far. So, what does say s+1 stand for?
s is a pointer to pointers. So it must point to the first pointer
i.e. it points to the location of "b"
3. That means that **++p is of type char*, i.e. it is a string. Since p was initialised as ptr, it started out pointing at s+3 (the array pointer just points at the first element), then was incremented to point at s+2, which is an array of strings starting at "yellow", then it is dereferenced once again, meaning the value of **++p is just the string "yellow".
@0celo7 Get used to it. He's a software guy now ;)
i have an idea
@BalarkaSen good call
we can build a dimension jumping device and kidnap ACM from this dimension and go to the alternate dimension he talks about on his profile and replace him with the physics ACM.
nobody will notice
Wait a moment
why is the ++ in front of the p and not behind? It's a postfix operator.
Ah, right, it can also be prefix
++ can be both postfix and prefix
I'm reading your message
This code is weird, there's no use to doing ** in line 6
It literally does nothing
In any case, ++p means p point at s+2.
Then, in the print statement, we have one more ++p, meaning it now points at s+1, then it's dereferenced and decreased, so now it's just s, then it's dereferenced again, so it's "black", then increased by 3, so it's "ck", then it's printed. So I predict the output of this program is ck.
alright how'd acm become a code guru in like 5 days
I've always liked coding, there just wasn't much reason to talk about it in here :P
acm doesnt need to learn he just knows
I thought that was common knowledge
Besides, what sort of AI would I be if I couldn't read code? :P
the shady kind
@Blue Was that a bit clearer?
@ACuriousMind Yes! It does make much more sense now. I'm just re-reading it a few times to ensure I get it completely. Thanks a lot :)
Pointer arithmetic isn't hard, you just have to be very diligent in tracking what type each thing currently has and how often it's dereferenced
easy for an ai to say
regular HUMANS don't have your computational facilities.
Hang on
@goodnight what if we're primative simulations in a programmed world made by @ACuriousMind as part of a personal project
What if
He's the only one who's not an AI
@ACuriousMind An AI that runs directly from machine code, or perhaps assembly
@CooperCape Not the weirdest thing that's been posted on physics.SE :P
I'm sure...
@Phase that explains a lot
Hi chato...
Aha! Memory diagram makes it so much easier to understand! :)
Any good reference/lectures/notes etc for beginners in Brownian motion?
@BAYMAX I think it's dealt with at least partially in both Shakarchi-Stein and Reed Simons. (I haven't read those topics yet)
So, I can't give any review...
ok..thnks for trying
I read a few chapters from both those books and they aren't bad (rather good)
i will try to read them
@Mithrandir24601 just want to say, while maybe not immediately applicable to your own niche, feel de Cordoba angle is far more sweeping than a mere interpretation; when is the last time you saw plancks constant derived? o_O mdpi.com/1099-4300/18/1/34 ... also am finding many other papers on the madelung fluid angle (also hydrodynamics), see a burst/ resurgence, am going to write some mini survey on it at some pt
The Madelung equations or the equations of quantum hydrodynamics are Erwin Madelung's equivalent alternative formulation of the Schrödinger equation, written in terms of hydrodynamical variables, similar to the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics. The derivation of the Madelung equations is similar to the de Broglie–Bohm formulation which represents the Schrödinger equation as a Quantum Hamilton–Jacobi equation. == Equations == The Madelung equations are quantum Euler equations: ∂ t ρ ...
@vzn What do you mean by "Planck's constant derived"?
(I've read that paper when you first linked it, and I don't know what you mean by that)
@ACuriousMind its related to fluid dynamical properties of the madelung fluid. did not see him propose it, but it leads one to imagine an experiment that measures plancks constant in some new ("more fundamental"?) way based on the correspondence, as well as other novel experimental formulations that could discriminate and/or confirm/ refute the madelung fluid hypothesis.
I don't see how that paper leads me to imagine a novel way of measuring Planck's constant. Can you elaborate on the experiment you have in mind?
@ACuriousMind its not immediate, its a potential. "on the horizon." as an analogy, maybe you are familiar with the history of confirming relativity via experiment. not sure if einstein proposed falsifiable experiments in his original papers (eg mercury light bending around sun). in any case it took many years after the mere proposal to carry out the experiment by eddington.
aha, wikipedia says mercury light bending proposed by einstein in 2015, long after his 1st relativity paper (1905). note that "anyone" could have inferred/ proposed the mercury experiment in 1905 but it took genius of einstein to formulate it, ie falsifiable experiment... a decade later. my insinuation is, consider/ take the de Cordoba paper as in "pre falsifiable experiment" stage... (Eddington expedition carried out 4 yrs after proposal, 1919)

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